All Fields Historical Reports

Agent Answers Analytics Report

The Agent Answers Analytics report helps you understand the impact of the Agent Answers services on an agent's performance. It allows you to compare an agent's handle time when Agent Answers was enabled vs. when Agent Answers was disabled. You can select Agent Answers views to display the data in a monthly report.


The report is built on the Termination Call Detail table. The report response time can be more than 10 minutes based on the Termination Call Detail table's data size. For this reason, it has to be run as a scheduled report on HDS-DDS when the call volume is less.


To improve the query performance, you can create additional indexes on the Termination Call Detail table. Use the following queries to create the index:

CREATE INDEX XIE5Termination_Call_Detail ON t_Termination_Call_Detail

CREATE INDEX XIE6Termination_Call_Detail ON t_Termination_Call_Detail

Adding the indexes consume additional database space. For this reason, include the space consumed by the new indexes in your overall database size allocation.

Create these indexes only on the HDS-DDS from where you run this report.

If you do not plan to run this report any longer, use the following commands to drop the indexes from the Termination Call Detail table:
DROP INDEX XIE5Termination_Call_Detail ON t_Termination_Call_Detail
DROP INDEX XIE6Termination_Call_Detail ON t_Termination_Call_Detail

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Views: This report has the following views:

  • Agent Answers Analytics report (Grid view)

  • Agent Answers Analytics Handled Time (Line Chart)

  • Agent Answers Analytics Call Type (Column Chart)

  • Agent Answers Analytics Agent (Column Chart)

Grouping: This report is grouped by DateTime, Agent, Agent Team and Call Type.

Value List: Call Type and Agent Team

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Person

  • Agent

  • Agent_Team

  • Termination_Call_Details

  • Call_Type

Available Fields in the Agent Answers Analytics Grid View

Available Fields in the Agent Answers Analytics Report

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. The following current fields are listed in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)



The date and time of the data for a selected row in the MMM-YYYY format.

Derived from: Termination_Call_Details.DateTime


The enterprise name of the Agent Team.

Derived from Termination_Call_Details.AgentTeamID.


The last name and first name of the agent.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Person.LastName + ", " + Person.FirstName.

Call Type

The enterprise name of the call type used by calls handled in the selected interval (month).

Derived from: Termination_Call_Details.CallTypeID

Total contacts handled

Total number of contacts handled in the selected interval.

This is a calculated field derived from: Total Contacts Handled when Agent Answers Services were Enabled + Total Contacts Handled when Agent Answers Services were Disabled.

Total contacts handled when Agent Answers Services were Disabled

The total number of contacts handled in the selected interval when the Agent Answers services were disabled.

Derived from Termination_Call_Details.AgentAnswersEnabled='N' or Termination_Call_Details.AgentAnswersEnabled is NULL

Average Handled Time when Agent Answers Services were Disabled

The average time an agent spent handling calls in the selected interval while the Agent Answers services were disabled.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Total Duration (Termination_Call_Details.TalkTime + Termination_Call_Details.HoldTime + Termination_Call_Details.WorkTime) when Agent Answers Services were Disabled/Total Contacts Handled by Agent Answers Service were Disabled.

Total contacts handled when Agent Answers Services were Enabled

The total number of contacts handled in the selected interval when the Agent Answers services were enabled.

Derived from Termination_Call_Details.AgentAnswersEnabled='Y'

Average Handled Time when Agent Answers Services were Enabled

The average time an agent spent handling calls in the selected interval while the Agent Answers services were enabled.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Total Duration (Termination_Call_Details.TalkTime + Termination_Call_Details.HoldTime + Termination_Call_Details.WorkTime) when Agent Answers Services were Enabled/Total Contacts Handled when Agent Answers Services were Enabled.

Available Fields in the Agent Answers Analytics Grid View

Available Fields in the Agent Answers Analytics Report

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. The following current fields are listed in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)



The date and time of the data for a selected row in the MMM-YYYY format.

Derived from: Termination_Call_Details.DateTime


The enterprise name of the Agent Team.

Derived from Termination_Call_Details.AgentTeamID.


The last name and first name of the agent.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Person.LastName + ", " + Person.FirstName.

Call Type

The enterprise name of the call type used by calls handled in the selected interval (month).

Derived from: Termination_Call_Details.CallTypeID

Total contacts handled

Total number of contacts handled in the selected interval.

This is a calculated field derived from: Total Contacts Handled when Agent Answers Services were Enabled + Total Contacts Handled when Agent Answers Services were Disabled.

Total contacts handled when Agent Answers Services were Disabled

The total number of contacts handled in the selected interval when the Agent Answers services were disabled.

Derived from Termination_Call_Details.AgentAnswersEnabled='N' or Termination_Call_Details.AgentAnswersEnabled is NULL

Average Handled Time when Agent Answers Services were Disabled

The average time an agent spent handling calls in the selected interval while the Agent Answers services were disabled.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Total Duration (Termination_Call_Details.TalkTime + Termination_Call_Details.HoldTime + Termination_Call_Details.WorkTime) when Agent Answers Services were Disabled/Total Contacts Handled by Agent Answers Service were Disabled.

Total contacts handled when Agent Answers Services were Enabled

The total number of contacts handled in the selected interval when the Agent Answers services were enabled.

Derived from Termination_Call_Details.AgentAnswersEnabled='Y'

Average Handled Time when Agent Answers Services were Enabled

The average time an agent spent handling calls in the selected interval while the Agent Answers services were enabled.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Total Duration (Termination_Call_Details.TalkTime + Termination_Call_Details.HoldTime + Termination_Call_Details.WorkTime) when Agent Answers Services were Enabled/Total Contacts Handled when Agent Answers Services were Enabled.

Agent Historical All Fields

The Agent Historical All Fields report presents a historical view of the activity of selected agents, showing each agent's skill groups, completed tasks, and agent state times.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous Block type query.

Views: This report has one grid view, Agent Historical All Fields.

Grouping: This report is grouped and sorted by agent name and then by skill group.

Value List: Agents

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Agent

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Interval

  • Skill_Group

  • Person

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Agent_Interval

  • Precision_Queue

Available Fields in the Agent Historical All Fields Grid View

In addition to the fields that appear by default as Current, most Available fields in this report are derived from the Agent_Interval and Agent_Skill_Group_Interval tables.

The Handled field is derived from CallsHandled in the Agent_Skill_Group_Interval table.

Handled is the number of inbound calls that were answered and have completed wrap-up by agents in the skill group during the interval.

The Wrap Time field is a calculated field derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime.

Wrap Time is the total time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that the agent spent in wrap-up on incoming and outgoing tasks in the interval.

Current Fields in the Agent Historical All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)



The last name and first name of the agent.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Person.LastName + ", " + Person.FirstName.

Precision Queue/Skill Group

The agent skill group's enterprise name.

Derived from Skill_Group.EnterpriseName.


The names of the attributes used in the precision queue definition. The report shows only those attributes that are used.


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from Agent_Interval.DateTime.



The number of inbound calls that were answered and have completed wrap-up by agents during the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled.

Average Handle Time

The average time spent by the agent in handling a task in the interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

This field is a calculated field, derived from



The number of incoming calls to this agent that were placed on hold in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.IncomingCallsOnHold.

Average Hold Time

The average time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that calls were put on hold in the interval, for all incoming calls that included hold time.

This field is a calculated field, derived from


Abandon Ring

For voice: the total number of calls that were abandoned while the agent's phone was ringing.

For non-voice: the total number of tasks that were abandoned while being offered to an agent.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonRingCalls.


The number of tasks that left the agent's phone or terminal that were redirected to another dialed number because of no answer in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.RedirectNoAnsCalls.

Abandon Hold

The number of Unified ICM routed calls to the agent that were abandoned while the call was on hold and the number of paused tasks that the agent ended in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonHoldCalls.

Transfer In

The number of incoming calls that were transferred to this agent from other agents within the same peripheral that did not go to IVR for queuing in the interval. This value is updated when the agent completes the call.

For blind transfers in the Unified CCE with a Unified CCE System PG, this field updates when the call that was blind transferred to an IVR is subsequently transferred to another agent and the agent answers the call. For this call scenario, this field is not updated in the Unified CCE without a Unified CCE System PG.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredInCalls.

Transfer Out

The number of calls this agent transferred to another agent, precision queue, or skill group in the interval. This includes Consultative Calls if this transfer was consultative-not blind. The value is updated at the time the agent completes the transfer of the call.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredOutCalls + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.NetTransferredOutCalls.

External Out

The number of outgoing external calls that this agent made in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AgentOutCalls.


Logged On Time

The total time during the interval the agent was logged in, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.


The percentage of time that the agent spent talking on calls in relation to the agent's LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from:(Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkInTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOutTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOtherTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkAutoOutTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkPreviewTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkReserveTime) / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.


The percentage of time that the agent put a call on hold or paused a task in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HoldTime/Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTimeTime.

%Not Active

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Not Active or Available state in relation to LoggedOnTime. Applies to all skill groups and precision queues.

This field is a calculated field derived from Agent_Interval.AvailTime/Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

%Not Ready

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Not Ready state in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less. Applies to all skill groups and precision queues.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Interval.NotReadyTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.


The percentage of time that the agent spent in Reserved state waiting for task from this skill group or precision queue in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime /Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

%Wrap Up

The percentage of time that the agent spent in Wrap-up state after an incoming or outgoing call to or from this skill group or precision queue in relation to LoggedOnTime.

The agent state time percentages in the Report Summary row add up to 100 percent only after you select all the skill groups or precision queues for an agent. When viewing a subset of an agent's skill groups or precision queues, the percentages may not balance.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime)/Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

%Busy Other

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Busy Other state by handling calls assigned to other skill group or precision queue in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.BusyOtherTime/Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Available Fields in the Agent Historical All Fields Grid View

In addition to the fields that appear by default as Current, most Available fields in this report are derived from the Agent_Interval and Agent_Skill_Group_Interval tables.

The Handled field is derived from CallsHandled in the Agent_Skill_Group_Interval table.

Handled is the number of inbound calls that were answered and have completed wrap-up by agents in the skill group during the interval.

The Wrap Time field is a calculated field derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime.

Wrap Time is the total time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that the agent spent in wrap-up on incoming and outgoing tasks in the interval.

Current Fields in the Agent Historical All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)



The last name and first name of the agent.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Person.LastName + ", " + Person.FirstName.

Precision Queue/Skill Group

The agent skill group's enterprise name.

Derived from Skill_Group.EnterpriseName.


The names of the attributes used in the precision queue definition. The report shows only those attributes that are used.


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from Agent_Interval.DateTime.



The number of inbound calls that were answered and have completed wrap-up by agents during the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled.

Average Handle Time

The average time spent by the agent in handling a task in the interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

This field is a calculated field, derived from



The number of incoming calls to this agent that were placed on hold in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.IncomingCallsOnHold.

Average Hold Time

The average time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that calls were put on hold in the interval, for all incoming calls that included hold time.

This field is a calculated field, derived from


Abandon Ring

For voice: the total number of calls that were abandoned while the agent's phone was ringing.

For non-voice: the total number of tasks that were abandoned while being offered to an agent.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonRingCalls.


The number of tasks that left the agent's phone or terminal that were redirected to another dialed number because of no answer in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.RedirectNoAnsCalls.

Abandon Hold

The number of Unified ICM routed calls to the agent that were abandoned while the call was on hold and the number of paused tasks that the agent ended in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonHoldCalls.

Transfer In

The number of incoming calls that were transferred to this agent from other agents within the same peripheral that did not go to IVR for queuing in the interval. This value is updated when the agent completes the call.

For blind transfers in the Unified CCE with a Unified CCE System PG, this field updates when the call that was blind transferred to an IVR is subsequently transferred to another agent and the agent answers the call. For this call scenario, this field is not updated in the Unified CCE without a Unified CCE System PG.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredInCalls.

Transfer Out

The number of calls this agent transferred to another agent, precision queue, or skill group in the interval. This includes Consultative Calls if this transfer was consultative-not blind. The value is updated at the time the agent completes the transfer of the call.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredOutCalls + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.NetTransferredOutCalls.

External Out

The number of outgoing external calls that this agent made in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AgentOutCalls.


Logged On Time

The total time during the interval the agent was logged in, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.


The percentage of time that the agent spent talking on calls in relation to the agent's LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from:(Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkInTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOutTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOtherTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkAutoOutTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkPreviewTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkReserveTime) / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.


The percentage of time that the agent put a call on hold or paused a task in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HoldTime/Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTimeTime.

%Not Active

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Not Active or Available state in relation to LoggedOnTime. Applies to all skill groups and precision queues.

This field is a calculated field derived from Agent_Interval.AvailTime/Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

%Not Ready

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Not Ready state in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less. Applies to all skill groups and precision queues.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Interval.NotReadyTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.


The percentage of time that the agent spent in Reserved state waiting for task from this skill group or precision queue in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime /Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

%Wrap Up

The percentage of time that the agent spent in Wrap-up state after an incoming or outgoing call to or from this skill group or precision queue in relation to LoggedOnTime.

The agent state time percentages in the Report Summary row add up to 100 percent only after you select all the skill groups or precision queues for an agent. When viewing a subset of an agent's skill groups or precision queues, the percentages may not balance.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime)/Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

%Busy Other

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Busy Other state by handling calls assigned to other skill group or precision queue in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.BusyOtherTime/Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Agent Not Ready Historical

The Agent Not Ready Historical report shows the total Logged On Time, total Not Ready time, and Not Ready time for each reason code for an agent.

Views: This report has one grid view, Agent Not Ready Historical.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous Block.

Grouping: This report is grouped and sorted by Agent Name and then by Date and Time every interval.

Value List: Agent

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Agent

  • Person

  • Agent_Team_Member

  • Agent_Team

  • Agent_Interval

  • Agent_Event_Detail

Current Fields in the Agent Not Ready Historical Report

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Agent Name

The first name and last name of the agent.

Derived from: Person.LastName "," Person.FirstName


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime

Logged On Time

The total time that the agents were logged in (staffed) for the specified time period in any split/skill, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime

Not Ready Time

The total time that the agents spent in Not Ready state in all splits/skills for the specified time period. Value taken directly from the database.

Derived from: Agent_Interval.NotReadyTime

Time in

RC0 to RC9

The time that the agent spent in Not Ready state with each of the reason codes 0 - 9.

Derived from: Agent_Event_Detail


Not Ready Time spent in 50002. A CTI component failed, causing the agent to be set to Not Ready. This could be due to closing the agent desktop application, heartbeat timeout, a CTI server failure, or a CTI server client failure (such as Finesse).


Not Ready Time spent in 50003; the agent was logged out because the Unified CM reported the agent's device as out of service.


Not Ready Time spent in 50004; the agent was logged out due to agent inactivity as configured in agent desk settings.


Not Ready Time spent in 50010; the agent did not receive multiple consecutive tasks routed to him/her. The system makes the agent Not Ready automatically so that additional tasks are not routed to the agent. By default, the number of consecutive tasks missed before the agent is made Not Ready is two.


Not Ready Time spent in 50020; for deskilling operations on active agents, the agent was logged out of the skill group due to a deskilling operation that removed the skill group assignment to that agent. This reason code is used in the Agent_Event_Detail record and the Agent_Skill_Group_Logout record to identify the skill group the agent was removed from (due to the deskilling operation).


Not Ready Time spent in 50030; the agent was logged out because the agent was logged into a dynamic device target that was using the same dialed number (DN) as the PG static device target.


Not Ready Time spent in 50040; the mobile agent was logged out because the task failed.


Not Ready Time spent in 50041; the agent's state was changed to Not Ready because the task failed when the agent's phone line rings busy.


Not Ready Time spent in 50042; the mobile agent was logged out because the phone line is connected when using nailed connection mode.


Not Ready Time spent in 32767; the agent's state was changed to Not Ready because the agent did not answer a task and the task was redirected to a different agent or skill group.


Not Ready Time spent in 20001; the agent's state was changed to Not Ready and the agent was forcibly logged out.


Not Ready Time spent in 20002; the general logout reason code condition from Not Ready.


Not Ready Time spent in 20003; the agent is not in Not Ready state. A request is made to place the agent in Not Ready state and then a logout request is made to log the agent out.

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Agent Not Ready Detail

Use this report to identify how agents spend their time when they are not handling contacts. Not Ready reason codes can be used for agents to identify this time by using numeric codes to identify Break, Training, or Follow up for example. You can use this report to identify which Not Ready states agents use and how much time agents spend in each of them.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous Block.

Views: This report only has one grid view, Agent Not Ready Detail.

Grouping: This report is grouped and sorted by Agent and then by Logon Date Time.

Value List: Agent

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Agent

  • Agent_Event_Detail

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Person

  • Reason_Code

The report summarizes states by login date time. You might see one row for an agent's entire login session rather than individual rows for each state change.

An agent can have multiple records for each LogOnDateTime, including one for each MRD (such as voice or email and chat) the agent logged into.


To report on Agent Not Ready reason codes, configure the Not Ready Reason codes on the agent desktop software and in either the ICM Configuration manager (for Unified CCE) or Unified CCE Administration (for Packaged CCE).

In a Unified CCE environment, ensure that agent event detail is enabled on the peripheral. It is enabled by default in the ICM Configuration Manager only for the Unified CCE peripheral.

Available Fields in the Agent Not Ready Detail Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current. Additional Available fields in this report are:

  • EndDate This field is a calculated field derived from the SQL query.

  • Reason Code Derived from Reason_Code.ReasonCodeName (if reason code text is configured) and Agent_Event_Detail.ReasonCode.

  • Skill Target ID Derived from: Agent_Event_Detail.skilltargetid.

  • StartDate This field is a calculated field derived from the SQL query.

  • Total Time Not Ready This field is a calculated field derived from the SQL query.

Current Fields in the Agent Not Ready Detail Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)



The first and last name of the agent.

Derived from: Person.LastName "," Person.FirstName

Log On Date Time

The date and time the agent logged in, measured in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is a calculated field derived from Agent_Event_Detail.LoginDateTime.

Log On Duration

The amount of time the agent was logged in, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is a calculated field derived from ( Agent_Event_Detail.LoginDuration).

Reason Code

A code and text (if configured) from the peripheral that indicates the reason for the agent's last state change. If it is not defined, the reason code displays 0.

This field is a calculated field derived from Reason_Code.ReasonCodeName (if reason code text is configured) and Agent_Event_Detail.ReasonCode.


The amount of time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that the agent spent in the Not Ready state for the given reason.

Derived from Agent_Event_Detail.Duration.

% Log On Duration

The percent of the agent's total login session that the agent spent in the Not Ready state for the given reason.

Derived from Agent_Event_Detail.Duration / Agent_Event_Detail.LoginDuration.

% Not Ready

The percentage of time an agent spent in each Not Ready state relative to the other Not Ready states.

This field is a calculated field derived from (Agent_Event_Detail.Duration / (sum of Agent_Event_Detail.Duration for all not ready reason codes)).

Report Summary: This report has a summary row for Agent and a report summary for all data. For more information, see Report Summary Rows.

Available Fields in the Agent Not Ready Detail Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current. Additional Available fields in this report are:

  • EndDate This field is a calculated field derived from the SQL query.

  • Reason Code Derived from Reason_Code.ReasonCodeName (if reason code text is configured) and Agent_Event_Detail.ReasonCode.

  • Skill Target ID Derived from: Agent_Event_Detail.skilltargetid.

  • StartDate This field is a calculated field derived from the SQL query.

  • Total Time Not Ready This field is a calculated field derived from the SQL query.

Current Fields in the Agent Not Ready Detail Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)



The first and last name of the agent.

Derived from: Person.LastName "," Person.FirstName

Log On Date Time

The date and time the agent logged in, measured in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is a calculated field derived from Agent_Event_Detail.LoginDateTime.

Log On Duration

The amount of time the agent was logged in, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is a calculated field derived from ( Agent_Event_Detail.LoginDuration).

Reason Code

A code and text (if configured) from the peripheral that indicates the reason for the agent's last state change. If it is not defined, the reason code displays 0.

This field is a calculated field derived from Reason_Code.ReasonCodeName (if reason code text is configured) and Agent_Event_Detail.ReasonCode.


The amount of time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that the agent spent in the Not Ready state for the given reason.

Derived from Agent_Event_Detail.Duration.

% Log On Duration

The percent of the agent's total login session that the agent spent in the Not Ready state for the given reason.

Derived from Agent_Event_Detail.Duration / Agent_Event_Detail.LoginDuration.

% Not Ready

The percentage of time an agent spent in each Not Ready state relative to the other Not Ready states.

This field is a calculated field derived from (Agent_Event_Detail.Duration / (sum of Agent_Event_Detail.Duration for all not ready reason codes)).

Report Summary: This report has a summary row for Agent and a report summary for all data. For more information, see Report Summary Rows.

Agent Precision Queue Historical All Fields

Use this report to review the outcome of calls by Precision Queue and agent state percentages per Precision Queue. This report is comparable to the Agent Skill Group Historical report.

Views: This report has one grid view, Agent Precision Queue Historical All Fields.

Grouping: This report is grouped and sorted by Precision Queue and then by Agent.

Value Lists: Precision Queue, Media Routing Domain

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Agent

  • Agent_Interval

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Interval

  • Attribute

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Person

  • Precision_Queue

Available Fields in the Agent Precision Queue Historical All Fields Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that display by default as Current.

In addition to the fields that display by default as Current, most Available fields in this report are derived from the Agent_Interval and Agent_Skill_Group_Interval tables.

Handled is derived from CallsHandled in the Agent_Skill_Group_Interval table.

Handled is the number of inbound calls for which agents in the precision queue during the interval answered and completed wrap-up.

All fields, excluding one, take their value directly from the database.

Current Fields in the Agent Precision Queue Historical All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed here in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Precision Queue

The enterprise name of the Agent Precision Queue.

Derived from Precision_Queue.EnterpriseName


The first and last name of the agent.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Person.LastName+","+Person.Firstname.


The enterprise name of the Media Routing Domain associated with the agent.

Media is derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.


The date and time of the data for a selected row.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime.


The attributes used in the precision queue definition. The report shows only those attributes that are used.



The number of inbound calls for which agents in the precision queue during the interval answered and completed.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. CallsHandled

Avg Handle Time

This is a calculated field, derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled

The average time spent by the agent in handling a task in the interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).


The number of incoming calls to this agent that are placed on hold in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.IncomingCallsOnHold

Avg Hold Time

The average time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) for calls placed on hold in the interval, for all incoming calls which include hold time.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. IncomingCallsOnHoldTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.IncomingCallsOnHold)

Abandon Ring

For voice: The total number of calls that are abandoned while the agent phone is ringing.

For non-voice: The total number of tasks that are abandoned when offered to an agent.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonRingCalls


The number of tasks that left the agent phone or terminal that are redirected to another dialed number because of no answer in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.RedirectNoAnsCalls

Abandon Hold

The number of Unified ICM routed calls to the agent that are abandoned while the call is on hold and the number of paused tasks that the agent ended in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonHoldCalls

Transfer In

The number of incoming calls that are transferred to this agent from other agents within the same peripheral that do not go to VRU for queuing in the interval. This value is updated when the agent completes the call.

For blind transfers in Unified CCE with a Unified CCE System PG, this field is updated when the call that is blind transferred to a VRU is later transferred to another agent and the agent answers the call. For this call scenario this field is not updated in Unified CCE without a Unified CCE System PG.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredInCalls

Transfer Out

The number of calls this agent transferred to another agent or precision queue in the interval. This number includes consultative calls if this transfer was consultative-not blind. The value is updated at the time the agent completes the transfer of the call.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredOutCalls + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.NetTransferredOutCalls

External Out

The number of outgoing external calls that this agent made in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AgentOutCalls

Agent State Times

Logged On Time

The total time during the interval the agent was logged in, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Active

The percentage of time that the agent spent talking on calls in this precision queue in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkInTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOutTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOtherTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkAutoOutTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkPreviewTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkReserveTime) / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Hold

The percentage of time that the agent put a call on hold or paused a task in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HoldTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTimeTime

% Not Active

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the NotActive or Available state in relation to LoggedOnTime. This field applies to all precision queues.

This field is a calculated field derived from Agent_Interval.AvailTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Not Ready

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the NotReady state in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less. This field applies to all precision queues.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Interval.NotReadyTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Reserved

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Reserved state waiting for an ICM routed task from this precision queue in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Wrap Up

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Wrap-up state after an incoming or outgoing call to or from this precision queue in relation to LoggedOnTime.

The agent state time percentages in the Report Summary row add up to 100 percent only when you select all the precision queues for an agent. When you view a subset of precision queues for an agent, the percentages may not balance.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime) / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime

Report Summary: There is a summary for Precision Queue Name and a report summary for all data. See Report Summary Rows.

Available Fields in the Agent Precision Queue Historical All Fields Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that display by default as Current.

In addition to the fields that display by default as Current, most Available fields in this report are derived from the Agent_Interval and Agent_Skill_Group_Interval tables.

Handled is derived from CallsHandled in the Agent_Skill_Group_Interval table.

Handled is the number of inbound calls for which agents in the precision queue during the interval answered and completed wrap-up.

All fields, excluding one, take their value directly from the database.

Current Fields in the Agent Precision Queue Historical All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed here in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Precision Queue

The enterprise name of the Agent Precision Queue.

Derived from Precision_Queue.EnterpriseName


The first and last name of the agent.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Person.LastName+","+Person.Firstname.


The enterprise name of the Media Routing Domain associated with the agent.

Media is derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.


The date and time of the data for a selected row.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime.


The attributes used in the precision queue definition. The report shows only those attributes that are used.



The number of inbound calls for which agents in the precision queue during the interval answered and completed.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. CallsHandled

Avg Handle Time

This is a calculated field, derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled

The average time spent by the agent in handling a task in the interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).


The number of incoming calls to this agent that are placed on hold in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.IncomingCallsOnHold

Avg Hold Time

The average time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) for calls placed on hold in the interval, for all incoming calls which include hold time.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. IncomingCallsOnHoldTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.IncomingCallsOnHold)

Abandon Ring

For voice: The total number of calls that are abandoned while the agent phone is ringing.

For non-voice: The total number of tasks that are abandoned when offered to an agent.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonRingCalls


The number of tasks that left the agent phone or terminal that are redirected to another dialed number because of no answer in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.RedirectNoAnsCalls

Abandon Hold

The number of Unified ICM routed calls to the agent that are abandoned while the call is on hold and the number of paused tasks that the agent ended in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonHoldCalls

Transfer In

The number of incoming calls that are transferred to this agent from other agents within the same peripheral that do not go to VRU for queuing in the interval. This value is updated when the agent completes the call.

For blind transfers in Unified CCE with a Unified CCE System PG, this field is updated when the call that is blind transferred to a VRU is later transferred to another agent and the agent answers the call. For this call scenario this field is not updated in Unified CCE without a Unified CCE System PG.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredInCalls

Transfer Out

The number of calls this agent transferred to another agent or precision queue in the interval. This number includes consultative calls if this transfer was consultative-not blind. The value is updated at the time the agent completes the transfer of the call.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredOutCalls + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.NetTransferredOutCalls

External Out

The number of outgoing external calls that this agent made in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AgentOutCalls

Agent State Times

Logged On Time

The total time during the interval the agent was logged in, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Active

The percentage of time that the agent spent talking on calls in this precision queue in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkInTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOutTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOtherTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkAutoOutTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkPreviewTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkReserveTime) / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Hold

The percentage of time that the agent put a call on hold or paused a task in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HoldTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTimeTime

% Not Active

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the NotActive or Available state in relation to LoggedOnTime. This field applies to all precision queues.

This field is a calculated field derived from Agent_Interval.AvailTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Not Ready

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the NotReady state in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less. This field applies to all precision queues.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Interval.NotReadyTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Reserved

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Reserved state waiting for an ICM routed task from this precision queue in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Wrap Up

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Wrap-up state after an incoming or outgoing call to or from this precision queue in relation to LoggedOnTime.

The agent state time percentages in the Report Summary row add up to 100 percent only when you select all the precision queues for an agent. When you view a subset of precision queues for an agent, the percentages may not balance.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime) / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime

Report Summary: There is a summary for Precision Queue Name and a report summary for all data. See Report Summary Rows.

Agent Queue Interval

Use this report to show call dispositions and state time percentages for agents who have been assigned both skills and precision queues.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous Block.

Views: This report has one grid view, Agent Queue Interval.

Grouping: This template is grouped by agent name and then by Skill Group or Precision Queue.

Value List: Agent

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Agent

  • Agent_Interval

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Interval

  • Attribute

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Person

  • Precision Queue

  • Skill_Group

Current Fields in the Agent Queue Interval Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a grid view generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed here in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)



The first and last name of the agent.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Person.LastName+ "," +Person.FirstName.

Precision Queue / Skill Group

The enterprise name for the skill group or agent precision queue. You can identify a precision queue by the presence of Attributes next to the queue name.

Derived from Skill_Group.EnterpriseName or Precision_Queue.EnterpriseName


The attributes used in the precision queue definition. The report shows only those attributes that are used.


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hour, minute, second) format.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime.



The number of inbound calls that were answered and have completed wrap-up by agents in the skill group during the interval.

Derived from CallsHandled in the Agent_Skill_Group_Interval table.

Avg Handle Time

The average time spent by the agent in handling a task in the interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled).


The number of incoming calls to this agent that were placed on hold in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.IncomingCallsOnHold.

Avg Hold Time

The average time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that calls were put on hold in the interval, for all incoming calls which included hold time.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. IncomingCallsOnHoldTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. IncomingCallsOnHold).

Abandon Rings

For voice: the total number of calls that were abandoned while the agent's phone was ringing.

For non-voice: the total number of tasks that were abandoned while being offered to an agent.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonRingCalls.


The number of tasks that left the agent's phone or terminal that were redirected to another dialed number because of no answer in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.RedirectNoAnsCalls.

Abandon Hold

The number of Unified ICM routed calls to the agent that were abandoned while the call was on hold and the number of paused tasks that the agent ended in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonHoldCalls.

Transfer In

The number of incoming calls that were transferred to this agent from other agents within the same peripheral that did not go to IVR for queuing in the interval. This value is updated when the agent completes the call.

For blind transfers in the Unified CCE with a Unified CCE System PG, this field is updated when the call that was blind transferred to an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is later transferred to another agent and the agent answers the call. For this call scenario, this field is not updated in Unified CCE without a Unified CCE System PG.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredInCalls.

Transfer Out

The number of calls this agent transferred to another agent or skill group in the interval. This includes Consultative Calls if this transfer was consultative-not blind. The value is updated at the time the agent completes the transfer of the call.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredOutCalls + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.NetTransferredOutCalls.

External Out

The number of outgoing external calls that this agent made in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AgentOutCalls.


Logged On Time

The total time during the interval the agent was logged in, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

% Active

The percentage of time that the agent spent talking on calls in this skill group in relation to the agent's LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkInTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOutTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOtherTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkAutoOutTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkPreviewTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkReserveTime) / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

% Hold

The percentage of time that the agent has put a call on hold or paused a task in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HoldTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTimeTime.

% Not Active

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Not Active or Available state in relation to LoggedOnTime. Applies to all skill groups.

This field is a calculated field derived from (Agent_Interval.AvailTime /Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Not Ready

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Not Ready state in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less. Applies to all skill groups.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: (Agent_Interval.NotReadyTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Reserved

The percentage of time that the agent spent in Reserved state waiting for a task from this skill group in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Wrap Up

The percentage of time that the agent spent in Wrap-up state after an incoming or outgoing call to or from this skill group in relation to LoggedOnTime.

The agent state time percentages in the Report Summary row add up to 100 percent only after you select all the skill groups for an agent. When viewing a subset of an agent's skill groups, the percentages may not balance.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime +Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime) / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

Report Summary: There is a summary for all data. See Report Summary Rows.

Current Fields in the Agent Queue Interval Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a grid view generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed here in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)



The first and last name of the agent.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Person.LastName+ "," +Person.FirstName.

Precision Queue / Skill Group

The enterprise name for the skill group or agent precision queue. You can identify a precision queue by the presence of Attributes next to the queue name.

Derived from Skill_Group.EnterpriseName or Precision_Queue.EnterpriseName


The attributes used in the precision queue definition. The report shows only those attributes that are used.


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hour, minute, second) format.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime.



The number of inbound calls that were answered and have completed wrap-up by agents in the skill group during the interval.

Derived from CallsHandled in the Agent_Skill_Group_Interval table.

Avg Handle Time

The average time spent by the agent in handling a task in the interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled).


The number of incoming calls to this agent that were placed on hold in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.IncomingCallsOnHold.

Avg Hold Time

The average time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that calls were put on hold in the interval, for all incoming calls which included hold time.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. IncomingCallsOnHoldTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. IncomingCallsOnHold).

Abandon Rings

For voice: the total number of calls that were abandoned while the agent's phone was ringing.

For non-voice: the total number of tasks that were abandoned while being offered to an agent.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonRingCalls.


The number of tasks that left the agent's phone or terminal that were redirected to another dialed number because of no answer in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.RedirectNoAnsCalls.

Abandon Hold

The number of Unified ICM routed calls to the agent that were abandoned while the call was on hold and the number of paused tasks that the agent ended in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonHoldCalls.

Transfer In

The number of incoming calls that were transferred to this agent from other agents within the same peripheral that did not go to IVR for queuing in the interval. This value is updated when the agent completes the call.

For blind transfers in the Unified CCE with a Unified CCE System PG, this field is updated when the call that was blind transferred to an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is later transferred to another agent and the agent answers the call. For this call scenario, this field is not updated in Unified CCE without a Unified CCE System PG.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredInCalls.

Transfer Out

The number of calls this agent transferred to another agent or skill group in the interval. This includes Consultative Calls if this transfer was consultative-not blind. The value is updated at the time the agent completes the transfer of the call.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredOutCalls + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.NetTransferredOutCalls.

External Out

The number of outgoing external calls that this agent made in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AgentOutCalls.


Logged On Time

The total time during the interval the agent was logged in, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

% Active

The percentage of time that the agent spent talking on calls in this skill group in relation to the agent's LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkInTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOutTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOtherTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkAutoOutTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkPreviewTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkReserveTime) / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

% Hold

The percentage of time that the agent has put a call on hold or paused a task in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HoldTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTimeTime.

% Not Active

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Not Active or Available state in relation to LoggedOnTime. Applies to all skill groups.

This field is a calculated field derived from (Agent_Interval.AvailTime /Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Not Ready

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Not Ready state in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less. Applies to all skill groups.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: (Agent_Interval.NotReadyTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Reserved

The percentage of time that the agent spent in Reserved state waiting for a task from this skill group in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Wrap Up

The percentage of time that the agent spent in Wrap-up state after an incoming or outgoing call to or from this skill group in relation to LoggedOnTime.

The agent state time percentages in the Report Summary row add up to 100 percent only after you select all the skill groups for an agent. When viewing a subset of an agent's skill groups, the percentages may not balance.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime +Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime) / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

Report Summary: There is a summary for all data. See Report Summary Rows.

Agent Queue Hourly

Use this report to show call dispositions and state time percentages for agents who have been assigned both skills and precision queues.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous Block.

Views: This report has one grid view, Agent Queue Hourly.

Grouping: This template does not support grouping.

Value List: Agent

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Agent

  • Agent_Interval

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Interval

  • Attribute

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Person

  • Precision Queue

  • Skill_Group

Note: The data is summarized to hourly boundaries instead of 15 or 30-minutes interval boundaries.

Current Fields in the Agent Queue Hourly Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a grid view generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed here in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)



The first and last name of the agent.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Person.LastName+ "," +Person.FirstName.

Precision Queue /Skill Group

The enterprise name for the skill group or agent precision queue. You can identify a precision queue by the presence of Attributes next to the queue name.

Derived from Skill_Group.EnterpriseName or Precision_Queue.EnterpriseName.


The attributes used in the precision queue definition. The report shows only those attributes that are used.


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hour, minute, second) format.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime.



The number of inbound calls that were answered and have completed wrap-up by agents in the skill group during the interval.

Derived from CallsHandled in the Agent_Skill_Group_Interval table.

Average Handle Time

The average time spent by the agent in handling a task in the interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled).


The number of incoming calls to this agent that are placed on hold in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.IncomingCallsOnHold

Average Hold Time

The average time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds)during which the calls were put on hold in the interval, for all incoming calls that included hold time.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. IncomingCallsOnHoldTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. IncomingCallsOnHold).

Abandon Rings

For voice: the total number of calls that were abandoned while the agent's phone was ringing.

For non-voice: the total number of tasks that were abandoned while being offered to an agent.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonRingCalls.


The number of tasks that left the agent's phone or terminal that were redirected to another dialed number because of no answer in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.RedirectNoAnsCalls.

Abandon Hold

The number of Unified ICM routed calls to the agent that were abandoned while the call was on hold and the number of paused tasks that the agent ended in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonHoldCalls.

Transfer In

The number of incoming calls that were transferred to this agent from other agents within the same peripheral that did not go to IVR for queuing in the interval. This value is updated when the agent completes the call.

For blind transfers in the Unified CCE with a Unified CCE System PG, this field is updated when the call that was blind transferred to an IVR is later transferred to another agent and the agent answers the call. For this call scenario, this field is not updated in Unified CCE without a Unified CCE System PG.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredInCalls.

Transfer Out

The number of calls this agent transferred to another agent or skill group in the interval. This includes Consultative Calls if this transfer was consultative-not blind. The value is updated at the time the agent completes the transfer of the call.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredOutCalls + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.NetTransferredOutCalls.

External Out

The number of outgoing external calls that this agent made in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AgentOutCalls.

Agent State Times

Logged On Time

The total time during the interval the agent was logged in, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

% Active

The percentage of time that the agent spent talking on calls in this skill group in relation to the agent's LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkInTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOutTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOtherTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkAutoOutTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkPreviewTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkReserveTime) / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Hold

The percentage of time that the agent has put a call on hold or paused a task in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HoldTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTimeTime.

% Not Active

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Not Active or Available state in relation to LoggedOnTime. Applies to all skill groups.

This field is a calculated field derived from (Agent_Interval.AvailTime /Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Not Ready

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Not Ready state in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less. Applies to all skill groups.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: (Agent_Interval.NotReadyTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Reserved

The percentage of time that the agent spent in Reserved state waiting for a task from this skill group in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Wrap Up

The percentage of time that the agent spent in Wrap-up state after an incoming or outgoing call to or from this skill group in relation to LoggedOnTime.

The agent state time percentages in the Report Summary row add up to 100 percent only after you select all the skill groups for an agent. When viewing a subset of an agent's skill groups, the percentages may not balance.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime +Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime) / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

%Busy Other

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Busy Other state by handling calls assigned to other skill group or precision queue in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.BusyOtherTime/Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

There is a summary for all data. See Report Summary Rows.

Current Fields in the Agent Queue Hourly Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a grid view generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed here in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)



The first and last name of the agent.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Person.LastName+ "," +Person.FirstName.

Precision Queue /Skill Group

The enterprise name for the skill group or agent precision queue. You can identify a precision queue by the presence of Attributes next to the queue name.

Derived from Skill_Group.EnterpriseName or Precision_Queue.EnterpriseName.


The attributes used in the precision queue definition. The report shows only those attributes that are used.


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hour, minute, second) format.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime.



The number of inbound calls that were answered and have completed wrap-up by agents in the skill group during the interval.

Derived from CallsHandled in the Agent_Skill_Group_Interval table.

Average Handle Time

The average time spent by the agent in handling a task in the interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled).


The number of incoming calls to this agent that are placed on hold in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.IncomingCallsOnHold

Average Hold Time

The average time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds)during which the calls were put on hold in the interval, for all incoming calls that included hold time.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. IncomingCallsOnHoldTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. IncomingCallsOnHold).

Abandon Rings

For voice: the total number of calls that were abandoned while the agent's phone was ringing.

For non-voice: the total number of tasks that were abandoned while being offered to an agent.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonRingCalls.


The number of tasks that left the agent's phone or terminal that were redirected to another dialed number because of no answer in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.RedirectNoAnsCalls.

Abandon Hold

The number of Unified ICM routed calls to the agent that were abandoned while the call was on hold and the number of paused tasks that the agent ended in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonHoldCalls.

Transfer In

The number of incoming calls that were transferred to this agent from other agents within the same peripheral that did not go to IVR for queuing in the interval. This value is updated when the agent completes the call.

For blind transfers in the Unified CCE with a Unified CCE System PG, this field is updated when the call that was blind transferred to an IVR is later transferred to another agent and the agent answers the call. For this call scenario, this field is not updated in Unified CCE without a Unified CCE System PG.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredInCalls.

Transfer Out

The number of calls this agent transferred to another agent or skill group in the interval. This includes Consultative Calls if this transfer was consultative-not blind. The value is updated at the time the agent completes the transfer of the call.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredOutCalls + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.NetTransferredOutCalls.

External Out

The number of outgoing external calls that this agent made in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AgentOutCalls.

Agent State Times

Logged On Time

The total time during the interval the agent was logged in, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

% Active

The percentage of time that the agent spent talking on calls in this skill group in relation to the agent's LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkInTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOutTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOtherTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkAutoOutTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkPreviewTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkReserveTime) / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Hold

The percentage of time that the agent has put a call on hold or paused a task in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HoldTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTimeTime.

% Not Active

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Not Active or Available state in relation to LoggedOnTime. Applies to all skill groups.

This field is a calculated field derived from (Agent_Interval.AvailTime /Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Not Ready

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Not Ready state in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less. Applies to all skill groups.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: (Agent_Interval.NotReadyTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Reserved

The percentage of time that the agent spent in Reserved state waiting for a task from this skill group in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Wrap Up

The percentage of time that the agent spent in Wrap-up state after an incoming or outgoing call to or from this skill group in relation to LoggedOnTime.

The agent state time percentages in the Report Summary row add up to 100 percent only after you select all the skill groups for an agent. When viewing a subset of an agent's skill groups, the percentages may not balance.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime +Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime) / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

%Busy Other

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Busy Other state by handling calls assigned to other skill group or precision queue in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.BusyOtherTime/Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

There is a summary for all data. See Report Summary Rows.

Agent Skill Group Historical All Fields

Agent Skill Group Historical All Fields shows call dispositions and agent state percentages grouped by skill group and then agent.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous Block type query.

Views: This report has one grid view, Agent Skill Group Historical All Fields.

Grouping: This report is grouped and sorted by Skill Group and then by Agent.

Value Lists: Skill Group, Media Routing Domain Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Agent

  • Agent_Interval

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Interval

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Skill_Group

  • Person

Available Fields in the Agent Skill Group Historical All Fields Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current.

In addition to the fields that appear by default as Current, most Available fields in this report are derived from the Agent_Interval and Agent_Skill_Group_Interval tables.

Handled is derived from CallsHandled in the Agent_Skill_Group table.

Handled is the number of inbound calls that were answered and have completed wrap-up by agents in the skill group during the interval.

All fields but one take their value directly from the database.

The one exception is Wrap Time, which is a calculated field derived from: (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime).

Wrap Time is the total time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that the agent spent in wrap-up on incoming and outgoing tasks in the interval.

Current Fields in the Agent Skill Group Historical All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed here in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Skill Group

The agent skill group's enterprise name.

Derived from Skill_Group.EnterpriseName.


The first and last name of the agent.

This is a calculated field, derived from Person.LastName + ", " + Person.FirstName.


The enterprise name of the Media Routing Domain associated with the agent.

Media is derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hour, minute, second) format.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime.



The number of inbound calls that were answered and have completed wrap-up by agents in the skill group during the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. CallsHandled.

Avg Handle Time

The average time spent by the agent in handling a task in the interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

This is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled).


The number of incoming calls to this agent that were placed on hold in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.IncomingCallsOnHold.

Avg Hold Time

The average time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that calls were put on hold in the interval, for all incoming calls that included hold time.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. IncomingCallsOnHoldTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.IncomingCallsOnHold).

Abandon Rings

For voice: the total number of calls that were abandoned while the agent's phone was ringing.

For non-voice: the total number of tasks that were abandoned while being offered to an agent.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonRingCalls.


The number of tasks that left the agent's phone or terminal that were redirected to another dialed number because of no answer in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.RedirectNoAnsCalls.

Abandon Hold

The number of Unified ICM routed calls to the agent that were abandoned while the call was on hold and the number of paused tasks that the agent ended in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonHoldCalls.

Transfer In

The number of incoming calls that were transferred to this agent from other agents within the same peripheral that did not go to IVR for queuing in the interval. This value is updated when the agent completes the call.

For blind transfers in the Unified CCE with a Unified CCE System PG, this field updates when the call that was blind transferred to an IVR is later transferred to another agent and the agent answers the call. For this call scenario, this field is not updated in the Unified CCE without a Unified CCE System PG.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredInCalls.

Transfer Out

The number of calls this agent transferred to another agent or skill group in the interval. This number includes Consultative Calls if this transfer was consultative-not blind. The value is updated at the time the agent completes the transfer of the call.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredOutCalls + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.NetTransferredOutCalls.

External Out

The number of outgoing external calls that this agent made in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AgentOutCalls.


Logged On Time

The total time during the interval the agent was logged in, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

% Active

The percentage of time that the agent spent talking on calls in this skill group in relation to the agent's LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkInTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOutTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOtherTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkAutoOutTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkPreviewTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkReserveTime) / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

% Hold

The percentage of time that the agent put a call on hold or paused a task in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HoldTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTimeTime.

% Not Active

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Not Active or Available state in relation to LoggedOnTime. Applies to all skill groups.

This field is a calculated field derived from (Agent_Interval. AvailTime/Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Not Ready

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Not Ready state in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less. Applies to all skill groups.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Interval.NotReadyTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Reserved

The percentage of time that the agent spent in Reserved state waiting for task from this skill group in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Wrap Up

The percentage of time that the agent spent in Wrap-up state after an incoming or outgoing call to/from this skill group in relation to LoggedOnTime.

The agent state time percentages in the Report Summary row add up to 100 percent only after you select all the skill groups for an agent. When you view a subset of an agent's skill groups, you might notice that the percentages may not balance.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime +Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime) / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

Report Summary: There is a summary for Skill Group and a report summary for all data. For more information, see Report Summary Rows.

Available Fields in the Agent Skill Group Historical All Fields Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current.

In addition to the fields that appear by default as Current, most Available fields in this report are derived from the Agent_Interval and Agent_Skill_Group_Interval tables.

Handled is derived from CallsHandled in the Agent_Skill_Group table.

Handled is the number of inbound calls that were answered and have completed wrap-up by agents in the skill group during the interval.

All fields but one take their value directly from the database.

The one exception is Wrap Time, which is a calculated field derived from: (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime).

Wrap Time is the total time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that the agent spent in wrap-up on incoming and outgoing tasks in the interval.

Current Fields in the Agent Skill Group Historical All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed here in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Skill Group

The agent skill group's enterprise name.

Derived from Skill_Group.EnterpriseName.


The first and last name of the agent.

This is a calculated field, derived from Person.LastName + ", " + Person.FirstName.


The enterprise name of the Media Routing Domain associated with the agent.

Media is derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hour, minute, second) format.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime.



The number of inbound calls that were answered and have completed wrap-up by agents in the skill group during the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. CallsHandled.

Avg Handle Time

The average time spent by the agent in handling a task in the interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

This is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled).


The number of incoming calls to this agent that were placed on hold in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.IncomingCallsOnHold.

Avg Hold Time

The average time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that calls were put on hold in the interval, for all incoming calls that included hold time.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval. IncomingCallsOnHoldTime / Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.IncomingCallsOnHold).

Abandon Rings

For voice: the total number of calls that were abandoned while the agent's phone was ringing.

For non-voice: the total number of tasks that were abandoned while being offered to an agent.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonRingCalls.


The number of tasks that left the agent's phone or terminal that were redirected to another dialed number because of no answer in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.RedirectNoAnsCalls.

Abandon Hold

The number of Unified ICM routed calls to the agent that were abandoned while the call was on hold and the number of paused tasks that the agent ended in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonHoldCalls.

Transfer In

The number of incoming calls that were transferred to this agent from other agents within the same peripheral that did not go to IVR for queuing in the interval. This value is updated when the agent completes the call.

For blind transfers in the Unified CCE with a Unified CCE System PG, this field updates when the call that was blind transferred to an IVR is later transferred to another agent and the agent answers the call. For this call scenario, this field is not updated in the Unified CCE without a Unified CCE System PG.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredInCalls.

Transfer Out

The number of calls this agent transferred to another agent or skill group in the interval. This number includes Consultative Calls if this transfer was consultative-not blind. The value is updated at the time the agent completes the transfer of the call.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredOutCalls + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.NetTransferredOutCalls.

External Out

The number of outgoing external calls that this agent made in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AgentOutCalls.


Logged On Time

The total time during the interval the agent was logged in, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

% Active

The percentage of time that the agent spent talking on calls in this skill group in relation to the agent's LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkInTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOutTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOtherTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkAutoOutTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkPreviewTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkReserveTime) / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

% Hold

The percentage of time that the agent put a call on hold or paused a task in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.HoldTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTimeTime.

% Not Active

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Not Active or Available state in relation to LoggedOnTime. Applies to all skill groups.

This field is a calculated field derived from (Agent_Interval. AvailTime/Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Not Ready

The percentage of time that the agent spent in the Not Ready state in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less. Applies to all skill groups.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Interval.NotReadyTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Reserved

The percentage of time that the agent spent in Reserved state waiting for task from this skill group in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Wrap Up

The percentage of time that the agent spent in Wrap-up state after an incoming or outgoing call to/from this skill group in relation to LoggedOnTime.

The agent state time percentages in the Report Summary row add up to 100 percent only after you select all the skill groups for an agent. When you view a subset of an agent's skill groups, you might notice that the percentages may not balance.

This field is a calculated field, derived from (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime +Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime) / Agent_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

Report Summary: There is a summary for Skill Group and a report summary for all data. For more information, see Report Summary Rows.

Agent Team Historical All Fields

Use the Agent Team Historical report to view call distribution and agent state percentages by team.

Views: This report has one grid view, Agent Team Historical All Fields.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous Block.

Grouping: This template is grouped and sorted by Agent Team, and then by Supervisor, and then by Agent.

Value List: Agent Team

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Agent

  • Agent_Interval

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Interval

  • Agent_Team

  • Agent_Team_Member

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Person

  • Precision_Queue

  • Skill_Group


This report displays data related to current agent team members only.

Available Fields in the Agent Team Historical All Fields Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current. Additional Available fields in this report are populated directly from the Agent_Skill_Group_Interval table. For example, Aban Calls Ring Time is derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandRingTime.

An exception is Wrap Time, which is a calculated field derived from: (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime)

Other tables used for Available fields in this report are:

  • Agent_Team

    • Agent_Team.AgentTeamID

  • Agent_Interval

    • Avail Time - Derived from: Agent_Interval.AvailTime

  • Media_Routing_Domain

    • The Media field is derived from Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName

Current Fields in the Agent Team Historical All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed here in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Agent Team

The Enterprise Name of the Agent Team.

Derived from Agent_Team.EnterpriseName.


The last and first name of the agent.

Derived from Person.LastName "," Person.FirstName.


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hour, minute, second) format.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime.



The number of Unified ICM routed tasks this agent handled.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled.


The number of incoming calls to this agent that were placed on hold.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.IncomingCallsOnHold.

Abandon Rings

For voice: The total number of calls that were abandoned while the agent's phone was ringing.

For non-voice: The total number of tasks that were abandoned while being offered to an agent.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonRingCalls.


The number of tasks that left the agent's phone or terminal that were redirected to another dialed number because of no answer.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.RedirectNoAnsCalls.

Abandon Hold

The number of Unified ICM routed calls to the agent that were abandoned while the call was on hold and the number of paused tasks that the agent ended in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonHoldCalls.

Transfer In

The number of incoming calls that were transferred to this agent from other agents within the same peripheral that did not go to IVR for queuing. This value is updated when the agent completes the call.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredInCalls.

Transfer Out

The number of calls this agent transferred to another agent or skill group. This number includes Consultative Calls if this transfer was consultative-not blind. This value is updated when the agent completes the transfer.

This is a calculated field derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredOutCalls + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.NetTransferredOutCalls.

External Out

The number of Outgoing external calls that this agent made in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AgentOutCalls.

Talk Time

The total time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that agents spent talking on the phone.

This field is a calculated field derived from

sum(isnull(TalkInTime,0)) +sum(isnull(TalkOutTime,0)) +sum(isnull(TalkOtherTime,0)) +sum(isnull(TalkAutoOutTime,0)) +sum(isnull(TalkPreviewTime,0)) +sum(isnull(TalkReserveTime,0)).

Report Summary: There is a summary row for Agent Team and a report summary for all data. For more information, see Report Summary Rows.

Available Fields in the Agent Team Historical All Fields Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current. Additional Available fields in this report are populated directly from the Agent_Skill_Group_Interval table. For example, Aban Calls Ring Time is derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandRingTime.

An exception is Wrap Time, which is a calculated field derived from: (Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime)

Other tables used for Available fields in this report are:

  • Agent_Team

    • Agent_Team.AgentTeamID

  • Agent_Interval

    • Avail Time - Derived from: Agent_Interval.AvailTime

  • Media_Routing_Domain

    • The Media field is derived from Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName

Current Fields in the Agent Team Historical All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed here in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Agent Team

The Enterprise Name of the Agent Team.

Derived from Agent_Team.EnterpriseName.


The last and first name of the agent.

Derived from Person.LastName "," Person.FirstName.


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hour, minute, second) format.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime.



The number of Unified ICM routed tasks this agent handled.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled.


The number of incoming calls to this agent that were placed on hold.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.IncomingCallsOnHold.

Abandon Rings

For voice: The total number of calls that were abandoned while the agent's phone was ringing.

For non-voice: The total number of tasks that were abandoned while being offered to an agent.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonRingCalls.


The number of tasks that left the agent's phone or terminal that were redirected to another dialed number because of no answer.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.RedirectNoAnsCalls.

Abandon Hold

The number of Unified ICM routed calls to the agent that were abandoned while the call was on hold and the number of paused tasks that the agent ended in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonHoldCalls.

Transfer In

The number of incoming calls that were transferred to this agent from other agents within the same peripheral that did not go to IVR for queuing. This value is updated when the agent completes the call.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredInCalls.

Transfer Out

The number of calls this agent transferred to another agent or skill group. This number includes Consultative Calls if this transfer was consultative-not blind. This value is updated when the agent completes the transfer.

This is a calculated field derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredOutCalls + Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.NetTransferredOutCalls.

External Out

The number of Outgoing external calls that this agent made in the interval.

Derived from Agent_Skill_Group_Interval.AgentOutCalls.

Talk Time

The total time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that agents spent talking on the phone.

This field is a calculated field derived from

sum(isnull(TalkInTime,0)) +sum(isnull(TalkOutTime,0)) +sum(isnull(TalkOtherTime,0)) +sum(isnull(TalkAutoOutTime,0)) +sum(isnull(TalkPreviewTime,0)) +sum(isnull(TalkReserveTime,0)).

Report Summary: There is a summary row for Agent Team and a report summary for all data. For more information, see Report Summary Rows.

Call Type Abandon/Answer Distribution Historical

Use Call Type Abandon Answer Distribution to identify where in the routing, callers are abandoning and to identify the typical wait times for callers.

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Views: This report has one grid view, Call Type Abandon Answer Distribution Historical.

Grouping: This report is grouped and sorted by Call Type.

Value List: Call Type

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Bucket_Intervals

  • Call_Type

  • Call_Type_Interval

Available Fields in the Call Type Abandon/Answer Distribution Historical Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current. Additional Available fields in this report are populated from the following tables.

These Available fields are from the Call_Type_Interval table:

  • Ans Wait Time Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnswerWaitTime.

  • BucketIntervalID Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.BucketIntervalID.

  • Calls Handled Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.CallsHandled.

  • CallTypeID Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.CallsTypeID.

  • DelayQAban Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.CallDelayAbandTime.

  • Router Calls Aban: Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.TotalCallsAband.

These fields are derived from the Bucket_Intervals table, as documented in the Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

int1 - int 9: Derived from: Bucket_Intervals.IntervalUpperBound1 - IntervalUpperBound9.

Current Fields in the Call Type Abandon/Answer Distribution Historical Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report grid view generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed here in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

The headings for the Interval fields are dynamic headers; they show the intervals you defined.

Column (Field)


Call Type

The enterprise name for the call type.

Derived from Call_Type.EnterpriseName.

Date Time

The date and time when the call type interval data was generated in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

For every interval in the selected time period, there is summary row for each selected call type.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.DateTime.

Avg Speed of Answer

Average Speed of Answer. The average answer wait time from when first queue to skill group or LAA select node was run for this call to when this call was answered. This value is an important measure of service quality because the time can vary, even over the course of one day, due to call volumes and staff levels.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnswerWaitTime/ Call_Type_Interval.CallsHandled.

Avg Abandon Delay

The average delay time of all abandoned calls that ended in this call type during the current interval. This value includes calls that were abandoned in queue, calls that were abandoned while at the IVR (prompting or self service) and calls that were abandoned while ringing at the agent's phone or en route to the agent's phone.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_Interval.CallDelayAbandTime / Call_Type_Interval.TotalCallsAband.

Int 1 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between the time set to begin measuring and interval 1. The system default interval 1 is 8 seconds. For example: 00:00 - 00:08.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval(1) and Call_Type_Interval.AbandInterval(1).

Int 2 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 1 and interval 2. The system default interval 2 is 30 seconds. For example: 00:08 - 00:38.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval(2) and Call_Type_Interval.AbandInterval(2).

Int 3 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 2 and interval 3. The system default interval 3 is 60 seconds (1 minute). For example: 00:38 - 01:38.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval(3) and Call_Type_Interval.AbandInterval(3).

Int 4 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 3 and interval 4. The system default interval 4 is 90 seconds. For example: 01:38 - 03:08.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval(4) and Call_Type_Interval.AbandInterval(4).

Int 5 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 4 and interval 5. The system default interval 5 is 120 seconds (2 minutes). For example: 03:08 - 05:08.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval(5) and Call_Type_Interval.AbandInterval(5).

Int 6 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 5 and interval 6. The system default interval 6 is 180 seconds (3 minutes). For example: 05:08 - 08:08.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval(6) and Call_Type_Interval.AbandInterval(6).

Int 7 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 6 and interval 7. The system default interval 7 is 300 seconds (5 minutes). For example: 08:08 - 13:08.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval(7) and Call_Type_Interval.AbandInterval(7).

Int 8 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 7 and interval 8. The system default interval 8 is 600 seconds (10 minutes). For example: 13:08 - 23:08.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval(8) and Call_Type_Interval.AbandInterval(8).

Int 9 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 8 and interval 9. The system default interval 9 is 1200 seconds (20 minutes). For example: 23:08 - 43:08.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval(9) and Call_Type_Interval.AbandInterval(9).

> Int 9 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned within the remaining time in the report time period measured in minutes and seconds. For example: > 43:08.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval(10) and Call_Type_Interval.AbandInterval(10).


The maximum number of calls in queue for this call type during this interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval. MaxCallsQueued.

The system displays data in this field only if your Unified Intelligence Center system is connected to Unified CCE Release 8.0(3) or later.

Longest Queued

The longest time a call had to wait before it was dispositioned (abandoned or answered) in this interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval. MaxCallWaitTime.

The system displays data in this field only if your Unified Intelligence Center system is connected to Unified CCE Release 8.0(3) or later.

Report Summary: The summary line shows an average for the Avg Speed of Answer and Avg Abandon Delay columns, totals for the interval columns, and Max for MaxQueued and Longest Queued columns. For more information, see Report Summary Rows.

Available Fields in the Call Type Abandon/Answer Distribution Historical Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current. Additional Available fields in this report are populated from the following tables.

These Available fields are from the Call_Type_Interval table:

  • Ans Wait Time Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnswerWaitTime.

  • BucketIntervalID Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.BucketIntervalID.

  • Calls Handled Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.CallsHandled.

  • CallTypeID Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.CallsTypeID.

  • DelayQAban Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.CallDelayAbandTime.

  • Router Calls Aban: Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.TotalCallsAband.

These fields are derived from the Bucket_Intervals table, as documented in the Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

int1 - int 9: Derived from: Bucket_Intervals.IntervalUpperBound1 - IntervalUpperBound9.

Current Fields in the Call Type Abandon/Answer Distribution Historical Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report grid view generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed here in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

The headings for the Interval fields are dynamic headers; they show the intervals you defined.

Column (Field)


Call Type

The enterprise name for the call type.

Derived from Call_Type.EnterpriseName.

Date Time

The date and time when the call type interval data was generated in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

For every interval in the selected time period, there is summary row for each selected call type.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.DateTime.

Avg Speed of Answer

Average Speed of Answer. The average answer wait time from when first queue to skill group or LAA select node was run for this call to when this call was answered. This value is an important measure of service quality because the time can vary, even over the course of one day, due to call volumes and staff levels.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnswerWaitTime/ Call_Type_Interval.CallsHandled.

Avg Abandon Delay

The average delay time of all abandoned calls that ended in this call type during the current interval. This value includes calls that were abandoned in queue, calls that were abandoned while at the IVR (prompting or self service) and calls that were abandoned while ringing at the agent's phone or en route to the agent's phone.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_Interval.CallDelayAbandTime / Call_Type_Interval.TotalCallsAband.

Int 1 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between the time set to begin measuring and interval 1. The system default interval 1 is 8 seconds. For example: 00:00 - 00:08.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval(1) and Call_Type_Interval.AbandInterval(1).

Int 2 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 1 and interval 2. The system default interval 2 is 30 seconds. For example: 00:08 - 00:38.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval(2) and Call_Type_Interval.AbandInterval(2).

Int 3 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 2 and interval 3. The system default interval 3 is 60 seconds (1 minute). For example: 00:38 - 01:38.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval(3) and Call_Type_Interval.AbandInterval(3).

Int 4 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 3 and interval 4. The system default interval 4 is 90 seconds. For example: 01:38 - 03:08.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval(4) and Call_Type_Interval.AbandInterval(4).

Int 5 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 4 and interval 5. The system default interval 5 is 120 seconds (2 minutes). For example: 03:08 - 05:08.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval(5) and Call_Type_Interval.AbandInterval(5).

Int 6 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 5 and interval 6. The system default interval 6 is 180 seconds (3 minutes). For example: 05:08 - 08:08.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval(6) and Call_Type_Interval.AbandInterval(6).

Int 7 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 6 and interval 7. The system default interval 7 is 300 seconds (5 minutes). For example: 08:08 - 13:08.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval(7) and Call_Type_Interval.AbandInterval(7).

Int 8 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 7 and interval 8. The system default interval 8 is 600 seconds (10 minutes). For example: 13:08 - 23:08.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval(8) and Call_Type_Interval.AbandInterval(8).

Int 9 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 8 and interval 9. The system default interval 9 is 1200 seconds (20 minutes). For example: 23:08 - 43:08.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval(9) and Call_Type_Interval.AbandInterval(9).

> Int 9 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned within the remaining time in the report time period measured in minutes and seconds. For example: > 43:08.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnsInterval(10) and Call_Type_Interval.AbandInterval(10).


The maximum number of calls in queue for this call type during this interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval. MaxCallsQueued.

The system displays data in this field only if your Unified Intelligence Center system is connected to Unified CCE Release 8.0(3) or later.

Longest Queued

The longest time a call had to wait before it was dispositioned (abandoned or answered) in this interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval. MaxCallWaitTime.

The system displays data in this field only if your Unified Intelligence Center system is connected to Unified CCE Release 8.0(3) or later.

Report Summary: The summary line shows an average for the Avg Speed of Answer and Avg Abandon Delay columns, totals for the interval columns, and Max for MaxQueued and Longest Queued columns. For more information, see Report Summary Rows.

Call Type Historical All Fields

Use Call Type Historical All Fields to view incoming calls/contacts, key statistics like Average Speed of Answer and Service Level, and call disposition information.

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Views: This report has the following grid views and a pie chart view. The pie chart shows the percentage of calls answered in each call type.

  • Answered by Call Type (Chart View)

  • Call Type Historical- Daily (Grid View)

  • Call Type Historical- Monthly (Grid View)

  • Call Type Historical- Weekly (Grid View)

  • Call Type Historical All Fields (Grid View)

    Select the view you want to see from the report drop-down list located on the top left corner.

Grouping: This report is grouped by call type and then by date and time.

Value List: Call Type

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Call_Type

  • Call_Type_Interval

Available Fields in the Call Type Historical All Fields Grid View

Available fields for the grid view for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current. Additional Available fields in this report are taken directly from the Call_Type_Interval table.

Current Fields for the Call Type Historical All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in the grid view for this report.

Current fields are listed here in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Call Type

The enterprise name for the call type.

Derived from: Call_Type.EnterpriseName.


The date and time when the record was generated in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.DateTime.

Service Level

Service Level Type used to calculate Service level for the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.ServiceLevel.

Abandon Within Service Level

The total number of calls of this call type abandoned within the service level threshold during the interval. Valid for both Unified CCE and standard ACD targets that use translation routes.

This field represents the calls that are abandoned at VRU. It includes the calls abandoned at the menu prompt, welcome prompt, and the queue.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.ServiceLevelAband.

Avg Speed of Answer

Average Speed of Answer. The average answer wait time from when first queue to skill group or LAA select node was run for this call to when this call was answered. This value is an important measure of service quality because the time can vary, even over the course of one day, due to call volumes and staff levels.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnswerWaitTime / Call_Type_Interval.CallsAnswered.



Tasks that were offered to this call type during the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.CallsOffered.

Assigned from Q

The number of tasks of the call type assigned from the queue to be routed in the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.RouterQueueCalls.


The total number of calls of this call type answered by agents in the interval. This field is applicable to both Unified ICM and Unified CCE with the following exception: if the call is answered by an agent on a standard ACD, this field is incremented only if the call was translation routed.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.CallsAnswered.

Answer Wait Time

Answer Wait Time. The sum of answer wait time in seconds for all calls that were answered for the call type during the reporting interval. This field is applicable to both Unified ICM and Unified CCE with the following exception: if the call is answered by an agent on a standard ACD, this field is incremented only if the call was translation routed.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnswerWaitTime.



The total number of tasks handled to completion for the call type in the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.CallsHandled.


The total number of calls abandoned while in VRU (that is, while undergoing prompting or listening to voice menus options), calls abandoned while queued to skill group, and calls abandoned at agent desktop. This value also includes abandons for calls that are not in the queue; for example, when the caller ends the call while listening to a VRU prompt. Therefore, the number of calls abandoned at a VRU before being queued is TotalCallsAband minus RouterCallsAbandToAgent and RouterCallsAbandQ. Does not include short calls.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.TotalCallsAband.


The number of tasks of the call type that ICM software routed to Return nodes in the interval.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_Interval.ReturnBusy + Call_Type_Interval.ReturnRing + Call_Type_Interval.ReturnRelease.

Default Treatment

The number of tasks of the call type that were given default treatment or end nodes in the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.ICRDefaultRouted.

Network Routed

The number of tasks of the call type that were routed not by ICM software but by the carrier in the interval. For prerouted calls, the carrier decides where to route the call.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.NetworkDefaultRouted.

Flow Out

The number of tasks of the call type that flowed out of the call type to another call type in the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.OverflowOut.

Calls Error

The number of calls for this call type that had errors or were incomplete in the interval.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_Interval.ErrorCount + Call_Type_Interval.IncompleteCalls + Call_Type_Interval.AgentErrorCount.


The number of tasks of the call type that are Short, were routed to non-Agent targets, or were redirected in the interval.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_Interval.CallsRONA + Call_Type_Interval.CallsRoutedNonAgent + Call_Type_Interval.ShortCalls.

% Queued

The percentage of all handled tasks of the call type that were queued in the interval.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: (Call_Type_Interval.CallsQHandled / Call_Type_Interval.CallsHandled).

% Aban

The percentage of all the tasks that came in to the call type in the interval that were abandoned.

This field is a calculated field, derived from:

(Call_Type_Interval.TotalCallsAband / (Call_Type_Interval.CallsHandled+ Call_Type_Interval.TotalCallsAband + Call_Type_Interval.IncompleteCalls + Call_Type_Interval.ReturnBusy + Call_Type_Interval.ReturnRing + Call_Type_Interval.ICRDefaultRouted + Call_Type_Interval.NetworkDefaultRouted + Call_Type_Interval.OverflowOut + Call_Type_Interval.CallsRONA + Call_Type_Interval.ReturnRelease + Call_Type_Interval.CallsRoutedNonAgent + Call_Type_Interval.ShortCalls+ Call_Type_Interval.ErrorCount + Call_Type_Interval.AgentErrorCount).

Avg Aban Delay

The average delay time of all abandoned calls that ended in this call type during the current interval. This includes calls that were abandoned in queue, calls that were abandoned while at the IVR (prompting or self service) and calls that were abandoned while ringing at the agent's phone or en route to the agent's phone.

This field is a calculated field. Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.CallDelayAbandTime / Call_Type_Interval.TotalCallsAband.

Short Calls

The number of calls abandoned during the Call_Type Abandon Call Wait Time. Calls abandoned after this time period are counted as Abandoned, not Short Calls.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.ShortCalls.

Tasks Picked

The total number of pick requests successfully routed by this call type in the reporting interval.

Tasks Pulled

The total number of pull requests successfully routed by this call type in the reporting interval.

Picks Failed

Number of pick request resulting in an error.

Pulls Failed

Number of pull requests resulting in an error.


The maximum number of calls in queue for this call type during this interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval. MaxCallsQueued.

Longest Queued

The longest time a call had to wait before it was dispositioned (abandoned or answered) in this interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval. MaxCallWaitTime.

The system displays data in this field only if your Unified Intelligence Center system is connected to Unified CCE Release 8.0(3) or later.

Report Summaries

  • Call Type Summary

    Field totals, except the Service Level field, for each call type in the report. The Service Level fields have percentage values. The summary also displays the Average for Avg Speed of Answer

  • Report Summary

    Field totals, except the Service Level field, for all call types in the report. The Service Level fields have percentage values. The summary displays the Max for MaxQueued and Longest Queued.

Available Fields in the Call Type Historical All Fields Grid View

Available fields for the grid view for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current. Additional Available fields in this report are taken directly from the Call_Type_Interval table.

Current Fields for the Call Type Historical All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in the grid view for this report.

Current fields are listed here in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Call Type

The enterprise name for the call type.

Derived from: Call_Type.EnterpriseName.


The date and time when the record was generated in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.DateTime.

Service Level

Service Level Type used to calculate Service level for the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.ServiceLevel.

Abandon Within Service Level

The total number of calls of this call type abandoned within the service level threshold during the interval. Valid for both Unified CCE and standard ACD targets that use translation routes.

This field represents the calls that are abandoned at VRU. It includes the calls abandoned at the menu prompt, welcome prompt, and the queue.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.ServiceLevelAband.

Avg Speed of Answer

Average Speed of Answer. The average answer wait time from when first queue to skill group or LAA select node was run for this call to when this call was answered. This value is an important measure of service quality because the time can vary, even over the course of one day, due to call volumes and staff levels.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnswerWaitTime / Call_Type_Interval.CallsAnswered.



Tasks that were offered to this call type during the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.CallsOffered.

Assigned from Q

The number of tasks of the call type assigned from the queue to be routed in the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.RouterQueueCalls.


The total number of calls of this call type answered by agents in the interval. This field is applicable to both Unified ICM and Unified CCE with the following exception: if the call is answered by an agent on a standard ACD, this field is incremented only if the call was translation routed.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.CallsAnswered.

Answer Wait Time

Answer Wait Time. The sum of answer wait time in seconds for all calls that were answered for the call type during the reporting interval. This field is applicable to both Unified ICM and Unified CCE with the following exception: if the call is answered by an agent on a standard ACD, this field is incremented only if the call was translation routed.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.AnswerWaitTime.



The total number of tasks handled to completion for the call type in the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.CallsHandled.


The total number of calls abandoned while in VRU (that is, while undergoing prompting or listening to voice menus options), calls abandoned while queued to skill group, and calls abandoned at agent desktop. This value also includes abandons for calls that are not in the queue; for example, when the caller ends the call while listening to a VRU prompt. Therefore, the number of calls abandoned at a VRU before being queued is TotalCallsAband minus RouterCallsAbandToAgent and RouterCallsAbandQ. Does not include short calls.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.TotalCallsAband.


The number of tasks of the call type that ICM software routed to Return nodes in the interval.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_Interval.ReturnBusy + Call_Type_Interval.ReturnRing + Call_Type_Interval.ReturnRelease.

Default Treatment

The number of tasks of the call type that were given default treatment or end nodes in the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.ICRDefaultRouted.

Network Routed

The number of tasks of the call type that were routed not by ICM software but by the carrier in the interval. For prerouted calls, the carrier decides where to route the call.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.NetworkDefaultRouted.

Flow Out

The number of tasks of the call type that flowed out of the call type to another call type in the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.OverflowOut.

Calls Error

The number of calls for this call type that had errors or were incomplete in the interval.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_Interval.ErrorCount + Call_Type_Interval.IncompleteCalls + Call_Type_Interval.AgentErrorCount.


The number of tasks of the call type that are Short, were routed to non-Agent targets, or were redirected in the interval.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_Interval.CallsRONA + Call_Type_Interval.CallsRoutedNonAgent + Call_Type_Interval.ShortCalls.

% Queued

The percentage of all handled tasks of the call type that were queued in the interval.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: (Call_Type_Interval.CallsQHandled / Call_Type_Interval.CallsHandled).

% Aban

The percentage of all the tasks that came in to the call type in the interval that were abandoned.

This field is a calculated field, derived from:

(Call_Type_Interval.TotalCallsAband / (Call_Type_Interval.CallsHandled+ Call_Type_Interval.TotalCallsAband + Call_Type_Interval.IncompleteCalls + Call_Type_Interval.ReturnBusy + Call_Type_Interval.ReturnRing + Call_Type_Interval.ICRDefaultRouted + Call_Type_Interval.NetworkDefaultRouted + Call_Type_Interval.OverflowOut + Call_Type_Interval.CallsRONA + Call_Type_Interval.ReturnRelease + Call_Type_Interval.CallsRoutedNonAgent + Call_Type_Interval.ShortCalls+ Call_Type_Interval.ErrorCount + Call_Type_Interval.AgentErrorCount).

Avg Aban Delay

The average delay time of all abandoned calls that ended in this call type during the current interval. This includes calls that were abandoned in queue, calls that were abandoned while at the IVR (prompting or self service) and calls that were abandoned while ringing at the agent's phone or en route to the agent's phone.

This field is a calculated field. Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.CallDelayAbandTime / Call_Type_Interval.TotalCallsAband.

Short Calls

The number of calls abandoned during the Call_Type Abandon Call Wait Time. Calls abandoned after this time period are counted as Abandoned, not Short Calls.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.ShortCalls.

Tasks Picked

The total number of pick requests successfully routed by this call type in the reporting interval.

Tasks Pulled

The total number of pull requests successfully routed by this call type in the reporting interval.

Picks Failed

Number of pick request resulting in an error.

Pulls Failed

Number of pull requests resulting in an error.


The maximum number of calls in queue for this call type during this interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval. MaxCallsQueued.

Longest Queued

The longest time a call had to wait before it was dispositioned (abandoned or answered) in this interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval. MaxCallWaitTime.

The system displays data in this field only if your Unified Intelligence Center system is connected to Unified CCE Release 8.0(3) or later.

Report Summaries

  • Call Type Summary

    Field totals, except the Service Level field, for each call type in the report. The Service Level fields have percentage values. The summary also displays the Average for Avg Speed of Answer

  • Report Summary

    Field totals, except the Service Level field, for all call types in the report. The Service Level fields have percentage values. The summary displays the Max for MaxQueued and Longest Queued.

Call Type Queue Interval All Fields

Reports generated from this template show the summary statistics for Skill Groups and Precision Queues within Call Type ID. This information is useful for tying queues to resources and for forecasting and scheduling.

Note: For Unified CCE, the presence of certain data depends on the use of Enterprise Queuing and on whether Translation Routing is implemented.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous Block type query.

Views: This report has the following grid views:

  • Call Type Queue Interval All Fields

  • Call Type Queue Skillgroup Summary

    Select the view you want to see from the report drop-down list located on the top left corner.

Grouping: This report is grouped by call type and then by date and time.

Value List: Call Type

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Call_Type

  • Precision_Queue

  • Call_Type_SG_Interval

  • Attribute

  • Router_Queue_Interval

  • Skill_Group

  • Media_Routing_Domain

Available Fields in the Call Type Queue Interval All Fields Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current.

Additional Available fields in this report are taken directly from the Call_Type_SG_Interval table.

Current Fields in the Call Type Queue Interval All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report grid view generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed here in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Call Type

The enterprise name for the call type.

Derived from Call_Type.EnterpriseName.

Precision Queue / Skill Group

The enterprise name for the skill group or agent precision queue. You can identify a precision queue by the presence of Attributes next to the queue name.

Derived from: Skill_Group.Enterprise or Precision_Queue.EnterpriseName


The date and time for the data of a selected row.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.DateTime.


The attributes used in the precision queue definition. The report shows only those attributes that are used.


The total number of tasks handled to completion for the call type in the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.CallsHandled.

Avg Handle Time

The average time spent by the agent in handling a task in the interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.Handle Time / Call_Type_SG_Interval.CallsHandled.


The percentage of all handled tasks of the call type that were queued in the interval.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Call_Type_SG_Interval. CallsQHandled /Call_Type_SG_Interval.CallsHandled.

Service Level

Service Level Type used to calculate Service level for the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.ServiceLevel.

Avg Speed of Answer

Average Speed of Answer. The average answer waiting time from when first queue to skill group or LAA select node was run for this call to when this call was answered. This value is an important measure of service quality because the time can vary, even over the course of one day, due to call volumes and staff levels.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.AnswerWaitTime / Call_Type_SG_Interval.CallsAnswered.

Abandon Within Service Level

The total number of calls of this call type abandoned within the service level threshold during the interval. Valid for both Unified CCE and standard ACD targets that use translation routes.

This field represents the calls that are abandoned at VRU. It includes the calls abandoned at the menu prompt, welcome prompt, and the queue.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.ServiceLevelAband.

Abandon in Queue

The number of calls to the call type that were abandoned in the Router queue during the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.RouterCalls AbandQ.

Longest Queued

The longest a task had to wait before being answered, abandoned, or otherwise ended. This value includes time in the network queue, local queue, and ringing at the agent, if applicable.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.MaxCallWaitTime


The maximum number of tasks queued for this skill group during this interval. Calls queued against multiple skill groups are included in the count for each skill group to which the calls are queued.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.MaxCallsQueued

Tasks Picked

The total number of pick requests successfully routed to this skill group or precision queue by this call type in the reporting interval.

Tasks Pulled

The total number of pull requests successfully routed to this skill group or precision queue by this call type in the reporting interval.

Picks Failed

Number of pick request resulting in an error.

Pulls Failed

Number of pull requests resulting in an error.

Report Summaries

The summary line displays the maximum for MaxQueued and Longest Queued.

Current Fields in the Call Type Queue Skillgroup Summary Grid View

If you select the Call Type Queue Skillgroup Summary view, the report displays the following fields:

  • Call Type

  • DateTime

  • Handled

  • Avg Handle Time

  • %Queued

  • Service Level

  • Avg Speed of Answer

  • Abandon Within Service Level

  • Abandon in Queue

  • Queue

Available Fields in the Call Type Queue Interval All Fields Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current.

Additional Available fields in this report are taken directly from the Call_Type_SG_Interval table.

Current Fields in the Call Type Queue Interval All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report grid view generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed here in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Call Type

The enterprise name for the call type.

Derived from Call_Type.EnterpriseName.

Precision Queue / Skill Group

The enterprise name for the skill group or agent precision queue. You can identify a precision queue by the presence of Attributes next to the queue name.

Derived from: Skill_Group.Enterprise or Precision_Queue.EnterpriseName


The date and time for the data of a selected row.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.DateTime.


The attributes used in the precision queue definition. The report shows only those attributes that are used.


The total number of tasks handled to completion for the call type in the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.CallsHandled.

Avg Handle Time

The average time spent by the agent in handling a task in the interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.Handle Time / Call_Type_SG_Interval.CallsHandled.


The percentage of all handled tasks of the call type that were queued in the interval.

This field is a calculated field, derived from Call_Type_SG_Interval. CallsQHandled /Call_Type_SG_Interval.CallsHandled.

Service Level

Service Level Type used to calculate Service level for the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.ServiceLevel.

Avg Speed of Answer

Average Speed of Answer. The average answer waiting time from when first queue to skill group or LAA select node was run for this call to when this call was answered. This value is an important measure of service quality because the time can vary, even over the course of one day, due to call volumes and staff levels.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.AnswerWaitTime / Call_Type_SG_Interval.CallsAnswered.

Abandon Within Service Level

The total number of calls of this call type abandoned within the service level threshold during the interval. Valid for both Unified CCE and standard ACD targets that use translation routes.

This field represents the calls that are abandoned at VRU. It includes the calls abandoned at the menu prompt, welcome prompt, and the queue.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.ServiceLevelAband.

Abandon in Queue

The number of calls to the call type that were abandoned in the Router queue during the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.RouterCalls AbandQ.

Longest Queued

The longest a task had to wait before being answered, abandoned, or otherwise ended. This value includes time in the network queue, local queue, and ringing at the agent, if applicable.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.MaxCallWaitTime


The maximum number of tasks queued for this skill group during this interval. Calls queued against multiple skill groups are included in the count for each skill group to which the calls are queued.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.MaxCallsQueued

Tasks Picked

The total number of pick requests successfully routed to this skill group or precision queue by this call type in the reporting interval.

Tasks Pulled

The total number of pull requests successfully routed to this skill group or precision queue by this call type in the reporting interval.

Picks Failed

Number of pick request resulting in an error.

Pulls Failed

Number of pull requests resulting in an error.

Report Summaries

The summary line displays the maximum for MaxQueued and Longest Queued.

Current Fields in the Call Type Queue Skillgroup Summary Grid View

If you select the Call Type Queue Skillgroup Summary view, the report displays the following fields:

  • Call Type

  • DateTime

  • Handled

  • Avg Handle Time

  • %Queued

  • Service Level

  • Avg Speed of Answer

  • Abandon Within Service Level

  • Abandon in Queue

  • Queue

Call Type Skill Group Historical All Fields

The Call Type Skill Group Historical All Fields report shows the summary statistics for Call Types and Skill Groups within each Call Type during the interval.

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Views: This report has one grid view, Call Type Skill Group Historical All Fields.

Grouping: This report is grouped by Call Type Name, and then by Skill Group Name, and then by date and time.

Value List: Call Type

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Call_Type_SG_Interval

  • Call_Type

  • Skill_Group

Available Fields in the Call Type Skill Group Historical All Fields Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current.

Additional Available fields in this report are taken directly from the Call_Type_SG_Interval table.

Current Fields in the Call Type Skill Group Historical All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report grid view generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed here in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Call Type

The enterprise name for the call type.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.EnterpriseName.

Skill Group

The enterprise name for the skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group.Enterprise


The date and time for the data of a selected row.

Derived from: Call_Type.DateTime


The total number of tasks handled to completion for the call type in the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.CallsHandled.

Avg Handle Time

The average time spent by the agent in handling a task in the interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.Handle Time/Call_Type_SG_Interval.CallsHandled.


The percentage of all handled tasks of the call type that were queued in the interval.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.CallsQHandled /Call_Type_SG_Interval.CallsHandled.

Service Level

Service Level Type used to calculate Service level for the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.ServiceLevel.

Avg Speed of Answer

Average Speed of Answer. The average answer wait time from when first queue to skill group or LAA select node was run for this call to when this call was answered. This value is an important measure of service quality because the time can vary, even over the course of one day, due to call volumes and staff levels.

This field is a calculated field, derived from:


Aban within SL

The total number of calls of this call type abandoned within the service level threshold during the interval. Valid for both Unified CCE and standard ACD targets that use translation routes.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.ServiceLevelAband.

Aban in Queue

The number of calls to the call type that were abandoned in the Router queue during the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ.


The maximum number of calls queued for this skill group during this interval. Calls queued against multiple skill groups are included in the count for each skill group to which the calls are queued.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.MaxCallsQueued

Longest Queued

The longest a call had to wait before being answered, abandoned, or otherwise ended. This value includes time in the network queue, local queue, and ringing at the agent if applicable.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.MaxCallWaitTime

Tasks Picked

The total number of pick requests successfully routed to this skill group by this call type in the reporting interval.

Tasks Pulled

The total number of pull requests successfully routed to this skill group by this call type in the reporting interval.

Picks Failed

Number of pick request resulting in an error.

Pulls Failed

Number of pull requests resulting in an error.

Report Summaries: The summary line displays the averages from Avg Handle Time, Avg Speed of Answer, and %Queued; and totals for Handled, Aban within SL, and Aban in Queue.

Available Fields in the Call Type Skill Group Historical All Fields Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current.

Additional Available fields in this report are taken directly from the Call_Type_SG_Interval table.

Current Fields in the Call Type Skill Group Historical All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report grid view generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed here in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Call Type

The enterprise name for the call type.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.EnterpriseName.

Skill Group

The enterprise name for the skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group.Enterprise


The date and time for the data of a selected row.

Derived from: Call_Type.DateTime


The total number of tasks handled to completion for the call type in the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.CallsHandled.

Avg Handle Time

The average time spent by the agent in handling a task in the interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.Handle Time/Call_Type_SG_Interval.CallsHandled.


The percentage of all handled tasks of the call type that were queued in the interval.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.CallsQHandled /Call_Type_SG_Interval.CallsHandled.

Service Level

Service Level Type used to calculate Service level for the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.ServiceLevel.

Avg Speed of Answer

Average Speed of Answer. The average answer wait time from when first queue to skill group or LAA select node was run for this call to when this call was answered. This value is an important measure of service quality because the time can vary, even over the course of one day, due to call volumes and staff levels.

This field is a calculated field, derived from:


Aban within SL

The total number of calls of this call type abandoned within the service level threshold during the interval. Valid for both Unified CCE and standard ACD targets that use translation routes.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.ServiceLevelAband.

Aban in Queue

The number of calls to the call type that were abandoned in the Router queue during the interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ.


The maximum number of calls queued for this skill group during this interval. Calls queued against multiple skill groups are included in the count for each skill group to which the calls are queued.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.MaxCallsQueued

Longest Queued

The longest a call had to wait before being answered, abandoned, or otherwise ended. This value includes time in the network queue, local queue, and ringing at the agent if applicable.

Derived from: Call_Type_SG_Interval.MaxCallWaitTime

Tasks Picked

The total number of pick requests successfully routed to this skill group by this call type in the reporting interval.

Tasks Pulled

The total number of pull requests successfully routed to this skill group by this call type in the reporting interval.

Picks Failed

Number of pick request resulting in an error.

Pulls Failed

Number of pull requests resulting in an error.

Report Summaries: The summary line displays the averages from Avg Handle Time, Avg Speed of Answer, and %Queued; and totals for Handled, Aban within SL, and Aban in Queue.

CVA Historical

The CVA Historical Report shows the total number of calls handled at IVR, calls abandoned at IVR, calls transferred to agents, and the average time spent on IVR.


To run the CVA Historical Report, you must select the Call Types which are handling IVR Calls.

Views: This report has one Grid view and Column Chart view.

Query: This report data is built from the SQL Query.

Grouping: This report is grouped and sorted by Call Type.

Value List: Call Type

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Call_Type_Interval

  • Call_Type

Available Fields in the CVA Historical All Fields Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current. Additional Available fields in this report are:

  • Time Spent on IVR: Derived from Call_Type_Interval.VRUTime

Current Fields in the CVA Historical Report Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Call Type

The enterprise name for the call type.

Derived from: Call_Type.EnterpriseName.


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.DateTime

Total Calls Handled at IVR

Total number of calls handled at IVR.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.CallsOffered.

Calls Abandoned at IVR

Total number of calls abandoned at IVR.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.TotalCallsAband - Call_Type_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ - Call_Type_Interval.RouterCallsAbandToAgent

Average Time Spent on IVR

The average time spent on IVR is measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes,seconds) format.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.VRUTime/Call_Type_Interval.CallsOffered

Calls Transferred to Agent

Total number of calls getting transferred to the Agents.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.VruAssistedCalls + Call_Type_Interval.VruOptOutIUnhandledCalls + Call_Type_Interval. VruScriptedXferredCalls + Call_Type_Interval.VruForcedXferredCalls

Current Fields in the CVA Historical Report Column Chart View

If you select the CVA Historical Column Chart view, the report displays the following tables:

  1. Calls Abandoned at IVR

  2. Calls Transferred to Agent

  3. Total Calls Handled at IVR

Available Fields in the CVA Historical All Fields Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current. Additional Available fields in this report are:

  • Time Spent on IVR: Derived from Call_Type_Interval.VRUTime

Current Fields in the CVA Historical Report Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Call Type

The enterprise name for the call type.

Derived from: Call_Type.EnterpriseName.


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.DateTime

Total Calls Handled at IVR

Total number of calls handled at IVR.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.CallsOffered.

Calls Abandoned at IVR

Total number of calls abandoned at IVR.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.TotalCallsAband - Call_Type_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ - Call_Type_Interval.RouterCallsAbandToAgent

Average Time Spent on IVR

The average time spent on IVR is measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes,seconds) format.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.VRUTime/Call_Type_Interval.CallsOffered

Calls Transferred to Agent

Total number of calls getting transferred to the Agents.

Derived from: Call_Type_Interval.VruAssistedCalls + Call_Type_Interval.VruOptOutIUnhandledCalls + Call_Type_Interval. VruScriptedXferredCalls + Call_Type_Interval.VruForcedXferredCalls

Current Fields in the CVA Historical Report Column Chart View

If you select the CVA Historical Column Chart view, the report displays the following tables:

  1. Calls Abandoned at IVR

  2. Calls Transferred to Agent

  3. Total Calls Handled at IVR

Enterprise Service Historical All Fields

Enterprise Services may be configured in an ICM environment to report collectively on a group of services across ACDs. This report is not applicable to Contact Center Enterprise environments.

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Views: This report has one grid view, Enterprise Service Historical All Fields.

Grouping: This report is grouped by Enterprise Name.

Value List: Service

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Enterprise_Service

  • Enterprise_Service_Member

  • Service_Interval

  • Service

Current Fields in the Enterprise Service Historical All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Column (Field)


Enterprise Service

The enterprise name of the enterprise service.

Derived from: Enterprise_Service.EnterpriseName.

Peripheral Service

The enterprise name of the peripheral service.

Derived from: Service.EnterpriseName


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hour, minute, second) format.

DateTime Derived from: Service_Interval.DateTime.


The total number of tasks associated with the service that were answered by agents in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.CallsAnswered.

Avg Speed of Answer

The average answer wait time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) for all tasks answered for the service in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.AvgSpeedAnswer.


The number of tasks associated with the service that were handled in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.CallsHandled.

Avg Handle Time

The average handle time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) of tasks associated with the service ending in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.AvgHandleTime.

Abandoned Queue

The number of tasks associated with the service that were abandoned in queue in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.CallsAbandQ.

Avg Delay Queue Abandoned

Average delay time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) of tasks associated with the service that were abandoned in queue in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.AvgDelayQAband.

Task Queue

The number of tasks associated with the service that were queued in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.CallsQ.

Avg Delay Queue

The average delay in the queue for the tasks associated with the service in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.AvgDelayQ.

Service Level

The number of tasks associated with the service answered within the Unified ICM/Unified CCE service level threshold in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.ServiceLevel.

Service Level Type

The default value that indicates how Unified ICM software calculates the service level (that is, how it handles abandoned calls in calculating the service level). You can override this default for individual services.

Derived From: Service_Interval.ServiceLevelType.

Transfer In

The number of tasks transferred into the service in the interval. The value is updated in the database when the call is completed.

Derived from: Service_Interval.TransferInCalls.

Transfer Out

The number of tasks transferred out of the service in the interval. The value is updated in the database when the transfer of the call is completed.

Derived from: Service_Interval.TransferOutCalls.


The number of outbound tasks placed by agents associated with the service in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.CallsOut.


The count of tasks that are redirected with no answer within the skill group service level threshold in the last interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.ServiceLevelCallsDequeued.

Report Summary: The report has a summary row for each Enterprise Service in the table and a total summary for all Enterprise Services. For more information, see Report Summary Rows.

Current Fields in the Enterprise Service Historical All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Column (Field)


Enterprise Service

The enterprise name of the enterprise service.

Derived from: Enterprise_Service.EnterpriseName.

Peripheral Service

The enterprise name of the peripheral service.

Derived from: Service.EnterpriseName


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hour, minute, second) format.

DateTime Derived from: Service_Interval.DateTime.


The total number of tasks associated with the service that were answered by agents in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.CallsAnswered.

Avg Speed of Answer

The average answer wait time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) for all tasks answered for the service in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.AvgSpeedAnswer.


The number of tasks associated with the service that were handled in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.CallsHandled.

Avg Handle Time

The average handle time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) of tasks associated with the service ending in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.AvgHandleTime.

Abandoned Queue

The number of tasks associated with the service that were abandoned in queue in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.CallsAbandQ.

Avg Delay Queue Abandoned

Average delay time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) of tasks associated with the service that were abandoned in queue in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.AvgDelayQAband.

Task Queue

The number of tasks associated with the service that were queued in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.CallsQ.

Avg Delay Queue

The average delay in the queue for the tasks associated with the service in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.AvgDelayQ.

Service Level

The number of tasks associated with the service answered within the Unified ICM/Unified CCE service level threshold in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.ServiceLevel.

Service Level Type

The default value that indicates how Unified ICM software calculates the service level (that is, how it handles abandoned calls in calculating the service level). You can override this default for individual services.

Derived From: Service_Interval.ServiceLevelType.

Transfer In

The number of tasks transferred into the service in the interval. The value is updated in the database when the call is completed.

Derived from: Service_Interval.TransferInCalls.

Transfer Out

The number of tasks transferred out of the service in the interval. The value is updated in the database when the transfer of the call is completed.

Derived from: Service_Interval.TransferOutCalls.


The number of outbound tasks placed by agents associated with the service in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.CallsOut.


The count of tasks that are redirected with no answer within the skill group service level threshold in the last interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.ServiceLevelCallsDequeued.

Report Summary: The report has a summary row for each Enterprise Service in the table and a total summary for all Enterprise Services. For more information, see Report Summary Rows.

Enterprise Skill Group Historical All Fields

Use this report to review key statistics like incoming call rates and average speed of answer for Enterprise Skill Groups. Enterprise Skill Groups provide the ability to group skill groups within a peripheral or in different peripherals.

Applicable Environment: Unified CCE and Unified ICM

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Views: This report has one grid view, Enterprise Skill Group Historical All Fields.

Grouping: This report is grouped by Enterprise Skill Group.

Value List: Enterprise Skill Group

This template also contains fields from entskg25: ICM Enterprise Skill Group Consolidated Half Hour, from entskg27: Enterprise Skill Group Historical All Fields, and calculated fields from entskg08: FTE for Enterprise Skill Groups Half Hour.

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Enterprise_Skill_Group

  • Enterprise_Skill_Group_Member

  • Skill_Group

  • Skill_Group_Interval

  • Media_Routing_Domain

Available Fields in the Enterprise Skill Group Historical All Fields Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current. Additional Available fields in this report are derived from the Skill_Group_Interval table as documented in the Database Schema Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

One exception is Enterprise Skill Group, which is derived from: Enterprise_Skill_Group.EnterpriseName.

Most fields take their value directly from the database.

Exceptions are the FTE Agent State fields. These are calculated based on how you have configured interval reporting. For example, FTE Agents Active is derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime / 1800) or from (Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime / 900).

Current Fields in the Enterprise Skill Group Historical All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field


Enterprise Skill Group

The enterprise skill group's enterprise name and ID.

Derived from: Enterprise_Skill_Group.EnterpriseName (Enterprise_Skill_Group.EnterpriseSkillGroupID).


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hour, minute, second) format.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime.

Ent Queued

The number of tasks queued to this Skill Group in the interval. Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsQueued.

This field is Current by default and is applicable to Unified CCE only. The equivalent field for Unified CCE is named Total Queued (ICM) is Available by default.

Avg Speed of Answer

The skill group's average speed of answer in HH:MM:SS (hour, minutes, seconds) calculated from the time spent by callers when placed in queue and ringing at the agent's desktop before the task is answered divided by the number of tasks answered.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AnswerWaitTime / Skill_Group_Interval.CallsAnswered.



The total number of tasks completed by this skill group in the interval.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled + Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ + Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonRingCalls + Skill_Group_Interval.RedirectNoAnswer).


For voice: the total number of calls that were abandoned while the agent's phone was ringing. For non-voice: the total number of tasks that were abandoned while being offered to an agent.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ + Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonCallsRing ).


The number of ACD calls to the skill group that rang at an agent's terminal and redirected on failure to answer. The value is counted at the time the call is diverted to another device, and the database is updated every reporting.


The number of Routed tasks handled within this skill group in the interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled.

Avg Handle Time

The Average Handle Time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) for tasks sent to the skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime / Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled.

Avg Active Time

The Average Active Time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) for tasks sent to the skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTalkTime / Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled.

Abandon Hold

The number of tasks offered to the skill group that abandoned while being held or paused by the agent. The value is incremented at the time the call disconnects.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonHoldCalls.

End of Completed Tasks Grouping

Transfer In

The time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that handling calls transferred into the skill group in the interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.TransferInCallsTime.

Transfer Out

The number of tasks transferred out of the service in the interval. The value is updated in the database when the transfer of the call is completed.

Derived from: Service_Interval.TransferOutCalls.

External Out

The number of completed outbound ACD calls made by agents in the skill group, during a interval. The value is updated in the database when any after-call work time associated with the call is completed.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AgentOutCalls.


Active Time

The total time spent in the Active state within this skill group in the interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime.

Hold Time

The total time agents spent in the Hold/Paused state in this skill group in the interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.HoldTime.

Log On Duration

The total time in the interval the agents were logged into this skill group, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

% Not Active

The percentage of time that agents have spent in the Not Active or Available state in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.AvailTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Not Ready

The percentage of time that agents spent in the Not Ready state in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.NotReadyTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Active

The percentage of time the interval that the agent of this skill group has spent in Active state in this Skill Group in relation to LoggedOnTime.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

% Hold

The percentage of time the interval that agents have put a call from this skill group on hold in relation to LoggedOnTime.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.HoldTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Reserved

The percentage of time the interval that agents have spent in Reserved state waiting for an ICM routed call from this skill group in relation to LoggedOnTime.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Wrap Up

The percentage of time the interval that agents have spent in Wrap-up state after incoming or outgoing tasks in relation to LoggedOnTime or interval, whichever is less.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime + Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime) / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

Report Summary: There is a summary for each Enterprise Skill Group and a total report summary. The summary line displays the Max for MaxQueued and RouterQueueCalls.

Available Fields in the Enterprise Skill Group Historical All Fields Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current. Additional Available fields in this report are derived from the Skill_Group_Interval table as documented in the Database Schema Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

One exception is Enterprise Skill Group, which is derived from: Enterprise_Skill_Group.EnterpriseName.

Most fields take their value directly from the database.

Exceptions are the FTE Agent State fields. These are calculated based on how you have configured interval reporting. For example, FTE Agents Active is derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime / 1800) or from (Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime / 900).

Current Fields in the Enterprise Skill Group Historical All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field


Enterprise Skill Group

The enterprise skill group's enterprise name and ID.

Derived from: Enterprise_Skill_Group.EnterpriseName (Enterprise_Skill_Group.EnterpriseSkillGroupID).


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hour, minute, second) format.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime.

Ent Queued

The number of tasks queued to this Skill Group in the interval. Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsQueued.

This field is Current by default and is applicable to Unified CCE only. The equivalent field for Unified CCE is named Total Queued (ICM) is Available by default.

Avg Speed of Answer

The skill group's average speed of answer in HH:MM:SS (hour, minutes, seconds) calculated from the time spent by callers when placed in queue and ringing at the agent's desktop before the task is answered divided by the number of tasks answered.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AnswerWaitTime / Skill_Group_Interval.CallsAnswered.



The total number of tasks completed by this skill group in the interval.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled + Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ + Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonRingCalls + Skill_Group_Interval.RedirectNoAnswer).


For voice: the total number of calls that were abandoned while the agent's phone was ringing. For non-voice: the total number of tasks that were abandoned while being offered to an agent.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ + Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonCallsRing ).


The number of ACD calls to the skill group that rang at an agent's terminal and redirected on failure to answer. The value is counted at the time the call is diverted to another device, and the database is updated every reporting.


The number of Routed tasks handled within this skill group in the interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled.

Avg Handle Time

The Average Handle Time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) for tasks sent to the skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime / Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled.

Avg Active Time

The Average Active Time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) for tasks sent to the skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTalkTime / Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled.

Abandon Hold

The number of tasks offered to the skill group that abandoned while being held or paused by the agent. The value is incremented at the time the call disconnects.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonHoldCalls.

End of Completed Tasks Grouping

Transfer In

The time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that handling calls transferred into the skill group in the interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.TransferInCallsTime.

Transfer Out

The number of tasks transferred out of the service in the interval. The value is updated in the database when the transfer of the call is completed.

Derived from: Service_Interval.TransferOutCalls.

External Out

The number of completed outbound ACD calls made by agents in the skill group, during a interval. The value is updated in the database when any after-call work time associated with the call is completed.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AgentOutCalls.


Active Time

The total time spent in the Active state within this skill group in the interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime.

Hold Time

The total time agents spent in the Hold/Paused state in this skill group in the interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.HoldTime.

Log On Duration

The total time in the interval the agents were logged into this skill group, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

% Not Active

The percentage of time that agents have spent in the Not Active or Available state in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.AvailTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Not Ready

The percentage of time that agents spent in the Not Ready state in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.NotReadyTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Active

The percentage of time the interval that the agent of this skill group has spent in Active state in this Skill Group in relation to LoggedOnTime.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

% Hold

The percentage of time the interval that agents have put a call from this skill group on hold in relation to LoggedOnTime.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.HoldTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Reserved

The percentage of time the interval that agents have spent in Reserved state waiting for an ICM routed call from this skill group in relation to LoggedOnTime.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Wrap Up

The percentage of time the interval that agents have spent in Wrap-up state after incoming or outgoing tasks in relation to LoggedOnTime or interval, whichever is less.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime + Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime) / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

Report Summary: There is a summary for each Enterprise Skill Group and a total report summary. The summary line displays the Max for MaxQueued and RouterQueueCalls.

Trunk Group And IVR Ports Performance Historical

Use this report to determine the business of the Cisco IVR and to evaluate information like percentage busy to help with IVR capacity planning.


You can use the report for Trunk Groups associated with TDM peripherals.

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Views: This report has one grid view, Trunk Group and IVR Ports Performance Historical.

Grouping: This report is grouped by Trunk Group and IVR Ports.

Value List: Trunk

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved: Trunk Group and Trunk_Group_Half_Hour.

Current Fields in the Trunk Group And IVR Ports Performance Historical Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a grid view report generated from the stock template.

Column (Field)


IVR Ports

The name of the IVR port used by the trunk group.

Derived from: Trunk_Group.EnterpriseName.


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hour, minute, second) format.

Derived from: Trunk_Group_Half_Hour.DateTime.


The number of ports in the group in service at the end of the interval.

Derived from: Trunk_Group_Half_Hour.TrunksInService.

% Busy

The percentage of time that the trunk groups in service were in use in the interval (for Inbound Only).

Derived from: Trunk_Group_Half_Hour.InUseInboundTime / Trunk_Group_Half_Hour.InServiceTime.

All Ports Busy

The total time, in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds), in the interval, that all ports in the group were busy.

Derived from: Trunk_Group_Half_Hour.AllTrunksBusy.

Report Summary

This report has a Group Summary for each IVR Port for each interval. It also has a Report Summary showing all fields for all IVR Ports. For more information, see Report Summary Rows.

Current Fields in the Trunk Group And IVR Ports Performance Historical Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a grid view report generated from the stock template.

Column (Field)


IVR Ports

The name of the IVR port used by the trunk group.

Derived from: Trunk_Group.EnterpriseName.


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hour, minute, second) format.

Derived from: Trunk_Group_Half_Hour.DateTime.


The number of ports in the group in service at the end of the interval.

Derived from: Trunk_Group_Half_Hour.TrunksInService.

% Busy

The percentage of time that the trunk groups in service were in use in the interval (for Inbound Only).

Derived from: Trunk_Group_Half_Hour.InUseInboundTime / Trunk_Group_Half_Hour.InServiceTime.

All Ports Busy

The total time, in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds), in the interval, that all ports in the group were busy.

Derived from: Trunk_Group_Half_Hour.AllTrunksBusy.

Report Summary

This report has a Group Summary for each IVR Port for each interval. It also has a Report Summary showing all fields for all IVR Ports. For more information, see Report Summary Rows.

Peripheral Service Historical All Fields

With ICM, the Peripheral Service Historical report provides summary interval information such as calls handled and average speed of answer for services. For information on mapping TDM entities, such as VDNs in Avaya, see the relevant ACD supplement. Peripheral Service reports are not applicable to Contact Center Enterprise environments.

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Views: This report has one grid view, Peripheral Service Historical All Fields.

Grouping: This report is grouped by Service.

Value List: Service

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Service

  • Service_Interval

Available Fields in the Peripheral Service Historical All Fields Grid View

Available fields for this report grid include the fields that appear by default as Current. Additional Available fields in this report are populated from the Service_Interval table as documented in the Database Schema Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

The exception is the Service field, which is derived from Service.ServiceName.

Current Fields in the Peripheral Service Historical All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report grid generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)



The enterprise name of the peripheral service.

Derived from: Service.EnterpriseName.


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hour, minute, second) format.

Derived from: Service_Interval.DateTime.


The total number of tasks associated with the service that were answered by agents in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.CallsAnswered.

Avg Speed of Answer

The average answer wait time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) for all tasks answered for the service in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.AvgSpeedAnswer.


The number of tasks associated with the service that were handled in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.CallsHandled.

Avg Handle Time

The average handle time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) of tasks associated with the service ending in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.HandleTime / Service_Interval.CallsHandled.

Aban in Queue

The number of tasks associated with the service that were abandoned in queue in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.CallsAbandQ.

Average Delay Queue Abandon

The average delay time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) of tasks associated with the service that were abandoned in queue in the interval.

Derived from: Serivce_Interval.DelayQAbandTime / Service_Interval.CallsAbandQ.

Task In Queue

The total number of tasks associated with the service that were queued in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.CallsQ.

Avg Delay in Queue

The average delay in queue for tasks associated with the service in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.AvgDelayQ.

Service Level

The Enterprise service level for the service in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.ServiceLevel.

Service Level Type

The default value that indicates how the service level is calculated by the ICM software (that is, how abandoned calls are handled in calculating the service level). You can override this default for individual services.

Derived From: Service_Interval.ServiceLevelType.

Transfer In

The number of tasks transferred into the service in the interval. The value is updated in the database when the call is completed.

Derived from: Service_Interval.TransferInCalls.

Transfer Out

The number of tasks transferred out of the service in the interval. The value is updated in the database when the transfer of the call is completed.

Derived from: Service_Interval.TransferOutCalls.


The number of outbound tasks placed by agents associated with the service in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.CallsOut.


The count of calls that are redirected with no answer within the skill group service level threshold in the last interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.RedirectNoAnsCalls.

Report Summary: The report has a summary row for each Service and a total summary for all Services. For more information, see Report Summary Rows.

Available Fields in the Peripheral Service Historical All Fields Grid View

Available fields for this report grid include the fields that appear by default as Current. Additional Available fields in this report are populated from the Service_Interval table as documented in the Database Schema Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

The exception is the Service field, which is derived from Service.ServiceName.

Current Fields in the Peripheral Service Historical All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report grid generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)



The enterprise name of the peripheral service.

Derived from: Service.EnterpriseName.


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hour, minute, second) format.

Derived from: Service_Interval.DateTime.


The total number of tasks associated with the service that were answered by agents in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.CallsAnswered.

Avg Speed of Answer

The average answer wait time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) for all tasks answered for the service in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.AvgSpeedAnswer.


The number of tasks associated with the service that were handled in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.CallsHandled.

Avg Handle Time

The average handle time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) of tasks associated with the service ending in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.HandleTime / Service_Interval.CallsHandled.

Aban in Queue

The number of tasks associated with the service that were abandoned in queue in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.CallsAbandQ.

Average Delay Queue Abandon

The average delay time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) of tasks associated with the service that were abandoned in queue in the interval.

Derived from: Serivce_Interval.DelayQAbandTime / Service_Interval.CallsAbandQ.

Task In Queue

The total number of tasks associated with the service that were queued in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.CallsQ.

Avg Delay in Queue

The average delay in queue for tasks associated with the service in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.AvgDelayQ.

Service Level

The Enterprise service level for the service in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.ServiceLevel.

Service Level Type

The default value that indicates how the service level is calculated by the ICM software (that is, how abandoned calls are handled in calculating the service level). You can override this default for individual services.

Derived From: Service_Interval.ServiceLevelType.

Transfer In

The number of tasks transferred into the service in the interval. The value is updated in the database when the call is completed.

Derived from: Service_Interval.TransferInCalls.

Transfer Out

The number of tasks transferred out of the service in the interval. The value is updated in the database when the transfer of the call is completed.

Derived from: Service_Interval.TransferOutCalls.


The number of outbound tasks placed by agents associated with the service in the interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.CallsOut.


The count of calls that are redirected with no answer within the skill group service level threshold in the last interval.

Derived from: Service_Interval.RedirectNoAnsCalls.

Report Summary: The report has a summary row for each Service and a total summary for all Services. For more information, see Report Summary Rows.

Peripheral Skill Group Historical All Fields

Peripheral Skill Group reports show key statistics per skill group such as average speed of answer and calls handled, as well as agent state times per skill group. Use this report to evaluate skill group performance.

Note: Completed tasks are all the tasks that completed during the time shown (that is, on the row in the report). This includes any tasks which began before the time frame shown. However, this does not include tasks where the caller abandoned in the local ACD queue.

This report displays the same data as the Enterprise Skill Group Historical report except that this report is organized by media rather then by skill group.

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Views: This report has a grid view (Peripheral Skill Group Historical All Fields) and a stacked bar chart view (Service Level).

Grouping: This report is grouped by Skill Group.

Value Lists: Skill Group, Media Routing Domain

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Skill_Group

  • Skill_Group_Interval

Available Fields in the Peripheral Skill Group Historical Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current. In addition, most Available fields in this report are derived from the Skill_Group_Interval table as documented in the Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

One exception is Enterprise Skill Group, which is derived from: Enterprise_Skill_Group.EnterpriseName.

Most fields but one take their value directly from the database.

Exceptions are the FTE Agent State fields. These are calculated based on how you have configured interval reporting. For example, FTE Agents Active is derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime / 1800) or from (Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime / 900).

Current Fields in the Peripheral Skill Group Historical Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Skill Group

The skill group's enterprise name and ID.

Derived from: Skill_Group.EnterpriseName (Skill_Group.SkillTargetID).


The enterprise name of the Media Routing Domain associated with the skill group.

Media is derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hour, minute, second) format.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime.

Ent Queued

The number of tasks queued to this Skill Group in the interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RouterQueueCalls + Skill_Group_Interval.CallsQueued.

This field is Current by default and is applicable to Unified CCE only. The equivalent field for Unified CCE is named Total Queued (ICM) is Available by default.

Avg Speed of Answer

The skill group's average speed of answer in HH:MM:SS (hour, minutes, seconds) calculated from the time spent by callers when placed in queue and ringing at the agent's desktop before the task is answered divided by the number of tasks answered.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AnswerWaitTime / Skill_Group_Interval.CallsAnswered.


Service Level Answer

The count of calls that are routed to the skill group or queued to the skill group in the last interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.ServiceLevelCalls.

Service Level Abandon

The count of calls that are abandoned within the skill group service level threshold in the last interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.ServiceLevelCallsAband.



The total number of tasks completed by this skill group in the interval.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled + Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ + Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonRingCalls + Skill_Group_Interval.RedirectNoAnswer).


For voice: the total number of calls that were abandoned while the agent's phone was ringing. For non-voice: the total number of tasks that were abandoned while being offered to an agent.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ + Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonCallsRing).


The count of calls that are redirected with no answer within the skill group service level threshold in the last interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RedirectNoAnsCalls.


The number of Routed tasks handled within this skill group in the interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled.

Avg Handle Time

The Average Handle Time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) for tasks sent to the skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime / Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled.

Avg Active Time

The Average Active Time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) for tasks sent to the skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTalkTime / Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled.

Abandon Hold

The number of tasks offered to the skill group that abandoned while being held or paused by the agent. The value is incremented at the time the call disconnects.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonHoldCalls.

Tasks Picked

The total number of pick requests successfully routed to this skill group in the reporting interval.

Tasks Pulled

The total number of pull requests successfully routed to this skill group in the reporting interval.

Picks Failed

Number of Pick request resulting in an error.

Pulls Failed

Number of Pull request resulting in an error.

End of Completed Tasks Grouping

Transfer In

The number of tasks transferred into the skill group in the interval. The value is updated in the database when the call is completed.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.TransferInCalls.

Transfer Out

The number of tasks this agent transferred to another agent or skill group in the interval. This includes Consultative Calls. The value is updated in the database when the transfer of the call is completed.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredOutCalls + Skill_Group_Interval.NetTransferredOutCalls.

External Out

For default skill groups: the number of times an agent initiated an outgoing external call in the interval. For routing skill groups: the number of times an agent initiated a transfer or conference to an external device in the interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AgentOutCalls.


Active Time

The time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that agents in the skill group were in the Active state in the interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime.

Hold Time

The total time agents spent in the Hold/Paused state in this skill group, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format. Includes Incoming Direct and Outgoing Internal, although call counts are not shown in this report.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.HoldTime.

Logged On Duration

The total duration in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, and seconds) during the period that agents were logged into this skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Not Active

The percentage of agents in the skill group who are NOT currently involved in tasks and who are ready to accept calls or tasks.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AvailTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

% Not Ready

The percentage of time that agents spent in the Not Ready state in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.NotReadyTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Active

The percentage of agents in the skill group who are working on incoming tasks or who are in one of the talking states.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkingInTime + Skill_Group_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkingOutTime + Skill_Group_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkingOtherTime + Skill_Group.Skill_Group_Interval.TalkingAutoOutTime + Skill_Group.Skill_Group_Interval.TalkingPreviewTime + Skill_Group.Skill_Group_Interval.TalkingReserveTime) / Skill_Group_Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

% Hold

The percentage of time that agents spent in the Hold/Paused state in relation to LoggedOnTime or interval, whichever is less.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.HoldTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Reserved

The percentage of time that agents spent working on Reserved time in relation to LoggedOnTime or interval, whichever is less.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval. ReservedStateTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Wrap Up

The percentage of time that agents have spent in Wrap-up state after incoming or outgoing calls in relation to LoggedOnTime or interval, whichever is less.

Derived from: ((Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime + Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime) / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

End of Agent State Times Grouping

Max Queued

The maximum number of calls in queue for this call type during this interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RouterMaxCallsQueued.

Longest Queued

The longest time a call had to wait before it was dispositioned (abandoned, answered, and so on) in this interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RouterMaxCallWaitTime.

Abandon Rings

The total number of ACD calls to the skill group that were abandoned while ringing at an agent's position. The value is incremented at the time the call disconnects.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonRingCalls.


The number of calls answered by agents associated with a skill group during the reporting interval. This value is set by the PG. The number of calls answered includes only handled calls and internal calls received. The value is incremented at the time the call is answered.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.CallsAnswered.

Report Summary: There is a summary for each Skill Group and a total report summary. The summary line displays the Max for MaxQueued and RouterQueueCalls. For more information, see Report Summary Rows.

Available Fields in the Peripheral Skill Group Historical Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current. In addition, most Available fields in this report are derived from the Skill_Group_Interval table as documented in the Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

One exception is Enterprise Skill Group, which is derived from: Enterprise_Skill_Group.EnterpriseName.

Most fields but one take their value directly from the database.

Exceptions are the FTE Agent State fields. These are calculated based on how you have configured interval reporting. For example, FTE Agents Active is derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime / 1800) or from (Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime / 900).

Current Fields in the Peripheral Skill Group Historical Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Skill Group

The skill group's enterprise name and ID.

Derived from: Skill_Group.EnterpriseName (Skill_Group.SkillTargetID).


The enterprise name of the Media Routing Domain associated with the skill group.

Media is derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.


The date and time of the selected row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hour, minute, second) format.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime.

Ent Queued

The number of tasks queued to this Skill Group in the interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RouterQueueCalls + Skill_Group_Interval.CallsQueued.

This field is Current by default and is applicable to Unified CCE only. The equivalent field for Unified CCE is named Total Queued (ICM) is Available by default.

Avg Speed of Answer

The skill group's average speed of answer in HH:MM:SS (hour, minutes, seconds) calculated from the time spent by callers when placed in queue and ringing at the agent's desktop before the task is answered divided by the number of tasks answered.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AnswerWaitTime / Skill_Group_Interval.CallsAnswered.


Service Level Answer

The count of calls that are routed to the skill group or queued to the skill group in the last interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.ServiceLevelCalls.

Service Level Abandon

The count of calls that are abandoned within the skill group service level threshold in the last interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.ServiceLevelCallsAband.



The total number of tasks completed by this skill group in the interval.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled + Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ + Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonRingCalls + Skill_Group_Interval.RedirectNoAnswer).


For voice: the total number of calls that were abandoned while the agent's phone was ringing. For non-voice: the total number of tasks that were abandoned while being offered to an agent.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ + Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonCallsRing).


The count of calls that are redirected with no answer within the skill group service level threshold in the last interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RedirectNoAnsCalls.


The number of Routed tasks handled within this skill group in the interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled.

Avg Handle Time

The Average Handle Time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) for tasks sent to the skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime / Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled.

Avg Active Time

The Average Active Time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) for tasks sent to the skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTalkTime / Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled.

Abandon Hold

The number of tasks offered to the skill group that abandoned while being held or paused by the agent. The value is incremented at the time the call disconnects.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonHoldCalls.

Tasks Picked

The total number of pick requests successfully routed to this skill group in the reporting interval.

Tasks Pulled

The total number of pull requests successfully routed to this skill group in the reporting interval.

Picks Failed

Number of Pick request resulting in an error.

Pulls Failed

Number of Pull request resulting in an error.

End of Completed Tasks Grouping

Transfer In

The number of tasks transferred into the skill group in the interval. The value is updated in the database when the call is completed.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.TransferInCalls.

Transfer Out

The number of tasks this agent transferred to another agent or skill group in the interval. This includes Consultative Calls. The value is updated in the database when the transfer of the call is completed.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredOutCalls + Skill_Group_Interval.NetTransferredOutCalls.

External Out

For default skill groups: the number of times an agent initiated an outgoing external call in the interval. For routing skill groups: the number of times an agent initiated a transfer or conference to an external device in the interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AgentOutCalls.


Active Time

The time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that agents in the skill group were in the Active state in the interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime.

Hold Time

The total time agents spent in the Hold/Paused state in this skill group, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format. Includes Incoming Direct and Outgoing Internal, although call counts are not shown in this report.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.HoldTime.

Logged On Duration

The total duration in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, and seconds) during the period that agents were logged into this skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Not Active

The percentage of agents in the skill group who are NOT currently involved in tasks and who are ready to accept calls or tasks.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AvailTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

% Not Ready

The percentage of time that agents spent in the Not Ready state in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.NotReadyTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Active

The percentage of agents in the skill group who are working on incoming tasks or who are in one of the talking states.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkingInTime + Skill_Group_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkingOutTime + Skill_Group_Skill_Group_Interval.TalkingOtherTime + Skill_Group.Skill_Group_Interval.TalkingAutoOutTime + Skill_Group.Skill_Group_Interval.TalkingPreviewTime + Skill_Group.Skill_Group_Interval.TalkingReserveTime) / Skill_Group_Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime.

% Hold

The percentage of time that agents spent in the Hold/Paused state in relation to LoggedOnTime or interval, whichever is less.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.HoldTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Reserved

The percentage of time that agents spent working on Reserved time in relation to LoggedOnTime or interval, whichever is less.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval. ReservedStateTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

% Wrap Up

The percentage of time that agents have spent in Wrap-up state after incoming or outgoing calls in relation to LoggedOnTime or interval, whichever is less.

Derived from: ((Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime + Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime) / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime).

End of Agent State Times Grouping

Max Queued

The maximum number of calls in queue for this call type during this interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RouterMaxCallsQueued.

Longest Queued

The longest time a call had to wait before it was dispositioned (abandoned, answered, and so on) in this interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RouterMaxCallWaitTime.

Abandon Rings

The total number of ACD calls to the skill group that were abandoned while ringing at an agent's position. The value is incremented at the time the call disconnects.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonRingCalls.


The number of calls answered by agents associated with a skill group during the reporting interval. This value is set by the PG. The number of calls answered includes only handled calls and internal calls received. The value is incremented at the time the call is answered.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.CallsAnswered.

Report Summary: There is a summary for each Skill Group and a total report summary. The summary line displays the Max for MaxQueued and RouterQueueCalls. For more information, see Report Summary Rows.

Precision Queue Abandon Answer Distribution Historical

Precision Queue Abandon Answer Distribution is used to identify where (in the routing) callers are abandoning and to identify the typical wait times and caller tolerance. For each precision queue, reports generated from this template display the number of answered and abandoned calls for separate intervals for the report time period, broken out into interval summaries.

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Views: This report has one grid view, Precision Queue Abandon Answer Distribution Historical.

Value Lists: Precision Queue, Media Routing Domain

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Attribute

  • Bucket_Intervals

  • Precision_Queue

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Router_Queue_Interval

  • Skill_Group_Interval

Available Fields in the Precision Queue Abandon-Answer Distribution Historical Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that display by default as Current. Additional Available fields for this template are populated from the Skill_Group_Interval and Bucket_Intervals tables as documented in the Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

The following fields are from the Skill_Group_Interval table:

  • Ans Wait Time: Derived from Skill_Group_Interval.AnswerWaitTime

  • BucketIntervalID: Derived from Skill_Group_Interval.BucketIntervalID

  • Calls Handled: Derived from Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled

  • SkillTargetID: Derived from Skill_Group_Interval.SkillTargetID

  • DelayQAban: Derived from Skill_Group_Interval.RouterDelayQAbandTime

  • Router Calls Aban: Derived from Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandToAgent +Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ

The following Available fields are from the Bucket_Intervals table:

Interval 1 - Interval 10: Derived from Bucket_Intervals.IntervalUpperBound1 - IntervalUpperBound9 where the tenth interval is everything greater than UpperBound9.

Current Fields in the Precision Queue Abandon-Answer Distribution Historical Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Precision Queue

The enterprise name of the Precision Queue and its precision queue ID.

Derived from: Precision_Queue.EnterpriseName and Precision_Queue.PrecisionQueueID


The enterprise name of the Media Routing Domain associated with the precision queue.

Media is derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.


The attributes used in the precision queue definition. The report shows only those attributes that are used.


The date and time at the start of the reporting interval.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.DateTime

Avg Speed of Answer

The precision queue average speed of answer in HH:MM:SS (hour, minutes, seconds) based on the time spent by callers in the queue and ringing at an agent desktop before the task is answered divided by the number of answered tasks.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AnswerWaitTime / Skill_Group_Interval.CallsAnswered

Interval 1 - Interval 10


The amount of time that a call should be handled by.

Derived from: Bucket_Interval.UpperBound1(through 9)


The number of calls answered in this interval.

Derived from: RouterQueueInterval.AnsInterval1 (through10)

Note: AnsInterval1 is the number of calls answered within Interval 1. For Call Type Interval, AnsInterval is calculated from the time the call is queued to a skill group or a precision queue, to the time the call is answered. This includes any requery time. This field is applicable to both Unified ICM and Unified CCE with the following exception:

The field is not incremented if the call is answered by an agent on a standard ACD unless the call was translation routed.


The number of calls abandoned in this interval.

Derived from: RouterQueueInterval.AbandInterval1 (through10)

Note: AbandInterval1 is the number of calls abandoned within Interval 1. For Call Type Interval, AbandInterval is calculated from the time the call is queued to a skill group or a precision queue, to the time the call is abandoned. This includes any requery time. This field is applicable to both Unified ICM and Unified CCE with the following exception:

The field is not incremented if the call is answered by an agent on a standard ACD unless the call was translation routed.


The maximum number of calls in queue for this Skill Group during this interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RouterMaxCallsQueued

Longest Queued

The longest time a call elapsed before it was abandoned or answered in this interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RouterMaxCallWaitTime

Available Fields in the Precision Queue Abandon-Answer Distribution Historical Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that display by default as Current. Additional Available fields for this template are populated from the Skill_Group_Interval and Bucket_Intervals tables as documented in the Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

The following fields are from the Skill_Group_Interval table:

  • Ans Wait Time: Derived from Skill_Group_Interval.AnswerWaitTime

  • BucketIntervalID: Derived from Skill_Group_Interval.BucketIntervalID

  • Calls Handled: Derived from Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled

  • SkillTargetID: Derived from Skill_Group_Interval.SkillTargetID

  • DelayQAban: Derived from Skill_Group_Interval.RouterDelayQAbandTime

  • Router Calls Aban: Derived from Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandToAgent +Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ

The following Available fields are from the Bucket_Intervals table:

Interval 1 - Interval 10: Derived from Bucket_Intervals.IntervalUpperBound1 - IntervalUpperBound9 where the tenth interval is everything greater than UpperBound9.

Current Fields in the Precision Queue Abandon-Answer Distribution Historical Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Precision Queue

The enterprise name of the Precision Queue and its precision queue ID.

Derived from: Precision_Queue.EnterpriseName and Precision_Queue.PrecisionQueueID


The enterprise name of the Media Routing Domain associated with the precision queue.

Media is derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.


The attributes used in the precision queue definition. The report shows only those attributes that are used.


The date and time at the start of the reporting interval.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.DateTime

Avg Speed of Answer

The precision queue average speed of answer in HH:MM:SS (hour, minutes, seconds) based on the time spent by callers in the queue and ringing at an agent desktop before the task is answered divided by the number of answered tasks.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AnswerWaitTime / Skill_Group_Interval.CallsAnswered

Interval 1 - Interval 10


The amount of time that a call should be handled by.

Derived from: Bucket_Interval.UpperBound1(through 9)


The number of calls answered in this interval.

Derived from: RouterQueueInterval.AnsInterval1 (through10)

Note: AnsInterval1 is the number of calls answered within Interval 1. For Call Type Interval, AnsInterval is calculated from the time the call is queued to a skill group or a precision queue, to the time the call is answered. This includes any requery time. This field is applicable to both Unified ICM and Unified CCE with the following exception:

The field is not incremented if the call is answered by an agent on a standard ACD unless the call was translation routed.


The number of calls abandoned in this interval.

Derived from: RouterQueueInterval.AbandInterval1 (through10)

Note: AbandInterval1 is the number of calls abandoned within Interval 1. For Call Type Interval, AbandInterval is calculated from the time the call is queued to a skill group or a precision queue, to the time the call is abandoned. This includes any requery time. This field is applicable to both Unified ICM and Unified CCE with the following exception:

The field is not incremented if the call is answered by an agent on a standard ACD unless the call was translation routed.


The maximum number of calls in queue for this Skill Group during this interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RouterMaxCallsQueued

Longest Queued

The longest time a call elapsed before it was abandoned or answered in this interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RouterMaxCallWaitTime

Precision Queue Efficiency

Precision Queue Efficiency reports the efficiency and effectiveness of the Precision Queue logic by identifying the disposition of contacts per step.

Precision Queue Efficiency is an interval report.

The Precision Queue Efficiency report reflects trends across intervals and is not intended for reconciling the numbers within an interval.

It is possible for a call to span intervals, therefore, a call may be offered in one time interval and answered in a second.

Views: This report has the following grid views:

  • Precision Queue Efficiency

  • Precision Queue Efficiency All Fields

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Grouping: This report is grouped by Precision Queue Name.

Value List: Precision Queue

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Attribute

  • Precision_Queue

  • Router_Queue_Interval

Available Fields in the Precision Queue Efficiency

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current. Additional available fields in this report are derived from the Router_Queue_Interval table as documented in the Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

Current Fields in the Precision Queue Efficiency Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

The following current fields are listed in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

As Overflow and Skipped relate to following steps, they are inapplicable in step 10 (which has no following step) and, therefore, do not appear in step 10 in the report.

Column (Field)


Precision Queue

The enterprise name of the precision queue and its precision queue ID.

Derived from: Precision_Queue.EnterpriseName and Precision_Queue.PrecisionQueueID.


The attributes used in the precision queue definition. The report shows only those attributes that are used.


The date and time at the start of the reporting interval.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.DateTime

Step 1 - Step 10


The number of calls offered in this step.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.OfferedStep(n)


The total of all calls offered in this precision queue that were answered in this step.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.AnsStep(n)


This is a link to a Precision Queue Efficiency Drill Down report. For more information, see Precision Queue Efficiency Drill Down.

Current Fields in the Precision Queue Efficiency All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

The following current fields are listed in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Precision Queue

The enterprise name of the precision queue and its precision queue ID.

Derived from: Precision_Queue.EnterpriseName and Precision_Queue.PrecisionQueueID.


The attributes used in the precision queue definition. The report shows only those attributes that are used.


The date and time at the start of the reporting interval.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.DateTime

Step 1 - Step 10


The number of calls offered in this step.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.OfferedStep(n)


The total of all calls offered in this precision queue that were skippeded in this step.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.


The total of all calls offered in this precision queue that were answered in this step.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.AnsStep(n)


The total of all calls offered in this precision queue that were abandoned in this step.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.


The total of all calls offered in this precision queue that overflowed.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.


This is a link to a Precision Queue Efficiency Drill Down report. For more information, see Precision Queue Efficiency Drill Down.

Current Fields in the Precision Queue Efficiency All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

The following current fields are listed in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

As Overflow and Skipped relate to following steps, they are inapplicable in step 10 (which has no following step) and, therefore, do not appear in step 10 in the report.

Column (Field)


Precision Queue

The enterprise name of the precision queue and its precision queue ID.

Derived from: Precision_Queue.EnterpriseName and Precision_Queue.PrecisionQueueID.


The attributes used in the precision queue definition. The report shows only those attributes that are used.


The date and time at the start of the reporting interval.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.DateTime

Step 1 - Step 10


The number of calls offered in this step.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.OfferedStep(n)


The total of all calls offered in this precision queue that were answered in this step.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.AnsStep(n)


This is a link to a Precision Queue Efficiency Drill Down report. For more information, see Precision Queue Efficiency Drill Down.

Current Fields in the Precision Queue Efficiency All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

The following current fields are listed in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

As Overflow and Skipped relate to following steps, they are inapplicable in step 10 (which has no following step) and, therefore, do not appear in step 10 in the report.

Column (Field)


Precision Queue

The enterprise name of the precision queue and its precision queue ID.

Derived from: Precision_Queue.EnterpriseName and Precision_Queue.PrecisionQueueID.


The attributes used in the precision queue definition. The report shows only those attributes that are used.


The date and time at the start of the reporting interval.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.DateTime

Step 1 - Step 10


The number of calls offered in this step.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.OfferedStep(n)


The total of all calls offered in this precision queue that were answered in this step.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.AnsStep(n)


This is a link to a Precision Queue Efficiency Drill Down report. For more information, see Precision Queue Efficiency Drill Down.

Precision Queue Efficiency Drill Down

The Precision Queue Efficiency Drill Down report is filtered by the Precision Queue name and an absolute Date Time range. For each 15- or 30-minute interval in a time span, the percentage of calls that are answered for each step of the Precision Queue are displayed on a stacked bar.

The Y axis is percentage answered, and the X axis is time.

It is possible to have more than 100% answered in a step because it is an interval based metric; a call might have been offered in one time interval and answered in another.

If you select multiple Precision Queues, the percent answered can grow to 200%.

The Precision Queue Efficiency Drill Down report reflects trends across intervals and is not intended for reconciling the numbers within an interval.

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Views: This report has a stacked bar chart view only.

Value List: Precision Queue

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Precision_Queue

  • Router_Queue_Interval

Precision Queue Interval All Fields

Use this report to evaluate Precision Queue performance and staffing. Precision Queue Interval provides key statistics per Precision Queue such as average speed of answer and contacts handled, as well as agent state times. The Precision Queue interval report is comparable to Peripheral Skill Group Historical.

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Views: This report has one grid view, Precision Queue Interval All Fields.

Grouping: This report is grouped by Precision Queue.

Value Lists: Precision Queue, Media Routing Domain

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Attribute

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Precision_Queue

  • Router_Queue_Interval

  • Skill_Group_Interval

Available Fields in the Precision Queue Interval All Fields Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current. In addition, most Available fields in this report are derived from the Router_Queue_Interval and Skill_Group_Interval table as documented in the Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

Current Fields in the Precision Queue Interval All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

The following current fields are listed in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Precision Queue

The enterprise name of the Agent Precision Queue.

Derived from: Precision_Queue.EnterpriseName.


The enterprise name of the Media Routing Domain associated with the precision queue.

Media is derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.


The attributes used in the precision queue definition. The report shows only those attributes that are used.


The date and time of the data for a selected row.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.DateTime.


Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.QueueCalls.

Avg Speed of Answer

The precision queue average speed of answer in HH:MM:SS(hour, minutes, seconds) based on the time spent by callers in the queue and ringing at an agent desktop before the task is answered divided by the number of answered tasks.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AnswerWaitTime /Skill_Group_Interval.CallsAnswered.

Service Level

Service Level

Service Level Type used to calculate Service level for the interval.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.ServiceLevel.


The number of calls that are routed to the precision queue or queued to the precision queue in the last interval.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.ServiceLevelCalls


The number of calls that are abandoned within the precision queue service level threshold in the last interval.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.ServiceLevelCallsAband.

Completed Tasks


The total number of tasks completed by this precision queue in the interval.

Derived from:(Router_Queue_Interval.CallsHandled++ Router_Queue_Interval.RedirectNoAnsCalls+ Router_Queue_Interval.CallsAbandQ+ Router_Queue_Interval.RouterError+ Router_Queue_Interval.CallsAbandToAgent)


The sum of:

  • The number of calls to the call type that are abandoned in the Router queue during the reporting interval.

  • The number of calls associated with this skillgroup that are abandoned at the agent desktop before being answered during the reporting interval. Termination_Call_Detail records generated by agent PG with a Call Disposition Flag of 2 are also counted for this field. This does not include short calls and the calls that were abandoned in the VRU.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.CallsAbandQ +



The count of calls that are redirected with no answer within the Precision Queue service level threshold in the last interval.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.RedirectNoAnsCalls


The number of inbound calls for which agents in the precision queue during the interval answered and completed.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.CallsHandled.

Avg Handle Time

The average time spent by agents in this precision queue handling a task in the interval.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime / Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled)

Avg Active Time

The Average Active Time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) for tasks sent to the precision queue.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTalkTime /Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled

Abandon Hold

The number of tasks offered to the precision queue that are abandoned while being held or paused by the agent. The value is incremented at the time the call disconnects.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonHoldCalls

Tasks Picked

The total number of pick requests successfully routed by the precision queue.

Tasks Pulled

The total number of pull requests successfully routed by the precision queue.

Picks Failed

Number of pick request resulting in an error.

Pulls Failed

Number of pull request resulting in an error.

End of Completed Tasks Grouping

Transfer In

The number of tasks transferred into the precision queue in the interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.TransferInCalls

Transfer Out

The number of tasks this agent transferred to another agent or precision queue in the interval. This includes Consultative Calls. The value is updated in the database when the transfer of the call is completed.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredOutCalls + Skill_Group_Interval.NetTransferredOutCalls

External Out

For default precision queues: the number of times an agent initiated an outgoing external call in the interval. For routing precision queues: the number of times an agent initiated a transfer or conference to an external device in the interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AgentOutCalls

Agent State Time

Active Time

The time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that agents in the precision queue were in the Active state in the interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime

Hold Time

The total time agents spent in the Hold/Paused state in this precision queue, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format. Includes Incoming Direct and Outgoing Internal, although call counts are not shown in this report.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.HoldTime

Logged On Time

The total duration in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, and seconds) during the period that agents were logged into this skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime

%Not Active

The percentage of time that agents spent in the Not Active or Available state in relation to LoggedOnTime. This field applies to all precision queues.

This field is a calculated field derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AvailTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime

%Not Ready

The percentage of time that agents spent in the Not Ready state in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less. This field applies to all precision queues.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.NotReadyTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Active

The percentage of time that agents spent talking on calls in this precision queue in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.TalkInTime + Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOutTime + Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOtherTime + Skill_Group_Interval.TalkAutoOutTime + Skill_Group_Interval.TalkPreviewTime + Skill_Group_Interval.TalkReserveTime) / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Hold

The percentage of time that agents put a call on hold or paused a task in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.HoldTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTimeTime

% Reserved

The percentage of time that agents spent in the Reserved state waiting for an ICM routed task from this precision queue in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Wrap Up

The percentage of time that agents spent in the Wrap-upstate after incoming or outgoing calls to/from this precision queue in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime + Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime) / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Utilization

The percentage of Ready time that agents in the precision queue spent talking or doing call work during the current five-minute interval. This is the percentage of time agents spend working on calls versus the time agents were ready.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.PercentUtilizationTo5

End of Agent State Times Grouping


The number of routed calls answered by agents associated with this skillgroup during the given interval. CallsAnswered is incremented in the interval where the call is answered, as opposed to CallsHandled which is incremented in the interval where the call ends.

This is derived from skill_group_interval.CallsAnswered.

Abandon ring

For voice: the total number of calls that are abandoned while the agent phone is ringing.

For non-voice: the total number of tasks that are abandoned when offered to an agent.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonRingCalls

Longest Queued

The longest a call had to wait before being answered, abandoned, or otherwise ended. This includes time in the network queue, local queue, and ringing at the agent if applicable.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.MaxCallWaitTime


The maximum number of calls queued for this precision queue during this interval. Calls queued against multiple precision queues are included in the count for each precision queue to which the calls are queued.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.MaxCallsQueued

Available Fields in the Precision Queue Interval All Fields Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current. In addition, most Available fields in this report are derived from the Router_Queue_Interval and Skill_Group_Interval table as documented in the Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

Current Fields in the Precision Queue Interval All Fields Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

The following current fields are listed in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Precision Queue

The enterprise name of the Agent Precision Queue.

Derived from: Precision_Queue.EnterpriseName.


The enterprise name of the Media Routing Domain associated with the precision queue.

Media is derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.


The attributes used in the precision queue definition. The report shows only those attributes that are used.


The date and time of the data for a selected row.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.DateTime.


Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.QueueCalls.

Avg Speed of Answer

The precision queue average speed of answer in HH:MM:SS(hour, minutes, seconds) based on the time spent by callers in the queue and ringing at an agent desktop before the task is answered divided by the number of answered tasks.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AnswerWaitTime /Skill_Group_Interval.CallsAnswered.

Service Level

Service Level

Service Level Type used to calculate Service level for the interval.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.ServiceLevel.


The number of calls that are routed to the precision queue or queued to the precision queue in the last interval.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.ServiceLevelCalls


The number of calls that are abandoned within the precision queue service level threshold in the last interval.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.ServiceLevelCallsAband.

Completed Tasks


The total number of tasks completed by this precision queue in the interval.

Derived from:(Router_Queue_Interval.CallsHandled++ Router_Queue_Interval.RedirectNoAnsCalls+ Router_Queue_Interval.CallsAbandQ+ Router_Queue_Interval.RouterError+ Router_Queue_Interval.CallsAbandToAgent)


The sum of:

  • The number of calls to the call type that are abandoned in the Router queue during the reporting interval.

  • The number of calls associated with this skillgroup that are abandoned at the agent desktop before being answered during the reporting interval. Termination_Call_Detail records generated by agent PG with a Call Disposition Flag of 2 are also counted for this field. This does not include short calls and the calls that were abandoned in the VRU.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.CallsAbandQ +



The count of calls that are redirected with no answer within the Precision Queue service level threshold in the last interval.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.RedirectNoAnsCalls


The number of inbound calls for which agents in the precision queue during the interval answered and completed.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.CallsHandled.

Avg Handle Time

The average time spent by agents in this precision queue handling a task in the interval.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTime / Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled)

Avg Active Time

The Average Active Time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) for tasks sent to the precision queue.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.HandledCallsTalkTime /Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled

Abandon Hold

The number of tasks offered to the precision queue that are abandoned while being held or paused by the agent. The value is incremented at the time the call disconnects.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonHoldCalls

Tasks Picked

The total number of pick requests successfully routed by the precision queue.

Tasks Pulled

The total number of pull requests successfully routed by the precision queue.

Picks Failed

Number of pick request resulting in an error.

Pulls Failed

Number of pull request resulting in an error.

End of Completed Tasks Grouping

Transfer In

The number of tasks transferred into the precision queue in the interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.TransferInCalls

Transfer Out

The number of tasks this agent transferred to another agent or precision queue in the interval. This includes Consultative Calls. The value is updated in the database when the transfer of the call is completed.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.TransferredOutCalls + Skill_Group_Interval.NetTransferredOutCalls

External Out

For default precision queues: the number of times an agent initiated an outgoing external call in the interval. For routing precision queues: the number of times an agent initiated a transfer or conference to an external device in the interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AgentOutCalls

Agent State Time

Active Time

The time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that agents in the precision queue were in the Active state in the interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime

Hold Time

The total time agents spent in the Hold/Paused state in this precision queue, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format. Includes Incoming Direct and Outgoing Internal, although call counts are not shown in this report.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.HoldTime

Logged On Time

The total duration in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, and seconds) during the period that agents were logged into this skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime

%Not Active

The percentage of time that agents spent in the Not Active or Available state in relation to LoggedOnTime. This field applies to all precision queues.

This field is a calculated field derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AvailTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime

%Not Ready

The percentage of time that agents spent in the Not Ready state in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less. This field applies to all precision queues.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.NotReadyTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Active

The percentage of time that agents spent talking on calls in this precision queue in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.TalkInTime + Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOutTime + Skill_Group_Interval.TalkOtherTime + Skill_Group_Interval.TalkAutoOutTime + Skill_Group_Interval.TalkPreviewTime + Skill_Group_Interval.TalkReserveTime) / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Hold

The percentage of time that agents put a call on hold or paused a task in relation to LoggedOnTime or the interval, whichever is less.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.HoldTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTimeTime

% Reserved

The percentage of time that agents spent in the Reserved state waiting for an ICM routed task from this precision queue in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Wrap Up

The percentage of time that agents spent in the Wrap-upstate after incoming or outgoing calls to/from this precision queue in relation to LoggedOnTime.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime + Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime) / Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime

% Utilization

The percentage of Ready time that agents in the precision queue spent talking or doing call work during the current five-minute interval. This is the percentage of time agents spend working on calls versus the time agents were ready.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.PercentUtilizationTo5

End of Agent State Times Grouping


The number of routed calls answered by agents associated with this skillgroup during the given interval. CallsAnswered is incremented in the interval where the call is answered, as opposed to CallsHandled which is incremented in the interval where the call ends.

This is derived from skill_group_interval.CallsAnswered.

Abandon ring

For voice: the total number of calls that are abandoned while the agent phone is ringing.

For non-voice: the total number of tasks that are abandoned when offered to an agent.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AbandonRingCalls

Longest Queued

The longest a call had to wait before being answered, abandoned, or otherwise ended. This includes time in the network queue, local queue, and ringing at the agent if applicable.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.MaxCallWaitTime


The maximum number of calls queued for this precision queue during this interval. Calls queued against multiple precision queues are included in the count for each precision queue to which the calls are queued.

Derived from: Router_Queue_Interval.MaxCallsQueued

Skill Group Abandon-Answer Distribution Historical

The Skill Group Abandon-Answer Distribution Historical report identifies where in the skill group callers are abandoning and the typical wait times for callers.

Query: This report data is built from a Database Query.

Views: This report has one grid view, Skill Group Abandon-Answer Distribution Historical.

Grouping: This report is grouped and sorted by Skill Group.

Value Lists: Skill Groups, Media Routing Domain

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Bucket_Intervals

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Skill_Group

  • Skill_Group_Interval

Available Fields in the Skill Group Abandoned-Answer Distribution Historical Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current. Additional Available fields in this report are populated from the following tables.

These Available fields are from the Skill_Group_Interval table:

  • Ans Wait Time Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AnswerWaitTime.

  • BucketIntervalID Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.BucketIntervalID.

  • Calls Handled Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled.

  • SkillTargetID Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.SkillTargetID.

  • DelayQAban Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.CallDelayAbandTime.

  • Router Calls Aban: Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.TotalCallsAband.

These fields are derived from the Bucket_Intervals table, as documented in the Database Schema Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

int1 - int 9: Derived from: Bucket_Intervals.IntervalUpperBound1 - IntervalUpperBound9.

Current Fields in the Skill Group Abandoned-Answer Distribution Historical Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report grid view generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed here in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

The headings for the Interval fields are dynamic headers; they show the intervals you defined.

Column (Field)


Skill Group

The enterprise name of the Skill Group.

Derived from:Skill_Group.EnterpriseName.


The enterprise name of the Media Routing Domain associated with the skill group.

Media is derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.


The date and time when the call type interval data was generated in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

For every interval in the selected time period, there is summary row for each selected call type.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime.

Avg Speed of Answer

Average Speed of Answer. The average answer wait time from when first queue to skill group or LAA select node was run for this call to when this call was answered. This is an important measure of service quality because the time can vary, even over the course of one day, due to call volumes and staff levels.

This is a calculated field, derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.AnswerWaitTime/ Skill_Group_Interval.CallsAnswered.

Int 1 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between the time set to begin measuring and interval 1. The system default interval 1 is 8 seconds. For example: 00:00 - 00:08.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.AnsInterval(1) and Skill_Group_Interval.AbandInterval(1).

Int 2 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 1 and interval 2. The system default interval 2 is 30 seconds. For example: 00:08 - 00:38.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.AnsInterval(2) and Skill_Group_Interval.AbandInterval(2).

Int 3 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 2 and interval 3. The system default interval 3 is 60 seconds (1 minute). For example: 00:38 - 01:38.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.AnsInterval(3) and Skill_Group_Interval.AbandInterval(3).

Int 4 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 3 and interval 4. The system default interval 4 is 90 seconds. For example: 01:38 - 03:08.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.AnsInterval(4) and Skill_Group_Interval.AbandInterval(4).

Int 5 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 4 and interval 5. The system default interval 5 is 120 seconds (2 minutes). For example: 03:08 - 05:08.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.AnsInterval(5) and Skill_Group_Interval.AbandInterval(5).

Int 6 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 5 and interval 6. The system default interval 6 is 180 seconds (3 minutes). For example: 05:08 - 08:08.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.AnsInterval(6) and Skill_Group_Interval.AbandInterval(6).

Int 7 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 6 and interval 7. The system default interval 7 is 300 seconds (5 minutes). For example: 08:08 - 13:08.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.AnsInterval(7) and Skill_Group_Interval.AbandInterval(7).

Int 8 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 7 and interval 8. The system default interval 8 is 600 seconds (10 minutes). For example: 13:08 - 23:08.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.AnsInterval(8) and Skill_Group_Interval.AbandInterval(8).

Int 9 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 8 and interval 9. The system default interval 9 is 1200 seconds (20 minutes). For example: 23:08 - 43:08.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.AnsInterval(9) and Skill_Group_Interval.AbandInterval(9).

> Int 9 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned within the remaining time in the report time period measured in minutes and seconds. For example: > 43:08.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.AnsInterval(10) and Skill_Group_Interval.AbandInterval(10).

Max Queued

The maximum number of calls in queue for this call type during this interval.

Derived from : Skill_Group_Interval. MaxCallsQueued.

Longest Queued

The longest time a call had to wait before it was dispositioned (abandoned or answered) in this interval.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval. MaxCallWaitTime.

Report Summary: The summary line shows an average for the Avg Speed of Answer and Avg Aban Delay columns, totals for the interval columns, and Max for MaxQueued and Longest Queued columns.

Available Fields in the Skill Group Abandoned-Answer Distribution Historical Grid View

Available fields for this report include the fields that appear by default as Current. Additional Available fields in this report are populated from the following tables.

These Available fields are from the Skill_Group_Interval table:

  • Ans Wait Time Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AnswerWaitTime.

  • BucketIntervalID Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.BucketIntervalID.

  • Calls Handled Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled.

  • SkillTargetID Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.SkillTargetID.

  • DelayQAban Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.CallDelayAbandTime.

  • Router Calls Aban: Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.TotalCallsAband.

These fields are derived from the Bucket_Intervals table, as documented in the Database Schema Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

int1 - int 9: Derived from: Bucket_Intervals.IntervalUpperBound1 - IntervalUpperBound9.

Current Fields in the Skill Group Abandoned-Answer Distribution Historical Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report grid view generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed here in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

The headings for the Interval fields are dynamic headers; they show the intervals you defined.

Column (Field)


Skill Group

The enterprise name of the Skill Group.

Derived from:Skill_Group.EnterpriseName.


The enterprise name of the Media Routing Domain associated with the skill group.

Media is derived from: Media_Routing_Domain.EnterpriseName.


The date and time when the call type interval data was generated in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

For every interval in the selected time period, there is summary row for each selected call type.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.DateTime.

Avg Speed of Answer

Average Speed of Answer. The average answer wait time from when first queue to skill group or LAA select node was run for this call to when this call was answered. This is an important measure of service quality because the time can vary, even over the course of one day, due to call volumes and staff levels.

This is a calculated field, derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.AnswerWaitTime/ Skill_Group_Interval.CallsAnswered.

Int 1 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between the time set to begin measuring and interval 1. The system default interval 1 is 8 seconds. For example: 00:00 - 00:08.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.AnsInterval(1) and Skill_Group_Interval.AbandInterval(1).

Int 2 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 1 and interval 2. The system default interval 2 is 30 seconds. For example: 00:08 - 00:38.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.AnsInterval(2) and Skill_Group_Interval.AbandInterval(2).

Int 3 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 2 and interval 3. The system default interval 3 is 60 seconds (1 minute). For example: 00:38 - 01:38.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.AnsInterval(3) and Skill_Group_Interval.AbandInterval(3).

Int 4 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 3 and interval 4. The system default interval 4 is 90 seconds. For example: 01:38 - 03:08.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.AnsInterval(4) and Skill_Group_Interval.AbandInterval(4).

Int 5 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 4 and interval 5. The system default interval 5 is 120 seconds (2 minutes). For example: 03:08 - 05:08.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.AnsInterval(5) and Skill_Group_Interval.AbandInterval(5).

Int 6 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 5 and interval 6. The system default interval 6 is 180 seconds (3 minutes). For example: 05:08 - 08:08.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.AnsInterval(6) and Skill_Group_Interval.AbandInterval(6).

Int 7 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 6 and interval 7. The system default interval 7 is 300 seconds (5 minutes). For example: 08:08 - 13:08.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.AnsInterval(7) and Skill_Group_Interval.AbandInterval(7).

Int 8 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 7 and interval 8. The system default interval 8 is 600 seconds (10 minutes). For example: 13:08 - 23:08.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.AnsInterval(8) and Skill_Group_Interval.AbandInterval(8).

Int 9 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned between interval 8 and interval 9. The system default interval 9 is 1200 seconds (20 minutes). For example: 23:08 - 43:08.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.AnsInterval(9) and Skill_Group_Interval.AbandInterval(9).

> Int 9 Ans and Aban

The number of calls answered/abandoned within the remaining time in the report time period measured in minutes and seconds. For example: > 43:08.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.AnsInterval(10) and Skill_Group_Interval.AbandInterval(10).

Max Queued

The maximum number of calls in queue for this call type during this interval.

Derived from : Skill_Group_Interval. MaxCallsQueued.

Longest Queued

The longest time a call had to wait before it was dispositioned (abandoned or answered) in this interval.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval. MaxCallWaitTime.

Report Summary: The summary line shows an average for the Avg Speed of Answer and Avg Aban Delay columns, totals for the interval columns, and Max for MaxQueued and Longest Queued columns.