show confdmgr

This chapter includes the show confdmgr command output tables. ConfD is the engine supporting the NETCONF protocol interface with the Cisco Network Service Orchestrator (NSO) and Elastic Services Controller (ESC).

show confdmgr

Table 1. show confdmgr Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

State Information


Indicates current state of the confdmgr proclet: Starting, Started, Stopped.


Indicates configuration points defined in the Yang model for which confdmgr wants to be notified when a change occurs.

Last successful id

ID number for the last successful request instance.

Last failed id

ID number for the last failed request instance.

Autosave url

URL specified by the NETCONF Protocol Configuration mode autosave-config command.


This command was made obsolete in 21.2; this field is no longer displayed in 21.2 and higher releases.


Username specified by the NETCONF Protocol Configuration mode confd-user command.


Displays whether event bulkstats collection and reporting on the REST interface is enabled or disabled.

Kpi interval

Displays the time interval in seconds for gathering NSLB Key Performance Indicator (KPI) information. If set to 0, this functionality is disabled.

Event notification level

Displays the configured severity level of StarOS events to be sent out as NETCONF notifications: critical (1), error (2), warning (3), unusual (4), info (5). This level dictates the lowest event severity level that results in a notification.

SNMP notifications

Displays whether SNMP alert and alarm reporting via NETCONF is enabled or disabled.

REST interface authentication

Displays the certificate verification done on client interfaces: none, peer, or peer-fail.

REST interface certificate

Displays the name of the certificate.

REST interface host name

If configured, displays the host name the web server will serve. If configured, mandates the web server to only service requests whose Host field matches this configured host name. Otherwise displays "Not configured".

Interface / Status / Port

The current status (Enabled/Disabled) and configured port number for the NETCONF and REST interfaces.



Number of times confdmgr has requested ConfD to dump the CDB contents back into confdmgr which results in a config synchronization by SCT (Shared configuration Task).


Number of times a transaction has been replayed. A replay is initiated if, upon startup, the last successful transaction ID in confdmgr does not match that of ConfD. This could occur, for example, if confdmgr task restarted when processing the notification for a configuration transaction.


Number of times ConfD has sent a configuration update to confdmgr. For example, this can occur as the result of a "commit" via confd_cli or during a trigger event.

Notification failures

Number of times an update received from ConfD was not processed successfully. The number of successes and failures should always equal the total number of notifications.

Trigger failures

Number of times a CDB dump to confdmgr failed.

Replay failures

Number of times an attempt to replay a transaction failed.

NETCONF notification failures

Number of times an attempt to issue a NETCONF notification failed.

Unexpected failures

Number of times an unexpected condition was encountered. An error is generated for each case.

Successful notifications

Number of times an update received from ConfD was successfully processed.


This field was deprecated in 21.2.

show confdmgr subscriptions

Table 2. show confdmgr subscriptions Command Output Descriptions
Field Description



Pathname for configuration points defined in the Yang model for which confdmgr wants to be notified when a change occurs.


Assigned index number

