Unified CCE User Integration for Unified Intelligence Center

User Authentication

Any user who is imported with the Unified CCE User Integration feature can log in. After they are integrated, Unified CCE supervisors can log into Unified Intelligence Center with their Active Directory user ID and password.

Unified CCE User Integration

The Unified CCE user integration feature imports supervisors and their teams from Unified ICM/Unified CCE from the Unified ICM Configuration Manager and database into Unified Intelligence Center.

Supervisors are automatically given Unified Intelligence Center user roles and can log in to Unified Intelligence Center to access collections and run reports for their agent teams.


  • You cannot run User Integration until you upload the license for Unified Intelligence Center.

  • There are five tasks in the initial setup for Unified CCE User Integration. Some are performed in the Administration interface. Some are performed in the Reporting interface. As the System Application User has access to both interfaces, it is efficient for that user to set up Unified CCE User Integration.

The tasks are to:

  • Enable Unified CCE User Integration in the Administration interface.

  • Complete the configuration of the Unified CCE Historical Data Source in the Reporting Interface.

  • Synchronize Users in the Administration Interface.

  • Validate Collections of Agents and Agent Teams in the Reporting Interface.

  • Set up a synchronization schedule in the Administration Interface.

Results of Unified CCE User Integration:

  • Integrated Supervisors can sign in to Unified Intelligence Center Reporting (provided their Active Directory authentication is configured).

  • Integrated Supervisors are added to the Unified Intelligence Center Reporting User List with the roles of Report Designer and Dashboard Designer.

  • The Unified Intelligence Center Value Lists page is updated with Agents and Agent Teams collections.

  • I

    ntegrated Supervisors can view their Agents and Agent Teams collections (Unified IC Reporting > Value Lists drawer).

  • Integrated Supervisors are granted permissions only to the Agents and Agent Teams collections that they own.

After you configure the Unified CCE User Integration schedule, Unified Intelligence Center updates with every synchronization the changes to supervisors and their teams.

Enable Unified CCE User Integration

Users who you configure as agent supervisors in Unified CCE Configuration manager and save in the Unified ICM database can be integrated into Unified Intelligence Center.

To enable Unified CCE user integration:


Step 1

Log in to CUIC OAMP.

Step 2

From the Administration application, click Cluster Configuration > UCCE User Integration.

Step 3

Click Enable UCCE User Integration.

Step 4

Optionally, set the schedule for time of day and days of the week when you want to user integration. (You can return to this page and set the schedule later, after you configure the Unified CCE Historical Data Source.)

Step 5

Click Save.

Step 6

Do not click Synchronize Now. (You must first configure the Unified CCE Historical data source.)

What to do next

Set up security for remote database.

Set Up User Roles, Permissions, and Groups

Unified Intelligence Center users who correspond to Unified CCE supervisors are created by Unified CCE User Integration and have the Report Designer and Dashboard Designer roles.

Data Collections

When you implement the Unified CCE User Integration feature, the Unified Intelligence Center Value List page is updated with collection values for Agent and Agent Teams value lists.


When you use the Unified CCE User Synchronization feature, the Agent and Agent Team Value Lists are populated with collections for all agents and agent teams that were imported for all Unified ICM supervisors

All Collections Panel

The All Collections panel displays when you select a Value List and click Collections. Doing this extends the Value List page so that it displays any All Collections for that Value List. The collections are presented in two panels: Collection Name and Collection Type.


Collections imported by Unified CCE User Integration are called System collections. You cannot delete or modify these collections as they are pulled from Unified ICM configuration data.

Actions for Collections

  • Create—click this to open the Create/Edit Collection Page.

  • Edit—select a collection name and click this to open the Create/Edit Collection Page. This button is disabled for System collections imported by Unified CCE User Integration.

  • Delete—select a collection and click this to confirm the deletion. If you delete a Collection, it does not appear as a filtering option for a report. This button is disabled for System collections imported by UCCE User Integration.

  • Populate Values—This button is enabled only for Collections of Type Identifier and Wildcard. This button is disabled for System collections imported by Unified CCE User Integration.

  • Show Values—select a collection and click this to see all the values in that collection; for example, to see all agents in an Agent Team collection.

Collections from Unified CCE User Integration

If you implement Unified CCE User Integration, the stock Agent and Agent Teams Value Lists are updated with collections of agents and agent teams that are automatically created from the synchronization.

The collections that are imported from the synchronization are identified as system collections and do not affect any custom collections you might have created for the Agent or Agent Teams Value Lists.

Supervisors who are imported with Unified CCE User Integration become Unified Intelligence Center Dashboard Designer and Report Designer Users. As Report Designer Users, they have execute access for the Value List drawer and for the Agent and Agent Team collections for which they are supervisors.

All imported Supervisors have execute permission for all Value Lists. However, for the imported team collections under the Agents and Agent Teams Value Lists, only the Supervisors for those teams have execute permission to those Collections.

The system collections for Agent and Agent Team that are created by Unified CCE User Integration are distinguished from the custom Agent and Agent Team collections in that you cannot edit, delete, or modify the system collections.

User List Page

The first time the Super User administrator who installed the system opens this page, the list is populated with his or her name and with the names of all Supervisors who integrated from Unified CCE (if the initial User Integration has been run).

Unified CCE User Integration is configured and scheduled in the Unified Intelligence Center Operations Console (Cluster Configuration > ICM User Integration). It is documented in the online help for the Operations Console.