HA Service Configuration Mode Commands

The HA Service Configuration Mode is used to create and manage the Home Agent (HA) services within the current context.


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).


Applies Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) marking for IP headers carrying outgoing signalling packets.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



a11-signalling-packets ip-header-dscp  ip-header-dscp 
{ default | no } a11-signalling-packets ip-header-dscp  


Disables DSCP marking for IP header encapsulation for the HA service.


Configures DSCP marking for IP header encapsulation for a specific HA service.


Is a hexadecimal number between 0x0 and 0x3F.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to apply DSCP marking for IP header carrying outgoing signalling packets.


The following command applies DSCP marking for IP header carrying outgoing signalling packets.

a11-signalling-packets ip-header-dscp 0x2f


Configures the sending of subscriber session AAA accounting by the HA service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



aaa { accounting  [ roaming ]  | group  string }  
no aaa { accounting | group }  
default aaa accounting  


Disables AAA accounting for the HA service.


Configures AAA parameters for specific HA service


accounting Enables the sending of AAA accounting information for subscriber sessions by the Home Agent (HA), by default is enabled.

roaming Enables the sending of AAA accounting information for subscriber sessions by the Home Agent (HA) only for roaming subscribers.


group configures aaa group for ha-service, group has lower priority than subscriber/apn config.

string : size ranges between 1 and 63 .

Usage Guidelines

Enabling the HA service will send all accounting data (start, stop, and interim) to the configured AAA servers.

The chassis is shipped from the factory with the AAA accounting enabled.


In order for this command to function properly, AAA accounting must be enabled for the context in which the HA service is configured using the aaa accounting subscriber radius command.


The following command disables aaa accounting for the HA service:
no aaa accounting  


Configures a specific access network configuration.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



access-network accounting identifier   access_network_accounting_identifier 
no access-network accounting identifier  


Disables a specific access network configuration.


Specifies an access network configuration for accounting


Specifies an access network accounting identifier


This is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 128 characters.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to configure an access network for accounting.


The following command configures an access network for accounting with the identifier idnt :

access-network accounting identifier idnt


Associates an HA-service with a QoS policy.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



associate qci-qos-mapping  string  
no associate qci-qos-mapping  


Disables the association of an HA-service with a QoS policy.

qci-qos-mapping string

Maps a QoS Class Identifier (QCI) for this HA service.

string is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

This command associates an HA-service with a QoS policy.


The following command associates an HA-service with a QCI map01 .

associate qci-qos-mapping map01


Configures authentication parameters for a specific HA service within a context.





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



authentication { aaa-distributed-mip-keys [ disabled | optional | required ] | dmu-refresh-key | imsi-auth| mn-aaa { allow-noauth | always| dereg-noauth | noauth | renew-reg-noauth | renew-and-dereg-noauth } | mn-ha { allow-noauth | always } | pmip-auth | stale-key-disconnect }  
no authentication { imsi-auth | pmip-auth }  
default authentication { aaa-distributed-mip-keys | dmu-refresh-key | imsi-auth | mn-aaa | mn-ha | pmip-auth | stale-key-disconnect }  


Disable the parameter.


Resets the specified option to its default setting.

aaa-distributed-mip-keys [ disabled | optional |required ]

Configures use of AAA distributed MIP keys for authenticating RRQ for WiMAX HA calls.

Default is disabled.

disabled : Disables using AAA distributed WiMAX Mobile IP (MIP) keys for authenticating MIP RRQ.

optional : Uses AAA distributed WiMAX MIP keys for authenticating RRQ with fallback option to use static/3GPP2 based MIP keys.

required : AAA distributed WiMAX MIP keys for authenticating MIP RRQ are mandatory


Typically, when a Dynamic Mobile IP Update (DMU) resets, the next MIP re-registration causes MN-HA authorization failure and the HA rejects the MIP RRQ. This parameter enables the HA to retrieve the MN-HA key again from the AAA during the call and to use the freshly retrieved key value to recheck authentication.

Default is disabled.


Enable uses the International Subscriber Mobile identity (IMSI) to determine if MN-AAA or MN-FAC extensions are not present in the RRQ.

Default is disabled.

mn-aaa { allow-noauth | always | dereg-noauth | noauth | renew-reg-noauth | renew-and-dereg-noauth }

Specifies how mobile node-to-AAA authentication extension in registration requests from the mobile node should be handled by the HA service.

Default is always.

allow-noauth : Specifies that the HA service does not require authentication for every mobile node registration request. However, if the mn-aaa extension is received, the HA service will authenticate it.

always : Specifies that the HA service will perform authentication each time a mobile node registers.

dereg-noauth : Disables authentication request upon de-registration.

noauth : Specifies that the HA service will not look for mn-aaa extension and will not authenticate it.

renew-reg-noauth : Specifies that the HA service will not perform authentication for mobile node re-registrations. Initial registration and de-registration will be handled normally.

renew-and-dereg-noauth : Disables authentication request upon re-registration and de-registration.

mn-ha { allow-noauth | always }

Specifies whether the HA service looks for an MN-HA authentication extension in the RRQ.

Default is always.

allow-noauth : Allows a request that does not contain the auth extension.

always : A request should always contain the auth extension to be accepted.


Specifies whether the HA service looks for an MN-HA authentication extension in the RRQ.

Default is always.

allow-noauth : Allows a request that does not contain the auth extension.

always : A request should always contain the auth extension to be accepted.


If MN-HA auth fails for MIP renew and dereg, disconnects the call immediately.

Disabled by default.

Usage Guidelines

The authentication command, combined with a keyword, can be used to specify how the system will perform authentication of registration request messages.


The following command configures the HA service to always perform mobile node authentication for every registration request.

authentication mn-aaa always

The following command configures the HA service to always look for an MN-HA authentication extension in the RRQ.

authentication mn-ha always


Binds the HA service to a logical IP interface serving as the Pi interface and specifies the maximum number of subscribers that can access this service over the interface.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



bind address  {  range_IPv4address ip_mask | range_IPv4address/bitmask }  [ max-subscribers  count ]  
no bind address  

range_IPv4address ip_mask | range_IPv4address/bitmask

Specifies the pool of IP addresses (in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation) of the interface configured as the Pi interface with an enterprise HA (EHA). ip_mask and bitmask specifies the number of subnet bits, representing the subnet mask in CIDR notation and must be a value between 1 to 32.

range_IPv4address is a preconfigured range of IPv4 addresses in Loopback Interface Configuration Mode to enable the Enterprise HA support with enhanced capacity and configured

max-subscribers count

Default: 2500000

Specifies the maximum number of subscribers that can access this service on this interface.

count can be configured to an integer from 0 through 4000000.


The maximum number of subscribers supported is dependant on the license key installed and the number of active packet processing cards installed in the system.

Usage Guidelines

Associate the HA service to a specific logical IP address. The logical IP address or interface takes on the characteristics of a Pi interface. Only one interface can be bound to a service. The interface should be configured prior to issuing this command.

This command also sets a limit as to the number of simultaneous subscribers sessions that can be facilitated by the service/interface at any given time.

When configuring the max-subscribers option, be sure to consider the following:
  • The total number of interfaces that you will configuring for use as Pi interfaces

  • The maximum number of subscriber sessions that all of these interfaces may handle during peak busy hours

  • The average bandwidth for each of the sessions

  • The type of physical port to which these interfaces will be bound

Taking these factors into account and distributing your subscriber session across all available interfaces will allow you to configure your interfaces to optimally handle sessions without degraded performance.

IP range support is provided through ranged_address value. This value enables the pool of IPv4 addresses to support Enterprise HA on HA service to connect enhanced number of enterprise nodes. Refer HA Administration Guide for more information.

Use the no bind address command to delete a previously configured binding.


The following command would bind the logical IP interface with the address of to the HA service and specifies that a maximum of 600 simultaneous subscriber sessions can be facilitated by the interface/service at any given time.

bind address
max-subscribers 600  

The following command disables a binding that was previously configured:

no bind address  
The following command binds the range of IP addresses with HA service to be used with Enterprise HA support:
bind address  


Configures MIP binding-update message related parameters.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



binding-update { max-retransmission num | retransmission-timeout seconds }

max-retransmission num

Default 3 .

Configures the number of times the message shall be transmitted. num must be an integer from 1 through 5.

retransmission-timeout seconds

Default 2.

Configures the transmission timeout for the message in seconds. seconds must be an integer from 1 through 60.

Usage Guidelines

Configure binding update parameters.


Set the maximum number of times a MIP binding update message is transmitted to 4 with the following command:

binding-update max-retransmission 4  


Restores default values assigned for a specified parameter.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



default { authentication { imsi-auth | mn-aaa | mn-ha } | binding-update { max-retransmission | retransmission-timeout } | encapsulation | gre { checksum | checksum-verify | reorder-timeout | sequence-mode | sequence-numbers } | ip local-port | policy { null-username | nw-reachability-fail | overload } | private-address allow-no-reverse-tunnel | reg-lifetime | reverse-tunnel | revocation [ enable | max-retransmission | retransmission-timeout | trigger handoff ] | setup-timeout | simul-bindings }  


imsi-auth : Restores IMSI authentication to its default: disabled.

mn-aaa : Restores the Foreign Agent (FA) mobile node re-registration authentication setting to its default: always.

mn-ha : Configures the HA service to its default behavior of looking for an MN-HA authentication extension in the RRQ.

binding-update { max-retransmission | retransmission-timeout }

Sets the MIP binding-update message related parameters to their defaults.

max-retransmission : Default 3.

Configures the number of times the message shall be transmitted to 3.

retransmission-timeout : Configures the transmission timeout for the message to 2 seconds.


Sets MIP data encapsulation using GRE to its default: enabled.

gre { checksum | checksum-verify | reorder-timeout | sequence-mode | sequence-numbers }

Sets default Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) parameters.

checksum : Disables the introduction of the checksum field in outgoing GRE packets.

checksum-verify : Disables verification of the GRE checksum (if present) in incoming GRE packets.

reorder-timeout : Sets the maximum number of milliseconds to wait before processing reordered out-of-sequence GRE packets to the default setting: 100.

sequence-mode : Disables the reordering of incoming out-of-sequence GRE packets by setting this parameter to the default setting: none.

sequence-numbers : Disables the insertion or removal of GRE sequence numbers in GRE packets.

ip local-port

Restores the IP local-port setting to its default: 434.

policy { null-username | nw-reachability-fail | overload }

Restores the Home Agent service session policy settings.

null-username : Rejects all RRQs that do not have an NAI.

nw-reachability-fail : If the network is not reachable, rejects all incoming sessions.

overload : Restores the Home Agent service session overload policy setting to its default: reject.

private-address allow-no-reverse-tunnel

Resets the HA so that it does not accept MIP calls that use a private address without reverse tunneling.


Restores the Mobile IP session registration lifetime setting configured by the reg-lifetime command to its default: 600 seconds.


Restores the reverse tunneling setting to its default: enabled.

revocation [ enable | max-retransmission | retransmission-timeout | trigger { handoff | idle-timeout} ]

Resets the MIP Registration Revocation settings to their default values. When no optional keywords are specified all revocation settings are set to their defaults.

enable : Disables MIP Registration Revocation on the FA.

max-retransmission : Sets the maximum number of retransmissions to 3.

retransmission-timeout : Sets the retransmission timeout to 3 seconds.

trigger { handoff | idle-timeout } : handoff enables inter-Access Gateway/FA handoff as a trigger for MIP Registration Revocation. idle-timeout enables session idle timer expiration as a trigger for MIP Registration Revocation.


Restore the maximum amount of time allowed for setting up a session to the default: 60 seconds.


Restores the simultaneous bindings setting to its default: 3.

Usage Guidelines

After the system has been modified from its default values, this command is used to set/restore specific parameters to their default values.


The following command is used to return the IP local-port parameter to its default value:
default ip local-port  

default subscriber

Specifies the name of a subscriber profile configured within the same context as the HA service from which to base the handling of all other subscriber sessions handled by the HA service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] default subscriber  profile_name 


Specifies the name of the configured subscriber profile. profile_name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters that is case sensitive.

Usage Guidelines

Each subscriber profile specifies "rules" such as permissions, PPP settings, and timeout values.

By default, the HA service will use the information configured for the subscriber named default within the same context. This command allows for multiple HA services within the same context to apply different "rules" to sessions they process. Each set of rules can be configured under a different subscriber name which is pointed to by this command.

Use the no default subscriber profile_name command to delete the configured default subscriber.


To configure the HA service to apply the rules configured for a subscriber named user1 to every other subscriber session it processes, enter the following command:
default subscriber user1  


Allows you to enter descriptive text for this configuration.




Security Administrator, Administrator


description  text 
no description  


Clears the description for this configuration.


Enter descriptive text as an alphanumeric string of 1 to 100 characters.

If you include spaces between words in the description, you must enclose the text within double quotation marks (" "), for example, "AAA BBBB".

Usage Guidelines

The description should provide useful information about this configuration.


Configures Mobile IP (MIP) encapsulation types supported for a specific HA service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] encapsulation allow { gre | keyless-gre }  


Disables MIP encapsulation types supported for specific HA service


Allows encapsulation type for MIP data.


Default: Enabled.

Specifies the use of Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) for MIP data.


Default: Disabled.

Specifies the use of GRE without exchanging keys for MIP data.

Usage Guidelines

Use to disable or re-enable the use of GRE encapsulation or Key-less encapsulation for MIP sessions.

In case of chassis HA operating with other vendor equipment, which does not support the 3GPP2 to exchange key, this command with keyless-gre keyword will make the chassis HA to accept MIP data with legacy GRE.


To disable GRE for MIP sessions, enter the following command:
no encapsulation allow
To re-enable GRE for MIP sessions, enter the following command:
encapsulation allow
To enable key-less GRE for MIP sessions, enter the following command:
encapsulation allow


Exits the current configuration mode and returns to the Exec mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to return to the Exec mode.


Exits the current mode and returns to the parent configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to return to the parent configuration mode.


Configures the security parameter index (SPI) for specific HA service parameters.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



fa-ha-spi remote-address {  fa_ip_address |  fa_ip_address_mask } spi-number  number { encrypted secret  enc_secret | secret  secret } [ allow-fa-ha-auth-extension  ] [ description  string ] [ disallow-fa-ha-auth-extension ] [ hash-algorithm { hmac-md5 | md5 | rfc2002-md5 } ] [ replay-protection { nonce | timestamp [ timestamp-tolerance tolerance ] } ] [ timestamp-tolerance  tolerance ]  
no fa-ha-spiremote-address {  ha_ip_address |  ha_ip_address/mask } spi-number  number 


Disables the security parameter index (SPI) for specific HA service parameters.

remote-address { fa_ip_address | fa_ip_address/mask }

Specifies the IP address of the FA. fa_ip_address is entered using IPv4 dotted-decimal notation with CIDR for the subnet mask.


The system supports unlimited peer FA addresses per HA but only maintains statistics for a maximum of 8,192 peer FAs. If more than 8,192 FAs are attached, older statistics are overwritten.

spi-number number

Specifies the SPI (number) which indicates a security context between the FA and the HA in accordance with RFC 2002.

number is an integer value from 256 through 4294967295.

encrypted secret enc_secret | secret secret

Configures the shared-secret between the HA service and the FA. The secret can be either encrypted or non-encrypted.

encrypted secret enc_secret : Specifies the encrypted shared key between the HA service and the FA. enc_secret must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 236 characters that is case sensitive.

secret secret : Specifies the shared key between the HA service and the FA. secret must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 236 characters that is case sensitive.


Allows validation of FA HA Authentication extension.

description string

This is a description for the SPI. string must be an alphanumeric string of 0 through 31 characters.

hash-algorithm { hmac-md5 | md5 | rfc2002-md5 }

Default: hmac-md5

Specifies the hash-algorithm used between the HA service and the FA.

hmac-md5 : Configures the hash-algorithm to implement HMAC-MD5 per RFC 2002bis.

md5 : Configures the hash-algorithm to implement MD5 per RFC 1321.

rfc2002-md5 : Configures the hash-algorithm to implement keyed-MD5 per RFC 2002.

replay-protection { timestamp [ timestamp-tolerance tolerance ] | nonce }

Specifies the replay-protection scheme that should be implemented by the FA service for this SPI.

nonce : Configures replay protection to be implemented using NONCE per RFC 2002.

timestamp : Configures replay protection to be implemented using timestamps per RFC 2002.

timestamp-tolerance : Specifies the allowable difference (tolerance) in timestamps that is acceptable. If the difference is exceeded, then the session will be rejected. tolerance is measured in seconds and can be configured to an integer from 1 and 65535. The default is 60.

Usage Guidelines

An SPI is a security mechanism configured and shared by the HA service and the FA. Please refer to RFC 2002 for additional information.

Though it is possible for FAs and HAs to communicate without SPIs being configured, the use of them is recommended for security purposes. It is also recommended that a "default" SPI with a remote address of be configured on both the HA and FA to prevent hackers from spoofing addresses.


The SPI configuration on the HA must match the SPI configuration for the FA service on the system in order for the two devices to communicate properly.

A maximum of 2,048 SPIs can be configured per HA service.

Use the no version of this command to delete a previously configured SPI.


The following command configures the FA service to use an SPI of 512 when communicating with an HA with the IP address . The key that would be shared between the HA and the FA service is q397F65 . When communicating with this HA, the FA service will also be configured to use the rfc2002-md5 hash-algorithm.
fa-ha-spi remote-address spi-number 512 secret q397F65 hash-algorithm rfc2002-md5  
The following command deletes the configured SPI of 400 for an HA with an IP address of :
no fa-ha-spi remote-address spi-number 400  


Configures Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) parameters.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



gre { checksum | checksum-verify | reorder-timeout  timeout | sequence-mode { none | reorder } | sequence-numbers }  
default gre { checksum | checksum-verify | reorder-timeout | sequence-mode | sequence-numbers }  
no gre { checksum | checksum-verify | sequence-numbers }  


Disables the specified functionality.


Sets or restores default value assigned for specified parameter.


Default: disabled

Enables the introduction of the checksum field in outgoing GRE packets.


Default: disabled

Enables verification of the GRE checksum (if present) in incoming GRE packets.

reorder-timeout timeout

Default: 100

Configures the maximum number of milliseconds to wait before processing reordered out-of-sequence GRE packets. timeout must be an integer from 0 through 5000.

sequence-mode { none | reorder }

Default: none

Configures how incoming out-of-sequence GRE packets should be handled.

none : Disables reordering of incoming out-of-sequence GRE packets.

reorder : Enables reordering of incoming out-of-sequence GRE packets.


Default: Disabled

Enables the insertion of sequence numbers into the GRE packets.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure how the HA service handles GRE packets.


To set the maximum number of milliseconds to wait before processing reordered out-of-sequence GRE packets to 500 milliseconds, enter the following command:
gre reorder-timeout 500  
To enable the reordering of incoming out of sequence GRE packets, enter the following command:
gre sequence-mode reorder  
To enable the insertion or removal of GRE sequence numbers in GRE packets, enter the following command:
gre sequence-numbers  


Configures the sessions idle-timer reset behavior.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



idle-timeout-mode { aggressive | handoff | normal } [ upstream-only ]  
default idle-timeout-mode  


Resets the idle timeout mode to the default settings.


Resets the session idle timer only when MIP user data is detected. This is the default behavior.


Resets the session idle timer when MIP user data is detected and an inter-Access Gateway/FA handoff occurs.


Resets the session idle timer when MIP user data is detected and any MIP control signaling occurs.


Only upstream user data (data from the mobile node) resets the idle timer for the session. This is disabled by default.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set how the current HA service resets the idle timer for a session.


To reset the idle timer whenever user data is detected or whenever an inter-Access Gateway/FA occurs, use the following command:

idle-timeout-mode handoff


Configures IPSec Internet Key Exchange (IKE) parameters.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ikev1 { aaa-context  aaa_context_string | peer-fa   IPAddress crypto-map  crypto_map_string [ encrypted ] [ secret  secret_string ] | skew-lifetime  seconds }  
no ikev1 { aaa-context | peer-fa  IPAddress | skew-lifetime }  


Disables IPSec IKE parameters.

aaa-context aaa_context_string

Configures AAA context from which to retrieve IKE keys. Must be followed by the context name.

aaa_context_string is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

peer-fa IPAddress

Sets the IKE crypto-map for a peer Foreign Agent (FA).

IPAddress is IP address entered using IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

crypto-map crypto_map_string

Configures IKE crypto-map. Must be followed by the crypto-map name.

crypto_map_string is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

encrypted designates use of encryption

secret secret_string uses a secret that is shared between FA and HA. secret_string is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 256 characters.

skew-lifetime seconds

Configures the "S" lifetime Skew (in seconds). seconds is an integer from 1 through 65534. Default is 10.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure IPSec IKE parameters.


ikev1 peer-fa crypto-map er encrypted secret ert  

ip context-name

Specifies name of the destination context to be applied to the subscribers.

This configuration overrides the local subscriber configuration as well as the return attributes sent by RADIUS. All calls coming to this HA service are assigned this destination context; the IP address is allocated from the specified IP pool or group that is configured in the context specified in the service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip context-name  name 
{ default | no } ip context-name  


Sets the default value assigned for context-name.


Removes the current assigned context from the subscriber's data.


Specifies the name of the context to assign the subscriber to once authenticated. name must be an alphanumeric string from 1 through 79 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Set the name of the destination context to be applied to the subscribers.


The following command configures the IP context name of sampleName :
ip context-name sampleName  

ip local-port

Configures the local User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port for the Pi interface's IP socket on which to listen for Mobile IP Registration messages.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip local-port  number 
default ip local-port  


Sets or restores the default value assigned for the IP local port.


Specifies the UDP port number.

number is an integer from 1 through 65535. Default is 434.

Usage Guidelines

Specify the UDP port that should be used for communications between the FA service and the HA.


The following command specifies a UDP port of 3950 for the HA service to use to communicate with the HA on the Pi interface:
ip local-port 3950  

ip pool

Specifies name of the IP address pool or group to use for subscriber IP address allocation.

This configuration overrides the local subscriber configuration, as well as the return attributes sent by RADIUS. All calls coming to this HA service are assigned this destination context and an IP address is allocated from the specified IP pool or group that is configured in the context specified in the service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip pool  name 
{ default | no } ip pool  


Specifies the logical name of the IP address pool. name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 31 characters.


Removes the specified IP address pool specified from the current context or disables the option for an IP pool.


Clears the IP address pool or group setting.

Usage Guidelines

Define a pool of IP addresses for the context to use in assigning IPs for this service.


The specifies name of the IP address pool or group to use for subscriber IP address allocation:
ip pool pool1  
The following command removes the specified IP address pool:
no ip pool   


Configures the crypto map for a peer HA and the default crypto map for the FA service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



isakmp { peer-fa  fa_address |    [ [ encrypted ] secret   ] } | skew-lifetime  time | aaa-context  context_name }   
no isakmp { peer-fa  fa_address | default | skew-lifetime | aaa-context }  


Deletes the reference to the crypto map for the specified HA; deletes the reference for the default crypto map; resets the skew-lifetime to the default; or resets the aaa-context to the default.

peer-fa fa_address { crypto map map_name [ [ encrypted ] secret secret ] }

Configures a crypto map for a peer FA.
  • fa_address : IP address of the peer FA to which this IPSec SA will be established.

  • crypto map map_name : The name of a crypto map configured in the same context that defines the IPSec tunnel properties. map_name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

  • encrypted : This keyword is intended only for use by the chassis while saving configuration scripts. The system displays the encrypted keyword in the configuration file as a flag that the variable following the secret keyword is the encrypted version of the plain text secret key. Only the encrypted secret key is saved as part of the configuration file.

  • secret secret : The pre-shared secret that will be used to during the IKE negotiation. secret is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters.

skew-lifetime time

Default: 10 seconds

Configures the IKE pre-shared key's time skew.

time is the amount of time the fetched from AAA that is considered valid after the key has expired. It is measured in seconds and can be configured to an integer from 1 through 65534.

aaa-context context_name

Default: The context in which the service is configured

Configures the name of the context on the system in which AAA functionality is performed.

context_name is the name of the context through which the HA service accesses the HAAA server to fetch the IKE S Key and S Lifetime parameters. It is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that is case sensitive.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the FA-service's per-HA IPSec parameters. These dictate how the HA service is to establish an IPSec SA with the specified FA.


For maximum security, this command be executed for every possible FA with which the HA service communicates.

Note that once an IPSec tunnel is established between the FA and HA for a particular subscriber, all new Mobile IP sessions using the same FA and HA are passed over the tunnel regardless of whether or not IPSec is supported for the new subscriber sessions. Data for existing Mobile IP sessions is unaffected.


The following command creates a reference for an HA with the IP address to a crypto map named map1 :
isakmp peer-fa crypto-map map1  
The following command deletes the crypto map reference for the HA with the IP address .
no isakmp peer-fa crypto-map map1  
The following command sets the time an S key can used after the S lifetime expires to 120 seconds.
isakmp skew-lifetime 120  
The following command creates the default reference for an HA to a crypto map named map1 , where peer address is unknown:
isakmp default crypto-map map1  


Configures Mobile IP session minimum registration lifetime, in seconds.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no | default ] min-reg-lifetime  min_reg_lifetime_seconds 


Disables the min registered lifetime.


Configures Mobile IP session minimum registration lifetime to default which is 0 .


Configures Mobile IP session minimum registration lifetime.


This is the minimum registration lifetime value in seconds and must be an integer between 1 through 65534.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Mobile IP session minimum registration lifetime, in seconds, between 1 and 65534 . Default is 0 seconds.


Use the following command to configure mobile IP session to minimum registered life time to 100 seconds:
min-reg-lifetime  100 


Configures the security parameter index (SPI) between the HA service and the mobile node (MN).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



mn-ha-spi spi-number  number [ description  string ] [ encrypted secret  enc_secret ] [ hash-algorithm { hmac-md5 | md5 | rfc2002-md5 } ] [ permit-any-hash-algorithm ] [ replay-protection { nonce | timestamp } ] [ secret  secret ] [ timestamp-tolerance  tolerance ]  
no mn-ha-spi spi-number  number 

spi-number number

Specifies the SPI (number) which indicates a security context between the mobile node and the HA service in accordance with RFC 2002. number can be configured to an integer from 256 through 4294967295.

description string

This is a description for the SPI. string is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 31 characters.

encrypted secret enc_secret | secret secret

Configures the shared-secret between the HA service and the mobile node. The secret can be either encrypted or non-encrypted.

encrypted secret enc_secret : Specifies the encrypted shared key between the HA service and the mobile node. enc_secret must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 254 characters that is case sensitive.

secret secret : Specifies the shared key between the HA service and the mobile node. secret must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters that is case sensitive.

The encrypted keyword is intended only for use by the chassis while saving configuration scripts. The system displays the encrypted keyword in the configuration file as a flag that the variable following the secret keyword is the encrypted version of the plain text secret key. Only the encrypted secret key is saved as part of the configuration file.

hash-algorithm { hmac-md5 | md5 | rfc2002-md5 }

Default: hmac-md5

Specifies the hash-algorithm used between the HA service and the mobile node.

hmac-md5 : Configures the hash-algorithm to implement HMAC-MD5 per RFC 2002bis.

md5 : Configures the hash-algorithm to implement MD5 per RFC 1321.

rfc2002-md5 : Configures the hash-algorithm to implement keyed-MD5 per RFC 2002.


Default: disabled

Allows verification of the MN-HA authenticator using all other hash-algorithms after failure with configured hash-algorithm. The successful algorithm is logged to aid in troubleshooting and used to create the MN-HA authenticator in the Registration Reply message.

replay-protection { nonce | timestamp }

Default: timestamp

Specifies the replay-protection scheme that should be implemented by the HA service for this SPI.

nonce : configures replay protection to be implemented using NONCE per RFC 2002.

timestamp : configures replay protection to be implemented using timestamps per RFC 2002.

timestamp-tolerance tolerance

Default: 60

Specifies the allowable difference (tolerance) in timestamps that is acceptable. If the difference is exceeded, then the session will be rejected. If this is set to 0 , timestamp tolerance checking is disabled at the receiving end.

Tolerance is measured in seconds and can be configured to an integer from 0 through 65535.

Usage Guidelines

An SPI is a security mechanism configured and shared by the HA service and the mobile node. Please refer to RFC 2002 for additional information.

Use the no version of this command to delete a previously configured SPI.


The following command configures the HA service to use an SPI of 640 when communicating with a mobile node. The key that would be shared between the mobile node and the HA service is q397F65.
mn-ha-spi spi-number 640 secret q397F65   
The following command deletes the configured SPI of 400 :
no mn-ha-spi spi-number 400  


This command enables NAT traversal and also configures the forcing of UDP tunnels for NAT traversal.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ default | no ] nat-traversal [ force-accept ]  


Disables NAT traversal or disables forcing the acceptance of UDP tunnels for NAT traversal.


Reset the defaults for this command.

Default: NAT traversal disabled, force-accept disabled.


This keyword configures the HA to accept requests when NAT is not detected but the Force (F) bit is set in the RRQ with the UDP Tunnel Request. By default this type of request is rejected if NAT is not detected.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable NAT traversal and enable the forcing of UDP tunnels for NAT traversal.


The following command enables NAT traversal for the current HA service and forces the HA to accept UDP tunnels for NAT traversal:
nat-traversal force-accept  

optimize tunnel-reassembly

Designates that tunnel reassembly optimization will be used for fragmented large packets passed between HA and FA. Default is disabled.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ default | no ] optimize tunnel-reassembly  

Usage Guidelines

Enabling this functionality fragments large packets prior to encapsulation for easier processing.

Tunnel reassembly optimization is disabled by default.


You should not use this command without first consulting Cisco Systems Technical Support. This command applies to very specific scenarios where packet reassembly is not supported at the far end of the tunnel. There are cases where the destination network may either discard the data, or be unable to reassemble the packets.


This functionality works best when the HA service is communicating with an FA service running in a system. However, an HA service running in the system communicating with an FA from a different manufacturer will operate correctly even if this parameter is enabled.

Use the no version of this command to disable tunnel optimization if enabled.


The following command enables tunnel reassembly optimization:
optimize tunnel-reassembly  

per-domain statistics-collection

Enables per-domain statistics collection.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] per-domain statistics-collection  


Disables per-domain statistics collection.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable per-domain statistics collection.


The following command enables per-domain statistics collection.
per-domain statistics-collection  

policy bc-query-result

Configure the binding cache (BC) query Response Result code.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



policy bc-query-result network-failure  code 
default policy bc-query-result network-failure  

network-failure code

Default: 0xFFFF

Specify the response code for BC responses sent on network failures.

code must be either 0xFFFF or 0xFFFE.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the type of response code to send in a P-MIP BC query result.


The following command sets the P-MIP BC query result response code to 0xFFFE :
policy bc-query-result network-failure 0xFFFE  

policy nw-reachability-fail

Specifies the action to take upon detection of an up-stream network -reachability failure.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



policy nw-reachability-fail { redirect  ip_addr1 [ weight  value ] [  ip_addr2 [ weight  value ]  ... ip_addr16 [ weight  value ] ] | reject [ use-reject-code { admin-prohibited | insufficient-resources } ] }  
no policy nw-reachability-fail [ redirect  ip_addr1 ... ip_addr16 ]  


Deletes the network reachability policy completely or deletes the specified redirect addresses fro the policy.

reject [ use-reject-code { admin-prohibited | insufficient-resources } ]

Upon network reachability failure, reject all new calls for this context.

use-reject-code { admin-prohibited | insufficient-resources } : When rejecting calls send the specified reject code. If this keyword is not specified the admin-prohibited reject code is sent by default.

reject [ use-reject-code { admin-prohibited | insufficient-resources } ]

Upon network reachability failure reject all new calls for this context. If no reject code is specified, the HA sends a registration reply code of 81H (admin-prohibited).

use-reject-code { admin-prohibited | insufficient-resources } : Use the specified reject code when rejecting traffic.

admin-prohibited : When this keyword is specified and traffic is rejected, the error code 81H (admin-prohibited) is returned.

insufficient-resources : When this keyword is specified and traffic is rejected, the error code 82H (insufficient resources) is returned.

redirect ip_addr1 [ weight value ] [ ip_addr2 [ weight value ] ... ip_addr16 [ weight value ] ]

Upon network reachability failure redirect all calls to the specified IP address.

ip_addr1 : This must entered using IPv4 dotted-decimal notation. Up to 16 IP addresses and optional weight values can be entered on one command line.

weight value : When multiple addresses are specified, they are selected in a weighted round-robin scheme. If a weight is not specified the entry is automatically assigned a weight of 1. value must be an integer from 1 through 10.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the action for the HA service to take upon a network reachability failure.


Refer to the Context Configuration mode command nw-reachability server to configure network reachability servers.


Refer to the Subscriber Configuration mode command nw-reachability-server to bind the network reachability to a specific subscriber.


Refer to the nw-reachability server server_name keyword of the Context Configuration mode ip pool command to bind the network reachability server to an IP pool.


To set the HA service to reject all new calls on a network reachability failure, enter the following command:

policy nw-reachability-fail reject

Use the following command to set the HA service to redirect all calls to the HA at IP address and on a network reachability failure:
policy nw-reachability-fail redirect  

policy overload

Configures the overload policy within the HA service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



policy overload { redirect  address [ weight  weight_num ] [  address2 [ weight  weight_num ]  ... address16 [ weight  weight_num ] ] | reject [ use-reject-code { admin-prohibited | insufficient-resources } ] }  
no policy overload [ redirect  address [  address2...address16 ]  

no policy overload [ redirect address [ address2...address16 ] ]

Deletes a previously set policy or removes a redirect IP address.

overload : Without any options deletes the complete overload policy from the PDSN service.

overload redirect address [ address2 ... address16 ]: deletes up to 16 IP addresses from the overload redirect policy. The IP addresses must be expressed in IP v4 dotted-decimal notation

redirect address [ weight weight_num ] [ address2 [ weight weight_num ] ... address16 [ weight weight_num ]

This option enables a redirect policy for overloading conditions. When a redirect policy is invoked, the HA service rejects new sessions with a Registration Reply Code of 136H (unknown home agent address) and provides the IP address of an alternate HA. This command can be issued multiple times.

address : The IP address of an alternate HA expressed in IP v4 dotted-decimal notation. Up to 16 IP addresses can be specified either in one command or by issuing the redirect command multiple times. If you try to add more than 16 IP addresses to the redirect policy, the CLI issues an error message. If you specify an IP address and weight that already exists in the redirect policy the new values override the existing values.

weight weight_num : When multiple addresses are specified, they are selected in a weighted round-robin scheme. Entries with higher weights are more likely to be chosen. If a weight is not specified the entry is automatically assigned a weight of 1. weight_num must be an integer from 1 through 10.

reject [ use-reject-code { admin-prohibited | insufficient-resources } ]

This option causes any overload traffic to be rejected. If no reject code is specified, the HA sends a registration reply code of 81H (admin-prohibited).

use-reject-code { admin-prohibited | insufficient-resources } : Use the specified reject code when rejecting traffic.

admin-prohibited : When this keyword is specified and traffic is rejected, the error code 81H (admin-prohibited) is returned.

insufficient-resources : When this keyword is specified and traffic is rejected, the error code 82H (insufficient resources) is returned.

Usage Guidelines

The system invokes the overload policy if the number of calls currently being processed exceeds the licensed limit for the maximum number of sessions supported by the system.

The system automatically invokes the overload policy when an on-line software upgrade is started.

Use the no version of this command to restore the default policy.

The setting for overload policy is reject.


The following command enables an overload redirect policy for the HA service that will send overload calls to either of two destinations with weights of 1 and 10 respectively:
policy overload redirect weight 1 weight 10  

policy null-username

Configures the current HA service to accept or reject an RRQ without an NAI extension.


This command is customer specific and license enabled.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



policy null-username { accept-static | reject }  
no policy null-username  


Set the HA back to the default behavior of rejecting an RRQ without an NAI extension.


This enable the HA to accept an RRQ with a static (non-zero) home address request but without NAI extension, when MN-AAA authentication is disabled at the HA. MN-NAI is required for MN-AAA authentication.


Default. This is the default behavior of rejecting an RRQ without an NAI extension.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable or disable the HA from accepting an RRQ without an NAI.


The following command enables the current HA service to accept RRQs that do not have an NAI extension:
policy null-username accept-static  

private-address allow-no-reverse-tunnel

This command allows the HA service to accept private addresses without using reverse tunneling.


This command is customer specific and license enabled.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] private-address allow-no-reverse-tunnel  


Reject MIP calls that use private addresses and do not use reverse tunneling.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable or disable the HA from accepting calls that use private addresses without reverse tunneling.


The following command enables the current HA service to accept MIP calls that use private addresses but do not use reverse tunneling:
private-address allow-no-reverse-tunnel  

radius accounting dropped-pkts

This command enables or disables RADIUS accounting related configuration for dropped packets.


This command is customer-specific. Contact your Cisco account representative for more information.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] radius accounting dropped-pkts  


Enables the RADIUS accounting related configuration for dropped packets.

radius accounting dropped-pkts

Disables the RADIUS accounting related configuration for dropped packets. This is the default behavior.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable or disable the RADIUS accounting related configuration for dropped packets.

By default, the feature is disabled.


The configuration will be picked up during call-setup and can not be changed dynamically.


The following command enables the RADIUS accounting related configuration for dropped packets for the HA service:
no radius accounting dropped-pkts  


Configures Mobile IP session registration lifetime.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



reg-lifetime  time 
{ default | no } reg-lifetime  


Sets the registration lifetime to infinite.


Sets the registration lifetime to default value, 600.


Specifies the registration lifetime in seconds.

time is an integer from 1 through 65534.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command o limit a mobile node's lifetime. If the mobile node requests a shorter lifetime than what is specified, it is granted. However, Per RFC 2002, should a mobile node request a lifetime that is longer than the maximum allowed by this parameter, the HA service will respond with the value configured by this command as part of the Registration Reply. The default is 600 seconds.


The following command configures the registration lifetime for the HA service to be 2400 seconds:
reg-lifetime 2400  
The following command configures an infinite registration lifetime for MIP calls:
no reg-lifetime  


Enables use of reverse tunneling for Mobile IP session. Use no reverse-tunnel command to disable. If disabled, mobile node (MN) packets are not tunneled to the HA in the reverse direction.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ default | no ] reverse-tunnel  


Indicates the reverse tunnel option is to be disabled. When omitted, the reverse tunnel option is enabled.


Indicates the reverse tunnel option is to be set to the default. When omitted, the reverse tunnel option is enabled.

Usage Guidelines

Reverse tunneling involves tunneling datagrams originated by the mobile node to the HA service via the FA.

When an MN arrives at a foreign network, it listens for agent advertisements and selects an FA that supports reverse tunnels. The MN requests this service when it registers through the selected FA. At this time, the MN may also specify a delivery technique such as Direct or the Encapsulating Delivery Style.

Among the advantages of using reverse-tunneling are that:
  • All datagrams from the mobile node seem to originate from its home network

  • The FA can keep track of the HA to which the mobile node is registered and tunnel all datagrams from the mobile node to its HA

Use the no version of this command to disable reverse tunneling. If reverse tunneling is disabled, and the mobile node does not request it, triangular routing will be performed.

Routing will be used.

The default setting is reverse tunnel enabled.


If reverse tunneling is disabled on the system and a mobile node requests it, the call will be rejected with a reply code of 74H (reverse-tunneling unavailable).


The following command disables reverse-tunneling support for the HA service:
no reverse-tunnel  


Configures the Registration Revocation feature for a specific HA service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



revocation { enable | max-retransmission  number | negotiate-i-bit | retransmission-timeout  secs | send-nai-ext | trigger { handoff | idle-timeout } }  
no revocation { enable | negotiate-i-bit | send-nai-ext | trigger { handoff | idle-timeout } }  
default revocation [ enable ] [ max-retransmission ] [ negotiate-i-bit ] [ retransmission-timeout ] [ send-nai-ext ] [ trigger { handoff | idle-timeout } ]  


Completely disables registration revocation on the HA, disables trigger handoff, or disables revocation on idle timer expiration.


Sets or restores the default value assigned for specified parameter.


Enables the MIP registration revocation feature on the HA. When enabled, if revocation is negotiated with an FA and a MIP binding is terminated, the HA can send a Revocation message to the FA. This feature is disabled by default.

max-retransmission number

Default: 3

The maximum number of retransmissions of a Revocation message before the revocation fails. number must be an integer from 0 through 10.


Default: disabled

Enables the HA to negotiate the i-bit via PRQ/RRP messages and processes the i-bit revocation messages.

retransmission-timeout secs

Default: 3

The number of seconds to wait for a Revocation Acknowledgement from the FA before retransmitting the Revocation message. secs must be an integer from 1 through 10.


Default: off

Enables sending the NAI extension in the revocation message.

trigger { handoff | idle-timeout }

handoff : Default: Enabled

Triggers the HA to send a Revocation message to the FA when an inter-Access Gateway/FA handoff of the MIP session occurs. If this is disabled, the HA is never triggered to send a Revocation message.

idle-timeout : Default: Enabled

Triggers the HA to send a Revocation message to the FA when a session idle timer expires.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable or disable the MIP revocation feature on the HA or to change settings for this feature. Both the HA and the FA must have Registration Revocation enabled and FA/HA authorization must be in use for Registration Revocation to be negotiated successfully.


The following command enables Registration Revocation on the HA:
revocation enable  
The following command sets the maximum number of retries for a Revocation message to 10 :
revocation max-retransmission 10   
The following command sets the timeout between retransmissions to 3 :
revocation retransmission-timeout 3  
The behavior of send MIP revocation to FA is as follows:
  • 1st retry: Retransmit in 3 seconds after previous MIP revocation send.

  • 2nd retry: Retransmit in 6 seconds after previous MIP revocation send (9 seconds after sending initial MIP revocation).

  • 3rd retry: Retransmit in 12 seconds after previous MIP revocation send (21 seconds after sending initial MIP revocation).

  • 4th retry: Retransmit in 24 seconds after previous MIP revocation send (45 seconds after sending initial MIP revocation).

  • 5th retry: Retransmit in 48 seconds after previous MIP revocation send (93 seconds after sending initial MIP revocation).


The value of retransmission-timeout doubles. HA disconnects the session forcibly in 120 seconds after sending initial MIP revocation.


The maximum time allowed for session setup in seconds. Default is 60 seconds.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



setup-timeout  seconds 
default setup-timeout  


Sets or restores the default value.


Default: 60 seconds

The maximum amount of time (in seconds) to allow for setup of a session. seconds must be an integer from 1 through 1000000

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the maximum amount of time allowed for setting up a session.


To set the maximum time allowed for setting up a session to 5 minutes (300 seconds), enter the following command:
setup-timeout 300  


Specifies the maximum number of "care-of" addresses that can simultaneously be bound for the same user as identified by NAI and Home address.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



simul-bindings  number 
default simul-bindings  


Sets or restores the default value.


Configures the maximum number of simultaneous "care-of" bindings that the HA service will maintain for any given subscriber.

is an integer from 1 through 3.

Usage Guidelines

Per RFC 2002, the HA service creates a mobile binding record (MBR) for each subscriber session it is facilitating. Each MBR is associated with a care-of address. As the mobile node roams, it is possible that the session will be associated with a new care of address.

Typically, the HA service will delete an old binding and create a new one when the information in the Registration Request changes. However, the mobile could request that the HA maintain previously stored MBRs. This command allows you to configure the maximum number of MBRs that can be stored per subscriber if the requested. The default value is 3.


The following command configures the HA service to support up to 4 MBRs per subscriber:
simul-bindings 4  

threshold dereg-reply-error

Sets an alarm or alert based on the number of de-registration reply errors per HA service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



threshold dereg-reply-error  high_thresh [ clear  low_thresh ]  
no threshold dereg-reply-error  


Deletes the alert or alarm.


Default: 0

Specifies the high threshold number of de-registration reply errors that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to generate an alert or alarm. It can be configured to an integer from 0 through 100000.

clear low_thresh

Default: 0

The low threshold number of de-registration reply errors that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to clear an alert or alarm. It can be configured to an integer from 0 through 100000.


This value is ignored for the Alert model. In addition, if this value is not configured for the Alarm model, the system assumes it is identical to the high threshold.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set an alert or an alarm when the number of de-registration reply errors is equal to or greater than a specified number of calls per second.

Alerts or alarms are triggered for the number of de-registration reply errors on the following rules:
  • Enter condition: Actual number of de-registration reply errors > High Threshold

  • Clear condition: Actual number of de-registration reply errors < Low Threshold


The following command configures a de-registration reply error threshold of 1000 and a low threshold of 500 for a system using the Alarm thresholding model:
threshold dereg-reply-error 1000 clear 500  

threshold init-rrq-rcvd-rate

Sets an alarm or alert based on the average number of calls setup per second for the context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



threshold init-rrq-rcvd-rate  high_thresh [ clear  low_thresh ]  
no threshold init-rrq-rcvd-rate  


Deletes the alert or alarm.


Default: 0

Specifies the high threshold average number of calls setup per second that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to generate an alert or alarm. high_thresh is an integer from 0 through 100000.

clear low_thresh


The low threshold average number of calls setup per second that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to clear an alert or alarm. low_thresh is an integer from 0 through 100000.


This value is ignored for the Alert model. In addition, if this value is not configured for the Alarm model, the system assumes it is identical to the high threshold.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set an alert or an alarm when the average number of calls setup per second is equal to or greater than a specified number of calls per second.

Alerts or alarms are triggered for the number of calls setup per second based on the following rules:
  • Enter condition: Actual number of calls setup per second is greater than the high threshold.

  • Clear condition: Actual number of calls setup per second is less that the low threshold.


The following command configures a number of calls setup per second threshold of 1000 and a low threshold of 500 for a system using the Alarm thresholding model:
threshold init-rrq-rcvd-rate 1000 clear 500  

threshold ipsec-call-req-rej

Configures a threshold for the total IPSec calls request rejected.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



threshold ipsec-call-req-rej  high_thresh [ clear  low_thresh ]  
no threshold ipsec-call-req-rej  


Deletes the alert or alarm.


Default: 0

Specifies the high threshold number of IPSec call requests rejected per second that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to generate an alert or alarm.

high_thresh is an integer from 0 through 1000000.

clear low_thresh


Specifies the low threshold number of IPSec call requests rejected per second that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to clear an alert or alarm.

low_thresh is an integer from 0 through 1000000.


This value is ignored for the Alert model. In addition, if this value is not configured for the Alarm model, the system assumes it is identical to the high threshold.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set an alert or an alarm when the number of IPSec call requests rejected is equal to or greater than a specified number per second.

Alerts or alarms are triggered for the number of IPSec IKE requests on the following rules:
  • Enter condition: Actual number of IPSec IKE requests is greater than the high threshold.

  • Clear condition: Actual number of IPSec IKE requests is less than the low threshold.


The following command configures a number of IPSec call requests rejected threshold of 1000 and a low threshold of 800 for a system using the Alarm thresholding model:
threshold ipsec-call-req-rej 1000 clear 800  

threshold ipsec-ike-failrate

Configures a threshold for the percentage of IPSec IKE failures.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



threshold ipsec-ike-failrate  high_thresh [ clear  low_thresh ]  
no threshold ipsec-ike-failrate  


Deletes the alert or alarm.


Default: 0

Specifies the high threshold percentage of IPSec IKE failures per second that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to generate an alert or alarm.

high_thresh is an integer from 0 through 100.

clear low_thresh


Specifies the low threshold percentage of IPSec IKE failures per second that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to clear an alert or alarm.

low_thresh is an integer from 0 through 100.


This value is ignored for the Alert model. In addition, if this value is not configured for the Alarm model, the system assumes it is identical to the high threshold.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set an alert or an alarm when the percentage of IPSec IKE failures is equal to or greater than a specified number per second.

Alerts or alarms are triggered for the percentage of IPSec IKE failures on the following rules:
  • Enter condition: Percentage of IPSec IKE failures is greater than the high threshold.

  • Clear condition: Percentage of IPSec IKE failures is less than the low threshold.


The following command configures a percentage of IPSec IKE failures threshold of 1000 and a low threshold of 800 for a system using the Alarm thresholding model:
threshold ipsec-ike-failrate 90 clear 80  

threshold ipsec-ike-failures

Configures a threshold for the total IPSec IKE failures.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



threshold ipsec-ike-failures  high_thresh [ clear  low_thresh ]  
no threshold ipsec-ike-failures  


Deletes the alert or alarm.


Default: 0

Specifies the high threshold number of IPSec IKE failures per second that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to generate an alert or alarm.

high_thresh is an integer from 0 through 1000000.

clear low_thresh


Specifies the low threshold number of call IPSec IKE failures per second that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to clear an alert or alarm.

low_thresh is an integer from 0 through 1000000.


This value is ignored for the Alert model. In addition, if this value is not configured for the Alarm model, the system assumes it is identical to the high threshold.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set an alert or an alarm when the number of IPSec IKE failures is equal to or greater than a specified number per second.

Alerts or alarms are triggered for the number of IPSec IKE failures on the following rules:
  • Enter condition: Actual number of IPSec IKE failures is greater than the high threshold.

  • Clear condition: Actual number of IPSec IKE failures is less than the low threshold.


The following command configures a number of IPSec IKE failures threshold of 1000 and a low threshold of 800 for a system using the Alarm thresholding model:
threshold ipsec-ike-failures 1000 clear 800  

threshold ipsec-ike-requests

Configures a threshold for the total IPSec IKE requests.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



threshold ipsec-ike-requests  high_thresh [ clear  low_thresh ]  
no threshold ipsec-ike-requests  


Deletes the alert or alarm.


Default: 0

Specifies the high threshold number of IPSec IKE requests per second that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to generate an alert or alarm.

high_thresh is an integer from 0 through 1000000.

clear low_thresh


Specifies the low threshold number of call IPSec IKE requests per second that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to clear an alert or alarm.

low_thresh is an integer from 0 through 1000000.


This value is ignored for the Alert model. In addition, if this value is not configured for the Alarm model, the system assumes it is identical to the high threshold.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set an alert or an alarm when the number of IPSec IKE requests is equal to or greater than a specified number per second.

Alerts or alarms are triggered for the number of IPSec IKE requests on the following rules:
  • Enter condition: Actual number of IPSec IKE failures is greater than the high threshold.

  • Clear condition: Actual number of IPSec IKE failures is less than the low threshold.


The following command configures a number of IPSec IKE requests threshold of 1000 and a low threshold of 800 for a system using the Alarm thresholding model:
threshold ipsec-ike-requests 1000 clear 800  

threshold ipsec-tunnels-established

Configures a threshold for the total IPSec tunnels established.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



threshold ipsec-tunnels-established  high_thresh [ clear  low_thresh ]  
no threshold ipsec-tunnels-established  


Deletes the alert or alarm.


Default: 0

Specifies the high threshold number of IPSec tunnels established per second that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to generate an alert or alarm.

high_thresh is an integer from 0 through 1000000.

clear low_thresh


Specifies the low threshold number of call IPSec tunnels established per second that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to clear an alert or alarm.

low_thresh is an integer from 0 through 1000000.


This value is ignored for the Alert model. In addition, if this value is not configured for the Alarm model, the system assumes it is identical to the high threshold.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set an alert or an alarm when the number of IPSec tunnels established is equal to or greater than a specified number per second.

Alerts or alarms are triggered for the number of IPSec tunnels established on the following rules:
  • Enter condition: Actual number of IPSec tunnels established is greater than the high threshold.

  • Clear condition: Actual number of IPSec tunnels established is less than the low threshold.


The following command configures a number of IPSec tunnels established threshold of 1000 and a low threshold of 800 for a system using the Alarm thresholding model:
threshold ipsec-tunnels-established 1000 clear 800  

threshold ipsec-tunnels-setup

Configures a threshold for the total IPSec tunnels setup.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



threshold ipsec-tunnels-setup  high_thresh [ clear  low_thresh ]  
no threshold ipsec-tunnels-setup  


Deletes the alert or alarm.


Default: 0

Specifies the high threshold number of IPSec tunnels setup per second that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to generate an alert or alarm.

high_thresh is an integer from 0 through 1000000.

clear low_thresh


Specifies the low threshold number of call IPSec tunnels setup per second that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to clear an alert or alarm.

low_thresh is an integer from 0 through 1000000.


This value is ignored for the Alert model. In addition, if this value is not configured for the Alarm model, the system assumes it is identical to the high threshold.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set an alert or an alarm when the number of IPSec tunnels setup is equal to or greater than a specified number per second.

Alerts or alarms are triggered for the number of IPSec tunnels setup on the following rules:
  • Enter condition: Actual number of IPSec tunnels setup is greater than the high threshold.

  • Clear condition: Actual number of IPSec tunnels setup is less than the low threshold.


The following command configures a number of IPSec tunnels setup threshold of 1000 and a low threshold of 800 for a system using the Alarm thresholding model:
threshold ipsec-tunnels-setup 1000 clear 800  

threshold reg-reply-error

Set an alarm or alert based on the number of registration reply errors per HA service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



threshold reg-reply-error  high_thresh [ clear  low_thresh ]  
no threshold reg-reply-error  


Deletes the alert or alarm.


Default: 0

Specifies the high threshold number of registration reply errors that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to generate an alert or alarm. high_thresh is an integer from 0 through 100000.

clear low_thresh


Specifies the low threshold number of registration reply errors that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to clear an alert or alarm. low_thresh is an integer from 0 through 100000.


This value is ignored for the Alert model. In addition, if this value is not configured for the Alarm model, the system assumes it is identical to the high threshold.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set an alert or an alarm when the number of registration reply errors is equal to or greater than a specified number of calls per second.

Alerts or alarms are triggered for the number of registration reply errors on the following rules:
  • Enter condition: Actual number of registration reply errors is greater than the high threshold.

  • Clear condition: Actual number of registration reply errors is less than the low threshold.


The following command configures a registration reply error threshold of 1000 and a low threshold of 500 for a system using the Alarm thresholding model:
threshold reg-reply-error 1000 clear 500  

threshold rereg-reply-error

Set an alarm or alert based on the number of re-registration reply errors per HA service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



threshold rereg-reply-error  high_thresh [ clear  low_thresh ]  
no threshold rereg-reply-error  


Deletes the alert or alarm.


Default: 0

Specifies the high threshold number of re-registration reply errors that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to generate an alert or alarm. high_thresh is an integer from 0 through 100000.

clear low_thresh


Specifies the low threshold number of re-registration reply errors that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to clear an alert or alarm. low_thresh is an integer from 0 through 100000.


This value is ignored for the Alert model. In addition, if this value is not configured for the Alarm model, the system assumes it is identical to the high threshold.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set an alert or an alarm when the number of re-registration reply errors is equal to or greater than a specified number of calls per second.

Alerts or alarms are triggered for the number of re-registration reply errors on the following rules:
  • Enter condition: Actual number of re-registration reply errors is greater than the high threshold.

  • Clear condition: Actual number of re-registration reply errors is less than the low threshold.


The following command configures a reregistration reply error threshold of 1000 and a low threshold of 500 for a system using the Alarm thresholding model:
threshold rereg-reply-error 1000 clear 500  

wimax-3gpp2 interworking

Configures the interworking between WiMAX and 3GPP2 network at HA. This support provides handoff capabilities from 4G to 3G (PDSN) network access and vice-versa.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > HA Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > ha-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no | default ] wimax-3gpp2 interworking  


Disables the pre-configured interworking between WiMAX and 3GPP2 networks at HA level.


Configures the WiMAX-3GPP2 interworking to default setting: disabled.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable/disable the interworking between WiMAX and 3GPP2 network for seamless session continuity.

This functionality provides HA support for both 4G and 3G technology HA (WiMAX HA and PDSN/HA) for handoff from 4G and 3G network access (ASN GW/FA and PDSN/FA) and vice-versa.


Use this command in conjunction with the authentication aaa-distributed-mip-keys required command.


The following command enables the interworking for a subscriber between WiMAX and 3GPP2 network.
wimax-3gpp2 interworking