ALCAP Configuration Mode Commands


In Release 20 and later, HNBGW is not supported. Commands in this configuration mode must not be used in Release 20 and later. For more information, contact your Cisco account representative.

The ALCAP Service Configuration Mode is used to create, provide, and manage the Access Link Control Application Part (ALCAP) on HNB-GW to support IuCS-over-ATM connectivity to HNB subscriber in a 3G UMTS networks towards CS core network.


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ALCAP Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > alcap-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).


This command creates/configures AAL2 node configuration to defined AAL2 node properties for IuCS-over-ATM function.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ALCAP Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > alcap-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



aal2-node aal2_node_name [-noconfirm] 
no aal2-node aal2_ndoe_name 


Removes the configured AAL2 node from ALCAP service configuration.


Identifies the name of the AAL2 node name to configure the AAL2 node parameters.

The aal2_node_name must be an alphanumerical string from 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create/configure the AAL2 node configuration and switch to AAL2 Node Configuration mode.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:


A maximum of TBD AAL2 node can be configured in one ALCAP service.


The AAL2 Node configured here will be used to bind with ATM port in PVC Configuration sub-mode of ATM Configuration mode for IuCS-over-ATM functionality.


For more information on AAL2 node configuration, refer AAL2 Node Configuration Mode Commands.


Following command creates AAL2 node configuration mode named aal2_1 within the specific ALCAP service for IuCS-over-ATM support towards CS core networks and switch the user to AAL2 Node Configuration Mode named aal2_1 :
aal2-node aal2_node_name -noconfirm 


This command defines a route for each ATM Endpoint Service Address (AESA) with which it can have transport layer communication. This route actually maps an AESA to one or more AAL2 paths which will be used to setup an end to end communication path.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ALCAP Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > alcap-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



aal2-route end-point {AESA_address | default} aal2-node aal2_node_name 
no aal2-route end-point {AESA_address | default} [aal2-node aal2_node_name] 


Removes defined AAL2 route from ALCAP service configuration.

end-point [ AESA_address | default]

Specifies the AESA address in an ATM (or AAL2) network to map with adjacent AAL2 node. The AESA is based on the generic network service access point (NSAP) format. The ATM connection from HNB-GW terminates at this point.

The AESA_address must be an alpha/numeric string from 1 through 63 characters.

The default keyword is used to configure a default AAL2 route which will match any AESA received from MSC and for which AESA specific route is not configured. When a connection is established an AESA specific route will have higher priority than default route.

aal2-node aal2_node_name

Identifies the name of the AAL2 node name to configure in AAL2 route.

The aal2_node_name must be an alphanumerical string from 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create a mapping between ATM endpoint and adjacent node for AAL2 connection routing purposes.

It defines a route for each ATM Endpoint Service Address (AESA) with which it can have transport layer communication. This route actually maps an AESA to one or more AAL2 paths which will be used to setup an end to end communication path.

The default keyword can be used to configure a default aal2-route which will match any AESA received from MSC and for which AESA specific route is not configured. When a connection is established an AESA specific route will have higher priority than default route.


The default route shall not be used when AESA specific route exists.

If an HNB-GW configured with a route for MGW1 which consists of AAL2_path_A and AAL2_path_B for AAL2 switch-A and AAL2 switch-B switch respectively then similarly AAL2 switch-A and AAL2 switch-B need to be configured with routes for MGW1 .

A maximum of TBD AAL2 routes can be configured in one ALCAP service.


Following command create a mapping between ATM endpoint MGW1 and AAL2 node aal2_1 for AAL2 connection routing purposes:
aal2-route end-point MGW1 aal2-node aal2_1 


This command associates a previously configured SS7 routing domain with this ALCAP service on HNB-GW node which will be used to define the SS7 routing domain in 3G UMTS networks.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ALCAP Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > alcap-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



associate ss7-routing-domain ss7_rd_id 
no associate ss7-routing-domain 


Removes the associated SS7 routing domain ID from this ALCAP service configuration.


Identifies the SS7 routing domain index configured in Global configuration mode to associate with ALCAP service for IuCS-over-ATM support.

The ss7_rd_id must be an integer from 1 through 12.


For SS7 routing domain configuration, refer SS7 Routing Domain Configuration Commands Mode chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to associate a pre-configured SS7 routing domain index to provide IuCS-over-ATM support towards CS core network for HNB subscriber.

A maximum of TBD SS7 routing domains can be configured in one ALCAP service.


Following command associates a predefined SS7 routing domain id 3 with ALCAP service to define routing domain for IuCS-over-ATM supprot towards CS core networks:
associate ss7-routing-domain 3 


Exits the current mode and returns to the Exec Mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator



Usage Guidelines

Change the mode back to the Exec mode.


Exits the current mode and returns to the previous mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator



Usage Guidelines

Return to the previous mode.

maximum reset-retransmission

This command sets the maximum number of retries allowed for transmission of RESET message to reset the AAL2 path.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ALCAP Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > alcap-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



maximum reset-retransmissions retries 
default maximum reset-retransmissions 


Sets the number of RESET message retries to default value of 1.


Sets the maximum number of retries allowed for transmission of RESET message to reset the AAL2 path by ALCAP service.

retries must be an integer value from 0 through 4. When 0 is used retransmission will be disabled.

Default: 1

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to sets the maximum number of retries allowed for transmission of RESET message by ALCAP service to reset the AAL2 path when Timer_RES expires. Once the maximum number of RESET retries have been performed the ALCAP service shall stop the RESET procedure for the affected path and path will become available for connections.


The following command configures ALCAP service to send maximum number of 2 RESET messages after expiry of RESET timer for AAL2 path RESET procedure:
maximum reset-retransmissions 2 


This command specifies the SS7 point code address for ALCAP service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ALCAP Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > alcap-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



self-point-code point_code 
no self-point-code 


Deletes the configured self point code for this ALCAP service.


Defines the point code to assign to this ALCAP service.

point_code: value entered must adhere to the point code variant selected when the ALCAP service instance was defined:
  • ITU Range 0.0.1 to 7.255.7

  • ANSI Range 0.0.1 to 255.255.255

  • TTC Range 0.0.1 to 15.31.255

  • a string of 1 to 11 combined digits and period.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to assign the self point code to use for this ALCAP service.


The following command sets an ITU-based point code for this ALCAP service:
self-pointcode 4.121.5 
The following command removes the configured self-point code:
no self-pointcode 

timeout alcap

This command configures the timeout duration for various ALCAP procedure timers in ALCAP service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ALCAP Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > alcap-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



timeout alcap {blo blo_timer_value | erq erq_timer_value | mod mod_timer_value | rel rel_timer_value | res res_timer_value | ubl ubl_timer_value} 
default timeout alcap {blo | erq | mod | rel | res | ubl} 


Sets the timer values to default duration for specific ALCAP procedure in an ALCAP service.

blo blo_timer_value

Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, the system waits for response from adjacent AAL2 node before reporting the failure of AAL2 Path Block procedure. When a request to block a particular AAL2 path is recieved by ALCAP service, the ALCAP service sends ALCAP-BLOCK-REQEST message to AAL2 node/peer ALCAP Manage and starts Timer_BLO timer. The timer waits for specified timeout duration blo_timer_value for ALCAP-BLOCK-CONFRIM message before reporting error in procedure.

If AAL2 Node responds with ALCAP-BLOCK-CONFRIM message the timer will stop before the expiry of timeout duration and system reports the successful completion of the procedure.

blo_timer_value must be an integer value from 2 through 60.

Default: 5

erq erq_timer_value

Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, the system waits for response from adjacent AAL2 node before reporting the failure of AAL2 Establish Request procedure. When a request to esblish a connection through ALCAP-ESTABLISH-REQUEST message is sent to AAL2 node the system starts the Timer_ERQ timer. The timer waits for specified timeout duration erq_timer_value for ALCAP-ESTABLISH-CONFRIM message before reporting error in procedure and system requests ALCAP Manager to free the AAL2-channel used for connection and also indicates to start the RESET procedure for this channel.

If AAL2 Node responds with ALCAP-ESTABLISH-CONFRIM message the timer will stop before the expiry of timeout duration and system reports the successful completion of the procedure.

erq_timer_value must be an integer value from 5 through 30.

Default: 5

mod mod_timer_value

Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, the system waits for response from adjacent AAL2 node before reporting the failure of AAL2 Modify Request procedure. When a request to modify a connection or channel through ALCAP-MODIFY-REQUEST message is sent to AAL2 node the system starts the Timer_MOD timer. The timer waits for specified timeout duration mod_timer_value for ALCAP-MODIFY-CONFRIM message before reporting error in procedure and system requests ALCAP Manager to initiates the RESET or any other appropriate procedure for this channel and HNB-GW shall release the RUA connection towards HNB and SCCP connection towards CN.

If AAL2 Node responds with ALCAP-MODIFY-CONFRIM message the timer will stop before the expiry of timeout duration and system reports the successful completion of the procedure.

mod_timer_value must be an integer value from 5 through 30.

Default: 5

rel rel_timer_value

Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, the system waits for response from adjacent AAL2 node before reporting the failure of AAL2 Release Request procedure. When a request to release a connection or channel through ALCAP-RELEASE-REQUEST message is sent to AAL2 node the system starts the Timer_REL timer and sends RAB-ASST-REQ to HNB. The timer waits for specified timeout duration rel_timer_value for ALCAP-RELEASE-CONFRIM message before reporting error in procedure and system requests ALCAP Manager to release the AAL2 channel. System also indicates to start RESET procedure for this channel.

If AAL2 Node responds with ALCAP-RELEASE-CONFRIM message the timer will stop before the expiry of timeout duration and system reports the successful completion of the procedure.

rel_timer_value must be an integer value from 2 through 60.

Default: 2

res res_timer_value

Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, the system waits for response from adjacent AAL2 node before reporting the failure of AAL2 Reset Request procedure. When a request to reset a connection or channel through ALCAP-RESET-REQUEST message is sent to AAL2 node the system starts the Timer_RES timer. The timer waits for specified timeout duration res_timer_value for ALCAP-RESET-CONFRIM message before retrying the RESET procedure. The system will retry the RESET procedure for configured number of times and on completion of retry limit the stops the RESET procedure for the affected path and path will become available for connections.

If AAL2 Node responds with ALCAP-RESET-CONFRIM message the timer will stop before the expiry of timeout duration and system reports the successful completion of the procedure.

res_timer_value must be an integer value from 2 through 60.

Default: 2

ubl ubl_timer_value

Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, the system waits for response from adjacent AAL2 node before reporting the failure of AAL2 Path UnBlock procedure. When a request to unblock a particular AAL2 path is recieved by ALCAP service, the ALCAP service sends ALCAP-UNBLOCK-REQEST message to AAL2 node/peer ALCAP Manager and start Timer_BLO timer. The timer waits for specified timeout duration ubl_timer_value for ALCAP-UNBLOCK-CONFRIM message before reporting error in procedure.

If AAL2 node/peer ALCAP Manager responds with ALCAP-BLOCK-CONFRIM message the timer will stop before the expiry of timeout duration and system reports the successful completion of the procedure.

ubl_timer_value must be an integer value from 2 through 60.

Default: 2

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the timeout duration for various ALCAP procedures in ALCAP service.


The following command sets the timeout duration of 10 seconds for ALCAP-MODIFY-REQUEST procedure:
timeout alcap mod 10 

timeout stc

This command configures the timeout duration for STC long (T30) and STC short (T29) timers used in congestion indication procedure at Signaling Transport Converter (STC) layer in ALCAP service.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > ALCAP Service Configuration

configure > context context_name > alcap-service service_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



timeout stc {long long_timer_value | short short_timer_value} 
default timeout stc {long | short} 


Sets the timer values to default duration for specific STC procedure in an ALCAP service.

long long_timer_value

Specifies the duration in milliseconds for STC long timer. This timer is used by the congestion indication procedure. Receipt of a repeated congestion indication from MTP3B before the expiry of this timer is interpreted as the congestion situation. On the other hand, if no congestion indication is received from MTP3B before expiry of this timer, the congestion situation is considered to have improved.

long_timer_value must be an integer value from 5000 through 10000.

Default: 5000

short short_timer_value

Specifies the duration in milliseconds for STC short timer. This timer is used by the congestion indication procedure. The role of this timer is to avoid overreacting if multiple congestion indications are received from MTP3B in quick succession.

short_timer_value must be an integer value from 300 through 600.

Default: 300

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the long (T30) and short (T29) timer for congestion indication procedure in ALCAP service.

When the first congestion indication is received by, the traffic load into the affected destination point code is reduced and the same time two timers STC short timer (T29) and STC long timer (T30) are started. During STC short timer, all received congestion indications for the same destination point code are ignored in order not to reduce traffic too rapidly. Reception of a congestion indication after the expiry of STC short timer, but still during STC long timer, will decrease the traffic load by one more step and restart both the timers again.

If STC long timer expires (i.e. no congestion indications having been received during the STC long timer period), traffic will be increased by one step and STC long timer will be restarted unless full traffic load has been resumed.


The following command sets the timeout duration of 5000 milliseconds for STC long timer:
default timeout stc long 
The following command sets the timeout duration of 300 milliseconds for STC short timer:
default timeout stc short