
SocialMiner maintains metrics on social and callback contact volume and agent activities. These metrics are stored in an SQL database for up to 550 days. The reporting database can be accessed using any SQL reporting tool including Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC). Access to this database requires that you configure a reporting user in the SocialMiner system administration.


To access SocialMiner as a third-party DSN, use a standalone CUIC server with a premium license.

There are two main categories of reports:

  • Campaign Reports—These metrics provide an indication of the total posting volume by customers as well as responsiveness to customers. These are what could be described as "customer facing" metrics.
  • Agent Reports—These metrics provide an indication of agent productivity. These metrics could be used to evaluate agent speed or they could be used to measure total workload.

The CUIC templates for SocialMiner are available for download here: Choose your release from the menu on the left side of the page.

The following screen captures are examples of CUIC daily reports, each with different fields selected. The complete SocialMiner reporting database schema is documented in the SocialMiner Developer Guide.

These definitions apply to the abbreviations in the image above:

  • ASR—Average Speed of Reserved. For contacts that were Reserved, this is the average time between capture by SocialMiner and the time they are marked as reserved. This provides an indication of how much time passes before someone first views the customer's post.
  • ASA—Average Speed of Answer. For contacts that were Handled, this is the average time between capture by SocialMiner and the time they are marked handled. This provides an indication of how of how much time passes before the customer gets a response.
  • ASD—Average Speed of Discard. For contacts that were Discarded, this is the average time between capture by SocialMiner and the time they are marked discarded. This provides an indication of how much time passes before someone chooses to discard the customer's post.

Note: "Discard" doesn't necessarily mean the post is disregarded. The distinction between "Discard" and "Handled" depends on how the agents are using SocialMiner. For example, they might mark posts that are read as "discarded" and posts that have been responded to as "handled". (In which case, discarded would simply mean that they were read.)

These definitions apply to the abbreviations in the image above:

  • AHT—Average Handle Time. For contacts that were handled by this agent, this is the average time between Reserved and Handled. This provides and indication of how much time it takes this agent to respond to a contact.
  • ADT—Average Discarded Time. For contacts that were discarded by this agent, this is the average time between Reserved and Discarded. This provides an indication of how much time it takes this agent to discard a contact.
  • ACT—Average Completed Time. For contacts that were Handled or Discarded, this is the average time between capture by SocialMiner and the first time they were marked Handled or Discarded. This provides an indication of how of how much time it takes for this agent to complete work for a contact.

This final example shows the fields related to the use of the chat invitation feature (when, for example, agents invite a customer to chat with them from a Twitter or Facebook reply template).

Configuring the SQL Connection to the SocialMiner Reporting Database

Connection to the SocialMiner Informix reporting database can be made through JDBC using the following URL format:

jdbc:informix-sqli://<hostname>:<port>/ <databasename>:INFORMIXSERVER =<informixserver>;user=<informixuser>; password=<informixpassword>;

  • The reporting database <port> is 1526.
  • The <databasename> is "mmca_data".
  • The <informixserver> name is based on the hostname of the server with _mmca append to the end of the hostname. Also, replace any dashes ("-") in the hostname with underscores ("_").
  • The content of INFORMIXSERVER is the instance name. It must be lowercase.
  • The database host can be "socialminer" (all lowercase) and the instances must also be all lowercase.


The UTF-8 character set must be used for CUIC to connect.

For example, if your server's hostname is, then the INFORMIXSERVER name is my_server_mmca. The complete JDBC URL is:

jdbc:informix-sqli:// mmca_data:INFORMIXSERVER=my_server_mmca;user=reportinguser;password=<informixpassword>;

When authenticating, the informix username is always "reportinguser" and the informix password is the password you created in the Administration panel.