Cisco Aironet 3.5-dBi Dipole Antenna (AIR-ANT5135DG-R)
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
This document outlines the specifications and describes the Cisco Aironet 3.5-dBi Dipole Antenna. The antenna operates in the 5-GHz frequency band and is designed for use with Cisco Aironet 5-GHz radio products using a reverse polarity TNC (RP-TNC) connector.
Note This antenna is fixed. It does not have an articulating feature.
This antenna is designed for use with Cisco Aironet access points and bridges but can be used with any 5-GHz Cisco Aironet radio device that uses RP-TNC connectors.
The antenna has a small blue dot near its base. The blue dot identifies it as a 5-GHz antenna.
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