Crypto Template IKEv2-Vendor Configuration Mode Commands

The Crypto Template IKEv2-Vendor Configuration Mode is used to configure an IKEv2 IPSec policy for a vendor. It includes most of the IPSec parameters and IKEv2 dynamic parameters for cryptographic and authentication algorithms.


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Crypto Template IKEv2-Vendor Configuration

configure > context context_name > crypto template template_name ikev2-vendor

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).


This command is used to configure mapping of the configuration payload attributes for a crypto vendor template.


All IPSec-related services


Security Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Crypto Template IKEv2-Vendor Configuration

configure > context context_name > crypto template template_name ikev2-vendor

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



configuration-payload private-attribute-type { imei  integer | p-cscf-v4  v4_value | p-cscf-v6  v6_value }   
remove configuration-payload private-attribute-type { imei | p-cscf-v4 | p-cscf-v6 }   


Removes mapping of the configuration payload attributes.


Defines the private payload attribute.

imei integer

Defines an International Mobile Equipemnt Identity number. Default value is 16391.

integer must be an integer from 16384 to 32767.

p-cscf-v4 v4_value

Defines the IPv4 pcscf payload attribute value. Default value is 16384.

v4_value is an integer from 16384 to 32767.

p-cscf-v6 v6_value

Defines IPv6 pcscf payload attribute value. Default value is 16390.

v6_value is an integer from 16384 to 32767.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure mapping of the configuration payload attributes for a crypto vendor template.


The following command configures the mapping of the configuration payload attributes p-cscf-v6 to 17001.
configuration-payload private-attribute-type p-cscf-v6  17001  

do show

Executes all show commands while in Configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator


do show  

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to run all Exec mode show commands while in Configuration mode. It is not necessary to exit the Config mode to run a show command.

The pipe character | is only available if the command is valid in the Exec mode.


There are some Exec mode show commands which are too resource intensive to run from Config mode. These include: do show support collection , do show support details , do show support record and do show support summary . If there is a restriction on a specific show command, the following error message is displayed:

Failure: Cannot execute 'do	show support' command from Config mode.


Exits the current configuration mode and returns to the Exec mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to return to the Exec mode.


Exits the current mode and returns to the parent configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to return to the parent configuration mode.


Configures parameters for the IKEv2 IKE Security Associations within this vendor template.


All IPSec-related services


Security Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Crypto Template IKEv2-Vendor Configuration

configure > context context_name > crypto template template_name ikev2-vendor

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ikev2-ikesa { fragmentation | ignore-rekeying-requests | mobike [ cookie-challenge ] | rekey [ disallow-param-change ] | transform-set list  name1 [  name2 [  name3 [  name4 [  name5 [  name6 ] ] ] ] ] }  
remove ikev2-ikesa { fragmentation | ignore-rekeying-requests | mobike | rekey | transform-set list }   


Disables a previously enabled ikev2-ikesa configuration.


Enables IKESA fragmentation (Tx) and re-assembly (Rx).

Default: IKESA fragmentation and re-assembly is allowed.


Ignores received IKE_SA Rekeying Requests.

mobike [ cookie-challenge ]

IKEv2 Mobility and Multihoming Protocol (MOBIKE) allows the IP addresses associated with IKEv2 and tunnel mode IPSec Security Associations to change. A mobile Virtual Private Network (VPN) client could use MOBIKE to keep the connection with the VPN gateway active while moving from one address to another. Similarly, a multi-homed host could use MOBIKE to move the traffic to a different interface if, for instance, the one currently being used stops working. Default: Disabled

cookie-challenge : Use this keyword to enable the return routability check. The Gateway performs a return routability check when MOBIKE is enabled along with this keyword. A return routability check ensures that the other party can receive packets at the claimed address. Default: Disabled

rekey [ disallow-param-change ]

Specifies if IKESA rekeying should occur before the configured lifetime expires (at approximately 90% of the lifetime interval). Default is not to re-key.

The disallow-param-change option prevents changes in negotiation parameters during rekey.

transform-set list

Specifies the name of a context-level configured IKEv2 IKE Security Association transform set.

name1 through name6 must be an existing IKEv2 IKESA Transform Set expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters.

The transform set is a space-separated list of IKEv2-IKESA SA transform sets to be used for deriving IKEv2 IKE Security Associations from this crypto template. A minimum of one transform-set is required; maximum configurable is six.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure parameters for the IKEv2 IKE Security Associations within this vendor template.


The following command enables IKESA fragmentation and re-assembly:

ikev2-ikesa fragmentation  
The following command configures the IKEv2 IKESA list, consisting of transform sets named ikesa43 and ikesa326 :
ikev2-ikesa transform-set list ikesa43 ikesa326  


Configures keepalive or dead peer detection for security associations used within this vendor template.


All products supporting IPSec


Security Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Crypto Template IKEv2-Vendor Configuration

configure > context context_name > crypto template template_name ikev2-vendor

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



keepalive [ interval  seconds [ timeout  timeout_seconds [ num-retry  retry_seconds ] ] ]  

{ no | remove } keepalive  


Disables keepalive messaging.


Removes previously configured keepalive messaging.

interval sec

Specifies the duration (in seconds) after which the next keepalive request is sent.

sec must be an integer from 10 through 3600.

Default: 3600 seconds

timeout timeout_seconds

Specifies the duration (in seconds) after which keepalive times out.

timeout_seconds must be an integer from 10 through 3600. Default: 10

num-retry retry_seconds

Specifies the total number of times to resend the keepalive request after timing out.

retry_seconds must be an integer from 1 through 100. Default: 2

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set parameters associated with determining the availability of peer servers.


The following command sets a keepalive interval to three minutes (180 seconds) with a timeout value of 1 minute (60 seconds):
keepalive interval 180 timeout 60  


Creates a new, or specifies an existing, crypto template vendor payload, and enters the Crypto Template IKEv2 Vendor Payload Configuration Mode.


All Security Gateway products


Security Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Crypto Template IKEv2-Vendor Configuration

configure > context context_name > crypto template template_name ikev2-vendor

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ remove ] payload  payload_name 


Removes a previously configured crypto template IKEv2 vendor payload.


vendor_payload must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create a new or enter an existing crypto template IKEv2 vendor payload. The payload mechanism is a means of associating parameters for the Security Association (SA) being negotiated.

Crypto Template IKEv2 Vendor Payload Configuration Mode commands are defined in the Crypto Template IKEv2-Vendor Payload Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


The following command configures a crypto template IKEv2 vendor payload called payload5 and enters the Crypto Template IKEv2 Vendor Payload Configuration Mode:
payload payload5