

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - L - M - P - R - S - T - U - V - W



Action Elements
defined and purpose 1
standard elements, not programmed 1
Administration Scripts
adding applications 1
application and system status info 1
get basic VXML Server info 1
oveview 1
removing applications 1
suspending applications 1
update "common" classes, includes cautions 1
updating applications 1
administrator log access 1
APIs supported for Unified CVP 1
Application Development
application reuse 1
application status info types 1
configuration options, JMX Interface 1
directory structures 1
get and set global and application data 1
play "suspended" message during VXML Server restart 1
update "common" classes, cautions 1
application transfer 1
Audio Groups
defined 1
averageCallDuration 1
avgConcurrentCallsInLast 1
avgReqRespTimeInList 1


benefits of VoiceXML listed 1
Builder, GUI for Call Studio, described 1


Call Studio
Builder, GUI for Call Studio 1
overview of VXML development platform 1
setting preferences 1
Call Studo
access online help 1
callAbandonRate 1
callCompleteRate 1
caller_activity tag, described with diagram 1
callTransferRate 1


get and set global and application data 1
data types, global, application, etc. 1
data, get and set from each component type 1
Decision Elements
defined 1
example #1 1
example #2 1
example #3 1
standard, not programmed 1
decisions, detailed diagrams 1
DefautAudioPat, app config options defined 1
directory structure details 1
dynamic config of elements 1


element data, defined 1
Action Elements defined and purpose 1
characteristics of these VXML components 1
configuratable elementes defined 1
Decision Elements defined 1
dynamic config 1
Flag Elements defined and purpose 1
Hotlinks defined and purpose 1
Insert Element, input for 1
Insert Elements defined 1
Insert Elements, main discussion 1
Insert Elements, outputs defined 1
Insert Elements, restrictions when using 1
pre-built app building blocks 1
standard, not programmed, action and decision 1
voice elements, overview 1
Web Services Elements defined/purpose 1
end of application actions defined 1
end of call actions 1
Error Notification
introduced 1
application activity loggers 1
application error logger 1
decision elements, #2 1
decision elements, #3 1
decisions, example #1 1
global error loggers 1
Insert Elements 1
VXML Server status checks 1


failedCallsSinceStart 1
file rotation, application activity logger 1
Flag Elements
purpose 1


GatewayAdapter, app config options defined 1
getApplicationData 1
getGlobalData 1


historical_data tag, described with diagram 1
ways to use 1
defined, purpose of 1


Insert Elements
example use 1
inputs for 1
main discussion 1
outputs defined 1
root document use defined 1
telephoney input types 1
use restructions 1
user data, types of input 1


JMX Interface
adding applications 1
admin log access 1
application and system status info 1
application config options 1
basic VXML Server info, obtain 1
overview 1
removing applications 1
suspending applications 1
update "common" classes, includes cautions 1
updating applications 1
VXML Server runtime config options 1
JNDI name for user mgmt DB 1


LoggerEventQueueSize, described 1
LoggerMaximumThreadPoolSize, described 1
LoggerMinimumThreadPoolSize, described 1
admin log access 1
application activity logger config, caching 1
application activity logger, config format with table 1
application activity logger, details with table 1
application activity logger, examples 1
application activity logger, file purging 1
application activity logger, file rotation 1
application activity logger, XML config specified in diagram 1
application activity loggers, file purging 1
application activity loggers, scope 1
application admin history logger, fields 1
application debug logger, overview 1
application error logger, config format 1
application error logger, examples 1
application error logger, file purging 1
application error logger, overview with diagram 1
application loggers, overview 1
correlate Call Server logs with VXML Server logs 1
defined 1
global call logger, overview 1
global error logger config, file purging 1
global error logger config, log details 1
global error logger example #1 1
global error logger, example #2 1
global error logger, overview 1
global loggers, 3 pre-built loggers 1
globnal admin history logger, overview 1
how VXML Server communicates with loggers 1
runtime option JMX attributes 1
LoggerThreadKeepAliveTime, described 1
tuning VXML Server runtime attributes 1


maxConcurrentCallsInLast 1
maxLoggerEventQueueSizeInLast 1
maxLoggerThreadCountInLast 1
maxReqRespTimeInLast 1


programming components, 1


removeAllApplicationData 1
removeAllGlobalData 1
removeApplicationData 1
removeGlobalData 1
root document, with Insert Elements 1


Say It Smart Plugins
defined 1
scripts, 1
Session Data
defined 1
SessionInvalidationDelay, described 1
SessionTimeout, app config options defined 1
setApplicationData 1
setGlobalData 1
start of application actions defined 1
start of call actions 1
subdialogs, application reuse 1
system information page 1 2
system status info types for VXML Server 1


BOOLEAN, defined 1
CALL_DATA, described with diagram 1
CALLER_ACTIVITY, described with diagram 1
CONSTANT_NUMBER, described 1
CONSTANT_STRING, described 1
DATA, described with diagram 1
EXIT_STATE, described 1
GENERAL_DATA_TIME, described with diagram 1
HISTORICAL_DATA, described with diagram 1
NUMBER, defined 1
RULE, defined 1
RULES, example #3 1
STRING, described 1
tables of tag contents for value substitutions 1
USER_INFO, described with diagram 1
telephony, input types for Insert Element 1
timeoutCallsInLast 1
timeoutCallsSinceStart 1
totalCallsSinceStart 1


user managment of VXML Server, 1
user_info tag, info types detailed with diagram 1


Voice Elements
overview 1
Voice Insert Elements
insert pre-written VXML 1
APIs supported for each programming component 1
APIs supported for Unified CVP 1
benefits listed 1
configurable elements defined 1
decision elements, example #1 1
decision example #2 1
decision examples, #3 1
decisions, details with diagrams 1
development issues 1
error notification, intro 1
get and set each type of data, table of 1
hotevents, ways to use 1
insert elements, main discussion 1
leverage established standard 1
limitations when NOT using it 1
loggers defined 1
overview 1
overview of how it works 1
programming components defined 1
Say It Smart Plugins defined 1
session data, defined 1
simplified VRU development 1
start and end of application actions 1
start and end of call actions 1
types of data 1
Unified CVP makes development easier 1
VXML Server
adding applications 1
admin log access 1
administration scripts, overview 1
administration, three methods 1
altering config at runtime, discussion and warnings 1
application and system status info 1
config options, DTD diagram 1
configuration options at runtime, described 1
configuration overview 1
configuration, altering during runtime, warnings 1
get/set global and application data 1
getting basic information about 1
global config 1
graceful admin activity 1
how it communicates with loggers 1
JMX mgmt overview 1
logging, tuning runtime attributes 1
metrics listed with VXML functions 1
obtaining server metrics 1
reference to admin functions, table 1
removing applications 1
role is VoiceXML development and use 1
status checks 1
suspending applications 1
suspending apps, prerequsite 1
system information page 1 2
update "common" classes, includes cautions 1
updating applications 1
user managaement DB diagram 1
user management database deployed by JNDI name 1
user management DB, application items 1
user management DB, users_by_ani 1
user management, DB, flags 1
user management, DB, historical data 1
user managment DB, user data items 1
ways to play "suspended" message during restart 1


Web Services Elements
communicate with ext servers 1