Bulk Statistics Changes Quick Reference

This chapter identifies bulk statistics changes added to, modified for, or deprecated from the StarOS 21.15 software release.


For more information regarding bulk statistics identified in this section, see the latest version of the BulkstatStatistics_document.xls spreadsheet supplied with the release.

Bulk statistics changes for 21.15 include:

New Bulk Statistics

This section identifies new bulk statistics and new bulk statistic schemas introduced in release 21.15.

APN Schema

The following bulk statistics are added in the APN schema in support of the APN Rate Control for CIoT Devices feature.

Bulk Statistics Description
apn-rate-control-ul-pkt-drop Indicates the total number of APN Rate Control uplink packets that are dropped.
apn-rate-control-dl-pkt-drop Indicates the total number of APN Rate Control downlink packets that are dropped.
apn-rate-control-ul-bytes-drop Indicates the total number of APN Rate Control uplink bytes that are dropped.
apn-rate-control-dl-bytes-drop Indicates the total number of APN Rate Control downlink bytes that are dropped.

Modified Bulk Statistics

None in this release.

Deprecated Bulk Statistics

None in this release.