Domain Manager

Domain Manager Tool Functionality

The Domain Manager Tool performs the following functions:

  • Creates a Cisco Root OU named Cisco_ICM in the domain. After Domain Manager creates this root OU, it also creates two domain local security groups:

    • Cisco_ICM_Config

    • Cisco_ICM_Setup

  • Creates a facility OU under the Cisco Root OU, and creates two domain local security groups:

    • <Facility name>_Config

    • <Facility name>_Setup

    The Domain Manager adds the <Facility name>_Setup group to the <Facility name>_Config group. The Domain Manager also adds security groups as follows:

    • Adds Cisco_ICM_Config group to <Facility name>_Config

    • Adds Cisco_ICM_Setup group to <Facility name>_Setup

  • Creates an instance OU under each facility OU, and creates three domain local security groups:

    • <Facility name>_<Instance name>_Config

    • <Facility name>_<Instance name>_Setup

    • <Facility name>_<Instance name>_Service

    The Domain Manager also performs the following operations:

    • Adds <Facility name>_<Instance name>_Setup to <Facility name>_<Instance name>_Config, because the setup group needs the permissions for the config group.

    • <Facility name>_Config group to <Facility name>_<Instance name>_Config

    • <Facility name>_Setup group to <Facility name>_<Instance name>_Setup

    The config security group has domain read write permission, so that the user in that group can create a users group as well as OUs in the domain.

For more information, see the chapter Organizational Units.

Open the Domain Manager

To run the Domain Manager, you must be a Domain admin or a domain user who has domain read write permission, so you can create OUs and groups.


You can open the Domain Manager in the following ways:

  • Open the Domain Manager application from the Cisco Unified Tools folder.
  • Access through Start > Programs > Cisco Unified CCE Tools > Domain Manager.


When the Domain Manager dialog box opens, multiple domains might display in the domain tree in the left pane of the dialog box. The default domain displayed is the domain the current user is logged into.

Domain Manager Window

The Domain Manager dialog box displays the current domain and the Cisco Unified ICM related OUs contained in the domain.

Figure 1. Domain Manager Dialog Box

Domain Manager Tree

The Domain Manager tree display provides a quick view of the Unified ICM created AD OUs and groups in the selected domains. You can display Multiple domains in the tree. The default domain displayed is the current machine domain. When you first expand a domain node, it is validated. The OU Validation Errors dialog box appears only if the error is due to missing or incorrect OU hierarchy information.

A context menu displays when you right-click any object in the Domain Manager tree. These menus provide additional functionality specific to the following level:

  • Domains

    • Add Cisco Root

    • Refresh

  • Cisco Root

    • Remove Cisco Root

    • Add Facility

    • Security Information

    • Properties

  • Facility

    • Remove Facility

    • Add Instance

    • Security Information

  • Instance

    • Service Log On Properties

    • Security Information

    • Remove Instance

  • Security group

    • Security Group Members

    • Properties

Table 1. Domain Manager Dialog Box Properties




To add or remove a domain from the Domain Manager tree, click Select. The Select Domains dialog box appears. For more information, seeView Domains.

Cisco Root

To add the Cisco Root when you select a domain that does not already have the Cisco Root, click Add. The Select OU dialog box appears (for more information, seeCreate or Add Cisco Root). To remove the selected Cisco Root and all of its facilities and instances, click Remove.


To add a new facility, select the Cisco Root OU then click Add. The Enter Facility Name dialog box appears (for more information, seeCreate or Add Facility OU). To remove the selected facility and all of its instances, click Remove.


To add an instance, select a facility in the Domain tree display, then click Add. The Add Instance dialog box appears (for more information, seeCreate Instance OU). To remove the selected instance, click Remove.

Security group

Click Members to display the Security Group Members dialog box (for more information, seeAdd Users to Security Group) where you assign users to security groups.

View Domains


Step 1

Open the Domain Manager.

Step 2

In the right top pane of the Domain Manager, click Select.

The Select Domains dialog box opens.
Figure 2. Select Domains Dialog Box

You can now add or remove domains for use with the system software.

Table 2. Select Domain Dialog Box Properties



Enter domain name:

Allows you to enter fully qualified domain name. After you enter the qualified domain name, click Add. The domain appears in the Choose domains list.

Filter domain choices

  • Forest – Filters the Choose domains list to display only domains in the same forest.

  • Trusted – Filters the Choose domains list to display only trusted domains.

  • Both – Filters the Choose domains list to display both forest and trusted domains.

Choose domains:

Choose a domain from the displayed list:

  • Add > — Adds domains selected in the Choose domains list to the Selected domains list.

  • < Remove — Removes selected domains from the Selected domains list.

  • Add All >> — Adds all the domains in the Choose domains list to the Selected domains list.

  • << Remove All — Moves all the domains from the Selected domains list to the Choose domains list.

Selected domains:

Displays a list of all the selected domains.

For more information, see the chapter Domain Manager.

Add Domain to a View

You can add domains by using the controls in the Select Domains dialog box. Follow these steps to add a domain:


Step 1

In the left pane under Choose domains, select one or more domains.

Step 2

Click Add > to add the selected domains, or click Add All >> to add all the domains.

You can also manually type in a domain to add to a view instead of clicking.

Step 3

In the field under Enter domain name, enter the fully qualified domain name to add.

Step 4

Click Add.

Step 5

Click OK.

The added domains now appear in the Domain Manager dialog box. You can then add the Cisco Root OU.

Remove Domain from a View

You can remove domains by using the controls in the Select Domains dialog box. Follow these steps to remove a domain:


Step 1

In the Select Domains dialog box, in right pane under Selected domains:, select one or more domains.

Step 2

Click <Remove to remove the selected domains, or click <<Remove All to remove all the domains.

Step 3

Click OK.

The removed domains no longer appear in the Domain Manager dialog box.

Create or Add Cisco Root

You can create the Cisco Root OU either in the domain root, or beneath another OU in the domain.


The user who creates the Cisco Root OU automatically becomes a member of the Setup Security Group for the Cisco Root OU. In effect, this user is granted privileges to all Unified ICM tasks in the domain.


Step 1

Select the domain you want to add.

If the current domain, which the Domain Manager loads by default, is not the domain to which you want to add a root, then add a domain to the view.

Step 2

Click the Cisco Root Add button. This displays the Select OU dialog box.

Step 3

Click Add to add the Root.

The Select Organizational Unit dialog box appears.

Figure 3. Select OU Dialog Box
Step 4

Select the OU under which you want to create the Cisco Root OU, then click OK.

When you return to the Unified ICM Domain Manager dialog box, the Cisco Root OU appears either at the domain root, or under the OU you selected in step 3. You can now add facilities and configure security groups.


The Domain Administrator is made a member of the Setup group as well.

To access the Cisco Root Properties, right-click the Root node in the main dialog box and select Properties. Add is disabled if the Root already exists.

Remove Cisco Root


Only users with administrative control at the level above the Cisco Root OU can delete the Cisco Root OU.


Step 1

Open the Domain Manager.

Step 2

Select the root in the tree.

Step 3

In the right pane under Cisco Root, click Remove.

You are prompted to confirm the removal of the Cisco_ICM OU.


All Unified ICM instances in this domain will no longer work properly if the OU is removed. All users, groups, and other objects in this OU will also be deleted.

Step 4

Click OK to confirm the removal.

Create or Add Facility OU

You create a Facility OU to group one or more Instance OUs.


You must create at least one Facility OU before you can create a Unified ICM instance.

You must create the Cisco Root OU for the domain before you can create a Facility OU.


Step 1

Open the Domain Manager.

Step 2

In the tree view in the left pane, select the Cisco Root OU under which you want to create the Facility OU.

Step 3

In the right pane, under Facility, click Add.

The Enter Facility Name dialog box opens.

Figure 4. Enter Facility Name Dialog Box
Step 4

Enter the name for the facility.

Facility OU names must be 32 characters or less, and cannot contain the characters # , + " < > ; / \ [] : ? *
Step 5

Click OK.

The Facility OU is created in the OU tree and shown in the left pane, beneath the Cisco Root OU.

Remove Facility OU


Only users with administrative control at the level above the Facility OU might delete the Facility OU.


Step 1

Open the Domain Manager.

Step 2

In the tree view in the left pane, navigate down the tree to find and select the Facility OU you want to delete.

Step 3

In the right pane, under Facility, click Remove.

You are prompted to confirm the removal.


All Unified ICM instances in this facility will no longer work properly if the OU is removed. All users, groups, and other objects in this OU will also be deleted.

Step 4

Click OK to confirm the removal.

The Facility OU is removed from the tree.

Create Instance OU

You can create an Instance OU while creating a Unified ICM instance, or before you create the Unified ICM instance.


Step 1

Open the Domain Manager.

Step 2

In the tree view in the left pane, navigate to and select the Facility OU under which you want to create the Instance OU.

Step 3

In the right pane, under Instance, click Add.

The Add Instance dialog box opens.

Figure 5. Add Instance (Organizational Unit) Dialog Box
Step 4

At this point, you have two options:

  1. If you are installing Unified ICM on the current computer for the first time, under the Enter instance name radio button, enter the instance name.


    The Instance OU name must be five alpha-numeric characters or less, cannot begin with a numeric character, and cannot be a reserved name such as local or sddsn.

  2. If you are upgrading an existing Unified ICM instance, the instance is listed under the Select existing instances radio button. In this situation, select Select existing instance, then select the Unified ICM instance from the list.

Step 5

Click OK.

The Instance OU is added below the selected Facility OU.

Remove Instance OU


Step 1

Open the Domain Manager.

Step 2

In the tree view in the left pane, navigate down the tree to find and select the Instance OU you want to delete.

Step 3

In the right pane, under Instance, click Remove.

You are prompted to confirm the removal.


This Unified ICM instance will no longer work properly if the OU is removed. All users, groups, and other objects in this OU will also be deleted.

Step 4

Click OK to confirm the removal.

The Instance OU is removed from the tree.

Security Groups

A security group is a collection of domain users to whom you grant a set of permissions to perform tasks with the system software.

For each security group, you add a set of domain users who are granted privileges to the functions controlled by that security group. The Security Group Members dialog box displays the list of groups that are members of the security group selected in the Domain Manager main dialog box. You can add and remove users from the selected group using this dialog box.

Figure 6. Security Group Members Dialog Box
Table 3. Security Group Members Dialog Box Properties




Displays groups that are members of the security group selected in the Domain Manager main dialog box


Displays the name and user login name of the user.


Use this option to add members to the Security Group.


Use this option to remove members from the Security Group.


Use this option to save changes and return to Domain Manager.

Add Users to Security Group


Step 1

In the Domain Manager, select the Security Group you want to add a user to.

Step 2

Click Member in the Security Group pane of the ICM Domain Manager.

The Security Group dialog box appears.

Figure 7. Security Group Members Dialog Box
Step 3

In the Users pane, select Add.

The Add Members to Security Group dialog box appears.

Figure 8. Add Members to Security Group Dialog Box
Step 4

Select the filters that are used to create a list of users to select from.

  • Domain – Select the domain you want to add as a member to the Security Group.

  • Optional filter

    Select the optional filter you want to use:

    • <None> – No additional filter selections applied, Condition and Value inaccessible.

    • Name – Continue and search the appropriate Condition and Value. This filter is based on the username of the user.

    • User Login Name – Continue and search the appropriate Condition and Value. This filter is based on the username of the user.

  • Condition

    Select the condition to facilitate your search for the member you want to list:

    • Contains – find and list members containing the entered Value.

    • Starts with – find and list members whose name or user login name starts with the entered Value.

    • Ends with – find and list members whose name or user logon name ends with the entered Value.

  • Value

    Enter the appropriate value to search on, for example, enter the first name of the user you want to add. This value provides a list of members with that name for you to choose from.

Step 5

Select the member you want to add to the Security Group from the displayed list.

Step 6

Click OK to add the selected member to the Security Group.

Remove Members from Security Group


Step 1

In the Domain Manager, select the Security Group from which you want to remove members.

Step 2

In the Security Group pane of the Domain Manager dialog box, select Members.

The Security Group dialog box appears.

Step 3

In the Users pane, select the member you want to remove from the Security Group.

Step 4

Click Remove.

Step 5

Click OK to remove the selected member from the Security Group.

Organizational Unit Validation Errors Dialog Box

Figure 9. Organizational Unit Validation Errors Dialog Box

This dialog box appears if errors are found during OU validation.

Table 4. Organizational Unit Validation Errors Dialog Box Properties



Validation error for organizational unit:

Displays the OU containing the error found during OU validation.


Displays description of errors found during OU validation.


Displays the location of each error found during OU validation.

Do you want to fix the errors?

Four possible responses:

  • Yes – Fixes the displayed error then attempts to sequentially validate the next OU. If more errors are found, you return to this dialog box.

  • Yes to All – Recursively fixes the displayed error and any errors found during sequential validation attempts for other ICM OUs without returning to this dialog box.

  • No – Does not fix the displayed error but attempts to sequentially validate the next OU. If more errors are found, you return to this dialog box.

  • No to All – Does not fix the displayed error but recursively validates the OUs and logs any additional errors without returning you to this dialog box.