CCE Orchestration Windows OpenSSH Hardening

CCE Orchestration Windows OpenSSH Hardening

Cloud Connect server establishes a password-less Secure Shell (SSH) connection to Windows nodes (ICM and CVP) for Orchestration. This section describes the OpenSSH hardening for CCE Orchestration.

Make the following configuration changes in the OpenSSH service daemon configuration file that is located at %programdata%\ssh\sshd_config on Windows nodes and restart the OpenSSH services. See the Orchestration section in the CCE Install and Upgrade Guide for details on the OpenSSH services.


Compliance Configuration


Restrict SSH connection

AllowUsers localuser@CloudConnectIP

AllowUsers in sshd_config ensures that only the Cloud Connect server host can connect through the SSH to Windows user.


Configuration localuser@CloudConnectIP allows the remote Cloud Connect node that is specified by Cloud Connect IP to connect through SSH to my local Windows account user. Both Publisher and Subscriber of Cloud Connect must have an entry for this configuration.

Enable DNS hostname check

UseDNS yes

Setting this flag to 'Yes' ensures that the server validates the hostname or IP address combination of the client (Cloud Connect server) that is connecting to it against the DNS server.

Set the maximum number of authentication attempts

MaxAuthTries 3

Recommended MaxAuthTries is 3.

Encryption Cipher



By default, RSA is used as the default cipher while establishing SSH connection between Cloud Connect server and Windows node.

You can choose Cipher such as ECDSA. Uncomment the ECDSA and comment out RSA.


After changing the Cipher type, users have to run the command utils deployment test-connection in the Cloud Connect CLI, from both publisher and subscriber against this particular Windows node to make sure that the new Cipher is used for the security handshake. See CCE Install and Upgrade Guide for details on the CLI.



While you upgrade the ICM or Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal, the latest version will not retain the custom configuration modified on the setting %programdata%\ssh\sshd_config. Back up the file sshd_config before the upgrade, and post upgrade restore the sshd_config file or redo the custom changes on sshd_config after upgrade.

Restart the OpenSSH services after updating sshd_config, and run the commandutils deployment test-connection from both publisher and subscriber nodes of Cloud Connect against the window node.

Common Vulnerability and Exposures (CVE-2023-48795) for OpenSSH

Use the following set of strong ciphers and MACs in the sshd_config file to avoid weak ciphers:



You should use the below format.

Ciphers aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,,


Below vulnerable ciphers can be disabled (either removed or commented) if the ciphers are present in the %programdata%\ssh\sshd_config file:

If these ciphers do not exist in the sshd_config file, you can ignore the change.

By default, OpenSSH services are enabled for ICM and CVP nodes. Hence, the following OpenSSH versions that are packaged with ICM and CVP are marked as affected versions:

  • OpenSSH for Release 12.6(1)

  • OpenSSH for Release 12.6(2)

If the ciphers are not present in the sshd_config file, by default all the allowed ciphers are used. Hence, to avoid the weak ciphers, it is recommended to update the strong ciphers in the sshd_config file.

Restricting Access to OpenSSH sshd_config

Initially, appropriate user-based permissions have been configured for sshd_config during the installation of OpenSSH via the installation of CVP or ICM mandatory ES used for onboarding the Windows nodes to Cloud Connect for Orchestration.

In case if the platform Orchestration administrator user is changed by the administrator, then the permissions must be set to restrict access to OpenSSH sshd_config for the new user. To restrict the access to OpenSSH sshd_config perform the following steps:


Step 1

Log in to Windows node (CVP or ICM) with new platform Orchestration administrator user.

Step 2

Launch PowerShell in administrator mode.

Step 3

Navigate to the default installation directory of OpenSSH (for example: C:\icm\install\OpenSSH-Win64 in case of ICM).

Step 4

Run the command Import-Module .\OpenSSHUtils.psd1 -Force.

Step 5

Run the command Repair-SshdConfigPermission -FilePath C:\ProgramData\ssh\sshd_config.

Step 6

Press the Enter key to select the default option "Y" for queries on inheritance and access restriction.

On successful execution of the above command, %programdata%\ssh\sshd_config is set with restricted access.

Step 7

Restart the OpenSSH services. See the Orchestration section in CCE Install and Upgrade Guide for details on the OpenSSH services.

Step 8

Run the command utils deployment test-connection in Cloud Connect CLI, from both publisher and subscriber against this particular Windows node. This is to make sure the Cloud Connect server is able to establish password-less Secure Shell (SSH) connection to Windows nodes (ICM and CVP) for Orchestration.