System Administration

Most of SocialMiner system administration is performed using the System Administration panel. This section describes the parts of the panel as well as other administrative procedures including backup and restore, managing certificates, and changing the administrator password.

System Administration Panel

Only the SocialMiner Administrator, who is the application user created during install time, can use the administration panel.

The administration panel on the administration tab provides access to system configuration and serviceability tools that must be set up for efficient system use. The top half of the display consists of software version information, server status and system statistic indicators.

Below the indicators are a series of drawers that contain tools for configuring different system aspects (as described below). Use the arrow buttons next to the headings to open the tool drawers.

System Status and Statistics

The top section of the System Administration panel has three types of system status and statistical information:

  • Software versions:
    • Application Software Version (the version of the Cisco Unified OS that SocialMiner is running on).

    • Operating System Active Software Version (The current, active SocialMiner version).

    • Operating System Inactive Software Version (the previous, inactive SocialMiner version - if any).

  • Server status for:
    • Data store

    • Indexer

    • Runtime

    • Eventing and Chat.

    • the Hardware profile (a tool tip shows when you hover over the hardware icon to indicate if the system is a small or large deployment).

    • the Mail Notifications Server (if configured).

    • the external XMPP Notifications Server (used for Instant Messaging notifications, if configured).

    • the Connection to CCE Notifications (used for sending notifications to CCE, if configured).

  • Three graphical meters show:
    • the incoming rate of all social contacts (per hour) for this server.

    • the number of concurrent signed-in user sessions with SocialMiner, including administrators and other users via web interfaces and other connected applications.

    • the percentage of the disk being used. (See Provisioning Considerations for SocialMiner Chat for more information on calculating a suitable amount of disk allocation.)

    Hover the cursor over these graphs to see information about current statistics and system limits.

The meters help you determine if a server is nearing any limits. If a meter is completely red

  • consider asking users to sign out.
  • modify your feeds to reduce the number of incoming contacts.
  • increase your disk allocation.

Active Directory

SocialMiner uses Active Directory (AD) to manage and administer user access to the system. All users, with the exception of the administration and reporting users, must be configured on a Microsoft Active Directory server to access SocialMiner.

The AD connection permits users configured in AD to access SocialMiner. You can configure the connection to allow access for all users in AD or for only a specific group of users. Multiple, independent groups that require isolated security and permissions should each deploy their own SocialMiner system.


If Twitter account feeds are configured on the system, all users are able to see direct messages to the configured Twitter accounts and all users can post from these accounts. SocialMiner tracks which users make which posts. Companies that want to restrict who can make posts need to configure SocialMiner to authenticate with a specific role. If SocialMiner is authenticated with a specific AD role, then only those AD users with that role can use SocialMiner.

To configure AD, open the Active Directory drawer on the System Administration panel and click Edit. Enter or modify these fields and then click Save when finished.

  • Enabled: Checkbox. When checked, the AD connection is active. If not checked, then only the administrator can sign into SocialMiner.
  • Host: Required if Enabled is checked. Provide the host name or IP address of the AD server.
  • Port: Required if Enabled is checked. Provide the port for AD. The default AD port is 3269. If you are not using SSL, you must change the port to 3268.
  • Use SSL: Checkbox. Checked by default. Uncheck if not using SSL. When checked, you must exchange security certificates with the AD server before SSL can work (see below).
  • Manager Distinguished Name: Required if Enabled is checked. Enter the Manager Distinguished Name used to sign in to the AD server. For example, on a default installation of Microsoft AD, the name is :CN=Administrator, CN=users, DC=MYSERVER, DC=COM. Replace MYSERVER and COM with your hostname.
  • Manager Password: Required if Enabled is checked. The password for the AD Manager account.
  • Role Name: Optional. The AD role or AD group of users who are allowed to access SocialMiner. If this setting is blank or set to "*", then all users in AD are allowed access to SocialMiner.

Exchanging security certificates with AD

To enable SSL for the AD connection, you must first exchange security certificates between the two servers. Enabling SSL is optional, but if you do not enable SSL, then username and password information is not transmitted securely between SocialMiner and the Microsoft AD server.

To exchange security certificates, on the AD server:

  1. Verify that the AD server has the Certificate Services service installed.
  2. Select All Programs > Administrative Tools > Certificate Authority.
  3. Expand the domain node and select Issued Certificates.
  4. Double click the certificate to open it.
  5. Open the Details tab and click Copy to file.
  6. An Export wizard opens. In the wizard select DER encoded binary.
  7. Use the wizard to select a location to save the file.
  8. Click Finish.

On the SocialMiner Server:

  1. Open the Platform Administration drawer on the System Administration panel and select the link to the Unified OS Administration page.
  2. Select Security > Certificate Management.
  3. Click Upload Certificate.
  4. For the Certificate Name, select tomcat-trust.
  5. In the Upload File field, select the file to upload by clicking Browse... Select the certificate file you saved from the Active Directory server.
  6. Click Upload File.
  7. Restart the Cisco Tomcat service. Using the CLI, run the command utils service restart Cisco Tomcat.

Adding users

The Administration user (configured at install) and Reporting user accounts are the only accounts explicitly configured on SocialMiner. The customer care representatives are configured in Microsoft AD.

When these users sign into SocialMiner, successfully authenticate against AD, and begin to take actions on the system; their actions are associated with their AD user ID.

Mail Notifications Server

The mail notifications server settings allow you to configure SMTP information for a mail notifications server. You must configure a mail notifications server if you intend to use the email notification feature.


The mail notifications server sends an email notification to alert users when a contact comes in to SocialMiner that matches certain criteria. The mail notifications server is separate from the Exchange server used for multi-session email.

To configure the mail notifications server, open the Mail Notifications Server drawer on the System Administration panel and click Edit. Enter or modify these fields and then click Save when finished.

  • Enabled: Check to enable the mail notifications server connection.
  • Mail Notifications Server Host: Required if Enabled is checked. The IP address or host name of the mail notifications server. For Gmail, set this to
  • Mail Notifications Server Port: Required if Enabled is checked. The port for the mail notifications server. Port 465 is the default for SSL/TLS connections (such as the Gmail SMTP server For non-SSL/TLS connections, the default port is 25. If you change the port for your mail notifications server from the default, use the new port number for this field.
  • From Email Address: Required if Enabled is checked. The email address from which emails are sent.
  • Use Authentication: Check if the user has SMTP authentication to connect to the mail notifications server. When Use Authentication is checked, these two fields become editable.
    • User Name: Required if Use Authentication is checked. The user name for signing in.
    • Password: Required if Use Authentication is checked. The password for the user name.
  • Use SSL|TLS : Defaults to checked. Uncheck this if your mail notifications server does not support a secure connection. This must be checked if you are using the Gmail SMTP server (

Proxy Settings


Consult your Network Administrator for the proxy name and port. The same proxy is used across all feeds. If your server is behind a firewall, the SocialMiner Administrator may need to enable the feeds to use a proxy.

To configure the proxy, open the Proxy Settings drawer on the System Administration panel and click Edit. Enter or modify these fields and then click Save when finished.

  • Enable Proxy: Checkbox. When checked, feeds are accessed through the proxy server.
  • Hostname: Required when Enable Proxy is checked. The IP address or hostname of the proxy server.
  • Port: Required when Enable Proxy is checked. The port for the proxy server.
  • Exclusion Patterns: You can add and remove host names or IP addresses for servers not requiring a proxy.
    • To add an exclusion, type the exclusion into the text box and click Add.
    • To remove an exclusion, select the red X to the right of the exclusion.
    • Wildcards are supported. For example" *" excludes all servers with a hostname and "10.86*" excludes all IP addresses starting with 10.86.


  • Proxy changes may take up to 30 seconds to take effect.
  • The exclusion list is limited to 255 total characters. (There is an additional character per item in the list that acts as a separator.)
  • SocialMiner should only need to access a proxy server if it sits behind a corporate network firewall and has to use an http or https proxy server for accessing an outside network. You should not need to give SocialMiner a private NAT address, and doing so is not currently supported.

Public URL Prefix for Chat Invitation

A public prefix can be added to the shortened URL of a chat invitation so that when a chat invitation is sent in a Tweet or a Facebook comment, the link refers to a URL that is accessible from the public network.  In order for this to be succesful, use a reverse proxy or the SocialMiner server needs to be hosted in a DMZ. Use this tool to configure that customer-accessible URL.

Click the Edit button to enter a valid URL starting with http:// and click Save.

The defined prefix appears in the chat invitation link sent to the customer.


Public URL Prefix for Chat Invitation does not apply to SocialMiner integration with CCX for multisession web chat feature.

CCE Configuration for Multichannel Routing

Use this drawer to configure the media routing peripheral gateway (MR PG) server and a port.

To configure the MR PG server, open the CCE Configuration for Multichannel Routing drawer and click Edit. Enter or modify these fields and then click Save when finished.

  • Enabled: Checkbox. Check to enable the media routing server connection.
    • If not enabled, the MR PG configuration will be ignored and no connections will be accepted.
    • If enabled but no hosts are set, then any connection will be accepted.
    • If enabled and at least one host is specified, then only connections matching the specified hosts are allowed.
  • Host Side A and B: Enter the IP address or hostname of the side A and side B MR PG servers. Any identifier can be specified (for example, IPv4 or hostname), as long as it can be resolved to the actual IP address of the servers. The combined length of the host strings is limited to 254 characters.


    When entering an IP address as a host for either side, SocialMiner uses DNS to look up the hostname registered for that IP address. The hostname must match the hostname registered for the IP address of the server connected to SocialMiner.

    If resolution does not occur in a timely fashion (within 1 second for each look up), connections may fail. Ensure that your network configuration is robust enough to ensure timely DNS response and appropriate error handling for DNS failures.

  • Port: The MR PG server port that SocialMiner listens to. The port is set to 38001 by default. The valid range is 10000 - 65535.

XMPP Notifications Server

XMPP notifications server settings allow you to configure an XMPP notifications server so SocialMiner can use instant messaging (IM) notifications. You must configure an XMPP notifications server if you intend to use the IM notification feature.

To configure the XMPP notifications server, open the XMPP Notifications Server drawer and click Edit. Enter or modify these fields and then click Save when finished.

  • Enabled: Checkbox. Check to enable the XMPP notifications server connection.
  • XMPP Service Lookup: Check to enable XMPP Service Lookup. When enabled, the User Name's domain is used to connect to the correct XMPP Notifications Server.
  • XMPP Notifications Server Host: The IP address or Hostname of the XMPP Notifications Server. This does not apply if XMPP Service Lookup is checked.
  • XMPP Notifications Server Port: The port for the XMPP Notifications Server. This is set for port 5222 by default. This does not apply if XMPP Service Lookup is checked.
  • User Name: The user name (in full JID format, such as, which is used to sign in to the XMPP Notifications Server.
  • Password: The password for the above User Name. NOTE: If you change your XMPP password for any reason, change it here.

Purge Settings

Database purges are required to remove old data from the data store so that the disk does not fill up. Data store purges occur on a continuous basis (every hour) based on the age of the contacts and disk usage.

The purge runs automatically 5 minutes after the runtime is started and then runs every 60 minutes. Each time the purge runs, the first 30,000 contacts that are older than the number of days specified in the 'Purge Social Contacts older than (days)' setting are deleted. If no contacts meet the criteria, no contacts are purged. If more than 30,000 contacts meet the criteria, only the first 30,000 are deleted. The next 30,000 are deleted at the next purge 60 minutes later.

Important! Purge settings take effect as soon as you click Save; therefore, if the 'Emergency purge when disk usage exceeds (%)' criterion is met, the purge starts immediately.

To configure purge settings, open the Purge Settings drawer and click Edit. Enter or modify these fields and then click Save when finished.

  • Data store purge settings:

    • Purge Social Contacts older than (days): Social contacts older than this number of days are purged. Values must be integers (no decimals) between 1 and 550.
    • Emergency purge when disk usage exceeds (%): Begin an emergency purge if disk usage exceeds this value. Valid values are 40–90. When an emergency purge executes, social contacts older than the number of days specified above are removed. If disk usage is still above the setting for this field, the purge continues removing social contacts (one day at a time) until the disk usage is below the threshold for emergency purge.
  • Reporting purge settings:

    • Purge start time (HH:mm 24 hour format): The time, in 24 hour format (00:00 to 23:59), that the purge starts based on the local server time. By default this is set to 01:00 (1am) local server time.
    • Purge Social Contacts older than (days): Reporting records for social contacts older than this number of days are purged when the purge starts. Values must be integers (no decimals) between 1 and 550.

Reporting Configuration

The reporting configuration allows you to set or change the Informix password for the reporting user. You cannot change the reporting user name; it is always "reportinguser". This username does not display until you edit and enter a password.

The reporting user is used by Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC) and third-party applications to access the reporting database. Details on the tables in the reporting database are available in the SocialMiner Developer Guide.

To set or change the password for the reporting user, open the Reporting Configuration drawer and enter a new password in the password field, and then click Save. Password is the only field you can edit.

You will also see reporting server and database information in this drawer. This information is required for third-party connection to the database. The details include:

  • Reporting Host: the hostname to use when connecting to the reporting database.
  • Reporting Port: the port for the reporting database server.
  • Reporting Server: the Informix server name for the reporting database. When configuring CUIC, this is the "Instance".
  • Reporting Database: the Informix database name for reporting.
  • Database Type: the type of database (Informix).

When configuring CUIC, you must select UTF-8 as the character set.

RTMT Download

Use the RTMT (Real-Time Monitoring Tool) to troubleshoot issues in SocialMiner by downloading and analyzing the service logs. You can download RTMT logs for the following services:
  • SocialMiner Datastore Service
  • SocialMiner Indexer Service
  • SocialMiner Migration
  • SocialMiner ORM Service
  • SocialMiner Public REST API
  • SocialMiner REST API
  • SocialMiner Runtime Service
  • SocialMiner XMPP Server Service

For more information about using RTMT, see the Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Administration Guide available here:


RTMT Download Links

Links are provided in the RTMT Download drawer to download the Unified Real Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT).

For details on installing and configuring RTMT, see Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Administration Guide.

Audit Logs

SocialMiner 11.6 supports audit logging to keep track of changes made to configuration entities (e.g. Feeds/Campaigns, etc). It also identifies the id used to autheticate the request. The log file can be viewed via RTMT tool by selecting the SocialMiner rest API option. The file titled ccp-audit.log is located at : /var/log/active/mmca/logs/ccp-audit.log

An audit log entry will contain the following fields:



DATE TIME (e.g : 2016-10-27 18:44:55.405)

The date and time when the audit log entry was created .


The HTTP request type of the request (e.g PUT/POST/DELETE/GET)


The id used for authntication.


The URL context used while requesting.


The request data sent as part of the request.


Textual description of the change e.g < CREATE | MODIFY | DELETE>

Log files can accomodate upto 100 MB of data, post which new files will get created. Old files earlier than 6 months will be archived. The audit log files can be viewed via RTMT tool by selecting the SocialMiner rest API option.

To retrieve the audit log file later, use the following CLI command from the admin prompt: file get activelog mmca/logs/ccpapi/ccp-audit.log

Platform Administration

The Platform Administration drawer provides links to the following interfaces of Cisco Unified OS:

  • Cisco Unified Operating System Administration—Use tools on this interface to upgrade software and to import certificates.
  • Cisco Unified Serviceability—Only shows OS logs, SocialMiner logs are accessed from the System Logs drawer.


    Though configuration for SNMP alerts is available, SocialMiner does not support SNMP alerts.

  • Disaster Recovery System—Use tools on this interface to perform back up and restore actions.

SocialMiner uses the same platform administration tools as Unified Communications Manager. Online help is available with the tools.

System Logs

The System Logs drawer provides a link to perform a system health snapshot.

Important! Do not select the System Health Snapshot link unless directed to by Cisco TAC. Accessing this link forces the system to stream all system parameters into a large XML file for download. System performance is impacted while the snapshot is occurring.

Language Pack

Download and install the language pack only if you want to see the SocialMiner interface in a language other than English.

The language pack for SocialMiner is delivered as a single COP file, the same way that SocialMiner delivers COP files for patches. The file is available to download from at the following link:


The file contains a single installer for all language variants. The filename is of the format:


where 11.0.1 is the release identifier.

To install the COP file for the language you want on your SocialMiner interface, see the "Apply COP File" section of the Cisco SocialMiner Installation and Upgrade Guide, located at http:/​/​​c/​en/​us/​support/​customer-collaboration/​socialminer/​products-installation-guides-list.html.


Certificates are used to ensure that browser communication is secure by authenticating clients and servers on the Web. Users can purchase certificates from a certificate authority (CA signed certificates) or they can use self-signed certificates.

Obtaining a CA-Signed Certificate

Each time you sign-in, the browser validates the certificate presented by the server. If the certificate is not signed by a trusted root Certificate Authority (CA), the browser will typically not allow the connection until the user explicitly allows it. In order to avoid this, you must obtain a root certificate signed by a CA and install it onto SocialMiner.

Use the Certificate Management utility from Unified OS Administration to do this.

Open Unified OS Administration from the Administration tab > Platform Administration.

To Obtain the Certificates

  1. Select Security > Certificate Management > Generate CSR.
  2. After the successful generation, click Download CSR.
  3. Use the CSR to obtain the signed application certificate and the CA root certificate from the CA.

To Upload the Certificates

  1. When you receive the certificates, open Unified OS Administration from the Administration tab > Platform Administration.
  2. Select Security > Certificate Management > Upload Certificate.
  3. Select the certificate name from the Certificate Name list.
  4. Upload the root certificate.
    1. In the Upload dialog box, select tomcat trust from the drop-down.
    2. Browse to the file and click Open.
    3. Click Upload File.
  5. Upload the application certificate.
    1. In the Upload dialog box, select tomcat from the drop-down.
    2. Enter the name of the CA root in the Root Certificate text box.
    3. Browse to the file and click Open.
    4. Click Upload File.

For more information about CA-signed certificates, see the Security topics in the Unified OS Administration online help.

After You Upload the Certificates

  1. Sign out of SocialMiner.
  2. Restart the XMPP Service. (SSH to SocialMiner and enter the command admin:utils service restart SocialMiner XMPP Server) in the command line interface.
  3. Restart Tomcat. (SSH to SocialMiner and enter the command admin:utils service restart Cisco Tomcat) in the command line interface.
  4. Sign in to SocialMiner.

Self-Signed Certificates

Self-signed certificates (as the name implies) are signed by the same entity whose identity they certify, as opposed to being signed by a certificate authority. Self-signed certificates are not considered to be as secure as CA certificates, but they are used by default in many applications (including SocialMiner).

Browsers handle self-signed certificates in different ways. The sections below describe how to handle self-signed certificates on the browsers supported for SocialMiner.

Internet Explorer and Self-Signed Certificates

When using an IE browser on a Windows machine, make sure your DNS server is properly configured and you can resolve the fully qualified SocialMiner hostname to the SocialMiner IP address. Use a signed certificate from a trusted certificate authority (like Verisign).

If you use a self-signed certificate (which is what is installed with SocialMiner), follow these steps to avoid getting certificate warnings each time you sign in.

  • In your Start menu, right click on IE and select "Run as Administrator".

  • Enter the URL for your SocialMiner server in the address bar.

  • When prompted by the security warning, click on Continue to this website (not recommended).

  • Your address bar turns red and you see a certificate error next to the address bar. Select the certificate error.

  • Select View certificates at the bottom of the popup. This opens a certificate dialog.

  • On the General tab, select Install Certificate....

  • The certificate export wizard launches. Click Next.

  • When prompted for where to store the certificates, select Place all certificates in the following store, then click Browse and select Trusted Root Certification Authorities.

  • Click Ok, then click Next and Finish to complete the certificate import wizard.

  • Click Yes when prompted about importing the certificate.

  • Close and restart your browser to access SocialMiner.

Firefox and Self-Signed Certificates

Due to changes in the Firefox security model, there are additional self-signed certificates that must be accepted to use the SocialMiner web application on Firefox.

When accessing a SocialMiner server using a newly installed Firefox browser (any version), Firefox attempts to connect to the main port that SocialMiner uses first (port 443). If it cannot connect, it prompts the user to accept the self-signed certificate.


If pop ups are blocked, you are given instructions on how to manually launch the certificate page. Also, if the certificate window is closed before the certificate is accepted, the page will automatically re-launch.

  • If prompted, click I Understand the Risks, then click Add Exception.

  • Click Confirm Security Exception.

Next, Firefox attempts to connect to port 7443 (the secure XMPP port). With Firefox, a second self-signed certificate must now be accepted to use this port. SocialMiner displays a "Checking Connectivity..." screen during this process

If the"Checking Connectivity..." screen persists after a few seconds, click Continue to proceed to the Firefox certificate acceptance screen (as above).

Click I Understand the Risks, then Add Exception, and Confirm Security Exception again.

Users need only go through this process the first time they use a new Firefox browser and self-signed certificates. After the certificates are in place, users may not see the "Checking Connectivity..." screen (or it will appear briefly and proceed to the SocialMiner sign on screen).

Avoid Sign in Overlays if the Reply Template Container Loads in an IFRAME in IE

When a SocialMiner reply template container loads in an IFRAME in Internet Explorer, a SocialMiner sign in overlay may appear even though SocialMiner successfully authenticated. If the page inside the IFRAME does not have a privacy policy, cookies are blocked (which is indicated by the red barred circle over the 'eye' icon in status bar).

To permit cookies for SocialMiner

  1. Select the eye icon. The Internet Explorer privacy settings dialog box appears and displays the blocked cookie from SocialMiner.

  2. Select the cookie and choose Always allow cookie from this website.

For more information on how to permit cookies, see the Microsoft Windows help site.

Command Line Interface

To access the command line interface (CLI) for SocialMiner:

  • SSH to the address for your SocialMiner server.
  • Sign in with your administrator credentials.
  • Type a "?" at the admin: prompt to see the list of commands. Most CLI commands do not apply to or have not been certified for SocialMiner.

For more information, See Cisco Systems CLI documentation.

Supported Commands and User Interface Options

The following tables describe the VOS Command Line Interface (CLI) commands and the Cisco Unified OS Administration and Disaster Recovery System user interface options that SocialMiner supports.

Only the commands and options explicitly mentioned as supported below are supported by SocialMiner. Any commands or options not listed are not supported.

However, in select instances, users may be instructed to use commands that are not normally supported (such as in a field notice).


Although this guide provides instructions for accessing SocialMiner CLI admin commands, most of the CLI commands do not apply to or have not been certified for use on SocialMiner.

Command Line Interface

This table specifies the VOS CLI commands that are supported, and indicates certain ones that are not.

Command Supported?
delete No
file No
help Yes
quit Yes
run No
set date Yes
set timezone Yes
set network dns primary <ip>


All other set commands No
show Yes
unset No
utils network ping Yes
utils reset_application_ui_administrator_name Yes
utils reset_application_ui_administrator_password Yes
utils service list Yes
utils service restart Yes
utils service start Yes
utils service stop Yes
utils system restart Yes
utils system shutdown Yes
utils system switch-version Yes
utils system upgrade Yes
All other utils commands No

Cisco Unified OS Administration User Interface

This table specifies the Administration user interface commands and options that are supported, and indicates certain ones that are not.

Command Supported?
Show Yes
Settings > NTP Servers Yes
Settings > Time Yes
All other Settings menu options No
Security > Certificate Management Yes
All other Security menu options No
Software Upgrades > Install/Upgrade Yes
All other Software Upgrades menu options No
Services > Ping Yes
All other Services menu options No
Help Yes

Disaster Recovery System User Interface

This table specifies the disaster recovery system commands and options that are supported, and indicates certain ones that are not.

Command Supported?
Backup > Backup Device Yes
Backup > Manual Backup Yes
Backup > History Yes
Backup > Current Status Yes
Backup > Scheduler Yes





System Backup and Restore

SocialMiner supports the Unified OS Disaster Recovery System (DRS) to perform backup and restore of the system. You access the Disaster Recovery System by going to the Administration panel, expanding the section on Platform Administration, and then selecting the link for Disaster Recovery System.

SocialMiner uses the same platform administration tools as Unified Communications Manager. Online help is available with the tools.

You can manually back up your system using DRS or schedule DRS to perform automatic backups.

Details on using DRS are available in the DRS online help and in this guide: http:/​/​​en/​US/​docs/​voice_ip_comm/​cucm/​drs/​8_0_1/​drsag801.html.

Quick Manual Backup Instructions

These instructions provide the information required to create a manual backup. You must still schedule backups to run automatically.


The system is not usable and new contacts are not collected during a backup. Schedule your backups accordingly.

The online help for the Disaster Recovery System provides complete details on all features of DRS. However, using DRS with SocialMiner is greatly simplified because SocialMiner supports only a single node and only uses network backups.

Define Backup Device

    Step 1   Access the Disaster Recovery System. On the Administration panel, open the Platform Administration drawer and then select the Cisco Disaster Recovery System link.
    Step 2   Sign in using the platform credentials you supplied when you installed SocialMiner.
    Step 3   Select Backup > Backup Device.
    Step 4   On the Backup Device List page, select Add New.
    Step 5   Provide a Device Name for the backup device. SocialMiner only supports backing up to a network directory. Provide the network directory details for a server that supports SFTP.
    Step 6   Provide the number of backups to store on the network directory. The default is two, so only the two latest backups are preserved.
    Step 7   Click Save. The system verifies the information you entered and saves the backup device.

    You do not need to repeat these steps the next time you back up the system unless you want to back up to a different device or change the backup device settings.

    Backup the System to the Backup Device

      Step 1   Access the Disaster Recovery System. On the Administration panel, open the Platform Administration drawer and then select the Cisco Disaster Recovery System link.
      Step 2   Sign in using the platform credentials you supplied when you installed SocialMiner.
      Step 3   Select Backup > Manual Backup.
      Step 4   Select the backup device you created earlier from the drop-down menu in Select Backup Device.
      Step 5   In Selected Features, check SOCIALMINER.
      Step 6   Click Start Backup.
      Step 7   A warning appears indicating that you may need to use the security password if you try to restore later. Click OK. The backup begins.
      Step 8   The backup page refreshes periodically providing the status of the backup. The page also displays the name of the backup tar file that is being saved to the remote system.
      Step 9   After the backup completes, wait a few minutes before using SocialMiner (so the SocialMiner system can restart subsystems that were shutdown during the backup).

      Restore From a Backup File

        Step 1   Access the Disaster Recovery System. On the Administration panel, open the Platform Administration drawer and then select the Cisco Disaster Recovery System link.
        Step 2   Sign in using the platform credentials you supplied when you installed SocialMiner.
        Step 3   Select Restore > Restore Wizard.
        Step 4   Select the backup device from the drop-down menu and select Next.
        Step 5   Select the backup file you want to use from the Tar file list drop-down menu and select Next.
        Step 6   In Selected Features check SOCIALMINER and click Next.
        Step 7   On the warning on the page, select File Integrity Check, then select the Server to be restored (typically the host name of the backed up system). Click Restore.
        Step 8   The restoration status page refreshes periodically. When the restoration is complete, restart SocialMiner.

        Change the SocialMiner Administrator Username and Password Using the CLI

        Use the following procedure to change the SocialMiner Administrator username and password using the CLI.

          Step 1   Sign in using your current administrator credentials.
          Step 2   To change the administrator username, run the command utils reset_application_ui_administrator_name and follow the prompts.
          Step 3   To change the administrator password, run the command utils reset_application_ui_administrator_password and follow the prompts.

          Change the DNS IP Address configuration in SocialMiner


          Cisco does not support changing the hostname or IP address on any server once they have been set.

          Use the following procedure to change the SocialMiner DNS IP Address using the CLI.

            Step 1   To change the DNS IP Address configuration, run the command set network dns primary <ip> and follow the prompts.
            Step 2   To restart the SocialMiner VM, run the command utils system restart .

            Reset the Unified OS Platform Administrator Password

            Use the following procedure to reset the Unified OS Platform Administrator password.


            During this procedure, you must remove any CD or DVD from the disk drive (if any) and then insert a valid CD or DVD into the disk drive to prove that you have physical access to the system.

            Before You Begin

            You must have a keyboard and monitor connected to the server. You cannot reset a password when the system is connected through a secure shell session.

              Step 1   Sign in to the system using the following credentials:
              1. Username: pwrecovery
              2. Password: pwreset

                The Welcome to platform password reset window appears.

              Step 2   Press any key to continue.
              Step 3   If you have a CD or DVD in the disk drive, remove it now.
              Step 4   Press any key to continue.

              The system tests to ensure that the disk drive is empty.

              Step 5   Insert a valid CD or DVD into the disk drive. You must use a data CD, not a music CD. The system tests to ensure that you inserted the disk.
              Step 6   After the system verifies that you inserted the disk, you are prompted to enter one of the following options to continue:
              • Enter a to reset the administrator password.
              • Enter s to reset the security password.
              • Enter q to quit.
              Step 7   Enter a new password of the type that you chose.
              Step 8   Reenter the new password. The password must contain at least six characters. The system checks the new password for strength. If the password does not pass the strength check, you are prompted to enter a new password.
              Step 9   After the system verifies the strength of the new password, the password is reset, and you are prompted to press any key to exit the password reset utility.