Transform Set Configuration

This chapter describes how to configure IPSec transform sets.

A transform set is a combination of individual IPSec transforms designed to enact a specific security policy for traffic. During the ISAKMP IPSec security association negotiation, the peers agree to use a particular transform set for protecting a particular data flow. Transform sets combine the following IPSec factors:
  • Mechanism for payload authentication—AH transform

  • Mechanism for payload encryption—ESP transform

  • IPSec mode (transport versus tunnel)

A transform set is a combination of an AH transform, plus an ESP transform, plus the IPSec mode (either tunnel or transport mode).

The following topics are discussed:

Process Overview

The basic sequence of actions required to configure an IPSec transform set is outlined below.


Step 1

Configure a crypto transform set by applying the example configuration in Configuring a Transform Set.

Step 2

Verify your Crypto Transform Set configuration by following the steps in Verifying the Crypto Transform Set Configuration.

Step 3

Save your configuration to flash memory, an external memory device, and/or a network location using the Exec mode command save configuration. For additional information on how to verify and save configuration files, refer to the System Administration Guide and the Command Line Interface Reference.

Configuring a Transform Set

Use the following example to create the crypto transform set:

   context  ctxt_name 
      crypto ipsec transform-set  transform_name ah hmac { md5-96 | none |sha1-96 } esp hmac { { md5-96 | none | sha1-96 } { cipher {des-cbc | 3des-cbc | aes-cbc } | none  } 
         mode { transport | tunnel }  
  • ctxt_name is the system context in which you wish to create and configure the crypto transform set(s).

  • transform_name is the name of the crypto transform set in the current context that you want to configure for IPSec configuration.

  • For more information on parameters, refer to the IPSec Transform Configuration Mode Commands chapter in the Command Line Interface Reference.

Verifying the Crypto Transform Set Configuration

Enter the following Exec mode command for the appropriate context to display and verify your crypto transform set configuration:

show crypto ipsec transform-set  transform_name 

This command produces an output similar to that displayed below using the configuration of a transform set named test1.

Transform-Set test1 : 
AH  : none 
ESP : hmac md5-96, 3des-cbc 
Encaps Mode : TUNNEL