Context Configuration Mode Commands I-M


This section includes the commands ikev1 disable-initial-contact through multicast-proxy service.

Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).

ikev1 disable-initial-contact

Disables the sending of the INITIAL-CONTACT message in the IKEv1 protocol after the node creates a new Phase1 SA, caused either by Dead Peer Detection or by a rekey.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] ikev1 disable-initial-contact 


Disables this command, which re-enables the sending of the INITIAL-CONTACT message.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to disable the sending of the INITIAL-CONTACT message in the IKE v1protocol.


The following command disables the sending of the INITIAL-CONTACT message:
ikev1 disable-initial-contact 

ikev1 disable-phase1-rekey

Configures the rekeying of Phase1 SA when the Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) lifetime expires in Internet Key Exchange (IKE) v1 protocol.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] ikev1 disable-phase1-rekey 


Re-enables Phase 1SAs when the ISAKMP lifetime expires.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to disable the rekeying of Phase 1 SAs when the ISAKMP lifetime expires in IKE v1 protocol.


The following command disables rekeying of Phase1 SAs when the lifetime expires:
ikev1 disable-phase1-rekey 

ikev1 keepalive dpd

Configures the ISAKMP IPSec Dead Peer Detection (DPD) message parameters for IKE v1 protocol.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] ikev1 keepalive dpd interval interval timeout time num-retry retries 


Deletes previously configured IPSec DPD Protocol settings.

dpd interval interval

Specifies the time interval (in seconds) at which IPSec DPD Protocol messages are sent. interval is an integer from 10 through 3600.

timeout time

Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) allowed for receiving a response from the peer security gateway prior to re-sending the message. time is an integer from 10 through 3600.

num-retry retries

Specifies the maximum number of times that the system should attempt to reach the peer security gateway prior to considering it unreachable. retries is an integer from 1 through 100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the ISAKMP dead peer detection parameters in IKE v1 protocol.

Tunnels belonging to crypto groups are perpetually kept "up" through the use of the IPSec Dead Peer Detection (DPD) packets exchanged with the peer security gateway.


The peer security gateway must support RFC 3706 in order for this functionality to function properly.

This functionality is for use with the Redundant IPSec Tunnel Fail-over feature and to prevent IPSec tunnel state mismatches between the FA and HA when used in conjunction with Mobile IP applications.

Regardless of the application, DPD must be supported/configured on both security peers. If the system is configured with DPD but it is communicating with a peer that does not have DPD configured, IPSec tunnels still come up. However, the only indication that the remote peer does not support DPD exists in the output of the show crypto isakmp security associations summary dpd command.


If DPD is enabled while IPSec tunnels are up, it will not take affect until all of the tunnels are cleared.


The following command configures IPSec DPD Protocol parameters to have an interval of 15 , a timeout of 10 , to retry each attempt 5 times:
ikev1 keepalive dpd interval 15 timeout 10 num-retry 5 

ikev1 policy

Configures or creates an ISAKMP policy with the specified priority and enters ISAKMP Configuration Mode for IKE v1 protocol.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] ikev1 policy priority 


Removes a previously configured ISAKMP policy for IKE v1 protocol.


Specifies the priority of an ISAKMP policy as an integer from 0 through 100. ISAKMP policies for IKE v1 protocol with lower priority numbers take precedence over policies with higher priorities. "0" is the highest priority. Default: 0

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create ISAKMP policies to regulate how IPSec key negotiation is performed for IKE v1 protocol.

Internet Security Association Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) policies are used to define Internet Key Exchange (IKE) SAs. The IKE SAs dictate the shared security parameters (i.e. which encryption parameters to use, how to authenticate the remote peer, etc.) between the system and a peer security gateway.

During Phase 1 of IPSec establishment, the system and a peer security gateway negotiate IKESAs. These SAs are used to protect subsequent communications between the peers including the IPSec SA negotiation process.

Multiple ISAKMP policies can be configured in the same context and are used in an order determined by their priority number.


Use the following command to create an ISAKMP policy with the priority 1 and enter the ISAKMP Configuration Mode:
ikev1 policy 1 


Creates a new, or specifies an existing, IKEv2 security association parameters and enters the IKEv2 Security Association Configuration Mode.


In Release 20, 21.0 and 21.1, HeNBGW is not supported. This command must not be used for HeNBGW in these releases. For more information, contact your Cisco account representative.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] ikev2-ikesa { auth-method-set auth_method_set_name  | certificate policy policy_name   | ddos { blacklist ip-address ipv4_address | ipv6_address | [ init-flood | udp-error ] { source-based | system-based  } [ threshold-upper threshold_upper_value [ threshold-lower threshold_lower_value [ poll-timer-duration poll_timer_duration_value ] ] ] }  | dh-group { [ 1 | 14 | 2 | 5 ] + { | reuse } }  | transform-set transform_set_name } 
{ default | no } ikev2-ikesa dh-group reuse 


Sets the IKEv2 IKESA Diffie-Hellman related parameter to its default value.

Default: 14


Removes the entered IKEv2 security association parameters.

auth-method-set auth_method_set_name

Configure an IKEv2 IKE Security Association Auth-Method Set. Applicable for IKEv2 subscriber-mode based products, This object encapsulates various Authentication methods.

auth_method_set_name is the context level name to be used for the IKEv2 IKE Security Association Authentication methods Set, which is a string of size 1 to 127.

certificate policy policy_name

certificate : Configures certificate related configuration to be associated to crypto template.

policy : Configures certificate policy to be used for certificate related auth method.

policy_name is the context level name to be used for the IKEv2 Security Association Cert Policy, which is a string of size 1 to 127.


Configures the IKEv2 DDoS mitigation Parameters.

blacklist ip-addressipv4_address | ipv6_address

Configures the source IPv4 or IPv6 address to be blacklisted.


Configures the IKEv2 DDoS mitigation parameters for INIT Floods.


Configures the IKEv2 DDoS mitigation parameters for UDP errors.


Configures the IKEv2 IKESA Diffie-Hellman related parameters.


Configures the Diffie-Hellman Group 1, 768-bit MODP Group.


Configures the Diffie-Hellman 14, 2048-bit MODP Group.


Configures the Diffie-Hellman 2, 1024-bit MODP Group.


Configures the Diffie-Hellman 5, 1546-bit MODP Group.


Configures the reuse responders key-pair for DH group(s).


Indicates that more than one of the previous keywords can be entered within a single command.

source-based threshold-upper threshold_upper_value threshold-lower threshold_lower_value poll-timer-duration poll_timer_duration_value:

Configures the IKEv2 DDoS mitigation parameters for INIT Floods applicable at source IP address level.

threshold-upper threshold_upper_value : Configures upper threshold value for INIT floods, after which alarm will be raised. threshold_upper_value must be an integer from 100 to 4294967295. Default: 10000.

threshold-lower threshold_lower_value : Configures lower threshold value for INIT floods, after which alarm will be cleared. threshold_lower_value must be an integer from 50 to 4294967294. Default: 5000.

poll-timer-duration poll_timer_duration_value : Configures IKEv2 DDoS INIT Floods timer duration in seconds. poll_timer_duration_value must be an integer from 30 to 3600. Default: 60 seconds.

system-based threshold-upper threshold_upper_value threshold-lower threshold_lower_value poll-timer-duration poll_timer_duration_value :

Configures the IKEv2 DDoS mitigation parameters for INIT Floods applicable at system level.

threshold-upper threshold_upper_value : Configures the upper threshold value for INIT floods, after which alarm will be raised. threshold_upper_value must be an integer from 1000 to 4294967295. Default: 100000.

threshold-lower threshold_lower_value : Configures the lower threshold value for INIT floods, after which alarm will be cleared. threshold_lower_value must be an integer from 500 to 4294967294. Default: 50000.

poll-timer-duration poll_timer_duration_value : Configures the IKEv2 DDoS INIT floods timer duration in seconds. poll_timer_duration_value must be an integer from 60 to 3600. Default: 60 seconds.

transform-set transform_set_name

Configure an IKEv2 IKE Security Association Transform Set. This object encapsulates various IKEv2 IKE algorithm configurations which are required for establishing and IKEv2 IKE Security Assocation with a remote peer.

transform_set_name is the context level name to be used for the IKEv2 IKE Security Association Transform Set, which is a string of size 1 to 127.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create a new or enter an existing IKEv2 security association parameters set. A list of up to four separate transform-sets and three separate authentication method sets can be created.

Entering the command transform-set transform_set_name results in the following prompt:


IKEv2 Security Association Configuration Mode commands are defined in the IKEv2 Security Association Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


The following command configures an IKEv2 security association transform set called ikesa3 and enters the IKEv2 Security Association Configuration Mode:
ikev2-ikesa transform-set ikesa3 


This command enables the creation, configuration or deletion of an IMS authorization service in the current context.









Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ims-auth-service auth_svc_name [ -noconfirm ] 
{ no | default } ims-auth-service auth_svc_name 


Deletes the specified IMS authorization service within the current context.


Restores default state of IMS authorization service, disabled for a specific context.


Specifies name of the IMS authorization service as a unique alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

In releases prior to 18, a maximum of 16 authorization services can be configured globally in the system. There is also a system limit for the maximum number of total configured services. In 18 and later releases, up to a maximum of 30 IMS authorization service profiles can be configured within the system.


Service names must be unique across all contexts within the system.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create/configure/delete an IMS authorization service for Gx interface support in the current context.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:


IMS authorization Service Configuration commands are described in the IMS Authorization Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


Whenever a new ims-auth-serv is configured using an endpoint that is used by another ims-auth-serv, then the diabase callbacks are overwritten with values of the new IMSA service. This is a limitation on the system to register only one application per endpoint. So, multiple IMSA services registering with same endpoint may not work properly. If such scenario occurs, configure a different endpoint name for the IMSA service being used and then remove and re-configure the IMSA service used.


The following command configures an IMS authorization service named ims_interface1 within the current context:
ims-auth-service ims_interface1 


Creates the specified IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Sh service name to allow configuration of an Sh service.







Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ims-sh-service name 
no ims-sh-service name 


Removes a previously configured IMS-Sh-service.


Specifies the name of the IMS-Sh-service to be configured as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.


Service names must be unique across all contexts within a chassis.

Usage Guidelines

The IMS-Sh-service is named in the pdif-service and/or cscf-service. Use this command to enter the IMS Sh Service Configuration Mode.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:

[context_name ]hostname (config-ims-sh-service)#

IMS Sh Service Configuration Mode commands are defined in the IMS Sh Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter in this guide.


The following example creates or enters an IMS Sh service named ims-1 :
ims-sh-service ims-1 


Configures a context-level inspector account within the current context.




Security Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



inspector user_name [ encrypted ] [ nopassword ] password password [ ecs | noecs ] [ expiry-date date_time ] [ li-administration ] [ noconsole ] [ noecs ] [ timeout-absolute abs_seconds ] [ timeout-min-absolute abs_minutes ] [ timeout-idle timeout_duration ] [ timeout-min-idle idle_minutes ] 
no inspector user_name 


Removes a previously configured inspector account.


Specifies a name for the context-level inspector account as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 32 characters.

[ encrypted ] password password

Specifies the password to use for the user which is being given context-level inspector privileges within the current context. The encrypted keyword indicates the password specified uses encryption.

password is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters without encryption, or 1 through 127 characters with encryption.

The encrypted keyword is intended only for use by the system while saving configuration scripts. The system displays the encrypted keyword in the configuration file as a flag that the variable following the password keyword is the encrypted version of the plain text password. Only the encrypted password is saved as part of the configuration file.

[ nopassword ]

This option allows you to create an inspector without an associated password. Enable this option when using ssh public keys (authorized key command in SSH Configuration mode) as a sole means of authentication. When enabled this option prevents someone from using an inspector password to gain access to the user account.

ecs | noecs

Default: noecs

ecs : Permits the specific user to access ACS-specific configuration commands.

noecs : Prevents the specific user to access ACS-specific configuration commands.

expiry-date date_time

Specifies the date and time that this account expires. Enter the date and time in the format YYYY:MM:DD:HH:mm or YYYY:MM:DD:HH:mm:ss.

Where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, DD is the day of the month, HH is the hour, mm is minutes, and ss is seconds.


Refer to the Lawful Intercept Configuration Guide for a description of this parameter.


Disables user access to a Console line.


The Global Configuration mode local-user allow-aaa-authentication noconsole command takes precedence in a normal (non-Trusted) StarOS build. In this case, all AAA-based users cannot access a Console line.

timeout-absolute abs_seconds

This keyword is obsolete. It has been left in place for backward compatibility. If used a warning is issued and the value entered is rounded to the nearest whole minute.

Specifies the maximum amount of time (in seconds) the context-level inspector may have a session active before the session is forcibly terminated. abs_seconds must be an integer from 0 through 300000000. The value 0 disables the absolute timeout. Default: 0

timeout-min-absolute abs_minutes

Specifies the maximum amount of time (in minutes) the context-level inspector may have a session active before the session is forcibly terminated. abs_minutes must be an integer from 0 through 525600 (365 days). The value 0 disables the absolute timeout. Default: 0

timeout-idle timeout_duration

This keyword is obsolete. It has been left in place for backward compatibility. If used a warning is issued and the value entered is rounded to the nearest whole minute.

Specifies the maximum amount of idle time (in seconds) the context-level inspector may have a session active before the session is terminated. timeout_duration must be an integer from 0 through 300000000. The value 0 disables the idle timeout. Default: 0

timeout-min-idle idle_minutes

Specifies the maximum amount of idle time (in minutes) the context-level inspector may have a session active before the session is terminated. idle_minutes must be an integer from 0 through 525600 (365 days). The value 0 disables the idle timeout. Default: 0

Usage Guidelines

Create new context-level inspector or modify existing inspector's options, in particular, the timeout values.

Inspector users have minimal read-only privileges. Refer to the Command Line Interface Overview chapter for more information.


A maximum of 128 administrative users and/or subscribers may be locally configured per context.


The following command creates a context-level inspector account named user1 :
inspector user1 password secretPassword 
The following command removes a context-level inspector account named user1 :
no inspector user1 


Creates or deletes an interface or specifies an existing interface. By identifying an interface, the mode changes to configure this interface in the current context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



interface name [ broadcast | loopback | point-to-point  | tunnel | unnumbered ] 
no interface name 


Removes the specified interface.


Specifies the name of the interface to configure. If name does not refer to an existing interface, the new interface is created if resources allow. name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.


Creates an Ethernet broadcast (IP) interface and enters the Ethernet Configuration Mode. Default: Enabled


Refer to the Ethernet Interface Configuration Mode Command chapter for more information.


Creates an internal IP address that is always UP, is not bound to any physical card/port, and can be reached by any interface configured in the current context. As a loopback interface uses all available physical ports, this type of interface is particularly useful for load-balancing. The interface must be configured for loopback when configuring Interchassis Session Recovery (ICSR). A total of 256 loopback interfaces can be configured. Default: Disabled

This loopback option is not used to setup a diagnostic test port so it should not be confused with the loopback option used in the various card/port configuration modes.


Refer to the Loopback Interface Configuration Mode Command chapter for more information.


Creates a permanent virtual connection (PVC) in the current context and enters the PVC Configuration Mode. Currently, this type of interface is only used with an optical (ATM) line card.


Refer to the PVC Interface Configuration Mode Command chapter for more information.


Creates a tunnel interface to support the various tunnel interfaces. Currently only IPv6-over-IPv4 and GRE tunnel interfaces are supported.


Refer to the Tunnel Interface Configuration Mode Commands chapter for more information.


Creates an unnumbered IP interface within the context. An unnumbered interface enables IP processing without assigning an explicit IP address to the interface. In StarOS this type of interface supports an untagged BFD port. The only parameter for this type of interface is a text description.


Refer to the Unnumbered Interface Configuration Mode Commands chapter for more information.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enter or create the interface configuration mode for an existing interface or for a newly defined interface. This command is also used to remove an existing interface when it longer is needed.


If no keyword is specified, broadcast is assumed and the interface is Ethernet by default.

For IPv6-over-IPv4 or GRE tunneling, you need to specify the interface type as tunnel .


The following command enters the Ethernet Interface Configuration Mode creating the interface sampleService , if necessary:
interface sampleInterface 
The following command removes sampleService as being a defined interface:
no interface sampleInterface 

The following command enters the Tunnel Interface Configuration Mode creating the interface GRE_tunnel1 , if necessary:

interface GRE_tunnel1 tunnel 

ip access-group

Configures an access group with an Access Control List (ACL) for IP traffic for the current context. The Context-level ACL is applied only to outgoing packets.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip access-group name [ in | out ] [ priority_value ] 
no ip access-group name [ in | out ] 


Indicates the specified ACL rule is to be removed from the group.


Specifies the ACL rule to be added/removed from the group.

In Release 8.1 and later, name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 47 characters.

In Release 8.0, name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.


Up to eight ACLs can be applied to a group provided that the number of rules configured within the ACL(s) does not exceed the 256-rule limit for the context.

in | out

The in and out keywords are deprecated and are only present for backward compatibility. The Context-level ACL are applied only to outgoing packets.


Specifies the priority of the access group. 0 is the highest priority. If priority_value is not specified, the priority is set to 0. priority_value must be an integer from 0 through 4294967295. Default: 0

If access groups in the list have the same priority, the last one entered is used first.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to add IP access lists (refer to the ip access-list command) configured with in the same context to an ACL group.

Refer to the Access Control Lists appendix of the System Administration Guide for more information on ACLs.


The following commands add sampleGroup to the context-level ACL with a priority of 0 :
ip access-group sampleGroup 0 

ip access-list

Create, configure, or delete an IP Access List in the current context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip access-list name 
{ default | no } ip access-list name 


Sets the context's default access control list to that specified by name .


Removes the specified access list.


Specifies the access list name.

name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 47 characters.

If the named access list does not exist, it is created, and the CLI mode changes to the ACL Configuration Mode, wherein the access list can be configured.

If the named access list already exists, the CLI mode changes to the ACL Configuration Mode, wherein the access list can be reconfigured.

Usage Guidelines

Executing this command enters the ACL Configuration Mode in which rules and criteria are defined for the ACL.


A maximum of 256 rules (21.4 and higher releases) or 128 rules (releases prior to 21.4) can be configured per ACL. The maximum number of ACLs that can be configured per context is limited by the amount of available memory in the VPN Manager software task; it is typically less then 200.

Refer to the Access Control Lists appendix of the System Administration Guide for more information on ACLs.


The following command creates an access list named sampleList , and enters the ACL Configuration Mode:
ip access-list sampleList 

ip arp

Configures the allocation retention priority (ARP) options for the current context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip arp ip_address mac_address [ vrf vrf_name ] 
no ip arp ip_address mac_address 


Removes the ARP configuration data for the specified IP address from the configuration.


Specifies the IP address for which to configure the ARP options where ip_address is an IP address expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


Specifies the media-specific access control layer address for the IP address. mac_address must be specified as a an 6-byte hexadecimal number with each byte separated by a colon, for example., "AA:12:bb:34:f5:0E".

vrf vrf_name

Associates a Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) context with this static ARP entry.

vrf_name is name of a preconfigured virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) context configured in Context Configuration Mode via the ip vrf command.

Usage Guidelines

Manage the IP address mapping which is a logical/virtual identifier to the more lower layer addressing used for address resolution in ICMP messages.

For tunnel-based interface, network IP pool can have overlapping ip-addresses across Verve. To manage it adding a preconfigured VRF context is required to associate with an static ARP entry. By default, the ARP is added in the given context. If the VRF name is specified, then the ARP is added to the VRF ARP table.


The following commands set the IP and MAC address for the current context then remove it from the configuration:
ip arp F1:E2:D4:C5:B6:A7  
no ip arp  

The following commands set the IP and MAC address for a VRF context vrf1 in the configuration:

ip arp F1:E2:D4:C5:B6:A7 vrf vrf1 

ip as-path access-list

Defines Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Autonomous System (AS) Path access lists.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] ip as-path access-list list_name [ { deny | permit } reg_expr ] 


Remove the specified regular expression from the AS path access list.


Specifies the name of an AS path list as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

{ deny | permit }

deny : Denies access to AS paths that match the regular expression.

permit : Allows access to AS paths that match the regular expression.


A regular expression to define the AS paths to match. reg_expr is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 254 characters.


The ? (question mark) character is not supported in regular expressions for this command.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define AS path access lists for the BGP router in the current context. The chassis supports a maximum of 64 access lists per context.


The following command creates an AS access list named ASlist1 and permits access to AS paths:
ip as-path access-list ASlist1 permit 

ip community-list

Configures filtering via a BGP community list. To filter by a BGP community, you must then match the community in a route-map.


All products supporting BGP routing


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip community-list { named named_list | standard  identifier } { deny | permit } { internet | local-AS | no-advertise | no-export | value AS-community_number AS-community_number AS-community_number ... } 
{ internet | local-AS | no-advertise | no-export | value AS-community_number AS-community_number AS-community_number ...} 
{ internet | local-AS | no-advertise | no-export | value AS-community_number AS-community_number AS-community_number ...} 
no ip community-list { named named_list | standard  identifier } { deny | permit } { internet | local-AS | no-advertise | no-export | value AS-community_number  } 


Entering no ip community-list with a permit/deny clause deletes the matching community-list entry. Entering no ip community-list without a permit/deny clause deletes all the entries belonging to a community-list.

named named_list

Specifies the name of a community list as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

standard identifier

Specifies the name of a community list as an integer from 1 through 99.

{ deny | permit }

Specifies whether this community will deny or permit access to a specified destination.

{ internet | local-AS | no-advertise | no-export | value AS-community_number

Specifies the destinations to deny or permit for the community.
  • internet – Advertise this route to the internet community, and any router that belongs to it.
  • local-AS – Use in confederation scenarios to prevent sending packets outside the local autonomous system (AS).
  • no-advertise – Do not advertise this route to any BGP peer, internal or external.
  • no-export – Do not advertise to external BGP (eBGP) peers. Keep this route within an AS.
  • value AS-community_number – Specifies a community string in AS:NN format, where AS = 2-byte AS-community hexadecimal number and NN = 2-byte hexadecimal number (1 to 11 characters).

You can enter multiple destinations and AS community numbers separated by spaces.

Usage Guidelines

Configures filtering via a BGP community list. To filter by a BGP community, you must then match the community in a route-map.

Multiple community-list entries can be attached to a community-list by adding multiple permit or deny clauses for various community strings. Up to 64 community-lists can be configured in a context.

The communities-list is a way to group destinations into communities and apply routing decisions based on the communities. This method simplifies the configuration of a BGP speaker that controls distribution of routing information.

A community is a group of destinations that share some common attribute. Each destination can belong to multiple communities. Autonomous system administrators define to which communities a destination belongs.


The following command specifies that community list number 5 will permit access to AS destination 200:5.
ip community-list standard 5 permit value 200:5 

ip dns-proxy source-address

Enables the proxy DNS functionality and identifies this context as the destination context for all redirected DNS requests.


This command must be entered in the destination context for the subscriber. If there are multiple destination contexts for different subscribers, the command must be entered in each context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] ip dns-proxy source-address ip_address 


Removes the address in this context as a destination for redirected DNS packets.


Specifies an interface in this context used for redirected DNS packets. ip_address must be entered using IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to identify the interface in this context where redirected DNS packets are sent to the home DNS. The system uses this address as the source address of the DNS packets when forwarding the intercepted DNS request to the home DNS server. For a more detailed explanation of the proxy DNS intercept feature, see the proxy-dns intercept-list command.


The following command identifies an interface with an address of in a destination context where the system forwards all intercepted DNS requests:
ip dns-proxy source-address 

ip domain-lookup

Enables or disables domain name lookup via domain name servers for the current context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip domain-lookup 
no ip domain-lookup 


Disables domain name lookup.

Usage Guidelines

Domain name look up is necessary if the subscribers configured for the context are to be allowed to use logical host names for services which requires the host name resolution via DNS.


ip domain-lookup 
no ip domain-lookup 

ip domain-name

Configures or removes a logical domain name for the current context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] ip domain-name name 


Indicates the logical domain name for the current context is to be removed.


Specifies the logical domain name to use for domain name server address resolution. name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 1023 characters formatted to be a valid IP domain name.

Usage Guidelines

Set a logical domain name if the context is to be accessed by logical domain name in addition to direct IP address.


ip domain-name 

ip extcommunity-list

Configures route target filtering via a BGP extended community list. To filter by a BGP extended community, you must then match the extended community in a route-map.


All products supporting BGP routing


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip extcommunity-list { named named_list | standard  identifier } { deny | permit } rt rt_number rt_number rt_number ... 
no ip community-list { named named_list | standard  identifier } { deny | permit } rt rt_number  


Entering no ip extcommunity-list with a permit/deny clause deletes the matching extended community-list entry. Entering no ip extcommunity-list without a permit/deny clause deletes all the entries belonging to an extended community-list.

named named_list

Specifies the name of an extended community list as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

standard identifier

Specifies the name of an extended community list as an integer from 1 through 99.

{ deny | permit }

Specifies whether this community will deny or permit access to a specific route target.

rt rt_number

Specifies a Route Target as a string in AS:NN format, where AS = 2-byte AS-community hexadecimal number and NN = 2-byte hexadecimal number (1 to 11 characters). You can enter multiple route targets separated by spaces.

Usage Guidelines

Configures filtering via a BGP extended community list. To filter by a BGP extended community, you must then match the community in a route-map.

A BGP extended community defines a route target. MPLS VPNs use a 64-bit Extended Community attribute called a Route Target (RT). An RT enables distribution of reachability information to the correct information table.

Multiple extended community-list entries can be attached to an extended community-list by adding multiple permit or deny clauses for various extended community strings. Up to 64 extended community-lists can be configured in a context.


The following command specifies that extended community list number 78 will deny access to route target 200:5:
ip extcommunity-list standard 78 deny rt 200:20 

ip forward

Configures an IP forwarding policy to forward outgoing pool packets whose flow lookup fails to the default-gateway.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] ip forward outbound unused-pool-dest-address default-gateway 


Disables forwarding to the default gateway.

outbound unused-pool-dest-address default-gateway

Enables forwarding to the default gateway.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set an IP forwarding policy that forwards outgoing pool packets whose flow lookup fails to the default gateway. By default, the behavior is to either send an ICMP Unreachable message or to discard the packet depending on the configuration of the IP pool.

Pool packets coming from the line card or MIO card whose flow lookup fails are discarded or ICMP unreachable is sent irrespective of whether this command is configured or not.


While this CLI is available on the ASR 5500, its functionality is not supported. Therefore, if the CLI is configured, it does not affect or alter the IP forwarding behaviour.


To enable this functionality, enter the following command:
ip forward outbound unused-pool-dest-address default-gateway 
To disable this functionality, enter the following command:
no ip forward outbound unused-pool-dest-address default-gateway 

ip guarantee

Enables and disables local switching of framed route packets.








Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[no] ip guarantee framed-route local-switching 


Disables local switching of framed route packets.

framed-route local-switching

Enables local switching of framed route packets. By default, this functionality is disabled.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable and disable local switching of framed route packets. This functionality will be applicable only when there are some NEMO/framed route sessions in a context.


The following command enables local switching of framed route packets:
ip guarantee framed-route local-switching 

ip identification packet-size-threshold

Configures the packet size above which system will assign unique IP header identification.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip identification packet-size-threshold size 
default ip identification packet-size-threshold 


Restores default value of 576 bytes to IP packet size for fragmentation threshold.


Specifies the size of IP packet in bytes above which system will assign unique IP header identification for system generated IP encapsulation headers (such as MIP data tunnel). size is an integer from 0 through 2000. Default: 576

Usage Guidelines

This configuration is used to set the upper limit of the IP packet size. All packets above that size limit will be considered "fragmentable", and an unique non-zero identifier will be assigned.


The following commands set the IP packet size to 1024 bytes as threshold. above this limit system will assign unique IP header identification for system generated IP encapsulation headers:
ip identification packet-size-threshold 1023 

ip igmp profile

Configures an Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) profile and moves to the IGMP Profile Configuration mode.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] ip igmp profile name 


Removes the specified IGMP profile.


Specifies the name of an IGMP profile as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters. If this is not the name of an existing profile, you are prompted to create the new profile.

Usage Guidelines

Configure and existing IGMP profile or create a new one. When this command is executed you are moved to the IGMP Profile Configuration mode. For additional information, refer to the IGMP Profile Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


ip igmp profile default  

ip localhost

Configures or removes the static local host logical name to IP address mapping for the current context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] ip localhost name ip_address 


Specifies that the static mapping must be removed.


Specifies the logical host name (DNS) for the local machine on which the current context resides. name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 1023 characters formatted to be a valid IP host name.


Specifies the IP address for the static mapping. ip_address must be expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

Usage Guidelines

Avoid excessive DNS lookups across the network by statically mapping the logical host name to the local host's context.


ip localhost localHostName 
no ip localhost localHostName 

ip name-servers

Modifies the list of domain name servers the current context may use for logical host name resolution.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip name-servers ip_address secondary_ip_address [third_ip_address] 
no ip name-servers ip_address 


Indicates the name server specified is to be removed from the list of name servers for the current context.


Specifies the IP address of a domain name server using IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.


Specifies the IP address of a secondary domain name server using either IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.


Specifies the IP address of a third domain name server using either IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation. (VPC only)

Usage Guidelines

Manage the list of name servers the current context may use in resolving logical host names.


When this CLI configuration is changed, the DNS client is reinitialized and the cache ttl negative value is reset to the default value if no cache ttl negative is configured for the DNS client in the context. . Therefore, check and reconfigure the no cache ttl negative CLI after the ip name-servers CLI configuration is changed on the node.

The DNS can be specified at the Context level in Context configuration as well as at the APN level in APN Configuration Mode with dns and ipv6 dns commands, or it can be received from AAA server.

When DNS is requested in PCO configuration, the following preference will be followed for DNS value:

  1. DNS Values received from LNS have the first preference.

  2. DNS values received from RADIUS Server has the second preference.

  3. DNS values locally configured with APN with dns and ipv6 dns commands has the third preference.

  4. DNS values configured at context level has the last preference.


The same preference would be applicable for the NBNS servers to be negotiated via ICPC with the LNS.


ip name-servers 

ip pool

Enables creation, configuration or deletion of IP address pools in the current context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip pool pool_name { ip_address/subnet_mask | ip_address_mask_combo | range start_ip_address end_ip_address } [ address-hold-timer address_hold_timer ] [ address-quarantine-timer seconds ] [ advertise-if-used ] [ alert-threshold [ group-available | pool-free | pool-hold | pool-release | pool-used ] low_thresh [ clear high_thresh ] ] [ explicit-route-advertise ] [ group-name group_name ] [ include-nw-bcast ] [ napt-users-per-ip-address users_per_ip [ alert-threshold { { pool-free | pool-hold | pool-release | pool-used } low_thresh [ clear high_thresh ] } + ] [ max-chunks-per-user max_chunks_per_user [ nat-binding-timer nat_binding_timer ] [ nat-pkt-drop-threshold high_thresh [ clear low_thresh ] ] [ nexthop-forwarding-address ip_address ] [ on-demand ] [ port-chunk-size port_chunk_size ] [ port-chunk-threshold port_chunk_threshold ] [ send-nat-binding-update ] + ] [ nat priority ] [ nat-one-to-one [ alert-threshold { { pool-free | pool-hold | pool-release | pool-used } low_thresh [ clear high_thresh] } + ] [ nat-binding-timer nat_binding_timer ] [ nat-pkt-drop-threshold high_thresh [ clear low_thresh ] ] [ nexthop-forwarding-address ip_address ] [ on-demand ] [ send-nat-binding-update ] + ] [ nat-realm users-per-nat-ip-address users [ on-demand [ address-hold-timer address_hold_timer ] ] ] [ nexthop-forwarding-address ip_address [ overlap vlanid vlan_id ] [ respond-icmp-echo ip_address ] ] [ nw-reachability server server_name ] [ policy allow-static-allocation ] [ framed-route-vrf-list vrf_list_name] [ pool-route ip_address/ip_mask ] [ private priority ] [ public priority ] [ resource priority ] [ send-icmp-dest-unreachable ] [ skip-nat-subscriber-ip-check ] [ srp-activate ] [ subscriber-gw-address ip_address ] [ static ] [ suppress-switchover-arps ] [ tag { none | pdif-setup-addr } ] [ unicast-gratuitous-arp-address ip_address ] [ vrf vrf_name { [ mpls-label input in_label_value | output out_label_value1 [ out_label_value2 ] } ]  [framed-route-vrflist] +  
no ip pool pool_name [ address-hold-timer ] [ address-quarantine-timer ] [ advertise-if-used ] [ alert-threshold [ [ group-available ] [ pool-free ] [ pool-hold ] [ pool-release ] [ pool-used ] + ] [ explicit-route-advertise ] [ group-name ] [ include-nw-bcast ] [ nexthop-forwarding-address [ respond-icmp-echo ] ] [ nw-reachability server ] [ policy allow-static-allocation ] [ framed-route-vrf-list ] [ send-icmp-dest-unreachable ] [ skip-nat-subscriber-ip-check ] [ srp-activate ] [ subscriber-gw-address ] [ suppress-switchover-arps ] [ tag { none | pdif-setup-addr } ] [ unicast-gratuitous-arp-address ] + [ send-nat-binding-update ] [ framed-route-vrflist ] 


Removes the specified IP address pool from the current context's configuration, or disables the specified option(s) for the specified IP pool.

no alert-threshold

This command without any optional keywords disables all alert thresholds.


Specifies the logical name of the IP address pool. name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 31 characters.


An error message displays if the ip pool name and the group name in the configuration are the same. An error message displays if the ip pool name or group name are already used in the context.


Specifies the beginning IP address of the IP address pool using IPv4 dotted-decimal.


Specifies the IP address mask bits to determine the number of IP addresses in the pool. ip_mask must be specified using IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

1 bits in the ip_mask indicate that bit position in the ip_address must also have a value of 1.

0 bits in the ip_mask indicate that bit position in the ip_address does not need to match – the bit can be either a 0 or a 1.

For example, if the IP address and mask are specified as and , respectively, the pool will contain IP addresses in the range through for a total of 32 addresses.


Specifies a combined IP address subnet mask bits to indicate what IP addresses the route applies to. ip_address_mask_combo must be specified using CIDR notation where the IP address is specified using IPv4 dotted-decimal notation and the mask bits are a numeric value which is the number of bits in the subnet mask.

range start_ip_address end_ip_address

Specifies the IP addresses for the IP pool as a range of addresses.

start_ip_address specifies the beginning of the range of addresses for the IP pool.

end_ip_address specifies the end of the range of addresses for the IP pool.

The IP address range must be specified using IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

For example, if start_ip_address is specified as and end_ip_address is specified as the IP pool will contain addresses in the range through for a total of 32 addresses.

private [ priority ]

Address pool may only be used by mobile stations which have requested an IP address from a specified pool. When private pools are part of an IP pool group, they are used in a priority order according to the precedence setting. priority must be an integer from 0 through 10 with 0 being the highest priority. The default value is 0.

public [ priority ]

Address pool is used in priority order for assigning IP addresses to mobile stations which have not requested a specific address pool. priority must be an integer from 0 through 10 with 0 being the highest priority. The default value is 0.


Designates local IP address pool to statically assign pooled addresses.


The keyword static must be used for DHCP served IP addresses.

tag { none | pdif-setup-addr }

Default: none

none : default tag for all IP address pools

pdif-setup-addr :pool with this tag should only be used for PDIF calls.

address-hold-timer seconds

When this is enabled, and an active subscriber is disconnected, the IP address is held or considered still in use, and is not returned to the free state until the address-hold-timer expires. This enables subscribers who reconnect within the length of time specified (in seconds) to obtain the same IP address from the IP pool.

seconds is the time in seconds and must be an integer from 0 through 31556926.


For releases prior to 20.0, a change made to the IP pool hold timer takes immediate effect on existing addresses currently on hold. Timeouts are adjusted to align with the new value. For releases after 20.0, the new timeout value will only be applied to addresses which are put on hold in the future. Timeouts for addresses currently in the hold state are not modified. They will timeout using the original timeout value.


Currently, the address-hold-timer only supports IPv4 addresses.

address-quarantine-timer seconds

Specifies the timer value in seconds for an address quarantine timer as an integer from 20 through 86400. This timer cannot be configured with an address-hold-timer in the same pool.

The IP pool address-quarantine-timer is a mechanism to busy out a released IP address for a specified interval. This prevents an IP address from being reused until the quarantine timer expires.

Each IP pool can be configured with a timer value that determines how long a recently released address will be held in quarantine before being freed. When the timer has expired, the address is returned to the list of free addresses, to be allocated again to a new subscriber. Any address that has been released, but for which the address-quarantine-timer has not expired, is still considered to be in use for the purposes of allocation. If a subscriber tries to reconnect while the address-quarantine timer is armed, even though it is the same subscriber ID, the subscriber does not get the same address.


Advertises to the peer routes only if addresses are being used in pool.

alert-threshold { group-available | pool-free | pool-hold | pool-release | pool-used } low_thresh [ clear high_thresh ]

Default: All thresholds are disabled.

Configures IP address pool-level utilization thresholds. These thresholds take precedence over context-level IP pool thresholds.

group-available : Set an alert based on the available percentage of IP addresses for the entire IP pool group.

pool-free : Set an alert based on the percentage of IP addresses that are unassigned in this IP pool.

pool-hold : Set an alert based on the percentage of IP addresses from this IP pool that are on hold.

pool-release : Set an alert based on the percentage of IP addresses from this IP pool that are in the release state.

pool-used : This command sets an alert based on the percentage of IP addresses that have been assigned from this IP pool.


Refer to the threshold available-ip-pool-group and threshold monitoring commands in this chapter for additional information on IP pool utilization thresholding.

low_thresh : The IP pool utilization percentage that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to generate an alert or alarm. It can be configured as an integer between 0 and 100.

clear high_thresh : The IP pool utilization percentage that maintains a previously generated alarm condition. If the utilization percentage rises above the high threshold within the polling interval, a clear alarm is generated. It may be configured as an integer between 0 and 100.


This value is ignored for the Alert model. In addition, if this value is not configured for the Alarm model, the system assumes it is identical to the low threshold.

group-name group_name

Assigns one or more preconfigured IP pools to the IP pool group. group_name is case sensitive and must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 31 characters. One or more IP pool groups are assigned to a context and one IP pool group consists one or more IP pool(s).

IP pool group name is used in place of an IP pool name. When specifying a desired pool group in a configuration the IP pool with the highest precedence is used first. When that IP pool's addresses are exhausted the pool with the next highest precedence is used.


Allows pools to include the classful network and broadcast addresses that are usually excluded when a pool crosses the classful network boundaries.

To remove the include-nw-bcast option from the ip pool, use the no ip pool test include-nw-bcast command.

napt-users-per-ip-address users_per_ip [ alert-threshold { { pool-free | pool-hold | pool-release | pool-used } low_thresh [ clear high_thresh ] } + ] [ max-chunks-per-user max_chunks_per_user [ nat-binding-timer nat_binding_timer ] [ nat-pkt-drop-threshold high_thresh [ clear low_thresh ] ] [ nexthop-forwarding-address ip_address ] [ on-demand ] [ port-chunk-size port_chunk_size ] [ port-chunk-threshold port_chunk_threshold ] [ send-nat-binding-update ] +


In UMTS deployments this keyword is available in 9.0 and later releases. In CDMA deployments this keyword is available in 8.3 and later releases.


In UMTS deployments, on upgrading from Release 8.1 to Release 9.0, and in CDMA deployments, on upgrading from Release 8.1 to 8.3, all NAT realms configured in Release 8.1 using the nat-realm keyword must be reconfigured using either the nat-one-to-one (for one-to-one NAT realms) or the napt-users-per-ip-address (for many-to-one NAT realms) keywords.

Configures many-to-one NAT realms.

  • users_per_ip : Specifies how many users can share a single NAT IP address.

    In 18 and earlier releases, users_per_ip must be an integer from 2 through 2016.

    In 19 and later releases: users_per_ip must be an integer from 2 through 8064.

  • alert-threshold : Specifies the alert threshold for the pool:


Thresholds configured using the alert-threshold keyword are specific to the pool that they are configured in. Thresholds configured using the threshold ip-pool-* commands in the Context Configuration Mode apply to all IP pools in that context, and override the threshold configurations set within individual pools.

  • pool-free : Percentage free alert threshold for this pool

  • pool-hold : Percentage hold alert threshold for this pool

  • pool-release : Percentage released alert threshold for this pool

  • pool-used : Percentage used alert threshold for this pool

  • low_thresh : The IP pool utilization percentage that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to generate an alert or alarm. low_thresh must be an integer from 0 through 100.

  • clear high_thresh : The IP pool utilization percentage that maintains a previously generated alarm condition. If the utilization percentage rises above the high threshold within the polling interval, a clear alarm is generated. high_thresh must be an integer from 0 through 100.


The high_thresh value is ignored for the Alert model. In addition, if this value is not configured for the Alarm model, the system assumes it is identical to the low threshold.

  • max-chunks-per-user max_chunks_per_user : Specifies the maximum number of port chunks to be allocated per subscriber in the many-to-one NAT pool.

    In 18 and earlier releases: max_chunks_per_user must be an integer from 1 through 2016.

    In 19 and later releases: max_chunks_per_user must be an integer from 1 through 8064.

    Default: 1

  • nat-binding-timer binding_timer : Specifies NAT Binding Timer for the NAT pool. timer must be an integer from 0 through 31556926. If set to 0, is disabled. Default: 0

  • nat-pkt-drop-threshold high_thresh [ clear low_thresh ] : Specifies the NAT packet drop threshold in percentage (%).

    high_thresh specifies the high NAT packet drop percentage threshold, and must be an integer from 0 through 100. Default: 0

    clear low_thresh specifies the low NAT packet drop percentage threshold, and must be an integer from 0 through 100. Default: 0

  • nexthop-forwarding-address address : Specifies the nexthop forwarding address for this pool. address must be an IPv4 or IPv6 address. If configured for a NAT pool, packets that are NATed using that NAT pool will be routed based on the configured nexthop address.


The nexthop-forwarding-address support for NAT IP pools is functional only in later releases of Release 9.0 and in 10.0 and later releases.

  • on-demand : Specifies allocating IP when matching data traffic begins.

  • port-chunk-size size : Specifies NAT port chunk size (number of NAT ports per chunk) for many-to-one NAT pool.

    In 18 and earlier releases: size must be an integer from 32 through 32256 (in multiples of 32).

    In 19 and later releases: size must be an integer from 8 through 32256 (in multiples of 8).


The port-chunk-size configuration is only available for many-to-one NAT pools.


The port-chunk-size must be a minimum of 64 with systems configured as an A-BG or P-CSCF.

  • port-chunk-threshold chunk_threshold : Specifies NAT port chunk threshold in percentage of number of chunks for many-to-one NAT pool. chunk_threshold must be an integer from 1 through 100. Default: 100%


The port-chunk-threshold configuration is only available for many-to-one NAT pools.

  • send-nat-binding-update : Specifies sending NAT binding updates to AAA for this realm. Default: Disabled


send-nat-binding-update is supported for both one-to-one and many-to-one realms.

The following IP pool configuration keywords can also be used in the many-to-one NAT pool configuration:
  • group-name group_name : Specifies the pool group name. The grouping enables to bind discontiguous IP address blocks in individual NAT IP pools to a single pool group.

    This keyword is available for NAT pool configuration only in Release 10.0 and later.

    NAT pool and NAT pool group names must be unique.

    group_name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 31 characters that is case sensitive.

  • srp-activate

    Activates the IP pool for Interchassis Session Recovery (ICSR).

nat priority

Designates the IP address pool as a Network Address Translation (NAT) address pool.

priority specifies the priority of the NAT pool. 0 is the highest priority. If priority is not specified, the priority is set to 0.

Must be a value from 0 (default) to 10.


This functionality is currently supported for use with systems configured as an A-BG or P-CSCF.

nat-one-to-one [ alert-threshold { { pool-free | pool-hold | pool-release | pool-used } low_thresh [ clear high_thresh ] } + ] [ nat-binding-timer nat_binding_timer ] [ nat-pkt-drop-threshold high_thresh [ clear low_thresh ] ] [ nexthop-forwarding-address ip_address ] [ on-demand ] [ send-nat-binding-update ] +


In UMTS deployments this keyword is available in Release 9.0 and later releases. In CDMA deployments this keyword is available in Release 8.3 and later releases.


In UMTS deployments, on upgrading from Release 8.1 to Release 9.0, and in CDMA deployments, on upgrading from Release 8.1 to Release 8.3, all NAT realms configured in Release 8.1 using the nat-realm keyword must be reconfigured using either the nat-one-to-one (for one-to-one NAT realms) or the napt-users-per-ip-address (for many-to-one NAT realms) keywords.

Configures one-to-one NAT realm.

  • alert-threshold : Specifies alert threshold for this pool:


Thresholds configured using the alert-threshold keyword are specific to the pool in which they are configured. Thresholds configured using the thresholdip-pool * commands in the Context Configuration Mode apply to all IP pools in the context, and override the threshold configurations set within individual pools.

  • pool-free : Percentage free alert threshold for this pool

  • pool-hold : Percentage hold alert threshold for this pool

  • pool-release : Percentage released alert threshold for this pool

  • pool-used : Percentage used alert threshold for this pool

  • low_thresh : The IP pool utilization percentage that must be met or exceeded within the polling interval to generate an alert or alarm. low_thresh must be an integer from 0 through 100.

  • clear high_thresh : The IP pool utilization percentage that maintains a previously generated alarm condition. If the utilization percentage rises above the high threshold within the polling interval, a clear alarm is generated. high_thresh must be an integer from 0 through 100.


The high_thresh value is ignored for the Alert model. In addition, if this value is not configured for the Alarm model, the system assumes it is identical to the low threshold.

  • nat-binding-timer nat_binding_timer : Specifies NAT Binding Timer for the NAT pool. binding_timer must be an integer from 0 through 31556926. If set to 0, is disabled.


    For many-to-one NAT pools, the default NAT Binding Timer value is 60 seconds. For one-to-one NAT pools, it is 0. By default, the feature is disabled—the IP addresses/ port-chunks once allocated will never be freed.

  • nat-pkt-drop-threshold high_thresh [ clear low_thresh ] : Specifies the NAT packet drop threshold in percentage (%).

    high_thresh specifies the high NAT packet drop percentage threshold, and must be an integer from 0 through 100. Default: 0

    clear low_thresh specifies the low NAT packet drop percentage threshold, and must be an integer from 0 through 100. Default: 0

  • nexthop-forwarding-address ip_address : Specifies the nexthop forwarding address for this pool. address must be an IPv4 or IPv6 address. If configured for a NAT pool, packets that are NATed using that NAT pool will be routed based on the configured nexthop address.


    The nexthop-forwarding-address support for NAT IP pools is functional only in later releases of Release9.0 and in Release 10.0 and later releases.

  • on-demand : Specifies allocating IP address when matching data traffic begins.

  • send-nat-binding-update : Specifies sending NAT binding updates to AAA for this realm. Default: Disabled


send-nat-binding-update is supported for both one-to-one and many-to-one realms.

The following IP pool configuration keywords can also be used in the one-to-one NAT pool configurations:

  • address-hold-timer address_hold_timer

  • group-name group_name : specifies the pool group name. The grouping enables to bind discontiguous IP address blocks in individual NAT IP pools to a single pool group. NAT pool and NAT pool group names must be unique. group_name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 31 characters that is case sensitive. This keyword is available for NAT pool configuration only in StarOS 10.0 and later releases.

  • srp-activate :Activates the IP pool for Interchassis Session Recovery (ICSR).

nat-realm users-per-nat-ip-address users [ on-demand [ address-hold-timer address_hold_timer ] ]


In UMTS deployments, the nat-realm keyword is only available in Release 8.1.


In Release 8.1, the NAT On-demand feature is not supported.


This functionality is currently supported for use with systems configured as an A-BG or P-CSCF.

Designates the IP address pool as a Network Address Translation (NAT) realm pool.

users-per-nat-ip-address users : specifies the number of users sharing a single NAT IP address as an integer from 1 through 5000.

on-demand : Specifies to allocate IP when matching data traffic begins.

address-hold-timer address_hold_timer : Specifies the address hold timer (in seconds) for this pool as an integer from 0 through 31556926. If set to 0, the address hold timer is disabled.


Currently, the address-hold-timer only supports IPv4 addresses.

nexthop-forwarding-address ip_address

A subscriber that is assigned an IP address from this pool is forwarded to the next hop gateway with the specified IP address.

overlap vlan id vlan_id

When a nexthop forwarding address is configured, this keyword can be configured to enable over-lapping IP address pool support and associates the pool with the specified virtual LAN (VLAN). vlan_id is the identification number of a VLAN assigned to a physical port and can be configured to any integer from 1 through 4095.

For more information on configuring VLANs, refer to the System Administration Guide.


This functionality is currently supported for use with systems configured as an HA, or as a PDSN for Simple IP, or as a GGSN. This keyword can only be issued for pools of type private or static and must be associated with a different nexthop forwarding address and VLAN. A maximum of 256 over-lapping pools can be configured per context and a maximum of 256 over-lapping pools can be configured per HA or simple IPPDSN. For GGSNs, the total number of pools is limited by the number of VLANs defined but the maximum number per context is 256. Additional network considerations and configuration outside of the system maybe required.

nw-reachability server server_name

Binds the name of a configured network reachability server to the IP pool and enables network reachability detection for the IP pool. This takes precedence over any network reachability server settings in a subscriber configuration.

server_name : Specifies the name of a network reachable server that has been defined in the current context, expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 16 characters.


Also see the following commands for more information: Refer to the policy nw-reachability-fail command in the HA Configuration Mode to configure the action that should be taken when network reachability fails. Refer to the nw-reachability server command in this chapter to configure network reachability servers. Refer to the nw-reachability-server command in the Subscriber Configuration Mode to bind a network reachability server to a specific subscriber.

respond-icmp-echo ip_address

Pings the first IP address from overlapping IP address pools.


In order for this functionality to work, all of the pools should contain an initial IP address that can be pinged.


Specifies this IP pool as a resource pool. The IP addresses in resource pools may have IP addresses that also exist in other resource pools. IP addresses from a resource pool should not be used for IP connectivity within the system where the pool is defined. These IP addresses should be allocated for sessions which are L3 tunneled through the system (IP-in-IP or GRE). It is possible for resource pools in the same context to have overlapping addresses when the terminating network elements for the L3 tunnels are in different VPNs. Default: Disabled

Also refer to the Subscriber Configuration Mode Commands chapter for a description of the l3-to-l2-tunnel address-policy command.


When enabled, this generates an ICMP destination unreachable PDU when the system receives a PDU destined for an unused address within the pool.

Default: Disabled


When enabled, this is configured to skip private IP address check for non-NAT pools. This can be configured only for non-NAT pools during call-setup if NAT is enabled for the subscriber. If NAT is disabled, this value is not considered.

Default: Disabled (subscriber IP check is done).


When enabled, the output of show ip pool verbose includes the total number of explicit host routes. Default: Enabled


Activates the IP pool for Interchassis Session Recovery (ICSR).

subscriber-gw-address ip_address

Configures the subscriber gateway address for this pool.


Using this keyword might give a message as "busyout configured". This indicates that one ip address is reserved as subscriber-gw-address and not the entire pool.


Suppress corresponding gratuitous ARP generation when a line card or MIO card switchover occurs. Default: Disabled

unicast-gratuitous-arp-address ip_address

Perform a unicast gratuitous ARP to the specified IP address rather than broadcast gratuitous ARP when gratuitous ARP generation is required. Default: Perform broadcast gratuitous ARP.

vrf vrf_name { [ mpls-label input in_label_value | output out_label_value1 [ out_label_value2 ] }

Associates a preconfigured Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) instance with this IP pool and configures MPLS label parameters.


This command must be used with next-hop parameters.

vrf_name is name of a preconfigured virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) context configured in Context Configuration Mode through ip vrf command.

  • in_label_value is the MPLS label that identifies the inbound traffic destined for this pool.

  • out_label_value1 and out_label_value2 identify the MPLS labels to be added to the outgoing packets sent for subscribers from this pool. Where out_label_value1 is the inner output label and out_label_value2 is the outer output label.

MPLS label values must be an integer from 16 through 1048575.

By default, the pools configured are bound to the default VRF unless specified with a VRF name.


You cannot have overlapping pool addresses using the same VRF. Also you cannot have two pools using different VRFs but the same in-label irrespective of whether or not the pools overlap. The pool must be private or static in-order to be associated with a certain VRF. If the VRF with such a name is not configured, you are prompted to add the VRF before configuring a pool.

policy allow-static-allocation

Configures static address allocation policy for dynamic IP pool. This keyword enables a dynamic IP pool to accept a static address for allocation.


In static allocation scenario, the pool group name is returned by AAA in the attribute SN1-IP-Pool-Name, and the IP address to use will be returned in the Framed-IP-Address attribute.

framed-route-vrf-list vrf_list_name

Configures a vrf-list in order for NVSE VRF authorization.

pool-route ip_address/ip_mask

Configures the IP pool route instead of generating by-default. The address followed by the pool-route keyword can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address with the mask value.


Indicates that more than one of the previous keywords can be entered within a single command.

Usage Guidelines

Define one or more pools of IP addresses for the context to use in assigning IPs to mobile stations. This command is also useful in resizing existing IP pools to expand or contract the number of addresses allocated. If you resize an IP pool, the change is effective immediately.

When using the ip pool command to resize an IP pool, the type must be specified since by default the command assumes the type as public. In other words, the CLI syntax to resize an IP pool is the same syntax used to create the pool. See examples below.
ip pool pool1 static 
The syntax to resize that pool would be:
ip pool pool1 static 

A pool which is deleted will be marked as such. No new IP addresses will be assigned from a deleted pool. Once all assigned IP addresses from a deleted pool have been released, the pool, and all associated resources, are freed.


If an IP address pool is matched to a ISAKMP crypto map and is resized, removed, or added, the corresponding security association must be cleared in order for the change to take effect. Refer to the clear crypto command in the Exec mode for information on clearing security associations.

Over-lapping IP Pools: The system supports the configuration of over-lapping IP address pools within a particular context. Over-lapping pools are configured using either the resource or overlap keywords.

The resource keyword allows over-lapping addresses tunneled to different VPN end points.

The overlap keyword allows over-lapping addresses each associated with a specific virtual LAN (VLAN) configured for an egress port. It uses the VLAN ID and the nexthop address to determine how to forward subscriber traffic with addresses from the pool thus resolving any conflicts with overlapping addresses.

Note that if an overlapping IP Pool is bound to an IPSec Tunnel (refer to the match ip pool command in the Crypto Group Configuration Mode chapter), that tunnel carries the traffic ignoring the nexthop configuration. Therefore, the IPSec Tunnel takes precedence over the nexthop configuration. (Thus, one can configure the overlapping IP Pool with fake VLAN ID and nexthop and still be able to bind it to an IPSec Tunnel for successful operation.

The overlap keyword allows over-lapping addresses each associated with a specific VLAN can only be issued for pools of type private or static and must be associated with a different nexthop forwarding address and VLAN. A maximum of 128 over-lapping pools can be configured per context and a maximum of 256 over-lapping pools can be configured per system.


Overlapping IP address functionality is currently supported for use with systems configured as an HA for Mobile IP, or as a PDSN for Simple IP, or as a GGSN. For deployments in which subscriber traffic is tunneled from the FA to the HA using IP-in-IP, a separate HA service must be configured for each over-lapping pool.

IP Pool Address Assignment Method: IP addresses can be dynamically assigned from a single pool or from a group of pools. The addresses are placed into a queue in each pool. An address is assigned from the head of the queue and, when released, returned to the end. This method is known as least recently used (LRU).

When a group of pools have the same priority, an algorithm is used to determine a probability for each pool based on the number of available addresses, then a pool is chosen based on the probability. This method, over time, allocates addresses evenly from the group of pools.


Note that setting different priorities on each individual pool in a group can cause addresses in some pools to be used more frequently.


In NAT IP pool configurations, the minimum number of public IP addresses that must be allocated to each NAT pool must be greater than or equal to the number of Session Managers (SessMgrs) available on the system. On the ASR 5000, it is >= 84 public IP addresses. This can be met by a range of 84 host addresses from a single Class C. The remaining space from the Class C can be used for other allocations.


The following commands define a private IP address pool, a public IP address pool, and a static address pool, respectively.
ip pool samplePool1 private 
ip pool samplePool2 public 
ip pool samplePool3 static 
The following command defines a private IP pool specified with a range of IP addresses. The pool has 101 addresses.
ip pool samplePool4 range private 
The following command sets the address hold timer on the pool to 60 minutes (3600 seconds):
ip pool samplePool4 address-hold-timer 3600 
The following command removes the IP address pool from the configuration:
no ip pool samplePool1 
The following command creates a static IP pool:
ip pool pool1 static 
The following command resizes the static IP pool created in the previous example:
ip pool pool1 static 

ip prefix-list

Creates an IP prefix list for filtering routes.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip prefix-list name list_name [ seq seq_number ] { deny | permit } { any | network_address/net_mask [ ge ge_value ] [ le le_value ] 
no ip prefix-list list_name [ seq seq_number ] { deny | permit } { any | network_address/net_mask [ ge ge_value ] [ le le_value ] 


Delete the specified prefix-list entry.

name list_name

Specifies a name for the prefix list as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

seq seq_number

Assigns the specified sequence number to the prefix list entry as an integer from 1 through 4294967295.


Specifies prefixes to deny.


Specifies prefixes to permit.


Matches any prefix.

network_address / net_mask [ ge ge_value ] [ le le_value ]

Specifies the prefix to match.

network_address / net_mask : the IP address and the length, in bits, of the network mask that defines the prefix. The IP address and mask must be entered in IPv4dotted-decimal notation. When neither ge (greater than or equal to) or le (less than or equal to) are specified an exact match is assumed.

ge ge_value : Specifies the minimum prefix length to match as an integer from 0 through 32. If only the ge value is specified, the range is from the ge value to 32. The ge value must be greater than net_mask and less than the le value.

le le_value : Specifies the maximum prefix length to match as an integer from 0 through 32. If only the le value is specified, the range is from the net_mask to the le value. The le value must be less than or equal to 32.

The following equation describes the conditions that ge and le values must satisfy:

net_mask < ge_value < le_value <= 32

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to filter routes by their IP prefix.


ip prefix-list name prelist10 seq 5 permit ge 12 le 24 

ip prefix-list sequence-number

Enables or disables the inclusion of IP prefix list sequence numbers in the configuration file. This option is enabled by default.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] ip prefix-list sequence-number 


Disables the listing of IP prefix list sequence numbers in the configuration file.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable and disable the inclusion of IP prefix list sequence numbers in the configuration file.


To disable the inclusion of IP prefix list sequence numbers in the configuration file, enter the following command:
no ip prefix-list sequence-number 

ip route

Adds or removes routing information from the current context's configuration.






Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] ip route { ip_address/ip_mask | ip_address ip_mask } { gateway_ip_address | next-hop next_hop_ip_address | point-to-point | tunnel } egress_intrfc_name [ cost cost ] [ fall-over bfd multihop mhsess_name ] [ precedence precedence ] [ vrf vrf_name [ cost value ] [ fall-over bfd multihop mhsess_name ] [ precedence precedence ] + 
[ no ] ip route static bfd if_name remote-endpt_ipv4_address 
[ no ] ip route static multihop bfd mhbfd_sess_name local_endpt_ipaddr remote_endpt_ipaddr 
[ no ] ip route kernel ip_address/ip_address_mask_combo egress_intrfc_name cost number 
[ no ] ip route kernel ip_address/ip_address_mask_combo egress_intrfc_name cost number blackhole 


Indicates the route specified by this options is to be removed from the configuration.


Allows static route in the kernel routing table options.

ip_address / ip_mask | ip_address/ip_mask

Specifies a destination IP address or group of addresses that will use this route.

ip_address / ip_mask : Specifies a combined IP address subnet mask bits to indicate what IP addresses to which the route applies. ip_address must be entered using IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation. ip_mask / is entered using CIDR notation; the mask bits are a numeric value which is the number of bits in the subnet mask.

ip_address/ip_mask : Specifies an IP address and the networking (subnet) mask pair which is used to identify the set of IP addresses to which the route applies. ip_address must be specified using the standard IPv4 dotted decimal notation. ip_mask must be specified using the standard IPv4 dotted decimal notation as network mask for subnets.

The mask as specified by ip_mask or resulting from ip_address / ip_mask is used to determine the network for packet routing.

0's in the resulting mask indicate the corresponding bit in the IP address is not significant in determining the network for packet routing.

1's in the resulting mask indicate the corresponding bit in the IP address is significant in determining the network.


Specifies a combined IP address subnet mask bits to indicate what IP addresses the route applies to. ip_address_mask_combo must be specified using CIDR notation where the IP address is specified using IPv4 dotted-decimal notation and the mask bits are a numeric value, which is the number of bits in the subnet mask.

gateway_ip_address | next-hop next_hop_ip_address | point-to-point | tunnel

Specifies which device or network to use when forwarding packets.

gateway_ip_address : Specifies the IP address of the network gateway to which to forward packets. The address must be entered in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation (###.###.###.###).

next-hop next_hop_ip_address : Specifies the next-hop IP address to which packets are to be forwarded. The address must be entered in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

point-to-point : Specifies that the egress port is an ATM point-to-point interface.

tunnel : Sets the static route for this egress interface as tunnel type, such as IPv6-over-IPv4 or GRE.


Specifies the name of the egress (out-bound) interface name in the current context as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters. For a blackhole route, the default is “*”, that is, a wildcard interface.

cost cost

Specifies the relative cost of the route. cost must be an integer from 0 through 255 where 255 is the most expensive. Default: 0

cost number

Defines the number of hops to the next gateway. The cost must be an integer from 0 through 255 where 255 is the most expensive. The default is 0.


Defines blackhole route to install in the kernel to block or drop packets.

fall-over bfd multihop mhsess_name

Enables fall-over BFD functionality for the specified multihop session. The fall-over bfd option uses BFD to monitor neighbor reachability and liveliness. When enabled it will tear down the session if BFD signals a failure. Specify mhsess_name as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 19 characters.

precedence precedence

Specifies the selection order precedence for this routing information. precedence must be an integer from 1 through 254 where 1 is the highest precedence. Default: 1

vrf vrf_name

Associates a Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) context with this static route configuration.

vrf_name is the name of a preconfigured VRF context configured in Context Configuration Mode via the ip vrf command.

static bfd if_name remote-endpt_ipv4_address

Creates a static IP route that will be associated with Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD). For additional information, see the BFD Configuration Mode Commands chapter.

if_name : Specifies the name of the interface to which the static BFD neighbor is bound as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

remote_endpt_ipv4_address : Specifies the gateway address of the BFD neighbor in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

static multihop bfd mhbfd_sess_name local_endpt_ipaddr remote_endpt_ipaddr

Creates a static multihop BFD route with local and remote endpoints.

mhbfd_sess_name : Specifies the multihop BFD session name as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

local_endpt_ipaddress : Specifies the local endpoint address in IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

remote_endpt_ipaddress : Specifies the remote endpoint address in IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure IP route parameters. precedence and cost options for the route selections such that routes of the same precedence are grouped together then lowest cost is selected first. This results in route's being selected first by lower precedence then the cost is used if multiple route's are defined with the same precedence.

This command also configures static IP routes when implementing Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD).


A maximum of 1,200 static routes may be configured per context.

Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) context can be associated with static IP route for BGP/MPLS, GRE, or IPSec tunnel support.


SNMP traps are generated when BFD sessions go up and down (BFDSessUp and BFDSessDown).

Use the ip route kernel ip_address/ip_address_mask_combo interface interface_name cost number to add the special route to any of two packet processing interfaces (SF cards) defined in the context configuration. Use the [ no ] ip route kernel ip_address/ip_address_mask_combo interface interface_name cost number blackhole to block or drop packets going out of the node.


The following command adds a route using the combined IP address and subnet mask form:
ip route egressSample1 precedence 160 
The following configures route options for a route specified using the distinct IP address and subnet mask form:
ip route egressSample2 cost 43 
The following deletes the two routes configured above:
no ip route egressSample1 precedence 160  
no ip route egressSample2 cost 43 

The following command adds a route using the combined IP address and subnet mask form and specifies the egress interface as tunnel type:

ip route tunnel egressSample1 precedence 160 vrf vrf1 

ip routing maximum-paths

Enables Equal Cost Multiple Path (ECMP) routing support and specifies the maximum number of ECMP paths that can be submitted by a routing protocol in the current context.


All products that support Cost Multiple Path (CMP)


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip routing maximum-paths [ max_num ] 
[ default | no ] ip routing maximum-paths 


Resets the command to its default setting of 4.


Disables ECMP for the current context.


The maximum number of ECMP paths that can be submitted by a routing protocol. max_num must be an integer within the following ranges:

  • For ASR5000: 1 through 10

  • For ASR5500: 1 through 24

  • For VPC-DI: 1 through 32 (for Releases prior to 21.4

  • For VPC-DI: 1 through 64 (for Release 21.4+

Default: 4

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable ECMP for routing and set the maximum number of ECMP paths that can be submitted by a routing protocol.


To enable ECMP and set the maximum number of paths that may be submitted by a routing protocol in the current context to 10 , enter the following command:
ip routing maximum-paths 10 
To disable ECMP in the current context, enter the following command:
no ip routing maximum-paths 

ip routing overlap-pool

Configures the routing behavior for overlap-pool addresses.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no | default ] ip routing overlap-pool 


Resets the command to its default setting of disabled.


Disables the routing behavior for overlap-pool addresses for the current context.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command configuration to advertise overlap-pool addresses in dynamic routing protocols when overlap pools are configured using vlan-ids. If the "iprouting overlap-pool" is configured, then the overlap-addresses are added as interface addresses and advertised.

ip rri

Configures Reverse Route Injection (RRI) egress clear port IPv4 parameters. (VPC-VSM only)




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip rri { ip_address | next-hop nexthop_address } interface interface_name [ vrf vrf_name ]  
no ip rri { ip_address | next-hop nexthop_address } interface interface_name [ vrf vrf_name ]  


Disables the specified RRI egress parameters.


Specified in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

next-hop nexthop_address

Next hop address specified in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation. The next hop IP address is not required for point-to-point and tunnel interfaces.

interface interface_name

Specifies the name of an existing egress interface as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

vrf vrf_name

Specifies the name of an existing VRF as an alphanumerical string of 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure RRI regress clear port IPv4 parameters.


ip rri interface rri02  

ip rri-route

Configures High Availability (HA) IPv4 routing parameters for Reverse Route Injection (RRI). (VPC-VSM only)




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip rri-route network-mode { L2 | L3 } { clear_loopback_ip | rri-ip virtual_ip_address } { ip_address | next-hop nexthop_address } interface interface_name [ vrf vrf_name ] 
no ip rri-route network-mode { L2 | L3 } { clear_loopback_ip | rri-ip virtual_ip_address } { ip_address | next-hop nexthop_address } interface interface_name [ vrf vrf_name ] 


Disables the specified RRI route.

network-mode { L2 | L3 }

Specifies the RRI route network mode type as Layer 2 (L2) or Layer 3 (L3).


Specifies the loopback address for clear traffic in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

rri-ip virtual_ip_address

Specifies the use of a virtual IP address on both Primary and Secondary for RRI. virtual_ip_address is expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


Specified in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

next-hop nexthop_address

Next hop address specified in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation. The next hop IP address is not required for point-to-point and tunnel interfaces.

interface interface_name

Specifies the name of an existing egress interface as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

vrf vrf_name

Specifies the name of an existing VRF as an alphanumerical string of 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure HA IPv4 routing parameters for RRI.


ip rri-route network-mode L3 rri-ip next-hop interface rriroute04 

ip sri-route

Configures Layer 3 (L3) High Availability (HA) IPv4 routing parameters for Service Route Injection (SRI). (VPC-VSM only)



The ip sri-route CLI command is deprecated, and not supported in 19.0 and later releases.



Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip sri-route sri-ip network_address next hop nexthop_address interface interface_name  [ vrf vrf_name ] 
no ip sri-route sri-ip network_address next hop nexthop_address interface interface_name  [ vrf vrf_name ] 


Disables the specified SRI route.

sri-ip network_address

Specifies the IPv4 address associated with the SRI route.

next hop nexthop_address

Next hop address specified in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation. The next hop IP address is not required for point-to-point and tunnel interfaces.

interface interface_name

Specifies the name of an existing egress interface as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

vrf vrf_name

Specifies the name of an existing VRF as an alphanumerical string of 1 through sixty-three characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure L3 HA routing parameters for SRI.


ip sri-route sri-ip next-hop interface sri23 

ip vrf

Creates a Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) context instance, assigns a VRF identifier, and configures the VRF parameters for BGP/MPLS VPN, GRE tunnel, and IPSec interface configuration.


IKEv2 ACL VRF is not supported.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip vrf vrf_name 
no ip vrf 


Disables IP Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) parameters.


Specifies the name of the virtual routing and forwarding interface as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create a VRF context and assign a VRF identifier for BGP/MPLS VPN, IPSec, GRE tunnel configuration in this context instance. This command is used when the system works as a BGP router with MPLS VPN and binds an MPLS VPN to the system or to facilitate GRE or IPSec tunnelling. The addresses assigned to this interface are visible in the VRF routing table.

This command switches the command mode to IP VRF Context Configuration Mode:

If required, this command creates an IP VRF Context Configuration Mode instance.

When using this command please note of the following:

  • A VRF context instance must be created and configured before referring, associating, or binding the same with any command or mode.

  • If the interface binding to a VRF context instance is changed or any IP address assigned to the interface is deleted, a warning is displayed.

  • All interfaces bound with a VRF context instance will be deleted when that VRF is removed/deleted.

  • An interface can be bound to only one VRF context instance.

  • A maximum of 100 VRF context instances can be configured on a system.

Refer to the IP VRF Context Configuration Mode Commands chapter for parameter configuration.


The following command configures the virtual routing and forwarding context instance vrf1 in a context:
ip vrf vrf1  

ip vrf-list

Creates a VRF list and adds VRFs to the list. The VRFs must have been previously created via the ip vrf command.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip vrf-list list_name permit vrf_name 
no ip vrf-list list_name [ permit vrf_name ] 


Deletes a VRF list or delete VRFs from this list. If permit and vrf-name are not specified, the entire list of VRFs is deleted. Otherwise, the specified VRF(s) is deleted from the list.


Specifies the name of the VRF list as an alphanumerical string of 1 through 63 characters.


Specifies the name of the virtual routing and forwarding interface as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Create a VRF list and add VRFs to the list. The VRFs must have been previously created via the ip vrf command. This command supports multiple VRFs over NEMO.


The following command creates a VRF list named corp103 and adds a VRF named vrf3567 :

ip vrf-list corp103 permit vrf3567 


Enables/disables/manages an intelligent packet monitoring system (IPMS) client service and enters the IPMS Client Configuration Mode within the current context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] ipms [ -noconfirm ] 


Deletes a previously configured IPMS client service.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.


If this keyword option is used with no ipms command, the IPMS client service will be deleted with all active/inactive IPMS sessions without prompting any warning or confirmation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable/disable/manage the IPMS client service within a context and configure certain functionality. This command enables and allows the configuration of service enabling the system to function as an IPMS-enabled Access Gateway in a network. This command is also used to remove previously configured IPMS client service.

A maximum of 1 IPMS client can be configured per system.


The IPMS is a license enabled external application support. Refer to the IPMS Installation and Administration Guide for more information on this product.

Refer to the IPMS Installation and Administration Guide and IPMS Configuration Mode chapter of this reference for additional information.


The following command creates an IPMS client service name within the context:


Create and/or configure an IPNE service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:

[context_name] host_name (config)# 


[ no ] ipne-service  ipne_service 


Included as a prefix of the command, no causes the system to disable IPNE service when it has been created with this command and removes the IPNE service definition from the MME's configuration.


Enter 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters to create a unique name for an IPNE service instance.

Usage Guidelines

This command creates an instance of an IPNE service in the context.It is recommended that the IPNE Service be configured in the same context in which the MME Service has been configured.

This command also accesses the commands in the IPNE service configuration mode to configure the IPNE service.

If an IPNE service is to be removed and the service has active handles, then the handles are deleted using a timer-based approach and then the IPNE service is removed.


Create an IPNE service called IPNEserv1 :
ipne-service IPNEserv1 
Use a command similar to the following to disable and remove the IPNE service configuration for the IPNE service called ipneserv.
no ipne-service ipneserv 

ipsec replay

Configures IKEv2 IPSec specific anti-replay.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] ipsec replay [ window-size window_size ]  


Disables this option.


Configures IKEv2 IPSec anti-replay.

window-size window_size

Configures anti-replay window size.

window_size is the window size 32, 64 (default), 128, 256, 384, 512 , an integer value between 32..512

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure IKEv2 IPSec specific anti-replay.


The following command sets the window size to 256:
ipsec replay window-size 256  

ipsec transform-set

Creates a new or specifies an existing IPSec transform set and enters the IPSec Transform Set Configuration Mode for the current context.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] ipsec transform-set transform_set_name  


Removes an existing transform set from the system.

transform-set name

Specifies the name of a new or existing transform set as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to Configure IKEv2 IPsec child security association transform set parameters. Up to four transform-sets can be created.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:

[context_name ]hostname (cfg-ctx-ipsec-tran-set)#

This command applies to IKEv2. Please check crypto ipsec transform-set command for ipsec transform-set configuration for IKEv1.


The following command configures an IPSec transform set called ipsec12 and enters the IPSec Transform Set Configuration Mode:
ipsec transform-set ipsec12  


This command allows you to create/modify/delete an IP Services Gateway (IPSG) service in the current context.





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ipsg-service ipsg_service_name [ mode { radius-server [ ewag ] | radius-snoop } ] [ -noconfirm ] 
no ipsg-service ipsg_service_name [ mode { radius-server [ ewag ] | radius-snoop } ] 


If previously configured, deletes the specified IPSG service.


Specifies the name of the IPSG service.

ipsg_service_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.


Service names must be unique across all contexts within a chassis.

mode { radius-server [ ewag ] | radius-snoop }

Configures the IPSG to perform as either a RADIUS server or as a device to extract user information from RADIUS accounting request messages (snoop). If the optional keyword mode is not entered, the system defaults to radius-server .

  • radius-server :Creates the named IPSG RADIUS Server service in the current context and/or enters the IPSG RADIUS Server Configuration Mode.

  • radius-server ewag : Enables the eWAG service (IPSG service in eWAG mode), and enters the IPSG RADIUS Server Configuration Mode, which is common for the eWAG and IPSG services.

  • radius-snoop :Creates the named IPSG RADIUS Snoop service in the current context and/or enters the IPSG RADIUS Snoop Configuration Mode.


Specifies to execute the command without additional prompt or confirmation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create/configure/delete an IPSG service.

A maximum of one IPSG service can be configured per context.

IPSG service commands are defined in the IPSG RADIUS Snoop Configuration Mode Commands chapter and the IPSG RADIUS Server Configuration Mode Commands chapters.

A maximum of 256 services (regardless of type) can be configured per system.


A large number of services greatly increases the complexity of system management and may impact overall system performance (i.e., resulting from system handoffs). Do not configure a large number of services unless your application requires it. Contact your Cisco account representative for more information.


IP Services Gateway functionality is a license-controlled feature. A valid feature license must be installed prior to configuring an IPSG service. Contact your Cisco account representative for more information.

On entering the command with the radius-server mode or without any mode, the CLI prompt changes to:


On entering the command with the radius-snoop mode, the CLI prompt changes to:


For more information about the IP Services Gateway, refer to the IP Services Gateway Administration Guide.


The following command configures an IPSG RADIUS Snoop service named ipsg1 and enters the IPSG RADIUS Snoop Configuration Mode:
ipsg-service ipsg1 mode radius-snoop 
The following command enables the eWAG service (IPSG service in eWAG mode), and enters the IPSG RADIUS Server Configuration Mode, which is common for the eWAG and IPSG services:
ipsg-service ipsg2 mode radius-server ewag 

ipv6 access-group

Configures the IPv6 Access group.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ipv6 access-group group name { priority_value } 


Specifies the name of the access group as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.


Specifies the priority of the access group. 0 is the highest priority. If priority_value is not specified the priority is set to 0. priority_value must be an integer from 0 through 4294967295. Default: 0

If access groups in the list have the same priority, the last one entered is used first.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify IPv6 access group name and priority. Use a lower value to indicate a higher priority for the group.


ipv6 access-group group_1 

ipv6 access-list

Create, configure, or delete an IPv6 Access List in the current context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] ipv6 access-list name 


Removes the specified access list.


Specifies the access list name.

name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 47 characters.

If the named access list does not exist, it is created, and the CLI mode changes to the ACL Configuration Mode, wherein the access list can be configured.

If the named access list already exists, the CLI mode changes to the ACL Configuration Mode, wherein the access list can be reconfigured.

Usage Guidelines

Executing this command enters the IPv6 ACL Configuration Mode in which rules and criteria are defined for the ACL.


A maximum of 256 rules can be configured per ACL. The maximum number of ACLs that can be configured per context is limited by the amount of available memory in the VPN Manager software task; it is typically less then 200.

Refer to the Access Control Lists appendix of the System Administration Guide for more information on ACLs.


ipv6 access-list samplelist 
no ipv6 access-list samplelist 

ipv6 dns-proxy

Configures the domain name server proxy for the context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] ipv6 dns-proxy source-ipv4-address ip_address 


Removes the predefined IP address for local interface in the destination context.


Specifies the IPv4 address of one of the local interface in the destination context to configure the IPv6 DNS proxy where ip_address must be specified using IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

Usage Guidelines

The IPv6 DNS proxy source IPv4 address is used as the source IP address for the DNS proxy transaction.


The following command provides an example of configuring a IPv6 DNS proxy of :
ipv6 dns-proxy source-ipv4-address 

ipv6 neighbor

Adds a static IPv6 neighbor entry into the neighbor discovery table.




Administrator, Security Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] ipv6 neighbor ipv6_address hardware_address 


Removes the specified address.

ipv6_address hardware_address

ipv6_address is the IP address of node to be added to the table.

hardware_address is the associated 48-bit MAC address.

Usage Guidelines

Add a static IPv6 neighbor entry into the neighbor discovery table.


On the ASR 5000, routes with IPv6 prefix lengths less than /12 and between the range of /64 and /128 are not supported.


Add the ipv6 address fe80::210:83ff:fef7:7a9d::/24 and associated 48 bit MAC address 0:10:83:f7:7a:9d to the table.
ipv6 neighbor fe80::210:83ff:fef7:7a9d::/24 0:10:83:f7:7a:9d 

ipv6 pool

Modifies the current context's IP address pools by adding, updating or deleting a pool. This command also resizes an existing IP pool.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ipv6 pool name { 6to4 local-endpoint ipv4_address [ default-relay-router router_address ] | alert threshold | group-name name | policy { allow-static-allocation | dup-addr-detection } | prefix ip_address/len [ 6to4-tunnel local-endpoint ip_address | default-relay-router router_address ] | range start_addressend_address | suppress-switchover-arps } [ prefix-length prfx_length ] [ private priority ] [ public priority ] [ shared priority ] [ static priority ] [ group-name name ] [ vrf vrf-name ] 
no ipv6 pool name 


Deletes the previously configured IPv6 pool.


Specifies the logical name of the IP address pool as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 31 characters.

6to4-tunnel local-endpoint ip_address

Specifies the IPv4 address of the local interface to be used for IPv6-to-IPv4 compatible pool address construction.

alert threshold { 6to4 local-endpoint ipv4_address | alert threshold | group-available | group-name name | policy { allow-static-allocation | dup-addr-detection } | pool-free | pool-used | prefix | range start_address end_address }

Default: All thresholds are disabled.

Configures IP address pool-level utilization thresholds. These thresholds take precedence over context-level IPv6 pool thresholds.

  • 6to4 : Sets an alert based on the IPv6 Pool for an IPv6-to-IPv4 compatible address type.

  • alert-threshold : Sets an alert based on the percentage free alert threshold for this group.

  • group-available : Sets an alert based on the percentage free alert threshold for this group.

  • group-name : Sets an alert based on the IPv6 Pool Group.

  • policy allow-static-allocation : Sets an alert based on the address allocation policy.

  • pool-free : Sets an alert based on the percentage free alert threshold for this pool.

  • pool-used : Sets an alert based on the percentage used alert threshold for this pool.

  • prefix : Sets an alert based on the IPv6 Pool address prefix.

  • range : Sets an alert based on the IPv6 address pool range of addresses.

  • suppress-switchover-arps : Sets an alert based on the Suppress Gratuitous ARPs when performing a line card or an MIO switchover.

group name name

IPv6 Pool Group.

The following options are available:

  • 6to4 : IPv6 Pool for IPv6-to-IPv4 compatible address type

  • alert-threshold : Percentage free alert threshold for this group

  • group-name : IPv6 Pool Group

  • policy : Configure an address allocation policy

  • prefix : IPv6 Pool address prefix

  • range : Configures IPv6 address pool to use a range of addresses

  • suppress-switchover-arps : Suppress gratuitous ARPs when performing a line card or an MIO switchover.


Specifies the beginning IPv4 address of the IPv4 address pool. ipv4_address must be specified using IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

default-relay-router router address

Specifies the default relay router for the tunnel.

policy allow-static-allocation

Allows a dynamic pool to accept a static address allocation.

The following options are available:

  • 6to4 : IPv6 Pool for IPv6- to-IPv4 compatible address type

  • alert-threshold : Percentage free alert threshold for this group

  • group-name : IPv6 Pool Group

  • policy : Configure an address allocation policy

  • prefix : IPv6 Pool address prefix

  • range : Configure IPv6 address pool to use a range of addresses

  • suppress-switchover-arps : Suppress gratuitous ARPs when performing a line card or an MIO switchover

policy dup-addr-detection

This command is valid for IPv6 shared pools only (Sample syntax: ipv6 pool name prefix ip_address/len shared policy dup-addr-detection ). When this policy is enabled, the IPv6 shared pool allows a prefix to be shared in different call sessions with different interface IDs for an IPv6 address. This allows the tracking of interface IDs per prefix and the detection of duplicate IDs.

With this policy disabled, the IPv6 shared pool will allow a prefix to be shared across different call sessions. The interface ID is not considered for any duplicate address detection. Default: Disabled

The following options are available:

  • 6to4 : IPv6 pool for IPv6-to-IPv4 compatible address type

  • alert-threshold : Percentage free alert threshold for this group

  • group-name : IPv6 pool group

  • policy : Configure an address allocation policy

  • prefix : IPv6 pool address prefix

  • range : Configures IPv6 address pool to use a range of addresses

  • suppress-switchover-arps : Suppress gratuitous ARPs when performing a line card or an MIO switchover

prefix ip_address/len

Specifies the beginning IPv6 address of the IPv6 address pool. ip_address/len must be specified using IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal. len is an integer that indicates the number bits of prefix length.


If the prefix ip_address/len specified is less than /40, then a prefix-length prfx_length must be specified. Options are 48, 52, or 58 bits of prefix-length .


On the ASR 5000, routes with IPv6 prefix lengths less than /12 and between the range of /64 and /128 are not supported.

range start_address end_address

Configures an IPv6 address pool to use a range of addresses.

start_address specifies the beginning of the range of addresses for the IPv6 pool. It must be specified using IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

end_address specifies the end of the range of addresses for the IPv6 pool. It must be specified using IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.


Suppresses gratuitous ARPs when performing a line card switchover.

The following options are available:

  • 6to4 : IPv6 Pool for IPv6-to-IPv4 compatible address type

  • alert-threshold : Percentage free alert threshold for this group

  • group-name : IPv6 Pool Group

  • policy : Configure an address allocation policy

  • prefix : IPv6 Pool address prefix

  • range : Configures IPv6 address pool to use a range of addresses

  • suppress-switchover-arps : Suppress gratuitous ARPs when performing a line card or an MIO switchover

prefix-length prfx_length

Specifies a configured length of prefixes. prfx_length can be 48, 52, 56 or 64 bits of prefix (Default = 64). This option supports S-GW/P-GW validation of fixed-length addresses via DHCPv6 (TS 29.274 – 7.2.2 and 8.14).


If the prefix ip_address/len specified is less than /40, then a prefix-length prfx_length must be specified. Options are 48, 52, or 58 bits of prefix-length .


On the ASR 5000, routes with IPv6 prefix lengths less than /12 and between the range of /64 and /128 are not supported.

private priority | public priority | shared priority | static priority

Default: public

private priority : Specifies that the address pool may only be used by mobile stations which have requested an IP address from a specified pool. When private pools are part of an IP pool group, they are used in a priority order according to the precedence setting. priority must be an integer from 0 through 10 with 0 being the highest. The default is 0.

public priority : Specifies that the address pool is used in priority order for assigning IP addresses to mobile stations which have not requested a specific address pool. priority must be an integer from 0 through 10 with 0 being the highest and with a default of 0.

shared priority : Specifies that the address pool that may be used by more than one session at any time. priority must be an integer from 0 through 10 with 0 being the highest and with a default of 0.

static priority : Specifies that the address pool is used for statically assigned mobile stations. Statically assigned mobile stations are those with a fixed IP address at all times. priority must be an integer from 0 through 10 with 0 being the highest and with a default of 0.

group-name name

Groups the IPv6 pools into different groups. The subscribers/domain can be configured with the group-name instead of the prefix-pool names. name is the name of the group by which the IPv6 pool is to be configured expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

vrf vrf-name

Associates the pool with the VRF specified as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters. By default the configured IPv6 pool will be associated with the global routing domain.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to modify the current context's IP address pools by adding, updating or deleting a pool. Also use this command to resize an existing IP pool.


The following command adds an IPv6 pool named ip6Star :
ipv6 pool ip6Star 

ipv6 prefix-list

Creates an IPv6 prefix list for filtering routes.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ipv6 prefix-list name list_name [ seq seq_number ] { deny | permit } { any | network_address/net_mask [ ge ge_value ] [ le le_value ] 
no ipv6 prefix-list list_name [ seq seq_number ] { deny | permit } { any | network_address/net_mask [ ge ge_value ] [ le le_value ] 


Delete the specified prefix-list entry.

name list_name

Specifies a name for the prefix list as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

seq seq_number

Assigns the specified sequence number to the prefix list entry as an integer from 1 through 4294967295.


Specifies prefixes to deny.


Specifies prefixes to permit.


Matches any prefix.

network_address / net_mask [ ge ge_value ] [ le le_value ]

Specifies the prefix to match.

network_address / net_mask : the IPv6 address and the length, in bits, of the network mask that defines the prefix. The IP address and mask must be entered in IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation. When neither ge (greater than or equal to) or le (less than or equal to) are specified an exact match is assumed.


On the ASR 5000, routes with IPv6 prefix lengths less than /12 and between the range of /64 and /128 are not supported.

ge ge_value : Specifies the minimum prefix length to match as an integer from 0 through 128. If only the ge value is specified, the range is from the ge value to 128. The ge value must be greater than net_mask and less than the le value.

le le_value : Specifies the maximum prefix length to match as an integer from 0 through 128. If only the le value is specified, the range is from the net_mask to the le value. The le value must be less than or equal to 128.

The following equation describes the conditions that ge and le values must satisfy:

net_mask < ge_value < le_value <= 128

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to filter routes by their IPv6 prefix.


ipv6 prefix-list name prelistv6-10 seq 5 permit 2002::  

ipv6 prefix-list sequence-number

Enables or disables the inclusion of IPv6 prefix list sequence numbers in the configuration file. This option is enabled by default.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] ipv6 prefix-list sequence-number 


Disables the listing of IPv6 prefix list sequence numbers in the configuration file.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable and disable the inclusion of IPv6 prefix list sequence numbers in the configuration file.


To disable the inclusion of IPv6 prefix list sequence numbers in the configuration file, enter the following command:
no ipv6 prefix-list sequence-number 

ipv6 route

Configures a static IPv6 route to the next-hop router.






Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] ipv6 route ipv6_address/prefix_length { interface name | next-hop ipv6_address interface name } [ cost  cost] [ fall-over bfd multihop mhsess_name ] [ precedence precedence ] [ vrf vrf_name [ cost value ] [ fall-over bfd multihop mhsess_name ] [ precedence precedence ] 
[ no ] ipv6 route static bfd if_name remote-endpt_ipv6address 
[ no ] ipv6 route static multihop bfd mhbfd_sess_name local_endpt_ipv6addr remote_endpt_ipv6addr 


Removes the specified static route.

ipv6_address / prefix_length

Specifies a destination IPv6 address or group of addresses that will use this route.

ipv6_address / prefix_length must be specified using IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal with CIDR notation.


On the ASR 5000, routes with IPv6 prefix lengths less than /12 and between the range of /64 and /128 are not supported.

interface name

Specifies the name of the interface on this system associated with the specified route or next-hop address. name must be an existing interface name on the system expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

next-hop ipv6_address

The IPv6 address of the directly connected next hop device in IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

cost cost

Defines the number of hops to the next gateway as an integer from 0 through 255. Default: 0

fall-over bfd multihop mhsess_name

Enables fall-over BFD functionality for the specified multihop session. The fall-over bfd option uses BFD to monitor neighbor reachability and liveliness. When enabled it will tear down the session if BFD signals a failure. Specify mhsess_name as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 19 characters.

precedence precedence

Indicates the administrative preference of the route. A low precedence specifies that this route takes preference over the route with a higher precedence. precedence must be an integer from 1 through 254. Default: 1

vrf vrf_name

Associates a Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) context with this static route configuration.

vrf_name is the name of a preconfigured VRF context configured in Context Configuration Mode via the ip vrf command.

static bfd if_name remote-endpt_ipv6address

Creates a static IP route that will be associated with Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD). For additional information, see the BFD Configuration Mode Commands chapter.

if_name : Specifies the name of the interface to which the static BFD neighbor is bound as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

remote_endpt_ipv6address : Specifies the gateway address of the BFD neighbor in IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

static multihop bfd mhbfd_sess_name local_endpt_ipv6addr remote_endpt_ipv6addr

Creates a static multihop BFD route with local and remote endpoints.

mhbfd_sess_name : Specifies the multihop BFD session name as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

local_endpt_ipv6addr : Specifies the local endpoint address in IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

remote_endpt_ipv6addr : Specifies the remote endpoint address in IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure IPv6 route parameters, precedence and cost options for the route selections such that routes of the same precedence are grouped together then lowest cost is selected first. This results in route's being selected first by lower precedence then the cost is used if multiple route's are defined with the same precedence.

This command also configures static IP routes when implementing Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD).


A maximum of 1,200 static routes may be configured per context.

Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) context can be associated with static IP route for BGP/MPLS, GRE, or IPSec tunnel support.


SNMP traps are generated when BFD sessions go up and down (BFDSessUp and BFDSessDown).


T the following example configures a static route with IPv6 prefix/length 2001:0db8:3c4d:0015:0000:0000:abcd:ef12/24 to the next hop interface egress1 :
ipv6 route 2001:0db8:3c4d:0015:0000:0000:abcd:ef12/24 interface egress1 

ipv6 route-access-list

Configures an IPv6 route access list for filtering routes.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ipv6 route-access-list named list_name ] { deny | permit } network_address/net_mask [ exact-match ]  
no ipv6 prefix-list list_name ] { deny | permit } { any | network_address/net_mask [ exact-match ] 


Delete the specified prefix-list entry.

name list_name

Specifies a name for the prefix list as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.


Specifies prefixes to deny.


Specifies prefixes to permit.

network_address / net_mask [ exact-match ]

Specifies the prefix to match.

network_address / net_mask : the IPv6 address and the length, in bits, of the network mask that defines the prefix. The IP address and mask must be entered in IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.


On the ASR 5000, routes with IPv6 prefix lengths less than /12 and between the range of /64 and /128 are not supported.

exact-match le_value : Specifies that only an exact match will initiate access list deny/permit function.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to filter routes by their IPv6 prefix.


ipv6 route-access-list name routelistv6 seq 5 permit 2002::  

ipv6 rri

Configures Reverse Route Injection (RRI) egress clear port IPv6 parameters. (VPC-VSM only)




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ipv6 rri { ipv6_address | next-hop nexthop_address } interface interface_name [ vrf vrf_name ]  
no ipv6 rri { ipv6_address | next-hop nexthop_address } interface interface_name [ vrf vrf_name ]  


Disables the specified RRI egress route.


Specified in IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

next-hop nexthop_address

Next hop address specified in IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation. The next hop IP address is not required for point-to-point and tunnel interfaces.

interface interface_name

Specifies the name of an existing egress interface as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

vrf vrf_name

Specifies the name of an existing VRF as an alphanumerical string of 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure IPv6 RRI egress clear port IPv6 parameters.


ipv6 rri 2001:4A2B::1f3F interface rri03  

ipv6 rri-route

Configures High Availability (HA) IPv6 routing parameters for Reverse Route Injection (RRI). (VPC-VSM only)




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ipv6 rri-route network-mode { L2 | L3 } { clear_loopback_ip | rri-ip virtual_ipv6_address } { ipv6_address | next-hop nexthop_address } interface interface_name [ vrf vrf_name ] 
no ipv6 rri-route network-mode { L2 | L3 } { clear_loopback_ip | rri-ip virtual_ipv6_address } { ipv6_address | next-hop nexthop_address } interface interface_name [ vrf vrf_name ] 


Disables the specified RRI route.

network-mode { L2 | L3 }

Specifies the RRI route network mode type as Layer 2 (L2) or Layer 3 (L3).


Specifies the loopback address for clear traffic in IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

rri-ip virtual_ipv6_address

Specifies the use of a virtual IP address on both Primary and Secondary for RRI. virtual_ipv6_address is expressed in IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.


Specified in IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

next-hop nexthop_address

Next hop address specified in IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation. The next hop IP address is not required for point-to-point and tunnel interfaces.

interface interface_name

Specifies the name of an existing egress interface as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

vrf vrf_name

Specifies the name of an existing VRF as an alphanumerical string of 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure HA IPv6 routing parameters for RRI.


ipv6 rri-route network-mode L3 rri-ip 2001:4A2B::1f3F 

ipv6 sri-route

Configures Layer 3 (L3) High Availability (HA) IPv6 routing parameters for Service Route Injection (SRI). (VPC-VSM only)




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ipv6 sri-route sri-ip network_address next hop nexthop_address interface interface_name  [ vrf vrf_name ] 
no ipv6 sri-route sri-ip network_address next hop nexthop_address interface interface_name  [ vrf vrf_name ] 


Disables the specified SRI route.

sri-ip network_address

Specifies the IPv6 address associated with the SRI route.

next hop nexthop_address

Next hop address specified in IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation. The next hop IP address is not required for point-to-point and tunnel interfaces.

interface interface_name

Specifies the name of an existing egress interface as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

vrf vrf_name

Specifies the name of an existing VRF as an alphanumerical string of 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure L3 HA IPv6 routing parameters for SRI.


ipv6 sri-route sri-ip 2001:4A2B::1f3F interface sri23 

isakmp disable-phase1-rekey

This command is deprecated. Use ikev1 disable-phase1-rekey command to configure the parameters for Phase1 SA rekeying when ISAKMP lifetime expires for IKE v1 protocol.

isakmp keepalive

This command is deprecated. Use ikev1 keepalive dpd command to configure ISAKMP IPSec Dead Peer Detection (DPD) message parameters for IKE v1 protocol.

isakmp policy

This command is deprecated. Use ikev1 policy command to create/configure an ISAKMP policy with the specified priority for IKE v1 protocol.


Creates an Iu-PS service instance and enters the Iu-PS Service Configuration Mode. This mode defines the configuration and usage of Iu-PS interfaces between the SGSN and the RNCs in the UMTS radio access network (UTRAN). It defines both the control plane (GTP-C) and the data plane (GTP-U) between these nodes.


For details about the commands and parameters for this mode, check the IuPS Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] iups-service srvc_name 


Remove the configuration for the specified Iu-PS service from the configuration for the current context.


Specifies the IuPS service name as a unique alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.


Service names must be unique across all contexts within a chassis.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create, edit, or remove an Iu-PS service. Add up to eight definitions to be used with a single SGSN service so the SGSN can support multiple PLMNs.


The following command creates an Iu-PS service named iu-ps1 :
iups-service iu-ps1 
The following command removes the Iu-PS service named iu-ps1 :
no iups-service iu-ps1 

l2tp peer-dead-time

Configures a delay when attempting to tunnel to a specific peer which is initially unreachable due to reasons such as a network issue or temporarily having reached its capacity.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



l2tp peer-dead-time seconds 
default l2tp peer-dead-time 


Rests the command to its default setting of 60.


Specifies the interval (in seconds) to wait before attempting to tunnel to a specific peer which is initially unreachable as an integer from 5 through 64,000. Default: 60

Usage Guidelines

The time to wait before trying to establish a tunnel to a known peer after the initial attempt was unsuccessful.


The following example configures the delay in attempting to tunnel to a temporarily unreachable peer. The delay is set to 120 seconds in this example.
l2tp peer-dead-time 120 


Enters the LAC Service Configuration Mode, or is used to add or remove a specified L2TP Access Concentrator (LAC) service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] lac-service name 


Removes the specified lac-service from the current context.


Specifies the name of a LAC service to configure, add, or remove as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that is case-sensitive.


Service names must be unique across all contexts within a chassis.

Usage Guidelines

Enter the LAC Service Configuration Mode for an existing service or for a newly defined service. This command is also used to remove an existing service.

A maximum of 256 services (regardless of type) can be configured per system.


Large numbers of services greatly increase the complexity of management and may impact overall system performance (i.e. resulting from such things as system handoffs). Therefore, it is recommended that a large number of services only be configured if your application absolutely requires it. Please contact your local service representative for more information.


To add a new LAC service named LAC1 and enter the LAC Service Configuration Mode, enter the following command:
lac-service LAC1 
To configure an existing LAC service named LAC2 , enter the following command:
lac-service LAC2 
To delete an existing LAC service named LAC3 , enter the following command:
no lac-service LAC3 


Refer to the Lawful Intercept Configuration Guide for a description of this command.

lawful-intercept dictionary

Refer to the Lawful Intercept Configuration Guide for a description of this command.

limit ipsecmgr ikev1 max

Use this command to limit the parameter for this context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



limit ipsecmgr ikev1 maxmax_value 
default limit ipsecmgr ikev1 max 


Sets/Restores default value assigned for specified parameter.


Limits the parameter for this context.


To limit ipsecmgr manager settings.


Specifies IKEv1 tasks.

max max_value

Specifies maximum ipsecmgr IKEv1 tasks. max_value must be an integer from 1 to 176.


Use the following command to limit number of IPSec managers within a context to 23.

limit ipsecmgr ikev1 max23 


Creates an Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) service or specifies an existing LMA service and enters the LMA Service Configuration Mode for the current context.







Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



lma-service service_name [ -noconfirm ] 
no lma-service service_name 


Removes the specified LMA service from the context.


Specifies the name of the LMA service. If service_name does not refer to an existing service, the new service is created if resources allow.

service_name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.


Service names must be unique across all contexts within a chassis.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Enter the LMA Service Configuration Mode for an existing service or for a newly defined service. This command is also used to remove an existing service.

A maximum of 256 services (regardless of type) can be configured per system.


Large numbers of services greatly increase the complexity of management and may impact overall system performance (for example, resulting from such things as system handoffs). Therefore, it is recommended that a large number of services only be configured if your application absolutely requires it. Please contact your local service representative for more information.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:


LMA Service Configuration Mode commands are defined in the LMA Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter.

Use this command when configuring the following eHRPD and PMIP SAE components: P-GW (SAEGW).


The following command enters the existing LMA Service Configuration Mode (or creates it if it does not already exist) for the service named lma-service1 :
lma-service lma-service1 
The following command will remove lma-service1 from the system:
no lma-service lma-service1 


Enters the LNS Service Configuration Mode, or is used to add or remove a specified L2TP Network Server (LNS) service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] lns-service name 


Removes the specified lac-service from the current context.


Specifies the name of a LNS service to configure, add or remove as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that is case-sensitive.


Service names must be unique across all contexts within a chassis.

Usage Guidelines

Enter the LNS Service Configuration Mode for an existing service or for a newly defined service. This command is also used to remove an existing service.

A maximum of 256 services (regardless of type) can be configured per system.


Large numbers of services greatly increase the complexity of management and may impact overall system performance (i.e. resulting from such things as system handoffs). Therefore, it is recommended that a large number of services only be configured if your application absolutely requires it. Please contact your local service representative for more information.


To add a new LNS service named LNS1 and enter the LNS Service Configuration Mode, enter the following commands:
lns-service LNS1 
To configure an existing LNS service named LNS2 , enter the following command:
lns-service LNS2 
To delete an existing LNS service named LNS3 , enter the following command:
no lns-service LNS3 


Creates a location service configuration instance or configures an existing location service configuration and enters the Location Service Configuration Mode. LoCation Services (LCS) are used to determine the geographic location of a UE.







Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



location-service service_name [ -noconfirm ] 
no location-service service_name 


Removes the specified location service configuration instance from the context.


Specifies the name of the location service configuration instance. If service_name does not refer to an existing service, the new service is created if resources allow.

service_name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.


Service names must be unique across all contexts within a chassis.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Enter the Location Service Configuration Mode for an existing service or for a newly defined service. This command is also used to remove an existing Service Configuration instance.

Location Service Configuration Mode commands are defined in the Location Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter.

A maximum of 16 location service instances can be configured per system.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:



The following command enters the existing Location Service Configuration Mode (or creates it if it does not already exist) for the service named location-service1 :
location-service location-service1 
The following command will remove location-service1 from the system:
no location-service location-service1 


Modifies the logging options for a specified system log server for the current context.






Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] logging syslog ip_address  [ event-verbosity { min | concise | full } | facility facilities |  msg-format { rfc3164 | rfc5424 }  | pdu-data { none | hex | hex-ascii } | pdu-verbosity pdu_level |  port number   rate value ] { first-console } 


Indicates that internal logging is to be disabled for the options specified.

syslog ip_address

Specifies the IP address of a system log server on the network in IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

event-verbosity { min | concise | full }

Specifies the level of detail to use in logging of events. Detail level must be one of the following:

  • min : Displays minimal detail.

  • concise :Displays summary detail.

  • full : Displays full detail.

facility facilities

Default: local7

Specifies the local facility for which the system logging server's logging options shall be applied. Local facility must be one of the following:

  • local0 — Pertains to syslog severity level of 0, Emergency

  • local1 — Pertains to syslog severity level of 1, Alert

  • local2 — Pertains to syslog severity level of 2, Critical

  • local3 — Pertains to syslog severity level of 3, Error

  • local4 — Pertains to syslog severity level of 4, Warning

  • local5 — Pertains to syslog severity level of 5, Notice

  • local6 — Pertains to syslog severity level of 6, Informational

  • local7 — Pertains to syslog severity level of 7, Debug

If local facility is not specified, then local7 is applied by default.

Multiple system log servers can share the logging options of a given local facility. This allows for the logical grouping of system log servers and the options which affect all of those associated with the same local facility.

msg-format { rfc3164 | rfc5424 }

Configures the message format for each system log server as per RFC3164 or RFC5424. Default: rfc3164.

pdu-data { none | hex | hex-ascii }

Specifies output format for packet data units when logged. Format must be one of the following:

  • none : Displays data in raw format.

  • hex : Displays data in hexadecimal format.

  • hex-ascii :Displays data in hexadecimal and ASCII format (similar to a main-frame dump).

pdu-verbosity pdu_level

Specifies the level of verboseness to use in logging of packet data units as a value from 1 through 5, where 5 is the most detailed.

port number

Specifies an alternate port number for the system log server. Default: 514.

number must be an integer value from 1 through 65535.

rate value

Specifies the rate at which log entries are allowed to be sent to the system log server. No more than the number specified by value will be sent to a system log server within any given one-second interval.

value must be an integer from 0 through 100000. Default: 1000


Enables the first serial port as the debug console for event log collection.

Note that on a VPC-DI that has a CF and SF card, the CF card on the first serial port is configured as the debug console. The second serial port is configured as the CLI console.


The CF card on the VPC-DI and VPC-SI can be configured as the VGA, which also provides the CLI console.

On the SF card, the first serial port is configured as the debug console. The second serial port cannot be configured as the CLI console because there is no support for this console on the SF card.


The logging first-console CLI command does not enable or disable system logs such as crash logs, system printed logs, and so on, which are always enabled.

Usage Guidelines

Set the log servers to enable remote review of log data.


The following sets the logging for events to the maximum for the local7 facility:
logging syslog event-verbosity full 
The following command sets the logging for packet data units to level 3 and sets the output format to the main-frame style hex-ascii for the local3 facility:
logging syslog facility local3 pdu-data hex-ascii pdu-verbosity 3 
The following sets the rate of information for the local1 facility:
logging syslog facility local1 rate 100 
The following disables internal logging to the system log server specified:
no logging syslog 

The following configure the first serial port as the debug console:

logging first-console 


Creates a Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) service or specifies an existing MAG service and enters the MAG Service Configuration Mode for the current context.







Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



mag-service service_name [ -noconfirm ] 
no mag-service service_name 


Removes the specified MAG service from the context.


Specifies the name of the MAG service. If service_name does not refer to an existing service, the new service is created if resources allow.

service_name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.


Service names must be unique across all contexts within a chassis.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Enter the MAG Service Configuration Mode for an existing service or for a newly defined service. This command is also used to remove an existing service.

A maximum of 256 services (regardless of type) can be configured per system.


Large numbers of services greatly increase the complexity of management and may impact overall system performance (for example, resulting from such things as system handoffs). Therefore, it is recommended that a large number of services only be configured if your application absolutely requires it. Please contact your Cisco service representative for more information.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:

MAG Service Configuration Mode commands are defined in the MAG Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter.

Use this command when configuring the following eHRPD and PMIP SAE components: HSGW and S-GW.


The following command enters the existing MAG Service Configuration Mode (or creates it if it does not already exist) for the service named mag-service1 :
mag-service mag-service1 
The following command will remove mag-service1 from the system:
no mag-service mag-service1 


Creates a Mobile Application Part (MAP) Service instance and enters the MAP Service Configuration mode to define or edit the MAP service parameters.

MAP is the SS7 protocol that provides the application layer required by some of the nodes in GPRS/UMTS networks to communicate with each other in order to provide services to mobile phone users. MAP is used by the serving GPRS support node (SGSN) to access SS7 network nodes such as a home location register (HLR) or a radio access network (RAN).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



map-service srvc_name 
no map-service srvc_name 


Remove the specified MAP service from the configuration for the current context.


Specifies the name of the MAP service as a unique alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.


Service names must be unique across all contexts within a chassis.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create, edit, or remove a MAP service configuration.


For details about the commands and parameters, check the MAP Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


The following command creates a MAP service named map_1 :
map-service map_1 
The following command removes the configuration for a MAP service named map_1 from the configuration for the current context:
no map-service map_1 


Configures the maximum simultaneous sessions allows for corresponding users.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



max-sessions number { administrator name user_name | config-administrator name user_name | inspector name user_name | operator name user_name } 
no max-sessions { administrator name user_name | config-administrator name user_name | inspector name user_name | operator name user_name } 
default max-sessions { administrator name user_name | config-administrator name user_name | inspector name user_name | operator name user_name } 

max-sessions number

Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous CLI sessions. It must be an alphanumeric integer from 1 to 100. Default: No limit.


Configures login user with security administrator rights for specific content. A username must follow the administrator keyword.


Configures login user with configuration administrator rights for specific content. A username must follow the config-administrator keyword.


Configures login user with inspector rights for specific content. A username must follow the inspector keyword.


Configures login user with operator rights for specific content. A username must follow the operator keyword.

name user_name

Specifies the username. user_name specifies the security username. It must be an string size from 1 to 32.


Removes the configured maximum number of simultaneous CLI sessions. This option returns the user to the default setting. If the user does not exist, then an error message appears stating: 'Failure: User x has not been configured. Configure it first!'.


Removes the configured maximum number of simultaneous CLI sessions and returns the user to the default number. Default: No limit.

Usage Guidelines

This command allows administrative users the ability configure the maximum simultaneous sessions allowed for corresponding users.


The following command allows an administrator the ability to configure 4 simultaneous sessions for user 5.

max-sessions 4 administrator name 5


Creates a Mobile IPv6 Home Agent (MIPv6-HA) service instance and enters the MIPv6 HA Service Configuration mode to define or edit the MIPv6-HA service parameters.





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



mipv6ha-service srvc_name 
no mipv6ha-service srvc_name 


Remove the specified MIPv6-HA service from the configuration for the current context.


Specifies the name of the MIPv6-HA service as a unique alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.


Service names must be unique across all contexts within a chassis.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create, edit, or remove a MIPv6-HA service configuration.


For details about the commands and parameters, check the MIPv6 HA Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


The following command creates a MIPv6-HA service named mipv6ha_1 :
mipv6ha-service mipv6ha_1 
The following command removes the configuration for a MIPv6-HA service named mipv6ha_1 from the configuration for the current context:
no mipv6ha-service mipv6ha_1 


Creates an MME-eMBMS service or configures an existing MME-eMBMS service. As well, this command enters the MME-eMBMS Service configuration mode. MME-eMBMS service handles the MME's Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS) functional for Evolved Packet Core (EPC) networks in the current context.






Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



mme-embms-service service_name [ -noconfirm ] 
no mme-embms-service service_name 


Removes the specified MME-eMBMS service from the context.


Specifies the name of the MME-eMBMS service. If service_name does not refer to an existing service, the new service is created if resources allow.

service_name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.


Service names must be unique across all contexts within a chassis.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Enter the MME-eMBMS Service configuration mode to access the commands needed to setup or modify either a newly defined service or an existing service. This command is also used to remove an existing MME-eMBMS service from the MME's configuration.

A maximum of 8 MME-eMBMS services can be configured on a system which is further limited to a maximum of 256 services (regardless of type) can be configured per system.


Large numbers of services greatly increase the complexity of management and may impact overall system performance (for example, resulting from such things as system handoffs). Therefore, it is recommended that a large number of services only be configured if your application absolutely requires it. Please contact your local service representative for more information.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:


MME Service Configuration Mode commands are defined in the MME Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


The following command enters the existing MME-eMBMS Service configuration mode (or creates it if it does not already exist) for the service named embms1 :
mme-embms-service embms1 
The following command will remove embms1 from the system:
no mme-embms-service embms1 


Creates an Mobility Management Entity (MME) service or configures an existing MME service and enters the MME Service Configuration Mode for Evolved Packet Core (EPC) networks in the current context.






Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



mme-service service_name [ -noconfirm ] 
no mme-service service_name 


Removes the specified MME service from the context.


Specifies the name of the MME service. If service_name does not refer to an existing service, the new service is created if resources allow.

service_name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.


Service names must be unique across all contexts within a chassis.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Enter the MME Service Configuration Mode for an existing service or for a newly defined service. This command is also used to remove an existing service.

A maximum of 8 MME service can be configured on a system which is further limited to a maximum of 256 services (regardless of type) can be configured per system.


Large numbers of services greatly increase the complexity of management and may impact overall system performance (for example, resulting from such things as system handoffs). Therefore, it is recommended that a large number of services only be configured if your application absolutely requires it. Please contact your local service representative for more information.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:


MME Service Configuration Mode commands are defined in the MME Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


This is a critical configuration. The MME service cannot be configured without this configuration. Any change to this configuration would lead to restarting the MME service and removing or disabling this configuration will stop the MME service.


The following command enters the existing MME Service Configuration Mode (or creates it if it does not already exist) for the service named mme-service1 :
mme-service mme-service1 
The following command will remove mme-service1 from the system:
no mme-service mme-service1 


Controls whether duplicate MAG sessions are allowed in HSGW. By default, duplicate sessions are rejected.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



mobile-access-gateway newcall duplicate-session { purge | reject } 
[ default | no ] mobile-access-gateway newcall duplicate-session 

default | no

Disables the feature. New session create request is discarded.

newcall duplicate-session { purge | reject }

Determines new call related behavior on context when duplicate MAG sessions are requested in HSGW (Mobile Access Gateway).

purge : Enables the feature. Old MAG session is deleted and new session create request is rejected, but on retry the new call comes up.

reject : Disables the feature. Rejects new call with duplicate session create request; new session create request is discarded.

Usage Guidelines

This command controls whether duplicate MAG sessions are allowed in HSGW.

When enabled, HSGW rejects new session create request initially and creates new call on retry.

When disabled, HSGW rejects new call and new session create request is discarded.


The following command allows duplicate MAG sessions in HSGW on this context:

mobile-access-gateway newcall duplicate-session purge

mobile-ip fa

Configures settings that effect all FA services in the current context.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



mobile-ip fa { multiple-dynamic-reg-per-nai | newcall duplicate-home-address { accept | reject } } 
{ default | no } mobile-ip fa { multiple-dynamic-reg-per-nai | newcall duplicate-home-address } 


Configures the default setting for the specified parameter.

  • multiple-dynamic-reg-per-nai :All FA services in the current context can not simultaneously setup multiple dynamic home address registrations that have the same NAI.

  • newcall duplicate-home-address : reject


  • multiple-dynamic-reg-per-nai : Disables all FA services in the current context from simultaneously setting up multiple dynamic home address registrations that have the same NAI.

  • newcall duplicate-home-address :Resets this option to its default of reject.


This keyword allows all FA services in the current context to simultaneously setup multiple dynamic home address registrations that have the same NAI.

newcall duplicate-home-address { accept | reject }

  • accept : The new call is accepted and the existing call is dropped.

  • reject : The new call is rejected with an Admin Prohibited code.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the behavior of all FA services in the current context.


To configure all FA services to accept new calls and drop the existing call when the new call requests an IP address that is already in use by an existing call, enter the following command:
mobile-ip fa newcall duplicate-home-address accept 
To enable all FA services in the current context to allow all FA services in the current context to simultaneously setup multiple dynamic home address registrations that have the same NAI, enter the following command:
mobile-ip fa multiple-dynamic-reg-per-nai 

mobile-ip ha assignment-table

Creates a Mobile IP HA assignment table and enters Mobile IP HA Assignment Table Configuration Mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



mobile-ip ha assignment-table atable_name [ -noconfirm ] 
no mobile-ip ha assignment-table atable_name 


This keyword deletes the specified assignment table


Specifies the name of the MIP HA assignment table to create or edit as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create a new MIP HA assignment table or edit an existing MIP HA assignment table.


A maximum of eight MIPHA assignment tables can be configured per context with a maximum of 8 MIP HA assignment tables across all contexts.


A maximum of 256 non-overlapping hoa-ranges can be configured per MIP HA Assignment table with a maximum of 256 non-overlapping hoa-ranges across all MIP HA Assignment tables.


The following command creates a new MIP HA assignment table name MIPHAtable1 and enters MIP HA Assignment Table Configuration Mode without asking for confirmation from the user:
mobile-ip ha assignment-table MIPHAtable1 

mobile-ip ha newcall

Configures the behavior of all HA services when duplicate home addresses and duplicate IMSI sessions occur for new calls.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



mobile-ip ha newcall { duplicate-home-address { accept | reject } | duplicate-imsi-session { allow | disallow | global-disallow } | wimax-session-overwrite { allow | disallow } 
{ default | no } mobile-ip ha newcall { duplicate-home-address | duplicate-imsi-session | wimax-session-overwrite } 


Configures the default setting for the specified parameter.

  • duplicate-home-address : reject —sets HA services to reject a new call that requests an IP address that is already assigned.

  • duplicate-imsi-session : allow —sets HA services to accept new calls that have the same IMSI as a call that is already active.

  • wimax-session-overwrite: disallow —disable session overwrite feature for WiMax mobile-ip calls on the HA.


Configures the default setting for the specified parameter.

duplicate-home-address { accept | reject }

Configures the HA to either accept or reject new calls if the new call requests a static IP home address that is already assigned to an existing call from an IP address pool in the same destination context.

  • accept : The new call is accepted and the existing call is dropped.

  • reject : The new call is rejected with an Admin Prohibited code.

duplicate-imsi-session { allow | disallow | global-disallow }

Configures the HA to either permit or not permit multiple sessions for the same IMSI.

  • allow : Allows multiple sessions for the same IMSI.

  • disallow : If a mobile node already has an active session and a new sessions is requested using the same IMSI, the currently active session is dropped and the new session is accepted.

  • global-disallow : Enables HA services in this context to accept a new session and disconnect any other session(s) having the same IMSI being processed in this context. In addition, a request is sent to all other contexts containing HA services to do the same.


In order to ensure a single session per IMSI across all contexts containing HA services, the global-disallow option must be configured in every context.

wimax-session-overwrite { allow | disallow }

Use this command to enable or disable the overwrite feature for WiMAX mobile ip (MIPv4) calls on the HA.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the behavior of all HA services for new calls.


To configure all HA services to accept new calls when the new call requests a static IP that is already assigned from an IP pool in the same destination context, enter the following command:
mobile-ip ha newcall duplicate-home-address accept 
To configure all HA services to drop an active call and accept a new one that uses the same IMSI, enter the following command:
mobile-ip ha newcall duplicate-imsi-session disallow 

mobile-ip ha reconnect

Sets the behavior of all HA services to reconnect dropped calls.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] mobile-ip ha reconnect [ static-homeaddr [ dynamic-pool-allocation ] ] } 


Specifies that the home address as a static IP address.


Allows a dynamic pool to accept a static address allocation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to reset the HA behavior for new calls.


mobile-ip ha reconnect 
mobile-ip ha reconnect static-homeaddr 
mobile-ip ha reconnect static-homeaddr dynamic-pool-allocation 
no mobile-ip ha reconnect 
no mobile-ip ha reconnect static-homeaddr 

mpls bgp forwarding

Globally enables Multi protocol Label Switching (MPLS) Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) forwarding.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] mpls bgp forwarding 


Disables MPLS BGP forwarding.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to globally enable the MPLS BGP forwarding. By enabling this command, the BGP VPNv4 routes need not have an underlying LSP to forward the IP packets. If this command is not enabled, then the nexthop for the BGP routes must be reachable via LDP.


This command should always be enabled when nexhtop is not reachable thorough LSP.


The following command enables the MPLS BGP forwarding on the system:
mpls bgp forwarding  

mpls exp

Sets the default behavior as Best Effort using a zero value in the 3-bit MPLS EXP (Experimental) header. This setting overrides the value sent by the mobile subscriber.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] mpls exp <value> 


Reverts back to the default behavior, which is to copy the DSCP from the mobile subscriber packet to the EXP header of the packet, if there is no explicit configuration for DSCP to EXP.


Specifies the MPLS EXP header value as an integer from 0 through 7. Higher value indicates higher priority.

Usage Guidelines

Set the default behavior as Best Effort using a zero value in the 3-bit MPLS EXP header. This value applies to all the VRFs in the context. The default behavior is to copy the DSCP value of mobile subscriber traffic to the EXP header, if there is no explicit configuration for DSCP to EXP (via the mpls map-dscp-to-exp dscp <n> exp <m> command).

This command disables the default behavior and sets the EXP value to the configured <value>.


The following command sets the MPLS EXP header value to 2:

mpls exp 2 

mpls ip

Globally enables the Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) forwarding of IPv4 packets along normally routed paths.







Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] mpls ip 


Disables MPLS forwarding of IPv4 packets configured on the system. no mpls ip stops dynamic label distribution on all the interfaces regardless of interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Globally enables the MPLS forwarding of IPv4 packets along normally routed paths for the entire context.

It does not start label distribution over an interface until MPLS has been enabled for the interface as well. Refer to the Ethernet Interface Configuration Mode Commands chapter for additional information.


This feature is not enabled by default.


Following command enables (but does not start) MPLS forwarding of IPv4 packets along normally routed paths:
mpls ip 


This command is not supported in this release.


Creates, configures or deletes a multicast proxy host configuration.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[no] multicast-proxy { igmp interface ip_address range-start start_ip_address range-end end_ip_address | listen address listen_ip_address  port port_number protocol protocol_number sessmgr instance } 


If previously configured, deletes the specified multicast proxy parameter from the current context.

igmp interface ip_address range-start start_ip_address range-end end_ip_address

Specifies the IP address and range of associated addresses for this Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) interface.

ip_address is the IP address of this interface expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

range-start start_ip_address is the start point for the multicast address range expressed in IPv4dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

range-end end_ip_address is the end point for the multicast address range expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation. end_ip_address

listen address listen_ip_address port port_number protocol protocol_number sessmgr instance

Configures this context as a multicast proxy listener.

listen_ip_address is the IP address that will be listened to, expressed in IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

port port_number is the port number which will be listened to. If this is not provided, the listener will receive all packets from the listen_ip_address . port_number is an integer from 1 through 65535.

protocol protocol_number is the IANA protocol number associated with the port number. If this is not provided, the listener will receive all packets from the listen_ip_address and port_number . protocol_number is an integer from 1 through 255.

sessmgr instance session manager instance that will do the listening. instance is an integer from 1 through 270.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create/configure/delete a multicast proxy host configuration.


The following command creates an IGMP multicast host configuration:
multicast proxy igmp interface range-start range-end