IuPS Service Configuration Mode Commands


The IuPS Service configuration mode is used to define properties for the IuPS service which controls the Iu-PS interface connections to Radio Network Controllers (RNCs) of the UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network (UTRAN).

Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).


From R15.0 onwards, License Control is implemented on all Network Sharing related commands.


For information on common commands available in this configuration mode, refer to the Common Commands chapter.


This command configures the access protocol parameters for the IuPS service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



access-protocol sccp-network sccp_net_id 
no access-protocol sccp-network 


Removes a previously configured access protocol value.

sccp-network sccp_net_id

Specifies the Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) for this IuPS service to use.

sccp_net_id must be an integer from 1 to 16.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure access protocol parameters for the current IuPS service.


The following command specifies that the current Iu-PS service should use SCCP 1 :
access-protocol sccp-network 1  


This command associates a configured DSCP marking template with this IuPS service and associated Iu interface.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



associate dscp-template downlink dscp_template_name 
no associate dscp-template downlink 


Removes a previously configured association.


Specifies a DSCP marking template that was previously configured with the commands in the DSCP Template configuration mode.

dscp_template_name - Enter an alphanumeric string of 1 to 64 characters, including dots (.), dashes (-), and forward slashes (/), to identify a unique instance of a DSCP marking template.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to associate a specific DSCP marking template with this IuPS service and associated Iu interface. The DSCP template provides a mechanism for differentiated services code point (DSCP) marking of control packets and signaling messages at the SGSN's M3UA level on the Iu interface. This DSCP marking enables the SGSN to perform classifying and managing of network traffic and to determine quality of service (QoS) for the interface to the IP network.


The following command associates a DSCP marking template named dscptemp1 with the Iu interface:
associate dscp-template downlink dscptemp1 
The following command disassociates a previously associated DSCP marking template named template4 with this IuPS service configuration:
no associate dscp-template downlink  


This command specifies the time period that a GTP-U bind address (loopback address) will not be used (is blacklisted) in RAB-Assignment requests after a RAB assignment request, with that GTP-U bind address, has been rejected by an RNC with the cause - Unspecified Error. This is a failure at the RNC's GTP-U IP interface.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



blacklist-timeout-gtpu-bind-addresses seconds 
default blacklist-timeout-gtpu-bind-addresses  
no blacklist-timeout-gtpu-bind-addresses 


Disables the Blacklisting timeout configuration.


Resets the blacklist time to 60 seconds.


Number of seconds that the GTP-U bind (loopback) address will not be used in a RAB-Assignment request.

seconds : Must be an integer from 1 to 1800.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the blacklist period.


The following command specifies a 15 minutes (460 seconds ) blacklist period.
blacklist-timeout-gtpu-bind-addresses 460 


This command allows the operator to determine how empty Connection Request messages will be handled.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



empty-cr procedure reject 
[ default | no ] empty-cr procedure reject 

default | no

Using either default or no with the command disables the rejection function and returns the system to the default behavior, which is to ignore receipt of the empty CRs.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable/disable the procedure for handling empty (not containing dataparameters) Connection Request (CR) messages.

This feature can be used in the following scenario: During 4G to 3G handovers, some Connection Requests from mobile subscribers might be ignored by the SGSN, even though their UE would display that the WCDMA was available. The RNC would send an SCCP Connection Request (CR) over the Iu interface to the SGSN. Normally, this message contains a RANAP message and GMM, but according to 3GPP and ITU Q.713 standards, it is permissible to send an SCCP CR without any data parameters. In such a situation, normally the SGSN would ignore these SCCP CR messages, because without these data parameters the SGSN would be unable to derive the DeMux key which is the basis for determining the Session Manager instance to be used for a subscriber. Using this feature allows the SGSN to send a Reject to the mobile subscriber when an "empty" SCCP CR is sent from their UE.

Fields have been added to the output of the following CLI show commands to track the receipt and rejection of Connect Request (CR) messages:
  • show gmm-sm statistics
  • show gmm-sm statistics verbose


The following command enables the empty CR handling procedure:
empty-cr procedure reject  
The following command disables the empty CR handling procedure:
default empty-cr procedure reject  

force-authenticate consecutive-security-failure

Disable/enable authentication when the MS/UE security fails and configures the procedures and frequency for authentication




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



force-authenticate consecutive-security-failure { inter-sgsn-rau | local-messages count frequency | non-local-messages count frequency  } 
[ default | no ] force-authenticate consecutive-security-failure { inter-sgsn-rau | local-messages | non-local-messages }  


Resets the values to defaults. Forced authentication is enabled for all the types of event procedures with the default values for determining frequency for authentication.


Disables the specified authentication configuration.


Default: enabled

Enables/disables authentication for inter-SGSN RAU.

The SGSN does not remember previous inter-SGSN-RAU failures for a P-TMSI/RAI because the SGSN clears all contexts on the occurrence of an inter-SGSN-RAU security failure. So the next inter-SGSN-RAU can only be authenticated forcefully if it comes before the previous context is cleared. This type of forced authentication is enabled by default because this type of failure is fairly common.

local-messages count frequency

Default: 5

Enables/ disables authentication for local messages (such as local RAUs, Service Requests, Detach Requests, etc) . Consecutive security failures is fairly rare for local messages so the default count frequency is fairly high, 5. Setting the count frequency enables the feature and sets the number of consecurity local message security failures that must occur prior t o authentication being forced.

frequency: Enter an integer from 1 to 10.

non-local-messages count count

Default: 1

Enables/ disables authentication for non-local messages (such as inter-RAT RAUs and all types of attaches) . Consecutive security failures for non-local messages is fairly common so the default count frequency is 1. Setting the count frequency enables the feature and sets the number of consecurity non-local message security failures that must occur prior t o authentication being forced.

frequency: Enter an integer from 1 to 10.

Usage Guidelines

GMM authentication is optional for UMTS. When GMM authentication is skipped, the SGSN and the MS continue to re-use the latest keys exchanged during the most recent GMM authentication procedure. This can result in the SGSN and the MS going out of sync with the CK and IK currently in use. If a mismatch occurs when the MS continues to use the correct parameters (e.g., cksn or P-TMSI signature) in the next Iu and if the SGSN skips authentication on the Iu, then, usually, the security mode will timeout or be rejected because the MS will not be able to decipher or perform an integrity check on the network messages. This scenario results in a lot of useless signaling in the network. This command allows the operator to enable a forced GMM authentication that will either resolve this type of problem or avoid it. As well, the operator can configure a frequency of authentication that best meets their needs.


The following command enables forced authentication after every 3rd local message security failure:
force-authenticate consecutive-security-failure local-messages count 3 


This commands configures parameters for the GTP user (GTP-U) dataplane.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



gtpu { bind ip_addr | echo-interval seconds | max-retransmissions number | retransmission-timeout seconds | sync-echo-with-peer }  
no gtpu { bind address ip_addr | echo-interval | max-retransmissions | retransmission-timeout | sync-echo-with-peer } 
default gtpu { echo-interval | max-retransmissions | retransmission-timeout | sync-echo-with-peer } 


Removes the configured parameter value.


Sets the specified parameter to its default setting.

bind address ip_addr

This command binds the specified IP address to the Iu-PS GTP-U endpoint.

ip_addr : Must be an IP v4 IP address in dotted decimal notation.

echo-interval seconds

Default: 60

Configures the rate, in seconds, at which GTP-U echo packets are sent to the UTRAN over the Iu-PS interface.

seconds : Must be an integer from 60 through 3600.

max-retransmissions number

Default: 5

Configures the maximum number of transmission retries for GTP-U packets.

number : Must be an integer from 0 through 15.

retransmission-timeout seconds

Default: 5

Configures the retransmission timeout for GTPU packets in seconds.

seconds : Must be an integer from 1 through 20.


This keyword is applicable to the SGSN only.

This keyword enables the SGSN to synchronize path management procedures with the peer after a GTP service restart recovery.

After GTP service recovery, the SGSN restarts the timers for GTP echo transmission, hence a drift in echo request transmission time (from the pre-recovery time) can occur causing the SGSN to be out of sync with the peer. By using this keyword, when the SGSN receives the first Echo Request (GTPC or GTPU) from the peer after the GTP service restart, in addition to replying with an ECHO Response, the SGSN transmits an ECHO Request to the peer and the SGSN restarts the timers associated with the path management procedures. This causes the path management procedure at SGSN to synchronize with the peer node.

Default: Enabled

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure GTP-U parameters for the Iu-PS interface.


The following command binds the IP address to the Iu-PS interface for communication with the UTRAN:
gtpu bind address  


This command enables the processing of SRNS relocation when the source RNC is behaving as the target RNC



Insert product and tag this paragraph appropriately.


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] inter-rnc-procedures [ source-rnc-as-target-rnc | use-old-location-info ]  


Disables SRNS relocation when the source RNC is behaving as the target RNC. This is the default behavior.


Configures the SGSN to complete SRNS relocation when the source RNC is behaving as the target RNC. For example, in the case of a Femtocell-to-Femtocell handoff - the femtocell gateway may act both as the source and target RNC to the femtocells, although from the SGSN's perspective it is the same RNC.


Selects and uses the old values of LAC, RAC and SAC for S-CDRs and ULI information sent to the GGSN during an intra-SRNS procedure.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable/disable SRNS relocation when the source RNC is behaving as the target RNC.


Enter this command to enable SRNS relocation for those scenarios where the source RNC is behaving as the target RNC.
inter-rnc-procedures source-rnc-as-target-rnc 


Defines the type and duration of the Iu hold connection.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



iu-hold-connection [ always | requested-by-ms ] [ hold-time seconds ]  
default iu-hold-connection 
no iu-hold-connection 


Resets the Iu hold connection parameters to requested-by-ms and 100 second duration.


Removes the configuration information for the specified Iu hold connection parameter.


Specifies that there is always to be an Iu hold connection procedure.


Specifies that there is only an Iu hold connection procedure if requested by the MS/UE.

This is the default setting for Iu-hold-connection.

hold-time time

This variable configures the interval (in seconds) that the SGSN holds the Iu connection.

time: must be an integer from 1 to 3600.

time: must be an integer from 10 to 3600.


It is recommended to use a minimum value of "10" seconds. If a value less than "10" seconds is used, more collisions may be observed. If the minimum value of "1" is set, after a re-load, INTRA-RAU (with unknown ptmsi, old-rai known) will be released in "1" second if the Identity Rsp does not come within "1" second.

Default is 100.

Usage Guidelines

Define the amount of time the Iu connection will be held open.


Instruct the SGSN to hold the Iu connection open for 120 seconds
iu-hold-connection always hold-time 120 



This command has been deprecated and is no longer available.




Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



Configures the SGSN's timer for waiting for an Iu Release Complete message from the RNC.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



iu-release-complete-timeout time 
default iu-release-complete-timeout 


Resets the timer to its default setting.


This variable defines the amount of time (in seconds) that the SGSN waits to receive an 'Iu Release Complete' message from the RNC.

Default: 10.

time: Must be an integer from 1 to 60.

Usage Guidelines

Configure the number of seconds that the SGSN waits to receive the Iu Release Complete message.


Set the SGSN to wait 20 seconds for Iu-Release-Complete:
iu-release-complete-timeout 20  

loss-of-radio-coverage ranap-cause

This command sets the detection cause included in the Iu Release message. This command is unique to releases 9.0 and higher.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



loss-or-radio-coverage ranap-cause cause_number 
default loss-of-radio-coverage ranap-cause 


This keyword resets the configuration to the default cause ID number.

ranap-cause cause_number

This number identifies the reason the SGSN has detected, from Iu Release messages, for the loss of radio coverage (LORC). This value is included in the IE messages the SGSN sends to either the GGSN or the GGSN and the peer SGSN to indicate LORC state. The range of reasons is a part of the set defined by 3GPP 25413.

cause_number : Must be an integer from 1 to 512.

Default: 46 (MS/UE radio connection lost)

Usage Guidelines

By defining a cause code, the SGSN knows to detect the LORC state of the mobile from Iu Release messages it receives for the subscriber. This configuration also instructs the SGSN to include the defined cause code for the LORC state in the IE portion of various messages sent to the GGSN and optionally the peer SGSN.

This command is one of the two commands required to enable the SGSN to work with the GGSN and, optionally the peer SGSN, to implement the Overcharging Protection feature (see the SGSN Overview in the SGSN Administration Guide for feature details. The other command needed to implement the Overcharging Protection feature is the gtp private extension command explained in the SGSN APN Policy Configuration Mode chapter of the Command Line Interface Reference.


Use the following command to set the cause code to indicate that there are no radio resources available in the target cell, cause 53 .

loss-or-radio-coverage ranap-cause 53  


This command is in development for future use so the command and keywords that you might see are not currently supported.

network-sharing cs-ps-coordination

Enables/disables the SGSN service to perform a CS-PS coordination check.


With the release of 15.0, both 2G and 3G MOCN functionality is license controlled and the license is required to use all previously available network sharing SGSN configuration commands. For additional information, contact your Cisco Account Representative.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



network-sharing cs-ps-coordination [ homer | roamer ]
default network-sharing cs-ps-coordination
no network-sharing cs-ps-coordination 


Including this keyword resets the SGSN service to allow the check to be performed.


Disables this CS-PS coordination checking for this IuPS service.


Enables checking for CS-PS co-ordination for homers (UEs registered in the home network) only.


Enables checking for CS-PS co-ordination for roamers (UEs from outside the home network) only.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to facilitate the network sharing functionality. With this command, the SGSN can be instructed to perform a check to determine if CS-PS coordination is needed.

3GPP TS 25.231 section 4.2.5 describes the functionality of the SGSN to handle CS-PS (circuit-switching/packet-switching) coordination for attached networks not having a Gs-interface. In compliance with the standard, the SGSN rejects an Attach in a MOCN configuration with cause 'CS-PS coordination required', after learning the IMSI, to facilitate the RNC choosing the same operator for both CS and PS domains.


Use the following syntax to disable the CS-PS coordination check:
no network-sharing cs-ps-coordination 
Use the following command to enable the CS-PS coordination check only for UEs from outside the home network:
no network-sharing cs-ps-coordination roamer 

network-sharing failure-code

Configure the reject cause code to included in network-sharing Reject messages.


With the release of 15.0, both 2G and 3G MOCN functionality is now license controlled and the license is required to use all previously available network sharing SGSN configuration commands. For additional information, contact your Cisco Account Representative.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



network-sharing failure failure_code
default network-sharing failure 


Resets the SGSN service to use the default cause code,14 (GPRS services not allowed in this PLMN).


Enter one of the GMM failure cause codes listed below (from section of the 3GPP TS 124.008 v7.2.0 R7):
  • 2 - IMSI unknown in HLR

  • 3 - Illegal MS

  • 6 - Illegal ME

  • 7 - GPRS services not allowed

  • 8 - GPRS services and non-GPRS services not allowed

  • 9 - MSID cannot be derived by the network

  • 10 - Implicitly detached

  • 11 - PLMN not allowed

  • 12 - Location Area not allowed

  • 13 - Roaming not allowed in this location area

  • 14 - GPRS services not allowed in this PLMN

  • 15 - No Suitable Cells In Location Area

  • 16 -MSC temporarily not reachable

  • 17 - Network failure

  • 20 - MAC failure

  • 21 - Synch failure

  • 22 - Congestion

  • 23 - GSM authentication unacceptable

  • 40 - No PDP context activated

  • 48 to 63 - retry upon entry into a new cell

  • 95 - Semantically incorrect message

  • 96 - Invalid mandatory information

  • 97 - Message type non-existent or not implemented

  • 98 - Message type not compatible with state

  • 99 - Information element non-existent or not implemented

  • 100 - Conditional IE error

  • 101 - Message not compatible with the protocol state

  • 111 - Protocol error, unspecified

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to determine which failure code will be included in Reject messages sent by the SGSN when there is a network-sharing failure.


Use the following syntax to indicate that roaming is not allowed (#13 ) as the cause for the network-sharing failure:
network-sharing failure 13 

network-sharing non-shared

This command allows non-shared area access when network-sharing is enabled.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



network-sharing non-shared 
[ default | no ] network-sharing non-shared 


Resets the default to disable non-shared access.

Usage Guidelines

When non-shared area access is enabled, the SGSN sends the selected-plmn value in Attach/RAU accept if LAI is having one of the selected-plmn and "selected-plmn" or "Redirect-attempt flag" IEs are not included in the request message.


Disable non-shared area access if it has already been configured:

no network-sharing non-shared 

network-sharing stop-redirect-reject-cause

Enables the operator to disable the default behavior which sends Redirection Indication IE in RANAP Reject messages when reject is due to GMM cause #17 (network failure) related to System Failure or Unexpected Data value MAP errors from the HLR. This change of the default behavior would only be applicable to 3G Roamers.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



network-sharing stop-redirect-reject-cause network-failure   
{ default | no } network-sharing stop-redirect-reject-cause  


Instructs the SGSN to use the default behavior and send redirect indication in Attach Reject or RAU Reject if reject is due to GMM cause 'network failure' which resulted from one of the MAP errors unexpected data value or system failure.


Disables this function and returns to the default behavior.

Usage Guidelines

With this command, the operator would change the SGSN's default behavior (complies with 3GPP Release 11) for roaming subscribers and send Redirection Complete IE in Attach and RAU Reject messages when the reject is due to GMM cause #17 (network failure) in response to receiving System Failure or Unexpected Data value MAP errors from the HLR


Configure the SGSN to send Redirect Indication IE in RANAP reject messages:
default network-sharing stop-redirect-reject-cause  


Configures the PLMN (public land mobile network) related parameters for the IuPS service. This command is appicable to releases 8.1 and higher.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



plmn id mcc mcc_num mnc mnc_num [ network-sharing common-plmn mcc mcc_num mnc mnc_num [ plmn-list mcc  mcc_num mnc mnc_num  [ mcc mcc_num mnc mnc_num+ ] ] ] 
no plmn id 


Removes the PLMN ID from the configuration.


Creates a PLMN configuration instance based on the PLMN ID (comprised of the MCC and MNC). In accordance with TS 25.413, the SGSN supports up to 32 PLMN configurations for shared networks.

mcc mcc_num

Specifies the mobile country code (MCC) portion of the PLMN's identifier.

mcc_num: The PLMN MCC identifier and can be configured to any integer value between 100 and 999.

mnc mnc_num

Specifies the mobile network code (MNC) portion of the PLMN's identifier.

mnc_num: The PLMN MNC identifier and can be configured to any 2-digit or 3-digit value between 00 and 999.

network-sharing common-plmn mcc mcc_num mnc mnc_num

When network sharing is employed, this set of keywords is required to define the PLMN Id of the common PLMN. The common PLMN is usually not the same as the local PLMN.


With the release of 15.0, both 2G and 3G MOCN functionality is now license controlled and the license is required to use all previously available network sharing SGSN configuration commands. For additional information, contact your Cisco Account Representative.

plmn-list mcc mcc_num mnc mnc_num

When network sharing is employed and more than two PLMNs are available, then use the plmn-list keyword to begin a list of all additional PLMNs.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the PLMN associated with the SGSN. There can only be one PLMN associated with an SGSN unless one of the following features is enabled and configured: network sharing or multiple PLMN.

For network sharing, use of the network-sharing keywords make it possible to identify more than one PLMN. Including the PLMN identified initially. None have precedence. They are all treated equally but they must each be unique. In a MOCN configuration, the PLMN list will not be used as there would only be one local PLMN.

For multiple PLMN support, the SGSN can support up to 8 Iu-PS configurations for PLMNs. These Iu-PS service configurations must be associated with the SGSN via the ran-protocol command in the SGSN Service configuration mode.


Use the following command to identify a PLMN by the MCC 313 and MNC 23 and instruct the SGSN to perform network sharing with a single common PLMN identified by MCC 404 and MNC 123 :

plmn id mcc 313 mnc 23 network-sharing common-plmn mcc 404 mnc 123 


Configures the RAB assignment timer.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



rab-assignment-response-timeout time 
default rab-assignment-response-timeout 


Resets the timer to its default setting.


This variable configures the amount of time (in seconds) that the SGSN waits to receive a RAB assignment from the RNC.

time: must be an integer from 1 to 60.

Default: 8.

Usage Guidelines

This command defines time the SGSN waits for the completion of the RAB assignment procedure.


Change the timer setting to 11 seconds.

rab-assignment-response-timeout 11 


This command creates an instance of an RNC configuration to associate with the IuPS service for the SGSN. This command is only available in release 8.0; use the rnc command for releases 8.1 and higher.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



radio-network-controller id rnc_id mcc mcc_num mnc mnc_num 
no radio-network-controller id rnc_id mcc mcc_num mnc mnc_num 


Removes the configuration information for the specified RNC.

id rnc_id

Define the instance number of the RNC configuration.

rnc_id : Must be an integer from 0 to 4095.

mcc mcc_num

Specifies the mobile country code (MCC).

mcc_num : Must be an integer between 100 and 999.

mnc mnc_num

Specifies the mobile network code (MNC).

mnc_num : Must be an integer between 00 and 999.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure information for the IuPS service to use to contact specific RNCs.

This command also provides access to the RNC configuration mode.


The following command creates or accesses RNC configuration instance #1 with MCC of 131 and MNC of 22 :
radio-network-controller id 1 mcc 131 mnc 22 


Enable or disable if validation checks are done to verify the MCC and MNC fields received in the old RAI IE in Attach/RAU Requests.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] rai-skip-validation 


Disables skipping the validation of the old RAI MCC/MNC fields and enables the default behavior to validate.

Usage Guidelines

This command configures the SGSN to enable or disable rejection of RAU requests with invalid MCC/MNC values in the old RAI field. By default, this configuration is disabled allowing the default behavior to validate the old RAI MCC/MNC fields.

This command also impacts the PTMSI attaches where the old RAI field is invalid. If the OLD RAI field is invalid and if the validation is enabled, the identity of the MS is requested directly from the MS instead of the peer SGSN.

Validation checks are done per 3GPP TS 24.008 for the MCC/MNC fields of the old RAI IE in Attach/RAU Requests. RAU requests with invalid MCC/MNC values in the old RAI field are rejected. For Attach requests with invalid MCC/MNC values in the old RAI field, the identity of the MS is retrieved directly from the MS instead of sending an identity request to the peer Node where the MS identity is derived from the valid old-RAI.


Use this command to configure rejection of RAU requests with invalid MCC/MNC values in the old RAI field:
no rai-skip-validation 


This command defines the amount of time the SGSN waits for a Relocation Request message.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



relocation-alloc-timeout timeout_value 
default relocation-alloc-timeout  


Resets the configuration to a 5 second wait time.


Time in seconds that the SGSN waits to receive a Relocation Request message.

timeout_value : Must be an integer from 1 to 60.

Default : 5 seconds.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the number of seconds the SGSN will wait for a Relocation Request message to be received. This timeout needs to be set with sufficient time so that SRNS procedure aborts can be avoided if the peer fails to respond in a timely fashion in the case of a hard handoff.


The following command sets the wait time to 10 seconds.
relocation-alloc-timeout 10  


This command specifies the maximum time for the SGSN to wait for a Relocation Completion from the core network.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



relocation-complete-timeout timeout_value 
default relocation-complete-timeout 


Resets the configuration to a 5 second wait time.


Time in seconds that the SGSN waits for relocation to be completed.

timeout_value : Must be an integer from 1 to 60.

Default : 5 seconds.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the number of seconds the SGSN will wait for a relocation to be completed. This timeout needs to be set with sufficient time so that SRNS procedure aborts can be avoided if the peer fails to respond in a timely fashion in the case of a hard handoff.


The following command sets the wait time for 10 seconds.
relocation-complete-timeout 10  


Defines the configuration specific to the RESET procedure.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



reset { ack-timeout time | guard-timeout time | max-retransmissions retries | sgsn-initiated } 
default reset { ack-timeout | guard-timeout | max-retransmissions | sgsn-initiated } 
no reset sgsn-initiated 


Returns to the default settings for the Reset procedure.


Removes the SGSN-initiated reset procedure from the configuration.

ack-timeout time

Configures the interval (in seconds) for which the SGSN waits for RESET-ACK from the RNC.

time must be an integer from 5 to 60.

Default: 20.


Configures the interval (in seconds) after which the SGSN sends RESET-ACK to the RNC.

time must be an integer from 5 to 60.

Default : 10


Configures maximum retries for RESET message.

retries must be an integer from 0 to 2.

Default: 1.


Enables SGSN initiated RESET procedure.

Default: disabled.

Usage Guidelines

Configures the parameters that determine a RESET.


Use the following to have the SGSN initiate the RESET procedure:
reset sgsn-initiated 


This command creates or accesses an instance of an RNC (radio network controller) configuration.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



rnc id rnc_id 
no rnc id rnc_id 


Removes the configuration information for the specified RNC.

id rnc_id

Set the identification number of the RNC configuration instance.

rnc_id : Must be an integer from 0 to 4095 for 8.1 releases. Must be an integer from 0 to 65535 for releases 9.0 and higher.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure information for the IuPS service to use to contact specific RNCs.

This command also provides access to the RNC configuration mode.


The following command creates an RNC configuration instance #3442 :
rnc id 3442  


This command configures the security mode timer.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



security-mode-complete-timeout time 
default security-mode-complete-timeout 


Resets the timer configuration to the default settings.


Configures the interval (in seconds) the SGSN waits for the security mode from the MS to complete.

time must be an integer from 1 to 60.

Default is 5

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the timer that determines how long the SGSN waits for a Security Mode Complete message from the MS (mobile station).


Instruct the SGSN to wait 7 seconds:
security-mode-complete-timeout 7  


Instructs the SGSN not to release an Iu immediately.






Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ default | no ] service-request-follow-on  


Resets the configuration to the default, this function is enabled.


Disables this function so that Iu is released without waiting for the Iu-Hold-Timer to expire.

Usage Guidelines

For an Iu established as the result of a Service Request (signaling), the SGSN, by default, waits for the Iu-Hold-Timer to expire.

Use this command with the 'no' prefix to disable this function.

Use this command with the 'default' prefix or without any prefix if the configuration was modified previously with by no service-request-follow-on .


Disable this function to wait for the Iu-Hold-Timer to expire:

no service-request-follow-on

Enable this function if it was previously disabled:



This command configures the SGSN context response timer.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



srns-context-response-timeout time 
default srns-context-response-timeout  


Resets the timer configuration to the default setting.


Configures the interval (in seconds) for which the SGSN waits for an SRNS Context Request message.

time must be an integer from 1 to 60.

Default: 5.

Usage Guidelines

Configures the time to wait before the SGSN sends a response to the SRNS Context-Request message.


Configure the SGSN to wait 7 seconds for an SRNS Context-Request response:
srns-context-response-timeout 7 


This command configures the TigOc interval.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



tigoc-timeout time 
default tigoc-timeout 


Resets the timer configuration to the default setting.


This command sets the time in seconds.

time : Must be an integer from 1 to 60.

Default: 5.

Usage Guidelines

Define the amount of time that the SGSN ignores any overload messages for TigOc interval after receiving one overload message from the RNC.


Use the following command to change the default TigOc interval to 4 seconds:
tigoc-timeout 4  


This command configures the TinTc interval..




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IuPS Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > iups-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



tintc-timeout time 
default tintc-timeout 


Resets the timer configuration to the default setting.


Set the number of seconds to wait.

time : Must be an integer from 1 to 60.

Default: 30.

Usage Guidelines

Define 4 as the number of seconds that the SGSN waits before decrementing (by one) the traffic level of the RNC.


tintc-timeout 4