Precision Queue API

Precision Queue API

Precision queues help direct incoming callers to appropriate agents, as they match specific agent attributes with caller requirements. If a precision queue requires an agent who lives in Boston and who speaks fluent Spanish, then an agent with the attributes Boston = True and Spanish = True is a good match.

Use the Precision Queue API to list the precision queues currently defined in the database, define new precision queues, and view, edit, and delete existing precision queues.




  • create: Creates one precision queue.

  • delete: Marks one precision queue for deletion, but does not permanently delete it. Deleting a precision queue that is referenced dynamically in a script is allowed. No new calls are queued against it, but the precision queue remains operational until calls are no longer in the queue.

  • get: Returns one precision queue, using the URL https://<server>/unifiedconfig/config/precisionqueue/<id>.

    • Query parameters:

      • agentcount: Use this query parameter to have the agent count parameter included in the response; for example, agentcount=true.

      • attributes: Use this query parameter to have the attribute parameter included in the response; for example, attributes=true.

      • skillgroups: Use this query parameter to augment the returned precision queue attributes with an id listing of all skillgroups that are associated with the precision queue; for example, skillgroups=true.

  • list: Retrieves a list of precision queues. Query parameters described above for the get operation are also allowed for list.

  • update: Updates one precision queue.


Precision queue parameters:

  • refURL: The refURL of the precision queue. See Shared Parameters.

  • name: The name of the precision queue. See Shared Parameters.

  • changeStamp: See Shared Parameters.

  • description: See Shared Parameters.

  • mediaRoutingDomain: A reference to the media routing domain (Media Routing Domain API) including the name and refURL. See References.

    • Defaults to Cisco_Voice MRD if this parameter is not provided.

    • This reference cannot be updated.

  • bucketInterval: A reference to a bucket interval (Bucket Interval API), including the refURL and name. See References.

  • agentCount: Returns agent count for the precision queue. Returned only when using the agentcount query parameter.

  • agentOrdering: Determines the order in which agents receive calls from this queue.

    • 1: LAA (Agent availability time)

    • 2: Most skilled agent

    • 3: Least skilled agent

  • callOrdering: Determines the order of calls in this precision queue.

    • 1: Top priority in queue. This is the default value.

  • id: The database id of the precision queue. Read-only field. Used in scripting.

  • attributes: A collection of attribute names (attribute1, attribute2, and so on) indicating all attributes used in this precision queue. Returned only when the query parameter attributes=true.

  • serviceLevelThreshold: Maximum time in seconds that a caller should wait before being connected with an agent.

  • serviceLevelType: This value indicates how the system calculates the service level.

    • 1: Ignore abandoned calls.

    • 2: Abandoned call has negative impact.

    • 3: Abandoned call has positive impact.

  • skillgroups: A collection of skill groups associated with this precision queue, including the id of each skill group. Returned only when the query parameter skillgroups=true.

  • steps: Required. A collection of steps for this precision queue. You can have 1-10 steps. Returned only for get operation. See the Step parameters below.

Step parameters:

  • waitTime: Time in seconds to wait before proceeding to the next step.

  • considerIf: A Consider If expression which must be met to run a particular step. Items used in the expression are case sensitive. You cannot add an expression to the last step.

  • terms: Required. A collection of terms for this step. Each step can have 1-10 terms. See the Term parameters below.

Term parameters:

  • attribute: A reference to the attribute (Attribute API), including the refURL, name, description, and dataType. Multiple unique attributes can be used across all terms in a precision queue.

  • parenCount: Denotes a parenthesis before or after this term. A value of 1 means a parenthesis before the current term, and a value of -1 means a parenthesis after the current term. The sum of all parenCount for all terms in a step must be equal to zero, meaning that all parenthesis in the expression are matched. For example, a step to check for agents that have (sales > 7 or expertSales = true) and english = true requires 3 terms with the parenCount set to 1 on the first term, -1 on the second term, and 0 on the last term.

  • termRelation: Indicates the relationship of this term to the preceding term, using the following values:

    • 0: None. Valid only on the first term in a step.

    • 1: AND

    • 2: OR

  • attributeRelation: Indicates what kind of comparison is done on the attribute, using the following values:

    • 1: Equal

    • 2: Not equal

    • 3: Less than

    • 4: Less than or equal

    • 5: Greater than

    • 6: Greater than or equal

  • value1: The value that the attribute is tested against. For boolean attributes, this value must be true/false. For proficiency attributes, this value must be 1-10.

Search and Sort Values

The following table shows the parameters that are searched and the parameters that are sortable.

Search parameters Sort parameters
  • name

  • description

  • name (default)

  • description

See Search and Sort.

Example Get Response

   <description>This is a practice precision queue</description>