This preface describes the purpose, audience, and conventions of the Cisco Unity Express Design Guide and provides information on how to obtain related documentation.
This version of Cisco Unity Express Design Guide presents some basic network design content and best-practice recommendations, but it is not yet complete. The technical staff responsible for the content provided in this publication plans to incorporate additional network design material as it becomes available.
Note The content in this publication applies to Cisco Unity Express 2.1 unless specifically noted in the text.
Topis addressed with this version of the design guide include:
•Cisco Unity Express deployment models
•Basic network infrastructure design for Cisco Unity Express
•Cisco Unity Express system design
•Auto-attendant (AA) design considerations for Cisco Unity Express
•Voice-mail considerations for Cisco Unity Express
The Cisco Unity Express Design Guide does not provide implementation, configuration or troubleshooting information.
The Cisco Unity Express Design Guide is intended for system administrators and others responsible for designing a network in which Cisco Unity Express provides auto attendant (AA) or voice mail to users at one or more sites. To apply the design content presented, you must have a working knowledge of the configuration, features and operation of the systems that coexist with Cisco Unity Express in your network. Applicable systems include Cisco Call Manager Express, (CME), Cisco CallManager, and Cisco Unity.
Document Conventions
This guide uses the conventions in Table 1.
The Cisco Unity Express Design Guide also uses the following conventions:
Note Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to material not covered in the document.