CLI Commands for EnhancedSecurityMode and FIPS Mode

CLI Commands for EnhancedSecurityMode

Use the following CLI commands for EnhancedSecurityMode:
  • admin:utils EnhancedSecurityMode

  • utils EnhancedSecurityMode disable

  • utils EnhancedSecurityMode enable

  • utils EnhancedSecurityMode status

Configure EnhancedSecurityMode

An administrator can use this procedure on Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment to configure EnhancedSecurityMode. When this mode is enabled, the following system enhancements are updated automatically:

  • Stricter credential policy for password changes is implemented

  • TCP becomes the default protocol for remote audit logging

  • FIPS mode is enabled


Step 1

Log in to the Command Line Interface.

Step 2

Run the utils EnhancedSecurityMode status command to confirm whether Enhanced Security Mode is enabled.

Step 3

To configure Enhanced Security Mode, run one of the following commands on a node:

  • To enable this mode, run the utils EnhancedSecurityMode enable command.
  • To disable this mode, run the utils EnhancedSecurityMode disable command.

CLI Commands for FIPS Mode

Use the following CLI commands for FIPS mode on Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment:
  • utils fips enable—Enable FIPS mode. For details, see the Enable FIPS Mode procedure.

  • utils fips disable—Disable FIPS mode. For details, see the Disable FIPS Mode procedure.

  • utils fips status—Provide the details whether FIPS mode is enabled or disabled on a server.


The disaster recovery system CLI commands are supported in FIPS mode. For details on these commands, see the CLI Commands and Disaster Recovery System chapter of the Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment Administration Guide at

Enable FIPS Mode

You can enable the FIPS mode through CLI.


Before you enable FIPS mode, we strongly recommend that you perform a system backup. If FIPS checks fail at start-up, the system halts and requires a recovery CD to be restored.


Step 1

Start a CLI session.

Step 2

In the CLI, enter utils fips enable

The following prompts appear:

admin:utils fips enable

Security Warning : The operation will regenerate certificates for


Any third party CA signed certificates that have been uploaded for the above
components will need to be re-uploaded.
This will change the system to FIPS mode and will reboot.

Do you want to continue (yes/no) ?

Step 3

Enter yes.

The following message appears:

Generating certificates...Setting FIPS mode in operating system.
FIPS mode enabled successfully.
It is highly recommended that after your system restarts
that a system backup is performed.
The system will reboot in a few minutes.

Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment reboots automatically.

Disable FIPS Mode

You can disable FIPS mode through the CLI using the following procedure:


Step 1

Start a CLI Session.

Step 2

In the CLI, enter utils fips disable

The following prompts appear:

admin:utils fips disable

Security Warning : The operation will regenerate certificates for


Any third party CA signed certificates that have been uploaded for the above
components will need to be re-uploaded.
This will change the system to NON-FIPS mode and will reboot.

Do you want to continue (yes/no) ?

Step 3

Enter yes.

Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment reboots and is restored to non-FIPS mode.


Certificates and SSH key are regenerated automatically, in accordance with FIPS requirements.

User Account and Sign-in Attempts on CLI and Interface

Following table lists the scenarios when a user signs in to the Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment application or CLI and the result of sign in attempts:

User Sign-in Scenario

Result of Sign-in Attempt

with the valid credentials

is successful and the application home page is accessible

with invalid credentials


after exceeded number of attempts on the application

Account is locked after three consecutive unsuccessful attempts

after exceeded number of attempts on the CLI

CLI sign-in fails due to locked account even though the user types in the correct password

to the application after the lockout period expires

After 5 minutes of lockout period, the application is available for you to sign-in

to CLI after the lockout period expires

After 5 minutes of lockout period expiry, the account gets unlocked and you can sign-in to the CLI

Sign-in to the application when the account is locked due to inactivity

Account gets locked due to inactivity of the session

Sign-in to the application after account lockout, which is caused due to inactivity, is resolved

is successful

Configure Remote Audit Logging for Platform Logs

Complete the following tasks to add remote audit logging support for platform audit logs, remote support logs, and csv files. For these types of logs, the FileBeat client and logstash server are used.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have set up an external logstash server.


Step 1

Configure the FileBeat client with the external logstash server details, such as IP addresses, ports, and file types. For procedure, see Configure Logstash Server Information.

Step 2

Enable the FileBeat client for remote audit logging. For procedure, see Configure the FileBeat Client.

Configure Logstash Server Information

Use this procedure to configure the FileBeat client with the external logstash server information, such as IP address, port number, and downloadable file types.

Before you begin

Make sure that you have set up your external logstash server.


Step 1

Log in to the Command Line Interface.

Step 2

Run the utils FileBeat configure command.

Step 3

Follow the prompts to configure the logstash server details.

Configure the FileBeat Client

Use this procedure to enable or disable the FileBeat client for uploads of platform audit logs, remote support logs, and csv files.


Step 1

Log in to the Command Line Interface.

Step 2

Run the utils FileBeat status command to confirm whether the FileBeat client is enabled.

Step 3

Run one of the following commands:

  • To enable the client, run the utils FileBeat enable command.
  • To disable the client, run the utils FileBeat disable command.
Step 4

Repeat this procedure on each node.


Do not run any of these commands on all nodes simultaneously.

Platform CLI Commands for Security in EnhancedSecurityMode

When EnhancedSecurityMode is enabled, an administrator can restrict the following options to prevent unauthorized access:
  • View audit log

  • Download audit log

  • Delete audit log

  • Enable or disable audit demon

The administrator can restrict the above options by running the following platform CLI commands:
  • file view activelog<audit log file name>

  • file get activelog <audit log file name>

  • file delete activelog<audit log file name>

  • file dump activelog<audit log file name>

  • file tail activelog <audit log file name>

  • file search activelog<audit log file name><search string>

  • file view inactivelog <audit log file name>

  • file get inactivelog <audit log file name>

  • file delete inactivelog <audit log file name>

  • file dump inactivelog <audit log file name>

  • file tail inactivelog <audit log file name>

  • file search inactivelog <audit log file name><search string>

  • utils auditd enable

  • utils auditd disable

  • utils auditd status

Where, <audit log file name> can be one of the following audit log files:
  • /var/log/active/audit/AuditApp

  • /var/log/active/audit/vos

  • /var/log/inactive/audit/AuditApp

  • /var/log/inactive/audit/vos


In a non-EnhancedSecurityMode, the group ownership is ccmsyslog when the permission is 640. However, as part of EnhancedSecurityMode requirement, the file permission is modified to 600 with file group ownership by root. Hence, by default, the files saved at the /var/log/active/syslog location are changed to the permission of 600 with the ownership to root.