ultram_ucs_utils.py Help

Enter the following command to display help for the UCS utilities available through the Ultra M Manager:

./ultram_ucs_utils.py h 

usage: ultram_ucs_utils.py [-h] --cfg CFG --login UC_LOGIN UC_LOGIN
                           (--upgrade  | --mgmt  | --status  | --undercloud UC_RC)
                           [--mode] [--serial-delay SERIAL_DELAY]
                           [--server SERVER] [--file FILE]
                           [--protocol {http,https,tftp,sftp,ftp,scp}]
                           [--access ACCESS ACCESS] [--secure-boot]
                           [--update-type {immediate,delayed}] [--reboot]
                           [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--verify] [--stop-on-error]
                           [--bios-param BIOS_PARAM]
                           [--bios-values BIOS_VALUES [BIOS_VALUES ...]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cfg CFG             Configuration file to read servers
                        Common Login UserName / Password to authenticate UCS servers
  --vim-type            Type of Virtual Infrastructure Manager(OSP10 or CVIM or VCD)
  --upgrade             Firmware upgrade, choose one from:
                          'bios': Upgrade BIOS firmware version
                          'cimc': Upgrade CIMC firmware version
                          'huu' : Upgrade All Firmwares via HUU based on ISO
  --mgmt                Server Management Tasks, choose one from:
                          'power-up'      :  Power on the server immediately
                          'power-down'    :  Power down the server (non-graceful)
                          'soft-shut-down':  Shutdown the server gracefully
                          'power-cycle'   :  Power Cycle the server immediately
                          'hard-reset'    :  Hard Reset the server
                          'cimc-reset'    :  Reboot CIMC
                          'cmos-reset'    :  Reset CMOS
                          'set-bios'      :  Set BIOS Parameter
  --status              Firmware Update Status:
                          'bios-upgrade'  :  Last BIOS upgrade status
                          'cimc-upgrade'  :  Last CIMC upgrade status
                          'huu-upgrade'   :  Last ISO upgrade via Host Upgrade Utilties
                          'firmwares'     :  List Current set of running firmware versions
                          'server'        :  List Server status
                          'bios-settings' :  List BIOS Settings
  --undercloud UC_RC    Get the list of servers from undercloud
  --mode                Execute action in serial/parallel
  --serial-delay SERIAL_DELAY
                        Delay (seconds) in executing firmware upgrades on node in case of serial mode

Firmware Upgrade Options::
  --server SERVER       Server IP hosting the file via selected protocol
  --file FILE           Firmware file path for UCS server to access from file server
  --protocol {http,https,tftp,sftp,ftp,scp}
                        Protocol to get the firmware file on UCS server
  --access ACCESS ACCESS
                        UserName / Password to access the file from remote server using https,sftp,ftp,scp
  --secure-boot         Use CIMC Secure-Boot.
  --update-type {immediate,delayed}
                        Update type whether to send delayed update to server or immediate
  --reboot              Reboot CIMC before performing update
  --timeout TIMEOUT     Update timeout in mins should be more than 30 min and less than 200 min
  --verify              Use this option to verify update after reboot
  --stop-on-error       Stop the firmware update once an error is encountered

BIOS Parameters configuratioon:
  --bios-param BIOS_PARAM
                        BIOS Paramater Name to be set
  --bios-values BIOS_VALUES [BIOS_VALUES ...]
                        BIOS Paramater values in terms of key=value pair separated by space