Credit Control Configuration Mode Commands

The Credit Control configuration Mode is used to configure prepaid services for Diameter/RADIUS applications.


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).


This command configures whether the virtual or real Access Point Name (APN) is sent in Credit Control Application (CCA) messaging.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



apn-name-to-be-included { gn | virtual } 
default apn-name-to-be-included 


Configures this command with the default setting.

Default: gn


Sends the Gn APN name in the CCA messages.


Sends the virtual APN name, if configured in the APN Configuration Mode, in the CCA messages.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the APN information in CCA messages. Virtual APN name can be set to be sent in CCA messages if it is configured in the APN Configuration Mode.


The following command sets the virtual APN name to be sent in CCA message:
apn-name-to-be-included virtual 


This command enables/disables application-level retransmissions with the "T" bit set.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



app-level-retransmission { set-retransmission-bit | unset-retransmission-bit } 
default app-level-retransmission 


Configures this command with the default setting.

Default: unset-retransmission-bit


Sets the retransmission bit.


Unsets the retransmission bit.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable application-level transmission with "T" bit set.

'T' bit setting is done only for DIABASE protocol-based rerouting and not for application-based retransmissions. In order to identify such retransmissions, the server expects the T bit to be set at all levels (both DIABASE and application) of retransmission, which can be achieved with this CLI command.


The following command specifies to set retransmission bit:
app-level-retransmission set-retransmission-bit 


This command associates/disassociates a failure handling template with the Diameter Credit Control Application (DCCA) service.











Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



associate failure-handling-template template_name 
no associate failure-handling-template 


Disassociates a failure handling template with the DCCA service.

failure-handling-template template_name

Associates a previously created failure handling template with the DCCA service. template_name specifies the name for a pre-configured failure handling template. template_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

For more information on failure handling templates, refer to the failure-handling-template command in the Global Configuration Mode Commands chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to associate a configured failure handling template with the DCCA service.

The failure handling template defines the action to be taken when the Diameter application encounters a failure supposing a result-code failure, Tx-expiry or response-timeout. The application will take the action given by the template. For more information on failure handling template configurations, refer to the Diameter Failure Handling Template Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


Only one failure handling template can be associated with the DCCA service. The failure handling template should be configured prior to issuing this command.

If the association is not made to the template then failure handling behavior configured in the application with the failure-handling command will take its effect.


The following command associates a pre-configured failure handling template called fht1 to the DCCA service:
associate failure-handling-template fht1 


This command allows static configuration of charging rulebase name to be sent to OCS through the CCR message.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



charging-rulebase-name rulebase_name 
no charging-rulebase-name 


The no variant, when configured, sends the rulebase that was configured in APN/subscriber template to the OCS.


Specifies the name for a charging rulebase to be sent to OCS via CCR message. rulebase_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to override/change the charging rulebase name in the Gy CCRs for eHRPD, GGSN and P-GW service types.

With this feature in 18.0 release, an APN/subscriber can have a single rulebase applied to it, but allowing a static configuration to always pass a different or same rulebase to the OCS through CCR messages.

The rulebase value configured in Credit Control (CC) group will be sent to OCS via CCR. If this CLI command is not configured, then the rulebase obtained from APN/subscriber template will be sent to OCS.

The configured value of rulebase under CC group is sent in all CCR (I/U/T) messages. This implies that any change in rulebase value in CC group during mid-session gets reflected in the next CCR message.


The following command defines a charging rulebase name called rb1 in the credit control group:
charging-rulebase-name rb1 

diameter dictionary

This command configures the Diameter Credit Control dictionary for the Active Charging Service (ACS).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter dictionary { dcca-custom1 | dcca-custom10 | dcca-custom11 | dcca-custom12 | dcca-custom13 | dcca-custom14 | dcca-custom15 | dcca-custom16 | dcca-custom17 | dcca-custom18 | dcca-custom19 | dcca-custom2 | dcca-custom20 | dcca-custom21 | dcca-custom22 | dcca-custom23 | dcca-custom24 | dcca-custom25 | dcca-custom26 | dcca-custom27 | dcca-custom28 | dcca-custom29 | dcca-custom3 |  dcca-custom30 | dcca-custom4 | dcca-custom5 | dcca-custom6 | dcca-custom7 | dcca-custom8 | dcca-custom9 | dynamic-load | standard } 
default diameter dictionary 


Configures this command with the default setting.

Default: standard dictionary

dcca-custom1 ... dcca-custom30

Configures a custom Diameter dictionary.


Configures the dynamically loaded Diameter dictionary. The dictionary name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 15 characters.

For more information on dynamic loading of Diameter dictionaries, see the diameter dynamic-dictionary in the Global Configuration Mode Commands chapter of this guide.


Configures the standard Diameter dictionary.

Default: Enabled

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to select the Diameter dictionary for ACS.


The following command selects the standard Diameter dictionary:
diameter dictionary standard 

diameter disable-final-reporting-in-ccru

This command controls sending of CCR-U with reporting reason as FINAL immediately on receiving a 4012 or 4010 result-code at MSCC level.



In StarOS release 16.0 and later, this command is obsolete and is only supported for backward compatibility reasons. Release 16.0 and beyond, use the diameter msg-type { ccru| ccrt } suppress-final-reporting command for this functionality.







Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter disable-final-reporting-in-ccru 
{ default | no } diameter disable-final-reporting-in-ccru 

default | no

Configures this command with the default setting. Default behavior is to send CCR-U with reporting reason as FINAL immediately on receiving 4010/4012 result-code.

Usage Guidelines

As per the current implementation, CCR-U is sent immediately on receiving 4010 or 4012 Result-Code at MSCC level. This new CLI command controls sending of immediate CCR-U with FINAL as Reporting-Reason. All other behaviors remain almost same like a Rating-group being blacklisted.

If this CLI command is configured, on receiving the result-code 4010/4012 at MSCC-level, immediate CCR-U with FINAL as Reporting-Reason will not be sent. All USU corresponding to that rating group is reported in CCR-T message.


The following command specifies not to send immediate CCR-U with FINAL as Reporting-Reason:
diameter disable-final-reporting-in-ccru 

diameter dynamic-rules request-quota

This command specifies to request quota immediately in the CCR sent to the Gy interface when the traffic matches the dynamic rules with Online AVP enabled and received over Gx interface.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter dynamic-rules request-quota { on-traffic-match | on-receiving-rule } 
default diameter dynamic-rules request-quota 


Configures this command with the default setting.

Default: on-receiving-rule


Requests quota only when there is traffic matching the dynamic rules with Online AVP enabled.


Requests quota on receiving a dynamic rule with Online AVP enabled.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to request quota when the traffic matches the dynamic rules with Online AVP enabled.


The following command specifies to request quota on receiving a dynamic rule with Online AVP enabled:
diameter dynamic-rules request-quota on-receiving-rule 

diameter enable-quota-retry

This command enables/disables Quota Retry Timer for blacklisted content.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] diameter enable-quota-retry end-user-service-denied 


Configures this command with the default setting.

Usage Guidelines

Quota-Retry-Time is currently not applicable to a Rating-Group which is blacklisted with 4010 (END_USER_SERVICE_DENIED).

If this CLI command is configured, after the quota-retry timeout, CCR-U including the RSU is sent for blacklisted content also. That is, quota will be requested for 4010 blacklisted content also.

Without the configuration of this CLI command, the old behavior persists that is, after quota retry-timer expiry, CCR-U is not sent for 4010 blacklisted category.


The following command allows sending CCR-U requesting quota for blacklisted content:
diameter enable-quota-retry end-user-service-denied 

diameter exclude-mscc-in-ccr-terminate

This command enables to exclude Multiple-Services-Credit-Control (MSCC) AVP in CCR-T message.





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ default | no ] diameter exclude-mscc-in-ccr-terminate 


Includes MSCC AVP in CCR-T.


Includes MSCC AVP in CCR-T.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to exclude MSCC AVP in CCR-T, which is included by default.

Also, see the diameter mscc-per-ccr-update command.


The following command specifies to exclude MSCC AVP in CCR-T:
diameter exclude-mscc-in-ccr-terminate 

diameter fui-redirected-flow

This command enables to control the behavior of marking redirected HTTP flow as free-of-charge.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] diameter fui-redirected-flow allow 


Disables the behavior of marking redirected HTTP flow as free-of-charge.

Default: diameter fui-redirected-flow allow

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to control the behavior of marking redirected HTTP flow as free-of-charge when the Final-Unit-Indication (FUI) Diameter AVP comes without Filter IDs.


Note that the default value, when configured, does not appear in the output of the show configuration command output; instead appear only in the output of the show configuration verbose command. When the HTTP redirection feature is disabled using the no diameter fui-redirected-flow allow command, it will be appear in the output of the show configuration command.


The following command specifies to allow the packets free of charge, when matching the redirected-flow:
diameter fui-redirected-flow allow 

diameter gsu-with-only-infinite-quota

This command configures whether to accept/reject CCA messages that contain Granted-Service-Unit AVP with only infinite quota grants from the server.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter gsu-with-only-infinite-quota { accept-credit-control-answer | reject-credit-control-answer } 
default diameter gsu-with-only-infinite-quota 


Configures this command with the default setting.

Default: reject-credit-control-answer


Accepts the Credit-Control-Answer message.


Rejects the Credit-Control-Answer message.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to accept/reject CCA messages that contain the Granted-Service-Unit AVP with only infinite quota grants from the server.


The following command specifies to accept CCA with the Granted-Service-Unit AVP containing only Infinite quota:
diameter gsu-with-only-infinite-quota accept-credit-control-answer 

diameter hdd

This command enables/disables the Hard Disk Drive (HDD) to store the failed CCR-T messages for the corresponding credit control group.


This command is license dependent. For more information, contact your Cisco account representative.





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] diameter hdd 


Disables the HDD from storing the failed CCR-T messages for the corresponding credit control group.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable the HDD to store the failed CCR-T messages. The Gy application sends the failed CCR-T messages to the CDR module for storing in the HDD. By default, this feature is disabled.

In the existing implementation with Assume Positive feature, there are high chances of losing the usage data reported through the CCR-T when the session is being terminated while in Assume Positive mode. This problem is addressed by allowing the DCCA module to write the CCR-T messages in the HDD of the chassis.

In cases where the Assume-Positive interim-quota is allocated, and CCR-T is not reported/answered, the CCR-T message is written to a local file, and saved in the HDD. This local file and directory information can be fetched and parsed to account for the lost bytes/usage. The retrieval of the file can be done with the PULL mechanism.


This feature requires a valid license to be installed prior to configuring this feature. Contact your Cisco account representative for more information on the licensing requirements.


This feature is applicable only when Assume Positive feature is enabled.

For more information on this feature, see the AAA Interface Administration and Reference document.


  • When an ICSR event occurs unexpectedly before the CCR-T is written, the CCR-T will not written to the HDD and hence the usage will be lost.

  • It is expected that the customers requiring this feature should monitor the HDD and periodically pull and delete the files so that the subsequent records can be buffered.

The diameter-hdd-module CLI command is used to configure the file characteristics for storing the Diameter records (CCR-Ts) in the HDD. For more information on this command, see the Diameter HDD Module Configuration Mode Commands chapter in this guide.


The following command enables the HDD to store the failed CCR-T messages:
diameter hdd 

diameter ignore-returned-rulebase-id

This command configures to accept/ignore the rulebase ID in the Rulebase-Id AVP returned by the Diameter server in CCA messages.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ default | no ] diameter ignore-returned-rulebase-id 


Configures this command with the default setting.

Default: Accept


Accepts the rulebase ID received from Diameter server in CCA.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to ignore/accept rulebase ID returned from the Diameter server in CCA.


The following command ignores the rulebase ID returned from the Diameter server in CCA:
diameter ignore-returned-rulebase-id 

diameter ignore-service-id

This command enables to accept/ignore service ID in the Service-Identifier AVP defined in the Diameter dictionaries. This command is applicable to all products that use the Gy interface.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ default | no ] diameter ignore-service-id 


Configures this command with the default setting.

Default: Accept


Specifies to accepts the service ID.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to ignore/accept service ID value in the Service-Identifier AVP in the Diameter dictionaries for Gy interface implementations.

This command can be used to disable the usage of the Service-Identifier AVP for Gy interface implementations even if any of the Diameter dictionaries support the Service-Identifier AVP, and if this AVP should not be used for Gy interactions but must be present in GCDRs/eGCDRs.


The following command specifies to ignore service ID in the Diameter dictionaries:
diameter ignore-service-id 

diameter mscc-final-unit-action terminate

This command enables either to terminate a PDP session immediately when the Final-Unit-Action (FUA) in a particular Multiple Service Credit Control (MSCC) is set as TERMINATE and the quota is exhausted for that service, or to terminate the session after all other MSCCs (categories) have used up their available quota.


This command is available only in StarOS 10.2 and later releases.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter mscc-final-unit-action terminate { category | session { on-per-mscc-exhaustion | on-all-mscc-exhaustion } } 
default diameter mscc-final-unit-action terminate 


Configures this command with the default setting.

Default: Same as diameter mscc-final-unit-action terminate category


This is the standard behavior wherein the category is terminated if the Final-Unit-Indication AVP comes with TERMINATE for a given MSCC.

session { on-per-mscc-exhaustion | on-all-mscc-exhaustion }

Terminates the session depending on the quota usage of one MSCC or all the MSCCs.

on-per-mscc-exhaustion : When the FUA in a particular MSCC is set as TERMINATE and the quota is exhausted for that service, the session will be terminated immediately regardless of the state of the other MSCCs.

on-all-mscc-exhaustion : When the FUA in a particular MSCC is set as TERMINATE and the quota is exhausted for that service, the session termination will be initiated after all the other MSCCs (categories) have used up their available quota. There will no more CCR(U) messages sent requesting quota after receiving the FUA as TERMINATE in the MSCC level.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to terminate a PDP session immediately when the FUA in a particular MSCC is set as TERMINATE and the quota is exhausted for that service, or to terminate the session after all other MSCCs (categories) have used up their available quota.


The following command terminates the PDP session after quota exhausts for all MSCCs when MSCC FUA is set to TERMINATE:
diameter mscc-final-unit-action terminate session on-all-mscc-exhaustion 

diameter mscc-per-ccr-update

This command configures sending single/multiple Multiple-Services-Credit-Control (MSCC) AVP in CCR-U messages.


This command is available only in StarOS 8.3 and later releases.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter mscc-per-ccr-update { multiple | single } 
default diameter mscc-per-ccr-update 


Configures this command with the default setting.

Default: multiple


Sends multiple Multiple-Services-Credit-Control AVP in a single CCR-U message.


Sends only one Multiple-Services-Credit-Control AVP in a CCR-U message.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure sending single/multiple Multiple-Services-Credit-Control AVP in CCR-U messages.


The following command configures sending a single Multiple-Services-Credit-Control AVP in CCR-U messages:
diameter mscc-per-ccr-update single 

diameter msg-type

This command controls sending of CCR-U/CCR-T with reporting reason as FINAL immediately on receiving a 4012 or 4010 result-code at MSCC level or when the MSCC is in FUI Redirect/Restrict-access state.








Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



In 18 and later releases:

[ no ] diameter msg-type { ccru { suppress-final-reporting } | ccrt { suppress-final-reporting | suppress-blacklist-reporting } } 

In 17 and earlier releases:

diameter msg-type { ccru | ccrt } suppress-final-reporting 
[ no ] diameter msg-type ccru suppress-final-reporting 


Depending on the configuration, this keyword will selectively send FINAL either in CCR-U or CCR-T even if MSCC is in FUI Redirect/Restrict-access state and USU is zero.

The default behavior is to not send CCR-T with reporting reason as FINAL even when MSCC is in FUI Redirect/Restrict-access state and USU is zero.


This default behavior is applicable to all dictionaries except for dcca-custom12 and dcca-custom13 dictionaries. In the case of dcca-custom12 and dcaa-custom13, the FINAL reporting will always be sent in CCR-T even if MSCC is in FUI Redirect/Restrict-access and USU is zero.


This keyword disables Immediate FINAL reporting for result code 4010/4012 in CCR-U message.


This keyword disables FINAL reporting for MSCC which are in no-quota and FUI Redirect/Restrict-access state.



This keyword is available only in 18.3, 19.2 and later releases.

When used with the diameter msg-type ccru command, this keyword disables immediate FINAL reporting for result code 4010/4012. When used with the diameter msg-type ccrt command, this keyword disables FINAL reporting for no-quota FUA Redirect/Restrict-access.



This keyword is available only in 18.3, 19.2 and later releases.

Disables FINAL reporting for blacklisted (4010/4012) content in CCR-T.

Usage Guidelines

With this CLI command "diameter msg-type ccrt suppress-final-reporting " configured:

Before MSCC enters into FUI Redirect or Restrict-Access state, all the used quota is reported using the Reporting-Reason as "OTHER_QUOTA_TYPE". Since all the quota is reported, there is no need to send any other FINAL reporting to OCS.

Releases prior to 16.0, even if there is no quota utilization, the gateway sends FINAL with USU as '0' octets in CCR-T. In this release, the FINAL reporting in CCR message is controlled when there is no quota usage to report to the OCS server during the FUI Redirect/Restrict-access scenario.

With this CLI command "diameter msg-type ccru suppress-final-reporting " configured:

In releases prior to 15.0, CCR-U is sent immediately on receiving 4010 or 4012 Result-Code at MSCC level. This new CLI command controls sending of immediate CCR-U with FINAL as Reporting-Reason. All other behaviors remain almost same like a Rating-group being blacklisted.

If this CLI command is configured, on receiving the result-code 4010/4012 at MSCC-level, immediate CCR-U with FINAL as Reporting-Reason will not be sent. All USU corresponding to that rating group is reported in CCR-T message.

In releases prior to 18, configuration control was available for filtering FINAL USU reporting in CCR-U for blacklisted content and in CCR-T for Final-Unit-Indication (REDIRECT/RESTRICT-ACCESS) activated content. In the case of CCR-T message, there is no way to ignore the FINAL reporting for blacklisted (4010/4012) content if the FINAL was previously disabled in CCR-U.

In 18 and later releases, the current CLI configuration is enhanced to disable FINAL reporting in CCR-T message for blacklisted (4010/4012) content. The diameter msg-type ccrt CLI command includes an additional keyword suppress-blacklist-reporting to support this enhancement. The default behavior of CCR-T is to send the FINAL reporting to be sent for blacklisted (4010/4012) content, if not reported already in CCR-U.


This feature is available only in 18.3, 19.2 and later releases.

This feature is used to selectively control the reporting of FINAL Used-Service-Unit (USU) in CCR-T for a Rating-Group (RG) which is blacklisted using 4010 and 4012 transient result-codes. This customization is required for a seamless integration with the operator network.


The following command specifies not to send FINAL reporting for FUA Redirect/Restrict-access:
diameter msg-type ccrt suppress-final-reporting 

diameter origin endpoint

This command configures the Diameter Credit Control Origin Endpoint.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter origin endpoint endpoint_name [ realm realm_name ] 
no diameter origin endpoint 


Removes the Diameter Credit Control Origin Endpoint configuration.

endpoint endpoint_name

Specifies the Diameter Credit Control Origin Endpoint name as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

realm realm_name

Specifies the Diameter Credit Control Realm ID as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Diameter Credit Control Origin Endpoint.

The endpoint to configure should be pre-configured. For information on creating and configuring a Diameter endpoint, see the diameter endpoint command in the Context Configuration mode.


The following command configures a Diameter Credit Control Origin Endpoint named test :
diameter origin endpoint test 

diameter peer-select

This command configures the Diameter credit control primary and secondary hosts for DCCA.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



In 8.x and earlier releases:

diameter peer-select peer peer_name [ realm realm_name ] [ secondary-peer secondary_peer_name [ realm realm_name ] ] [ imsi-based start-value imsi_start_value end-value imsi_end_value ] 
no diameter peer-select [ imsi-based start-value imsi_start_value end-value imsi_end_value ] 

In 9.0 and later releases, for UMTS deployments:

diameter peer-select peer peer_name [ realm realm_name ] [ secondary-peer secondary_peer_name [ realm realm_name ] ] [ imsi-based { { prefix | suffix } imsi/prefix/suffix_start_value } [ to imsi/prefix/suffix_end_value ] ] [ msisdn-based { { prefix | suffix } msisdn-based/prefix/suffix_start_value } [ to msisdn-based/prefix/suffix_end_value ] ] 
no diameter peer-select [ imsi-based { { prefix | suffix } imsi/prefix/suffix_start_value } [ to imsi/prefix/suffix_end_value ] ] | [ msisdn-based { { prefix | suffix } msisdn-based/prefix/suffix_start_value } [ to msisdn-based/prefix/suffix_end_value ] ]  


Removes previously configured Diameter credit control peer selection setting.

peer peer_name

Specifies the primary host name. as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that can contain punctuation characters.

imsi-based start-value imsi_start_value end-value imsi_end_value


This section applies only to 8.3 and earlier releases.

Specifies peer selection based on International Mobile Subscriber Identification (IMSI) range.

start-value imsi_start_value specifies the start of range in integer value of IMSI, and end-value imsi_end_value specifies the end of range in integer value of IMSI.

imsi-based { { prefix | suffix } imsi/prefix/suffix_start_value } [ to imsi/prefix/suffix_end_value ]


This section applies only to 9.0 and later releases for UMTS deployments.

Selects peer based on IMSI prefix or suffix or IMSI range.

prefix : Specifies the prefix range

suffix : Specifies the suffix range

imsi/prefix/suffix_start_value : Specifies the IMSI/prefix/suffix start value. prefix/suffix must be an IMSI prefix/suffix, and must be an integer from 1 through 15 characters.

imsi/prefix/suffix_end_value : Specifies the IMSI/prefix/suffix end value. prefix/suffix must be an IMSI prefix/suffix, and must be an integer from 1 through 15 characters that must be greater than the start value.


If prefix/suffix is used, the lengths of both start and end prefix/suffix must be equal. If the prefix or suffix keyword is not specified, it will be considered as suffix.

msisdn-based { { prefix | suffix } msisdn/prefix/suffix_start_value } [ to msisdn/prefix/suffix_end_value ]

Specifies peer selection based on MSISDN prefix or suffix or MSISDN range.

prefix : Specifies the prefix range

suffix : Specifies the suffix range

msisdn/prefix/suffix_start_value : Specifies the MSISDN/prefix/suffix start value. prefix/suffix must be an MSISDN prefix/suffix, and must be an integer from 1 through 15 characters.

msisdn/prefix/suffix_end_value : Specifies the MSISDN/prefix/suffix end value. prefix/suffix must be an MSISDN prefix/suffix, and must be an integer from 1 through 15 characters that must be greater than the start value.

realm realm_name

The realm_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters, and can contain punctuation characters. The realm may typically be a company or service name.

secondary-peer secondary_peer_name

Specifies a name for the secondary host to be used for failover processing. When the route-table does not find an AVAILABLE route, the secondary host performs a failover processing if the diameter session failover command is set.

secondary_peer_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters, and can contain punctuation characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Diameter credit control host selection.

If the diameter peer-select command is not configured, and if multiple peers are configured in the endpoint, the available peers configured in the endpoint are automatically chosen in a load-balanced round-robin manner.

9.0 and later releases support peer selection using prefix or suffix of IMSI or IMSI range. Subscribers are now assigned to a primary OCS instance based on the value of the IMSI prefix or suffix of a length of 1 to 15 digits. If the prefix or suffix keyword is not specified, it will be considered as suffix. Up to 64 peer selects can be configured. At a time either prefix or suffix mode can be used in one DCCA config. If prefix or suffix mode is used, the lengths of all prefix/suffix must be equal.

In 12.2 and later releases, Diameter peer selection can also be performed based on the configurable prefix or suffix of MSISDN or MSISDN range.

Each primary OCS may have a designated secondary OCS in case of failure of the primary. It will be the responsibility of the GGSN to use the appropriate secondary OCS in case of primary failure. The secondary OCS for each primary OCS will be one of the existing set of OCSs.


The following command configures a Diameter credit control peer named test and the realm companyx :
diameter peer-select peer test realm companyx  
The following command configures IMSI-based Diameter credit control peer selection in the IMSI range of 1234567890 to 1234567899 :
diameter peer-select peer star imsi-based start-value 1234567890 end-value 1234567899 
The following command configures IMSI-based DCCA peer selection with IMSI suffix of 100 through 200 :
diameter peer-select peer test_peer realm test_realm secondary-peer test_sec_realm realm test_realm2 imsi-based suffix 100 to 200  

diameter pending-timeout

This command configures the maximum time period to wait for response from a Diameter peer.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter pending-timeout duration deciseconds msg-type { any | ccr-event | ccr-initial | ccr-terminate | ccr-update } 
default diameter pending-timeout  


Disables DCCA resending message at pending-timeout.


Specifies the timeout duration (in deciseconds). The value must be an integer from 1 through 3000.

deciseconds msg-type { any | ccr-event | ccr-initial | ccr-terminate | ccr-update }

Specifies independent timers (in deciseconds) for all message types like CCR-I, CCR-U, CCR-T and CCR-E. The default time will be 100 deciseconds (10 seconds).

This keyword option provides additional flexibility for operator to configure independent timers with reduced granularity.

This feature implementation ensures that the timer configuration is backward compatible. If the CLI command is configured without "desiseconds " and "msg-type ", the configured time will be taken as seconds and while displaying the CLI it will be converted to deciseconds and msg-type will be "any ".


This keyword is deprecated. This can now be managed using the retry-after-tx-expiry and go-offline-after-tx-expiry keywords in the failure-handling command.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the maximum time for Diameter credit control to receive a response from its peer.

DCCA refers to this as the Tx Timer. Typically, this should be configured to a value smaller than the response-timeout value of Diameter Endpoint Configuration Mode. That value is typically too large for DCCA's purposes.

If DCCA gets a "no available routes" error before pending-timeout expires, then DCCA tries to send to the secondary host (if one has been configured). If DCCA gets no response and pending-timeout expires, then DCCA either tries the secondary host or gives up. This can now be managed using the failure-handling command.

If routing has failed, i.e., the attempt to the primary host, as well as, the attempt to the secondary host (if that has been configured), then the processing configured by the failure-handling command is performed.

The routing (i.e., returning a good response, no response or an error response such as "no available routes") is controlled by Diameter Endpoint Configuration Mode. That uses a watchdog timer (called Tw Timer) to attempt a different route to a host. Multiple routes could be attempted. If there's no response before the endpoint's configured response-timeout expires, then "no available routes" is the routing result. The routing logic remembers the status of routes, so it can return "no available routes" immediately, without using any timers.

The default case will disable DCCA resending message at Tx (pending-timeout). So messages are retried only at Tw (device watchdog timeout) by diabase or at response-timeout by DCCA.


The following command configures a Diameter Credit Control Pending Timeout setting of 20 seconds:
diameter pending-timeout 20  

diameter reauth-blacklisted-content

This command allows reauthorization of blacklisted content (blacklisted with Result-Code like 4012, 4010, etc) when a Rating Group (RG) based Re-Authorization Request (RAR) or generic RAR is received.









Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter reauth-blacklisted-content [ content-based-rar ] 
no diameter reauth-blacklisted-content 


Configures this command with the default setting. That means, the reauthorization of blacklisted RG will not happen.


Reauthorizes blacklisted RG only when RG specific RAR is received.

Usage Guidelines

The current Gy implementation does not allow reauthorization of Blacklisted content (blacklisted with Result-Code like 4012, 4010, etc) when Gy receives an RAR (either a RG based RAR or generic RAR).

With this CLI based enhancement, it is possible to perform one of the following actions:

  • to reauthorize blacklisted RG only when RG specific RAR is received.

  • to reauthorize blacklisted RG on any kind of RAR (both RG specific or generic).

  • do not reauthorize blacklisted RG (default implementation).

This feature determines if the RAR received from OCS is generic or to any specific rating-group.

If it is a generic RAR:

  • If this CLI command "diameter reauth-blacklisted-content " is configured, then reauthorize all the Rating-Groups (RGs) which are blacklisted. CCR-U forced-reauthorization will be triggered all the RGs.

  • If this CLI command "diameter reauth-blacklisted-content content-based-rar " is configured, then RG which are blacklisted will not be reauthorized. CCR-U forced-reauthorization will be triggered only for active RGs alone.

If Rating-Group information is received in RAR:

  • If either "diameter reauth-blacklisted-content " or "diameter reauth-blacklisted-content content-based-rar " is configured, then RG gets re-authorized even it is blacklisted. CCR-U forced-reauthorization will be triggered for the received RG.

If this CLI command is not configured, then the default behavior which is not to reauthorize blacklisted RG persists.


The following command enables reauthorization of blacklisted content on receiving RG specific RAR:
diameter reauth-blacklisted-content [ content-based-rar ] 

diameter redirect-url-token

This command allows configuring a token to be used for appending original URL to the redirect address.


This command is customer specific. For more information contact your Cisco account representative.









Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter redirect-url-token string 
default diameter redirect-url-token  


Configures this command with the default setting.


The redirect url token name must be an alphanumeric string of size 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

The chassis should perform dynamic Advice of Charge (AoC) redirections (URL provided by Online Charging System (OCS)) for a particular Service ID/Rating Group combination without affecting the flows mapped to other Service ID/Rating Group combinations. Redirections can be removed by OCS for a particular MSCC (Service ID/Rating Group combination) using a RAR message containing a specific Service ID/Rating Group combination.

As part of redirection to an AoC or Top-UP server (302 Moved HTTP message) the PCEF should be able to append the original HTTP URL to the redirected session. This way, once the subscriber has successfully been redirected (and potentially topped up their prepaid account) they can be presented with an option to be redirected back to their original URL. The OCS can indicate to the PCEF if the original URL is to be appended to the redirection by specifying a special character to the end of the AoC redirection — for example, a "?" character.

Upon final unit indication a redirect server address will be returned together with the FUI.

On redirection, the redirect URL will be appended with the original URL information using the token name configured with the diameter redirect-url-token command so that on completion of AoC, the AoC server may redirect the client back to the original location.

The rules for appending the original URL before redirection are as follows:

  1. The "?" character at the end of the AoC page provided by the OCS in the redirect URL will be replaced with the "&" character.

  2. A configurable parameter will be appended after the "&" character. The parameter whose name will be defined in a command line in the chassis configuration. The parameter name is case sensitive.

  3. An "=" will be appended to the parameter.

  4. The subscriber's original URL will be appended to the "=" character.

For example:

When the original URL was http://homepage/

OCS provided URL:;130020198;9243;1b02:12000:12000:H:AOC:1299597546:UPSELL:N&transID=AOCPurchasepage?

The text in bold in the following sample indicates the current configuration for implementing the dynamic AoC redirection.;130020198;9243;1b02:12000:12000:H:AOC:1299597546:UPSELL:N&transID=AOCPurchasepage&returnUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fhomepage%2F


The following command configures the redirect-url-token as returnUrl :
diameter redirect-url-token returnUrl 

diameter redirect-validity-timer

This command allows you to control the starting of validity timer for the FUI-redirect scenario.








Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter redirect-validity-timer { immediate | traffic-start } 
default diameter redirect-validity-timer 


Configures this command with the default setting. By default, the validity timer is started on receiving the first matching packet.


This keyword will make the redirect-validity-timer to get started immediately.


This keyword will make the redirect-validity-timer to get started only on receiving matchingtraffic. This is the default configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Use this CLI command to control the starting of validity timer on receipt of CCA in all cases. Based on the configuration value, DCCA decides when to start the redirect-validity-timer. By default, it is started on receiving the first matching packet.


The following command configures the redirect-validity-timer to get started immediately on receiving CCA:
diameter redirect-validity-timer immediate 

diameter result-code

This command enables sending a GTP Create-PDP-Context-Rsp message with cause code based on the DCCA result code.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter result-code { authorization-rejected | credit-limit-reached | end-user-service-denied | user-unknown } use-gtp-cause-code { apn-access-denied-no-subscription | authentication-failure | no-resource-available | system-failure } 
default diameter result-code { authorization-rejected | credit-limit-reached | end-user-service-denied | user-unknown } use-gtp-cause-code 


Configures this command with the default setting.

In 12.1 and earlier releases: no-resource-available

In 12.2 and later releases: system-failure


Result code received as DIAMETER_AUTHORIZATION_REJECTED(5003).


Result code received as DIAMETER_CREDIT_LIMIT_REACHED(4012).


Result code received as DIAMETER_END_USER_DENIED(4010).


Result code received as DIAMETER_USER_UNKNOWN(5030).


Cause code to be sent in GTP response.


Sends the GTP cause code GTP_APN_ACCESS_DENIED_NO_SUBSCRIPTION in GTP response.

If this keyword is configured and if the CCR-U is received with auth-rejected(5003) or credit-limit-reached(4012) or user-unknown(5030) or end-user-service-denied(4010), then the GTP result-code is sent as "apn-access-denied-no-subscription".


Sends the GTP cause code GTP_USER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED in GTP response.


Sends the GTP cause code GTP_NO_RESOURCES_AVAILABLE in GTP response.


Sends the GTP cause code GTP_SYSTEM_FAILURE in GTP response.

Usage Guidelines

On receiving result-code as AUTHORIZATION-REJECTED, CREDIT_LIMIT_REACHED, END_USER_DENIED or USER_UNKNOWN from DCCA server, based on this CLI configuration, in GTP Create-PDP-Context Response message the cause code can either be sent as GTP_NO_RESOURCE_AVAILABLE or GTP_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED or GTP_SYSTEM_FAILURE or GTP_APN_ACCESS_DENIED_NO_SUBSCRIPTION.


The following command sets the deny cause as user authentication failure when the CCA-Initial has the result code DIAMETER_AUTHORIZATION_REJECTED(5003):
diameter result-code authorization-rejected use-gtp-cause-code authentication-failure 

diameter send-ccri

This command configures when to send an initial Credit Control Request (CCR-I) for the subscriber session.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter send-ccri { session-start | traffic-start } 
default diameter send-ccri 


Configures this command with the default setting.

Default: session-start


Sends CCR-I when the PDP context is being established (on receiving Create-PDP-Context-Request).


Delays sending CCR-I until the first data packet is received from the subscriber.


Please note that the CCR-I will be sent only with the default rulebase and not with Rulebase list even if the rulebase-list configuration is enabled. When the rulebase-list command is used in conjunction with diameter send-ccri traffic-start command, the former one's function is invalidated. The rulebase-list is used to allow the OCS to select one of the rulebases from the list configured during the session setup. But in case of send-ccri traffic-start the CLI causes the session setup to complete without OCS interaction. For more information on rulebase-list command, please see the ACS Configuration Mode Commands chapter of the Command Line Interface Reference.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure when to send CCR-Initial for the subscriber session.


The following command configures to send CCR-I on traffic detection and not on context creation:
diameter send-ccri traffic-start 

diameter service-context-id

This command configures the value to be sent in the Service-Context-Id AVP, which identifies the context in which DCCA is used.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter service-context-id service_context_id 
default diameter service-context-id 


Configures this command with the default setting. Currently, the default value is encoded based on the dictionary wherever applicable; when not applicable, it is not encoded.


Specifies the service context as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that can contain punctuation characters.

Usage Guidelines

If Service-Context-Id is applicable and configured using this command, it will be sent in the AVP Service-Context-Id in the Diameter CCR message.


The following command specifies the value to be sent in the Service-Context-Id AVP in the Diameter CCR message:
diameter service-context-id 

diameter session failover

This command enables or disables Diameter Credit Control Session Failover. When enabled, the secondary peer is used in the event the main peer is unreachable.








Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ default | no ] diameter session failover 


Configures this command with the default setting.

Default: Depends on the failure-handling configuration


If the primary server is not reachable, failover is not triggered and the session is torn down. No failover action is taken.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable/disable Diameter Credit Control Session Failover.

The failure-handling configuration comes into effect only if diameter session failover is present in the configuration. The failover can be overridden by the server in the response message, and it takes precedence.


The following command enables Diameter Credit Control Session Failover:
diameter session failover 

diameter suppress-avp

This command specifies to suppress the AVPs like the MVNO-subclass-id and MVNO-Reseller-Id AVPs.





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter suppress-avp reseller-id subclass-id 
[no | default] diameter suppress-avp reseller-id subclass-id 


Disables AVP suppression. Whenever PCRF sends the MVNO-subclassid and MVNO-Reseller-id AVPs in the Gx interface, the same is sent in the Gy message.


Sets the default configuration. AVPs are not suppressed by default. Whenever PCRF sends the MVNO-subclassid and MVNO-Reseller-id AVPs in the Gx interface, the same is sent in the Gy message.


Suppresses both MVNO-subclassid and MVNO-Reseller-id AVPs.


Supresses the MVNO-Reseller-Id AVP.


Supresses the MVNO-Sub-Class-Id AVP.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to suppress the AVPs like the MVNO-subclass-id and MVNO-Reseller-Id AVPs.


The following command specifies to request quota on receiving a dynamic rule with Online AVP enabled:
diameter suppress-avp reseller-id subclass-id 

diameter update-dictionary-avps

This command enables dictionary control of the AVPs that need to be added based on the version of the specification with which the Online Charging System (OCS) is compliant. This command is applicable to all products that use the dcca-custom8 dictionary for Gy interface implementation.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter update-dictionary-avps { 3gpp-rel8 | 3gpp-rel9 | 3gpp-rel10 | 3gpp-rel11| 3gpp-rel13 } 
[ default | no ] diameter update-dictionary-avps 

default | no

Configures this command with the default setting.

Default: Compliant with the oldest release (Rel. 7) and send only Rel. 7 AVPs


Select the 3GPP Rel. 8 AVPs for encoding.


Selects the 3GPP Rel. 9 AVPs for encoding.


Select the 3GPP Rel. 10 AVPs for encoding.


Select the 3GPP Rel. 11 AVPs for encoding.


Select the 3GPP Rel. 13 AVPs for encoding.

Usage Guidelines


This command is applicable ONLY to the dcca-custom8 dictionary. If, for any dictionary other than dcca-custom8, this command is configured with a value other than the default, configuration errors will be indicated in the output of the show configuration errors section active-charging command.

Use this command to encode the AVPs in the dictionary based on the release version of the specification to which the OCS is compliant with.


The following command enables encoding of AVPs in the dictionary based on 3GPP Rel. 9:
diameter update-dictionary-avps 3gpp-rel9 


Exits the current configuration mode and returns to the Exec mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to return to the Exec mode.


This command configures the parameters for event-based Gy session.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] event-based-session trigger type { location-any | mcc | mnc | timezone } + 
default event-based-session trigger type 


Configures this command with the default setting.

Default: No triggers.


Removes the previously configured trigger type.


Sets the trigger based on change in user location.


Sets the trigger based on change in Mobile Country Code (MCC) of the serving node (for e.g. SGSN, S-GW).


Sets the trigger based on change in Mobile Network Code (MNC) of the serving node (for e.g. SGSN, S-GW).


Sets the trigger based on change in the timezone of UE.


Indicates that more than one of the previous keywords can be entered within a single command.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable the credit control reauthorization triggers for event-based-session in the credit-control group.


The following command selects a credit control trigger as mcc :
event-based-session trigger type mcc 


Exits the current mode and returns to the parent configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to return to the parent configuration mode.


This command configures Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling (CCFH) behavior in the event of communication failure with the prepaid server or on reception of specific error codes from prepaid server.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



failure-handling { initial-request | terminate-request | update-request } { continue [ go-offline-after-tx-expiry | retry-after-tx-expiry ] | retry-and-terminate [ retry-after-tx-expiry ] | terminate } 
default failure-handling [ initial-request | terminate-request | update-request ] 

default failure-handling [ initial-request | terminate-request | update-request ]

Configures the default CCFH setting.

initial-request : The default setting is terminate .

update-request : The default setting is retry-and-terminate .

terminate-request : The default setting is retry-and-terminate .


Specifies the message type as CCR-Initial.


Specifies the message type as CCR-Terminate.


Specifies the message type as CCR-Update.


Specifies the CCFH setting as continue. The online session is converted into an offline session. The associated PDP Context is established (new sessions) or not released (ongoing sessions).


Specifies the CCFH setting as retry-and-terminate. The user session will continue for the duration of one retry attempt with the prepaid server. If there is no response from both primary and secondary servers, the session is torn down.


Specifies the CCFH setting as terminate. All type of sessions (initial or update) are terminated in case of failure.


Starts offline charging after Tx expiry.


Retries after Tx expiry. Enables secondary-host, if up, to take over after Tx expiry.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to select the CCFH behavior. The specified behavior is used for sessions when no behavior is specified by the prepaid server. By default, the CCFH is taken care at response-timeout except for terminate setting.

If the Credit-Control-Failure-Handling AVP is received from the server, the received setting will be applied to all the message types.

The following table indicates the CCFH behavior for the combination of different CCFH settings, and the corresponding CLI commands.

CCFH Setting

CLI Command

Behavior at Tx

Behavior at RT

Secondary is Up

Secondary is Down

Initial-request Message Type


initial-request continue



Secondary takes over after RT

Offline after another RT.

No more quota requests are performed for any rating group within the session after DCCA failure (even if connectivity to DCCA is restored)

initial-request continue go-offline-after-tx-expiry



Offline at Tx

Offline at Tx

initial-request continue retry-after-tx-expiry



Secondary takes over after Tx

Offline after another Tx


initial-request retry-and-terminate



Secondary takes over after RT

Terminate after another RT

initial-request retry-and-terminate retry-after-tx-expiry



Secondary takes over after Tx

Terminate after another Tx


initial-request terminate



Terminate after Tx

Terminate after Tx

Update-request Message Type


update-request continue



Secondary takes over after RT

Offline after another RT

update-request continue go-offline-after-tx-expiry



Offline at Tx

Offline at Tx

update-request continue retry-after-tx-expiry



Secondary takes over after Tx

Offline after another Tx


update-request retry-and-terminate



Secondary takes over after RT

Sends CCR-T after another RT

update-request retry-and-terminate retry-after-tx-expiry



Secondary takes over after Tx

Sends CCR-T after another Tx


update-request terminate



Sends CCR-T after Tx

Sends CCR-T after Tx

Terminate-request Message Type


terminate-request continue



CCR-T is sent to secondary after RT

Terminate after another RT

terminate-request continue go-offline-after-tx-expiry



CCR-T is sent to secondary after Tx

Terminate after another Tx

terminate-request continue retry-after-tx-expiry



CCR-T is sent to secondary after Tx

Terminate after another Tx


terminate-request retry-and-terminate



CCR-T is sent to secondary after RT

Terminate after another RT

terminate-request retry-and-terminate retry-after-tx-expiry



CCR-T is sent to secondary after Tx

Terminate after another Tx


terminate-request terminate



Terminate after Tx

Terminate after Tx


The following command sets the Credit Control Failure Handling behavior for initial request message type to retry-and-terminate :
failure-handling initial-request retry-and-terminate 


This command enables the Gy event triggers for configuration of matching Rf ACR containers.








Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



gy-rf-trigger-type { final | forced-reauthorization | holding-time | quota-exhausted | rating-condition-change | threshold | validity-time } 
{ default | no } gy-rf-trigger-type 

default | no

The "default/no" variant of this command will not enable any of the Gy event-triggers which means the containers would not be closed for any of the event-triggers.


Enables Gy trigger "final" for Rf


Enables Gy trigger "forced-reauthorization" for Rf.


Enables Gy trigger "qht" for Rf. The trigger "qht" indicates Quota Holding Time.


Enables Gy trigger "quota-exhausted" for Rf.


Enables Gy trigger "rating-condition-change" for Rf.


Enables Gy trigger "threshold" for Rf.


Enables Gy trigger "validity-time" for Rf.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable the Gy reporting reasons/event triggers.

For all the Gy event triggers a container will be cached at Rf and will be sent based on other events at Rf (for example, max-charging-change-condition, RAT-Change, etc).


The CLI command "gy-rf-trigger-type" is currently applicable only for CCR-U and not CCR-T.

For example, when the CLI for QUOTA_EXHAUSTED event trigger is configured under credit-control group configuration, if there is quota_exhausted event then the container should be cached with appropriate change-condition value and ACR-I would be sent out based on other Rf event triggers. Similar behavior is applicable to other event triggers when configured.


The following command specifies the validity-time event trigger to be enabled.
gy-rf-trigger-type validity-time  


This command configures the encoding format of IMSI/IMEISV in the User-Equipment-Info, 3GPP-IMSI and 3GPP-IMEISV AVPs.








Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ default | no ] imsi-imeisv-encode-format { ascii | tbcd } 


Sends IMSI/IMEISV as an octet string in ASCII encoded format. By default, the IMSI/IMEISV will be encoded in ASCII format.


Sends IMSI/IMEISV as an octet string in Telephony Binary Coded Decimal (TBCD) format, i.e. the nibbles in an octet are inter-changed.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the encoding format of IMSI/IMEISV in User-Equipment-Info, 3GPP-IMSI and 3GPP-IMEISV AVPs.


The following command specifies the encoding format of IMSI/IMEISV as ASCII:
imsi-imeisv-encode-format ascii 


This command configures the Prepaid Credit Control mode to RADIUS or Diameter.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



mode { diameter | radius } 
default mode 


Configures the default prepaid credit control mode.

Default: diameter


Enables Diameter Credit Control Application (DCCA) for prepaid charging.


After you configure this keyword, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.


Enables RADIUS Credit Control for prepaid charging.


After you configure this keyword, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the prepaid charging application mode to Diameter or RADIUS credit control.


After you configure this command, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.


The following command specifies to use RADIUS prepaid credit control application:
mode radius 

offline-session re-enable

This command is configured to re-enable the offline Gy session after failure.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] offline-session re-enable 


Disables the feature. This is the default behavior.

The default configuration is no offline-session re-enable .

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to re-enable the Offline Gy session back to Online charging, based on indication from PCRF. When offline-session re-enable is configured and the PCRF installs/modifies a rule with "Online" AVP value set to 1, then the Offline DCCA will be marked Online.


This command controls the pass/drop treatment of traffic while waiting for definitive credit information from the server.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



pending-traffic-treatment { { { forced-reauth | trigger | validity-expired } drop | pass } | { noquota { buffer | drop | limited-pass volume | pass } } | { quota-exhausted { buffer | drop | pass } } } 
default pending-traffic-treatment { forced-reauth | noquota | quota-exhausted | trigger | validity-expired } 


Configures this command with the default setting.

Default: drop


Sets the Diameter credit control pending traffic treatment to forced reauthorization.


Sets the Diameter credit control pending traffic treatment to trigger.


Sets the Diameter credit control pending traffic treatment to validity expired.


Sets the Diameter credit control pending traffic treatment to no quota.


Sets the Diameter credit control pending traffic treatment to quota exhausted.


Specifies to tentatively count/time traffic, and then buffer traffic pending arrival of quota. Buffered traffic will be forwarded and fully charged against the quota when the quota is eventually obtained and the traffic is passed.


Drops any traffic when there is no quota present.

limited-pass volume

Enables limited access for subscribers when the OCS is unreachable.

volume specifies the Default Quota size (in bytes) and must be an integer from 1 through 4294967295.

This feature allows the subscriber to use the network when the OCS response is slow. This configuration enables to set a Default Quota size from which the subscriber can consume quota until response from the OCS arrives. The traffic consumed by the subscriber from the Default Quota at the beginning of the session is reported and counted against the quota assigned from the OCS.


Default Quota is used only for noquota case (Rating Group (RG) seeking quota for the first time) and not for quota-exhauste d. Default Quota is not used for subsequent credit requests.

If the Default Quota is NOT exhausted before the OCS responds with quota, traffic is allowed to pass. Initial Default Quota usage is counted against initial quota allocated. If quota allocated is less than the actual usage, the actual usage and request additional quota are reported. If no additional quota is available, the traffic is denied.

If the Default Quota is NOT exhausted before the OCS responds with denial of quota, traffic is blocked after the OCS response. The gateway will report usage on Default Quota even in for CCR-U (FINAL) or CCR-T until the OCS responds.

If the Default Quota is exhausted before the OCS responds, the session is dropped.

The default pending-traffic-treatment for noquota is drop. The default pending-traffic-treatment noquota command removes any Default Quota limit configured.


Passes all traffic more or less regardless of quota state.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the Diameter credit control pending traffic treatment while waiting for definitive credit information from the server.

This CLI command is different than the failure-handling command, which specifies behavior in the case of an actual timeout or error, as opposed to the behavior while waiting. See also the buffering-limit command in the Active Charging Service Configuration Mode.


The following command sets the Diameter credit control pending traffic treatment to drop any traffic when there is no quota present:
pending-traffic-treatment noquota drop 


This command sets various time-based quotas in the prepaid credit control service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



quota holding_time | validity-time validity_time } 
{ default | no } quota { holding-time | validity-time } 

holding-time holding_time

Specifies the Quota Holding Time (QHT) in seconds. The value must be an integer from 1 through 4000000000.

validity-time validity_time

Specifies the validity lifetime of the quota, in seconds. The value must be an integer from 1 through 4000000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the prepaid credit control quotas.


The following command sets the prepaid credit control request holding time to 30000 seconds:
quota holding-time 30000  

quota request-trigger

This command configures the action on the packet that triggers the credit control application to request quota.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



quota request-trigger { exclude-packet-causing-trigger | include-packet-causing-trigger } 
{ default | no } quota request-trigger 
default quota request-trigger 


Configures this command with the default setting. Default: include-packet-causing-trigger


Same as the default quota request-trigger command.


In 10.0 and later releases, this keyword is deprecated.


Excludes the packet causing threshold limit violation trigger.


Includes the packet causing the threshold limit violation trigger.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure action on the packet that triggers the credit control application to request quota, whether the packet should be excluded/included in the utilization information within the quota request.


The following command sets the system to exclude the packets causing threshold limit triggers from accounting of prepaid credit of a subscriber:
quota request-trigger exclude-packet-causing-trigger 

quota time-threshold

This command configures the time threshold limit for subscriber quota in the prepaid credit control service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



quota time-threshold { abs_time_value | percent percent_value } 
{ default | no } quota time-threshold 


Configures this command with the default setting.

Default: Disabled


Disables time threshold for prepaid credit control quota.


Specifies the absolute threshold time (in seconds) for configured time quota in prepaid credit control charging. abs_time_value must be an integer from 1 through 86400. To disable this assign 0. Default: 0 (Disabled)


Specifies the time threshold value as a percentage of the configured time quota in DCCA. percent_value must be an integer from 1 through 100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the time threshold for prepaid credit control quotas.


The following command sets the prepaid credit control time threshold to 400 seconds:
quota time-threshold 400 

quota units-threshold

This command sets the unit threshold limit for subscriber quota in the prepaid credit control service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



quota unit-threshold { abs_unit_value | percent percent_value } 
{ default | no } quota units-threshold 


Configures this command with the default setting.

Default: Disabled


Disables unit threshold for DCCA quota.


Specifies the absolute threshold value (in units) for the configured units quota in prepaid credit control application. abs_unit_value must be an integer from 1 through 4000000000. To disable this assign 0. Default: 0 (Disabled)


Specifies the time threshold value as a percentage of the configured units quota in DCCA. percent_value must be an integer from 1 through 100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the units threshold for prepaid credit control quotas.


The following command sets the prepaid credit control time threshold to 160400 units:
quota units-threshold 160400  

quota volume-threshold

This command sets the volume threshold limit for subscriber quota in the prepaid credit control service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



quota volume-threshold { abs_vol_value | percent percent_value } 
{ default | no } quota volume-threshold 


Configures this command with the default setting.

Default: Disabled


Disables volume threshold for prepaid credit control quota.


Specifies the absolute threshold volume (in bytes) to the configured volume quota in prepaid credit control. abs_vol_value must be an integer from 1 through 4000000000. To disable this assign 0. Default: 0 (Disabled)

If configured, the Credit Control client will seek re-authorization from the server for the quota when the quota contents fall below the specified threshold.

percent percent_value

Specifies the volume threshold value as a percentage of the configured volume quota in prepaid credit control. percent_value must be an integer from 1 through 100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the volume threshold for prepaid credit control quotas.


The following command sets the prepaid credit control volume threshold to 160400 bytes:
quota volume-threshold 160400  

radius usage-reporting-algorithm

This command configures the usage reporting algorithm for RADIUS prepaid using the Diameter Credit-Control Application (DCCA).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radius usage-reporting-algorithm { cumulative | relative } 
default radius usage-reporting-algorithm 


Configures this command with the default setting.

Default: cumulative


Reports the total accumulated usage of quota in every accounting interim.


Reports the quota usage per accounting interim (since the previous usage report).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the usage reporting algorithm for RADIUS prepaid using DCCA.


The following command configures the usage reporting algorithm for RADIUS prepaid using DCCA to relative :
radius usage-reporting-algorithm relative 


This command configures the action on buffered packets when a redirect-indicator is received from the RADIUS server.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



redirect-indicator-received { discard-buffered-packet | reprocess-buffered-packet } 
{ default | no } redirect-indicator-received 


Configures this command with the default setting. Default: discard-buffered-packet


Disables the redirect-indicator-received configuration.


Discards the buffered packet.


Redirects the buffered packet on receiving a redirect-indicator from the RADIUS server.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the action taken on buffered packet when redirect-indicator is received.

Diameter can return a redirect URL but not a redirect indicator, however RADIUS can return a redirect indicator. In this situation, any subsequent subscriber traffic would match ruledefs configured with cca redirect-indicator, and charging actions that have flow action redirect-url should be configured. However, some handsets do not retransmit, so there will be no subsequent packets. On configuring reprocess-buffered-packet, the ruledefs are reexamined to find a new charging action, which may have flow action redirect-url configured.


The following command configures the action taken on buffered packet when redirect-indicator is received to reprocess-buffered-packet:
redirect-indicator-received reprocess-buffered-packet 


This command conditionally verifies the presence of user-agents in the HTTP header, based on which HTTP URL redirection will be applied.









Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] redirect-require-user-agent 


Disables the "user-agent" check in the HTTP header.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to conditionally verify the presence of configured user-agents in the HTTP header. The user agent is configured using the redirect user-agent command in the ACS Configuration Mode. The user agent could be, for example, Mozilla, Opera, Google Chrome, etc.

The default configuration is to enable the "user-agent" check, and compare it with the configured list of supported user-agents. The packet will be redirected only when the user-agent is matched with one of the configured user-agents.

If no redirect-require-user-agent is configured, the user-agent check is disabled. The packets will be redirected even if it does not contain a "user-agent" information in the HTTP header.


This command configures whether to continue or terminate calls when Diameter server or the OCS becomes unreachable.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



In 12.1 and earlier releases:

servers-unreachable { initial-request { continue | terminate [ after-timer-expiry timeout_period ] } | update-request { continue | terminate [ after-quota-expiry | after-timer-expiry timeout_period ] } }
no servers-unreachable { initial-request | update-request } 

In 12.2 and later releases:

servers-unreachable { behavior-triggers { initial-request | update-request } result-code { any-error | result-code [ to end-result-code ] } | transport-failure [ response-timeout | tx-expiry ] | initial-request { continue [ { [ after-interim-time timeout_period ] [ after-interim-volume quota_value ] } server-retries retry_count ] | terminate [ { [ after-interim-time timeout_period ] [ after-interim-volume quota_value ] } server-retries retry_count | after-timer-expiry timeout_period ] } | update-request { continue [ { [ after-interim-time timeout_period ] [ after-interim-volume quota_value ] } server-retries retry_count ] | terminate [ { [ after-interim-time timeout_period ] [ after-interim-volume quota_value ] } server-retries retry_count ] | after-quota-expiry | after-timer-expiry timeout_period ] } } 
no servers-unreachable { initial-request | update-request } 
default servers-unreachable behavior-triggers { initial-request | update-request } 


Deletes the current servers-unreachable configuration.

In 15.0 and later releases, to remove the error result code configuration, the no command syntax is no servers-unreachable behavior-triggers { initial-request | update-request } result-code { any-error | result-code [ to end-result-code ] } .

behavior-triggers { initial-request | update-request } { result-code { any-error | result-code [ to end-result-code ] } | transport-failure [ response-timeout | tx-expiry ] }

This keyword is used to determine when to apply server-unreachable action. This supports three configurable options to apply server-unreachable action either at transport failure, Tx expiry or at response timeout. Out of these three options, the transport failure is the default option.

  • initial-request : Specifies the behavior when Diameter server(s)/OCS become unreachable during initial session establishment.

  • update-request : Specifies the behavior when Diameter server(s)/OCS become unreachable during mid-session.

  • result-code { any-error | result-code [ to end-result-code ] } : Specifies to configure any Diameter error result code or a range of result codes to trigger entering server unreachable mode.

    result-code must be an integer ranging from 3000 to 5999.

  • transport-failure [ response-timeout | tx-expiry ] : This keyword specifies to trigger the behavior either at transport failure or response timeout OR at Transport failure or Tx expiry.

initial-request { continue | terminate [ after-timer-expiry timeout_period ] }


This section applies only to 12.1 and earlier releases.

Specifies behavior when Diameter server(s)/OCS become unreachable during initial session establishment.

  • continue : Specifies to continue call if Diameter server(s) becomes unreachable.

  • terminate : Specifies to terminate call if Diameter server(s) becomes unreachable.

    after-timer-expiry timeout_period : On detecting transport failure, this keyword variable specifies the time limit for which the subscriber session will remain in offline state before the call is terminated.

    timeout_period specifies the timeout period, in seconds, and must be an integer from 1 through 4294967295.

initial-request { continue [ { [ after-interim-time timeout_period ] [ after-interim-volume quota_value ] } server-retries retry_count ] | terminate [ { [ after-interim-time timeout_period ] [ after-interim-volume quota_value ] } server-retries retry_count ] | after-timer-expiry timeout_period }


This section applies only to 12.2 and later releases.

Specifies behavior when Diameter server(s)/OCS become unreachable during initial session establishment.

  • continue : Specifies to continue call if Diameter server(s) becomes unreachable.

  • terminate : Specifies to terminate call if Diameter server(s) becomes unreachable.

    • after-interim-time timeout_period : Specifies to continue or terminate call after the interim timeout period expires.

      timeout_period specifies the timeout period, in seconds, and must be an integer from 1 through 4294967295.

    • after-interim-volume quota_value : Specifies to continue or terminate call on exhaustion of the assigned quota.

      quota_value specifies the volume-based quota value, in bytes, and must be an integer from 1 through 4294967295.

      The after-interim-volume and after-interim-time can be configured in one of the following ways:

      • after-interim-volume quota_value server-retries retry_count

      • after-interim-time timeout_period server-retries retry_count

      • after-interim-volume quota_value after-interim-time timeout_period server-retries retry_count

    • after-timer-expiry timeout_period : On detecting transport failure, this keyword variable specifies the time limit for which the subscriber session will remain in offline state before the call is terminated.

      timeout_period specifies the timeout period, in seconds, and must be an integer from 1 through 4294967295.

    • server-retries retry_count : Specifies the number of retries that should happen to OCS before allowing the session to terminate/offline.

      retry_count specifies the retries to OCS, and must be an integer from 0 through 65535. If the value 0 is defined for this keyword, the retry to OCS will not happen instead the configured action will be immediately applied.

update-request { continue | terminate [ after-quota-expiry | after-timer-expiry timeout_period ] }


This section applies only to 12.1 and earlier releases.

Specifies behavior when Diameter server(s)/OCS become unreachable during mid session.

  • continue : Specifies to continue call if Diameter server(s) becomes unreachable.

  • terminate : Specifies to terminate call if Diameter server(s) becomes unreachable.

    • after-quota-expiry : Specifies to terminate call on exhaustion of all available quota.

    • after-timer-expiry timeout_period : On detecting transport failure, this keyword variable specifies the time limit for which the subscriber session will remain in offline state before the call is terminated.

      timeout_period specifies the timeout period, in seconds, and must be an integer from 1 through 4294967295.

update-request { continue [ { [ after-interim-time timeout_period ] [ after-interim-volume quota_value ] } server-retries retry_count ] | terminate [ { [ after-interim-time timeout_period ] [ after-interim-volume quota_value ] } server-retries retry_count ] | after-quota-expiry | after-timer-expiry timeout_period ] }


This section applies only to 12.2 and later releases.

Specifies behavior when Diameter server(s)/OCS become unreachable during mid session.

  • continue : Specifies to continue call if Diameter server(s) becomes unreachable.

  • terminate : Specifies to terminate call if Diameter server(s) becomes unreachable.

    • after-interim-time timeout_period : Specifies to continue or terminate call after the interim timeout period expires.

      timeout_period specifies the timeout period, in seconds, and must be an integer from 1 through 4294967295.

    • after-interim-volume quota_value : Specifies to continue or terminate call on exhaustion of the assigned quota.

      quota_value specifies the volume-based quota value, in bytes, and must be an integer from 1 through 4294967295.

      The after-interim-volume and after-interim-time can be configured in one of the following ways:

      • after-interim-volume quota_value server-retries retry_count

      • after-interim-time timeout_period server-retries retry_count

      • after-interim-volume quota_value after-interim-time timeout_period server-retries retry_count

    • after-quota-expiry : Specifies to terminate call on exhaustion of all available quota.

    • after-timer-expiry timeout_period : On detecting transport failure, this keyword variable specifies the time limit for which the subscriber session will remain in offline state before the call is terminated.

      timeout_period specifies the timeout period, in seconds, and must be an integer from 1 through 4294967295.

    • server-retries retry_count : Specifies the number of retries that should happen to OCS before allowing the session to terminate/offline.

      retry_count specifies the retries to OCS, and must be an integer from 0 through 65535. If the value 0 is defined for this keyword, the retry to OCS will not happen instead the configured action will be immediately applied.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure whether to continue/terminate calls when Diameter server(s)/OCS are unreachable. This command can be used to verify the functionality of the configurable action if the OCS becomes unreachable.

In 12.1 and earlier releases, the OCS is considered down/unreachable when all transport/TCP connections are down for that OCS.

In 12.2 and later releases, the OCS is declared unreachable when all transport connections are down OR message timeouts happen (for example, a Tx expiry or response timeout, for all available OCS servers) owing to slow response from the OCS (may be due to network congestion or other network related issues).

The following set of actions are performed if the servers become unreachable:

  • During initial session establishment:

    • Block traffic: Terminate the session.

    • Continue call: Continue by making the session offline.

    • Pass traffic until timer expiration post which terminates the call: Session would be offline while the timer is running.

    • Pass traffic until interim time expiration post which continues or terminates the call.

    • Pass traffic until interim volume expiration post which continues or terminates the call.

  • During mid session:

    • Block traffic: Terminate the session.

    • Continue call: Continue by making the session offline.

    • Run out of session quota post which terminates the call.

    • Pass traffic until timer expiration post which terminates the call: Session would be offline while the timer is running.

    • Pass traffic until interim time expiration post which continues or terminates the call.

    • Pass traffic until interim volume expiration post which continues or terminates the call.

This command works on the same lines as the failure-handling command, which is very generic for each of the xxx-requests.

The servers-unreachable CLI command is specifically for TCP connection error. In the event of TCP connection failure, the failure-handling and/or servers-unreachable commands can be used. This way, the operator has the flexibility to configure CCFH independent of OCS-unreachable feature, that is having two different failure handlings for same request types.


Please note that the flexibility to configure CCFH independent of OCS-unreachable feature is applicable only to 12.1 and earlier releases. In 12.2 and later releases, if configured, the servers-unreachable takes precedence over the failure-handling command.

This command can also be used to control the triggering of behavior based on transport failure, response message timeouts or Tx expiry when OCS becomes unreachable. The OCS could be unreachable due to no TCP connection and the message timeout could be due to network congestion or any other network related issues.

The following are the possible and permissible configurations with respect to behavior triggering:

  • servers-unreachable behavior-triggers { initial-request | update-request } transport-failure

  • servers-unreachable behavior-triggers { initial-request | update-request } transport-failure response-timeout

  • servers-unreachable behavior-triggers { initial-request | update-request } transport-failure tx-expiry

Of these configurations, the first one is considered to be the default configuration and it will take care of backward compatibility with 12.0 implementation.

If the server returns the CC-Failure-Handling AVP, it would apply for transport-failure/response-timeout/tx-expiry when the CLI command servers-unreachable is not configured. If the servers-unreachable is configured for a set of behavior-triggers, then servers-unreachable configuration will be applied for them. For those behavior-triggers for which servers-unreachable is not configured, the CC-Failure-Handling value provided by the server will be applied.

By default, Result-Code such as 3002 (Unable-To-Deliver), 3004 (Too-Busy) and 3005 (Loop-Detected) falls under delivery failure category and will be treated similar to response-timeout configuration.


The following command configures the duration of 1111 seconds, for the subscriber session to be in offline state, after which the initial request calls will be terminated.
servers-unreachable initial-request terminate after-timer-expiry 1111 

subscription-id service-type

This command enables required Subscription-Ids for various service types.








Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



subscription-id service-type { closedrp | ggsn | ha | ipsg | l2tplns | mipv6ha | pdsn | pgw } { e164 | imsi | nai } 
[ no ] subscription-id service-type { closedrp | ggsn | ha | ipsg | l2tplns | mipv6ha | pdsn | pgw } 


Configures the default timestamp-rounding setting.

Default: floor

closedrp | ggsn | ha | ipsg | l2tplns | mipv6ha | pdsn | pgw { e164 | imsi | nai }

Includes the Subscription-Id for the chosen service type. For example, if ipsg is configured as the keyword option, then the subscription-id is included for the IPSG service.

The following subscription-Id types are available:

  • e164 - Include E164 information in the Subscription-Id AVP

  • imsi - Include IMSI information in the Subscription-Id AVP

  • nai - Include NAI information in the Subscription-Id AVP

Usage Guidelines

Currently, Subscription-Id AVP is encoded in the Gy CCRs based on dictionary and service-type checks. With the new CLI command, customers will have the provision of enabling required Subscription-Id types for various services.

Each service can have a maximum of three Subscription-Id types (e164, imsi & nai) that can be configured through this CLI command. The DCCA specific changes are made in such a way that, if the CLI command is configured for any particular service, then the CLI takes precedence. Else, it falls back to default (hard-coded) values configured for that service.

The advantage of this CLI command is that any further dictionary additions in DCCA can be minimized.


The CLI configured for any of the service will contain the most recent Subscription-Id-types configured for that service (i.e. overrides the previous values).

For an instance, if a customer wants IMSI value to be encoded in Gy CCRs (along with E164) for MIPv6HA service, then this CLI command subscription-id service-type mipv6ha e164 imsi should be configured in the Credit Control Configuration mode.

If only imsi is configured through the CLI, then Gy CCRs will only have imsi value.


The following command configures imsi type for ggsn service:
subscription-id service-type ggsn imsi 


This command configures how to convert exact time into the units that are used in quotas.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



timestamp-rounding { ceiling | floor | roundoff } 
default timestamp-rounding 


Configures the default timestamp-rounding setting.

Default: floor

timestamp-rounding ceiling

Round off to the smallest integer greater than the fraction.

If the fractional part of the seconds is greater than 0, add 1 to the number of seconds and discard the fraction.

timestamp-rounding floor

Discard the fractional part of the second.

timestamp-rounding roundoff

Set the fractional part of the seconds to the nearest integer value. If the fractional value is greater than or equal to 0.5, add 1 to the number of seconds and discard the fractional part of second.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure how to convert exact time into the units that are used in quotas for CCA charging.

The specified rounding will be performed before system attempts any calculation. For example using round-off, if the start time is 1.4, and the end time is 1.6, then the calculated duration will be 1 (i.e., 2 – 1 = 1).


The following command sets the CCA timestamp to nearest integer value second (for example, 34:12.23 to 34:12.00):
timestamp-rounding roundoff 

trigger type

This command enables/disables triggering a credit reauthorization when the named values in the subscriber session changes.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] trigger type { cellid | lac | mcc | mnc | qos | rat | serving-node | sgsn | timezone } + 
default trigger type 


Configures this command with the default setting.

Default: No triggers.


Removes the previously configured trigger type.


Sets the trigger based on change in cell identity or Service Area Code (SAC).


Sets the trigger based on change in Location Area Code.


Sets the trigger based on change in Mobile Country Code (MCC).


Sets the trigger based on change in Mobile Network Code (MNC).


Sets the trigger based on change in the Quality of Service (QoS).


Sets the trigger based on change in the Radio Access Technology (RAT).


Sets the trigger based on change in serving node. The serving node change causes the credit control client to ask for a re-authorization of the associated quota.

Typically used as an extension to sgsn trigger in P-GW (SAEGW), however, may also be used alone.


Sets the trigger based on change in the IP address of SGSN.


Sets the trigger based on change in the timezone of UE.


Indicates that more than one of the previous keywords can be entered within a single command.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the credit control reauthorization trigger.


The following command selects a credit control trigger as lac :
trigger type lac 


This command configures the ACS Credit Control usage reporting type.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > ACS Configuration > Credit Control Configuration

active-charging service service_name > credit-control

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



usage-reporting quotas-to-report based-on-grant { report-only-granted-volume } 
default usage-reporting quotas-to-report 


Configures this command with the default setting.

Default: Disabled


Suppresses the input and output octets. If the Granted-Service-Unit (GSU) AVP comes with CC-Total-Octets, then the device will send total, input and output octets in Used-Service-Unit (USU) AVP. If it comes with Total-Octets, the device will send only Total-Octets in USU.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure reporting usage only for granted quota. On issuing this command, the Used-Service-Unit AVP will report quotas based on grant i.e, only the quotas present in the Granted-Service-Unit AVP.

With this command only the units for which the quota was granted by the DCCA server will be reported irrespective of the reporting reason.


The following command configures to report usage based only on granted quota:
usage-reporting quotas-to-report based-on-grant