Dedicated Bearer Creation by Service Flow Detection

This feature introduces the ability to create dedicated bearer for specific service flows based on the LAC/TAC configured on the P-GW.

Feature Information

Summary Data


New Functionality

Introduced-In Release


Modified-In Release(s)

Not Applicable

Applicable Product(s)


Applicable Platform(s)

ASR 5500

Default Setting


Related CDETS ID(s)


Related Changes in This Release

Not Applicable

Related Documentation

Command Line Interface Reference

ECS Administration Guide

Statistics and Counters Reference

Statistics and Counters Reference - Counter Descriptions

Revision History


Revision history details are not provided for features introduced before release 21.2.

Revision Details


Release Date

New in this release.


April 27, 2017

Feature Description

This feature introduces the ability to create dedicated bearer for specific service flows based on the LAC/TAC configured on the P-GW. The service flows are specified by destination IP addresses and the location is specified by TAI/ECGI/CGI. When the UE moves out from the location, this dedicated bearer is release. The dedicated bearer is created with support from the local policy on some specific service flow and subscriber location.

A new CLI keyword activate-predef-rule has been added to the CLI command trigger-action to create a dedicated bearer when enterprise user enters in corporate area and starts some specific service.


This feature requires standard local-policy license. Contact your Cisco account or support representative for detailed licensing information.

How It Works

This section describes how this feature works:
  • On a call set-up or on location change event, local-policy sends the list of rules to be activated and deleted to the P-GW.

  • P-GW then caches the list of activated rules at subscriber level.

  • It then does rule matching on the flow and evaluates the trigger-condition. If the condition matches, the configured trigger action is performed, which in this case is to activate predef-rule. This initiates a new bearer request towards the UE.

  • On location change event, local-policy again send the list of rules to be added or deleted towards the P-GW. If the bearer is created on any of the deleted rules, then the delete bearer request is initiated towards the UE.


Following are the limitations of this feature:

  • Service flow is identified based on the destination IP address. So, in this case if delay-charging feature is enabled then for the TCP flows the trigger conditions are evaluated only when the first application packet is received.

  • If the CLI command flow control-handshaking charge-to-application is configured under the rulebase and if the rule matches, then the bearer request is sent on the first application packet received on that flow.

  • The predef rule defined for a bearer creation must be configured in the action priority line under the rulebase. The service flow rule and the predef rule both need to be present in the same rulebase.

  • The activate bearer trigger action is taken only if local-policy-rule condition is specified in the trigger-condition of service-scheme framework.

  • If the create bearer request fails for any reason, then the bearer request is not retried for the UE in that location.

  • The session recovery is not supported when local-policy is enabled through the APN. This is because the local-policy rule is not supported in this mode. This feature works with local-policy configured in dual mode or fallback mode. Hence, the operator must configure the dummy IMSA with fallback mechanism.

  • Rule-report-status should not be configured under local-policy as in this case P-GW is triggering the bearer creation.

  • The multi-line-or all-lines CLI command should not be defined under trigger-condition for trigger-action activate-predef-rule in the service-scheme framework.

Configuring Dedicated Bearer

The following section provides the configuration commands to enable or disable the feature.


The CLI keyword activate-predef-rule has been added to the command trigger-action to create dedicated bearer by service flow detection at specific location.

		    active-charging service service_name 
			      trigger-action trigger_action_name 
         [ no ] activate-predef-rule 
  • no: Disables predefine rule or group of rules.
  • activate-predef-rule: Activates predefine rule or group of rules.

Sample Configuration

This section lists sample local policy configuration, service scheme framework configuration, rule charging configuration, and deletion of bearer due to inactivity.

Local Policy Configuration

  local-policy-service LOCAL_PCC 
    ruledef ruledef-tai-group 
      condition priority 1 tai mcc 214 mnc 365 tac ge 10 
    ruledef ruledef-ecgi-group 
      condition priority 1 ecgi mcc 214 mnc 365 eci match * 
    actiondef activate_lp_action_tai 
      action priority 1 activate-lp-rule name tai_action1 
    actiondef activate_lp_action_ecgi 
      action priority 1 activate-lp-rule name ecgi_action1 
    eventbase default 
      rule priority 1 event new-call ruledef ruledef-tai-group actiondef activate_lp_action_tai 
      rule priority 2 event location-change ruledef ruledef-tai-group actiondef activate_lp_action_tai 
      rule priority 3 event tai-change ruledef ruledef-tai-group actiondef activate_lp_action_tai 
      rule priority 4 event ecgi-change ruledef ruledef-ecgi-group actiondef activate_lp_action_ecgi 

  context source 
    ims-auth-service ims-auth 
        associate failure-handling-template f1 
        associate local-policy-service LOCAL_PCC 

  failure-handling-template f1 
    msg-type any failure-type any action continue local-fallback  

Service Scheme Framework

  active-charging service acs 
    subscriber-base SB1 
      priority 1 subs-class SC1 bind service-scheme SS1 

    subs-class SC1 
      any-match = TRUE 

    service-scheme SS1 
      trigger flow-create 
        priority 1 trigger-condition TC1 trigger-action TA1 

    trigger-condition TC1 
      local-policy-rule = tai_action1 
      rule-name = ded-bearer-rule 

   trigger-action TA1 
     activate-predef-rule  predef-rule 

Rule-Charging Configuration

ruledef ded-bearer-rule  
     ip dst-adress = 

   ruledef predef-rule  
     tcp either-port = 80 

   charging-action ch-pkt 
      qos-class-identifier 6 
      tft packet-filter ip-pkts 

   charging-action standard 
     content-id 5 

   packet-filter ip-pkts 
     ip protocol = 6 

   rulebase consumer 
     action priority 1 ruledef ded-bearer-rule charging-action standard 
     action priority 5 dynamic-only ruledef predef-rule charging-action ch-pkt 

Deletion of Bearer Due to Inactivity

  context source 
      timeout bearer-inactivity non-gbr 300 volume-threshold total 1 << this will delete non-gbr bearers if idle for 300 seconds 
      timeout bearer-inactivity exclude-default-bearer  << needs to be configured to exclude default bearer if nongbr is defined in above CLI  

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

This section lists the commands available to monitor the "Dedicated Bearer Creation by Service Flow Detection" feature.

Show Commands

This section lists all the show commands available to monitor this feature.

show active-charging rulebase statistics name prepaid

This command has been modified to display the following output:

Service Name: acs 
  Rulebase Name: prepaid 
     Predefined Rule Retention Statistics: 
         Total number of Predefined Retention Succeeded:              0 
         Total number of Predefined Retention Failed:                 0 
     Service Scheme Dedicated Bearer Statistics: 
       Predefined Rule Installation Statistics: 
         Total Number of Installation Received:                       6 
         Total Number of Installation Succeeded:                      6 
         Total Number of Installation Failed:                         0 
       Predefined Rule Removal Statistics: 
         Total Number of Removal Received:                            2 
         Total Number of Removal Succeeded:                           2 
         Total Number of Removal Failed:                              0 

Bulk Statistics

This section lists all the bulk statistics that have been added, modified, or deprecated to support this feature.

ECS Schema

This section displays the bulk stats that have been added to display the number of bearers created and deleted for bearers created through the service-scheme framework.
  • servschm-predef-rule-install-received - Number of predefined rules received for installation from Service Scheme

  • servschm-predef-rule-install-succeeded - Number of predefined rules succeeded during installation from Service Scheme

  • servschm-predef-rule-install-failed - Number of predefined rules installation failed from Service Scheme

  • servschm-predef-rule-remove-received - Number of predefined rule removal received from Service Scheme

  • servschm-predef-rule-remove-succeeded - Number of predefined rule removal successful from Service Scheme

  • servschm-predef-rule-remove-failed - Number of predefined rule removal failed from Service Scheme