ACL Configuration Mode Commands

The Access Control List Configuration Mode is used to create and manage IP-based, user access privileges.


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).

deny/permit (by source IP address masking)

Filters subscriber sessions based on the IP address mask sent by the source to the mobile node or the network.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



{ deny | permit } [ log ]  source_address source_wildcard 
after { deny | permit } [ log ]  source_address source_wildcard 
before { deny | permit } [ log ]  source_address source_wildcard 
no { deny | permit } [ log ]  source_address source_wildcard 


Indicates that all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, after the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates that all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, before the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change


Removes the rule which exactly matches the options specified.

deny | permit

Specifies the rule is either block (deny) or an allow (permit) filter.

  • deny : Indicates the rule, when matched, drops the corresponding packets.

  • permit : Indicates the rule, when matched, allows the corresponding packets.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the filter are to be logged.


The logging option is not supported for ACLs applied on SPIO or local contexts.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated. IP addresses must be entered in IPv4 dotted-decimal format.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.

Usage Guidelines

Define a rule when any packet from the IP addresses which fall into the group of addresses matching the IP address masking. This allows the reduction of filtering rules as it does not require a rule for each source and destination pair.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


The following command defines two rules with the second logging filtered packets:
deny log  
The following sets the insertion point before the first rule defined above:
before permit  
The following command sets the insertion point after the second rule defined above:
after deny log  
The following deletes the first rule defined above:
no permit  

deny/permit (any)

Filters subscriber sessions based on any packet received. This command is also sets the access control list insertion point.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



{ deny | permit } [ log ] any  
after { deny | permit } [ log ] any  
before { deny | permit } [ log ] any  
no { deny | permit } [ log ] any  


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, after the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, before the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule which exactly matches the options specified.

deny | permit

Specifies the rule is either block (deny) or an allow (permit) filter.

  • deny : Indicates the rule, when matched, drops the corresponding packets.

  • permit : Indicates the rule, when matched, allows the corresponding packets.


Default: Packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the filter are to be logged.


The logging option is not supported for ACLs applied on SPIO or local contexts.


Indicates all packets will match the filter regardless of source and/or destination.

Usage Guidelines

Define a catch all rule to place at the end of the list of rules.


It is suggested that any rule which is added to be a catch all should also have the log option specified. The logged packets may be used to determine if the current list of rules is adequate or needs modification to ensure proper security.

The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


The following commands define two rules with the second logging filtered packets:
permit any  
deny log any  
The following sets the insertion point before the first rule defined above:
before permit any  
The following command sets the insertion point after the second rule defined above:
after deny log any  
The following deletes the first rule defined above:
no permit any  

deny/permit (by host IP address)

Filters subscriber sessions based on the targeted host IP address sent by the source to the mobile node or the network.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



{ deny | permit } [ log ] host  source_host_address 
after { deny | permit } [ log ] host  source_host_address 
before { deny | permit } [ log ] host  source_host_address 
no { deny | permit } [ log ] host  source_host_address 


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, after the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, before the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule which exactly matches the options specified.

deny | permit

Specifies the rule is either block (deny) or an allow (permit) filter.

  • deny : Indicates the rule, when matched, drops the corresponding packets.

  • permit : Indicates the rule, when matched, allows the corresponding packets.


Default: Packets are not logged.

Indicates that all packets which match the filter are to be logged.


The logging option is not supported for ACLs applied on SPIO or local contexts.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

Usage Guidelines

Define a rule when a very specific remote host is to be blocked. In simplified networks where the access controls need only block a few hosts, this command allows the rules to be very clear and concise.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


The following commands define two rules with the second logging filtered packets:
permit host   
deny log host   
The following sets the insertion point before the first rule defined above:
before permit host   
The following command sets the insertion point after the second rule defined above:
after deny log host   
The following deletes the first rule defined above:
no permit host   

deny/permit (by source ICMP packets)

Filters subscriber sessions based on the internet control message protocol (ICMP) packets sent by the source to the mobile node or the network.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



{ deny | permit } [ log ] icmp {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ] ]  
after { deny | permit } [ log ] icmp {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ] ]  
before { deny | permit } [ log ] icmp {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ] ]  
no { deny | permit } [ log ] icmp {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ] ]  


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, after the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, before the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule which exactly matches the options specified.

deny | permit

Specifies the rule is either block (deny) or an allow (permit) filter.

  • deny : Indicates the rule, when matched, drops the corresponding packets.

  • permit : Indicates the rule, when matched, allows the corresponding packets.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the filter are to be logged.


The logging option is not supported for ACLs applied on SPIO or local contexts.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated. IP addresses must be entered in IPv4 dotted-decimal format.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that the rule applies to all packets.


Specifies that the rule applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address of the destination host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address(es) to which the packet is to be sent.

This option is used to filter all packets to a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this parameter. The range can then be configured using the dest_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the dest_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that all ICMP packets of a particular type are to be filtered. The type can be an integer value between 0 and 255.


Specifies that all ICMP packets of a particular code are to be filtered. The type can be an integer value between 0 and 255.

Usage Guidelines

Define a rule to block ICMP packets which can be used for address resolution and possible be a security risk.

The IP filtering allows flexible controls for pairs of individual hosts or groups by IP masking which allows the filtering of entire subnets if necessary.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


The following commands define two rules with the second logging filtered packets:
permit icmp host any 168  
deny log icmp host 168 11   
The following sets the insertion point before the first rule defined above:
before permit icmp host any 168   
The following command sets the insertion point after the second rule defined above:
after deny log icmp host 168 11   
The following deletes the first rule defined above:
no permit icmp host any 168   

deny/permit (by IP packets)

Filters subscriber sessions based on the internet protocol packets sent by the source to the mobile node or the network.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



{ deny | permit } [ log ] ip {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ fragment ] [ protocol  num ]  
after { deny | permit } [ log ] ip {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ fragment ] [ protocol  num ]  
before { deny | permit } [ log ] ip {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ fragment ] [ protocol  num ]  
no { deny | permit } [ log ] ip {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ fragment ] [ protocol  num ]  


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, after the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, before the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule which exactly matches the options specified.

deny | permit

Specifies the rule is either block (deny) or an allow (permit) filter.

  • deny : Indicates the rule, when matched, drops the corresponding packets.

  • permit : Indicates the rule, when matched, allows the corresponding packets.


Default: Packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the filter are to be logged.


The logging option is not supported for ACLs applied on SPIO or local contexts.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that the rule applies to all packets.


Specifies that the rule applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address of the destination host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address(es) to which the packet is to be sent.

This option is used to filter all packets to a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this parameter. The range can then be configured using the dest_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the dest_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Indicates packet filtering is to be applied to IP packet fragments only.

protocol num

Indicates that the packet filtering is to be applied to a specific protocol number.

num can be an integer ranging from 0 to 255.


This keyword is not applicable to a SPIO interface. Instead, you must specify the type of protocol packets for which you want to deny/permit processing on a SPIO. For example, deny icmp , deny tcp , or deny udp .

Usage Guidelines

Block IP packets when the source and destination are of interest.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


The following commands define two rules with the second logging filtered packets:
permit ip host any fragment  
deny log ip host  
The following sets the insertion point before the first rule defined above:
before permit ip host any fragment  
The following command sets the insertion point after the second rule defined above:
after deny log ip host  
The following deletes the first rule defined above:
no permit ip host any fragment  

deny/permit (by TCP/UDP packets)

Filters subscriber sessions based on the transmission control protocol/user datagram protocol packets sent by the source to the mobile node or the network.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



{ deny | permit } [ log ] { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port | range  start_port end_port ] }  
after { deny | permit } [ log ] { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port | range  start_port end_port ] }  
before { deny | permit } [ log ] { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port | range  start_port end_port ] }  
no { deny | permit } [ log ] { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port | range  start_port end_port ] }  


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, after the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, before the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule which exactly matches the options specified.

deny | permit

Specifies the rule is either block (deny) or an allow (permit) filter.

  • deny : Indicates the rule, when matched, drops the corresponding packets.

  • permit : Indicates the rule, when matched, allows the corresponding packets.


Default: Packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the filter are to be logged.


The logging option is not supported for ACLs applied on SPIO or local contexts.

tcp | udp

Specifies the filter is to be applied to IP based transmission control protocol or the user datagram protocol.

  • tcp : Filter applies to TPC packets.

  • udp : Filter applies to UDP packets.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated. IP addresses must be entered in IPv4 dotted-decimal format.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that the rule applies to all packets.


Specifies that the rule applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address of the destination host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

eq source_port

Specifies a single, specific source TCP port number to be filtered.

source_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

gt source_port

Specifies that all source TCP port numbers greater than the one specified are to be filtered.

source_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

lt source_port

Specifies that all source TCP port numbers less than the one specified are to be filtered.

source_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

neq source_port

Specifies that all source TCP port numbers not equal to the one specified are to be filtered.

source_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.


The IP address(es) to which the packet is to be sent.

This option is used to filter all packets to a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this parameter. The range can then be configured using the dest_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the dest_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.

eq dest_port

Specifies a single, specific destination TCP port number to be filtered.

dest_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

gt dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP port numbers greater than the one specified are to be filtered.

dest_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

lt dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP port numbers less than the one specified are to be filtered.

dest_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

neq dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP port numbers not equal to the one specified are to be filtered.

dest_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

range start_port end_port

Specifies a range of ports to be matched.

start_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535, and must be less than the end_port value.

end_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535, and must be greater than the start_port value.


This option is supported in PDIF Release 8.3.

Usage Guidelines

Block IP packets when the source and destination are of interest but for only a limited set of ports.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


The following commands define four rules with the second and fourth rules logging filtered packets:
permit tcp host any  
deny log udp host   
permit tcp host gt 1023 any  
deny log udp  
The following sets the insertion point before the first rule defined above:
before permit tcp host any   
The following command sets the insertion point after the second rule defined above:
after deny log udp host   
The following deletes the third rule defined above:
no permit tcp host gt 1023 any   


Allows you to enter descriptive text for this configuration.




Security Administrator, Administrator


description  text 
no description  


Clears the description for this configuration.


Enter descriptive text as an alphanumeric string of 1 to 100 characters.

If you include spaces between words in the description, you must enclose the text within double quotation marks (" "), for example, "AAA BBBB".

Usage Guidelines

The description should provide useful information about this configuration.


Exits the current configuration mode and returns to the Exec mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to return to the Exec mode.


Exits the current mode and returns to the parent configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to return to the parent configuration mode.

readdress server

Alters the destination address and port number in TCP or UDP packet headers to redirect packets to a different server.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



readdress server  redirect_address [ port  port_no ] { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq ]  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port ] }  
after readdress server  redirect_address [ port  port_no ] { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq ]  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port ] }  
before readdress server  redirect_address [ port  port_no ] { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq ]  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port ] }  
no readdress server  redirect_address [ port  port_no ] { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq ]  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port ] }  


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, after the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, before the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule which exactly matches the options specified.


The IP address to which the IP packets are redirected. TCP or UDP packet headers are rewritten to contain the new destination address. This must be an IPv4 address specified in dotted-decimal notation.

port port_no

The number of the port at the redirect address where the packets are sent. TCP or UDP packet headers are rewritten to contain the new destination port number.

tcp | udp

Specifies the redirect is to be applied to the IP based transmission control protocol or the user datagram protocol.

  • tcp : Redirect applies to TCP packets.

  • udp : Redirect applies to UDP packets.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that the rule applies to all packets.


Specifies that the rule applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address of the destination host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

eq source_port

Specifies a single, specific source TCP port number to be filtered.

source_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

gt source_port

Specifies that all source TCP port numbers greater than the one specified are to be filtered.

source_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

lt source_port

Specifies that all source TCP port numbers less than the one specified are to be filtered.

source_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

neq source_port

Specifies that all source TCP port numbers not equal to the one specified are to be filtered.

source_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.


The IP address(es) to which the packet is to be sent.

This option is used to filter all packets to a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this parameter. The range can then be configured using the dest_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the dest_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.

eq dest_port

Specifies a single, specific destination TCP port number to be filtered.

dest_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

gt dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP port numbers greater than the one specified are to be filtered.

dest_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

lt dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP port numbers less than the one specified are to be filtered.

dest_port must be an integer 0 through 65535.

neq dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP port numbers not equal to the one specified are to be filtered.

dest_port must be an integer 0 through 65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define a rule that redirects packets to a different destination address. The TCP and UDP packet headers are modified with the new destination address and destination port.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Prior to Release 8.3, for packets received from the packet data network destined for a subscriber's UE, the system applied logic to reset the source address of a packet to the original destination address of the input packet before applying the outbound access control list (ACL). In Release 8.3 and higher, the system reverses the order and applies the outbound ACL before resetting the source address. This change impacts all current readdress server rules in inbound IPv4 ACLs.


After Release 8.3, for every readdress server rule in an inbound IPv4 ACL, you must add a permit rule to an outbound ACL that explicitly permits packets from the readdress rule's redirect address and port number. If the permit rule is omitted, the system will reject all packets destined for the subscriber's UE from the readdress rule's redirect address and port number.


The following command defines a rule that redirects packets to the server at, UDP packets coming from any host with a destination of any host are matched:
readdress server udp any any  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule defined above:
before readdress server udp any any  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule defined above:
after readdress server udp any any  
The following deletes the rule defined above:
no readdress server udp any any  

redirect context (by IP address masking)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on the IP address mask sent by the source to the mobile node or the network.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect context  context_id [ log ]  source_address source_wildcard 
after redirect context  context_id [ log ]  source_address source_wildcard 
before redirect context  context_id [ log ]  source_address source_wildcard 
no redirect context  context_id [ log ]  source_address source_wildcard 


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, after the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, before the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule which exactly matches the options specified.

context context_id

The context identification number of the context to which packets are redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show context all command to display context names and context IDs.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.

Usage Guidelines

Define a rule when any packet from the IP addresses which fall into the group of addresses matching the IP address masking. This allows the reduction of redirect rules as it does not require a rule for each source and destination pair.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rules are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule that redirects packets to the context with the context ID of 23 and the source IP and wildcard of and
redirect context 23  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule defined above:
before redirect context 23  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule defined above:
after redirect context 23  
The following deletes the first rule defined above:
no redirect context 23  

redirect context (any)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on any packet received. This command is also used to set the access control list insertion point.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect context  context_id [ log ] any  
after redirect context  context_id [ log ] any  
before redirect context  context_id [ log ] any  
no redirect context  context_id [ log ] any  


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, after the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, before the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule which exactly matches the options specified.

context context_id

The context identification number of the context to which packets are redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show context all command to display context names and context IDs.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.


Indicates all packets will match the redirect regardless of source and/or destination.

Usage Guidelines

Define a catch all rule to place at the end of the list of rules to provide explicit handling of rules which do not fit any other criteria.


Any rule which is added as a catch all should also have the log option specified. The logged packets may be used to determine if the current list of rules is adequate or needs modification to ensure proper security.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rules are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule that redirects packets to the context with the context ID of 23 and any source IP:
redirect context 23 any  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule defined above:
before redirect context 23 any  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule defined above:
after redirect context 23 any  
The following deletes the first rule defined above:
no redirect context 23 any  

redirect context (by host IP address)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on the targeted host IP address sent by the source to the mobile node or the network.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect context  context_id [ log ] host  source_ipv4_address 
after redirect context  context_id [ log ] host  source_ipv4_address 
before redirect context  context_id [ log ] host  source_ipv4_address 
no redirect context  context_id [ log ] host  source_ipv4_address 


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, after the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, before the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule which exactly matches the options specified.

context context_id

The context identification number of the context to which packets are redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show context all command to display context names and context IDs.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.


Specifies that the rule applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

Usage Guidelines

Define a rule when a very specific remote host is to be blocked. In simplified networks where the access controls need only block a few hosts, this command allows the rules to be very clear and concise.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rules are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule that redirects packets to the context with the context ID of 23 and a host IP address of
redirect context 23 host  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule defined above:
before redirect context 23 host  
The following command sets the insertion point after first the rule defined above:
after redirect context 23 host  
The following deletes the first rule defined above:
no redirect context 23 host  

redirect context (by source ICMP packets)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on the internet control message protocol packets sent by the source to the mobile node or the network.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect context  context_id [ log ] icmp {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ] ]  
after redirect context  context_id [ log ] icmp {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ] ]  
before redirect context  context_id [ log ] icmp {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ] ]  
no redirect context  context_id [ log ] icmp {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ] ]  


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, after the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, before the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule which exactly matches the options specified.

context context_id

The context identification number of the context to which packets are redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show context all command to display context names and context IDs.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that the rule applies to all packets.


Specifies that the rule applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address of the destination host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address(es) to which the packet is to be sent.

This option is used to filter all packets to a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this parameter. The range can then be configured using the dest_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the dest_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that all ICMP packets of a particular type are to be filtered. The type can be an integer value between 0 and 255.


Specifies that all ICMP packets of a particular code are to be filtered. The type can be an integer value between 0 and 255.

Usage Guidelines

Define a rule to block ICMP packets which can be used for address resolution and possibly be a security risk.

The IP redirecting allows flexible controls for pairs of individual hosts or groups by IP masking which allows the redirecting of entire subnets if necessary.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rules are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule that redirects packets to the context with the context ID of 23, and ICMP packets coming from the host with the IP address
redirect context 23 icmp host  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule defined above:
before redirect context 23 icmp host  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule defined above:
after redirect context 23 icmp host  
The following deletes the first rule defined above:
no redirect context 23 icmp host  

redirect context (by IP packets)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on the internet protocol packets sent by the source to the mobile node or the network.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect context  context_id [ log ] ip {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ fragment ] [ protocol  num ]  
after redirect context  context_id [ log ] ip {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ fragment ] [ protocol  num ]  
before redirect context  context_id [ log ] ip {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ fragment ] [ protocol  num ]  
no redirect context  context_id [ log ] ip {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ fragment ] [ protocol  num ]  


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, after the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, before the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule which exactly matches the options specified.

context context_id

The context identification number of the context to which packets are redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show context all command to display context names and context IDs.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that the rule applies to all packets.


Specifies that the rule applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address of the destination host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address(es) to which the packet is to be sent.

This option is used to filter all packets to a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this parameter. The range can then be configured using the dest_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the dest_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Indicates packet redirection is to be applied to IP packet fragments only.

protocol num

Indicates that the packet filtering is to be applied to a specific protocol number.

num can be an integer ranging from 0 to 255.

Usage Guidelines

Block IP packets when the source and destination are of interest.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rules are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule that redirects packets to the context with the context ID of 23, and IP packets coming from the host with the IP address, and fragmented packets for any destination are matched:
redirect context 23 ip host any fragment  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule defined above:
before redirect context 23 ip host any fragment  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule defined above:
after redirect context 23 ip host any fragment  
The following deletes the first rule defined above:
no redirect context 23 ip host any fragment  

redirect context (by TCP/UDP packets)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on the transmission control protocol/user datagram protocol packets sent by the source to the mobile node or the network.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect context  context_id [ log ] { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port ] }  
after redirect context  context_id [ log ] { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port ] }  
before redirect context  context_id [ log ] { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port ] }  
no redirect context  context_id [ log ] { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port ] }  


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, after the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, before the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule which exactly matches the options specified.

context context_id

The context identification number of the context to which packets are redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show context all command to display context names and context IDs.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.

tcp | udp

Specifies the redirect is to be applied to IP based transmission control protocol or the user datagram protocol.

  • tcp : Redirect applies to TPC packets.

  • udp : Redirect applies to UDP packets.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that the rule applies to all packets.


Specifies that the rule applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address of the destination host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

eq source_port

Specifies a single, specific source TCP port number to be filtered.

source_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

gt source_port

Specifies that all source TCP port numbers greater than the one specified are to be filtered.

source_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

lt source_port

Specifies that all source TCP port numbers less than the one specified are to be filtered.

source_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

neq source_port

Specifies that all source TCP port numbers not equal to the one specified are to be filtered.

source_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.


The IP address(es) to which the packet is to be sent.

This option is used to filter all packets to a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this parameter. The range can then be configured using the dest_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the dest_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.

eq dest_port

Specifies a single, specific destination TCP port number to be filtered.

dest_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

gt dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP port numbers greater than the one specified are to be filtered.

dest_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

lt dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP port numbers less than the one specified are to be filtered.

dest_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

neq dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP port numbers not equal to the one specified are to be filtered.

dest_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

Usage Guidelines

Block IP packets when the source and destination are of interest but for only a limited set of ports.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rules are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule that redirects packets to the context with the context ID of 23, and UDP packets coming from any host are matched:
redirect context 23 udp any  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule defined above:
before redirect context 23 udp any  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule defined above:
after redirect context 23 udp any  
The following deletes the rule defined above:
no redirect context 23 udp any  

redirect css delivery-sequence

This is a restricted command. In 9.0 and later releases, this command is obsoleted.

redirect css service (any)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on any packet received (Content Service Steering). This command is also used to set the access control list insertion point.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect css service  service_name [ log ] any  
after redirect css service  service_name [ log ] any  
before redirect css service  service_name [ log ] any  
no redirect css service  service_name [ log ] any  


Indicates all rule definitions defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, after the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule definitions which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, before the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule definition which exactly matches the options specified.

css service service_name

The name of the active charging service to which packets are to be redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show active-charging all command to display the names of all configured charging services.

service_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 15 characters.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.


Indicates all packets will match the redirect regardless of source and/or destination.

Usage Guidelines

Define a catch all rule definitions to place at the end of the list of rule definitions to provide explicit handling of rule definitions which do not fit any other criteria.


Any rule definition which is added to be a catch all should also have the log option specified. The logged packets may be used to determine if the current list of rule definitions is adequate or needs modification to ensure proper security.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rule definitions are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule definition that redirects packets to the charging service with the name chgsvc1 and any source IP:
redirect css service chgsvc1 any  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule definition above:
before redirect service chgsvc1 any  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule definitions above:
after redirect service chgsvc1 any  
The following deletes the first rule definition above:
no redirect service chgsvc1 any  

redirect css service (by host IP address)

Redirecst subscriber sessions based on the targeted host IP address sent by the source to the mobile node or the network (Content Service Steering).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect css service  service_name [ log ] host  source_host_address 
after redirect css service  service_name [ log ] host  source_host_address 
before redirect css service  service_name [ log ] host  source_host_address 
no redirect css service  service_name [ log ] host  source_host_address 


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, after the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, before the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule definition which exactly matches the options specified.

css service service_name

The name of the active charging service to which packets are to be redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show active-charging service all command to display the names of all configured charging services.

service_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 15 characters.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.


Specifies that the rule definition applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

Usage Guidelines

Define a rule definition when a very specific remote host is to be blocked. In simplified networks where the access controls need only block a few hosts, this command allows the rule definitions to be very clear and concise.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rule definitions are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule definition that redirects packets to the charging service with the name chgsvc1 and a host IP address of :
redirect css service chgsvc1 host  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule definition above:
before redirect css service chgsvc1 host  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule definition above:
after redirect css service chgsvc1 host  
The following deletes the first rule definition above:
no redirect css service chgsvc1 host  

redirect css service (by ICMP packets)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on the internet control message protocol packets sent by the source to the mobile node or the network (Content Service Steering).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect css service  service_name [ log ] icmp { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ]  
before redirect css service  service_name [ log ] icmp { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ]  
after redirect css service  service_name [ log ] icmp { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ]  
no redirect css service  service_name [ log ] icmp { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ]  


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, after the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, before the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule definition which exactly matches the options specified.

css service service_name

The name of the active charging service to which packets are to be redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show active-charging service all command to display the names of all configured charging services.

service_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 15 characters.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that the rule definition applies to all packets.


Specifies that the rule definition applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address of the destination host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address(es) to which the packet is to be sent.

This option is used to filter all packets to a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this parameter. The range can then be configured using the dest_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the dest_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that all ICMP packets of a particular type are to be filtered. The type can be an integer value between 0 and 255.


Specifies that all ICMP packets of a particular code are to be filtered. The type can be an integer value between 0 and 255.

Usage Guidelines

Define a rule definition to block ICMP packets which can be used for address resolution and possibly be a security risk.

The IP redirecting allows flexible controls for pairs of individual hosts or groups by IP masking which allows the redirecting of entire subnets if necessary.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rule definitions are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule definition that redirects packets to the charging service named chgsvc1 , and ICMP packets coming from the host with the IP address :
redirect css service chgsvc1 icmp host  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule definition above:
before redirect css service chgsvc1 icmp host  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule definition above:
after redirect css service chgsvc1 icmp host  
The following deletes the first rule definition above:
no redirect css service chgsvc1 icmp host  

redirect css service (by IP packets)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on the internet protocol packets sent by the source to the mobile node or the network (Content Service Steering).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect css service  service_name [ log ] ip { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [ fragment ]  
after redirect css service  service_name [ log ] ip { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [ fragment ]  
before redirect css service  service_name [ log ] ip { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [ fragment ]  
no redirect css service  service_name [ log ] ip { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [ fragment ]  


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, after the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rule definitions defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, before the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule definition that exactly matches the options specified.

css service service_name

The name of the active charging service to which packets are to be redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show active-charging service all command to display the names of all configured charging services.

service_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 15 characters.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that the rule definition applies to all packets.


Specifies that the rule definition applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address of the destination host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address(es) to which the packet is to be sent.

This option is used to filter all packets to a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this parameter. The range can then be configured using the dest_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the dest_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Indicates packet redirection is to be applied to IP packet fragments only.

Usage Guidelines

Block IP packets when the source and destination are of interest.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rule definitions are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule definition that redirects packets to the charging service named chgsvc1 , and IP packets coming from the host with the IP address , and fragmented packets for any destination are matched:
redirect css service chgsvc1 ip host any fragment  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule definition above:
before redirect css service chgsvc1 ip host any fragment  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule definition above:
after redirect css service chgsvc1 ip host any fragment  
The following deletes the first rule definition above:
no redirect css service chgsvc1 ip host any fragment  

redirect css service (by source IP address masking)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on the IP address mask sent by the source to the mobile node or the network (Content Service Steering).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect css service  service_name [ log ]  source_address source_wildcard 
after redirect css service  service_name [ log ]  source_address source_wildcard 
before redirect css service  service_name [ log ]  source_address source_wildcard 
no redirect css service  service_name [ log ]  source_address source_wildcard 


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, after the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, before the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule definition which exactly matches the options specified.

css service service_name

The name of the active charging service to which packets are to be redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show active-charging service all command to display the names of all configured charging services.

service_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 15 characters.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the filter are to be logged.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.

Usage Guidelines

Define a rule definition when any packet from the IP addresses which fall into the group of addresses matching the IP address masking. This allows the reduction of filtering rule definitions as it does not require a rule definition for each source and destination pair.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


The following command defines a rule definition to redirect packets to a charging service named chgsvc1 :
redirect css service chgsvc1  

redirect css service (by TCP/UDP packets)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on the transmission control protocol/user datagram protocol packets sent by the source to the mobile node or the network (Content Service Steering).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect css service  service_name [ log ] { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port | range  start_source_port end_source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port | range  start_dest_port end_dest_port ] }  
after redirect css service  service_name [ log ] { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port | range  start_source_port end_source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port | range  start_dest_port end_dest_port ] }  
before redirect css service  service_name [ log ] { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port | range  start_source_port end_source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port | range  start_dest_port end_dest_port ] }  
no redirect css service  service_name [ log ] { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port | range  start_source_port end_source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port | range  start_dest_port end_dest_port ] }  


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, after the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, before the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule definition which exactly matches the options specified.

css service service_name

The name of the active charging service to which packets are to be redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show active-charging service all command to display the names of all configured charging services.

service_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 15 characters.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.

tcp | udp

Specifies the redirect is to be applied to IP-based transmission control protocol or the user datagram protocol.

  • tcp : Redirect applies to TPC packets.

  • udp : Redirect applies to UDP packets.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that the rule definition applies to all packets.


Specifies that the rule definition applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address of the destination host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

eq source_port

Specifies a single, specific source TCP port number to be filtered.

source_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

gt source_port

Specifies that all source TCP port numbers greater than the one specified are to be filtered.

source_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

lt source_port

Specifies that all source TCP port numbers less than the one specified are to be filtered.

source_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

neq source_port

Specifies that all source TCP port numbers not equal to the one specified are to be filtered.

source_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

range start_source_port end_source_port

Specifies that all source TCP ports within a specific range are to be filtered.

start_source_port is the initial port in the range and end_source_port is the final port in the range.

Both start_source_port and end_source_port can be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.


The IP address(es) to which the packet is to be sent.

This option is used to filter all packets to a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this parameter. The range can then be configured using the dest_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the dest_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.

eq dest_port

Specifies a single, specific destination TCP port number to be filtered.

dest_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

gt dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP port numbers greater than the one specified are to be filtered.

dest_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

lt dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP port numbers less than the one specified are to be filtered.

dest_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

neq dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP port numbers not equal to the one specified are to be filtered.

dest_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

range start_dest_port end_dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP ports within a specific range are to be filtered.

start_dest_port is the initial port in the range and end_dest_port is the final port in the range.

Both start_dest_port and end_dest_port can be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

Usage Guidelines

Block IP packets when the source and destination are of interest but for only a limited set of ports.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rule definitions are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule definition that redirects packets to the charging service named chgsvc1 , and UDP packets coming from any host are matched:
redirect css service chgsvc1 udp any  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule definition above:
before redirect css service chgsvc1 udp any  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule definition above:
after redirect css service chgsvc1 udp any  
The following command deletes the rule definition above:
no redirect css service chgsvc1 udp any  

redirect css service (for downlink, any)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on any packet received in the downlink (from the Mobile Node) direction (Content Service Steering). This command is also used to set the access control list insertion point.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink any  
after redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink any  
before redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink any  
no redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink any  


Indicates all rule definitions defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, after the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, before the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule definition which exactly matches the options specified.

css service service_name

The name of the active charging service to which packets are to be redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show active-charging service all command to display the names of all configured charging services.

service_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 15 characters.


Apply this rule definition only to packets in the downlink (from the Mobile Node) direction.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.


Indicates all packets will match the redirect regardless of source and/or destination.

Usage Guidelines

Define a catch all rule definition to place at the end of the list of rule definitions to provide explicit handling of rule definitions which do not fit any other criteria.


Any rule definition which is added to be a catch all should also have the log option specified. The logged packets may be used to determine if the current list of rule definitions is adequate or needs modification to ensure proper security.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rule definitions are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule definition that redirects packets to the charging service with the name chgsvc1 and any source IP:
redirect css service chgsvc1 downlink any  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule definition above:
before redirect css service chgsvc1 downlink any  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule definition above:
after redirect css service chgsvc1 downlink any  
The following deletes the first rule definition above:
no redirect css service chgsvc1 downlink any  

redirect css service (for downlink, by host IP address)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on the targeted host IP address in the downlink (from the Mobile Node) direction (Content Service Steering).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink host  source_host_address 
before redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink host  source_host_address 
after redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink host  source_host_address 
no redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink host  source_host_address 


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, after the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rule definitions defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, before the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule definition which exactly matches the options specified.

css service service_name

The name of the active charging service to which packets are to be redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show active-charging service all command to display the names of all configured charging services.

service_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 15 characters.


Apply this rule definition only to packets in the downlink (from the Mobile Node) direction.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.


Specifies that the rule definition applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

Usage Guidelines

Define a rule definition when a very specific remote host is to be blocked. In simplified networks where the access controls need only block a few hosts, this command allows the rule definitions to be very clear and concise.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rule definitions are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule definition that redirects packets to the charging service with the name chgsvc1and a host IP address of :
redirect css service chgsvc1 downlink host  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule definition above:
before redirect css service chgsvc1 downlink host  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule definition above:
after redirect css service chgsvc1 downlink host  
The following deletes the first rule definition above:
no redirect css service chgsvc1 downlink host  

redirect css service (for downlink, by ICMP packets)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on the internet control message protocol packets in the downlink (from the Mobile Node) direction (Content Service Steering).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink icmp { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ]  
after redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink icmp { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ]  
before redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink icmp { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ]  
no redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink icmp { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ]  


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, after the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, before the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule definition which exactly matches the options specified.

css service service_name

The name of the active charging service to which packets are to be redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show active-charging service all command to display the names of all configured charging services.

service_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 15 characters.


Apply this rule definition only to packets in the downlink (from the Mobile Node) direction.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that the rule definition applies to all packets.


Specifies that the rule definition applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address of the destination host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address(es) to which the packet is to be sent.

This option is used to filter all packets to a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this parameter. The range can then be configured using the dest_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the dest_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that all ICMP packets of a particular type are to be filtered. The type can be an integer value between 0 and 255.


Specifies that all ICMP packets of a particular code are to be filtered. The type can be an integer value between 0 and 255.

Usage Guidelines

Define a rule definition to block ICMP packets which can be used for address resolution and possibly be a security risk.

The IP redirecting allows flexible controls for pairs of individual hosts or groups by IP masking which allows the redirecting of entire subnets if necessary.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rule definitions are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule definition that redirects packets to the charging service named chgsvc1 , and ICMP packets coming in the downlink (from the Mobile Node) direction from the host with the IP address
redirect css service chgsvc1 downlink icmp host   
The following sets the insertion point before the rule definition above:
before redirect css service chgsvc1 downlink icmp host  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule definition above:
after redirect css service chgsvc1 downlink icmp host  
The following deletes the first rule definition above:
no redirect css service chgsvc1 downlink icmp host  

redirect css service (for downlink, by IP packets)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on the internet protocol packets in the downlink (from the Mobile Node) direction (Content Service Steering).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink ip { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [ fragment ]  
after redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink ip { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [ fragment ]  
before redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink ip { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [ fragment ]  
no redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink ip { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [ fragment ]  


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, after the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rule definitions defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, before the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule definition which exactly matches the options specified.

css service service_name

The name of the active charging service to which packets are to be redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show active-charging service all command to display the names of all configured charging services.

service_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 15 characters.


Apply this rule definition only to packets in the downlink (from the Mobile Node) direction.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that the rule definition applies to all packets.


Specifies that the rule definition applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address of the destination host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address(es) to which the packet is to be sent.

This option is used to filter all packets to a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this parameter. The range can then be configured using the dest_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the dest_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Indicates packet redirection is to be applied to IP packet fragments only.

Usage Guidelines

Block IP packets when the source and destination are of interest.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rule definitions are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule definition that redirects packets to the charging service named chgsvc1 , and downlink IP packets coming from the host with the IP address , and fragmented packets for any destination are matched:
redirect css service chgsvc1 downlink ip host any fragment  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule definition above:
before redirect css service chgsvc1 downlink ip host any fragment  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule definition above:
after redirect css service chgsvc1 downlink ip host any fragment  
The following deletes the first rule definition above:
no redirect css service chgsvc1 downlink ip host any fragment  

redirect css service (for downlink, by source IP address masking)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on the IP address mask sent by the source in the downlink (from the Mobile Node) direction (Content Service Steering).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink  source_address source_wildcard 
after redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink  source_address source_wildcard 
before redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink  source_address source_wildcard 
no redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink  source_address source_wildcard 


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, after the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rule definitions defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, before the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule definition which exactly matches the options specified.

css service service_name

The name of the active charging service to which packets are to be redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show active-charging service all command to display the names of all configured charging services.

service_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 15 characters.


Apply this rule definition only to packets in the downlink (from the Mobile Node) direction.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the filter are to be logged.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.

Usage Guidelines

Define a rule definition when any packet from the IP addresses which fall into the group of addresses matching the IP address masking. This allows the reduction of filtering rule definitions as it does not require a rule definition for each source and destination pair.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


The following command defines a rule definition to redirect packets to a charging service named chgsvc1 :
redirect css service chgsvc1 downlink   

redirect css service (for downlink, by TCP/UDP packets)

Redirects subscriber sessions to a charging service based on the transmission control protocol/user datagram protocol packets in the downlink (from the Mobile Node) direction (Content Service Steering).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port | range  start_source_port end_source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port | range  start_dest_port end_dest_port ] }  
after redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port | range  start_source_port end_source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port | range  start_dest_port end_dest_port ] }  
before redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port | range  start_source_port end_source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port | range  start_dest_port end_dest_port ] }  
no redirect css service  service_name [ log ] downlink { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port | range  start_source_port end_source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port | range  start_dest_port end_dest_port ] }  


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, after the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, before the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule definition which exactly matches the options specified.

css service service_name

The name of the active charging service to which packets are to be redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show active-charging service all command to display the names of all configured charging services.

service_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 15 characters.


Apply this rule definition only to packets in the downlink (from the Mobile Node) direction.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.

tcp | udp

Specifies the redirect is to be applied to IP based transmission control protocol or the user datagram protocol.

  • tcp : Redirect applies to TPC packets.

  • udp : Redirect applies to UDP packets.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that the rule definition applies to all packets.


Specifies that the rule definition applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address of the destination host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

eq source_port

Specifies a single, specific source TCP port number to be filtered.

source_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

gt source_port

Specifies that all source TCP port numbers greater than the one specified are to be filtered.

source_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

lt source_port

Specifies that all source TCP port numbers less than the one specified are to be filtered.

source_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

neq source_port

Specifies that all source TCP port numbers not equal to the one specified are to be filtered.

source_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

range start_source_port end_source_port

Specifies that all source TCP ports within a specific range are to be filtered.

start_source_port is the initial port in the range and end_source_port is the final port in the range.

Both start_source_port and end_source_port can be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.


The IP address(es) to which the packet is to be sent.

This option is used to filter all packets to a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this parameter. The range can then be configured using the dest_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the dest_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.

eq dest_port

Specifies a single, specific destination TCP port number to be filtered.

dest_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

gt dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP port numbers greater than the one specified are to be filtered.

dest_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

lt dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP port numbers less than the one specified are to be filtered.

dest_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

neq dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP port numbers not equal to the one specified are to be filtered.

dest_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

range start_dest_port end_dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP ports within a specific range are to be filtered.

start_dest_port is the initial port in the range and end_dest_port is the final port in the range.

Both start_dest_port and end_dest_port can be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

Usage Guidelines

Block IP packets when the source and destination are of interest but for only a limited set of ports.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rule definitions are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule definition that redirects packets to the charging service named chgsvc1 , and UDP packets coming from any host are matched:
redirect css service chgsvc1 downlink udp any  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule definition above:
before redirect css service chgsvc1 downlink udp any  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule definition above:
after redirect css service chgsvc1 downlink udp any  
The following deletes the rule definition above:
no redirect css service chgsvc1 downlink udp any  

redirect css service (for uplink, any)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on any packet received in the uplink (to the Mobile Node) direction (Content Service Steering). This command is also used to set the access control list insertion point.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink any  
after redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink any  
before redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink any  
no redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink any  


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, after the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, before the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule definition which exactly matches the options specified.

css service service_name

The name of the active charging service to which packets are to be redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show active-charging service all command to display the names of all configured charging services.

service_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 15 characters.


Apply this rule definition only to packets in the uplink (to the Mobile Node) direction.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.


Indicates all packets will match the redirect regardless of source and/or destination.

Usage Guidelines

Define a catch all rule definition to place at the end of the list of rule definitions to provide explicit handling of rule definitions which do not fit any other criteria.


It is suggested that any rule definition which is added to be a catch all should also have the log option specified. The logged packets may be used to determine if the current list of rule definitions is adequate or needs modification to ensure proper security.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rule definitions are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule definition that redirects packets to the charging service with the name chgsvc1 and any source IP:
redirect css service chgsvc1 uplink any  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule definition above:
before redirect css service chgsvc1 uplink any  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule definition above:
after redirect css service chgsvc1 uplink any  
The following deletes the first rule definition above:
no redirect css service chgsvc1 uplink any   

redirect css service (for uplink, by host IP address)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on the targeted host IP address in the uplink (to the Mobile Node) direction (Content Service Steering).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink host  source_host_address 
after redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink host  source_host_address 
before redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink host  source_host_address 
no redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink host  source_host_address 


Apply this rule definition only to packets in the uplink (to the Mobile Node) direction.


Indicates all rule definitions defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, after the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, before the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule definition which exactly matches the options specified.

css service service_name

The name of the active charging service to which packets are to be redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show active-charging service all command to display the names of all configured charging services.

service_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 15 characters.


Apply this rule definition only to packets in the uplink (to the Mobile Node) direction.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.


Specifies that the rule definition applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

Usage Guidelines

Define a rule definition when a very specific remote host is to be blocked. In simplified networks where the access controls need only block a few hosts, this command allows the rule definitions to be very clear and concise.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rule definitions are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule definition that redirects packets to the charging service with the name chgsvc1 and a host IP address of :
redirect css service chgsvc1 uplink host  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule definition above:
before redirect css service chgsvc1 uplink host  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule definition above:
after redirect css service chgsvc1 uplink host  
The following deletes the first rule definition above:
no redirect css service chgsvc1 uplink host  

redirect css service (for uplink, by ICMP packets)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on the internet control message protocol packets in the uplink (to the Mobile Node) direction (Content Service Steering).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink icmp { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ]  
after redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink icmp { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ]  
before redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink icmp { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ]  
no redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink icmp { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ]  


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, after the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, before the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule definition which exactly matches the options specified.

css service service_name

The name of the active charging service to which packets are to be redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show active-charging service all command to display the names of all configured charging services.

service_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 15 characters.


Apply this rule definition only to packets in the uplink (to the Mobile Node) direction.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that the rule definition applies to all packets.


Specifies that the rule definition applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address of the destination host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address(es) to which the packet is to be sent.

This option is used to filter all packets to a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this parameter. The range can then be configured using the dest_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the dest_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that all ICMP packets of a particular type are to be filtered. The type can be an integer value between 0 and 255.


Specifies that all ICMP packets of a particular code are to be filtered. The type can be an integer value between 0 and 255.

Usage Guidelines

Define a rule definition to block ICMP packets which can be used for address resolution and possibly be a security risk.

The IP redirecting allows flexible controls for pairs of individual hosts or groups by IP masking which allows the redirecting of entire subnets if necessary.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rule definitions are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule definition that redirects packets to the charging service named chgsvc1 , and ICMP packets in the uplink (to the Mobile Node) direction from the host with the IP address :
redirect css service chgsvc1 uplink icmp host  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule definition above:
before redirect css service chgsvc1 uplink icmp host  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule definition above:
after redirect css service chgsvc1 uplink icmp host  
The following deletes the first rule definition above:
no redirect css service chgsvc1 uplink icmp host  

redirect css service (for uplink, by IP packets)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on the internet protocol packets in the uplink (to the Mobile Node) direction (Content Service Steering).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink ip { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [ fragment ]  
after redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink ip { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [ fragment ]  
before redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink ip { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [ fragment ]  
no redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink ip { any | host  source_host_address |  source_address source_wildcard } { any | host  dest_host_address |  dest_address dest_wildcard } [ fragment ]  


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, after the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, before the matching rule definition.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule definition, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule definition which exactly matches the options specified.

css service service_name

The name of the active charging service to which packets are to be redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show active-charging service all command to display the names of all configured charging services.

service_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 15 characters.


Apply this rule definition only to packets in the uplink (to the Mobile Node) direction.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that the rule definition applies to all packets.


Specifies that the rule definition applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address of the destination host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address(es) to which the packet is to be sent.

This option is used to filter all packets to a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this parameter. The range can then be configured using the dest_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the dest_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be ignored.


Indicates packet redirection is to be applied to IP packet fragments only.

Usage Guidelines

Block IP packets when the source and destination are of interest.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


The following command defines a rule definition that redirects packets to the charging service named chgsvc1 , and uplink IP packets going to the host with the IP address , and fragmented packets for any destination are matched:
redirect css service chgsvc1 uplink ip host any fragment  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule definition above:
before redirect css service chgsvc1 uplink ip host any fragment  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule definition above:
after redirect css service chgsvc1 uplink ip host any fragment  
The following command deletes the first rule definition above:
no redirect css service chgsvc1 uplink ip host any fragment  

redirect css service (for uplink, by source IP address masking)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on the IP address mask sent by the source in the uplink (to the Mobile Node) direction (Content Service Steering).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink  source_address source_wildcard 
after redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink  source_address source_wildcard 
before redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink  source_address source_wildcard 
no redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink  source_address source_wildcard 


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, after the matching rule definition.


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, before the matching rule definition.


Removes the rule definition which exactly matches the options specified.

css service service_name

The name of the active charging service to which packets are to be redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show active-charging service all command to display the names of all configured charging services.

service_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 15 characters.


Apply this rule definition only to packets in the uplink (to the Mobile Node) direction.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the filter are to be logged.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.

Usage Guidelines

Define a rule definition when any packet from the IP addresses which fall into the group of addresses matching the IP address masking. This allows the reduction of filtering rule definitions as it does not require a rule definition for each source and destination pair.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


The following command defines a rule definition to redirect packets to a charging service named chgsvc1 :
redirect css service chgsvc1 uplink   

redirect css service (for uplink, by TCP/UDP packets)

Redirects subscriber sessions to a charging service based on the transmission control protocol/user datagram protocol packets in the uplink (to the Mobile Node) direction (Content Service Steering).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any |  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port | range  start_source_port end_source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port | range  start_dest_port end_dest_port ] }  
after redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any |  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port | range  start_source_port end_source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port | range  start_dest_port end_dest_port ] }  
before redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any |  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port | range  start_source_port end_source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port | range  start_dest_port end_dest_port ] }  
no redirect css service  service_name [ log ] uplink { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any |  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port | range  start_source_port end_source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port | range  start_dest_port end_dest_port ] }  


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, after the matching rule definition.


Indicates all rule definitions subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule definition which matches the exact options specified such that new rule definitions will be added, in order, before the matching rule definition.


Removes the rule definition which exactly matches the options specified.

css service service_name

The name of the active charging service to which packets are to be redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show active-charging service all command to display the names of all configured charging services.

service_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 15 characters.


Apply this rule definition only to packets in the uplink (to the Mobile Node) direction.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.

tcp | udp

Specifies the redirect is to be applied to IP based transmission control protocol or the user datagram protocol.

  • tcp : Redirect applies to TPC packets.

  • udp : Redirect applies to UDP packets.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


Specifies that the rule definition applies to all packets.


Specifies that the rule definition applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address of the destination host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

eq source_port

Specifies a single, specific source TCP port number to be filtered.

source_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

gt source_port

Specifies that all source TCP port numbers greater than the one specified are to be filtered.

source_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

lt source_port

Specifies that all source TCP port numbers less than the one specified are to be filtered.

source_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

neq source_port

Specifies that all source TCP port numbers not equal to the one specified are to be filtered.

source_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

range start_source_port end_source_port

Specifies that all source TCP ports within a specific range are to be filtered.

start_source_port is the initial port in the range and end_source_port is the final port in the range.

Both start_source_port and end_source_port can be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.


The IP address(es) to which the packet is to be sent.

This option is used to filter all packets to a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this parameter. The range can then be configured using the dest_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the dest_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be ignored.

eq dest_port

Specifies a single, specific destination TCP port number to be filtered.

dest_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

gt dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP port numbers greater than the one specified are to be filtered.

dest_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

lt dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP port numbers less than the one specified are to be filtered.

dest_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

neq dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP port numbers not equal to the one specified are to be filtered.

dest_port must be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

range start_dest_port end_dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP ports within a specific range are to be filtered.

start_dest_port is the initial port in the range and end_dest_port is the final port in the range.

Both start_dest_port and end_dest_port can be configured to an integer value from 0 to 65535.

Usage Guidelines

Block IP packets when the source and destination are of interest but for only a limited set of ports.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


The following command defines a rule definition that redirects packets to the charging service named chgsvc1 , and UDP packets coming from any host are matched:
redirect css service chgsvc1 uplink udp any  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule definition above:
before redirect css service chgsvc1 uplink udp any  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule definition above:
after redirect css service chgsvc1 uplink udp any  
The following deletes the rule definition above:
no redirect css service chgsvc1 uplink udp any  

redirect nexthop (by IP address masking)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on the IP address mask sent by the source to the mobile node or the network.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ]  source_address source_wildcard 
after redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ]  source_address source_wildcard 
before redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ]  source_address source_wildcard 
no redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ]  source_address source_wildcard 


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, after the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, before the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule which exactly matches the options specified.

nexthop nexthop_addr

The directly connected IP address to which the IP packets are forwarded.

context context_id

The context identification number of the context to which packets are redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show context all command to display context names and context IDs.

interface interface_name

The name of the logical interface to which the packets should be redirected. interface_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 to 79 characters.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.

Usage Guidelines

Define a rule when any packet from the IP addresses which fall into the group of addresses matching the IP address masking. This allows the reduction of redirect rules as it does not require a rule for each source and destination pair.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rules are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule that redirects packets to the next hop host at, the context with the context ID of 23 and the source IP and wildcard of and
redirect nexthop context 23   
The following sets the insertion point before the rule defined above:
before redirect nexthop context 23  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule defined above:
after redirect nexthop context 23   
The following deletes the first rule defined above:
no redirect nexthop context 23  

redirect nexthop (any)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on any packet received. This command is also used to set the access control list insertion point.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ] any  
after redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ] any  
before redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ] any  
no redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ] any  


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, after the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, before the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule which exactly matches the options specified.

nexthop nexthop_addr

The directly connected IP address to which the IP packets are forwarded.

context context_id

The context identification number of the context to which packets are redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show context all command to display context names and context IDs.

interface interface_name

The name of the logical interface to which the packets should be redirected. interface_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 to 79 characters.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.


Indicates all packets will match the redirect regardless of source and/or destination.

Usage Guidelines

Define a catch all rule to place at the end of the list of rules to provide explicit handling of rules which do not fit any other criteria.


Any rule which is added to be a catch all should also have the log option specified. The logged packets may be used to determine if the current list of rules is adequate or needs modification to ensure proper security.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rules are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule that redirects packets to the next hop host at, the context with the context ID of 23 and any source IP:
redirect nexthop context 23 any   
The following sets the insertion point before the rule defined above:
before redirect nexthop context 23 any  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule defined above:
after redirect nexthop context 23 any  
The following deletes the first rule defined above:
no redirect nexthop context 23 any  

redirect nexthop (by host IP address)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on the targeted host IP address sent by the source to the mobile node or the network.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ] host  source_ipv4_address 
after redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ] host  source_ipv4_address 
before redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ] host  source_ipv4_address 
no redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ] host  source_ipv4_address 


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, after the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, before the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule which exactly matches the options specified.

nexthop nexthop_addr

The directly connected IP address to which the IP packets are forwarded.

context context_id

The context identification number of the context to which packets are redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show context all command to display context names and context IDs.

interface interface_name

The name of the logical interface to which the packets should be redirected. interface_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 to 79 characters.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.


Specifies that the rule applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

Usage Guidelines

Define a rule when a very specific remote host is to be blocked. In simplified networks where the access controls need only block a few hosts, this command allows the rules to be very clear and concise.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rules are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule that redirects packets to the next hop host at, the context with the context ID of 23 and a host IP address of
redirect nexthop context 23 host  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule defined above:
before redirect nexthop context 23 host  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule defined above:
after redirect nexthop context 23 host  
The following deletes the first rule defined above:
no redirect nexthop context 23 host  

redirect nexthop (by source ICMP packets)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on the internet control message protocol packets sent by the source to the mobile node or the network.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ] icmp {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ] ]  
after redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ] icmp {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ] ]  
before redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ] icmp {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ] ]  
no redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ] icmp {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [  icmp_type [  icmp_code ] ]  


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, after the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, before the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule which exactly matches the options specified.

nexthop nexthop_addr

The directly connected IP address to which the IP packets are forwarded.

context context_id

The context identification number of the context to which packets are redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show context all command to display context names and context IDs.

interface interface_name

The name of the logical interface to which the packets should be redirected. interface_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 79 characters.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that the rule applies to all packets.


Specifies that the rule applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address of the destination host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address(es) to which the packet is to be sent.

This option is used to filter all packets to a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this parameter. The range can then be configured using the dest_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the dest_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that all ICMP packets of a particular type are to be filtered. The type can be an integer value between 0 and 255.


Specifies that all ICMP packets of a particular code are to be filtered. The type can be an integer value between 0 and 255.

Usage Guidelines

Define a rule to block ICMP packets which can be used for address resolution and possible be a security risk.

The IP redirecting allows flexible controls for pairs of individual hosts or groups by IP masking which allows the redirecting of entire subnets if necessary.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rules are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule that redirects packets to the next hop host at, the context with the context ID of 23, and ICMP packets coming from the host with the IP address
redirect nexthop context 23 icmp host  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule defined above:
before redirect nexthop context 23 icmp host  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule defined above:
after redirect nexthop context 23 icmp host  
The following deletes the first rule defined above:
no redirect nexthop context 23 icmp host  

redirect nexthop (by IP packets)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on the internet protocol packets sent by the source to the mobile node or the network.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ] ip {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ fragment ] [ protocol  num ]  
after redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ] ip {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ fragment ] [ protocol  num ]  
before redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ] ip {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ fragment ] [ protocol  num ]  
no redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ] ip {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ fragment ] [ protocol  num ]  


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately after the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, after the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, before the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule which exactly matches the options specified.

nexthop nexthop_addr

The directly connected IP address to which the IP packets are forwarded.

context context_id

The context identification number of the context to which packets are redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show context all command to display context names and context IDs.

interface interface_name

The name of the logical interface to which the packets should be redirected. interface_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 79 characters.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that the rule applies to all packets.


Specifies that the rule applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address of the destination host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address(es) to which the packet is to be sent.

This option is used to filter all packets to a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this parameter. The range can then be configured using the dest_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the dest_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Indicates packet redirection is to be applied to IP packet fragments only.

protocol num

Indicates that the packet filtering is to be applied to a specific protocol number.

num can be an integer ranging from 0 to 255.

Usage Guidelines

Block IP packets when the source and destination are of interest.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rules are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule that redirects packets to the next hop host at, the context with the context ID of 23, and IP packets coming from the host with the IP address, and fragmented packets for any destination are matched:
redirect nexthop context 23 ip host any fragment  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule defined above:
before redirect nexthop context 23 ip host any fragment  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule defined above:
after redirect nexthop context 23 ip host any fragment  
The following deletes the first rule defined above:
no redirect nexthop context 23 ip host any fragment  

redirect nexthop (by TCP/UDP packets)

Redirects subscriber sessions based on the transmission control protocol/user datagram protocol packets sent by the source to the mobile node or the network.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ACL Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip access-list acl_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ] { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port ] }  
after redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ] { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port ] }  
before redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ] { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port ] }  
no redirect nexthop  nexthop_addr { context  context_id | interface  interface_name } [ log ] { tcp | udp } { {  source_address source_wildcard | any | host  source_host_address } [ eq  source_port | gt  source_port | lt  source_port | neq  source_port ] } { {  dest_address dest_wildcard | any | host  dest_host_address } [ eq  dest_port | gt  dest_port | lt  dest_port | neq  dest_port ] }  


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted after the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to immediately after the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, after the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Indicates all rules defined subsequent to this command are to be inserted before the command identified by the exact options listed.

This moves the insertion point to be immediately before the rule which matches the exact options specified such that new rules will be added, in order, before the matching rule.


If the options specified do not exactly match an existing rule, the insertion point does not change.


Removes the rule which exactly matches the options specified.

nexthop nexthop_addr

The directly connected IP address to which the IP packets are forwarded.

context context_id

The context identification number of the context to which packets are redirected. At the executive mode prompt, use the show context all command to display context names and context IDs.

interface interface_name

The name of the logical interface to which the packets should be redirected. interface_name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 79 characters.


Default: packets are not logged.

Indicates all packets which match the redirect are to be logged.

tcp | udp

Specifies the redirect is to be applied to IP based transmission control protocol or the user datagram protocol.

  • tcp : Redirect applies to TPC packets.

  • udp : Redirect applies to UDP packets.


The IP address(es) from which the packet originated.

This option is used to filter all packets from a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this option. The range can then be configured using the source_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the source_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the source_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.


Specifies that the rule applies to all packets.


Specifies that the rule applies to a specific host as determined by its IP address.


The IP address of the source host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


The IP address of the destination host to filter against expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

eq source_port

Specifies a single, specific source TCP port number to be filtered.

source_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

gt source_port

Specifies that all source TCP port numbers greater than the one specified are to be filtered.

source_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

lt source_port

Specifies that all source TCP port numbers less than the one specified are to be filtered.

source_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

neq source_port

Specifies that all source TCP port numbers not equal to the one specified are to be filtered.

source_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.


The IP address(es) to which the packet is to be sent.

This option is used to filter all packets to a specific IP address or a group of IP addresses.

When specifying a group of addresses, the initial address is configured using this parameter. The range can then be configured using the dest_wildcard parameter.


This option is used in conjunction with the dest_address option to specify a group of addresses for which packets are to be filtered.

The mask must be entered as a complement:

  • Zero-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be identical.

  • One-bits in this parameter mean that the corresponding bits configured for the dest_address parameter must be ignored.


The mask must contain a contiguous set of one-bits from the least significant bit (LSB). Therefore, allowed masks are 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. For example, acceptable wildcards are,, and A wildcard of is not acceptable since the one-bits are not contiguous.

eq dest_port

Specifies a single, specific destination TCP port number to be filtered.

dest_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

gt dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP port numbers greater than the one specified are to be filtered.

dest_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

lt dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP port numbers less than the one specified are to be filtered.

dest_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

neq dest_port

Specifies that all destination TCP port numbers not equal to the one specified are to be filtered.

dest_port must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

Usage Guidelines

Block IP packets when the source and destination are of interest but for only a limited set of ports.


The maximum number of rules that can be configured per ACL varies depending on how the ACL is to be used. For more information, refer to the Engineering Rules appendix in the System Administration Guide.


Also note that "redirect" rules are ignored for ACLs applied to specific subscribers or all subscribers facilitated by a specific context.


The following command defines a rule that redirects packets to the next hop host at, the context with the context ID of 23, and UDP packets coming from any host are matched:
redirect nexthop context 23 udp any  
The following sets the insertion point before the rule defined above:
before redirect nexthop context 23 udp any  
The following command sets the insertion point after the first rule defined above:
after redirect nexthop context 23 udp any  
The following deletes the first rule defined above:
no redirect nexthop context 23 udp any