Manage Security Certificates

Add Security Certificates

Before configuring the main site, you must generate and import its certificate of the machines into the AW machine. You must also import certificates of machines that pre-exist in the Unified CCE system if you haven’t already.

Certificates are used to ensure that browser communication is secure by authenticating clients and servers on the Web. Users can purchase certificates from a certificate authority (CA signed certificates) or they can use self-signed certificates. To establish a secure communication, execute the commands in the Command Prompt as an Administrator (right click over the Command Prompt and select Run as administrator).

Packaged CCE enables the administration of solution components such as Cisco Finesse, Cisco ECE, and so on from the Unified CCE Administration console and requires you to import these component certificates on the Administration and Data Servers as a pre-requisite. Failing to do so may result in these configuration pages not loading or in errors when you try to access these pages in the Unified CCE Administration console.

The tables provide information on how to import the CA Certificate and the self-signed certificate certificates.

Table 1. Self-Signed Certificates


Procedure to Import Certificates


Generate and Import Self-signed Certificate in AW Machine

Add AW Certificate to Cisco Unified CVP Servers


Add Solution Components Self-Signed Certificate into the AW Machine

Cisco ECE Web Server

Add ECE Web Server Certificate to AW Machine

Cisco IdS

Add IdS Certificate to AW Machine

Cisco Finesse

Add Finesse Certificate to AW Machine

Cisco Unified CVP

Import CVP Call Server Certificate into AW Machines

Cisco VVB

Import VVB Self-Signed Certificate into AW Machines

Table 2. CA Certificates


Procedure to Import Certificates


Generate and Import CA Signed Certificate in AW Machine

Import CA Certificate into AW Machines

Import CA Certificate into AW Machines

Generate and Import Self-signed Certificate in AW Machine

Generate and Import the self-signed certificate to all AW Machines.


Step 1

Log in to the AW-HDS-DDS Server.

Step 2

Execute the following command:

cd %JAVA_HOME%\bin
Step 3

Remove the existing certificate by executing:

keytool.exe -delete -alias <certificate_name> -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts
Step 4

Enter the keystore password when prompted.

The default keystore password is changeit.


To change the keystore password, see Change Java Truststore Password.

Step 5

Generate a new key pair for the alias with the selected key size by running: keytool.exe -genkeypair -alias <certificate_name> -v -keysize 1024 -keyalg RSA -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts.

Enter keystore password: <enter the keystore password>
What is your first and last name?
[Unknown]: <specify the AW host name> E.g CCE-AW-1-21
What is the name of your organizational unit?
[Unknown]: <specify OU> E.g. ccbu
What is the name of your organization?
[Unknown]: <specify the name of the org> E.g. cisco
What is the name of your City or Locality?
[Unknown]: <specify the name of the city/locality>  E.g. BLR
What is the name of your State or Province?
[Unknown]: <specify the name of the state/province>  E.g. KA
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
[Unknown]: <specify two-letter Country code>  E.g. 91
Is CN=CCE-AW-1-21, OU=cisco, O=ccbu, L=BLR, ST=KA, C=91 correct?
[no]: yes
Step 6

Go to Services and restart Tomcat.

Add Principal AW certificate to all Unified CVP Servers.


Step 1

Download Packaged CCE webadmin self-signed certificate to %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\.

Step 2

Import the certificate to the CVP Call Server keystore - %CVP_HOME%\jre\bin\keytool.exe -import -trustcacerts -keystore %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\.keystore -storetype JCEKS -alias AW_cert -file %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\<AW certificate>.

Add Solution Components Self-Signed Certificate to AW Machine

Add Finesse Certificate to AW Machine


  • The certificate CommonName (CN) must match the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) provided for the respective Finesse and IdS servers in the Packaged CCE Inventory.


Step 1

Sign in to the Cisco Unified Operating System Administration on the primary server (https://<FQDN of Finesse server>:8443/cmplatform).

Step 2

From the Security menu, select Certificate Management.

Step 3

Click Find.

Step 4

Do one of the following:

  • If the tomcat certificate for your server is not on the list, click Generate Self-signed. When the certificate generation is complete, reboot your server.

  • If the tomcat certificate for your server is on the list, click the certificate to select it. (Ensure that the certificate you select includes the hostname for the server.)

Step 5

Download the PEM encoded certificate and save the file to your desktop.

You must download the self-signed certificates that contain the hostname of the primary server.
Step 6

Copy the certificate to a location in AW Machine.

Step 7

Run the following command at the AW machine terminal:

  • cd %JAVA_HOME%
  • keytool -import -file <path where self-signed certificate is copied> -alias <FQDN of Finesse Server> -keystore .\lib\security\cacerts
Step 8

Go to Services and restart Tomcat.

Add IdS Certificate to AW Machine


  • You must download and import the certificate from both IdS publisher and subscriber servers.

  • The certificate CommonName (CN) must match the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) provided for the respective Finesse and IdS servers in the Packaged CCE Inventory.


Step 1

Sign in to the Cisco Unified Operating System Administration on the primary server (https://<FQDN of Ids server:8443>/cmplatform).

Step 2

From the Security menu, select Certificate Management.

Step 3

Click Find.

Step 4

Do one of the following:

  • If the tomcat certificate for your server is not on the list, click Generate Self-signed. When the certificate generation is complete, reboot your server.

  • If the tomcat certificate for your server is on the list, click the certificate to select it. (Ensure that the certificate you select includes the hostname for the server.)

Step 5

Download the PEM encoded self-signed certificate and save the file to your desktop.

You must download the self-signed certificates that contain the hostname of the primary server.
Step 6

Copy the certificate to a location in AW Machine.

Step 7

Run the following command at the AW machine terminal:

  • cd %JAVA_HOME%
  • keytool -import -file <path where self-signed certificate is copied> -alias <FQDN of IdS Server> -keystore .\lib\security\cacerts
Step 8

Go to Services and restart Tomcat.

Add ECE Web Server Certificate to AW Machine

If you do not have a CA certificate, you must import a self-signed certificate from the ECE web server to AW machine. This will enable you to launch the ECE gadget in the Unified CCE Administration.


Step 1

From the ECE Web Server (https://<ECE Web Server>), download the PEM encoded certificate, and save the file to your desktop.

Step 2

Copy the certificate to a location in AW Machine.

Step 3

Run the following command at the AW machine terminal:

  • cd %JAVA_HOME%\bin
  • keytool -import -file <path where self-signed certificate is copied> -alias <FQDN of ECE Web Server> -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts
Step 4

Enter the truststore password when prompted.

The default truststore password is changeit.


To change the truststore password, see Change Java Truststore Password.

Step 5

Go to Services and restart Tomcat.

Import CVP Call Server Certificate into AW Machines


This procedure is applicable if you do not have the CA certificate.

When you install CVP Call Server, you must import the Web Service Manager (WSM) self-signed certificate into all AW machines. This will eliminate any browser warnings and establish HTTPS connection between CVP Call Server and AW machine. Use Keytool to generate a Self-Signed Certificate.


The certificate CommonName (CN) must match the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) provided for the CVP Call Server in the Packaged CCE Inventory.


Step 1

Log in to the CVP Call Server.

Step 2

On the command prompt, navigate to the directory where .keystore is located.

For example:
Step 3

Delete the wsm certificate from the CVP keystore using the following command:

%CVP_HOME%\jre\bin\keytool.exe -delete -alias wsm_certificate -keystore %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\.keystore -storetype JCEKS 
Step 4

Enter the CVP keystore password.

The CVP keystore password is available at %CVP_HOME%\conf\


Run the following command to get the keystore password:
more %CVP_HOME%\conf\
Security.keystorePW = <Returns the keystore password>
Step 5

Run the following command to generate the self-signed certificate:

%CVP_HOME%\jre\bin\keytool.exe -storetype JCEKS -keystore %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\.keystore -genkeypair -alias wsm_certificate -v -validity <duration in days> -keysize 2048 -keyalg RSA

The default duration for validity is 90 days.

Enter keystore password: <enter the keystore password>
What is your first and last name?.
 [Unknown]: <Specify the FQDN of the CVP server. For example:>
What is the name of your organizational unit?
 [Unknown]: <specify OU> E.g. CCBU
What is the name of your organization?
 [Unknown]: <specify the name of the org> E.g. CISCO
What is the name of your City or Locality?
 [Unknown]: <specify the name of the city/locality>  E.g. BLR
What is the name of your State or Province?
 [Unknown]: <specify the name of the state/province>  E.g. KAR
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
 [Unknown]: <specify two-letter Country code>  E.g. IN
Specify ‘yes’ for the inputs.
Step 6

Enter the key password for wsm certificate. Leave it blank to use the default keystore password.

Step 7

Restart the CVP Call Server.

Step 8

Download the self-signed certificate from the browser (https://FQDN of the CVP Server:8111/cvp-dp/rest/DiagnosticPortal/GetProductVersion).

Step 9

Copy the certificate to a location in AW Machine.

Step 10

At the AW machine terminal, run the following command:

  • cd %JAVA_HOME%\bin
  • keytool -import -file <path where self-signed certificate is copied> -alias <FQDN of the CVP Server> -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts 
Step 11

Enter the truststore password when prompted.

The default truststore password is changeit.


To change the truststore password, see Change Java Truststore Password.

Step 12

Go to Services and restart Apache Tomcat.

Import VVB Self-Signed Certificate into AW Machines

Import self-signed certificate from Virtualized Voice Browser (VVB) into all AW machines. This enables the AW Machine to communicate with the component over a secure channel.


  • The certificate CommonName (CN) must match the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) provided for VVB in the Packaged CCE Inventory.


Step 1

Sign in to the Cisco Unified Operating System Administration on the VVB server using the URL (https://<FQDN of VVB server>:8443/cmplatform).

Step 2

From the Security menu, select Certificate Management.

Step 3

Click Find.

Step 4

Do one of the following:

  • If the tomcat certificate for your server is not on the list, click Generate Self-signed. When the certificate generation is complete, reboot your server.

  • If the tomcat certificate for your server is on the list, click the certificate to select it. (Ensure that the certificate you select includes the hostname for the server.)

Step 5

Download the PEM encoded certificate and save the file to your desktop.

You must download the self-signed certificates that contain the hostname of the primary server.
Step 6

Copy the certificate to a location in AW Machine.

Step 7

Run the following command as an administrator at the AW machine terminal:

  • cd %JAVA_HOME%\bin
  • keytool -import -file <path where self-signed certificate is copied> -alias <FQDN of component Server> -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts
Step 8

Enter the keystore password when prompted.

The default keystore password is changeit.


To change the keystore password, see Change Java Truststore Password.

Step 9

Go to Services and restart Apache Tomcat.

Change Java Truststore Password

This procedure explains how to change a truststore password in a Windows machine.


Step 1

Log in to the Windows machine.

Step 2

Execute the following command:

cd %JAVA_HOME%\bin
Step 3

Change the truststore password by executing the following command:

keytool.exe -storepasswd -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts
Enter keystore password:  <old-password>
New keystore password:  <new-password>
Re-enter new keystore password:  <new-password>

Generate and Import CA Signed Certificate in AW Machine

Generate and Import the CA signed certificate to all AW Machines.


Step 1

Log in to the AW-HDS-DDS Server.

Step 2

Execute the following command:

cd %JAVA_HOME%\bin
Step 3

Remove the existing certificate by executing:

keytool.exe -delete -alias <certificate_name> -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts
Step 4

Enter the keystore password when prompted.

The default keystore password is changeit.


To change the keystore password, see Change Java Truststore Password.

Step 5

Generate a new key pair for the alias with the selected key size by running keytool.exe -genkeypair -alias <certificate_name> -v -keysize 1024 -keyalg RSA -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts.

Enter keystore password: <enter the keystore password>
What is your first and last name?
[Unknown]: <specify the AW host name> E.g CCE-AW-1-21
What is the name of your organizational unit?
[Unknown]: <specify OU> E.g. ccbu
What is the name of your organization?
[Unknown]: <specify the name of the org> E.g. cisco
What is the name of your City or Locality?
[Unknown]: <specify the name of the city/locality>  E.g. BLR
What is the name of your State or Province?
[Unknown]: <specify the name of the state/province>  E.g. KA
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
[Unknown]: <specify two-letter Country code>  E.g. 91
Is CN=CCE-AW-1-21, OU=cisco, O=ccbu, L=BLR, ST=KA, C=91 correct?
[no]: yes
Step 6

Enter the keystore password when prompted.

Step 7

Generate the CSR certificate for the alias by running keytool.exe -alias <certificate_name> -certreq -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts -file c:\cert\<certificate_name>.csr and save it to a file (for example, tomcatCert.csr).

Step 8

Enter the keystore password when prompted.

Step 9

Copy the root CA certificate and the CA-signed certificate to %JAVA_HOME%\bin>.

Step 10

Install the root CA certificate by running keytool.exe -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts -import -v -trustcacerts -alias root -file %Path_Of_Root_Cert%\<filename_of_root_cert>.

Step 11

Enter the keystore password when prompted.

Step 12

Install the signed certificate by running keytool.exe -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts -import -v -trustcacerts -alias <certificate_name> -file %Path_Of_Root_Cert%\<filename_of_CA_signed_cert>.

Step 13

Go to Services and restart Tomcat.

Import CA Certificate into AW Machines


Step 1

Log in to the AW-HDS-DDS Server.

Step 2

Execute the following command:

cd %JAVA_HOME%\bin
Step 3

Copy the Root or intermediate certificates to a location in AW Machine.

Step 4

Remove the existing certificate by executing:

keytool.exe -delete -alias <AW FQDN> -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts
Step 5

Enter the truststore password when prompted.

The default truststore password is changeit.


To change the truststore password, see Change Java Truststore Password.

Step 6

At the AW machine terminal, run the following command:

  • cd %JAVA_HOME%\bin
  • keytool -import -file <path where the Root or intermediate certificate is stored> -alias <AW FQDN> -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts 
Step 7

Enter the truststore password when prompted.

Step 8

Go to Services and restart Apache Tomcat.