Using the StarOS CLI for Initial Configuration
The initial configuration consists of the following:
Configuring a context-level security administrator and hostname
Configuring the Ethernet interface on the vNIC
Configuring the system for remote CLI access via Telnet, SSH, or FTP (secured or unsecured)
This section provides instructions for performing these tasks using the CLI.
Step 1 |
Log into the Console port via the hypervisor. |
Step 2 |
At the CLI prompt, enter:
Step 3 |
Enter the context configuration mode by entering the following command: The
context is the system's management context. Contexts allow you to logically
group services or interfaces. A single context can consist of multiple services
and can be bound to multiple interfaces.
Step 4 |
Enter the following command to configure a context-level security administrator for the system:
Step 5 |
Enter the following command at the prompt to exit the context configuration mode:
Step 6 |
Enter the following command to configure a hostname by which the system will be recognized on the network: host_name is the name by which the system will be
recognized on the network. The hostname is an alphanumeric string of 1 through
63 characters that is case sensitive. The default hostname is "qvpc-si".
Step 7 |
Configure the network interfaces on the vNIC as follows: |