Generic Custom VoiceXML Properties

Custom VoiceXML Properties

The following table lists the generic custom VoiceXML properties.





Allows the document to specify an external media server for text-to-speech operations. The media server is specified in the form of a URI, and is used in all consecutive ASR operations until the next media server is specified.

It can be defined for:

  • An entire application or document at the <vxml> level,

  • A specific dialog at the form or menu level, or

  • A specific form item.

The media server’s URI can be formatted for Media Resource Control Protocol version 1 (MRCPv1) which uses Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP). For example:

<property name=“” value=“rtsp://tts-server/synthesizer”/>

The media server’s URI can be formatted for Media Resource Control Protocol version 2 (MRCPv2) which uses Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). For example:

<property name=“” value=“"/>

There are two ways to specify an external media server for TTS and ASR operations:

  • Servers configured through administrator page or REST APIs—Media server sessions are created for each call to IVR applications, regardless of whether an application needs to talk to the media server.

  • and <property> extensions—Media server sessions are created for each call to that application. If only a small number of applications require TTS/ASR media sessions, you should use the <property> extensions within those applications to define the external media server URL in the VoiceXML script.


Allows a document to specify an external media server for automatic speech recognition operations. The media server is specified in the form of a URI, and is used in all consecutive ASR operations. By default, the media server is selected in round-robin approach. If you specify a particular media server, then only that specified server is used by overriding the default behavior.

The media server’s URI can be formatted for Media Resource Control Protocol version 1 (MRCPv1) which uses RTSP. For example:

<property name=“” value=“rtsp://asr-server/recognizer” />

The media server’s URI can be formatted for Media Resource Control Protocol version 2 (MRCPv2) which uses Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). For example:

<property name=“” value=“"/>


Allows a document to specify the session xml file location which is used in the SPEAK/RECOGNIZE of MRCPv2 messages.

<property name=“” value=“/CVP/audio/samplesessionXML.xml” />

This file is a valid optional XML file which contains information required by third-party speech servers. Cisco VVB creates the MIME body using the content of this file and sends it to third-party servers in MRCPv2 dialog-creating request.



For more information on content of this file, refer to third-party documentation.


Allows the user to enable or disable the secure logging functionality to protect sensitive information printed in the logs. This is applicable for user-input-based VXML elements.

The value can be true or false to enable or disable the user input logging. For example:

<property name="" value="true" />

As the property is applicable at field level, the user should be able to enable or disable secure logging in each field in a single VXML application.



Whether to cache the prompt for current voice element.

VVB caches the synthesized prompts for faster performance. Set the value of this parameter to false to disable the caching for dynamic prompts.



Set the voice name for Synthesize operation.

Helps to select the voice and the accent in which the prompts have to be played



Set the gender type for Synthesize operation.


Filters out the specific restricted SIP header to be passed to the VXML Server.

The default value is an empty string (null).

Provide the value as comma separated list for the restricted headers.



Allows the user to set the MRCP Recognition-Timeout property.

  • Unit: seconds.

  • Example: 10s, 15s

The default value for the property is 20s.


This VXML property is introduced to give preference to MRPC Server. If the property is set to true, then MRPC Server is used. By default, Google Transcribe is used.