Directory Structure

The directory in which the installation is made (referred to as the INSTALLATION_PATH directory) contains all the files necessary for the various components of Unified CVP software. The following table describes what each folder in the INSTALLATION_PATH is used for. Each folder is described in detail in subsequent sections.




This directory contains the files required for VXML Server to run, including all voice applications.


This directory contains Call Studio and Builder for Call Studio


The application inside this folder is used to uninstall Unified CVP software.

The %CVP_HOME%\VXMLServer folder contains the following folders:




This directory holds the scripts that perform administrator functions affecting all applications on VXML Server.


This directory holds copies of the application-level administration scripts. If an application’s administration scripts require refreshing, the contents of this folder can be copied to the applications\[APPNAME]\admin directory.


SNMP agent related files.


The voice applications built by Builder for Call Studio and hosted by VXML Server are stored here. Each application has its own folder bearing the name of the application.

applications / [APPNAME] / admin

This directory holds the scripts that perform administrator functions affecting only the application in which the scripts reside.

applications / [APPNAME] / data

This directory contains the application’s static data files required for VXML Server to load the application.

applications / [APPNAME] / data / application

This directory contains the settings and call flow of the application as well as any configurations for application loggers.

applications / [APPNAME] / data / configurations

This directory holds the static voice, action, and decision element configurations created by Builder for Call Studio for this application. Depending on the size of the voice application, this directory may end up with many element configuration files.

applications / [APPNAME] / data / misc

This directory holds miscellaneous data files used by Unified CVP decision elements or other proprietary files used by the developer.

applications / [APPNAME] / java

This directory contains all Java related classes or JAR files required for this application only. No other application will have access to the Java classes in this directory.

applications / [APPNAME] / java / application

This directory contains all the classes used for this application only. Individual Java classes go in the classes directory while complete JAR files go in the lib directory.

applications / [APPNAME] / java / util

This directory contains utility classes used by the classes in the application directory. Any utility classes that refer to Unified CVP API classes must be deployed here or in the application directory. Individual Java classes go in the classes directory and JAR files go in the lib directory.

applications / [APPNAME] / logs

This directory contains the administrator, activity and error logs affiliated with this application. Logs are rotated daily so this directory may eventually contain many files.


This folder contains the Java classes and JAR files shared across all voice applications hosted on VXML Server. Individual Java classes go in the classes directory and JAR files go in the lib directory.


This directory holds settings files used for VXML Server.


This folder contains Javadocs and third-party licenses for components used by Unified CVP. Download Unified CVP documentation. After downloading, you can place the documentation in the docs folder.


The DTDs for all XML documents used throughout VXML Server are found here. Many are referred to in XML documents, though others are provided for reference.


This folder contains all the installed Gateway Adapters for VXML Server. Each subfolder in this directory contains a separate Gateway Adapter.


The JAR files within this folder are necessary for administration scripts to run. They are also used by the developer to compile custom Java code that uses the Unified CVP API.


The VXML Server license files are to be placed here.


Logs affiliated with VXML Server are placed here.


Files required to support the JMX administration interface are found here.

The %CVP_HOME%\CallStudio folder contains the following directories:




This directory holds all the required files for Call Studio and Builder for Call Studio.


This folder contains descriptions of the installed features: Call Studio and Builder for Call Studio. Features consist of a set of plug-ins providing certain functionality.


This folder contains the JRE used by Call Studio.


This directory contains a set of plug-ins defining the functionality of Call Studio.


The voice applications built by Builder for Call Studio are stored here. Each application has its own folder bearing the name of the application.


A Call Studio internal system folder containing configuration and settings files.

eclipse\workspace\ [PROJECT NAME]\callflow

This directory contains the configuration files for the given voice application. Those files are used by Builder for Call Studio to properly render the call flow.

eclipse\workspace\ [PROJECT NAME]\deploy

This folder holds all the resources that will be deployed along with the given application. It can contain such components as custom Java classes and libraries as well as custom data files.