Cisco Serviceability Tools

This chapter presents an overview of Cisco serviceability tools, including the tools available with Unified CVP solutions running on Windows environments. It also presents the serviceability tools that use the Web Services Manager (WSM).

Web Services Manager

Unified CVP supports a new service layer called the Web Services Manager (WSM). WSM interacts with various subsystems and infrastructure handlers, consolidates the responses, and publishes an XML result. The Web Services Manager supports HTTPS requests and sends a predefined XML response. WSM is installed on each Unified CVP device and runs automatically as a Windows service. For a device to be managed by WSM, the device must be deployed from the Operations Console.


System CLI uses WSM to collect and present the data available to WSM from the various Unified CVP components.

Create a WSM User

When Unified CVP is installed, a new user called wsmadmin is created with the same password as the Operations Console user. You can create and manage additional WSM users using the Operations Console.

When you have devices deployed in the Operations Console, log on to any server where WSM is installed and access the System CLI. See Unified System CLI.


Step 1

Log into the Unified CVP Operations Console and select User Management > Users.

Step 2

Click Add New.

Step 3

Provide a Username and Password.

Step 4

Click the User Groups tab.

Step 5

In the Available panel, highlight ServiceabilityAdministrationUserGroup, then click the right arrow to move that group to the Selected panel.

Step 6

Click Save.

Unified System CLI

Unified CVP supports a new serviceability CLI called Unified System CLI (System CLI). The System CLI lets you collect diagnostic information (health and status) on Unified CVP servers and collect device-specific information from each supported node connected to the Unified CVP server from which you are using System CLI. The System CLI accesses a new web services layer in Unified CVP called the Web Services Manager. You can run System CLI commands on a local server, or a remote server. You can obtain information from all the devices in your CVP system by switching to system mode. (Devices must first be configured and deployed in the Operations Console.)


For the system CLI to work, the Web Services Manager service needs to be restarted after Unified CVP is deployed from OAMP.


To quickly access and use the System CLI, see Quick Start Exercise: Accessing and Using the Unified System CLI and its Help


In addition to the System CLI, which is automatically installed with the Unified CVP installation, you can also obtain a GUI-based client, . This client is called the Analysis Manager, and it is part of Unified CM. For more information on the Analysis Manager, refer to Cisco Unified Communications Analysis Manager User Guide. For instructions specific to configuring Analysis Manager with Unified CVP, see Configure Analysis Manager with Unified CVP

The System CLI is installed on all CVP servers. You can leverage the WSM and CLI functionality to collect diagnostic details such as server map, version information, licenses, configuration, components, sessions, logs, traces, performance factors, and platform information for each Unified CVP Device, on a component and sub-component level. You can also set or reset debug levels using CLI on a component and sub-component level.

The System CLI provides a local mode and a system mode:

  • The local mode accesses data about the devices associated with the server that you are logged into. Local mode is the default mode accessed automatically when you log into the Unified CLI.

  • The system mode, accessed by typing the system command at the CLI prompt, provides access to all the devices in your Unified CVP deployment solution. In system mode, the System CLI automatically detects the Operations Console and extracts solution topology based on the devices configured in the Operations Console. Based on options you enter for a given command, System mode can be limited to a certain device group or list of servers.


Before you can use the system CLI to obtain information about a device, that device must be listed in and deployed by the Operations Console.

The System CLI commands (for example show all and show component ) enable you to view and zip necessary logs or configurations on a specific server, servers, or groups of servers, and store that data on a local disk.

Access Unified System CLI and Its Help

The Unified System CLI is installed on all Unified CVP Servers. Using the CLI client on a Unified CVP device enables you to connect to the local server or a remote server. You can also connect to servers defined and deployed in the Operations Console when using system mode.

To launch Unified System CLI on any CVP server, log into a Unified CVP server through windows. You can use tools such as VNC or Remote Desktop console.


To be able to log in to the System CLI on Unified CVP, the WSM service must be up and running. By default WSM service is always running.


The System CLI only provides information on devices that have been configured, saved, and deployed in the Operations Console. If you change the configuration of a device, you must save and deploy the revised configuration before it is available to the System CLI.

Complete the following example session to quickly learn how to use Unified System CLI.


Step 1

Launch Unified System CLI.

Select Start > Programs > Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal > Unified System CLI.

A CMD window displays with an Enter Username prompt.

Step 2

Log into the Unified System CLI by entering the default username, wsmadmin, or a username and password that you created. See Creating a System CLI User.

After logging, in you see the following message and prompt:

  Welcome to the Platform Command Line Interface
Step 3

You can now receive Web Services Manager data from the local machine using the system CLI commands. The following CLI Usage example shows a user issuing the show tech-support command.

 Enter username[wsmadmin]: wsmadmin

 Enter password:

 Welcome to the Platform Command Line Interface

 admin: show tech-support
 Warning: Because running this command can affect system performance,
 Cisco recommends that you run the command during off-peak hours.
 Do you want to continue? [y/n]: y

 Retrieving [version] data from device [localhost] ProductType [cvp] ...
 Retrieving [component] data from device [localhost] ProductType [cvp] ...
 Retrieving [log] data from device [localhost] ProductType [cvp] ...
 Default time range is last 24 hours.
 Output is saved to "C:\Cisco\CVP\wsm\CLI\download\"
The show tech-support command creates a single zip file in the directory %CVP_HOME%\wsm\CLI\download.
By default, this command collects the traces for the last 24 hours. Use the reltime parameter to change the time period. For example, if you want to pull traces for the last three days, use the following command: show tech-support reltime 3 days.
Step 4

Each System CLI command has a set of command options. Each option consists of a keyword and set of values. The following is an example of how to use a command with options.

In this example, the keyword component has a value cvp:CallServer and the keyword subcomponent has a value cvp:ICM. The following command tells the System CLI to get the configuration data for component CallServer and subcomponent ICM in the Unified CVP deployment.

  admin: show config component cvp:CallServer subcomponent cvp:ICM
  Downloading Configuration file: [ICM:] ...
  ICM.icmGarbageCollectorInterval : 120
  ICM.locationDelimeter : --
  ICM.icmHeartbeatInterval : 5000
  ICM.preRoutedCallServiceID : 2
  ICM.icmVxmlIdleTimeout : 30
Step 5

Almost all commands have a redirect option. This option tells the System CLI to redirect the command output to a directory (or a file). If the output is saved in a directory, it is saved in a zip file in that specific directory. The following example saves the zip file to c:\temp\

             admin: show version redirect dir c:\temp

The output zip file provides a consistent directory structure when you save to a directory. When unzipped, the directory structure enables you to find the required diagnostic data quickly.

If you redirect the output to a file, the information is stored in the form a of "flat" file similar to what you see for the window output. An example of redirecting to a file is:

admin: show version redirect file <filename>
Step 6

To obtain information from the Web Services Managers that are part of your Unified CVP environment, you can change to system mode to issue system-wide commands.

To enable system mode, type system at the prompt.

See Accessing Help for the System CLI.

Unified System CLI: System Mode

Enter the CLI system mode by typing system at the command prompt and then execute the commands exactly like the local version of the CLI for interactive mode.

In system mode, the Unified System CLI automatically detects the Operations Console, which acts as a seed device, and extracts the solution topology automatically based on devices configured in the Operations Console. System mode enables the System CLI to iteratively go to each supported box in the background and run the command that was executed by you in system mode.


For system mode system CLI to work properly, the system CLI in OAMP and all deployed CVP servers must be in working condition.


System CLI initialization for the first system mode command execution, or for the system init command, may take a few minutes to complete, especially when there are a lot of devices in a Unified CVP solution, or if devices are unreachable, or network timeouts are involved.

Optionally, you can limit the system command to execute only on a certain device group or list of servers.

Device group is automatically populated based on:

  • Device type (Unified CVP, Unified ICM, IOS Firewall , Unified CM as an example)

  • Device IP/hostname wildcard (LOC-1*, 10.86.129.* as an example for branch office deployments)

  • Device pool (defined within the Operations Console)

When the System CLI executes the system command, the System CLI queries each device in the list and caches the responses locally during its first time initialization process, or when system init is executed. The cache enables the system command to be executed quickly for subsequent sessions.

If an error is reported due to an unreachable destination or incorrect credentials for a specific device during the execution of a system command , then the device is marked OFFLINE in the System CLI cache. Use system init to retry this device.

The most common command to receive all information from all the components in a Unified CVP solution deployment is:

system show tech-support dtcomponent "ucm:Cisco CallManager|cusp:Cisco Unified SIP Proxy"

This command collects everything from all device types except the devices ucm and cusp. For ucm, it applies the device type filter Cisco CallManager and for the device cusp it applies the device type filter Cisco Unified SIP Proxy.

System CLI Automated Execution

To automatically execute Unified System CLI commands, create a plain text file with the .bat extension as shown in the example below and replace the <password> as highlighted with the Operations Console password.

 echo show tech-support > clicmds.txt
 echo exit >> clicmds.txt
 type clicmds.txt | systemcli.bat inplace nointeractive novalidation user:wsmadmin passwd:<password>

In a batch file, the system command can also be executed by prefixing system on any regular command. For example, system show tech-support, the entire example is:

   echo system show tech-support > clicmds.txt
   echo exit >> clicmds.txt
   type clicmds.txt | systemcli.bat inplace nointeractive novalidation user:wsmadmin passwd:<password>

The most commonly used command in a Unified CVP solution deployment, to get data from all solution components, is given below:

   echo system show tech-support dtcomponent "ucm:Cisco CallManager\|cusp:Cisco Unified SIP Proxy"> clicmds.txt
   echo exit >> clicmds.txt
   type clicmds.txt \| systemcli.bat inplace nointeractive novalidation user:wsmadmin passwd:<password>

This command collects everything from all device types except for the device ucm and the device cusp. For the ucm device, it applies the device type filter Cisco CallManager and for the device cusp, it applies the device type filter Cisco Unified SIP Proxy.


You can run a Windows scheduled job and collect traces periodically from one or multiple servers using a schedule. See How to Schedule Tasks in Windows XP for information about scheduling a Windows job.

System CLI Remote Execution

To launch System CLI remotely from your laptop, (or any Windows system), to connect to any Unified CVP server or other solution component box (for example, Unified CM, ICM, IOS, CUSP Server, etc.), complete the following procedure:

  1. Install Unified CVP Remote Operations, if no other CVP software is installed.

    For information about only installing the Remote Operations feature of Unified CVP, see Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal.

  2. In the Operations Console, complete the following steps:

    1. Select System > Web Services > Remote Operations Deployment (tab).

    2. Enter the IP address, hostname, and description information for the remote device.

    3. Click Add to add the device and click Save & Deploy to make this device available for remote operations.

  3. Start the System CLI on the remote system.


You can also run a Windows scheduled job and collect traces periodically from one or multiple servers, using a schedule from a remote system.

Help for the System CLI

The following types of help are available:

  • For an overview of the CLI system help, type help at the admin prompt and press enter.


  • For a list of main commands, enter "?" at the admin prompt.


  • To obtain the syntax of the command, type a "?" at the end of the current syntax. For example:

    admin: capture start ?

    The preceding entry then informs you that there are two options in the syntax: duration and <cr>

  • To obtain detailed help, enter a portion of the command preceded by the word help. For example:

    admin: help show version

    That command provides information about additional options both local and system modes.

The following entries show an example of "drilling down" to obtain more detailed help. At the option level, placing help in front of the command, provides detailed information, as in the example. Because this command can be used in "local" mode and in "system" mode, the detailed help also gives information about how to limit the command when using system mode.

                            admin: show version ?
                            Options: redirect

                            show version redirect ?
                            Options: dir

The help system displays the actual components for your Cisco Unified product as shown in the following example for Unified CVP using system mode of the System CLI.

                            admin(system):show log component ?

System CLI Troubleshooting

The System CLI shows two types of errors:

  • Errors from servers (displayed unchanged)

  • Errors from the System CLI for which you need to check the log files in the System CLI directory

Sometimes it is necessary to change the System CLI debug level to "debug" to collect more data about a System CLI error.

  1. Open CLI\conf\cli_log4j.xml and change the word "info" to "debug".

  2. Restart the System CLI to reproduce the error.

See the Doc Wiki troubleshooting page for more CLI troubleshooting information: System CLI troubleshooting tips.

System CLI Commands and Parameters

The Unified System CLI is designed to work across multiple Cisco Unified products. The meanings of some of the parameters for commands such as show vary from product to product. An example is the components parameter which vary because the components of systems such as Unified CVP and Unified ICM are different.

The CLI online help provides product-specific information for each command's parameters. Type the command and its parameter, followed by the "?" symbol. An example of this mechanism is given in Accessing Help for the System CLI.

The following table provides information about the Unified System CLI commands.

Command or Parameter



Sets up, starts, and stops, a network packet capture.

Capturing network packets with the System CLI can be performed in either local mode (to run on a single machine), or system mode (to run across several machines simultaneously). The capture start command has an optional duration parameter, while the capture stop command has no parameters. The duration parameter indicates when the capture should stop. If no duration is provided, the capture process stops after one day.

The capture command starts the packet capture on a single Unified CVP device or multiple devices. The capture operation defaults to the interface card that is receiving packets and is used for the Unified CVP server socket and IP address binding. The default setting of the capture command will capture the network packets and save the capture information in the Unified CVP logs folder which can be retrieved using the regular CLI trace command.


Accesses the online help system overview. Use the "?" character to access command-specific and parameter-specific help. See Accessing Help for the System CLI.


Exits the CLI.


Accesses, displays and saves (to a file) data about system configuration and operation. See the next table for descriptions of the sub-level show commands.


Enter system mode, which provides access to all the devices in your Unified CVP deployment solution. Use the exit command to return to local mode.

The following table describes the variations of the show command.

Show Commands


show all

Shows all available information in all sub-categories listed in this table. However, you can still enter qualifying parameters to restrict the information retrieved.

show component

Shows component-specific information. Available components are based on the Cisco Unified product type and can be listed by entering the command: show component ?

show config

Displays the application configuration.

show debug

Shows the current debug level.

show devices

Shows a list of the devices in your deployment (system mode only).

show license

Shows license information.

show log

Shows log contents. You can narstrow this command to specific logs.

show perf

Shows system performance statistics.

show platform

Shows platform information.

show sessions

Shows the current active sessions or calls.

show tech-support

Shows information to help tech support in solving issues. This command is equivalent to show all.

When you issue the show tech-support command, the System CLI issues the other show commands needed to provide all of the system information. During the process of executing the other show commands, the System CLI passes component and sub-component parameters to the show trace command, but does not include component and sub-component parameters when it executes commands such as show configuration and show log.

show trace

Shows trace file information.

show version

Shows Unified CVP component version information.

Details for Specific Options

This section provides detailed information of certain options that require additional explanations.

Results of the match Option when Information is Sent to a Directory Instead of a File

You can use the match option with the show trace and the show log commands to send selected output to a directory. This option enables you to specify text that the CLI should match when examining data in text files. The output is then limited to log information that matches the specified criteria. However, because the system cannot perform a text match to include or exclude information in binary files such as .zip files, these files are included in your show command execution, since they may contain pertinent information.

If you send the output of the match selection process to a file instead of a directory, the output only includes the actual text the CLI command would return to the screen.

Comparison of the component Option with thedtcomponentOption

The component limits the output of a command to the results from specific system components.

Using the command show trace component ucm:CallManager and the system components shown in the following list, you receive the following information:

  • Unified CVP Call Server: No Information Returned

  • Unified Call Manager: Information Returned

  • Unified CM Tomcat Server: No Information Returned

The command show trace component ucm:CallManager only returns information from the Call Manager.

The option dtcomponent (device type component option) only restricts the information from the given device type, while allowing data to be returned from other device types.

Using the above system and the command show trace dtcomponent ucm:CallManager would restrict its ucm component output to just the Call Manager, but returns information for other device types. In this example, it returns the following information for the Unified CVP Call Server and the Call Manager, but not the Unified CM Tomcat Server:

  • Unified CVP Call Server: Information Returned

  • Unified Call Manager: Information Returned

  • Unified CM Tomcat Server: No Information Returned

Configure Analysis Manager with Unified CVP

To configure Analysis Manager with Unified CVP, follow this procedure:


Step 1

From the Unified Analysis Manager menu, choose Inventory > Node.

The Node window appears.

Step 2

Click Add to add a node or select a node from the list. Click Edit to edit an existing configuration.

The Add or Edit Node window appears.


Fields on this window that are marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields.

Step 3

From the Product Type drop-down list box, select CVP.

Step 4

In the IP/Host Name field, enter the host name or the IP address of the Unified CVP OAMP box.

Step 5

In the Transport Protocol field, select the protocol you want to use. Use the default value populated (HTTPS).

Step 6

In the Port Number field, enter the port number of the node you are using.


Use the default value populated (8111).

Step 7

Enter the user name as wsmadmin and enter the OAMP password. Re-enter the password in the Confirm Password field.

Step 8

In the Description field, you can optionally provide a brief description of the node you are adding.

Step 9

In the Associated Call Record Server and Associated Trace File Server fields, use the drop-down list to select the respective servers you want to use for the node.

Step 10

To add a node to an existing group, check the Associated Group check box.

Step 11

If you have a NAT or Terminal Server configuration, use the Advanced button to display the Add Node-Advanced screen. Enter the appropriate information in the Alternate IP/Hostname and Alternate Port fields.

Step 12

Click Save to save the node to the list. Click Cancel to end the operation without adding the node.

System CLI Commands Map to IOS CLI Commands

The following table maps the System CLI commands to their corresponding IOS CLI commands:

System CLI Commands

IOS CLI Commands

show config

show running-config

show version

show version

show clock

show license

show license

show perf

show call resource voice stat

show memory statistics

show processes cpu history

show processes memory sorted

show voice dsp group all

show voice dsp voice

show debug

show debug

show log


show sessions

show call active voice compact

show voice call status | inc calls

show voip rtp connections | inc connect

sh sip-ua calls | inc calls

show tech-support

show tech-support

<Everything else given above>

show trace

show logging

show platform

show diag

sh inventory

sh int | inc media type|Ethernet|address

sh controllers T1 | inc T1

sh controllers E1 | inc E1


0 no debug all

1 -

deb ccsip err

deb cch323 err

deb voip app vxml err

deb http client err

deb mrcp err

deb rtsp err

deb h225 asn1 err

deb h245 asn1 err

2 -

debug isdn q931

debug h225 events

debug h245 events

debug voip ccapi inout

debug vtsp events

3 -

debug ccsip messages

debug h225 q931

debug h225 asn1

debug h245 asn1