Config Payload extension for DHCP Address

This feature when implemented supports INTERNAL_IP4_DHCP, INTERNAL_IP6_DHCP as part of Configuration Attributes in Auth payloads. This instructs the host to send any internal DHCP requests to the address contained within the attribute. Multiple DHCP servers may be requested. SecGW may respond with zero or more DHCP server addresses.

Config Payload Extension for DHCP Address Configuration

Assumptions and Limitations

  • In current release only 3 dhcp addresses per INTERNAL_IP4_DHCP or INTERNAL_IP6_DHCP requests will be supported.
  • The DHCP addresses will be configured as part of wsg-service. 3 ipv4 and 3 ipv6 dhcp server addresses will be allowed per service.

Server dhcp

Specifies the dhcp server addresses to be sent to the peer in authentication response.




Security Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > WSG-Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > wsg-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



server dhcp { ipv4  ipv4_address [ IP-ADDRESS | IP-ADDRESS ] | ipv6   ipv6_address [ IPv6-ADDRESS | IPv6-ADDRESS ] }  
no server dhcp { ipv4 [ ipv6 ] | ipv6 [ ipv4 ] }   


Deletes the specified parameter.


Specifies the ipv4 address of the dhcp-server to be sent to the peer. The IPV4 address should be in the format ##.##.##.## which is the first ipv4 dhcp-server's address.


Specifies ipv4 address of the dhcp-server to be sent to the peer.


Specifies the ipv6 address of the dhcp-server to be sent to the peer. The IPV6 address should be in the format ####:####:####:####:####:####:####:#### (IPv6 also supports :: notation).


Specifies ipv6 address of the dhcp-server to be sent to the peer.

Usage Guidelines

This command specifies the dhcp server addresses to be sent to the peer in authentication response


The following command specifies the dhcp server ipv4 addresses to be sent to the peer in authentication response:
server dhcp ipv4 123.234.345.567  

Config Payload extension for DHCP Address Support Show Command Outputs

As part of " Config Payload extension for DHCP Address " feature below show commands output are introduced:

Show wsg-Service allServer:
  • DHCP: ipv4 : <##.##.##.## > or NA(if not configured)

    <##.##.##.## >

    <##.##.##.## >

  • ipv6 : < #:#:#:#:#:#:#:#> or NA(if not configured)

    <##.##.##.## >

    <##.##.##.## >

Show Configuration:
  • server dhcp ipv4 <v4 address> <v4 address> <v4 address> <cr>

  • server dhcp ipv6 <v6 address> <v6 address> <v6 address> <cr>