Additional Keywords Added to the show subscribers and clear subscribers Commands

Feature Information

Summary Data


Modified Functionality

Introduced-In Release


Modified-In Release(s)

Not Applicable

Applicable Product(s)


Applicable Platform(s)

ASR 5500

Default Setting


Related CDETS ID(s)


Related Changes in This Release

Not Applicable

Related Documentation

ECS Administration Guide

P-GW Administration Guide

Command Line Interface Reference

Revision History


Revision history details are not provided for features introduced before Release 21.2.

Revision Details


Release Date

New in this release.


April 27, 2017

Feature Description

After simultaneous Inter-Chassis Session Recovery (ICSR) switchovers, a number of subscribers are losing the assigned dynamic charging rules. To track these issues, additional filters or keywords are added to the show subscribers and clear subscribers commands. These filters display the impacted subscribers, reduce the impact during switchovers, provide accurate charging, and minimize the detection and recovery time.

Command Changes

This section provides information regarding show commands and/or their outputs in support of this enhancement.


If the subscribers' call is up with multiple bearers and if any of the bearers match the specified criteria (without-dynamic-rule or without-override-control), the output is displayed.

show subscribers rulename

The above CLI command is enhanced to include the rulename keyword, which refers to the charging rule name. The available rule name options are: predefined, static, and dynamic rules.

An output similar to the show subscribers without-dynamic-rule command is displayed, that is, specific to the defined rule name.

show subscribers without-dynamic-rule

The above CLI command is enhanced to include the without-dynamic-rule keyword. A sample output for this command is provided as follows:

show subscribers without-dynamic-rule
+-----Access  (S) - pdsn-simple-ip     (M) - pdsn-mobile-ip  (H) - ha-mobile-ip
|     Type:   (P) - ggsn-pdp-type-ppp  (h) - ha-ipsec        (N) - lns-l2tp
|             (I) - ggsn-pdp-type-ipv4                       (G) - IPSG
|             (V) - ggsn-pdp-type-ipv6                       (C) - cscf-sip
|             (z) - ggsn-pdp-type-ipv4v6                     (A) - X2GW
|             (R) - sgw-gtp-ipv4       (O) - sgw-gtp-ipv6    (Q) - sgw-gtp-ipv4-ipv6
|             (W) - pgw-gtp-ipv4       (Y) - pgw-gtp-ipv6    (Z) - pgw-gtp-ipv4-ipv6
|             (@) - saegw-gtp-ipv4     (#) - saegw-gtp-ipv6  ($) - saegw-gtp-ipv4-ipv6
|             (&) - samog-ip           (^) - cgw-gtp-ipv6    (*) - cgw-gtp-ipv4-ipv6
|             (p) - sgsn-pdp-type-ppp  (s) - sgsn            (4) - sgsn-pdp-type-ip
|             (6) - sgsn-pdp-type-ipv6 (2) - sgsn-pdp-type-ipv4-ipv6
|             (L) - pdif-simple-ip     (K) - pdif-mobile-ip  (o) - femto-ip
|             (F) - standalone-fa
|             (e) - ggsn-mbms-ue       (U) - pdg-ipsec-ipv4
|             (E) - ha-mobile-ipv6     (T) - pdg-ssl         (v) - pdg-ipsec-ipv6
|             (f) - hnbgw-hnb          (g) - hnbgw-iu        (x) - s1-mme
|                                      (k) - PCC
|             (X) - HSGW               (n) - ePDG            (t) - henbgw-ue
|             (m) - henbgw-henb        (q) - wsg-simple-ip   (r) - samog-pmip
|             (D) - bng-simple-ip      (l) - pgw-pmip        (3) - GILAN
|             (u) - Unknown
|             (+) - samog-eogre        (%) - eMBMS-ipv4      (!) - eMBMS-ipv6
|+----Access  (X) - CDMA 1xRTT         (E) - GPRS GERAN      (I) - IP
||    Tech:   (D) - CDMA EV-DO         (U) - WCDMA UTRAN     (W) - Wireless LAN
||            (A) - CDMA EV-DO REVA    (G) - GPRS Other      (M) - WiMax
||            (C) - CDMA Other         (N) - GAN             (O) - Femto IPSec
||            (P) - PDIF               (S) - HSPA            (L) - eHRPD
||            (T) - eUTRAN             (B) - PPPoE           (F) - FEMTO UTRAN
||                                     (Q) - WSG             (.) - Other/Unknown
||+---Call    (C) - Connected          (c) - Connecting
|||   State:  (d) - Disconnecting      (u) - Unknown
|||           (r) - CSCF-Registering   (R) - CSCF-Registered
|||           (U) - CSCF-Unregistered
|||+--Access  (A) - Attached           (N) - Not Attached
||||  CSCF    (.) - Not Applicable
||||  Status:
||||+-Link    (A) - Online/Active      (D) - Dormant/Idle
||||| Status:
|||||+Network (I) - IP                 (M) - Mobile-IP         (L) - L2TP
||||||Type:   (P) - Proxy-Mobile-IP    (i) - IP-in-IP          (G) - GRE
||||||        (V) - IPv6-in-IPv4       (S) - IPSEC             (C) - GTP
||||||        (A) - R4 (IP-GRE)        (T) - IPv6              (u) - Unknown
||||||        (W) - PMIPv6(IPv4)       (Y) - PMIPv6(IPv4+IPv6) (R) - IPv4+IPv6
||||||        (v) - PMIPv6(IPv6)       (/) - GTPv1(For SAMOG)  (+) - GTPv2(For SAMOG)
vvvvvv CALLID   MSID            USERNAME               IP                                 TIME-IDLE
------ -------- --------------- ---------------------- ----------------------------- ---------
ZTCNAR 004c9963 404005123456789   6001::3:0:0:4c99:6301, 00h00m29s
ZTCNAR 004c9963 404005123456789   6001::3:0:0:4c99:6301, 00h00m29s
ZTCNAR 004c9963 404005123456789   6001::3:0:0:4c99:6301, 00h00m29s
Total subscribers matching specified criteria: 3 

show subscribers without-override-control-rule

The above CLI command is enhanced to include the without-override-control-rule keyword.

An output similar to the show subscribers without-dynamic-rule command is displayed, that is, without the override control rule.

show subscribers apn rulename

The above CLI command is enhanced to include the rulename <rule_name> keyword, which refers to the charging rule name. The available rule name options are: predefined, static, and dynamic rules.

An output similar to the show subscribers without-dynamic-rule command is displayed, that is, specific to the defined rule name and APN.

show subscribers apn without-dynamic-rule

The above CLI command is enhanced to include the without-dynamic-rule keyword.

An output similar to the show subscribers without-dynamic-rule command is displayed, that is, specific to the APN.

show subscribers apn without-override-control-rule

The above CLI command is enhanced to include the without-override-control-rule keyword.

An output similar to the show subscribers without-dynamic-rule command is displayed for the specified APN, which does not have the override control rule configured.

show subscribers summary rulename

The above CLI command is enhanced to include the rulename keyword, which refers to the charging rule name. The available rule name options are: predefined, static, and dynamic rules.

An output similar to the show subscribers summary without-dynamic-rule command is displayed, that is, specific to the defined rule name.

show subscribers summary without-dynamic-rule

The above CLI command is enhanced to include the without-dynamic-rule keyword. A sample output for this command is provided as follows:

show subscribers summary without-dynamic-rule
Total Subscribers:             1
Active:                        1             Dormant:                       0
LAPI Devices:                  0
pdsn-simple-ipv4:              0             pdsn-simple-ipv6:              0
pdsn-mobile-ip:                0             ha-mobile-ipv6:                0
hsgw-ipv6:                     0             hsgw-ipv4:                     0
hsgw-ipv4-ipv6:                0             pgw-pmip-ipv6:                 0
pgw-pmip-ipv4:                 0             pgw-pmip-ipv4-ipv6:            0
pgw-gtp-ipv6:                  0             pgw-gtp-ipv4:                  0
pgw-gtp-ipv4-ipv6:             3             sgw-gtp-ipv6:                  0
sgw-gtp-ipv4:                  0             sgw-gtp-ipv4-ipv6:             0
sgw-pmip-ipv6:                 0             sgw-pmip-ipv4:                 0
sgw-pmip-ipv4-ipv6:            0             pgw-gtps2b-ipv4:               0
pgw-gtps2b-ipv6:               0             pgw-gtps2b-ipv4-ipv6:          0
pgw-gtps2a-ipv4:               0             pgw-gtps2a-ipv6:               0
pgw-gtps2a-ipv4-ipv6:          0
mme:                           0             mme-embms:                     0
henbgw-ue:                     0             henbgw-henb:                 0
x2gw-enb:                      0
ipsg-rad-snoop:                0             ipsg-rad-server:               0
ha-mobile-ip:                  0             ggsn-pdp-type-ppp:             0
ggsn-pdp-type-ipv4:            0             lns-l2tp:                      0
ggsn-pdp-type-ipv6:            0             ggsn-pdp-type-ipv4v6:          0
ggsn-mbms-ue-type-ipv4:        0
pdif-simple-ipv4:              0
pdif-simple-ipv6:              0             pdif-mobile-ip:                0
wsg-simple-ipv4:               0             wsg-simple-ipv6:               0
pdg-simple-ipv4:               0             ttg-ipv4:                      0
pdg-simple-ipv6:               0             ttg-ipv6:                      0
femto-ip:                      0
epdg-pmip-ipv6:                0             epdg-pmip-ipv4:                0
epdg-pmip-ipv4-ipv6:           0
epdg-gtp-ipv6:                 0             epdg-gtp-ipv4:                 0
epdg-gtp-ipv4-ipv6:            0
sgsn:                          0             sgsn-pdp-type-ppp:             0
sgsn-pdp-type-ipv4:            0             sgsn-pdp-type-ipv6:            0
sgsn-pdp-type-ipv4-ipv6:       0             type not determined:           0
sgsn-subs-type-gn:             0             sgsn-subs-type-s4:             0
sgsn-pdp-type-gn:              0             sgsn-pdp-type-s4:              0
cdma 1x rtt sessions:          0             cdma evdo sessions:            0
cdma evdo rev-a sessions:      0             cdma 1x rtt active:            0
cdma evdo active:              0             cdma evdo rev-a active:        0
hnbgw:                         0             hnbgw-iu:                      0
bng-simple-ipv4:               0
pcc:                           0
in bytes dropped:              0             out bytes dropped:             0
in packet dropped:             0             out packet dropped:            0
in packet dropped zero mbr:    0             out packet dropped zero mbr:   0
in bytes dropped ovrchrgPtn:   0             out bytes dropped ovrchrgPtn:  0
in packet dropped ovrchrgPtn:  0             out packet dropped ovrchrgPtn: 0
ipv4 ttl exceeded:             0             ipv4 bad hdr:                  0
ipv4 bad length trim:          0
ipv4 frag failure:             0             ipv4 frag sent:                0
ipv4 in-acl dropped:           0             ipv4 out-acl dropped:          0
ipv4 in-mcast pkt dropped:     0             ipv4 in-bcast pkt dropped:     0
ipv6 bad hdr:                  0             ipv6 bad length trim:          0
ipv6 in-acl dropped:           0             ipv6 out-acl dropped:          0
ipv4 in-css-down dropped:      0             ipv4 out-css-down dropped:     0
ipv4 out xoff pkt dropped:     0             ipv6 out xoff pkt dropped:     0
ipv4 xoff bytes dropped:       0             ipv6 xoff bytes dropped:       0
ipv4 out no-flow dropped:      0
ipv4 early pdu rcvd:           0             ipv4 icmp packets dropped:     0
ipv6 input ehrpd-access drop:  0             ipv6 output ehrpd-access drop: 0
dormancy count:                0             handoff count:                 0
pdsn fwd dynamic flows:        0             pdsn rev dynamic flows:        0
fwd static access-flows:       0             rev static access-flows:       0
pdsn fwd packet filters:       0             pdsn rev packet filters:       0
traffic flow templates:        0

show subscribers summary without-override-control-rule

The above CLI command is enhanced to include the without-override-control-rule keyword.

An output similar to the show subscribers summary without-dynamic-rule command is displayed, that is, without the override control rule.

clear subscribers apn rulename

The above CLI command is enhanced to include the rulename keyword, which refers to the charging rule name. The available rule name options are: predefined, static, and dynamic rules.

An output similar to the clear subscribers apn without-dynamic-rule or clear subscribers apn without-dynamic-rule command is displayed based on whether subscribers for a specific APN exist with the specified rule name.

clear subscribers apn without-dynamic-rule

The above CLI command is enhanced to include the without-dynamic-rule keyword. A sample output for this command is provided as follows:

clear subscribers apn without-dynamic-rule
No subscribers match the specified criteria

clear subscribers apn without-override-control-rule

The above CLI command is enhanced to include the without-override-control-rule keyword.

A sample output for this command is provided as follows:

clear subscribers apn without-override-control-rule
Number of subscribers cleared: 1