Cisco IP Phone Security

Domain and Internet Setting

Configure Restricted Access Domains

You can configure the phone to register, provision, firmware upgrade, and send reports using only the specified servers. Any registration, provisioning, upgrade, and report that don't use the specified servers can't be performed on the phone. If you specify the servers to use, ensure that the servers you enter in the following fields are included in the list:

  • Profile Rule, Profile Rule B, Profile Rule C, and Profile Rule D on the Provisioning tab

  • Upgrade Rule and Cisco Headset Upgrade Rule on the Provisioning tab

  • Report Rule on the Provisioning tab

  • Custom CA Rule on the Provisioning tab

  • Proxy and Outbound Proxy on the Ext (n) tab

Before you begin

Access the Phone Web Interface.


Step 1

Select Voice > System.

Step 2

In the System Configuration section, locate the Restricted Access Domains field and enter fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) for each server. Separate FQDNs with commas.


You can configure this parameter in the phone configuration XML file (cfg.xml) by entering a string in this format:

<Restricted_Access_Domains ua="na">,</Restricted_Access_Domains>
Step 3

Click Submit All Changes.

Configure the DHCP Options

You can set the order in which your phone uses the DHCP options. For help with DHCP Options, see DHCP Option Support.

Before you begin

Access the Phone Web Interface.


Step 1

Select Voice > Provisioning.

Step 2

In the Configuration Profile section, set the DHCP Option To Use and DHCPv6 Option To Use parameters as described in the Parameters for DHCP Options Configuration table.

Step 3

Click Submit All Changes.

Parameters for DHCP Options Configuration

The following table defines the function and usage of parameters for DHCP Options Configuration in the Configuration Profile section under the Voice>Provisioning tab in the phone web interface. It also defines the syntax of the string that is added in the phone configuration file with XML(cfg.xml) code to configure a parameter.

Table 1. Parameters for DHCP Options Configuration



DHCP Option To Use

DHCP options, delimited by commas, used to retrieve firmware and profiles.

Perform one of the following:

  • In the phone configuration file with XML(cfg.xml), enter a string in this format:

    <DHCP_Option_To_Use ua="na">66,160,159,150,60,43,125</DHCP_Option_To_Use>
  • In the phone web page, enter the DHCP options separated by commas.

    Example: 66,160,159,150,60,43,125

Default: 66,160,159,150,60,43,125

DHCPv6 Option To Use

DHCPv6 options, delimited by commas, used to retrieve firmware and profiles.

Perform one of the following:

  • In the phone configuration file with XML(cfg.xml), enter a string in this format:

    <DHCPv6_Option_To_Use ua="na">17,160,159</DHCPv6_Option_To_Use>
  • In the phone web page, enter the DHCP options separated by commas.

    Example: 17,160,159

Default: 17,160,159

DHCP Option Support

The following table lists the DHCP options that are supported on the multiplatform phones.

Network Standard


DHCP option 1

Subnet mask

DHCP option 2

Time offset

DHCP option 3


DHCP option 6

Domain name server

DHCP option 15

Domain name

DHCP option 41

IP address lease time

DHCP option 42

NTP server

DHCP option 43

Vendor-specific information

Can be used for TR.69 Auto Configurations Server (ACS) discovery.

DHCP option 56

NTP server

NTP server configuration with IPv6

DHCP option 60

Vendor class identifier

DHCP option 66

TFTP server name

DHCP option 125

Vendor-identifying vendor-specific information

Can be used for TR.69 Auto Configurations Server (ACS) discovery.

DHCP option 150

TFTP server

DHCP option 159

Provisioning server IP

DHCP option 160

Provisioning URL

Configure the Challenge for SIP INVITE Messages

You can set up the phone to challenge the SIP INVITE (initial) message in a session. The challenge restricts the SIP servers that are permitted to interact with devices on a service provider network. This practice prevents malicious attacks against the phone. When you enable this feature, authorization is required for initial incoming INVITE requests from the SIP proxy.

You can also configure the parameters in the phone configuration file with XML(cfg.xml) code.

Before you begin

Access the Phone Web Interface.


Step 1

Select Voice > Ext(n), where n is an extension number.

Step 2

In the SIP Settings section, select Yes from the Auth INVITE list to enable this feature or select No to disable it.

You can configure this parameter in the phone configuration XML file (cfg.xml) by entering a string in this format:

Default: No.

Step 3

Click Submit All Changes.

Transport Layer Security

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a standard protocol for securing and authenticating communications over the Internet. SIP over TLS encrypts the SIP signaling messages between the service provider SIP proxy and the end user.

The Cisco IP Phone uses UDP as the standard for SIP transport, but the phone also supports SIP over TLS for added security.

The following table describes the two TLS layers.

Table 2. TLS Layers

Protocol Name


TLS Record Protocol

Layered on a reliable transport protocol, such as SIP or TCH, this layer ensures that the connection is private through use of symmetric data encryption and it ensures that the connection is reliable.

TLS Handshake Protocol

Authenticates the server and client, and negotiates the encryption algorithm and cryptographic keys before the application protocol transmits or receives data.

Encrypt Signaling with SIP Over TLS

You can configure added security when you encrypt signaling messages with SIP over TLS.

Before you begin

Access the Phone Web Interface. See Transport Layer Security


Step 1

Select Voice > Ext(n), where n is an extension number.

Step 2

In the SIP Settings section, select TLS from the SIP Transport list.

You can configure this parameter in the phone configuration XML file (cfg.xml) by entering a string in this format:
<SIP_Transport_1_ ua="na">TLS</SIP_Transport_1_>

Options available:

  • UDP

  • TCP

  • TLS

  • Auto

Default: UDP.

Step 3

Click Submit All Changes.

Configure LDAP over TLS

You can configure LDAP over TLS (LDAPS) to enable secure data transmission between the server and a specific phone.


Cisco recommends leaving the authentication method to the default value of None. Next to the server field is an authentication field that uses the values None, Simple, or DIGEST-MD5. There is no TLS value for authentication. The software determines the authentication method from the LDAPS protocol in the server string.

You can also configure the parameters in the phone configuration file with XML(cfg.xml) code.

Before you begin

Access the phone administration web page. See Access the Phone Web Interface.


Step 1

Select Voice > Phone.

Step 2

In the LDAP section, enter a server address in the Server field.

You can also configure this parameter in the phone configuration XML file (cfg.xml) by entering a string in this format:

<LDAP_Server ua="na">ldaps://</LDAP_Server>

For example, enter ldaps://<ldaps_server>[:port].


  • ldaps://= The start of the server address string.

  • ldaps_server = IP address or domain name

  • port = Port number. Default: 636

Step 3

Click Submit All Changes.

Configure StartTLS

You can enable Start Transport Layer Security (StartTLS) for the communications between the phone and the LDAP server. It uses the same network port (default 389) for both secure and insecure communications. If the LDAP server supports StartTLS, TLS encrypts the communications. Otherwise, the communications are in plaintext.

Before you begin


Step 1

Select Voice > Phone.

Step 2

In the LDAP section, enter a server address in the Server field.

For example, enter ldap://<ldap_server>[:port].


  • ldap:// = The start of the server address string, scheme of the URL

  • ldap_server = IP address or domain name

  • port = Port number

You can also configure this parameter in the phone configuration XML file (cfg.xml) by entering a string in this format:

<LDAP_Server ua="na">ldap://<ldap_server>[:port]</LDAP_Server>

Step 3

Set the StartTLS Enable field to Yes.

You can also configure this parameter in the phone configuration XML file (cfg.xml) by entering a string in this format:

<LDAP_StartTLS_Enable ua="na">Yes</LDAP_StartTLS_Enable>

Step 4

Click Submit All Changes.

HTTPS Provisioning

The phone supports HTTPS for provisioning for increased security in managing remotely deployed units. Each phone carries a unique SLL Client Certificate (and associated private key), in addition to a Sipura CA server root certificate. The latter allows the phone to recognize authorized provisioning servers, and reject non-authorized servers. On the other hand, the client certificate allows the provisioning server to identify the individual device that issues the request.

For a service provider to manage deployment by using HTTPS, a server certificate must be generated for each provisioning server to which a phone resyncs by using HTTPS. The server certificate must be signed by the Cisco Server CA Root Key, whose certificate is carried by all deployed units. To obtain a signed server certificate, the service provider must forward a certificate signing request to Cisco, which signs and returns the server certificate for installation on the provisioning server.

The provisioning server certificate must contain the Common Name (CN) field, and the FQDN of the host running the server in the subject. It might optionally contain information following the host FQDN, separated by a slash (/) character. The following examples are of CN entries that are accepted as valid by the phone:

In addition to verifying the server certificate, the phone tests the server IP address against a DNS lookup of the server name that is specified in the server certificate.

Get a Signed Server Certificate

The OpenSSL utility can generate a certificate signing request. The following example shows the openssl command that produces a 1024-bit RSA public/private key pair and a certificate signing request:

openssl req –new –out provserver.csr

This command generates the server private key in privkey.pem and a corresponding certificate signing request in provserver.csr. The service provider keeps the privkey.pem secret and submits provserver.csr to Cisco for signing. Upon receiving the provserver.csr file, Cisco generates provserver.crt, the signed server certificate.


Step 1

Navigate to and log in with your CCO credentials.


When a phone connects to a network for the first time or after a factory reset, and there are no DHCP options set up, it contacts a device activation server for zero touch provisioning. New phones use "" instead of "" for provisioning. Phones with firmware release earlier than 11.2(1) continues to use "". We recommend that you allow both the domain names through your firewall.

Step 2

Select Certificate Management.

On the Sign CSR tab, the CSR of the previous step is uploaded for signing.

Step 3

From the Select Product drop-down list box, select SPA1xx firmware 1.3.3 and newer/SPA232D firmware 1.3.3 and newer/SPA5xx firmware 7.5.6 and newer/CP-78xx-3PCC/CP-88xx-3PCC.

Step 4

In the CSR File field, click Browse and select the CSR for signing.

Step 5

Select the encryption method:

  • MD5
  • SHA1
  • SHA256

Cisco recommends that you select SHA256 encryption.

Step 6

From the Sign in Duration drop-down list box, select the applicable duration (for example, 1 year).

Step 7

Click Sign Certificate Request.

Step 8

Select one of the following options to receive the signed certificate:

  • Enter Recipient’s Email Address—If you wish to receive the certificate via email, enter your email address in this field.
  • Download—If you wish to download the signed certificate, select this option.
Step 9

Click Submit.

The signed server certificate is either emailed to the email address previously provided or downloaded.

Multiplatform Phone CA Client Root Certificate

Cisco also provides a Multiplatform Phone Client Root Certificate to the service provider. This root certificate certifies the authenticity of the client certificate that each phone carries. The Multiplatform Phones also support third-party signed certificates such as those provided by Verisign, Cybertrust, and so on.

To determine if a phone carries an individualized certificate, use the $CCERT provisioning macro variable. The variable value expands to either Installed or Not Installed, according to the presence or absence of a unique client certificate. In the case of a generic certificate, it is possible to obtain the serial number of the unit from the HTTP request header in the User-Agent field.

HTTPS servers can be configured to request SSL certificates from connecting clients. If enabled, the server can use the Multiplatform Phone Client Root Certificate that Cisco supplies to verify the client certificate. The server can then provide the certificate information to a CGI for further processing.

The location for certificate storage may vary. For example, in an Apache installation, the file paths for storage of the provisioning server-signed certificate, its associated private key, and the Multiplatform Phone CA client root certificate are as follows:

# Server Certificate:
SSLCertificateFile /etc/httpd/conf/provserver.crt

# Server Private Key:
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/httpd/conf/provserver.key

# Certificate Authority (CA):
SSLCACertificateFile /etc/httpd/conf/spacroot.crt

For specific information, refer to the documentation for an HTTPS server.

The Cisco Client Certificate Root Authority signs each unique certificate. The corresponding root certificate is made available to service providers for client authentication purposes.

Redundant Provisioning Servers

The provisioning server can be specified as an IP address or as a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). The use of an FQDN facilitates the deployment of redundant provisioning servers. When the provisioning server is identified through an FQDN, the phone attempts to resolve the FQDN to an IP address through DNS. Only DNS A-records are supported for provisioning; DNS SRV address resolution is not available for provisioning. The phone continues to process A-records until a server responds. If no server that is associated with the A-records responds, the phone logs an error to the syslog server.

Syslog Server

If a syslog server is configured on the phone through use of the <Syslog Server> parameters, the resync and upgrade operations send messages to the syslog server. A message can be generated at the start of a remote file request (configuration profile or firmware load), and at the conclusion of the operation (indicating either success or failure).

The logged messages are configured in the following parameters and macro expanded into the actual syslog messages:

    Enable the Firewall

    We have improved phone security by hardening the operating system. Hardening ensures that the phone has a firewall to protect it from malicious incoming traffic. The firewall tracks the ports for incoming and outgoing data. It detects incoming traffic from unexpected sources and blocks the access. Your firewall allows all outgoing traffic.

    The firewall may dynamically unblock normally blocked ports. The outgoing TCP connection or UDP flow unblocks the port for return and continued traffic. The port is kept unblocked while flow is alive. The port reverts to blocked state when flow terminates or ages out.

    The legacy setting, IPv6 Multicast Ping Voice > System > IPv6 Settings > Broadcast Echo continues to work independently of the new firewall settings.

    Firewall configuration changes generally don't result in a phone restart. Phone soft restarts generally don't affect firewall operation.

    The firewall is enabled by default. If it is disabled, you can enable it from the phone web page.

    Before you begin

    Access the Phone Web Interface


    Step 1

    Select Voice > System > Security Settings.

    Step 2

    In the Firewall drop down list, select Enabled.

    You can also configure this parameter in the configuration file (cfg.xml) by entering a string in this format:
    <Firewall ua="na">Enabled</Firewall>

    The allowed values are Disabled|Enabled. The default value is Enabled.

    Step 3

    Click Submit All Changes.

    This enables the firewall with its default open UDP and TCP ports.
    Step 4

    Select Disabled to disable the firewall if you wish your network to return to its prior behavior.

    The following table describes the default open UDP ports.

    Table 3. Firewall Default Open UDP Ports

    Default Open UDP Port



    DHCP client Port 68

    DHCPv6 client Port 546


    Configure the Port in Voice > Ext<n> > SIP Settings > SIP Port (example: 5060), when Line Enable is set to Yes, and SIP Transport is set to UDP or Auto.


    UDP port range from RTP Port Min to RTP Port Max+1

    PFS (Peer Firmware Sharing)

    Port 4051, when Upgrade Enable and Peer Firmware Sharing are set to Yes.

    TFTP clients

    Ports 53240-53245. You need this port range if the remote server uses a port other than the standard TFTP port 69. You may turn it off if the server uses standard port 69. See Configure Your Firewall with Additional Options.


    UDP/STUN port 7999, when Enable TR-069 is set to Yes.

    The following table describes the default open TCP ports.

    Table 4. Firewall Default Open TCP Ports

    Default Open TCP Port


    Web server

    Port configured via Web Server Port (default 80), when Enable Web Server is set to Yes.

    PFS (Peer Firmware Sharing)

    Ports 4051 and 6970, when both Upgrade Enable and Peer Firmware Sharing are set to Yes.


    HTTP/SOAP port in TR-069 Connection Request URL, when Enable TR-069 is set to Yes.

    The port is chosen randomly from the range 8000-9999.

    Configure Your Firewall with Additional Options

    You can configure additional options in the Firewall Options field. Type the keyword for each option in the field, and separate the keywords by commas (,). Some keywords have values. Separate the values by colons (:).

    Before you begin

    Access the Phone Web Interface


    Step 1

    Go to Voice > System > Security Settings.

    Step 2

    Select Enabled for the Firewall field.

    Step 3

    In the Firewall Options field, enter the keywords. The list of ports applies to both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols.

    When you enter the keywords,

    • separate the keywords with commas (,).

    • separate keywords values with colons (:).

    Table 5. Firewall Optional Settings

    Firewall Options Keywords


    Field is empty.

    The firewall runs with default open ports.


    The firewall blocks incoming ICMP/ICMPv6 Echo requests (Ping).

    This option may break some types of traceroute requests to the phone. Windows tracert is one example.

    Example Firewall Options entry with a combination of options:


    The firewall runs with default settings and the following additional options:
    • Drops incoming ICMP/ICMPv6 Echo (Ping) requests.

    • Opens TCP port 12000 (IPv4 and IPv6) for incoming connections.

    • Opens UDP port range 8000-8010 (IPv4 and IPv6) for incoming requests.


    The phone doesn't send ICMP/ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable for UDP ports.


    The exception is to always send Destination Unreachable for ports in the RTP port range.

    This option may break some types of traceroute requests to the device. For example, Linux traceroute may break.


    • The phone doesn't open TFTP-client port-range (UDP 53240:53245).

    • Requests to non-standard (non 69) TFTP server ports fail.

    • Requests to standard TFTP server port 69 work.

    The following keywords and options apply when the phone runs custom apps that handle incoming requests.


    Opens UDP port <xxx>.


    Opens UDP port-range, <xxx to yyy>, inclusive.

    You can have up to 5 UDP port options (single ports and port ranges). For example, you can have 3 UDP:<xxx> and 2 UDP:<xxx:yyy>.


    Opens TCP port <xxx>.


    Opens TCP port-range <xxx to yyy>, inclusive.

    You can have up to 5 TCP port options (single ports and port ranges). For example, you can have 4 TCP:<xxx> and one TCP:<xxx:yyy>.

    You can also configure this parameter in the configuration file (cfg.xml) by entering a string in this format:
    <Firewall_Config ua="na">NO_ICMP_PING</Firewall_Config>
    Step 4

    Click Submit All Changes.

    Configure the Cipher List

    You can specify the cipher suites that the phone TLS applications use. The specified cipher list applies to all the applications that use the TLS protocol. The TLS applications on your phone include:

    • Customer CA Provisioning

    • E911 Geolocation

    • Firmware/Cisco Headset Upgrade

    • LDAPS

    • LDAP (StartTLS)

    • Picture Download

    • Logo Download

    • Dictionary Download

    • Provisioning

    • Report Upload

    • PRT Upload

    • SIP over TLS

    • TR-069

    • WebSocket API

    • XML Services

    • XSI Services

    You can also specify the cipher suites with the TR-069 parameter (Device.X_CISCO_SecuritySettings.TLSCipherList) or with the the configuration file (cfg.xml). Enter a string in the configuration file in this format:
    <TLS_Cipher_List ua="na">RSA:!aNULL:!eNULL</TLS_Cipher_List>

    Before you begin

    Access the phone administration web page, see Access the Phone Web Interface.


    Step 1

    Select Voice > System.

    Step 2

    In the Security Settings section, enter the cipher suite or the combination of cipher suites in the TLS Cipher List field.


    supports those cipher suites using RSA authentication, but excludes those cipher suites offering no encryption and authentication.

    A valid cipher list must follow the format defined at Your phone doesn't support all the cipher strings listed on the OpenSSL web page. For the supported strings, see Supported Cipher Strings.

    If the value in the TLS Cipher List field is blank or invalid, the cipher suites used vary with applications. See the following list for the suites that the applications use when this field is with a blank or an invalid value.

    • Web Server (HTTPS) applications use the following cipher suites:

      • ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384

      • ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256

      • AES256-SHA

      • AES128-SHA

      • DES-CBC3-SHA

    • XMPP uses the cipher list HIGH:MEDIUM:AES:@STRENGTH.

    • SIP, TR-069, and other applications using the curl library use the DEFAULT cipher string. The DEFAULT cipher string contains the following cipher suites that the phone support:

      DEFAULT Cipher Suites (28 suites):
    Step 3

    Click Submit All Changes.

    Supported Cipher Strings

    The supported cipher strings listed following is based on the OpenSSL 1.1.1d standards.

    Table 6. Supported Cipher Strings (OpenSSL 1.1.1d)


















    SHA1, SHA


    aDSS, DSS

    SHA256, SHA384





    TLSv1.2, TLSv1, SSLv3

    kRSA, RSA

    AES128, AES256, AES

    kDHE, kEDH, DH


    DHE, EDH



    ARIA128, ARIA256, ARIA

    Enable Hostname Verification for SIP over TLS

    You can enable increased phone security on a phone line if you use TLS. The phone line can verify the hostname to determine if the connection is secure.

    Over a TLS connection, the phone can verify the hostname to check the server identity. The phone can check both the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) and the Subject Common Name (CN). If the hostname on the valid certificate matches the hostname that is used to communicate with the server, the TLS connection establishes. Otherwise, the TLS connection fails.

    The phone always verifies the hostname for the following applications:

    • LDAPS

    • LDAP (StartTLS)

    • XMPP

    • Image upgrade over HTTPS

    • XSI over HTTPS

    • File download over HTTPS

    • TR-069

    When a phone line transports SIP messages over TLS, you can configure the line to enable or bypass the hostname verification with the TLS Name Validate field on the Ext(n) tab.

    Before you begin


    Step 1

    Go to Voice > Ext(n).

    Step 2

    In the Proxy and Registration section, set the TLS Name Validate field to Yes to enable the hostname verification, or No to bypass the hostname verification.

    You can also configure this parameter in the configuration file (cfg.xml) by entering a string in this format:
    <TLS_Name_Validate_1_ ua="na">Yes</TLS_Name_Validate_1_>

    The allowed values are Yes or No. The default setting is Yes.

    Step 3

    Click Submit All Changes.

    Enable Client-Initiated Mode for Media Plane Security Negotiations

    To protect media sessions, you can configure the phone to initiate media plane security negotiations with the server. The security mechanism follows the standards stated in RFC 3329 and its extension draft Security Mechanism Names for Media (See The transport of negotiations between the phone and the server can use SIP protocol over UDP, TCP, and TLS. You can limit that media plane security negotiation is applied only when the signaling transport protocol is TLS.

    You can also configure the parameters in the configuration file (cfg.xml). To configure each parameter, see the syntax of the string in Parameters for Media Plane Security Negotiation.

    Before you begin

    Access the phone administration web page. See Access the Phone Web Interface.


    Step 1

    Select Voice > Ext (n).

    Step 2

    In the SIP Settings section, set the MediaSec Request and MediaSec Over TLS Only field as defined in Parameters for Media Plane Security Negotiation

    Step 3

    Click Submit All Changes.

    Parameters for Media Plane Security Negotiation

    The following table defines the function and usage of the parameters for media plane security negotiation in the SIP Settings section under the Voice> Ext (n) tab in the phone web interface. It also defines the syntax of the string that is added in the phone configuration file (cfg.xml) with XML code to configure a parameter.

    Table 7. Parameters for Media Plane Security Negotiation



    MediaSec Request

    Specifies whether the phone initiates media plane security negotiations with the server.

    Perform one of the following:

    • In the phone configuration file with XML(cfg.xml), enter a string in this format:
      <MediaSec_Request_1_ ua="na">Yes</MediaSec_Request_1_>
    • In the phone web interface, set this field to Yes or No as needed.

    Allowed values: Yes|No

    • Yes—Client-initiated Mode. The phone initiates media plane security negotiations.

    • No—Server-initiated Mode. The server initiates media plane security negotiations. The phone doesn't initiate negotiations, but can handle negotiation requests from the server to establish secure calls.

    Default: No

    MediaSec Over TLS Only

    Specifies the signaling transport protocol over which media plane security negotiation is applied.

    Before setting this field to Yes, ensure that the signaling transport protocol is TLS.

    Perform one of the following:

    • In the phone configuration file with XML(cfg.xml), enter a string in this format:
      <MediaSec_Over_TLS_Only_1_ ua="na">No</MediaSec_Over_TLS_Only_1_>
    • In the phone web interface, set this field to Yes or No as needed.

    Allowed values: Yes|No

    • Yes—The phone initiates or handles media plane security negotiations only when the signaling transport protocol is TLS.

    • No—The phone initiates and handles media plane security negotiations regardless of the signaling transport protocol.

    Default: No

    802.1X Authentication

    Cisco IP Phones use Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) to identify the LAN switch and determine parameters such as VLAN allocation and inline power requirements. CDP does not identify locally attached workstations. Cisco IP Phones provide an EAPOL pass-through mechanism. This mechanism allows a workstation attached to the Cisco IP Phone to pass EAPOL messages to the 802.1X authenticator at the LAN switch. The pass-through mechanism ensures that the IP phone does not act as the LAN switch to authenticate a data endpoint before accessing the network.

    Cisco IP Phones also provide a proxy EAPOL Logoff mechanism. In the event that the locally attached PC disconnects from the IP phone, the LAN switch does not see the physical link fail, because the link between the LAN switch and the IP phone is maintained. To avoid compromising network integrity, the IP phone sends an EAPOL-Logoff message to the switch on behalf of the downstream PC, which triggers the LAN switch to clear the authentication entry for the downstream PC.

    Support for 802.1X authentication requires several components:

    • Cisco IP Phone: The phone initiates the request to access the network. Cisco IP Phones contain an 802.1X supplicant. This supplicant allows network administrators to control the connectivity of IP phones to the LAN switch ports. The current release of the phone 802.1X supplicant uses the EAP-FAST and EAP-TLS options for network authentication.

    • Cisco Secure Access Control Server (ACS) (or other third-party authentication server): The authentication server and the phone must both be configured with a shared secret that authenticates the phone.

    • A LAN switch supporting 802.1X: The switch acts as the authenticator and pass the messages between the phone and the authentication server. After the exchange completes, the switch grants or denies the phone access to the network.

    You must perform the following actions to configure 802.1X.

    • Configure the other components before you enable 802.1X Authentication on the phone.

    • Configure PC Port: The 802.1X standard does not consider VLANs and thus recommends that only a single device should be authenticated to a specific switch port. However, some switches support multidomain authentication. The switch configuration determines whether you can connect a PC to the PC port of the phone.

      • Yes: If you are using a switch that supports multidomain authentication, you can enable the PC port and connect a PC to it. In this case, Cisco IP Phones support proxy EAPOL-Logoff to monitor the authentication exchanges between the switch and the attached PC.

      • No: If the switch does not support multiple 802.1X-compliant devices on the same port, you should disable the PC Port when 802.1X authentication is enabled. If you do not disable this port and subsequently attempt to attach a PC to it, the switch denies network access to both the phone and the PC.

    • Configure Voice VLAN: Because the 802.1X standard does not account for VLANs, you should configure this setting based on the switch support.

      • Enabled: If you are using a switch that supports multidomain authentication, you can continue to use the voice VLAN.

      • Disabled: If the switch does not support multidomain authentication, disable the Voice VLAN and consider assigning the port to the native VLAN.

    Enable 802.1X Authentication

    You can enable 802.1X authentication on the phone. When 802.1X authentication is enabled, the phone uses 802.1X authentication to request network access.When 802.1X authentication is turned off, the phone uses CDP to acquire VLAN and network access. You can also view the transaction status on the phone screen menu.


    Step 1

    Perform one of the following actions to enable 802.1X authentication:

    • In the phone web interface, select Voice > System and set the Enable 802.1X Authentication field to Yes. Then, click Submit All Changes.
    • In the configuration file (cfg.xml), entering a string in this format:
      <Enable_802.1X_Authentication ua="rw">Yes</Enable_802.1X_Authentication>
    • On the phone, press Applications > Network configuration > Ethernet configuration > 802.1X authentication. Then, toggle the Device authentication field to On with the Select button and press Submit.
    Step 2

    (Optional)Select Transaction status to view the following:

    • Transaction status: Displays the state of 802.1x authentication. The state can be

      • Authenticating: Indicates that the authentication process is in progress.

      • Authenticated: Indicates that the phone is authenticated.

      • Disabled: Indicates that 802.1x authentication is disabled on the phone.

    • Protocol: Displays the EAP method that is used for 802.1x authentication. The protocol can be EAP-FAST or EAP-TLS.

    Step 3

    Press Back to exit the menu.

    Set Up a Proxy Server

    You can configure the phone to use a proxy server to enhance security. A proxy server acts as a firewall between the phone and Internet. After successful configuration, the phone connects to Internet through the proxy server which protects the phone from cyber attack.

    You can set up a proxy server by either using an automatic configuration script or manually configuring the host server (hostname or IP address) and port of the proxy server.

    When configured, the HTTP proxy feature applies to all the applications that use the HTTP protocol. The applications include the following:

    • GDS (Activation Code Onboarding)

    • EDOS Device Activation

    • Onboarding to Webex Cloud (via EDOS and GDS)

    • Certificate Authentication

    • Provisioning

    • Firmware Upgrade

    • Phone Status Report

    • PRT Upload

    • XSI Services

    • Webex Services

    Before you begin

    Access the phone administration web page. See Access the Phone Web Interface.


    Step 1

    Select Voice > System.

    Step 2

    In the section HTTP Proxy Settings, configure the parameter Proxy Mode and others according to your requirement. Detailed procedures are provided in the following steps.

    Step 3

    Do one of the following actions:

    • Proxy Mode is Auto:

      • If Use Auto Discovery (WPAD) is Yes, no further action is required. The phone will automatically retrieve a Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file by the Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD) protocol.

      • If Use Auto Discovery (WPAD) is No, enter a valid URL in PAC URL.

    • Proxy Mode is Manual:

      • If Proxy Server Requires Authentication is No, enter a proxy server in Proxy Host and a proxy port in Proxy Port.

      • If Proxy Server Requires Authentication is Yes, enter a proxy server in Proxy Host and a proxy port in Proxy Port. And enter a username in Username and a password in Password.

    • Proxy Mode is Off, the HTTP proxy feature is disabled on the phone.

    You can also configure the parameters in the phone configuration file (cfg.xml). To configure each parameter, see the syntax of the string in the Parameters for HTTP Proxy Settings.

    Step 4

    Click Submit All Changes.

    Parameters for HTTP Proxy Settings

    The following table defines the function and usage of the HTTP proxy parameters in the HTTP Proxy Settings section under the Voice > System tab in the phone web interface. It also defines the syntax of the string that is added in the phone configuration file (cfg.xml) with XML code to configure a parameter.

    Table 8. Parameters for HTTP Proxy Settings


    Description and Default Value

    Proxy Mode

    Specifies the HTTP proxy mode that the phone uses, or disables the HTTP proxy feature.

    • Auto

      The phone automatically retrieves a Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file to select a proxy server. In this mode, you can determine whether to use Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD) protocol to retrieve a PAC file or manually enter a valid URL of the PAC file.

      For details about the parameters, see Use Auto Discovery (WPAD) and PAC URL.

    • Manual

      You must manually specify a server (hostname or IP address) and a port of a proxy server.

      For details about the parameters, see Proxy Host and Proxy Port.

    • Off

      You disable the HTTP proxy feature on the phone.

    Perform one of the following:

    • In the phone configuration file with XML(cfg.xml), enter a string in this format:
      <Proxy_Mode ua="rw">Off</Proxy_Mode>
    • On the phone web interface, select a proxy mode or disable the feature.

    Allowed values: Auto, Manual, and Off

    Default: Off

    Use Auto Discovery (WPAD)

    Determines whether the phone uses the Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD) protocol to retrieve a PAC file.

    WPAD protocol uses DHCP or DNS, or both network protocols to locate a Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file automatically. PAC file is used to select a proxy server for a given URL. This file can be hosted locally or on a network.

    • The parameter configuration takes effect when Proxy Mode is set to Auto.

    • If you set the parameter to No, you must specify a PAC URL.

      For details about the parameter, see PAC URL.

    Perform one of the following:

    • In the phone configuration file with XML(cfg.xml), enter a string in this format:
      <Use_Auto_Discovery__WPAD_ ua="rw">Yes</Use_Auto_Discovery__WPAD_>
    • On the phone web interface, select Yes or No as needed.

    Allowed values: Yes and No

    Default: Yes


    URL of a PAC file.

    For example,

    TFTP, HTTP, and HTTPS are supported.

    If you set the Proxy Mode to Auto and Use Auto Discovery (WPAD) to No, you must configure this parameter.

    Perform one of the following:

    • In the phone configuration file with XML(cfg.xml), enter a string in this format:
      <PAC_URL ua="rw"></PAC_URL>
    • On the phone web interface, enter a valid URL that locates to a PAC file.

    Default: Empty

    Proxy Host

    IP address or hostname of the proxy host server for the phone to access. For example:

    The scheme (http:// or https://) is not required.

    If you set the Proxy Mode to Manual, you must configure this parameter.

    Perform one of the following:

    • In the phone configuration file with XML(cfg.xml), enter a string in this format:
      <Proxy_Host ua="rw"></Proxy_Host>
    • On the phone web interface, enter an IP address or hostname of the proxy server.

    Default: Empty

    Proxy Port

    Port number of the proxy host server.

    If you set the Proxy Mode to Manual, you must configure this parameter.

    Perform one of the following:

    • In the phone configuration file with XML(cfg.xml), enter a string in this format:
      <Proxy_Port ua="rw">3128</Proxy_Port>
    • On the phone web interface, enter a server port.

    Default: 3128

    Proxy Server Requires Authentication

    Determines whether the user needs to provide the authentication credentials (username and password) that the proxy server requires. This parameter is configured according to the actual behaviour of the proxy server.

    If you set the parameter to Yes, you must configure Username and Password.

    For details about the parameters, see Username and Password.

    The parameter configuration takes effect when Proxy Mode is set to Manual .

    Perform one of the following:

    • In the phone configuration file with XML(cfg.xml), enter a string in this format:
      <Proxy_Server_Requires_Authentication ua="rw">No</Proxy_Server_Requires_Authentication>
    • On the phone web interface, set this field Yes or No as needed.

    Allowed values: Yes and No

    Default: No


    Username for a credential user on the proxy server.

    If Proxy Mode is set to Manual and Proxy Server Requires Authentication is set to Yes, you must configure the parameter.

    Perform one of the following:

    • In the phone configuration file with XML(cfg.xml), enter a string in this format:
      <Proxy_Username ua="rw">Example</Proxy_Username>
    • On the phone web interface, enter the username.

    Default: Empty


    Password of the specified username for the proxy authentication purpose.

    If Proxy Mode is set to Manual and Proxy Server Requires Authentication is set to Yes, you must configure the parameter.

    Perform one of the following:

    • In the phone configuration file with XML(cfg.xml), enter a string in this format:
      <Proxy_Password ua="rw">Example</Proxy_Password>
    • On the phone web interface, enter a valid password for the proxy authentication of the user.

    Default: Empty

    Cisco Product Security Overview

    This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to U.S. and local country laws that govern import, export, transfer, and use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply third-party authority to import, export, distribute, or use encryption. Importers, exporters, distributors, and users are responsible for compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product, you agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.

    Further information regarding U.S. export regulations can be found at