
Uninstallation of Unified ICM/CCE base version 12.5(1)

Uninstallation of Unified ICM/CCE base of 12.5(1) is not supported for Unified CCE components that are deployed on Windows Server using the ICM-CCE-Installer. However, support for uninstallation and re-installation of client installer packages like Administration Client and Internet Script Editor continues.


The option to roll back to previous versions is only available with minor and maintenance releases.

Prerequisite for Uninstallation of CCE 12.6(2) Maintenance Release

If you have enabled the optional feature Outbound Option High Availability, you must disable it before you uninstall Unified ICM 12.6(2). From Unified CCE Web Setup, choose Component Management > Loggers. Select a logger that is enabled for High Availability, and click Next until the Additional Options page appears. Uncheck the Enable High Availability check box. Perform this action for each logger enabled for Outbound Option High Availability.

If you are planning to roll back to previous version of CCE Release 12.6(2), do the following:

  1. Export the certificates of all the components imported into the truststore. To export the certificate, use the command:
    keytool -export -keystore <ICM install Dir>\ssl\cacerts -alias <alias of the component> -file <filepath>.cer
  2. Enter the truststore password when prompted.

After the roll back, do the following:

  1. Import the certificates exported in step 1 above, into the JRE keystore. To import the certificate, use the command:
    keytool -import -keystore <Oracle/OpenJDK JRE path>\lib\security\cacerts -file <filepath>.cer -alias <alias>
  2. Enter the keystore password when prompted.

  3. Enter yes when prompted to trust the certificate.


You don't need to reimport the certificates if you are rolling back to CCE 12.5(1a) or 12.6(1). Also, if you have already installed ES55 (mandatory OpenJDK ES), you don't need to reimport the certificate when you roll back to CCE 12.5(1).

Uninstall Unified CCE 12.6(2)


Step 1

Log in to your system as a user with administrative privileges.

Step 2

Choose Control Panel > Programs and Features > Cisco ICM Maintenance Release ICM 12.6(2) > Uninstall.

The InstallShield Wizard launches.

Step 3

On the confirmation window, click Yes.

Step 4

(Optional) On the Installation Messages window, click Next.

Post Installation Window specifies if any service is set to manual. A pop-up window displays a notification that some services were automatically changed to manual as part of the uninstallation. Make sure that both A and B sides of your system operate properly after uninstalling Unified CCE 12.6(2). Then, set the Unified ICM services that were changed during the uninstallation back to their original setting (Automatic).

Step 5

At the prompt, restart the machine.

The Unified CCE 12.6(2) application is uninstalled from your machine.


Before you uninstall, ensure to set ECDSA enabled registry to false, and re-boot the box. Once the re-boot is complete, check the registry and set it to "false".

The ECDSA registry path is HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Cisco Systems, Inc.\ICM\Cisco SSL Configuration