AAA Server Group Configuration Mode Commands

The AAA Server Group Configuration Mode is used to create and manage the Diameter/RADIUS server groups within the context or system. AAA server group facilitates management of group (list) of servers at per subscriber/APN/realm level for AAA functionality.


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



As AAA applications do not support the indirectly connected hosts, configure only the directly connected host.


The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).


Allows you to enter descriptive text for this configuration.




Security Administrator, Administrator


description text 
no description 


Clears the description for this configuration.


Enter descriptive text as an alphanumeric string of 1 to 100 characters.

If you include spaces between words in the description, you must enclose the text within double quotation marks (" "), for example, "AAA BBBB".

Usage Guidelines

The description should provide useful information about this configuration.

diameter accounting

This command configures Diameter accounting parameters.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter accounting { dictionary { aaa-custom1 | aaa-custom10 | aaa-custom2 | aaa-custom3 | aaa-custom4 | aaa-custom5 | aaa-custom6 | aaa-custom7 | aaa-custom8 | aaa-custom9 | dynamic-load | nasreq | rf-plus } | endpoint endpoint_name | hd-mode fall-back-to-local | hd-storage-policy hd_policy | max-retries max_retries | max-transmissions max_transmissions | request-timeout request_timeout_duration | sdc-integrity | server host_name priority priority | upgrade-dict-avps { 3gpp-rel10 | 3gpp-rel9 } } 
default diameter accounting { dictionary | hd-mode | max-retries | max-transmissions | request-timeout | upgrade-dict-avps } 
no diameter accounting { endpoint | hd-mode | hd-storage-policy | max-retries | max-transmissions | sdc-integrity | server host_name | upgrade-dict-avps } 

no diameter accounting { endpoint | hd-mode | hd-storage-policy | max-retries | max-transmissions | sdc-integrity | server host_name | upgrade-dict-avps }

endpoint : Removes the configured accounting endpoint, and the default accounting server configured in the default AAA group will be used.

hd-mode : Sends records to the Diameter server, if all Diameter servers are down or unreachable, then copies records to the local hard disk drive (HDD) and periodically retries the Diameter server.

hd-storage-policy : Disables use of the specified HD storage policy.

max-retries : Disables the configured retry attempts for Diameter accounting in the current AAA group.

max-transmissions : Disables the configured maximum transmission attempts for Diameter accounting in the current AAA group.

sdc-integrity : Excludes the "SDC-Integrity-Grouping" Diameter AVP in the ACR message even if present in the "aaa-custom4" dictionary.

server host_name : Removes the configured Diameter host host_name from this AAA server group for Diameter accounting.

upgrade-dict-avps : Sets the release version to 3GPP Rel. 8 for upgrading Diameter accounting dictionary in the current AAA group.

default diameter accounting { dictionary | hd-mode | max-retries | max-transmissions | request-timeout | upgrade-dict-avps }

dictionary : Sets the context's dictionary as the system default.

hd-mode : Sends records to the Diameter server, if all Diameter servers are down or unreachable, then copies records to the local HDD and periodically retries the Diameter server.

max-retries : Sets the retry attempts for Diameter accounting in the current AAA group to default 0 (disable).

max-transmissions : Sets the configured maximum transmission attempts for Diameter accounting in the current AAA group to default 0 (disable).

request-timeout : Sets the timeout duration, in seconds, for Diameter accounting requests in the current AAA group to default 20.

upgrade-dict-avps : Sets the release version to 3GPP Rel. 8 for upgrading Diameter accounting dictionary in the current AAA group.

dictionary { aaa-custom1 | aaa-custom10 | aaa-custom2 | aaa-custom3 | aaa-custom4 | aaa-custom5 | aaa-custom6 | aaa-custom7 | aaa-custom8 | aaa-custom9 | dynamic-load | nasreq | rf-plus }

Specifies the Diameter accounting dictionary.

aaa-custom1 ... aaa-custom10 : Configures the custom dictionaries. Even though the CLI syntax supports several custom dictionaries, not necessarily all of them have been defined. If a custom dictionary that has not been implemented is selected, the default dictionary will be used.

dynamic-load : Configures the dynamically loaded Diameter dictionary. The dictionary name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 15 characters. For more information on dynamic loading of Diameter dictionaries, see the diameter dynamic-dictionary in the Global Configuration Mode Commands chapter of this guide.

nasreq : nasreq dictionary—the dictionary as defined by RFC 3588.

rf-plus : RF Plus dictionary.

endpoint endpoint_name

Enables Diameter to be used for accounting, and specifies which Diameter endpoint to use.

endpoint_name must be a string of 1 through 63 characters.

hd-mode fall-back-to-local

Specifies that records be copied to the local HDD if the Diameter server is down or unreachable. CDF/CGF will pull the records through SFTP.

hd-storage-policy hd_policy

Associates the specified HD Storage policy with the AAA group.

hd_policy must be the name of a configured HD Storage policy, and must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

HD Storage policies are configured through the Global Configuration Mode.

This and the hd-mode command are used to enable the storage of Rf Diameter Messages to HDD in case all Diameter Servers are down or unreachable.

max-retries max_retries

Specifies how many times a Diameter request should be retried with the same server, if the server fails to respond to a request.

max_retries specifies the maximum number of retry attempts, and must be an integer from 1 through 1000.

Default: 0

max-transmissions max_transmissions

Specifies the maximum number of transmission attempts for a Diameter request. Use this in conjunction with the max-retries max_retries option to control how many servers will be attempted to communicate with.

max_transmissions must be an integer from 1 through 1000.

Default: 0

request-timeout request_timeout_duration

Specifies the number of seconds the system will wait for a response from a Diameter server before re-transmitting the request.

request_timeout_duration specifies the number of seconds, and must be an integer from 1 through 3600.

Default: 20


This keyword enables the SDC Integrity feature. When enabled, SDC-Integrity-Grouping AVP is included in the ACR message. This AVP contains the number of Service Data Containers (SDCs) included by P-GW and the checksum as calculated by the previously defined algorithm. The checksum calculation is done only if the AVP is included. By default, this feature is disabled i.e. the grouped AVP is not included in the ACR message even if present in the "aaa-custom4" dictionary. The CLI command will have no effect if the dictionary does not contain the SDC-Integrity-Grouping AVP.


This feature is customer-specific. For more information, contact your Cisco Account representative.

P-GW generates the charging data and creates a new ACR with individual SDCs based on Rating Groups, and then sends the ACR message directly to Charging Collection Function (CCF). When an intermediate node is inserted between P-GW and CCF, the node appends more SDCs in the charging record sent by P-GW through the Rf interface.

To protect the integrity of SDCs, P-GW counts the number of SDCs, runs a checksum algorithm against the bytes within the SDCs, and then adds the "SDC-Integrity-Grouping" AVP with these two values in the ACR message. This grouped AVP is optional and defined in "aaa-custom4" dictionary only. This vendor-specific AVP can be enabled only when the peer supports the vendor ID. This feature helps CCF to distinguish the SDCs included by the intermediate node.

For this feature to work, the CLI control must be enabled and "aaa-custom4" dictionary containing the grouped AVP should be used and associated with the appropriate AAA group. When this feature is enabled, there might be minimal performance impact on P-GW specifically on AAA Manager tasks due to checksum calculation.

server host_name priority priority

Specifies the current context Diameter accounting server's host name and priority.

host_name specifies the Diameter host name, and must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

priority specifies the relative priority of this Diameter host. The priority is used in server selection. The priority must be an integer from 1 through 1000.

upgrade-dict-avps { 3gpp-rel10 | 3gpp-rel9 }

Specifies to upgrade Diameter accounting dictionary to 3GPP Rel. 9 version or 3GPP Rel. 10 version.

3gpp-rel10 : Upgrades the dictionary to 3GPP Rel. 10 version.

3gpp-rel9 : Upgrades the dictionary to 3GPP Rel. 9 version.

Default: Sets the release version to 3GPP Rel. 8

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to manage the Diameter accounting options according to the Diameter server used for the context.


The following command configures the Diameter accounting dictionary, aaa-custom10 :
diameter accounting dictionary aaa-custom10 
The following command configures the Diameter endpoint, EAP1 :
diameter accounting endpoint EAP1 
The following commands configure Diameter accounting options:
diameter accounting max-retries 4 
diameter accounting max-transmissions 2 
diameter accounting request-timeout 10 
diameter accounting server svc priority 1 

diameter accounting interim

This command configures Diameter accounting interim interval to be sent to the server independently from RADIUS accounting interim interval.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter accounting interim interval interim_interval 
no diameter accounting interim interval 


Disables Diameter interim accounting.


Specifies when system should send an interim accounting record to the server.

interval interim_interval

Specifies the time interval, in seconds, between sending interim accounting records. interim_interval must be an integer from 50 through 40000000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to separately configure Diameter accounting interim interval for Rf interface.

In case Diameter interim interval CLI is not configured, the P-GW retains the older behavior where Diameter accounting uses the same interim interval value configured for RADIUS accounting.

Once Diameter configuration takes effect, any change to RADIUS configuration will not affect Diameter configuration and vice versa.


The following command sets the interval between sending interim accounting records to 15 minutes (900 seconds):
diameter accounting interim interval 900  

diameter accounting duplicate-record

This command enables the system to create a secondary feed of Rf records and send them to the secondary AAA group.







Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] diameter accounting duplicate-record  


This keyword creates an additional copy of Rf records and sends the duplicate Rf records to the configured secondary AAA group.


This keyword disables the Duplicate Rf Record Generation feature. This is the default configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create duplicate Rf records and send them to the configured secondary AAA group.

The secondary aaa group must be configured under APN configuration mode before enabling the diameter accounting duplicate-record CLI command.

In releases prior to 21, gateway allows only one AAA group configuration per APN for Rf accounting. The AAA group is configured to load balance across multiple servers to pass the Rf traffic and also expect an accounting answer. Note that the secondary AAA group configuration is allowed currently but is restricted to only RADIUS accounting.

In release 21 and beyond, the gateway is provided with the ability to configure a secondary AAA group per APN for the Rf interface, and send the duplicate Diameter Rf accounting records to the secondary AAA group servers. The secondary AAA group is used for non-billing purposes only.


The failed duplicate records will neither be written to HDD nor added to the archival list.

For more information on this feature, see the Rf Interface Support chapter of the administration guide for the product you are deploying.


The following command enables the system to send duplicate Rf records to secondary AAA group:
diameter accounting duplicate-record  

diameter authentication

This command configures Diameter authentication parameters.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter authentication  { allow any-host | dictionary { aaa-custom1 | aaa-custom10 | aaa-custom11 | aaa-custom12 | aaa-custom13 | aaa-custom14 | aaa-custom15 | aaa-custom16 | aaa-custom17 | aaa-custom18 | aaa-custom19 | aaa-custom2 | aaa-custom20 | aaa-custom3 | aaa-custom4 | aaa-custom5 | aaa-custom6 | aaa-custom7 | aaa-custom8 | aaa-custom9 | dynamic-load | nasreq } | encode-supported-features pcscf-restoration-indication | endpoint endpoint_name | max-retries max_retries | max-transmissions max_transmissions | redirect-host-avp { just-primary | primary-then-secondary } | request-timeout request_timeout_duration | server host_name priority priority | upgrade-dict-avps { 3gpp-rel10 | 3gpp-rel9 } } 
default diameter authentication { dictionary | encode-supported-features | max-retries | max-transmissions | redirect-host-avp | request-timeout | upgrade-dict-avps } 
no diameter authentication {allow any-host encode-supported-features | endpoint | max-retries | max-transmissions | server host_name | upgrade-dict-avps } 

no diameter authentication { allow any-host| encode-supported-features | endpoint | max-retries | max-transmissions | server host_name | upgrade-dict-avps }

allow any-host : Disables the assigned values which are applicable in diameter authentication procedures.

encode-supported-features : Disables the CLI command to not send the Supported-Features AVP.

endpoint : Removes the configured authentication endpoint, and the default server configured in default AAA group will be used.

max-retries : Disables the configured retry attempts for Diameter authentication in the current AAA group.

max-transmissions : Disables the configured maximum transmission attempts for Diameter authentication in the current AAA group.

server host_name : Removes the configured Diameter host host_name from this AAA server group for Diameter authentication.

upgrade-dict-avps : Sets the release version to 3GPP Rel. 8 for upgrading Diameter authentication dictionary in the current AAA group.

default diameter authentication { dictionary | encode-supported-features | max-retries | max-transmissions | redirect-host-avp | request-timeout | upgrade-dict-avps }

dictionary : Sets the context's dictionary as the system default.

encode-supported-features : Configures the default setting, that is not to send the Supported-Features AVP in AAR message.

max-retries : Sets the retry attempts for Diameter authentication requests in the current AAA group to default 0 (disable).

max-transmissions : Sets the configured maximum transmission attempts for Diameter authentication in the current AAA group to default 0 (disable).

redirect-host-avp : Sets the redirect choice to default (just-primary).

request-timeout : Sets the timeout duration, in seconds, for Diameter authentication requests in the current AAA group to default 20.

upgrade-dict-avps : Sets the release version to 3GPP Rel. 8 for upgrading Diameter authentication dictionary in the current AAA group.

allow any-host

Accepts the response from any-host.

dictionary { aaa-custom1 | aaa-custom10 | aaa-custom11 | aaa-custom12 | aaa-custom13 | aaa-custom14 | aaa-custom15 | aaa-custom16 | aaa-custom17 | aaa-custom18 | aaa-custom19 | aaa-custom2 | aaa-custom20 | aaa-custom3 | aaa-custom4 | aaa-custom5 | aaa-custom6 | aaa-custom7 | aaa-custom8 | aaa-custom9 | dynamic-load | nasreq }

Specifies the Diameter authentication dictionary.

aaa-custom1 ... aaa-custom8, aaa-custom10 ... aaa-custom20 : Configures the custom dictionaries. Even though the CLI syntax supports several custom dictionaries, not necessarily all of them have been defined. If a custom dictionary that has not been implemented is selected, the default dictionary will be used.


aaa-custom11 dictionary is only available in StarOS 8.1 and later releases. aaa-custom12 to aaa-custom20 dictionaries are only available in StarOS 9.0 and later releases.

aaa-custom9 : Configures the STa standard dictionary.

dynamic-load : Configures the dynamically loaded Diameter dictionary. The dictionary name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 15 characters. For more information on dynamic loading of Diameter dictionaries, see the diameter dynamic-dictionary in the Global Configuration Mode Commands chapter of this guide.

nasreq : nasreq dictionary—the dictionary as defined by RFC 3588.


Encodes Supported-Features AVP.


Enables the P-CSCF Restoration Indication feature. By default, this feature is disabled.


This keyword is license dependent. For more information, contact your Cisco account representative.

For more information on this feature, see the Gx Interface Support chapter in the administration guide of the product you are deploying.

endpoint endpoint_name

Enables Diameter to be used for authentication, and specifies which Diameter endpoint to use.

endpoint_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

max-retries max_retries

Specifies how many times a Diameter authentication request should be retried with the same server, if the server fails to respond to a request.

max_retries specifies the maximum number of retry attempts, and must be an integer from 1 through 1000.

Default: 0

max-transmissions max_transmissions

Specifies the maximum number of transmission attempts for a Diameter authentication request. Use this in conjunction with the "max-retries max_retries " option to control how many servers will be attempted to communicate with.

max_transmissions specifies the maximum number of transmission attempts, and must be an integer from 1 through 1000.

Default: 0

redirect-host-avp { just-primary | primary-then-secondary }

Specifies whether to use just one returned AVP, or use the first returned AVP as selecting the primary host and the second returned AVP as selecting the secondary host.

just-primary : Redirect only to primary host.

primary-then-secondary : Redirect to primary host, if fails then redirect to the secondary host.

Default: just-primary

request-timeout request_timeout_duration

Specifies how long the system will wait for a response from a Diameter server before re-transmitting the request.

request_timeout_duration specifies the number of seconds the system will wait for a response from a Diameter server before re-transmitting the request, and must be an integer from 1 through 3600.

Default: 20 seconds

server host_name priority priority

Specifies the current context Diameter authentication server's host name and priority.

host_name specifies the Diameter authentication server's host name, and must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

priority specifies the relative priority of this Diameter host. The priority is used in server selection. The priority must be an integer from 1 through 1000.

upgrade-dict-avps { 3gpp-rel10 | 3gpp-rel9 }

Specifies to upgrade Diameter authentication dictionary to 3GPP Rel. 9 version or 3GPP Rel. 10 version.

3gpp-rel10 : Upgrades the dictionary to 3GPP Rel. 10 version.

3gpp-rel9 : Upgrades the dictionary to 3GPP Rel. 9 version.

Default: Sets the release version to 3GPP Rel. 8

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to manage the Diameter authentication options according to the Diameter server used for the context.


The following command configures the Diameter authentication dictionary, aaa-custom1 :
diameter authentication dictionary aaa-custom1 
The following command configures the Diameter endpoint, EAP1 :
diameter authentication endpoint EAP1 
The following commands configure Diameter authentication options:
diameter authentication max-retries 4 
diameter authentication max-transmissions 2 
diameter authentication redirect-host-avp primary-then-secondary 
diameter authentication server svc priority 1 
diameter authentication request-timeout 10 

diameter authentication drmp

This command enables or disables the inclusion of DRMP AVP in S6b communication, and to configure DRMP value based on AAR-Initial, AAR-Interim and STR message types.


All products using Diameter S6b interface.


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter authentication drmp [ aar-initial drmp_value [ aar-interim drmp_value [ str drmp_value ] ] | aar-initial drmp_value [ str drmp_value [ aar-interim drmp_value ] ] | aar-interim drmp_value [ aar-initial drmp_value [ str drmp_value ] ] | aar-interim drmp_value [ str drmp_value [ aar-initial drmp_value ] ] | str drmp_value [ aar-interim drmp_value [ aar-initial drmp_value ] ] | str drmp_value [ aar-initial drmp_value [ aar-interim drmp_value ] ] ] 
no diameter authentication drmp 


Disables encoding of DRMP AVP in S6b messages. The no diameter authentication drmp is the default configuration.


Specifies the settings of Diameter Routing Message Priority.


Includes the DRMP value in AAR-initial message. The default value is 10.


Includes the DRMP value in AAR-interim message. The default value is 10.


Includes the DRMP value in STR message. The default value is 10.


Specifies the DRMP value and must be an integer from 0 through 15. Zero (0) has the highest priority and 15 has the lowest. That is, lower the value, higher the priority.

Usage Guidelines

This CLI command will individually configure DRMP values for the AAR-initial, AAR-interim and STR messages. If message type priority is not specified in the CLI, default value (10) will be used. The last configured CLI line will override all values previously configured, irrespective of how many priorities are explicitly configured.

In case of configuring specific values for message types, each time the CLI is invoked, all the 3 values will be modified with the new values. If a value is not specified in CLI, it will be overwritten by default value, which is 10.


The following command will include DRMP value 12 to AAR-initial, 8 to AAR-interim, and 6 to STR message:
diameter authentication drmp aar-initial 12 aar-interim 8 str 6 

diameter authentication failure-handling

This command configures the failure handling for Diameter authentication requests and Diameter Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) requests.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter authentication failure-handling { authorization-request | eap-request | eap-termination-request } { request-timeout action { continue | retry-and-terminate | terminate } | result-code start_result_code { [ to end_result_code ] action { continue | retry-and-terminate | terminate } } } 
no diameter authentication failure-handling { authorization-request | eap-request | eap-termination-request } result-code start_result_code [ to end_result_code ] 
default diameter authentication failure-handling { authorization-request | eap-request | eap-termination-request } request-timeout action 


Disables Diameter authentication failure handling.


Configures the default Diameter authentication failure handling setting.


Specifies that failure handling must be performed on Diameter authorization request (AAR/AAA) messages.


Specifies configuring failure handling for EAP requests.


Specifies configuring failure handling for EAP termination requests.

request-timeout action { continue | retry-and-terminate | terminate }

Specifies the action to be taken for failures:
  • continue : Continues the session

  • retry-and-terminate : First retries, if it fails then terminates the session

  • terminate : Terminates the session


For any failure encountered, the "continue" option terminates the call as with the "terminate" option for all Diameter dictionaries except aaa-custom15 dictionary.

result-code start_result_code [ to end_result_code ] action { continue | retry-and-terminate | terminate }

start_result_code : Specifies the result code number, must be an integer from 1 through 65535.

to end_result_code : Specifies the upper limit of a range of result codes. to end_result_code must be greater than start_result_code .

action { continue | retry-and-terminate | terminate } : Specifies the action to be taken for failures:
  • continue : Continues the session

  • retry-and-terminate : First retries, if it fails then terminates

  • terminate : Terminates the session


For any failure encountered, the "continue" option terminates the call as with the "terminate" option for all Diameter dictionaries except aaa-custom15 dictionary. This behavior is true in releases prior to 20. In 20 and later releases, the "continue" option is applicable for all S6b dictionaries including aaa-custom15 dictionary.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure error handling for Diameter EAP, EAP-termination, and authorization requests. Specific actions (continue, retry-and-terminate, or terminate) can be associated with each possible result-code. Ranges of result codes can be defined with the same action, or actions can be specific on a per-result code basis.


The following commands configure result codes 5001, 5002, 5004, and 5005 to use "action continue" and result code 5003 to use "action terminate":
diameter authentication failure-handling eap-request result-code 5001 to 5005 action continue 
diameter authentication failure-handling eap-request result-code 5003 action terminate 

diameter authentication failure-handling-template

This command associates the failure-handling template with AAA group authentication for Diameter authentication requests and Diameter Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) requests.





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter authentication failure-handling-template template_name emps 
no diameter authentication failure-handling-template 
no diameter authentication failure-handling-template emps 


Disassociates a failure handling template with the AAA group authentication.

failure-handling-template template_name

Associates a previously created failure handling template with the authentication application in the AAA group. template_name specifies the name for a pre-configured failure handling template. template_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters. By default, the template is not associated in the AAA group.

For more information on failure handling template, refer to the failure-handling-template command in the Global Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


Specifies the failure-handling behavior for eMPS Sessions applicable during S6B authorization and re-authorization.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to associate a configured failure handling template with the AAA group authentication application. The failure handling template defines the action to be taken when the Diameter application encounters a failure supposing a result-code failure, Tx-expiry or response-timeout. The application will take the action given by the template. For more information on failure handling template configurations, refer to the Diameter Failure Handling Template Configuration Mode Commands chapter in this guide.

This CLI command is introduced to support Overload Control on Diameter interfaces such as Gx, S6b and SWm and also to prevent network overload and outages. Whenever there is an overload condition at the Diameter Servers or DRA and request times out, the clients (ePDG/P-GW) are typically unaware of the overload condition and attempt to send the message on an alternate connection with the Diameter server causing some more traffic in the network. In order to handle this overload condition effectively, a new vendor-specific Diameter Experimental Result-Code 5198 (DIAMETER_OVERLOAD_RETRY_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_ANY) is defined.

When the overloaded PCRF/DRA receives a message, it includes the result-code 5198 in the response message. On receiving the experimental result-code, call is terminated based on the failure-handling configuration. If failure-handling is configured as local-policy, then the call is continued with local-policy without retrying the secondary server. For more information on the Diameter Overload Control feature, refer to the AAA Interface Administration and Reference document.

When the failure-handling-template is configured and the failure-handling CLI is also enabled in the AAA Group configuration, the template is given the higher preference. When the Result-Code (5198) is received in DEA/AAA request, the call is terminated without the Session Terminate Request (STR) for S6b and SWm interfaces.

If the association is not made to the template then failure handling behavior configured in the application with the failure-handling command will take its effect.


The following command associates the failure handling template FH_1 with the Diameter authentication interface.
diameter authentication failure-handling-template FH_1 

The following command configures the failure-handling template TEST for eMPS subscribers during S6B authorization/re-authorization failures:

diameter authentication failure-handling-template TEST emps 

diameter authentication server-selection sent-by-epdg

Use this command to disable the feature of encoding the AAA-Server-Identifier information, provided by ePDG node, into the Destination-Host/Destination-Realm in the AAR request.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] diameter authentication server-selection sent-by-epdg 


Causes the P-GW to ignore the AAA-Server-Identifier information received from the ePDG node.

Usage Guidelines

This CLI command is applicable to Release 21.3.5 and higher.

Use this command to disable the encoding of ePDG provided AAA-Server-Identifier information in the AAR request.

This CLI command is applicable only to servers connected through a Diameter Routing Agent (DRA).

With the default configuration (or no explicit use of the this CLI command), there is no change in behavior. That is to say, the feature of encoding an ePDG provided AAA-Server-Identifier information into the Destination-Host/Destination-Realm in the AAR request cannot be disabled.

diameter authentication strip-leading-digit

This command enables or disables stripping of leading digit from User-Name AVP of non-authentication procedures like AAR and STR.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] diameter authentication strip-leading-digit { user-name } 


Disables the stripping of leading digit from User-Name AVP of non-authentication procedures


This keyword specifies to strip off the leading digit from User-Name AVP of non-authentication procedures. By default, this feature is disabled.

Usage Guidelines

As part of 2015 4G network upgrade release, no leading digit is included in the User-Name AVP of non-authentication procedures like AAR and STR. For backward compatibility, the 3GPP AAA server accepts User-Name with and without the leading digit.

This CLI command is used to control the stripping of leading digit in the User-Name AVP. This feature is applicable to all authentication and authorization interfaces like S6b, STa and SWm and not for accounting interfaces. This CLI command is applicable only for AAR and STR messages.

If the User-Name AVP is received in RAR (for SWm and STa), the same User-Name is included in the RAA message irrespective of the CLI option. For example, if the User-Name AVP is prefixed with 0 in RAR and the CLI option for stripping is enabled, then the User-Name AVP is sent in RAA with the leading "0".


This CLI command will not take effect for aaa-custom17 and aaa-custom19 dictionaries. This CLI is not applicable for response messages (RAA/ASA) sent by chassis.


The following command strips off the leading digit in the User-Name AVP of non-authentication procedures.
diameter authentication strip-leading-digit user-name 

diameter dictionary

This command is deprecated and is replaced by the diameter accounting dictionary and diameter authentication dictionary commands. See the diameter accounting and diameter authentication commands respectively.


Exits the current configuration mode and returns to the Exec mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to return to the Exec mode.


Exits the current mode and returns to the parent configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to return to the parent configuration mode.


This command configures basic RADIUS options.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius { deadtime minutes | detect-dead-server { consecutive-failures consecutive_failures_count | response-timeout response_timeout_duration } | dictionary dictionary | max-outstanding max_messages | max-retries max_retries | max-transmissions max_transmissions | probe-message local-service-address ipv4/ipv6_address | strip-domain { authentication-only | accounting-only } | timeout idle_seconds } 
default radius { deadtime | detect-dead-server | dictionary | max-outstanding | max-retries | max-transmissions | timeout } 
no radius { detect-dead-server | max-transmissions | radius probe-message local-service-address | strip-domain } 


Removes the specified configuration.


Configures default setting for the specified keyword.

dictionary dictionary

Specifies which dictionary to use. The following table describes the possible values for dictionary :

Dictionary Description


These are dictionaries that can be customized to fit your needs. Customization information can be attained by contacting your local service representative.

XX is the integer value of the custom dictionary.


This dictionary consists only of the attributes specified in RFC 2865, RFC 2866, and RFC 2869.


This dictionary consists not only of all of the attributes in the standard dictionary, but also all of the attributes specified in 3GPP 32.015.


This dictionary consists not only of all of the attributes in the standard dictionary, but also all of the attributes specified in IS-835-A.


This dictionary consists not only of all of the attributes in the standard dictionary, but also all of the attributes specified in IS-835.


This dictionary consists not only of the 3GPP2 dictionary, but also includes Starent Networks vendor-specific attributes (VSAs) as well. The VSAs in this dictionary support a one-byte wide VSA Type field in order to support certain RADIUS applications. The one-byte limit allows support for only 256 VSAs (0 - 255). This is the default dictionary.


In 12.0 and later releases, no new attributes can be added to the starent-vsa1 dictionary. If there are any new attributes to be added, these can only be added to the starent dictionary. For more information, please contact your Cisco account representative.


This dictionary consists not only of the 3gpp2-835 dictionary, but also includes Starent Networks vendor-specific attributes (VSAs) as well. The VSAs in this dictionary support a one-byte wide VSA Type field in order to support certain RADIUS applications. The one-byte limit allows support for only 256 VSAs (0 - 255). This is the default dictionary.


This dictionary consists of all of the attributes in the starent-vsa1 dictionary and incorporates additional Starent Networks VSAs by using a two-byte VSA Type field. This dictionary is the master-set of all of the attributes in all of the dictionaries supported by the system.


This dictionary consists of all of the attributes in the starent-vsa1-835 dictionary and incorporates additional Starent Networks VSAs by using a two-byte VSA Type field. This dictionary is the master-set of all of the attributes in all of the -835 dictionaries supported by the system.

deadtime minutes

Specifies the number of minutes to wait before changing the state of a RADIUS server from "Down" to "Active". minutes must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

Default: 10


This parameter is not applicable when radius detect-dead-server keepalive is configured. For keepalive approach radius keepalive consecutive-response is used instead of radius deadtime to determine when the server is marked as reachable. For further explanation refer to radius keepalive consecutive-response command's description.


This parameter should be set to allow enough time to remedy the issue that originally caused the server's state to be changed to "Down". After the deadtime timer expires, the system returns the server's state to "Active" regardless of whether or not the issue has been fixed.


For a complete explanation of RADIUS server states, if you are using StarOS 12.3 or an earlier release, refer to the RADIUS Server State Behavior appendix in the AAA and GTPP Interface Administration and Reference. If you are using StarOS 14.0 or a later release, refer to the AAA Interface Administration and Reference.

detect-dead-server { consecutive-failures consecutive_failures_count | keepalive | response-timeout response_timeout_duration }

consecutive-failures consecutive_failures_count : Specifies the number of consecutive failures, for any AAA Manager, before a server's state is changed from "Active" to "Down". consecutive_failures_count must be an integer from 1 through 1000. Default: 4.

keepalive : Enables the AAA server alive-dead detect mechanism based on sending keepalive authentication messages to all authentication servers. Default is disabled.

response-timeout response_timeout_duration : Specifies the number of seconds, for any AAA Manager, to wait for a response to any message before a server's state is changed from "Active" to "Down". response_timeout_duration must be an integer from 1 through 65535.


If both consecutive-failures and response-timeout are configured, then both parameters must be met before a server's state is changed to "Down".


The "Active" or "Down" state of a RADIUS server as defined by the system, is based on accessibility and connectivity. For example, if the server is functional but the system has placed it into a "Down" state, it could be the result of a connectivity problem. When a RADIUS server's state is changed to "Down", a trap is sent to the management station and the deadtime timer is started.

max-outstanding max_messages

Specifies the maximum number of outstanding messages a single AAA Manager instance will queue.

max_messages must be an integer from 1 through 4000.

Default: 256

max-retries max_retries

Specifies the maximum number of times communication with a AAA server will be attempted before it is marked as "Not Responding", and the detect dead server's consecutive failures count is incremented.

max_retries must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

Default: 5

max-transmissions max_transmissions

Sets the maximum number of re-transmissions for RADIUS authentication requests. This limit is used in conjunction with max-retries parameter for each server.

When failing to communicate with a RADIUS sever, the subscriber is failed once all of the configured RADIUS servers have been exhausted, or once the configured number of maximum transmissions is reached.

For example, if three servers are configured and if the configured max-retries is 3 and max-transmissions is 12, then the primary server is tried four times (once plus three retries), the secondary server is tried four times, and then a third server is tried four times. If there is a fourth server, it is not tried because the maximum number of transmissions (12) has been reached.

max_transmissions must be an integer from 1 through 65535.

Default: Disabled

probe-message local-service-address ipv4/ipv6_address

radius probe-message : Configures AVPs to be sent in RADIUS authentication probe messages.

local-service-address : Configures the service ip-address to be sent as an AVP in RADIUS authentication probe messages.

ipv4/ipv6_address : Specifies the IP address of the server.

ip_address must be specified in IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation. A maximum of 128 RADIUS servers can be configured per context. This limit includes accounting and authentication servers.

strip-domain { authentication-only | accounting-only }

Specifies that the domain must be stripped from the user name prior to authentication or accounting.

By default, strip-domain configuration will be applied to both authentication and accounting messages, if configured.

When the argument authentication-only or accounting-only is present, strip-domain is applied only to the specified RADIUS message types.

timeout idle_seconds

Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a response from the RADIUS server before re-sending the messages.

idle_seconds must be an integer from 1 through 65535.

Default: 3

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the basic RADIUS parameters according to the RADIUS server used for the context.


The following command configures the RADIUS timeout parameter to 300 seconds.
radius timeout 300  

radius accounting

This command configures the current context's RADIUS accounting parameters.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius accounting { archive [ stop-only ] | deadtime minutes | detect-dead-server { consecutive-failures consecutive_failures_count | keepalive | response-timeout response_timeout_duration } | fire-and-forget | interim interval interim_interval | max-outstanding max_messages | max-pdu-size octets | max-retries max_retries | max-transmissions max_transmissions | timeout idle_seconds } 
default radius accounting { deadtime | detect-dead-server | fire-and-forget | max-outstanding | max-pdu-size | max-retries | max-transmissions | timeout } 
no radius accounting { archive | detect-dead-server | fire-and-forget | interim interval | max-transmissions } 


Removes the specified configuration.


Configures the default setting for the specified keyword.

archive [ stop-only ]

Enables archiving of RADIUS accounting messages in the system after the accounting message has exhausted retries to all available RADIUS accounting servers. All RADIUS accounting messages generated by a session are serially delivered to the RADIUS accounting server. That is, previous RADIUS accounting messages from the same call must be delivered and acknowledged by the RADIUS accounting server before the next RADIUS accounting message is sent to the RADIUS accounting server.

stop-only specifies archiving of only STOP accounting messages.

Default: enabled

deadtime minutes

Specifies the number of minutes to wait before changing the state of a RADIUS server from "Down" to "Active".

minutes must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

Default: 10 minutes


This parameter is not applicable when radius accounting detect-dead-server keepalive is configured. For keepalive approach radius accounting keepalive consecutive-response is used instead of radius accounting deadtime to determine when the server is marked as reachable. For further explanation refer to radius accounting keepalive consecutive-response command's description.


This parameter should be set to allow enough time to remedy the issue that originally caused the server's state to be changed to "Down". After the deadtime timer expires, the system returns the server's state to "Active" regardless of whether or not the issue has been fixed.


For a complete explanation of RADIUS server states, if you are using StarOS 12.3 or an earlier release, refer to the RADIUS Server State Behavior appendix in the AAA and GTPP Interface Administration and Reference. If you are using StarOS 14.0 or a later release, refer to the AAA Interface Administration and Reference.

detect-dead-server { consecutive-failures consecutive_failures_count | keepalive | response-timeout response_timeout_duration }

consecutive-failures consecutive_failures_count : Specifies the number of consecutive failures, for any AAA Manager, before a server's state is changed from "Active" to "Down". consecutive_failures_count must be an integer from 1 through 1000. Default: 4

keepalive : Enables the AAA server alive-dead detect mechanism based on sending keepalive authentication messages to all authentication servers. Default: disabled

response-timeout response_timeout_duration : Specifies the number of seconds, for any AAA Manager, to wait for a response to any message before a server's state is changed from "Active" to "Down". response_timeout_duration must be an integer from 1 through 65535.


If both consecutive-failures and response-timeout are configured, then both parameters must be met before a server's state is changed to "Down".


The "Active" or "Down" state of a RADIUS server as defined by the system, is based on accessibility and connectivity. For example, if the server is functional but the system has placed it into a "Down" state, it could be the result of a connectivity problem. When a RADIUS server's state is changed to "Down", a trap is sent to the management station and the deadtime timer is started.


For a complete explanation of RADIUS server states, if you are using StarOS 12.3 or an earlier release, refer to the RADIUS Server State Behavior appendix in the AAA and GTPP Interface Administration and Reference. If you are using StarOS 14.0 or a later release, refer to the AAA Interface Administration and Reference.


Enables RADIUS Fire-and-Forget accounting for the AAA group.

Default: Disabled

The request sent to the RADIUS accounting server configured under the AAA group with this keyword configured will not expect a response from the server. If the request must be sent to more than one such type of server, the acct-algorithm first-n configuration in the AAA group can be used.


The Fire-and-Forget feature is supported on GGSN, HA, PDSN and P-GW.

Keepalive feature for server state detection is supported in conjunction since there is no waiting for responses. Archiving in such a AAA group is not supported. If the server is down, the request is sent to the next server in the group. If all the servers in the group are down, the request is deleted.

This CLI is independent of the APN or subscriber profile configuration aaa secondary-group aaa_group_name .

interim interval interim_interval

Specifies the time interval, in seconds, for sending accounting INTERIM-UPDATE records.

interim_interval must be an integer from 50 through 40000000.

Default: Disabled


If RADIUS is used as the accounting protocol for the GGSN product, other commands are used to trigger periodic accounting updates. However, these commands would cause RADIUS STOP/START packets to be sent as opposed to INTERIM-UPDATE packets. Also, note that accounting interim interval settings received from a RADIUS server take precedence over those configured on the system.

max-outstanding max_messages

Specifies the maximum number of outstanding messages a single AAA Manager instance will queue.

max_messages must be an integer from 1 through 4000.

Default: 256

max-pdu-size octets

Specifies the maximum sized packet data unit which can be accepted/generated, in bytes (octets).

octets must be an integer from 512 through 2048.

Default: 2048

max-retries max_retries

Specifies the maximum number of times communication with a AAA server will be attempted before it is marked as "Not Responding" and the detect dead server consecutive failures count is incremented.

max_retries must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

Default: 5

Once the maximum number of retries is reached this is considered a single failure for the consecutive failures count for detecting dead servers.

max-transmissions max_transmissions

Sets the maximum number of transmissions for a RADIUS accounting message before the message is declared as failed.

max_transmissions must be an integer from 1 through 65535.

Default: Disabled

timeout timeout_duration

Specifies the duration to wait for a response from a RADIUS server before retransmitting a request.

timeout_duration must be an integer from 1 through 65535.

Default: 3

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure RADIUS accounting options according to the RADIUS server used for the context.


The following command configures the accounting timeout parameter to 16 seconds.
radius accounting timeout 16  

radius accounting apn-to-be-included

This command specifies the APN name inclusion for RADIUS accounting.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius accounting apn-to-be-included { gi | gn } 
default radius accounting apn-to-be-included 


Configures the default setting.


Specifies the use of Gi APN name in RADIUS accounting request. Gi APN represents the APN received in the Create PDP context request message from SGSN.


Specifies the use of Gn APN name in RADIUS accounting request. Gn APN represents the APN selected by the GGSN.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the APN name to be included for RADIUS accounting.


The following command configures the gn APN name to be included for RADIUS accounting:
radius accounting apn-to-be-included gn 

radius accounting algorithm

This command specifies the fail-over/load-balancing algorithm to select the RADIUS accounting server(s) to which accounting data must be sent.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius accounting algorithm { first-n n | first-server [ fallback ] | round-robin } 
default radius accounting algorithm 


Configures the default setting.

Default: first-server

first-n n

Default: 1 (Disabled)

Specifies that the AGW must send accounting data to n (more than one) AAA accounting servers based on their priority. The full set of accounting data is sent to each of the n AAA servers. Response from any one of the servers would suffice to proceed with the call. On receiving an ACK from any one of the servers, all retries are stopped.

n is the number of AAA servers to which accounting data will be sent, and must be an integer from 2 through 128.

first-server [ fallback ]

Specifies that the context must send accounting data to the RADIUS accounting server with the highest configured priority. In the event that this server becomes unreachable, accounting data is sent to the accounting server with the next-highest configured priority. This is the default algorithm.

fallback : This algorithm is an extension of the existing "first-server " algorithm. This algorithm specifies that the context must send accounting data to the RADIUS server with the highest configured priority. When the server is unreachable, accounting data is sent to the server with the next highest configured priority. If a higher priority server recovers back, the accounting requests of existing sessions and new sessions are sent to the newly recovered server.

This new algorithm behaves similar to "first-server " algorithm, i.e. the accounting data is sent to the highest priority RADIUS/mediation server at any point of time.

If the highest priority server is not reachable, accounting data is sent to the next highest priority server. The difference between "first-server " and "first-server fallback " is that, with the new algorithm, if a higher priority server recovers, all new RADIUS requests of existing sessions and new accounting sessions are sent to the newly available higher priority server. In the case of "first-server " algorithm, the accounting requests of existing sessions continued to be sent to the same server to which the previous accounting requests of those sessions were sent.

The following are the two scenarios during which the requests might be sent to lower priority servers even though a higher priority server is available:
  • When radius max-outstanding command or max-rate is configured, there are chances that the generated requests might be queued and waiting to be sent when bandwidth is available. If a higher priority server recovers, the queued requests will not be switched to the newly available higher priority server.
  • When a higher priority server becomes reachable, all existing requests, which are being retried to a lower priority server, will not be switched to the newly available higher priority RADIUS server.


Specifies that the context must load balance sending accounting data among all of the defined RADIUS accounting servers. Accounting data is sent in a circular queue fashion on a per Session Manager task basis, where data is sent to the next available server and restarts at the beginning of the list of configured servers. The order of the list is based upon the configured relative priority of the servers.

In releases to prior to 17, for subscribers with IMSI containing hexadecimal characters the round robin algorithm fails causing the messages to be forwarded to a single RADIUS server all the time. This algorithm works only for decimal based IMSI addresses. In 17 and later releases, support is extended to hexadecimal based IMSI addresses. That is, IMSI based round robin would be done for subscribers with hexadecimal based IMSI addresses.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the algorithm to select the RADIUS accounting server(s) to which accounting data must be sent.


The following command configures to use the round-robin algorithm for RADIUS accounting server selection:
radius accounting algorithm round-robin 

radius accounting billing-version

This command configures billing-system version of RADIUS accounting servers.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius accounting billing-version version 
default radius accounting billing-version 


Configures the default setting.

Default: 0


Specifies the billing-system version, and must be an integer from 0 through 4294967295.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the billing-system version of RADIUS accounting servers.


The following command configures the billing-system version of RADIUS accounting servers as 10 :
radius accounting billing-version 10  

radius accounting gtp trigger-policy

This command configures the RADIUS accounting trigger policy for GTP messages.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius accounting gtp trigger-policy [ standard | ggsn-preservation-mode ] 
default radius accounting gtp trigger-policy 


Resets the RADIUS accounting trigger policy to standard behavior for GTP session.


This keyword sets the RADIUS accounting trigger policy to standard behavior which is configured for GTP session for GGSN service.


This keyword sends RADIUS Accounting Start when the GTP message with private extension of preservation mode is received from SGSN.


This is a customer-specific keyword and needs customer-specific license to use this feature. For more information on GGSN preservation mode, refer to the GGSN Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the trigger policy for the AAA accounting for a GTP session.


The following command sets the RADIUS accounting trigger policy for GTP session to standard:
default radius accounting gtp trigger-policy 

radius accounting ha policy

This command configures the RADIUS accounting policy for Home Agent (HA) sessions.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius accounting ha policy { custom1-aaa-res-mgmt | session-start-stop } 
default radius accounting ha policy 


Configures the default setting.


Specifies sending Accounting Start when the Session is connected, and sending Accounting Stop when the session is disconnected. This is the default behavior.


Accounting Start/Stop messages are generated to assist special resource management done by AAA servers. It is similar to the session-start-stop accounting policy, except for the following differences:
  • Accounting Start is also generated during MIP session handoffs.

  • No Accounting stop is generated when an existing session is overwritten and the new session continues to use the IP address assigned for the old session.

  • Accounting Start is generated when a new call overwrites an existing session.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the AAA accounting behavior for an HA session.


The following command configures the HA accounting policy to custom1-aaa-res-mgmt:
radius accounting ha policy custom1-aaa-res-mgmt 

radius accounting interim

This command configures the volume of uplink and downlink volume octet counts that trigger RADIUS interim accounting, and configures the time period between the sending of interim accounting records.







Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius accounting interim { interval interim_interval | volume { downlink bytes uplink bytes | total bytes | uplink bytes downlink bytes } } 
no radius accounting interim volume 


Disables RADIUS interim accounting.

interval interim_interval

Specifies the time interval, in seconds, between sending interim accounting records. interim_interval must be an integer from 50 through 40000000.

volume { downlink bytes uplink bytes | total bytes | uplink bytes downlink bytes }

downlink bytes uplink bytes : Specifies the downlink to uplink volume limit, in bytes, for RADIUS Interim accounting. bytes must be an integer from 100000 through 4000000000.

total bytes : Specifies the total volume limit, in bytes, for RADIUS interim accounting. bytes must be an integer from 100000 through 4000000000.

uplink bytes downlink bytes : Specifies the uplink to downlink volume limit, in bytes, for RADIUS interim accounting. bytes must be an integer from 100000 through 4000000000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to trigger RADIUS interim accounting based on the volume of uplink and downlink bytes and/or to configure the time interval between the sending of interim accounting records.


The following command triggers RADIUS interim accounting when the total volume of uplink and downlink bytes reaches 110000 :
radius accounting interim volume total 110000 
The following command sets the interval between sending interim accounting records to 3 minutes (180 seconds):
radius accounting interim interval 180  

radius accounting ip remote-address

This command configures IP remote address-based RADIUS accounting parameters.





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] radius accounting ip remote-address { collection | list list_id } 


Removes the specified configuration.


Enables collecting and reporting Remote-Address-Based accounting in RADIUS Accounting. This should be enabled in the AAA Context. It is disabled by default.

list list_id

Enters the Remote Address List Configuration mode. This mode configures a list of remote addresses that can be referenced by the subscriber's profile.

list_id must be an integer from 1 through 65535.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used as part of the Remote Address-based Accounting feature to both configure remote IP address lists and enable the collection of accounting data for the addresses in those lists on a per-subscriber basis.

Individual subscriber can be associated to remote IP address lists through the configuration/specification of an attribute in their local or RADIUS profile. (Refer to the radius accounting command in the Subscriber Configuration mode.) When configured/specified, accounting data is collected pertaining to the subscriber's communication with any of the remote addresses specified in the list.

Once this functionality is configured on the system and in the subscriber profiles, it must be enabled by executing this command with the collection keyword.


The following command enables collecting and reporting Remote-Address-Based accounting in RADIUS Accounting:
radius accounting ip remote-address collection 

radius accounting keepalive

This command configures the keepalive authentication parameters for the RADIUS accounting server.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius accounting keepalive { calling-station-id id | consecutive-response consecutive_responses | framed-ip-address ipv4/ipv6_address| interval seconds | retries number | timeout seconds | username user_name } 
default radius accounting keepalive { calling-station-id | consecutive-response | interval | retries | timeout | username } 
no radius accounting keepalive framed-ip-address 


Removes the specified configuration.


Configures the default setting for the specified keyword.

calling-station-id id

Configures the Calling-Station-Id to be used for the keepalive authentication.

id must be an alphanumeric string of size 1 to 15 characters.

Default: 000000000000000

consecutive-response consecutive_responses

Configures the number of consecutive authentication response after which the server is marked as reachable.

consecutive_responses must be an integer from 1 through 10.

Default: 1


The keepalive request is tried every 0.5 seconds (non-configurable) to mark the server as up.


In this case (for keepalive approach) "radius accounting deadtime" parameter is not applicable.

framed-ip-address ip v4/ipv6 _address

Configures the framed-ip-address to be used for the keepalive accounting.

ip v4/ipv6 _address must be specified using IPv4 dotted-decimal notation or IPv6 colon-separated hexadecimal notation.

  • The gateway supports only one type of transport within one AAA group. The AAA group should have the NAS IP and RADIUS servers of same transport type (IPv4 or IPv6). In Release 19, a combination of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses is not supported.
  • The IPv6 Address Configuration support is available for GGSN, HA, PDSN and P-GW products only. If other products are used in conjunction with these supported products and shared the same AAA group, then the IPv6 address should not be configured.

interval seconds

Configures the time interval between the two keepalive access requests.

Default: 30 seconds

retries number

Configures the number of times the keepalive access request to be sent before marking the server as unreachable.

number must be an integer from 3 through 10.

Default: 3

timeout timeout_duration

Configures the time interval between each keepalive access request retries.

timeout_duration must be an integer from 1 through 30.

Default: 3 seconds

username user_name

Configures the user name to be used for authentication.

user_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters.

Default: Test-Username

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the keepalive authentication parameters for the RADIUS accounting server.


The following command sets the user name for RADIUS keepalive access requests to Test-Username2 :
radius accounting keepalive username Test-Username2 
The following command sets the number of RADIUS accounting keepalive retries to 4 .
radius accounting keepalive retries 4  

radius accounting pdif trigger-policy

This command configures the policy for generating START/STOP pairs in overflow condition.




Administrator, Security Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius accounting pdif trigger-policy { standard | counter-rollover } 
default radius accounting pdif trigger-policy 


The default option configures the "standard" policy.


Applies a policy as defined by the standards.


If the counter-rollover option is enabled, the system generates a STOP/START pair before input/output data octet counts (or input/output data packet counts) become larger than (2^32 - 1) in value. This setting is used to guarantee that a 32-bit octet count in any STOP message has not wrapped to larger than 2^32 thus ensuring the accuracy of the count. The system may, at its discretion, send the STOP/START pair at any time, so long as it does so before the 32-bit counter has wrapped.

Usage Guidelines

Used to define the policy for dealing with overflow packet counts.


Use the following example to set the default policy to standard .
default radius accounting pdif trigger-policy 

radius accounting rp

This command configures the RADIUS accounting R-P originated call options.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius accounting rp { handoff-stop { immediate | wait-active-stop } | tod minute hour | trigger-event { active-handoff | active-start-param-change | active-stop } | trigger-policy { airlink-usage [ counter-rollover ] | custom [ active-handoff | active-start-param-change | active-stop ] | standard } | trigger-stop-start } 
no radius accounting rp { tod minute hour | trigger-event { active-handoff | active-start-param-change | active-stop } | trigger-stop-start } 
default radius accounting rp { handoff-stop | trigger-policy } 


Removes the specified configuration.


Sets the default configuration for the specified keyword.

handoff-stop { immediate | wait-active-stop }

Specifies the behavior of generating accounting STOP when handoff occurs.
  • immediate : Indicates that accounting STOP should be generated immediately on handoff, i.e. not to wait active-stop from the old PCF.

  • wait-active-stop : Indicates that accounting STOP is generated only when active-stop received from the old PCF when handoff occurs.

Default: wait-active-stop

tod minute hour

Specifies the time of day a RADIUS event is to be generated for accounting. Up to four different times of the day may be specified through individual commands.

minute must be an integer from 0 through 59.

hour must be an integer from 0 through 23.

trigger-event { active-handoff | active-start-param-change | active-stop }

active-start-param-change : Enabled

active-stop : Disabled

Configures the events for which a RADIUS event is generated for accounting as one of the following:
  • active-handoff : Disables a single R-P event (and therefore a RADIUS accounting event) when an Active PCF-to-PFC Handoff occurs. Instead, two R-P events occur (one for the Connection Setup, and the second for the Active-Start)

  • active-start-param-change : Disables an R-P event (and therefore a RADIUS accounting event) when an Active-Start is received from the PCF and there has been a parameter change.

  • active-stop : Disables an R-P event (and therefore a RADIUS accounting event) when an Active-Stop is received from the PCF.

Default: active-handoff : Disabled


This keyword has been obsoleted by the trigger-policy keyword. Note that if this command is used, if the context configuration is displayed, radius accounting rp configuration is represented in terms of the trigger-policy.

trigger-policy { airlink-usage [ counter-rollover ] | custom [ active-handoff | active-start-param-change | active-stop ] | standard }

Default: airlink-usage : Disabled

custom :

active-handoff = Disabled

active-start-param-change = Disabled

active-stop = Disabled

standard : Enabled

Configures the overall accounting policy for R-P sessions as one of the following:
  • airlink-usage [ counter-rollover ] : Specifies the use of Airlink-Usage RADIUS accounting policy for R-P, which generates a start on Active-Starts, and a stop on Active-Stops.

  • If the counter-rollover option is enabled, the system generates a STOP/START pair before input/output data octet counts (or input/output data packet counts) become larger than (2^32 - 1) in value. This setting is used to guarantee that a 32-bit octet count in any STOP message has not wrapped to larger than 2^32 thus ensuring the accuracy of the count. The system, may, at its discretion, send the STOP/START pair at any time, so long as it does so before the 32-bit counter has wrapped. Note that a STOP/START pair is never generated unless the subscriber RP session is in the Active state, since octet/packet counts are not accumulated when in the Dormant state.

  • custom : Specifies the use of custom RADIUS accounting policy for R-P. The custom policy can consist of the following:

  • active-handoff : Enables a single R-P event (and therefore a RADIUS accounting event) when an Active PCF-to-PFC Handoff occurs. Normally two R-P events will occur (one for the Connection Setup, and the second for the Active-Start)

  • active-start-param-change : Enables an R-P event (and therefore a RADIUS accounting event) when an Active-Start is received from the PCF and there has been a parameter change.


    Note that a custom trigger policy with only active-start-param-change enabled is identical to the standard trigger-policy.

  • active-stop : Enables an R-P event (and therefore a RADIUS accounting event) when an Active-Stop is received from the PCF.


    If the radius accounting rp trigger-policy custom command is executed without any of the optional keywords, all custom options are disabled.

  • standard : Specifies the use of Standard RADIUS accounting policy for R-P in accordance with IS-835B.


Specifies that a stop/start RADIUS accounting pair should be sent to the RADIUS server when an applicable R-P event occurs.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the events for which a RADIUS event is sent to the server when the accounting procedures vary between servers.


The following command enables an R-P event (and therefore a RADIUS accounting event) when an Active-Stop is received from the PCF:
radius accounting rp trigger-event active-stop 
The following command generates the STOP only when active-stop received from the old PCF when handoff occurs:
default radius accounting rp handoff-stop 

radius accounting server

For accounting, this command configures the RADIUS accounting server(s) in the current context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius [ mediation-device ] accounting server ipv4/ipv6_address [ encrypted ] key value [ acct-on { disable | enable } ] [ acct-off { disable | enable } ] [ admin-status { disable | enable } ] [ max max_messages ] [ max-rate max_value ] [ oldports ] [ port port_number ] [ priority priority ] [ type { mediation-device | standard } ] [ -noconfirm ] 
no radius [ mediation-device ] accounting server ipv4/ipv6_address [ oldports | port port_number ] 


Removes the server or server port(s) specified from the list of configured servers.


Enables mediation-device specific AAA transactions use to communicate with this RADIUS server.


If this option is not used, by default the system enables standard AAA transactions.

ip v4/ipv6 _address

Specifies the IP address of the accounting server. ip_address must be specified using IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation. A maximum of 1600 RADIUS servers per context/system and 128 servers per server group can be configured. This limit includes accounting and authentication servers.

  • The gateway supports only one type of transport within one AAA group. The AAA group should have the NAS IP and RADIUS servers of same transport type (IPv4 or IPv6). In Release 19, a combination of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses is not supported.
  • The IPv6 Address Configuration support is available for GGSN, HA, PDSN and P-GW products only. If other products are used in conjunction with these supported products and shared the same AAA group, then the IPv6 address should not be configured.


The same RADIUS server IP address and port can be configured in multiple RADIUS server groups within a context.

port port_number

Specifies the port number to use for communications. port_number must be an integer from 0 through 65535. Default is 1813.


The same RADIUS server IP address and port can be configured in multiple RADIUS server groups within a context.

[ encrypted ] key value

Specifies the shared secret key used to authenticate the client to the servers. The encrypted keyword indicates the key specified is encrypted.

In 12.1 and earlier releases, the key value must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters without encryption, and 1 through 256 characters with encryption.

In StarOS 12.2 and later releases, the key value must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters without encryption, and 1 through 236 characters with encryption enabled.

The encrypted keyword is intended only for use by the chassis while saving configuration scripts. The system displays the encrypted keyword in the configuration file as a flag that the variable following the key keyword is the encrypted version of the plaint text key. Only the encrypted key is saved as part of the configuration file.

acct-on { disable | enable }

This keyword enables/disables sending of the Accounting-On message when a new RADIUS server is added to the configuration. By default, this keyword will be disabled.

When enabled, the Accounting-On message is sent when a new RADIUS server is added in the configuration. However, if for some reason the Accounting-On message cannot be sent at the time of server configuration (for example, if the interface is down), then the message is sent as soon as possible. Once the Accounting-On message is sent, if it is not responded to after the configured RADIUS accounting timeout, the message is retried the configured number of RADIUS accounting retries. Once all retries have been exhausted, the system no longer attempts to send the Accounting-On message for this server.

In releases prior to 18.0, whenever a chassis boots up or when a new RADIUS accounting server or RADIUS mediation-device accounting server is configured with Acct-On configuration enabled, the state of the RADIUS server in all the AAA manager instances was initialized to "Waiting-for-response-to-Accounting-On". The Acct-On transmission and retries are processed by the Admin-AAAmgr.

When the Acct-On transaction is complete (i.e., when a response for Accounting-On message is received or when Accounting-On message is retried and timed-out), Admin-AAAmgr changes the state of the RADIUS accounting server to Active in all the AAA manager instances. During the period when the state of the server is in "Waiting-for-response-to-Accounting-On", any new RADIUS accounting messages which are generated as part of a new call will not be transmitted towards the RADIUS accounting server but it will be queued. Only when the state changes to Active, these queued up messages will be transmitted to the server.

During ICSR, if the interface of the radius nas-ip address is srp-activated, then in the standby chassis, the sockets for the nas-ip will not be created. The current behavior is that if the interface is srp-activated Accounting-On transaction will not happen at ICSR standby node and the state of the RADIUS server in all the AAAmgr instances will be shown as "Waiting-for-response-to-Accounting-On" till the standby node becomes Active.

In 18.0 and later releases, whenever the chassis boots up or when a new RADIUS accounting server or RADIUS mediation-device accounting server is configured with Acct-On configuration enabled, the state of the RADIUS server will be set to Active for all the non-Admin-AAAmgr instances and will be set to "Waiting-for-response-to-Accounting-On" for only Admin-AAAmgr instance. The Accounting-On transaction logic still holds good from Admin-AAAmgr perspective. However, when any new RADIUS accounting messages are generated even before the state changes to Active in Admin-AAAmgr, these newly generated RADIUS accounting messages will not be queued at the server level and will be transmitted to the RADIUS server immediately.

During ICSR, even if the interface of radius nas-ip address is srp-activated, the state of the RADIUS accounting server will be set to Active in all non-Admin-AAAmgr instances and will be set to "Waiting-for-response-to-Accounting-On" in Admin-AAAmgr instance.

acct-off { disable | enable }

Disables and enables the sending of the Accounting-Off message when a RADIUS server is removed from the configuration.

The Accounting-Off message is sent when a RADIUS server is removed from the configuration, or when there is an orderly shutdown. However, if for some reason the Accounting-On message cannot be sent at this time, it is never sent. The Accounting-Off message is sent only once, regardless of how many accounting retries are enabled.

Default: enable

max max_messages

Specifies the maximum number of outstanding messages that may be allowed to the server.

max_messages must be an integer from 0 through 4000.

Default: 0

max-rate max_value

Specifies the rate at which the accounting messages should be sent to the RADIUS server by a single AAA manager task.

max_value must be an integer from 0 through 1000.

Default: 0 (disabled)


Sets the UDP communication port to the out of date standardized default for RADIUS communications to 1646.

priority priority

Specifies the relative priority of this accounting server. The priority is used in server selection for determining which server to send accounting data to.

priority must be an integer from 1 through 1000, where 1 is the highest priority. When configuring two or more servers with the same priority you will be asked to confirm that you want to do this. If you use the -noconfirm option, you are not asked for confirmation and multiple servers could be assigned the same priority.

Default: 1000

type { mediation-device | standard }

mediation-device : Obsolete keyword.

Specifies the type of AAA transactions to use to communicate with this RADIUS server.

standard : Use standard AAA transactions.

Default: standard

admin-status { disable | enable }

Configures the admin-status for the RADIUS accounting server.

enable : Enables the RADIUS accounting server.

disable : Disables the RADIUS accounting server.


Specifies that the command must execute without any prompts and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the RADIUS accounting servers with which the system must communicate for accounting.

You can configure up to 1600 RADIUS servers per context/system and 128 servers per server group. The servers can be configured as Accounting, Authentication, Charging servers, or any combination thereof.


The following command sets the accounting server with mediation device transaction for AAA server :
radius mediation-device accounting server key sharedKey port 1024 max 127 

radius algorithm

This command configures the RADIUS authentication server selection algorithm for the current context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius algorithm { first-server | round-robin } 
default radius algorithm 


Configures the default setting.

Default: first-server


Authentication data is sent to the first available authentication server based upon the relative priority of each configured server.


Authentication data is sent in a circular queue fashion on a per Session Manager task basis where data is sent to the next available authentication server and restarts at the beginning of the list of configured servers. The order of the list is based upon the configured relative priority of the servers.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the context's RADIUS authentication server selection algorithm to ensure proper load distribution amongst the available authentication servers.


The following command configures to use the round-robin algorithm for RADIUS authentication server selection:
radius algorithm round-robin 

radius allow

This command configures the system behavior for allowing subscriber sessions when RADIUS accounting and/or authentication is unavailable.


All products used in CDMA deployments


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] radius allow { authentication-down | accounting-down } 


Specifies that the specified option is to be disabled.


Allows sessions while authentication is not available (down).

Default: Disabled


Allows sessions while accounting is unavailable (down).

Default: Enabled

Usage Guidelines

Allow sessions during system troubles when the risk of IP address and/or subscriber spoofing is minimal. The denial of sessions may cause dissatisfaction with subscribers at the cost/expense of verification and/or accounting data.


Please note that this command is applicable ONLY to CDMA products. To configure this functionality in UMTS/LTE products (GGSN/P-GW/SAEGW), use the command mediation-device delay-GTP-response in APN Configuration mode.


The following command configures the RADIUS server to allow the sessions while accounting is unavailable.
radius allow accounting-down 

radius attribute

This command configures the system's RADIUS identification parameters.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius attribute { accounting accounting_attribute | authentication authentication_attribute | nas-identifier nas_id | nas-ip-address address primary_ipv4/ipv6_address [ backup secondary_ipv4/ipv6_address ] [ nexthop-forwarding-address nexthop_ipv4/ipv6_address ] [ mpls-label input in_label_value | output out_label_value1 [ out_label_value2 ] [ vlan vlan_id ] ] } 
no radius attribute { accounting accounting_attribute | authentication authentication_attribute  | nas-identifier | nas-ip-address } 
default radius attribute { accounting | authentication | nas-identifier }  


Removes or disables the specified configuration.


Configures the default setting(s).

accounting accounting_attribute

Enables RADIUS accounting attributes for the following options, provided they are supported in the configured RADIUS dictionary:

  • 3gpp-cg-address

  • 3gpp-charging-characteristics

  • 3gpp-charging-id

  • 3gpp-ggsn-address

  • 3gpp-ggsn-mcc-mnc

  • 3gpp-gprs-qos-negotiated-profile

  • 3gpp-imeisv

  • 3gpp-imsi-mcc-mnc

  • 3gpp-ms-timezone

  • 3gpp-nsapi

  • 3gpp-pdp-type

  • 3gpp-rat-type

  • 3gpp-select-mode

  • 3gpp-session-stopindicator

  • 3gpp-sgsn-address

  • 3gpp-sgsn-mcc-mnc

  • 3gpp-user-location-info

  • acct-authentic

  • acct-delay-time

  • acct-input-octets

  • acct-input-packets

  • acct-output-octets

  • acct-output-packets

  • acct-session-id

  • acct-session-time

  • acct-statustype

  • called-station-id

  • calling-station-id

  • class

  • event-timestamp

  • framed-ip-address

  • framed-ipv6-prefix

    In Releases 19.4 and beyond, this attribute option will also include delegated-ipv6-prefix to support DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation via RADIUS server.

  • imsi

  • nas-identifier

  • nas-ip-address

  • nas-port-id

  • nas-port-type

  • service-type

  • username

By default, all of the attributes are enabled except for nas-port-id attribute.

authentication authentication_attribute

Enables RADIUS authentication attributes for the following options, provided they are supported in the configured RADIUS dictionary:

  • 3gpp-cg-address

  • 3gpp-charging-characteristics

  • 3gpp-ggsn-address

  • 3gpp-ggsn-mcc-mnc

  • 3gpp-gprs-qos-negotiated-profile

  • 3gpp-imeisv

  • 3gpp-imsi-mcc-mnc

  • 3gpp-ms-timezone

  • 3gpp-nsapi

  • 3gpp-pdp-type

  • 3gpp-rat-type

  • 3gpp-select-mode

  • 3gpp-sgsn-address

  • 3gpp-sgsn-mcc-mnc

  • 3gpp-user-location-info

  • called-station-id

  • calling-station-id

  • chap-challenge

  • framed-ipaddress

  • framed-ipv6-prefix

  • imsi

  • nas-identifier

  • nas-ip-address

  • nas-port-id

  • nas-port-type

  • service-type

  • username

By default, all of the attributes are enabled except for nas-port-id attribute.

nas-identifier nas_id

Specifies the attribute name by which the system will be identified in Access-Request messages. nas_id must be a case-sensitive alphanumeric string of 1 through 32 characters.

nas-ip-address address primary_ ipv4/ipv6_ address

Specifies the AAA interface IP address(es) used to identify the system. Up to two addresses can be configured.

primary_ ipv4/ipv6_ address : The IP address of the primary interface to use in the current context. This must be specified using the IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

  • The gateway supports only one type of transport within one AAA group. The AAA group should have the NAS IP and RADIUS servers of same transport type (IPv4 or IPv6). In this release, a combination of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses is not supported.
  • When a RADIUS server is configured in non-default AAA group without nas-ip, the NAS IP is taken from the default group. In this scenario, the IP address should be of the same transport type.
  • The IPv6 Address Configuration support is available for GGSN, HA, PDSN and P-GW products only. If other products are used in conjunction with these supported products and shared the same AAA group, then the IPv6 address should not be configured.
  • It is recommended that the primary and secondary server IP addresses should be of the same transport type.

backup secondary_ ipv4/ipv6_ address

backup : The IP address of the secondary interface to use in the current context. This must be specified using IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

  • The gateway supports only one type of transport within one AAA group. The AAA group should have the NAS IP and RADIUS servers of same transport type (IPv4 or IPv6). In this release, a combination of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses is not supported.
  • When a RADIUS server is configured in non-default AAA group without nas-ip, the NAS IP is taken from the default group. In this scenario, the IP address should be of the same transport type.
  • The IPv6 Address Configuration support is available for GGSN, HA, PDSN and P-GW products only. If other products are used in conjunction with these supported products and shared the same AAA group, then the IPv6 address should not be configured.
  • It is recommended that the primary and secondary server IP addresses should be of the same transport type.

nexthop-forwarding-address nexthop_ ipv4/ipv6_ address

Configures next hop IP address for this NAS IP address. It optionally sets the RADIUS client to provide VLAN ID and nexthop forwarding address to system when running in single nexthop gateway mode.

nexthop_ ipv4/ipv6_ address must be specified using IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

  • The gateway supports only one type of transport within one AAA group. The AAA group should have the NAS IP and RADIUS servers of same transport type (IPv4 or IPv6). In Release 19, a combination of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses is not supported.
  • The IPv6 Address Configuration support is available for GGSN, HA, PDSN and P-GW products only. If other products are used in conjunction with these supported products and shared the same AAA group, then the IPv6 address should not be configured.


To define more than one NAS IP address per context, in Global Configuration Mode use the aaa large-configuration command. If enabled, for a PDSN a maximum of 400 and for a GGSN a maximum of 800 NAS IP addresses/NAS identifiers (1 primary and 1 secondary per server group) can be configured per context.

mpls-label input in_label_value | output out_label_value1 [ out_label_value2 ]

Configures the traffic from the specified RADIUS client NAS IP address to use the specified MPLS labels.
  • in_label_value is the MPLS label that will identify inbound traffic destined for the configured NAS IP address.
  • out_label_value1 and out_label_value2 identify the MPLS labels to be added to packets sent from the specified NAS IP address.
  • out_label_value1 is the inner output label.
  • out_label_value2 is the outer output label.

MPLS label values must be an integer from 16 to 1048575.

vlan vlan_id

This optional keyword sets the RADIUS client to provide VLAN ID with nexthop forwarding address to system when running in single nexthop gateway mode.

vlan_id must be a pre-configured VLAN ID, and must be an integer from 1 through 4096. It is the VLAN ID to be provided to the system in RADIUS attributes.

This option is available only when nexthop-forwarding gateway is also configured with nexthop-forwarding-address nexthop_address keyword and aaa-large configuration is enabled at Global Configuration level.

Usage Guidelines

This is necessary for NetWare Access Server usage such as the system must be identified to the NAS.

The system supports the concept of the active NAS-IP-Address. The active NAS-IP-Address is defined as the current source IP address for RADIUS messages being used by the system. This is the content of the NAS-IP-Address attribute in each RADIUS message.

The system will always have exactly one active NAS-IP-Address. The active NAS-IP-Address will start as the primary NAS-IP-Address. However, the active NAS-IP-Address may switch from the primary to the backup, or the backup to the primary. The following events will occur when the active NAS-IP-Address is switched:
  • All current in-process RADIUS accounting messages from the entire system are cancelled. The accounting message is re-sent, with retries preserved, using the new active NAS-IP-Address. Acct-Delay-Time, however, is updated to reflect the time that has occurred since the accounting event. The value of Event-Timestamp is preserved.

  • All current in-process RADIUS authentication messages from the entire system are cancelled. The authentication message is re-sent, with retries preserved, using the new active NAS-IP-Address. The value of Event-Timestamp is preserved.

  • All subsequent in-process RADIUS requests uses the new active NAS-IP-Address.

The system uses a revertive algorithm when transitioning active NAS IP addresses as described below:
  • If the configured primary NAS-IP-Address transitions from UP to DOWN, and the backup NAS-IP-Address is UP, then the active NAS-IP-Address switches from the primary to the backup NAS-IP-Address.

  • If the backup NAS-IP-Address is active, and the primary NAS-IP-Address transitions from DOWN to UP, then the active NAS-IP-Address switches from the backup to the primary NAS-IP-Address.


The following command configures the RADIUS identification parameter, NAS IP address to .
radius attribute nas-ip-address  

radius authenticate

This command configures RADIUS authentication related parameters.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius authenticate { apn-to-be-included { gi | gn } | null-username } 
default radius authenticate { apn-to-be-included | null-username } 
no radius authenticate null-username 


Configures the default setting.

no radius authenticate null-username

Disables sending an Access-Request message to the AAA server for user names (NAI) that are blank.


Specifies the APN name to be included for RADIUS authentication.

gi : Specifies the usage of Gi APN name in RADIUS authentication request. Gi APN represents the APN received in the Create PDP Context request message from SGSN.

gn : Specifies the usage of Gn APN name in RADIUS authentication request. Gn APN represents the APN selected by the GGSN.


Specifies attempting RADIUS authentication even if the provided user name is NULL (empty).

Default: Enables authenticating, sending Access-Request messages to the AAA server, all user names, including NULL user names.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to disable, or re-enable, sending Access-Request messages to the AAA server for user names (NAI) that are blank (NULL).


The following command disables sending of Access-Request messages for user names (NAI) that are blank:
no radius authenticate null-username 
The following command re-enables sending of Access-Request messages for user names (NAI) that are blank:
radius authenticate null-username 

radius authenticator-validation

This command enables/disables the MD5 authentication of RADIUS user. MD5 authentication is enabled by default.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ default | no ] radius authenticator-validation 


Disables MD5 authentication validation for an Access-Request message to the AAA server.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to disable or re-enable, sending Access-Request messages to the AAA server for MD5 validation.


The following command disables MD5 authentication validation for Access-Request messages for user names (NAI):
no radius authenticator-validation 
The following command enables MD5 authentication validation for Access-Request messages for user names (NAI):
radius authenticator-validation 

radius charging

This command configures basic RADIUS options for Active Charging Service (ACS).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius charging { deadtime dead_time | detect-dead-server { consecutive-failures consecutive_failures_count | response-timeout response_timeout_duration } | max-outstanding max_messages | max-retries max_retries | max-transmissions max_transmissions | timeout idle_seconds } 
default radius charging { deadtime | detect-dead-server | max-outstanding | max-retries | max-transmissions | timeout }  
no radius charging { detect-dead-server | max-transmissions | timeout }  


Removes the specified configuration.


Configures the default setting for the specified keyword.

deadtime dead_time

Specifies the number of minutes to wait before attempting to communicate with a server that has been marked as unreachable.

dead_time must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

Default: 10

detect-dead-server { consecutive-failures consecutive_failures_count | response-timeout response_timeout_duration }

consecutive-failures consecutive_failures_count : Specifies the number of consecutive failures, for each AAA Manager, before a server is marked as unreachable.

consecutive_failures_count must be an integer from 1 through 1000.

Default: 4

response-timeout response_timeout_duration : Specifies the number of seconds for each AAA Manager to wait for a response to any message before a server is detected as failed, or in a down state.

response_timeout_duration must be an integer from 1 through 65535.

max-outstanding max_messages

Specifies the maximum number of outstanding messages a single AAA Manager instance will queue.

max_messages must be an integer from 1 through 4000.

Default: 256

max-retries max_retries

Specifies the maximum number of times communication with a AAA server will be attempted before it is marked as unreachable, and the detect dead servers consecutive failures count is incremented.

max_retries must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

Default: 5

max-transmissions max_transmissions

Sets the maximum number of re-transmissions for RADIUS authentication requests. This limit is used in conjunction with the max-retries parameter for each server.

When failing to communicate with a RADIUS sever, the subscriber is failed once all of the configured RADIUS servers have been exhausted or once the configured number of maximum transmissions is reached.

For example, if three servers are configured and if the configured max-retries is 3 and max-transmissions is 12, then the primary server is tried four times (once plus three retries), the secondary server is tried four times, and then a third server is tried four times. If there is a fourth server, it is not tried because the maximum number of transmissions (12) has been reached.

max_transmissions must be an integer from 1 through 65535.

Default: Disabled

timeout idle_seconds

Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a response from the RADIUS server before re-sending the messages.

idle_seconds must be an integer from 1 through 65535.

Default: 3

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to manage the basic Charging Service RADIUS options according to the RADIUS server used for the context.


The following command configures the AAA server to be marked as unreachable when the consecutive failure count exceeds 6 :
radius charging detect-dead-server consecutive-failures 6 
The following command sets the timeout value to 300 seconds to wait for a response from RADIUS server before resending the messages:
radius charging timeout 300 

radius charging accounting algorithm

This command specifies the fail-over/load-balancing algorithm to be used for selecting RADIUS servers for charging services.





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius charging accounting algorithm { first-n n | first-server | round-robin } 

first-n n

Specifies that the AGW must send accounting data to n (more than one) AAA servers based on their priority. Response from any one of the n AAA servers would suffice to proceed with the call. The full set of accounting data is sent to each of the n AAA servers.

n is the number of AAA servers to which accounting data will be sent, and must be an integer from 2 through 128.

Default: 1 (Disabled)


Specifies that the context must send accounting data to the RADIUS server with the highest configured priority. In the event that this server becomes unreachable, accounting data is sent to the server with the next-highest configured priority. This is the default algorithm.


Specifies that the context must load balance sending accounting data among all of the defined RADIUS servers. Accounting data is sent in a circular queue fashion on a per Session Manager task basis, where data is sent to the next available server and restarts at the beginning of the list of configured servers. The order of the list is based upon the configured relative priority of the servers.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the accounting algorithm to use to select RADIUS servers for charging services configured in the current context.


The following command configures to use the round-robin algorithm for RADIUS server selection:
radius charging accounting algorithm round-robin 

radius charging accounting server

This command configures RADIUS charging accounting servers in the current context for ACS Prepaid Accounting.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius charging accounting server ipv4/ipv6_address [ encrypted ] key value [ max max_messages ] [ oldports ] [ port port_number ] [ priority priority ] [ admin-status { enable | disable } ] [ -noconfirm ] 
no radius charging accounting server ipv4/ipv6_address [ oldports | port port_number ] 


Removes the server or server port(s) specified from the list of configured servers.

ip v4/ipv6 _address

Specifies the IP address of the accounting server. ip_address must be specified using IPv4 dotted-decimal notation or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation. A maximum of 128 RADIUS servers can be configured per context. This limit includes accounting and authentication servers.

  • The gateway supports only one type of transport within one AAA group. The AAA group should have the NAS IP and RADIUS servers of same transport type (IPv4 or IPv6). In Release 19, a combination of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses is not supported.
  • The IPv6 Address Configuration support is available for GGSN, HA, PDSN and P-GW products only. If other products are used in conjunction with these supported products and shared the same AAA group, then the IPv6 address should not be configured.

[ encrypted ] key value

Specifies the shared secret key used to authenticate the client to the servers. The encrypted keyword indicates the key specified is encrypted.

In 12.1 and earlier releases, the key value must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters without encryption, and 1 through 256 characters with encryption.

In StarOS 12.2 and later releases, the key value must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters without encryption, and 1 through 236 characters with encryption enabled.

The encrypted keyword is intended only for use by the system while saving configuration scripts. The system displays the encrypted keyword in the configuration file as a flag that the variable following the key keyword is the encrypted version of the plaint text key. Only the encrypted key is saved as part of the configuration file.

max max_messages

Specifies the maximum number of outstanding messages that may be allowed to the server. max_messages must be an integer from 0 through 4000.

Default: 0


Sets the UDP communication port to the out of date standardized default for RADIUS communications to 1646.

port port_number

Specifies the port number to use for communication.

port_number must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

Default: 1813

priority priority

Specifies the relative priority of this accounting server. The priority is used in server selection for determining which server to send accounting data to. priority must be an integer from 1 through 1000, where 1 is the highest priority.

Default: 1000

admin-status { enable | disable }

Enables or disables the RADIUS authentication/accounting/charging server functionality and saves the status setting in the configuration file to re-establish the set status at reboot.


Specifies that the command must execute without any prompts and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to configure the RADIUS charging accounting server(s) with which the system is to communicate for ACS Prepaid Accounting requests.

Up to 128 AAA servers can be configured per context when the system is functioning as a PDSN and/or HA. Up to 16 servers are supported per context when the system is functioning as a GGSN.


The following commands configure RADIUS charging accounting server with the IP address set to, port to 1024, priority to 10:
radius charging accounting server key sharedKey212 port 1024 max 127 
radius charging accounting server encrypted key scrambledKey234 oldports priority 10 

radius charging algorithm

This command specifies the RADIUS authentication server selection algorithm for ACS for the current context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius charging algorithm { first-server | round-robin } 
default radius charging algorithm 


Configures the default setting.

Default: first-server


Accounting data is sent to the first available server based upon the relative priority of each configured server.


Accounting data is sent in a circular queue fashion on a per Session Manager task basis where data is sent to the next available server and restarts at the beginning of the list of configured servers. The order of the list is based upon the configured relative priority of the servers.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the context's RADIUS server selection algorithm for ACS to ensure proper load distribution amongst the available servers.


The following command configures to use the round-robin algorithm for RADIUS server selection:
radius algorithm round-robin 

radius charging server

This command configures the RADIUS charging server(s) in the current context for ACS Prepaid Authentication.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius charging server ipv4/ipv6_address [ encrypted ] key value [ max max_messages ] [ oldports ] [ port port_number ] [ priority priority ] [ admin-status { enable | disable } ] [ -noconfirm ] 
no radius charging server ipv4/ipv6_address [ oldports | port port_number ] 


Removes the server or server port(s) specified from the list of configured servers.

ip v4/ipv6 _address

Specifies the IP address of the server. ip v4/ipv6 _address must be specified using IPv4 dotted-decimal notation or IPv6 colon-separated hexadecimal notation. A maximum of 128 RADIUS servers can be configured per context. This limit includes accounting and authentication servers.

  • The gateway supports only one type of transport within one AAA group. The AAA group should have the NAS IP and RADIUS servers of same transport type (IPv4 or IPv6). In Release 19, a combination of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses is not supported.
  • The IPv6 Address Configuration support is available for GGSN, HA, PDSN and P-GW products only. If other products are used in conjunction with these supported products and shared the same AAA group, then the IPv6 address should not be configured.

[ encrypted ] key value

Specifies the shared secret key used to authenticate the client to the servers. The encrypted keyword indicates the key specified is encrypted.

In 12.1 and earlier releases, the key value must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters without encryption, and 1 through 256 characters with encryption.

In StarOS 12.2 and later releases, the key value must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters without encryption, and 1 through 236 characters with encryption enabled.

The encrypted keyword is intended only for use by the system while saving configuration scripts. The system displays the encrypted keyword in the configuration file as a flag that the variable following the key keyword is the encrypted version of the plain text key. Only the encrypted key is saved as part of the configuration file.

max max_messages

Specifies the maximum number of outstanding messages that may be allowed to the server. max_messages must be an integer from 0 through 4000.

Default: 256


Sets the UDP communication port to the old default for RADIUS communications to 1645.

port port_number

Specifies the port number to use for communications.

port_number must be an integer from 1 through 65535.

Default: 1812

priority priority

Specifies the relative priority of this accounting server. The priority is used in server selection for determining which server to send accounting data to.

priority must be an integer from 1 through 1000, where 1 is the highest priority.

Default: 1000

admin-status { enable | disable }

Enables or disables the RADIUS authentication, accounting, or charging server functionality and saves the status setting in the configuration file to re-establish the set status at reboot.


Specifies that the command must execute without any prompts and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to configure the RADIUS charging server(s) with which the system is to communicate for ACS Prepaid Authentication requests.

Up to 128 AAA servers can be configured per context when the system is functioning as a PDSN and/or HA. Up to 16 servers are supported per context when the system is functioning as a GGSN.


The following commands configure RADIUS charging server with the IP address set to, port to 1024, priority to 10:
radius charging server key sharedKey212 port 1024 max 127 
radius charging server encrypted key scrambledKey234 oldports priority 10  

radius ip vrf

This command associates the specific AAA group (NAS-IP) with a Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) Context instance for BGP/MPLS, GRE, and IPSec Tunnel functionality which needs VRF support for RADIUS communication. By default the VRF is NULL, which means that AAA group is associated with global routing table.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius ip vrf vrf_name 
no radius ip vrf 


Disables the configured IP Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) context instance and removes the association between the VRF context instance and the AAA group instance (NAS-IP).

By default this command is disabled, which means the NAS-IP being used is assumed a non-VRF IP and specific AAA group does not have any VRF association.


Specifies the name of a pre-configured VRF context instance.

vrf_name is the name of a pre-configured virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) context configured in Context configuration mode through ip vrf command.


Any incorrect configuration, such as associating AAA group with wrong VRF instance or removing a VRF instance, will fail the RADIUS communication.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to associate/disassociate a pre-configured VRF context for a feature such as BGP/MPLS VPN or GRE, and IPSec tunneling which needs VRF support for RADIUS communication.

By default the VRF is NULL, which means that AAA group (NAS-IP) is associated with global routing table and NAS-IP being used is assumed a non-VRF IP.

This IP VRF feature can be applied to RADIUS communication, which associates the VRF with the AAA group. This command must be configured whenever a VRF IP is used as a NAS-IP in the AAA group or at the Context level for the "default" AAA group.

This is a required configuration as VRF IPs may be overlapping hence AAA needs to know which VRF the configured NAS-IP belongs to. By this support different VRF-based subscribers can communicate with different RADIUS servers using the same, overlapping NAS-IP address, if required across different AAA groups.


The following command associates VRF context instance ip_vrf1 with specific AAA group (NAS-IP):
radius ip vrf ip_vrf1  

radius keepalive

This command configures the RADIUS keepalive authentication parameters.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius keepalive { calling-station-id id | consecutive-response number | encrypted | interval seconds | password | retries number | timeout seconds | username user_name | valid-response access-accept [ access-reject ] } 
default radius keepalive { calling-station-id | consecutive-response | interval | password | retries | timeout | username | valid-response } 


Configures the default setting for the specified keyword.

calling-station-id id

Specifies the Calling-Station-Id to be used for the keepalive authentication.

id must be an alphanumeric string of size 1 to 15 characters.

Default: 000000000000000

consecutive-response number

Specifies the number of consecutive authentication responses after which the server is marked as reachable.

number must be an integer from 1 through 10.

Default: 1


The keepalive request is tried every 0.5 seconds (non-configurable) to mark the server as up.


In this case (for keepalive approach) "radius deadtime" parameter is not applicable.

encrypted password

Specifies encrypting the password.

In 12.1 and earlier releases, the password must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

In StarOS 12.2 and later releases, password must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 132 characters.

Default password: Test-Password

interval seconds

Specifies the time interval, in seconds, between two keepalive access requests.

Default: 30 seconds


Specifies the password to be used for authentication.

password must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

Default password: Test-Password

retries number

Specifies the number of times the keepalive access request to be sent before marking the server as unreachable.

number must be an integer from 3 through 10.

Default: 3

timeout timeout_duration

Specifies the time interval between keepalive access request retries.

timeout_duration must be an integer from 1 through 30.

Default: 3 seconds

username user_name

Specifies the user name to be used for authentication.

user_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters.

Default: Test-Username

valid-response access-accept [ access-reject ]

Specifies the valid response for the authentication request.

If access-reject is configured, then both access-accept and access-reject are considered as success for the keepalive authentication request.

If access-reject is not configured, then only access-accept is considered as success for the keepalive access request.

Default: keepalive valid-response access-accept

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the keepalive authentication parameters for the RADIUS server.


The following command configures the user name for RADIUS keepalive access requests to Test-Username2 :
radius keepalive username Test-Username2 
The following command configures the number of RADIUS keepalive retries to 4 :
radius keepalive retries 4  

radius probe-interval

This command configures the time interval between two RADIUS authentication probes.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius probe-interval seconds 
default radius probe-interval 


Configures the default setting.


Specifies the number of seconds to wait before sending another probe authentication request to a RADIUS server.

seconds must be an integer from 1 through 65535.

Default: 60

Usage Guidelines

Use this command for Interchassis Session Recovery (ICSR) support to set the duration between two authentication probes to the RADIUS server.


The following command sets the RADIUS authentication probe interval to 30 seconds.
radius probe-interval 30  

radius probe-max-retries

This command configures the number of retries for RADIUS authentication probe response.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius probe-max-retries retries 
default radius probe-max-retries 


Configures the default setting.


Specifies the number of retries for RADIUS authentication probe response before the authentication is declared as failed.

retries must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

Default: 5

Usage Guidelines

Use this command with Interchassis Session Recovery (ICSR) to set the number of attempts to send RADIUS authentication probe without a response before the authentication is declared as failed.


The following command configures the maximum number of retries to 6 seconds.
radius probe-max-retries 6  

radius probe-timeout

This command configures the timeout duration for Interchassis Session Recovery (ICSR) to wait for a response for RADIUS authentication probes.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius probe-timeout idle_seconds 
default radius probe-timeout 


Configures the default setting.


Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a response from the RADIUS server before re-sending the authentication probe.

idle_seconds must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

Default: 3

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the time duration for ICSR, to wait for a response before re-sending the RADIUS authentication probe to the RADIUS server.


The following command sets the authentication probe timeout to 120 seconds:
radius probe-timeout 120  

radius server

This command configures RADIUS authentication server(s) in the current context for authentication.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius server ipv4/ipv6_address [ encrypted ] key value [ admin-status { disable | enable } ] [ max max_messages ] [ max-rate max_value ] [ oldports ] [ port port_number ] [ priority priority ] [ probe | no-probe ] [ probe-username user_name ] [ probe-password [ encrypted ] password password ] [ type { mediation-device | standard } ] [ -noconfirm ] 
no radius server ipv4/ipv6_address [ oldports | port port_number ] 


Removes the server or server port(s) specified from the list of configured servers.

ip v4/ipv6 _address

Specifies the IP address of the server.

ip v4/ipv6 _address : Must be specified using IPv4 dotted-decimal notation or IPv6 colon-separated hexadecimal notation. A maximum of 1600 RADIUS servers per context/system and 128 servers per Server group can be configured. This limit includes accounting and authentication servers.

  • The gateway supports only one type of transport within one AAA group. The AAA group should have the NAS IP and RADIUS servers of same transport type (IPv4 or IPv6). In Release 19, a combination of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses is not supported.
  • The IPv6 Address Configuration support is available for GGSN, HA, PDSN and P-GW products only. If other products are used in conjunction with these supported products and shared the same AAA group, then the IPv6 address should not be configured.


The same RADIUS server IP address and port can be configured in multiple RADIUS server groups within a context.

port port_number

Specifies the port number of the server.

port_number : Specifies the port number to use for communications. port_number must be an integer from 1 through 65535.

Default: 1812.


The same RADIUS server IP address and port can be configured in multiple RADIUS server groups within a context.

[ encrypted ] key value

Specifies the shared secret key used to authenticate the client to the servers. The encrypted keyword indicates the key specified is encrypted.

In 12.1 and earlier releases, the key value must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters without encryption, and 1 through 256 characters with encryption.

In StarOS 12.2 and later releases, the key value must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters without encryption, and 1 through 236 characters with encryption enabled.

The encrypted keyword is intended only for use by the chassis while saving configuration scripts. The system displays the encrypted keyword in the configuration file as a flag that the variable following the key keyword is the encrypted version of the plain text key. Only the encrypted key is saved as part of the configuration file.

admin-status { disable | enable }

Enables or disables the RADIUS authentication, accounting, or charging server functionality and saves the status setting in the configuration file to re-establish the set status at reboot.

max max_messages

Specifies the maximum number of outstanding messages that may be allowed to the server.

max_messages must be an integer from 0 through 4000.

Default: 256

max-rate max_value

Specifies the rate at which the authentication messages should be sent to the RADIUS server by a single AAA manager task.

max_value must be an integer from 0 through 1000.

Default: 0 (disabled)


Sets the UDP communication port to the old default for RADIUS communications to 1645.

priority priority

Specifies the relative priority of this accounting server. The priority is used in server selection for determining which server to send accounting data to.

priority must be an integer from 1 through 1000, where 1 is the highest priority. When configuring two or more servers with the same priority you will be asked to confirm that you want to do this. If you use the -noconfirm option, you are not asked for confirmation and multiple servers could be assigned the same priority.

Default: 1000


Enable probe messages to be sent to the specified RADIUS server.


Disable probe messages from being sent to the specified RADIUS server. This is the default behavior.

probe-username user_name

The user name sent to the RADIUS server to authenticate probe messages. user_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters.

probe-password [ encrypted ] password password

The password sent to the RADIUS server to authenticate probe messages.

encrypted : This keyword is intended only for use by the chassis while saving configuration scripts. The system displays the encrypted keyword in the configuration file as a flag that the variable following the password keyword is the encrypted version of the plain text password. Only the encrypted password is saved as part of the configuration file.

password password : Specifies the probe-user password for authentication. password must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

type { mediation-device | standard }

Specifies the type of transactions the RADIUS server accepts.

mediation-device : Specifies mediation-device specific AAA transactions. This device is available if you purchased a transaction control services license. Contact your local Cisco representative for licensing information.

standard : Specifies standard AAA transactions. (Default)


Specifies that the command must execute without any prompts and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to configure the RADIUS authentication server(s) with which the system is to communicate for authentication.

You can configure up to 1600 RADIUS servers per context/system and 128 servers per Server group. The servers can be configured as accounting, authentication, charging servers, or any combination thereof.


The following commands configure RADIUS server with the IP address set to, port to 1024, priority to 10:
radius server key sharedKey212 port 1024 max 127 
radius server encrypted key scrambledKey234 oldports priority 10 

radius trigger

This command enables specific RADIUS triggers.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > AAA Server Group Configuration

configure > context context_name > aaa group group_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] radius trigger { ms-timezone-change | qos-change | rai-change | rat-change | serving-node-change | uli-change } 
default radius trigger 


Disables specified RADIUS trigger.


Configures the default setting.

Default: All RADIUS triggers are enabled.


Specifies to enable RADIUS trigger for MS time zone change.


Specifies to enable RADIUS trigger for Quality of Service change.


Specifies to enable RADIUS trigger for Routing Area Information change.


Specifies to enable RADIUS trigger for Radio Access Technology change.


Specifies to enable RADIUS trigger for Serving Node change.


Specifies to enable RADIUS trigger for User Location Information change.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable RADIUS triggers.


The following command enables RADIUS trigger for RAT change:
radius trigger rat-change