Custom Content

Plugin Name:


Display Name:

Custom Content

Class Name:



This Say It Smart type was introduced to provide several helpful and time saving features to the application designer and developer:

  • Provide a way to allow a list of audio files (with TTS transcripts) of variable length to be played one after the other in one audio item.

  • Provide a more direct link to internal Java classes that may contain dynamic audio content as an alternative to creating dynamic voice element configurations.

  • Provide at least the same functionality as the now "deprecated" File and String Unified CVP Say It Smart types.

Input Formats


(Display Name)



(String (No Delimiters))

A text string that can represent a single filename or a single TTS string.


(FILE:::TTS|||… |||FILE:TTS)

A text string that follows a specific format with delimiters in order to represent any number of audio files and TTS transcripts. An audio file is separated from its TTS transcript by three colons. Each audio file/TTS combination is separated from others by three pipes. Note that each component of the combination can be blank if no audio file or TTS content is necessary. The audio will be played in the order in which it appears in the string from left to right.


(ResultSetList Object)

A Java ResultSetList object that has been created by the Unified CVP Database element as a result of a database query that is expected to contain audio information. The result must return two columns, the first being the audio file (or null if no audio file is needed) and the second column being the TTS transcript for the audio file (or null if there is no TTS transcript). There can be any number of strows. The audio will be played in the order in which it appears in the result set.


(SayItSmartContent Object)

Each Say It Smart plug-in’s Java code creates a SayItSmartContent object to represent audio content that is then passed to Unified CVP VXML Server to render into VoiceXML. This input format accepts a developer-created object of this type and the plug-in will pass this to VXML Server without making any modifications. This object can contain any number of audio files, TTS transcripts, and pauses the developer desires.

array (String[] Object)

A String array that can contain either a list of audio filenames or TTS transcripts (it cannot contain a mixture of audio filenames and TTS transcripts). The audio will be played in the order it appears in the array.

Output Formats


(Display Name)

Input Format Depends On



(Filename w/ TTS Backup)

complex resultset siscontent

This output format will produce output containing both audio files (if defined) and TTS transcripts (if defined), assuming that the TTS content may contain Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML). This adds some additional overhead so use the standard_no_ssml output format if it is known that the TTS transcripts do not contain SSML.


(Filename w/ TTS Backup (no SSML))

complex resultset siscontent

This output format will produce output containing both audio files (if defined) and TTS transcripts (if defined), assuming that the TTS content does not contain SSML. Assuming no SSML makes the process more efficient than keeping open the possibility that the TTS content may have SSML (as in the standard fileset).


(TTS Only)

simple complex resultset siscontent array

This output format will produce output containing only the TTS content of the data, even if it contains audio file content. For the simple and array input formats, this output format indicates that the data contains only TTS content. This output format assumes the TTS content may contains SSML. This adds some additional overhead so use the tts_no_ssml output format if it is known that the TTS content does not contain SSML.


(TTS Only (no SSML))

simple complex resultset siscontent array

This output format will produce output containing only the TTS content of the data, even if it contains audio file content. For the simple and array input formats, this output format indicates that the data contains only TTS content. Assuming no SSML makes the process more efficient than keeping open the possibility that the TTS content may have SSML (as in the tts fileset).


(Filename(s) Only)

simple complex resultset siscontent array

This output format will produce output containing only the audio file content of the data, even if it contains TTS content. For the simple and array input formats, this output format indicates that the data contains audio files only.



(Display Name)

Output Format Depends On



(No Fileset)

standard standard_no_ssml tts tts_no_ssml files

This plug-in allows the developer to specify any amount of audio files, the names of which are determined at runtime. As a result, there is no need for a fileset. Every Say It Smart plug-in, though, requires at least one fileset, so this one is simply named none.

Audio Files

None. The audio files will be determined by the application designer and developer.


Example #1



Input Format:


Output Format:





myGreeting.wav (with no TTS backup)

Example #2


This is some text to speech

Input Format:


Output Format:





"This is some text to speech" (this is read as TTS)

Example #3


a.wav:::backup for a|||b.wav:::backup for b

Input Format:


Output Format:





a.wav (with TTS backup "backup for a")

b.wav (with TTS backup "backup for b")

There are no examples of input formats that take Java objects as the data must be created by a developer in custom Java code.