Monitoring the Evolved Packet Data Gateway

This chapter provides information for monitoring the status and performance of the ePDG (evolved Packet Data Gateway) using the show commands found in the CLI (Command Line Interface). These command have many related keywords that allow them to provide useful information on all aspects of the system ranging from current software configuration through call activity and status.

The selection of show commands listed in this chapter is intended to provided the most useful and in-depth information for monitoring the system. For additional information on these and other show commands and keywords, refer to the eHRPD/LTE Command Line Interface Reference.

The system also supports the sending of SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) traps that indicate status and alarm conditions. See the SNMP MIB Reference for a detailed listing of these traps.

Monitoring ePDG Status and Performance

The following table contains the CLI commands used to monitor the status of the ePDG features and functions. Output descriptions for most of the commands are located in the Statistics and Counters Reference.

Table 1. ePDG Status and Performance Monitoring Commands
To do this: Enter this command:

View ePDG Service Information and Statistics

View ePDG service information and statistics.

show epdg-service { all [ counters ] | name service_name [ dns-stats] | session | statistics [ dns-stats] }

View ePDG service session information.

show epdg-service session [ all | callid call_id | counters | full [ all | callid call_id | ip-address ip-address | peer-address ip_address | username name ] | ip-address ip_address | peer-address ip_address | summary [ all | callid call_id | ip-address ip_address | peer-address ip_address | username name ] | username name ]

View additional session statistics.

show session [ disconnect-reasons | duration | progress | setuptime | subsystem ]

View ePDG bulk statistics.

show bulkstats variables epdg

View bulk statistics for the system.

show bulkstats data

View IPSec and IKEv2 Information

View IPSec security associations.

show crypto ipsec security-associations [ summary | tag crypto_map_name ]

View IPSec transform sets.

show crypto ipsec transform-set

View IKEv2 security associations.

show crypto ikev2-ikesa security-associations [ peer ipv4/ipv6_address | summary | tag crypto_map_name ]

View IKEv2 transform sets.

show crypto ikev2-ikesa transform-set

View IKEv2 statistics.

show crypto statistics [ ikev2 ]

View crypto manager statistics.

show crypto managers [ crypto-map crypto_map_name | instance instance_number | summary ]

View AES New Instructions (NI) Information


The AES-NI Transform Encryption is supported only on the Ultra Services Platform-based Ultra Gateway Platform (UGP) virtual network function (VNF).

View the crypto accelerator in the output of this command will indicate if AES-NI acceleration is available for ePDG.

show card hardware

View information on AES-NI capabilities, crypto processing threads (shared/dedicated), and statistics on processing of packets per second and IFTASK utilization per thread.

show crypto process

View information on Cipher and HMAC per algorithm.

show crypto process performance slot slot_number

View Diameter AAA Server Information

View Diameter AAA server statistics.

show diameter aaa-statistics all

View Diameter message queue counters.

show diameter message-queue counters { inbound | outbound }

View Diameter statistics.

show diameter statistics

View Congestion Control Information

View congestion control statistics.

show congestion-control statistics ipsecmgr

View Subscriber Information

View Subscriber Configuration Information

View locally configured subscriber profile settings (must be in the context where the subscriber resides).

show subscribers configuration username subscriber_name

View remotely configured subscriber profile settings.

show subscribers aaa-configuration username subscriber_name

View subscriber information based on IPv6 address.

show subscribers ipv6-address ipv6_address

View subscriber information based on IPv6 address prefix.

show subscribers ipv6-prefix prefix

View subscriber information based on caller ID.

show subscribers callid call_id

View subscriber information based on username.

show subscribers username name

View information for troubleshooting subscriber sessions.

show subscribers debug-info

View a summary of subscriber information.

show subscribers summary

View Subscribers Currently Accessing the System

View a list of subscribers currently accessing the system.

show subscribers all

View a list of ePDG subscribers currently accessing the system.
show  subscribers   epdg-only  [ [ all  ] | [ callid  call_id ] | [ card-num  card_num ] | [ configured-idle-timeout  { 0..4294967295  | <  idle_timeout | >  idle_timeout | greater-than  idle_timeout | less-than  idle_timeout } ] | [ connected-time  { 0..4294967295  | <  connected_time | >  connected_time | greater-than  connected_time | less-than  connected_time } ] | [ counters  ] | [ data-rate  ] | [ full  ] | [ gtp-version  version ] | [ gtpu-bind-address  ip_address ] | [  gtpu-service  service_name ] | [ idle-time  { 0..4294967295  | <  idle_time | >  idle_time | greater-than  idle_time | less-than  idle_time } ] | [ ip-address  { <  ipv4_address | >  ipv4_address | IPv4  | greater-than  ipv4_address | less-than  ipv4_address } ] | [ ipv6-prefix  ipv6_address/len_format ] | [ long-duration-time-left  { 0..4294967295  | <  long_dur_time | >  long_dur_time | greater-than  long_dur_time | less-than  long_dur_time } ] | [ network-type  { gre  | ipip  | ipsec  | ipv4  | ipv4-pmipv 6 | ipv4v6  | ipv4v6-pmipv6  | ipv6  |  ipv6-pmipv6  | l2tp  | mobile-ip  | proxy-mobile-ip  } ] | [ qci  qci ] | [ rx-data  { 0..18446744073709551615  | <  rx_bytes | >  rx_bytes | greater-than  rx_bytes | less-than  rx_bytes } ] | [ session-time-left  { 0..4294967295  | <  sess_time_left | >  sess_time_left | greater-than  sess_time_left | less-than  sess_time_left } ] | [ smgr-instance  smgr_instance ] | [ summary  ] | [ tft  ] | [ tx-data  { 0..18446744073709551615  | <  tx_bytes | >  tx_bytes | greater-than  tx_bytes | less-than  tx_bytes } ] | [ username  ] | [ | { grep  grep_options | more }  ] ]  
View a list of ePDG subscribers currently accessing the system per ePDG service.
show  subscribers   epdg-service  service_name [ [ all  ] | [ callid  call_id ] | [ card-num  card_num ] | [ configured-idle-timeout  { 0..4294967295  | <  idle_timeout | >  idle_timeout | greater-than  idle_timeout | less-than  idle_timeout } ] | [ connected-time  { 0..4294967295  | <  connected_time | >  connected_time | greater-than  connected_time | less-than  connected_time } ] | [ counters  ] | [ data-rate  ] | [ full  ] | [ gtp-version  version ] | [ gtpu-bind-address  ip_address ] | [  gtpu-service  service_name ] | [ idle-time  { 0..4294967295  | <  idle_time | >  idle_time | greater-than  idle_time | less-than  idle_time } ] | [ ip-address  { <  ipv4_address | >  ipv4_address | IPv4  | greater-than  ipv4_address | less-than  ipv4_address } ] | [ ipv6-prefix  ipv6_address/len_format ] | [ long-duration-time-left  { 0..4294967295  | <  long_dur_time | >  long_dur_time | greater-than  long_dur_time | less-than  long_dur_time } ] | [ network-type  { gre  | ipip  | ipsec  | ipv4  | ipv4-pmipv 6 | ipv4v6  | ipv4v6-pmipv6  | ipv6  |  ipv6-pmipv6  | l2tp  | mobile-ip  | proxy-mobile-ip  } ] | [ qci  qci ] | [ rx-data  { 0..18446744073709551615  | <  rx_bytes | >  rx_bytes | greater-than  rx_bytes | less-than  rx_bytes } ] | [ session-time-left  { 0..4294967295  | <  sess_time_left | >  sess_time_left | greater-than  sess_time_left | less-than  sess_time_left } ] | [ smgr-instance  smgr_instance ] | [ summary  ] | [ tft  ] | [ tx-data  { 0..18446744073709551615  | <  tx_bytes | >  tx_bytes | greater-than  tx_bytes | less-than  tx_bytes } ] | [ username  ] | [ | { grep  grep_options | more }  ] ]  
View the P-CSCF addresses received from the P-GW.

show subscribers full username subscriber_name

View statistics for subscribers using a MAG service on the system.

show subscribers mag-only [ all | full | summary ]

View statistics for subscribers using a MAG service per MAG service.

show subscribers mag-service service_name

View Session Subsystem and Task Information

View Session Subsystem Statistics


Refer to the System Administration Guide for additional information on the Session subsystem and its various manager tasks.

View AAA Manager statistics.

show session subsystem facility aaamgr all

View AAA Proxy statistics.

show session subsystem facility aaaproxy all

View Session Manager statistics.

show session subsystem facility sessmgr all

View MAG Manager statistics.

show session subsystem facility magmgr all

View session progress information for the ePDG service.

show session progress epdg-service service_name

View session duration information for the ePDG service.

show session duration epdg-service service_name

View Task Statistics

View resource allocation and usage information for Session Manager.

show task resources facility sessmgr all

View resource allocation and usage information for IPSec Manager.

show task resources facility ipsecmgr all

View Session Resource Status

View session resource status.

show resources session

View Session Recovery Status

View session recovery status.

show session recovery status [ verbose ]

View Session Disconnect Reasons

View session disconnect reasons.

show session disconnect-reasons

View GTPU Tunnels Information

View GTPU tunnels information

show gtpu statistics

View GTP Session Information Like Control Plane TEIDs

View GTP session information like control plane TEIDs

show egtp sessions

View Subscriber TFT

View subscriber TFT

show subscriber tft

View GTP Messages Information

View GTP messages information

show egtpc statistics

Chassis ICSR Status and monitoring

View SRP Information

show srp info

View SRP checkpoint Statistics

show srp checkpoint statistics

Clearing Statistics and Counters

It may be necessary to periodically clear statistics and counters in order to gather new information. The system provides the ability to clear statistics and counters based on their grouping.

Statistics and counters can be cleared using the CLI clear command. You can also use specific command options such as clear epdg-service statistics dns-stats . Refer to the eHRPD/LTE Command Line Interface Reference for detailed information on using this command.