show pcc-af

This chapter describes the output of the show pcc-af command.

show pcc-af service all

Table 1. show pcc-af service all Command Output Description
Variables Description

Service Name

The name of the PCC-AF service for which statistics are collected or displayed.


The name of the context in which PCC-AF service is configured.

Service State

Indicates the state of PCC-AF service.


This group indicates the Diameter endpoint configuration information for Rx interface.


Indicates the name of the Diameter origin endpoint configured for PCC-AF service.


Indicates the name of the Diameter dictionary configured for Rx interface in PCC-AF service. By default it is "Standard" dictionary.

Associated PCC-Service

Indicates the name of the PCC-Service associated with PCC-AF service.

Max Charging Sessions

Indicates the maximum number of charging sessions allowed in this PCC-AF service instance. By default it is 10000.

Newcall Policy

Indicates the new call policy configured to manage the congestion control on a PCC-AF service.

show pcc-af service statistics

Table 2. show pcc-af service statistics Command Output Description
Variables Description

Service Name

The name of the PCC-AF service for which statistics are collected or displayed.

Inbound Messages

Indicates the total number of Rx messages received.

AAR Messages

Indicates the total number of Rx AAR messages received.

STR Messages

Indicates the total number of Rx STR messages received.

RAR Messages

Indicates the total number of Rx RAR request received.

ASR Messages

Indicates the total number of Rx ASR request received.

Outbound Messages

Indicates the total number of Rx messages sent.

Accepted AAR Messages

Indicates the total number of Rx AAR-Accepted messages sent.

Accepted STR Messages

Indicates the total number of Rx STR-Accepted messages sent.

RAA Messages

Indicates the total number of Rx RAA messages sent.

ASA Messages

Indicates the total number of Rx ASA sent.

Unknown Messages

Indicates the total number of unknown type of Rx messages received.