Error Messages

CUSP Internal Error

You received this error message because an unexpected internal error has occurred within the Cisco Unified SIP Proxy software.

The web page contains useful details about the problem that occurred. You can provide this information to Cisco TAC.

Try the operation again, and if the problem persists, contact Cisco TAC for assistance.

Request Not Found

You received this error message because the system received an invalid URL page request to the Cisco Unified SIP Proxy web server. If you received this message after clicking a link, it is possible that the Cisco Unified SIP Proxy web server page data is missing or has become corrupt.

If you typed the URL directly into the web browser, double check the exact spelling for typographic errors and try again. If the problem persists, contact Cisco TAC for assistance.

Authorization Failure

You received this error message because you do not have the appropriate privilege to access the web page.

If you believe that you should have permission to access the web page, contact a Cisco Unified SIP Proxy administrator that has superuser privileges. The administrator can modify your user privileges to grant you access to the web page.

Configuration Prerequisite Missing

You received this error message because the system cannot display the web page that you are requesting due to a missing configuration parameter.

The system lists the configuration parameter to be fixed and provides a link to the web page where you can configure the parameter.