Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration Mode Commands

The Service Redundancy Protocol Mode is used to configure properties for Interchassis Session Recovery (ICSR) services.


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).


SRP commands must be identically configured on both the active and standby ICSR chassis.


Enables advertising BGP routes from an ICSR chassis in standby state.


All products that support ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



advertise-routes-in-standby-state [ hold-off-time hold-off-time ] [ reset-bfd-nbrs bfd-down-time ] 
default advertise-routes-in-standby-state [ hold-off-time] [reset-bfd-nbrs] 
no advertise-routes-in-standby-state [ hold-off-time] [reset-bfd-nbrs] 


Sets the specified route advertisement option to its default value–:
  • hold-off-time – 30 seconds
  • reset-bfd-nbrs – ??? milliseconds


Disables the specified type of route advertisement.

[ hold-off-time hold-off-time ]

This option delays advertising the BGP routes until the timer expires. Specify hold-off-time in seconds as an integer from 1 to 300.

[ reset-bfd-nbrs bfd-down-time ]

After resetting BFD, this option keeps the BFD sessions down for the configured number of milliseconds to improve network convergence. Specify bfd-down-time as an integer from 50 to 120000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command and its keywords to take advantage of faster network convergence accrued from deploying BGP Prefix Independent Convergence (PIC) in the Optical Transport Network Generation Next (OTNGN).

BGP PIC is intended to improve network convergence which will safely allow for setting aggressive ICSR failure detection timers.


The following command enables route advertisement from a standby ICSR chassis after a 40-second delay and will suppress BFD sessions for 50 milliseconds following a BFD reset.
advertise-routes-in-standby-state hold-off-time 40 reset-bfd-nbrs 50 


Sets the start time and periodicity for ICSR Service Redundancy Protocol (SRP) audits. This command can also be used to enter a schedule for running the audit.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[no] audit cron [ daily hour hour_number minute minute_number ] [ day-of-month day_number ] [ month month_number ] [ week-of-day day_name ] 
[no] audit daily-start-time hour minute 
[no] audit periodicity minutes 
default audit periodicity  


Resets the specified parameter to its default setting of 60.


Disables the specified function.

audit cron [ daily hour hour_number minute minute_number ] [ day-of-month day_number ] [ month month_number ] [ week-of-day day_name ]

Configures a cron job (time-based job scheduler) for running the audit. Supported scheduling variables include:
  • daily hour hour_number minute minute_number – configures the hour and minute of the day when the job will run. Specify hour_number as an integer from 0 to 23 and minute_number as an integer from 0 to 59.
  • day-of-month day_number – configures the day of the month when the job will run. Specify day_number as an integer from 1 to 31.
  • month month_number – configures the month of the year when the job will run. Specify month_number as an integer from 1 to 12.
  • week-of-day day_name – configures the week day on which the job will run. Specify day_name as one of the following names: friday, monday, saturday, sunday, thursday, tuesday, or wednesday.

daily-start-time hour minute

Specifies the daily start time. hour is a two-digit integer from 00 through 23. minute is a two-digit interval from 00 through 59. For example, a start time of 06 00 indicates that the audit will begin at 6:00 AM.

periodicity minutes

Specifies the interval in minutes for generating SRP audit statistics as an integer from 60 through 43200. For example, a periodicity of 90 indicates that SRP audit statistics will be generated every 90 minutes beginning at the specified start time. Default = 60.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command and its keywords to specify the start time and periodicity for generating ICSR SRP audit statistics.

You can also schedule audits to be run based on time-of-day, day-of-week, day-of-month and month-of-year.

This audit ensures that two ICSR peers are in synch and identifies any discrepancies prior to scheduled or unscheduled switchover events.


The following command sequence specifies a start time of midnight and a periodicity of every two hours for generating SRP statistics:
audit daily-start-time 06 00 
audit periodicity 90 
The following command schedules the audit to run at midnight every Sunday.
cron daily hour 0 minute 0 week-of-day sunday 


Causes the standby ICSR chassis to ignore the dead interval and remain in the standby state until all the BFD chassis-to-chassis monitors fail.


All products that support ICSR.


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



default bfd-mon-ignore-dead-interval 


Disables this feature.

Usage Guidelines

Enable this feature in association with BFD chassis-to-chassis monitoring to support more aggressive ICSR failure detection times.

For additional information, see the descriptions of the dead-interval and monitor bfd commands.


The following command enables this feature:


Binds the service to the IP address of the local chassis.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



bind address { ipv4 _address | ipv6_address }  
no bind address 


Removes the IP bind address.

ipv4 _address | ipv6_address

Specifies the system IP address using IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.


Both peers must be using the same address family (IPv4 or IPv6) or the Service Redundancy Protocol (SRP) connection will not be established.

Usage Guidelines

Defines the IP address of the local chassis defined as part of the ICSR configuration.


The following example binds the service to the IP address :
bind address 


Defines the chassis's operational mode - primary or backup - for ICSR.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



chassis-mode { backup | primary } 
default chassis-mode 


Resets the chassis mode to the default setting of backup.


(Default) Configures the system as the backup chassis operating in standby state.


Configures the system as the primary chassis operating in active state.

Usage Guidelines

Sets the chassis mode (primary or backup) for the system within the framework of ICSR.


The following example configures the system as the primary chassis operating in active state
chassis-mode primary 

checkpoint session

Configures checkpointing parameters between ICSR active and standby chassis.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



checkpoint session compression { lz4 | zlib } 
checkpoint session duration { ims-session | non-ims-session } seconds  
checkpoint session nack { macro | micro } [ max-response number ] 
checkpoint session periodic-interval minutes 
default checkpoint session { compression | duration { ims-session | non-ims-session } | periodic-interval }  
no checkpoint session { compression | duration { ims-session | non-ims-session }  | periodic-interval } 


Resets the following checkpoint session parameters to their default values:
  • compression = zlib
  • duration = 60 seconds
  • periodic-interval = 48 minutes


Disables compression, duration, nack, and periodic-interval features.

compression { lz4 | zlib }

Specifies whether the LZ4 or zlib compression algorithm will be used to compress SRP payload messages.

LZ4 compression is effective only if both chassis are configured with LZ4. If any one chassis has zlib (default) configured, the compression algorithm reverts to zlib. The algorithm is negotiated only during initial socket establishment. Once agreed no more negotiation takes place until the TCP socket connection is reset.


A change in the configured compression algorithm resets the TCP Link.

duration { ims-session | non-ims-session } seconds

Specifies whether the checkpoint duration is being set for IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) or non-IMS sessions. The duration is the amount of time that a call must be active before it is check pointed. and is expressed as an integer from 0 through 65535 (Default = 60).

nack { macro | micro } [ max-response number ]

Enables a NACK feature for checkpoints. When this feature is enabled, the standby chassis sends a NACK in response to the receipt of a micro-checkpoint (MC) that fails to be successfully applied. The standby chassis will send more NACKs (configurable, default = 3) within a 10-minute window if an FC is not received. NACKs will continue to be sent within the 10-minute reset window until an FC is received and applied, or the configured number of maximum-responses is reached.

max-response is the total number NACKs that can be sent within the 10-minute window in response to a failed MC or FC expressed as an integer from 1 through 65535 (Default = 3).


The time interval window of 10 minutes is not configurable.

periodic-interval minutes

Configures the minimum periodic checkpoint duration in multiples of 12 minutes for sending macro-checkpoints (FCs) from the Active to the Standby chassis. The interval is specified as an integer divisible by 12 in the range from 24 through 1440 (Default = 48 minutes). The interval range for sending full checkpoints is 24 minutes to 24 hours (1140 minutes).

Usage Guidelines

Sets the type of compression algorithm to be used for SRP payload messages.

Sets the amount of time the chassis waits before check pointing an existing call session. Checkpoints can be separately set for IMS and/or non-IMS sessions.

Enable the NACK feature for handling checkpointing messaging on the Standby chassis.

Configures the interval between the sending of macro-checkpoints (full checkpoints) between the active and standby chassis.


The compression, nack and periodic-interval keywords will only appear if a special ICSR optimization feature license has been purchased and installed. Contact your Cisco account representative for assistance.

For additional information on ICSR checkpointing, see the System Administration Guide.


The following example configures sets the checkpoint session duration for an IMS session to 6500 seconds:
checkpoint session duration ims-session 6500 
The following command resets the periodic interval for sending full checkpoints to 36 minutes:
checkpoint session periodic-interval 36 


Defines the configuration validation interval.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



configuration-interval interval 
default configuration-interval 


Resets the configuration interval to the default setting of 3600 seconds.


Specifies the amount of time (number of seconds) between one configuration validation and the next configuration validation. interval must be an integer from 1 through 65535. Default = 3600.

Usage Guidelines

This configures the interval between configuration validations of the primary and backup chassis.


The following example sets the configuration interval to 34 seconds:
configuration-interval 34 


Defines the timeout interval before a peer is determined to be down.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



dead-interval interval 
default dead-interval 


Resets the dead interval to the default setting of 30 seconds.


Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) for the dead interval. interval must be an integer from 1 through 65535. Default = 30.

Usage Guidelines

This command specifies the amount of time that one chassis waits to receive a communication from a peer before the listening chassis determines that the peer chassis is down.


The following example sets the dead interval to 65 seconds:
dead-interval 65 


Configures the delay time for starting the dead timer after configuration files are loaded.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



delay-interval interval 
default delay-interval 


Sets or restores the default value assigned for the specified parameter.


Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) for the delay interval. interval must be an integer from 1 through 65535.

Usage Guidelines

This configures interval for starting the dead timer after configuration files are loaded.


The following example sets the delay interval to 65 seconds after the configuration files are loaded:
delay interval 65 


Specifies the delta used to compute the route modifier difference between the active and standby chassis. This delta is applied only in the standby state. For Release 15.0 or higher, it is used in both states.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



delta-route-modifier value 
default delta-route-modifier 


Sets or restores the default value assigned for the specified parameter. Default = 1.


Specifies the value to be used when computing the route-modifier. value must be an integer from 1 through 15 (for 21.7 and later releases), or 1 through 7 (for releases prior to 21.7). Default: 1.

Usage Guidelines

The delta-route-modifier is used to compute the route modifier difference between active and standby chassis.


The following example sets the delta for the route modifier to 2:
delta-route-modifier 2 

do show

Executes all show commands while in Configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator


do show 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to run all Exec mode show commands while in Configuration mode. It is not necessary to exit the Config mode to run a show command.

The pipe character | is only available if the command is valid in the Exec mode.


There are some Exec mode show commands which are too resource intensive to run from Config mode. These include: do show support collection , do show support details , do show support record and do show support summary . If there is a restriction on a specific show command, the following error message is displayed:

Failure: Cannot execute 'do	show support' command from Config mode.


Sets DSCP marking values for SRP control and checkpoint (session maintenance) messages.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



dscp-marking { control | session } dscp_value 
default dscp-marking { control | session } 


Sets the DSCP value to its default: be (Best Effort Per-Hop-Behaviour).

{ control | session }

Specifies the SRP message type for which a DSCP value is being set.
  • control – SRP control messages [originate from vpnmgr]
  • session – checkpoint messages (session maintenance) [originate from sessmgr]


Specifies the DSCP value to be used:
  • af11 – Assured Forwarding Class 1 low drop PHB (Per Hop Behavior)
  • af12 – Assured Forwarding Class 1 medium drop PHB
  • af13 – Assured Forwarding Class 1 high drop PHB
  • af21 – Assured Forwarding Class 2 low drop PHB
  • af22 – Assured Forwarding Class 2 medium drop PHB
  • af23 – Assured Forwarding Class 2 high drop PHB
  • af31 – Assured Forwarding Class 3 low drop PHB
  • af32 – Assured Forwarding Class 3 medium drop PHB
  • af33 – Assured Forwarding Class 3 high drop PHB
  • af41 – Assured Forwarding Class 4 low drop PHB
  • af42 – Assured Forwarding Class 4 medium drop PHB
  • af43 – Assured Forwarding Class 4 high drop PHB
  • be – Best effort Per-Hop-Behaviour (default)
  • cs1 – Class selector 1 PHB
  • cs2 – Class selector 2 PHB
  • cs3 – Class selector 3 PHB
  • cs4 – Class selector 4 PHB
  • cs5 – Class selector 5 PHB
  • cs6 – Class selector 6 PHB
  • cs7 – Class selector 7 PHB
  • ef – Expedited Forwarding PHB, for low latency traffic


If dscp_value is set incorrectly, packet drops may occur in intermediate devices.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable DSCP marking of SRP and checkpoint messages in ICSR environments.


The following command sequence sets DSCP marking of control messages to Expedited Forwarding:
dcsp-marking control ef 


Exits the current configuration mode and returns to the Exec mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to return to the Exec mode.


Exits the current mode and returns to the parent configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to return to the parent configuration mode.


Configures the redundancy-guard-period and monitor-damping-period for SRP service monitoring.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



guard-timer { aaa-switchover-timers { damping-period seconds | guard-period seconds } | diameter-switchover-timers { damping-period seconds | guard-period seconds } | srp-redundancy-timers { aaa  { damping-period seconds | guard-period seconds } | bgp { damping-period seconds | guard-period seconds } | diam  { damping-period seconds | guard-period seconds } } 
default guard-timer aaa-switchover-timers { damping-period | guard-period }  
default guard-timer diameter-switchover-timers { damping-period | guard-period }  
default guard-timer srp-redundancy-timers { aaa { damping-period | guard-period } | bgp { damping-period | guard-period } | diam  { damping-period | guard-period } } 


Sets the specified guard timer to its default value:
  • damping-period = 60 seconds
  • guard-period = 60 seconds


Sets timers that prevent back-to-back ICSR switchovers due to an AAA failure (post ICSR switchover) while the network is still converging.


Sets timers that prevent a back-to-back ICSR switchover due to a Diameter failure (post ICSR switchover) while the network is still converging.


Sets timers that prevent an ICSR switchover while the system is recovering from a local card-reboot/critical-task-restart failure.

damping-period seconds

Configures a delay time to trigger an ICSR switchover due to a monitoring failure within the guard-period. Specify seconds as an integer from 0 to 300.

guard-period seconds

Configures the local-failure-recovery network-convergence timer. Specify seconds as an integer from 0 to 300.

{ aaa | bgp | diam }

Specifies the type of SRP redundancy timer:
  • aaa – local failure followed by AAA monitoring failure
  • bgp – local failure followed by BGP monitoring failure
  • diam – local failure followed by Diameter monitoring failure

Usage Guidelines

Use these guard timers to ensure that local failures, such as card reboots and task restarts, do not result in ICSR events which can be disruptive.


The following command sets an SRP redundancy AAA guard period of 45 seconds:
guard-timer srp-redundancy-timers aaa guard-period 45 


Enables the proper handling of version 16.1 SRP Interim Resource messages during an ICSR upgrade from prior releases.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



handle-interim-resource-msg version-16.1 
no handle-interim-resource-msg version-16.1 


Disables this feature after it has been enabled. By default this feature is disabled to preserve compatibility with release versions prior to 16.1.

Usage Guidelines

Use this feature to properly handle Interim Resource messages when upgrading to StarOS 16.1. If you do not enable this feature, an ICSR configuration may experience PCRF binding problems (5002 error code message) when performing an ICSR upgrade from previous StarOS versions.


The following command enables this feature:
handle-interim-resource-msg version-16.1 


Defines the lapse time between sending the hello message.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



hello-interval interval 
default hello-interval 


Resets the hello interval to the default setting of 10 seconds.


Specifies the lapse time (in seconds) between sending the hello message. interval must be an integer from 1 through 65535. Default = 10.

Usage Guidelines

This command configures the hello interval - the amount of time that lapses between the sending of each hello message. Each chassis sends the other chassis a hello message at the expiration of every hello interval.


The following example sets the hello interval to 35 seconds:
hello-interval 35 


Defines the interval between internal switchover retries.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



internal-switchover-retry-interval interval 
default internal-switchover-retry-interval 


Resets the internal switchover retry interval to the default setting of 60 seconds.


Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) between internal switchover retries. interval must be an integer from 10 through 120. Default = 60.

Usage Guidelines

This configures the interval between internal switchover retries. The system only initiates internal switchovers if Service Redundancy Protocol (SRP) monitoring is configured.


See the monitor authentication-probe , monitor bgp , or monitor diameter commands for more information on associated SRP monitoring.


The following example sets the internal switchover retry interval to 34 seconds:
internal-switchover-retry-interval 34 

monitor authentication-probe

Enables SRP monitoring of the connection between the specified AAA server and the primary chassis.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] monitor authentication-probe context context_name { ipv4_address | ipv6_address } [ group group_id ] [ port port_number ] 


Turns off the monitoring.

context context_name

Identifies the context being used.

context_name must be an existing context expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

ipv4 _address | ipv6_address

Defines the IP address of the AAA server to be monitored in IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

group group_id

Defines a Service Redundancy Protocol (SRP) peer group as an integer from 0 through 9. Default = 0.

In an Interchassis Session Recovery (ICSR) configuration, failover would occur if all peers within a group fail.

port port_number

Identifies a specific AAA server port for the authentication probe. port_number must be an integer from 1 through 65535.

Usage Guidelines

This command initiates monitoring of the connection between the primary chassis and the specified AAA server through the use of authentication probe packets. If the connection drops, the standby chassis becomes active.


The following example initiates the connection monitoring between the primary chassis and AAA server at port 1025 :
monitor authentication-probe context test1 port 1025 

monitor bfd

Enables SRP monitoring of the connection between the specified Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) neighbor and the primary chassis.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] monitor bfd context context_name { ipv4_address | ipv6_address } { chassis-to-chassis | chassis-to-router } 


Disables monitoring.

context context_name

Identifies the context being used. context_name must be an existing context expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

ipv4 _address | ipv6_address

Defines the IP address of the BFD neighbor to be monitored, entered using IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

chassis-to-chassis | chassis-to-router

chassis-to-chassis : BFD runs between primary and backup chassis on non-SRP links.

chassis-to-router : BFD runs between chassis and router.

Usage Guidelines

This command initiates monitoring of the connection between the primary chassis and the specified BFD neighbor in the specified context. If the connection drops, the standby chassis becomes active.


BFD monitoring must run between chassis-to-chassis or chassis-to-router.

For additional information, see the description of the bfd-mon-ignore-dead-interval command.


The following example initiates the chassis-to-chassis connection monitoring between the primary chassis and BFD neighbor :
monitor bfd context test chassis-to-chassis 

monitor bgp

Enables SRP monitoring of the connection between the specified Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) peer and the primary chassis.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] monitor bgp context context_name { ipv4_address | ipv6_address } [ group group_id [ vrf vrf_name ]  


Disables monitoring.

context context_name

Identifies the context being used. context_name must be an existing context expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

ipv4 _address | ipv6_address

Specifies the IP address of the BGP peer to be monitored in IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

group group_id

Defines a Service Redundancy Protocol (SRP) peer group as an integer from 0 through 9. Default = 0.

In an Interchassis Session Recovery (ICSR) configuration, failover would occur if all peers within a group fail (instead of all BGP peers in a context). This option is useful in deployments in which a combination of IPv4 and IPv6 peers are spread across multiple paired VLANs and IPv4 or IPv6 connectivity is lost by all members of a peer group.

vrf vrf_name

Defines the VPN Routing/Forwarding instance as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

This command initiates monitoring of the connection between the primary chassis and the specified BGP peer in the specified context. If the connection drops, the standby chassis becomes active.


The following example initiates the connection monitoring between the primary chassis and BGP peer :
monitor bgp context test 

monitor diameter

Enables SRP monitoring of the connection between the specified Diameter server and the primary chassis.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] monitor diameter context context_name endpoint endpoint_name  [ fqdn fqdn | group group_id | peer { ipv4_address | ipv6_address } ] [ port port_number ] 


Turns off the monitoring.

context context_name

Identifies the context being used. context_name must be an existing context expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

endpoint endpoint_name

Identifies the endpoint being used. endpoint_name must be for the Diameter server expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

fqdn fqdn

Identifies a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). fqdn must be for the Diameter server expressed an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters.

group group_id

Defines a Service Redundancy Protocol (SRP) peer group as an integer from 0 through 9. Default = 0.

In an Interchassis Session Recovery (ICSR) configuration, failover would occur if all peers within the specified group fail.

peer { ipv4 _address | ipv6_address }

Defines the IP address of the Diameter server to be monitored, entered using IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

port port_number

Identifies a specific port to monitor. port_number must be the port for the Diameter server and an integer from 1 through 65535.

Usage Guidelines

This command initiates monitoring of the connection between the primary chassis and the specified Diameter server in the specified context. If the connection drops, the standby chassis becomes active.


Endpoint name, FQDN, IP address, and port must all match the Diameter protocol configured values for the peer state to be updated.


The following example initiates the connection monitoring between the primary chassis and the Diameter server on context test1 and endpoint end2 :
monitor diameter context test1 endpoint end2 

monitor hsrp

Enables monitoring of the Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) connection between the ASR 9000 Route Switch Processor (RSP) and the StarOS Security Gateway (SecGW) running in a virtual machine on the Virtualized Services Module. HSRP is employed in high availability (HA) SecGW configurations. (ASR 9000 VSM only)




System Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



monitor hsrp interface if_name afi-type type hsrp-group hsrp_group 
no monitor hsrp 


Turns off the monitoring.

interface if_name

Specifies the name of an existing RSP interface as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

afi-type type

Specifies the RSP name of an existing Address Family Type (IPv4 or IPv6) as an alphanumeric string of 4 through 15 characters.

hsrp-group hsrp_group

Specifies the RSP name of an existing HSRP Group ID as an integer from 0 through 4095.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable monitoring of the HSRP connection between the ASR 9000 RSP and the SecGW running in a virtual machine on the VSM.

This command must be associated with the Service Redundancy Protocol (SRP) context.

A maximum of one HSRP monitor is supported per VPC-VSM instance.


The above parameters must match those of the HSRP configuration in the ASR 9000 RSP.


The following command enables monitoring of Cisco HSRP on an ASR 9000 VSM running SecGW in a virtual machine:
monitor hsrp interface GigabitEthernet0/1/0/3 afi-type ipv4 hsrp-group 2 

monitor system

Enables or disables failure monitoring on the VPC-DI system.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] monitor system card-fail  


Disables card fault monitoring.


Enables card failure monitoring on the VPC-DI system. When configured, the VPN monitor checks the card failure status to assess if it is feasible to trigger an ICSR switchover.

The following scenarios trigger an ICSR switchover on the VPC-DI platform:

  • When any Active SF card fails without Standy card.

  • During a planned SF card migration failure without a standby card available.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable or disable failure monitoring on the VPC-DI system.

This command is disabled by default.


This CLI command is not supported on the ASR 5500 or VPC-SI platforms. It is supported only on the VPC-DI platform.


The following command enables card failure monitoring.

monitor system card-fail 


Defines the number of times an internal switchover would be retried.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



num-internal-switchover-retry retries 
default num-internal-switchover-retry 


Resets the configuration interval to the default setting of 3 retries.


The number of times an internal switchover would be retried in case of standby chassis. retries must be an integer from 1 through 10.

Default: 3

Usage Guidelines

This configures the number of times an internal switchover would be retried in case of standby chassis failure to respond or become active.


The following example sets the retry number to 5 :
num-internal-switchover-retry 5 


Specifies the IP address for the peer chassis.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



peer-ip-address { ipv4_address | ipv6_address } 
no peer-ip-address 


Removes the peer IP address of the backup chassis.

ipv4_address | ipv6_address

Specifies the IP address of the backup chassis, entered using IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.


Both peers must be using the same address family (IPv4 or IPv6) or the Service Redundancy Protocol (SRP) connection will not be established.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to identify the peer chassis in the ICSR configuration. From the primary's perspective, the peer is the backup and from the backup's perspective, the peer is the primary.


The following example specifies as a backup peer system to the primary system:


Sets the initial ICSR priority of each peer chassis.


priority takes affect only during simultaneous initializing of all chassis in an ICSR configuration, and only if a misconfiguration has both chassis in the same mode (both Primary or both Backup).


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



priority priority_value 
default priority 


Resets the priority to the default setting of 125.


Specifies the priority for the chassis. priority_value must be an integer from 1 through 255, where 1 is the highest priority. Default = 125.

Usage Guidelines

This command determines which chassis transitions to the Active state when all chassis have the same mode configuration. priority acts as a tie breaker for the state determination only when all chassis initialize simultaneously. The chassis with the higher priority (lower number) becomes Active, while the chassis with the lower priority (higher number) becomes Standby.

Once chassis become operational (after initialization), if there is an event requiring a chassis change of state, then each chassis returns to its previous state (Active or Standby) after both chassis recover.


The following example sets the priority value to 5 :
priority 5 


The new CLI command is added to retain complete session information locally when transitioning to the Standby state during a switchover.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[no] retain-complete-sess-info 


Disables the command.

Usage Guidelines

The new CLI command is added to retain complete session information locally when transitioning to the Standby state during a switchover.


The following command retains complete session information when transitioning from Active to Standby state during a switchover:


Sets the route modifier for the peer chassis.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



route-modifier threshold threshold_value 
default route-modifier 


Resets the route modifier to the default setting of 16.


Specifies the value that causes the route-modifier counter to be reset to the initial value. threshold_value must be an integer from 2 through 32. Default = 16.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to determine when the route modifier should be reset to its initial value to avoid rollover.


The following example sets the route modifier threshold to 10 :
route-modifier threshold 10 

standby database-recovery

Configures the preferred method of SRP database synchronization on the Standby ICSR chassis.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



standby database-recovery { aggressive | normal } 
default standby database-recovery 


Restore SRP database recovery method to normal

{ aggressive | normal }

The normal (default) method for synchronizing the SRP database requires tens of seconds of delay whenever the TCP connection between the Active and Standby session managers is established. Once the TCP connection is established, heart beat messages are exchanged between both ICSR chassis every 3 seconds. The standby chassis waits for 7 heart beat messages from the active chassis before it is ready to accept data. This causes the significant delay in session manager database synchronization on the standby chassis.

The aggressive method for synchronizing the session manager database reduces recovery time in the following scenarios:
  • Standby Session Manager crash
  • Packet processing card crash on Standby chassis
  • Standby chassis crash/reboot
  • Temporary loss and recovery of SRP connection

The aggressive method reduces the number of heartbeat messages and amount of housekeeping information exchanged between ICSR chassis.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable a more aggressive method for synchronizing the session manager database on a Standby ICSR chassis.


The following command enables the aggressive method of session manager database recovery on a standby ICSR chassis:
standby database-recovery aggressive 

switchover allow-all-data-traffic

Allows all data traffic (VoLTE and non-VoLTE) during switchover transition. This command overwrites the switchover allow-volte-data-traffic command if enabled on a P-GW.


A special ICSR license is required to run this command. Contact your Cisco account representative for additional information.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



switchover allow-all-data-traffic  
no switchover allow-all-data-traffic  


Disables this feature. The default behavior is to not allow data traffic during switchover.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to allow all data traffic (VoLTE and non-VoLTE) during an ICSR switchover. This feature reduces data traffic outage during the switchover.


This CLI command must be run on both the active and standby chassis to enable this feature.

All data traffic is allowed on the active chassis during flushing and internal auditing. The billing information is reconciled in the background once the flush is complete.


The following command enables this feature:
switchover allow-all-data-traffic 

switchover allow-early-active-transition

Enables or disables early transition to active state during an ICSR switchover. By default this feature is disabled.


A special ICSR license is required to run this command. Contact your Cisco account representative for additional information.


You must enable the switchover allow-all-data-traffic or allow-volte-data-traffic (without maintain accounting ) command on both chassis prior to enabling this command.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



switchover allow-early-active-transition 
no switchover allow-early-active-transition 


Disables early transition following an ICSR switchover.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command in conjunction with the switchover allow-all-data-traffic or allow-volte-data-traffic (without maintain accounting ) command to further reduce data outage during a planned switchover. The outage window is the amount time between initiating an ICSR switchover and when the newly active chassis starts processing data.


The following command enables this feature:

switchover allow-early-active-transition 

switchover allow-volte-data-traffic

Allows VoLTE data traffic during ICSR switchover transition.


A special ICSR license is required to run this command. Contact your Cisco account representative for additional information.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



switchover allow-volte-data-traffic [ maintain-accounting ] 

[ maintain-accounting ]

When enabled this option maintains accounting accuracy for VoLTE calls.VoLTE data is allowed on the active chassis after VoLTE accounting statistics are flushed.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to allow VoLTE data traffic during ICSR switchover transition. VoLTE data traffic is allowed on the active chassis during flushing and internal auditing. There may be some billing inaccuracy. Non-VoLTE data traffic is allowed after flushing and the internal audit are completed.

This feature is superseded when the switchover allow-all-data- traffic command is enabled.


The following command enables this feature:
switchover allow-volte-data-traffic maintain-accounting 

switchover control-outage-optimization

Optimizes restoration of control traffic (call-setup, modification, deletion) following an ICSR switchover.


A special ICSR license is required to run this command. Contact your Cisco account representative for additional information.


All products supporting ICSR


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > Service Redundancy Protocol Configuration

configure > context context_name > service-redundancy-protocol

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



switchover control-outage-optimization 
no switchover control-outage-optimization 


Disables optimization for restoring control traffic following an ICSR switchover.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to optimize restoration of control traffic following an ICSR switchover.


The following command enables this feature:
switchover control-outage-optimization