Global Configuration Mode Commands (A-K)

The Global Configuration Mode is used to configure basic system-wide parameters.


This section includes the commands aaa accounting-overload-protection through imei-profile .

Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).

aaa accounting-overload-protection

This command configures Overload Protection Policy for accounting requests.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



aaa accounting-overload-protection prioritize-gtpp 
{ default | no } aaa accounting-overload-protection 


Configures the default setting.

Default: no priority assigned


Disables the Overload Protection configuration.


Gives higher priority to GTPP requests among the other outstanding requests. So while purging the lower priority requests will be selected first.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Overload Protection Policy for accounting requests.


The following command prioritizes GTPP requests among the other outstanding requests:
aaa accounting-overload-protection prioritize-gtpp 

aaa default-domain

Configure global accounting and authentication default domain for subscriber and context-level administrative user sessions.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



aaa default-domain { administrator | subscriber } domain_name 
no aaa default-domain { administrator | subscriber } 


Removes all or only the specified configured domain.

administrator | subscriber

administrator : Configures the default domain for context-level administrative users.

subscriber : Configures the default domain for subscribers.


Sets the default context.

domain_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

Usage Guidelines

This command configures the default domain which is used when accounting and authentication services are required for context-level administrative user and subscriber sessions whose user name does not include a domain.


The following commands configure the default domains for context-level administrative users and subscribers, respectively:
aaa default-domain administrator sampleAdministratorDomain 
aaa default-domain subscriber sampleSubscriberDomain 

aaa domain-matching ignore-case

This command disables case sensitivity when performing domain matching. When this command is enabled, the system disregard case when matching domains.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] aaa domain-matching ignore-case 
default aaa domain-matching 


Configures ignore-case as the domain matching method.


Specifies that the system consider case when domain matching.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the system to ignore case when matching domains.


The following command configures the system to ignore case when matching domains:
aaa domain-matching ignore-case 

aaa domain-matching imsi-prefix

Enables domain lookup for session based on the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) prefix length. Default: Disabled


This command is only available in 8.3 and later releases.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



aaa domain-matching imsi-prefix prefix-length prefix_length 
no aaa domain-matching imsi-prefix 
default aaa domain-matching 


Specifies the system must not consider imsi-prefix domain matching method.


Specifies the IMSI length to be matched with the domain.

prefix_length must be an integer from 1 through 15.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the IMSI-prefix method of domain matching. This command enables domain lookup for the session based on the IMSI prefix length. If there is a domain configured with the matching IMSI prefix, the associated configuration is used.

This feature does not support partial matches.


The following command configures the IMSI prefix method for domain matching setting the prefix length to 10 .
aaa domain-matching imsi-prefix prefix-length 10 

aaa large-configuration

This command enables or disables the system to accept a large number of RADIUS configurations to be defined and stored.

When aaa large-configuration is disabled, the following restrictions are in place:
  • Only one (1) NAS IP address can be defined per context with the radius attribute command.

  • The RADIUS attribute nas-ip-address can only be configured if the RADIUS group is default.

  • Only 320 RADIUS servers can be configured system-wide.

  • Only 64 RADIUS groups can be configured system-wide.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] aaa large-configuration 


Disables AAA large configuration support.

Usage Guidelines

When aaa large-configuration is enabled, the system provides the ability to configure multiple NAS IP addresses in a single context to used with different radius groups. As well, the command allows support for up to 1,600 RADIUS server configurations and for a PDSN a maximum of 400 or for a GGSN a maximum of 800 RADIUS server group configurations system-wide.


After you configure this command, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.


To enable the definition of a large number of RADIUS configurations, enter the following commands in the following order:

In APN Configuration mode, enter:
default aaa group 
In Global Configuration mode, enter:
aaa large-configuration 

In Exec mode, use the save configuration command and then the reload command.

aaa last-resort

Configure global accounting and authentication last resort domain for subscriber and context-level administrative user sessions.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



aaa last-resort context { administrator | subscriber context_name } 
no aaa last-resort context { administrator | subscriber } 


Removes all or only the specified previously configured authentication last resort domain name.

administrator | subscriber

administrator : Configures the last resort domain for context-level administrative.

subscriber : Configures the last resort domain for the subscribers.


Specifies the context which is to be set as the last resort. context_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 to 79 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Set the last resort context which is used when there is no applicable default domain (context) and there is no domain provided with the subscriber's or context-level administrative user's name for use in the AAA functions.


The following commands configure the last resort domains for context-level administrative user and subscribers, respectively:
aaa last-resort administrator sampleAdministratorDomain  
aaa last-resort subscriber sampleSubscriberDomain  
The following command removes the previously configured domain called sampleAdministratorDomain :
no aaa last-resort administrator sampleAdministratorDomain 


This command allows you to create access-link to the Mobile Node. PPP and GTP.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



access-link fastpath apn-ppp-mtu-enforce[ -noconfirm ] 
no access-link  


Deletes the configured access-link.


Configures the access-link to the Mobile Node. PPP and GTP.


Enables the fastpath option for apn mtu enforce.


Enforces APN MTU to VPP based fastpath IPv4 data streams.


Specifies that the command must execute without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create/configure/delete an access-link in the system.


The following command creates an access-link named :

aaa tacacs+

Enables or disables system-wide TACACS+ AAA (authentication, authorization and accounting) services for administrative users. This command is valid only if TACACS+ servers and related services have been configured in TACACS Configuration Mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] aaa tacacs+ [ noconsole ] 


Disables TACACS+ AAA authentication.


Disables TACACS+ authentication on the Console line only. By default this option is disabled; TACACS+ server authentication is performed for login via SSH or telnet (vty line) and a connection to the Console port.

With noconsole enabled, TACACS+ authentication is bypassed; the authentication request goes directly to the local database. Effectively TACACS+ authentication on the Console port is disabled. However, TACACS+ authentication remains enabled via vty lines.


When aaa tacacs+ noconsole is configured, a local user with valid credentials can log into a Console port even if on-authen-fail stop and on-unknown-user stop are enabled via the TACACS+ Configuration mode. If the user is not a TACACS+ user, he/she cannot login on a vty line.

Usage Guidelines

Enables or disables the use of TACACS+ AAA services for administrative users.


aaa tacacs+ 
no aaa tacacs+  

aaa username-format

Configure global accounting and authentication user name formats for AAA (authentication, authorization and accounting) functions. Up to six formats may be configured.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] aaa username-format { domain | username } separator 
default aaa username-format  


Removes the specified user name format from the configuration.

domain | username

Default: username @

domain : indicates the left side of the string from the separator character is a domain name and the right side is the user name.

username : indicates the left side of the string from the separator character is a user name and the right side is the domain name.


The user name string is always searched from right to left for the first occurrence of the separator character.


Specifies the character to use to delimit the domain from the user name for global AAA functions.Permitted characters include: @, %, -, \, #, or /. To specify a back slash ('\') as the separator, you must enter a double back slash ('\\') on the command line.

Usage Guidelines

Define the formats for user name delimiting if certain domains or groups of users are to be authenticated based upon their user name versus domain name.


aaa username-format domain @ 
aaa username-format username % 
no aaa username-format username % 


This command allows you to create/configure/delete the access-policy.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



access-policy policy_name [ -noconfirm ] 
no access-policy policy_name 


Deletes the configured access-policy.

access-policy policy_name

Specifies the name of the access-policy.

policy_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters.

If the named access-policy does not exist, it is created, and the CLI mode changes to the Access Policy Configuration Mode. If the named access-policy already exists, the CLI mode changes to the Access Policy Configuration Mode.


Specifies that the command must execute without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create/configure/delete an access-policy in the system.

A maximum of four access-policies can be configured. One access-policy can contain upto 16 entries of precedence pointing to 16 different access-profiles.

On entering this command, the CLI prompt changes to:



The following command creates an access-policy named ap1 :
access-policy ap1 


This command allows you to create/configure/delete the access-profile.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



access-profile profile_name [ -noconfirm ] 
no access-profile profile_name 


Deletes the configured access-profile.

access-profile profile_name

Specifies the name of the access-profile.

profile_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters.

If the named access-profile does not exist, it is created, and the CLI mode changes to the Access Profile Configuration Mode. If the named access-profile already exists, the CLI mode changes to the Access Profile Configuration Mode.


Specifies that the command must execute without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create/configure/delete an access-profile in the system.

A maximum number of 16 access-profiles can be configured in the system.

To use the access-profiles, the access-policies must be created under the Global Configuration mode and associated under mme-service or call-control-profile.

One access-policy can contain upto 16 entries of precedence along with access-profile, device type, and RAT type. When the precedence is lower, the priority is higher.

On entering this command, the CLI prompt changes to:



The following command creates an access-profile named apr3 :
access-profile apr3 

active-charging service

This command allows you to create/configure/delete the Active Charging Service (ACS)/Enhanced Charging Service (ECS).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



active-charging service acs_service_name [ -noconfirm ] 
no active-charging service acs_service_name 


Deletes the specified Active Charging Service.


Specifies name of the Active Charging Service.

acs_service_name must be the name of an Active Charging Service, and must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 15 characters.

If the named Active Charging Service does not exist, it is created, and the CLI mode changes to the ACS Configuration Mode wherein the service can be configured. If the named Active Charging Service already exists, the CLI mode changes to the ACS Configuration Mode.


Specifies that the command must execute without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create/configure/delete an Active Charging Service in the system. Note that, in this release, only one Active Charging Service can be created in the system.

Use this command after enabling ACS using the require active-charging command. This command allows administrative users to configure the ACS functionality.

On entering this command, the CLI prompt changes to:



The following command creates an ACS service named test :
active-charging service test 


Enables or disables alarming options for the SSC internal alarm and the central-office external alarms. To verify the state of the alarms, refer to the show alarm command.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] alarm { audible | central-office } 


Disables the option specified.


Enables the internal audible alarm on ASR 5500 SSCs.


Enables the central office (external relay) alarms.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable or disable audible and external relay alarms on ASR 5500 SSCs.


The following command enables the internal audible alarm:
alarm audible 


Creates an instance of an Access Point Name (APN) profile.





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] apn-profile apn_profile_name 


Deletes the APN profile instance from the configuration.


Specifies the name of the APN profile. Enter an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create an instance of an APN profile and to enter the APN profile configuration mode. An APN profile is a template which groups a set of APN-specific commands that may be applicable to one or more APNs. See the APN Profile Configuration Mode Commands chapter for information regarding the definition of the rules contained within the profile and the use of the profile.


An APN profile is a key element of the Operator Policy feature and is only valid when associated with at least one operator policy.

To see what APN profiles have already been created, return to the Exec mode and enter the show apn-profile all command.


The following command creates a configuration instance of an APN profile:
apn-profile apnprof27 


Creates an instance of an Access Point Name (APN) remap table.





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] apn-remap-table apn_remap_table_name 


Deletes the APN remap table instance from the configuration.


Specifies the name of the APN remap table. Enter an alphanumeric string of 1 through 65 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create an instance of an APN remap table and to enter the APN remap table configuration mode. An APN remap table includes entries that define how an incoming APN, or the lack on one, will be handled. See the APN Remap Table Configuration Mode Commands chapter for information regarding the definition of the entries contained within the table and the use of the table.


An APN remap table is a key element of the Operator Policy feature and is only valid when associated with at least one operator policy.

To see what APN remap tables have already been created, return to the Exec mode and enter the show apn-remap-table all command.


The following command creates a configuration instance of an APN remap table:
apn-remap-table pnremap-USorigins-table1 


Configures a system-wide time interval for performing Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) refresh.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



arp base-reachable-time time 
default arp base-reachable-time 


Restores the parameter to its default setting.


Default: 30

Specifies the ARP refresh interval (in seconds) as an integer from 30 through 86400.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure a system-wide ARP refresh interval. Once a neighbor is found, the entry is considered valid for at least a random value between the time /2 and the time *1.5.


The following command configures an ARP refresh interval of 1 hour:
arp base-reachable-time 3600 


This command disables or enables confirmation for certain commands. This command affects all future CLI sessions and users.


To change the behavior for the current CLI session only, use the autoconfirm command in the Exec Mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] autoconfirm 


Disables the autoconfirm feature.

Usage Guidelines

When autoconfirm is enabled, certain commands ask you to answer yes or no to confirm that you want to execute the command. When autoconfirm is disabled the confirmation prompts never appear. Disabling autoconfirm disables command confirmation for all future CLI sessions.

By default autoconfirm is enabled.


If autoconfirm is enabled, commandguard will not take effect until autoconfirm is disabled in both Exec and Global Configuration modes.


The following command enables command confirmation for all future CLI sessions and users:


This command is obsolete. It is included in the CLI for backward compatibility with older configuration files. When executed, this command issues a warning and performs no function.


Configures the CLI banner which is displayed upon the start of a CLI session.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



banner { charging-service | lawful-intercept | motd | pre-login } string 
no banner { charging-service | lawful-intercept | motd | pre-login } 


Removes the banner message by setting it to be a string of zero length.


Specifies the Active Charging Service banner message. The banner is displayed upon initialization of an SSH CLI session with ACS-admin privileges (whenever anyone with the CLI privilege bit for ACS logs on).


Refer to the Lawful Intercept Configuration Guide for a description of this parameter.


Configures the CLI banner message of the day which is displayed upon the initialization of any CLI session.


Configures the CLI banner displayed before a CLI user logs in.


This banner is displayed only for serial port and telnet log ins. It is not supported in ssh and, therefore, will not be displayed before ssh log ins.


Specifies the banner or message to be displayed at session initialization. string may be an alphanumeric string of 0 through 2048 characters. The string must be enclosed in double quotation marks if the banner or message is to include spaces.

Usage Guidelines

Set the message of the day banner when an important system wide message is needed. For example, in preparation for removing a chassis from service, set the banner 1 or more days in advance to notify administrative users of the pending maintenance.


The following command creates a message of the day with the text Have a nice day.
banner motd "Have a nice day." 


This command creates an instance of a Bearer Control profile, a key element of the MME QoS Profile feature.






Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] bearer-control-profile bcprofile_name  


Including this command prefix causes the MME to delete the named instance of the bearer control profile from the MME's configuration.


Enter an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters to identify a specific bearer control profile.

Usage Guidelines

Entering this command provides access to the configuration commands of the Bearer Control Profile Configuration Mode to configure QoS parameters for dedicated-bearers and for default-bearers. Bearer level parameters such as ARP-PL, ARP-PVI, ARP-PCI, MBR, GBR, remap QCI value can be configured here independently for default/dedicated bearer along with the action to be taken, such as prefer-as-cap or pgw-upgrade. Bearer Control profile can be applied for specific QCIs or range of QCIs.


The following sample command creates an instance of a bearer control profile named BCProf :
bearer-control-profile BCProf 

boot delay

Configures the delay period, in seconds, before attempting to boot the system from a software image file residing on an external network server.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



boot delay time 
no boot delay 


Deletes the setting for the boot delay. The boot process executes immediately.


Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) to delay prior to requesting the software image from the external network server as an integer from 1 through 300.

Usage Guidelines

Useful when booting from the network when connection delays may cause timeouts. Such as when the Spanning Tree Protocol is used on network equipment.


The settings for this command are stored immediately in the boot.sys file. No changes are made to the system configuration file.


The following sets the boot delay to 10 seconds:
boot delay 10 

boot interface

Configures Ethernet network interfaces for obtaining a system software image during the system boot process.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



boot interface { local-eth1 | local-eth2 } [ medium { auto | speed medium_speed duplex medium_duplex } [ media medium_media ] ] 
no boot interface 


Removes the boot interface configuration from the boot.sys file. Only files from the local file system can be loaded.

local-eth1 | local-eth2

Specifies the network interface to be configured where local-eth1 is the primary ethernet interface and local-eth2 is the secondary ethernet interface.

For the ASR 5500, the primary interface is port 1 (1000Base-T) on the MIO and the secondary interface is port 2 (1000Base-T) on the MIO.

medium { auto | speed medium_speed duplex medium_duplex }

Default: auto

auto : Configures the interface to auto-negotiate the interface speed. and duplex.

speed medium_speed duplex medium_duplex : Specifies the speed to use at all times where medium_speed must be one of:
  • 10

  • 100

  • 1000

The keyword duplex is used to set the communication mode of the interface where medium_duplex must be one of:
  • full

  • half

media medium_media

Default: rj45

Optionally sets the physical interface where medium_media must be either rj45 or sfp .

Usage Guidelines

Modify the boot interface settings to ensure that the system is able to obtain a software image from an external network server.


The settings for this command are stored immediately in the boot.sys file. No changes are made to the system configuration file.


The following command configures the primary interface to auto-negotiate the speed:
boot interface local-eth1 medium auto 
The following command configures the secondary interface to a fixed gigabit speed at full duplex using RJ45 connectors for the physical interface:
boot interface local-eth2 medium speed 1000 duplex full media rj45 
The following command restores the defaults for the boot interface:
no boot interface 

boot nameserver

Configures the IP address of the DNS (Domain Name Service) server to use when looking up hostnames in URLs for network booting.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



boot nameserver ip_address 
no boot nameserver 


Removes the network boot nameserver information from the boot.sys file.


IPv4 dotted-decimal address of the DNS server the system uses to lookup hostnames in URLs for a software image from the network during the system boot process.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to identify the DNS server to use to lookup hostnames in a software image URL.


The settings for this command are stored immediately in the boot.sys file. No changes are made to the system configuration file.


The following configures the system to communicate with a DNS nameserver with the IP address of
boot nameserver 

boot networkconfig

Configures the networking parameters for the Switch Processor I/O card network interfaces to use when obtaining a software image from an external network server during the system boot process.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



boot networkconfig { dhcp | { { dhcp-static-fallback | static } ip address spio24 ip_address [ spio25 ip_address ] netmask ip_mask [ gateway gw_address ] } } 
no boot networkconfig 


Removes the network configuration information from the boot.sys file.


Indicates that a Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) server is used for communicating with the external network server.

dhcp-static-fallback | static

dhcp-static-fallback : provides static IP address fallback network option when a DHCP server is unavailable.

static : specifies a fixed network IP address for the external network server that hosts the software image.

spio24 ip_address [ spio25 ip_address ] netmask ip_mask [ gateway gw_address ]

spio24 ip_address [ spio25 ip_address ]: the IP address to use for the SPIO in slot 24 and optionally the SPIO in slot 25 for network booting. ip_address must be specified using IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

netmask ip_mask : the network mask to use in conjunction with the IP address(es) specified for network booting. ip_mask must be specified using IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

gateway gw_address : the IP address of a network gateway to use in conjunction with the IP address(es) specified for network booting. gw_address must be entered using IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.


If gw_address is not specified, the network server must be on the same LAN as the system. Since both SPIOs must be in the same network, the netmask and gateway settings are shared.

Usage Guidelines

Configure the network parameters for the ports on the SPIO cards to use to communicate with an external network server that hosts software images.


The settings for this command are stored immediately in the boot.sys file. No changes are made to the system configuration file.


When configuring static addresses both SPIOs must have different IP addresses. Neither address can be the same as the local context IP address.


The following configures the system to communicate with the external network server via DHCP with a fallback to IP address , respectively.
boot networkconfig dhcp-static-fallback ip address spio24 netmask 
The following command configures the system to communicate with an external network server using the fixed (static) IP address with a network mask of .
boot networkconfig static ip address spio24 netmask  
The following restores the system default for the network boot configuration options.
no boot networkconfig 

boot system priority

Specifies the priority of a boot stack entry to use when the system first initializes or restarts. Up to 10 boot system priorities (entries in the boot.sys file located in the /flash device in the SPC, SMC or MIO) can be configured.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



boot system priority number image image_url config config_path 
no boot system priority number 


Remove a boot stack entry at the priority specified from the boot stack when it is no longer used.

priority number

Specifies the priority for the file group (consisting of an image (.bin) and its corresponding configuration (.cfg) file) specified in the boot stack. The value must be in the range from 1 through 100 where a priority of 1 is the highest. Up to 10 boot system priorities (boot stack entries) can be configured.


When performing a software upgrade it is important that the new file group have the highest priority (lowest number) configured.


To ensure that higher priority numbers remain open, use an "N-1" priority numbering methodology, where "N" is the first priority in the current boot stack.

image image_url

Specifies the location of a image file to use for system startup. The URL may refer to a local or a remote file. The URL must be formatted according to the following format:

For the ASR 5000:
  • [ file: ]{ /flash | /pcmcia1 | /hd }[ / directory ]/ filename

  • [ http: | tftp: ]// host [ : port ][ / directory ]/ filename


Use of the SMC hard drive is not supported in this release.

For the ASR 5500:
  • [ file: ]{ /flash | /usb1 | /hd }[ / directory ]/ filename

  • [ http: | tftp: ]// host [ : port ][/ directory ]/ filename


Do not use the following characters when entering a string for the field names below: "/" (forward slash), ":" (colon) or "@" (at sign).

directory is the directory name.

filename is the actual file of interest.

host is the IP address or host name of the server.

port# is the logical port number that the communication protocol is to use.


A file intended for use on an ASR 5000 uses the convention xxxxx.asr5000.bin, where xxxxx is the software build number.


A file intended for use on an ASR 5500 uses the convention xxxxx.asr5500.bin, where xxxxx is the software build number.


When using the TFTP, it is advisable to use a server that supports large blocks, per RFC 2348. This can be implemented by using the "block size option" to ensure that the TFTP service does not restrict the file size of the transfer to 32MB.

config config_path

Specifies the location of a configuration file to use for system startup. This must be formatted according to the following format:

For the ASR 5000:
  • [ file: ]{ /flash | /pcmcia1 | /hd }[ / path ]/ filename


Use of the SMC hard drive is not supported in this release.

For the ASR 5500:
  • [ file: ]{ /flash | /usb1 | /hd }[ / path ]/ filename

Where path is the directory structure to the file of interest, and filename is the name of the configuration file. This file typically has a .cfg extension.

Usage Guidelines

This command is useful in prioritizing boot stack entries in the boot.sys file, typically located on the /flash device of the Active SPC, SMC, or MIO, for automatic recovery in case of a failure of a primary boot file group.


For ASR5500 nodes, the configuration file must reside on the MIO's local filesystem, stored on one of its local devices (/flash, or /pcmcia1, or /hd-raid/pcmcia1, or /pcmcia2, or /usb1, or /hd-raid). Attempts to load the configuration file from an external network server will result in a failure to load that image and configuration file group, causing the system to load the image and configuration file group with the next highest priority in the boot stack.


Configuration changes do not take effect until the system is reloaded.


The settings for this command are stored immediately in the boot.sys file. No changes are made to the system configuration file.


The following commands set up two locations from which to obtain a boot file group.
boot system priority 1 image tftp: //remoteABC/pub/2012jan.bin config /flash/pub/data/2012feb.cfg 
boot system priority 2 image /flash /pub/data/2002jun.bin config /pcmcia1/pub/data/2012feb.cfg 
The following removes the current priority 1 boot entry from the boot.sys file.
no boot system priority 1 


Enables the collection of bulk statistics and/or enters the bulk statistics configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



bulkstats { collection | config [ schema | supplement ] | historical collection | mode | ssd-samples { 1 | 2 } } 
no bulkstats { collection | historical | ssd-samples } 
default bulkstats { historical collection | ssd-samples } 


Disables the collection of bulk statistics.


Restores the bulkstats configuration to its default value.

ssd-samples: Disabled


Enables the statistics collection process. Collects a periodic snapshot of activity and performance data as configured via the Bulk Statistics Configuration mode.

config [ schema | supplement ] url

Enables bulkstats configuration replacement with contents of file if present. If no file is present, bulkstats mode configuration will be saved in the file of the given name when issuing a save configuration url command.

schema : This keyword takes a local URL keyword as a parameter. It performs a full bulkstats schema configuration replacement with the contents of the file provided. If the file exists, no schema will be saved when issuing a save configuration url command.

supplemental : This keyword takes a local URL keyword as a parameter. It supplements running bulkstats configuration with the contents of the configuration file provided.

url: Specifices the URL where the [file:]{/flash | /hd-raid | /usb1 | /usb2 | /usb3 | /rmm1 | /cdrom1 | /sftp}[/directory]/filename

The system allows configuration of only 1 of these options. They are mutually exclusive.


The bulkstats config schema url takes precedence over manual configuration. With respect to schema, adding, modifying, or deleting any configurations manually through CLI, the changes will not be applied.

historical collection

Enables the collection of historical bulk statistics.

If enabled, StarOS tracks activities that require the storing of more data, such as "the highest value that's been seen over the last 24 hours".


Enters the Bulk Statistics Configuration mode. The resulting command-line prompt will look similar to:

ssd-samples { 1 | 2 }

Enables the collection of bulk statistics samples in the SSD archive. In the current release, a maximum of two bulkstats samples can be collected in the SSD archive. Each sample contains all the bulkstats collected during the configured transfer interval.

Also see the show support details command under the Exec Mode Commands for more information on excluding the bulkstats samples from the SSD archive.

Usage Guidelines

The Bulk Statistics Configuration mode consists of commands for configuring bulk statistic properties, such as the periodicity of collection. Detailed command descriptions appear in the Bulk Statistics Configuration Mode Commands chapter.

The collected bulk statistics are sent to a collection server (called a receiver). Bulk statistics are statistics that are collected in a group or schema, for example, system statistics, port statistics, RADIUS statistics.

Once the receiver, schema, and collection properties are configured, the bulkstats collection command enables or disables the collection of the data.

To collect a sample that provides an average, for example, an average of CPU counters, the "historical" features must be enabled with the bulkstats historical collection command.

Since bulk statistics are collected at regular, user-defined intervals, the Exec mode bulkstats force command can be used to manually initiate the immediate collection of statistics.


The following command enables the collection of bulk statistics:
bulkstats collection 
The following command performs a full bulkstats schema configuration replacement with the contents of the file provided:
bulkstats config schema /tmp/bsutscm2.cfg 





Administrator, Security Administrator, Operator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ca-certificate-list ca_certificate_list_name [ca-cert-name ca-cert-name_1 ] [ ca-cert-name ca-cert-name_2 ] [ca-cert-name ca-cert-name_3 ] [ca-cert-name ca-cert-name_4 ] 
no ca-certificate-list name ca_certificate_list_name 

name ca_certificate_list_name

Specifies the CA certificate list as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 128 characters.

ca-cert-name ca-cert-name_1 to ca-cert-name_4

Specifies the the CA certificate name as an string of size 1 through 128.

Configuring atleat one ca-cert-name is mandatory.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure CA certificate list name 10 and four certificates ca-cert-name_1, ca-cert-name_2, ca-cert-name_3, ca-cert-name_4:

 ca-certificate-list name 10 ca-cert-name ca-cert-name_1  ca-cert-name ca-cert-name_2 ca-cert-name ca-cert-name_3 ca-cert-name ca-cert-name_4 


Configures and selects an X.509 CA certificate to enable a security gateway to perform certificate-based peer (client) authentication. StarOS supports a maximum of 16 certificates and 16 CA (Certificate Authrority) root certificates. A maximum of four CA root certificates can be bound to a crypto or SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) template.


All IPSec-related products


Administrator, Security Administrator, Operator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ca-certificate name name { der url url_format | pem { data pemdata | url url_format [ cert-enc ] [ cert-hash-url  url url_format ] } } 
no ca-certificate name name 


Disables ca-certificate.


If the CA-CERT is mandatory for the service to be up and running, then the removal of that CA-CERT is not allowed.

name name

Specifies the name the CA certificate as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 128 characters.

der url

Specifies the use of the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) binary format.

url is the Universal Reosurce Locator of the file containing certificate in der format.


Specifies that the Privacy-enhanced Electronic Mail (PEM) format is to be used.

data pemdata

ndicates that the CA certificate data will be in PEM format. pemdata must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 4095 characters.


Specifiesa certificate encoding type other than default encoding type.


Specifies a hash of X.509 Certificate.


Specifes the Universal Resource Locator of the file containing the CA certificate.


Specifies an existing URL expressed in one of the following formats:
  • [file:]{/flash | /pcmcia1 | /hd-raid}[/directory]/<filename

  • tftp://<host>[:<port>][/<directory>]/<filename

  • ftp://[<username>[:<password>]@]<host>[:<port>][/<directory>]/<filename

  • sftp://[<username>[:<password>]@]<host>[:<port>][/<directory>]/<filename

  • http://[<username>[:<password>]@]<host>[:<port>][/<directory>]/<filename

When read via a file, note that show configuration will not contain the URL reference, but will instead output the data via data pemdata , such that the configuration file is self-contained.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure and select an X.509 CA certificate to enable a security gateway or SCM to perform certificate-based peer (client) authentication.


Use the following command to remove a certificate named fap1 :
no ca-certificate fap1 


Configures the name and URL path of a Certificate Authority-Certificate Revocation List (CA-CRL).


All IPSec-related products




Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ca-crl name name { der | pem } { url url } 
no ca-crl name name 


Removes the named CA-CRL.


Provides a name of the CA-CRL. name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 128 characters.


Specifies that Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) format is to be used for the source format.


Specifies that Privacy-enhanced Electronic Mail (PEM) format is to be used for the source format.

url url

Specifies the URL where the CA-CRL is to be fetched. url must be an existing URL expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 1023 characters in one of the following formats:
  • [file:]{/flash | /pcmcia1 | /hd-raid}[/directory]/<filename

  • tftp://<host>[:<port>][/<directory>]/<filename

  • ftp://[<username>[:<password>]@]<host>[:<port>][/<directory>]/<filename

  • sftp://[<username>[:<password>]@]<host>[:<port>][/<directory>]/<filename

  • http://[<username>[:<password>]@]<host>[:<port>][/<directory>]/<filename

  • ldap://<host>[:<port>][/<dn>][?<attributes>][?<scope>][?<filter>][?<extensions>]

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to name and fetch a CA-CRL from a specified location.

Without additional information from the CA, an issued certificate remains valid to any verifier until it expires. To revoke certificates, the CA publishes a CRL periodically to provide an updated list of certificates revoked, but not yet expired. Like a certificate, a CRL is a digital document signed by the CA. In addition to a list of serial numbers of revoked certificates, the CRL includes attributes such as issuer name (same as the issuer name in the certificate), signature (signed by the issuer using the same key that signs certificates), last update (the time this CRL was issued), and next update (the time next CRL will be available).


The following command fetches a CA-CRL named list1.pem from a location and names the list CRL5 :
ca-crl name CRL5 pem url 


Creates an instance of a call-control profile.





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] call-control-profile cc_profile_name 


Deletes the Call-Control Profile instance from the configuration.


Specifies the name of the call-control profile. Enter an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create an instance of a call-control profile and to enter the call-control profile configuration mode. A call-control profile is a template which groups a set of call-handling instructions that may be applicable to one or more incoming calls. See the Call-Control Profile Configuration Mode Commands chapter for information regarding the definition of the rules contained within the profile and the use of the profile.


A call-control profile is a key element of the Operator Policy feature and is only valid when associated with at least one operator policy.

To see what call-control profiles have already been created, return to the Exec mode and enter the show call-control-profile all command.


The following command creates a configuration instance of an call-control profile:
call-control-profile ccprof1 


Enters the Card Configuration mode for the specified card.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



card slot_number 


Specifies the slot number of the card for which the card configuration mode is to be entered. slot_number must be an integer from 1 to 20.

Usage Guidelines

Enter the configuration mode for a specific card when changes are required.


This command is not supported on virtual platforms.


The following command enters Card Configuration mode for the card in slot 8 of the chassis:
card 8 


Configures the redundancy priorities for packet processing cards by specifying the slot number search order for a standby card when needed.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



card-standby-priority slot_num + 


Specifies the slot of the card for the order of the standby cards. slot_num must be in the range from 1 through 10 excluding slots 5 and 6 (on the ASR 5500).


Indicates that you may enter as many slot numbers (separated by a space) as necessary to indicate the complete search order.

Usage Guidelines

Set the standby order of the redundant cards when multiple standby cards are available.

Questionable hardware should be placed lower in the priority list.


This command replaces the pac-standby-priority command.


This command is not supported on all platforms.


The following command configures the redundancy priority to use the standby cards in slots 2, 4, and 7 in that order:
card-standby-priority 2 4 7 


This command enables multiple instances of CDRMOD, one per packet processing card.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ default ] cdr-multi-mode 


Configures this command with its default setting.

Default: Single-CDRMOD mode

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable the multi-CDRMOD mode, wherein there will be one instance of CDRMOD per packet processing card. All the SessMgr instances that are running on a packet processing card will send the records to the CDRMOD instance running on that card.

By default, CDRMOD runs in single mode, wherein there will be only one instance of CDRMOD running for the entire chassis. All the SessMgr instances that are running on a packet processing card will send the records to the CDRMOD instance.


After you configure this command, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.


In multi-CDRMOD mode, you should enable hard-disk usage.


Configures and selects an X.509 Trusted Author certificate.


All IPSec-related products


Administrator, Security Administrator, Operator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



certificate name name { der url url  | pem { data pemdata | url url } private-key pem { [ encrypted ] data pemdata | url url [cert-enc] [cert-hash-url url  url ] } } 
no certificate name name 


Disables certificate.

name name

Names the certificate. name must be from 1 to 128 alphanumeric characters.

der url

Specifies that the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) binary format is to be used.


Specifies that the Privacy-enhanced Electronic Mail (PEM) format is to be used.

data pemdata

Certificate/private key data in PEM format. pemdata must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 4095 (if private key is not implmented) or 1 through 8191 (if private key is implemented) characters.


Specifies a certificate encoding type other than default encoding type.


Specifes a hash and URL of the X.509 Certificate.

url url

Specifies the Universal Resource Locator (URL) of the file containing certificate/private key.


Sepcifies an existing URL expressed in one of the following formats:
  • [file:]{/flash | /pcmcia1 | /hd-raid}[/directory]/<filename

  • tftp://<host>[:<port>][/<directory>]/<filename

  • ftp://[<username>[:<password>]@]<host>[:<port>][/<directory>]/<filename

  • sftp://[<username>[:<password>]@]<host>[:<port>][/<directory>]/<filename

  • http://[<username>[:<password>]@]<host>[:<port>][/<directory>]/<filename

When read via a file, show configuration will not contain the URL reference, but instead outputs the data via data pemdata , such that the configuration file is self-contained.

private-key pem

Specifies use of private key PEM data.


Specifs the use of encrypted private key data.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to Configures and selects an X.509 Trusted Author certificate.


Use the following command to remove a certificate named box1:
no certificate data box1 


Configures global Command Line Interface (CLI) parameters.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



cli { access { monitor-protocol | monitor-subscriber | show-configuration } { administrator | operator } } | configuration-monitor | hidden | login-failure-delay number | max-sessions number | operator clear-subscriber-one-only | test-commands [encrypted] password password | trap config-mode } 
no cli { configuration-monitor | hidden | login-failure-delay number | max-sessions | operator clear-subscriber-one-only | trap config-mode } 
default cli { access { monitor-protocol | monitor-subscriber | show-configuration } | configuration-monitor | login-failure-delay | max-sessions | operator clear-subscriber-one-only | trap config-mode } 


Removes the specified option.


Resets the keywords to their default values.

access { monitor-protocol | monitor-subscriber | show-configuration } { operator | administrator }

Sets access privileges on the monitor protocol and monitor subscriber commands:

monitor-protocol : Selects privileges for the monitor protocol command.

monitor-subscriber : Selects privileges for the monitor subscriber command.

show-configuration : Selects privileges for the show-configuration command. However the default access level for this command is the user with operator privileges.

operator : Sets the privileges for the selected command to allow use by users with operator privileges.

administrator : Restricts use of the selected command to administrators only.


When this keyword is enabled, the system executes a show configuration checksum command every 15-minutes. The resulting checksum is compared with the previous checksum.

When a configuration change is detected, a log message and SNMP notification are generated. The SNMP notification only indicates that a change has occurred without identifying what change had been made.

The 15-minute interval is fixed and cannot be configured. By default configuration monitoring is disabled.


When enabled, the system's Shared Configuration Task (SCT) process may experience CPU spikes when the underlying show configuration checksum command is executed. This is most noticable with large StarOS configurations.


Allows a Security Administrator to enable access to hidden cli test-commands command.

The no cli hidden command disables access to the cli test-commands command. This is the default mode. Refer to the description of the test-commands keyword below for additional information.

login-failure-delay number

Specifies the time to wait before a login failure is returned and another login may be attempted. Default is five seconds.

max-sessions number

Sets the number of allowed simultaneous CLI sessions on the system. If this value is set to a number below the current number of open CLI sessions, the open sessions will continue until closed. number must be an integer from 2 through 100.


Use caution when setting this command. Limiting simultaneous CLI sessions prevents authorized users from accessing the system if the maximum number allowed has been reached. The system already limits CLI sessions based on available resources. Additional limitation could have adverse effects.

operator clear-subscriber-one-only

Restricts Operator to clearing only one subscriber session at a time.

test-commands [encrypted] password password_string

Enables access to the CLI test-commands. The commands and keywords made available under this mode are for internal testing and debugging.


CLI test-commands are intended for diagnostic use only. Access to these commands is not required during normal system operation. These command are intended for use only by Cisco TAC personnel. Some of these commands can slow system performance, drop subscribers, and/or render the system inoperable


An SNMP trap is generated when a user enables cli test-commands (starTestModeEntered). Refer to the SNMP MIB Reference for additional information.

encrypted : Specifies that the system will save the password in an encrypted format in the configuration file. The system displays the encrypted keyword in the configuration file as a flag indicating that the variable following the password keyword is the encrypted version of the plain text password. Only the encrypted password is saved as part of the configuration file.

password password_string : Prompts for the password required to access CLI test-commands. This password must have been previously configured by a Security Administrator via the tech-suport test-commands password command. The password is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters (plain text password) or 1 through 524 characters (encrypted password).

If the password keyword is not entered, the user is prompted (no-echo) to enter the password. If tech-support test-commands password has not been enabled, you will be unable to execute cli test-commands .

Once this test mode is entered under Global Configuration mode, CLI test-commands become part of the current configuration. Therefore, any generated configuration file will contain the cli test-commands command as the first configuration command.


Use of CLI test-commands may cause significant service interruption. Contact Cisco TAC before executing any commands while in this mode.

The no cli test-commands command disables access to the CLI test-commands mode.

trap config-mode

Enables sending an SNMP trap (starCLIConfigMode) when a CLI user enters the configuration mode.

Usage Guidelines

This command sets access parameters and enables several operational parameters for the system's command line interface.


The maximum number of multiple CLI sessions that can be supported is based on the amount of available memory. A minimum of 15 CLI sessions are supported on the ASR 5500. One of the CLI sessions is reserved for use exclusively by a CLI session on a serial console interface. Additional CLI sessions beyond the pre-reserved set are permitted if sufficient management card resources are available. If the Resource Manager is unable to reserve resources for a CLI session beyond those that are pre-reserved, administrative users are prompted as to whether or not the system should attempt to create the new CLI session even without reserved resources.


The following command sets the number of allowed simultaneous CLI sessions to 5 :
cli max-sessions 5 
The following command sets the command monitor protocol to administrator-only:
cli access monitor-protocol administrator 


Specifies the type of encryption algorithm to be used for passwords and secrets.




Security Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



cli-encrypt-algorithm { A | B | C } 
default cli-encrypt-algorithm 


Resets the encryption algorithm to "A" (prior to release 21.0) or "B" (release 21.0 and higher).


Specifies MD5-based cipher encryption algorithm. This is the default for StarOS releases prior to 21.0. Passwords encrypted with this key will have "+A" prefixes in the configuration file.


Specifies the AES-CTR-128 cipher algorithm for encryption and the HMAC-SHA1 cipher algorithm for authentication. Passwords encrypted with this key will have "+B" prefixes in the configuration file. Algorithm B is the default for release 21.0 and higher.


Specifies HMAC-SHA512 cipher algorithm for encryption and authentication. Passwords encrypted with this key will have "+C" prefixes in the configuration file.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the types of cipher algorithm(s) to be used as encryption and authentication keys for passwords.

The encryption key protects the confidentiality of passwords, while the authentication key protects their integrity.


For release 20.0 and higher Trusted builds, option A is not available.


The following command sets the encryption key to C :
cli-encrypt-algorithm C  

client ssh

Enters the SSH Client Configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] client ssh 


Removes the SSH client key pair configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enter the SSH Client Configuration mode. The CLI commands in that mode allow you to create an SSH key pair and push the private key to external servers for SSH access between the StarOS gateway and external servers.


The following command moves you to the SSH Client Configuration mode:
client ssh  


Configures system clock timezone and what local time zone to use.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



clock timezone tz [ local ] 
no clock timezone 


Resets the system timezone to the system default UTC.


Specifies the system time zone to use as one of:
  • america-buenos-aires (GMT-3:00; Buenos Aires)

  • america-caracas (GMT-4:00) Caracas

  • america-guatemala (GMT-6:00; Guatemala, Guatemala)

  • america-la_paz (GMT-4:00; La Paz)

  • america-lima (GMT-5:00; Lima, Peru)

  • america-puerto-rico (GMT-4:00; Puerto Rico)

  • america-sao-paulo (GMT -3:00; Brazil)

  • america-tijuana (GMT-8:00; Tijuana)

  • asia-almaty (GMT+6.00; Almaty, Kazakhstan)

  • asia-baghdad (GMT+3:00; Baghdad, Russia Zone 2, Kuwait, Nairobi, Riyadh, Moscow, Tehran)

  • asia-bangkok (GMT+7:00; Bangkok)

  • asia-calcutta (GMT+5:30; Calcutta, Mumbai, New Delhi)

  • asia-dhaka (GMT+6:00; Dhaka)

  • asia-hong-kong (GMT+8:00; Hong_Kong)

  • asia-irkutsk (GMT+9:30; Irkutsk)

  • asia-kabul (GMT+4:30; Kabul)

  • asia-karachi (GMT+5:00; Karachi)

  • asia-katmandu (GMT+5:45; Kathmandu)

  • asia-magadan (GMT+11:00; Magadan)

  • asia-muscat (GMT+4:00; Abu Dhabi, UAE, Muscat, Tblisi, Volgograd, Kabul)

  • asia-rangoon (GMT+6:30; Rangoon)

  • asia-seoul (GMT+9:00) Seoul

  • asia-tehran (GMT+3:30; Tehran)

  • asia-tokyo (GMT+9:00; Tokyo, Russia Zone 8)

  • atlantic-azores (GMT-2:00; Azores)

  • atlantic-cape-verde (GMT-1:00; Cape Verde Islands)

  • australia-perth (GMT+8:00) Perth

  • australia-darwin (GMT+9:30) Northern Territory - Alice Springs, Darwin, Uluru

  • australia-adelaide (GMT+9:30) Southern Territory - Adelaide

  • australia-melbourne (GMT+10:00) Victoria - Ballarat, Melbourne

  • australia-sydney (GMT+10:00) New South Wales - Newcastle, Sydney, Wollongong

  • australia-hobart (GMT+10:00) Tasmania - Hobart, Launceston

  • australia-brisbane (GMT+10:00) Queensland - Brisbane, Cairns, Toowoomba, Townsville

  • australia-lordhowe (GMT+10:30) Lord Howe Island

  • canada-newfoundland (GMT-3:30; Newfoundland)

  • canada-saskatchewan (GMT-6:00; Saskatchewan)

  • europe-central (GMT+1:00; Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, Brussels, Vienna, Madrid, Rome, Bern, Stockholm, Oslo)

  • europe-dublin (GMT+0:00) Dublin, Ireland

  • europe-eastern (GMT+2:00; Russia Zone 1, Athens, Helsinki, Istanbul, Jerusalem, Harare)

  • newzealand-auckland (GMT +12:00; Auckland, Willington)

  • newzealand-chatham (GMT +12:45; Chatham)

  • nuku (GMT-13:00; Nuku'alofa)

  • pacific-fiji (GMT+12:00; Wellington, Fiji, Marshall Islands)

  • pacific-guam (GMT+10:00; Brisbane, Cairns, Sydney, Guam)

  • pacific-kwajalein (GMT-12:00; Kwajalein)

  • pacific-norfolk - (GMT+11:30) Norfolk Island

  • pacific-samoa (GMT-11:00; Samoa)

  • us-alaska (GMT-9:00; Alaska)

  • us-arizona (GMT-7:00; Arizona)

  • us-central (GMT-6:00; Chicago, Mexico City, Saint Louis)

  • us-eastern (GMT-5:00; Bogota, Lima, New York City)

  • us-hawaii (GMT-10:00; Hawaii)

  • us-indiana (GMT-6:00; Indiana)

  • us-mountain (GMT-7:00; Cheyenne, Denver, Las Vegas)

  • us-pacific (GMT-8:00) San Francisco, LA, Seattle

  • utc (GMT; Universal Time Coordinated: London, Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, Reykjavik, Casablanca)


Indicates the timezone specified by tz is to be considered the local time zone for local time display and conversion.

Usage Guidelines

Clock and timezone management is necessary for proper accounting records. The chassis may be set to display a different local time than that of the system clock which allows accounting records to use the system time but to display the proper local time for users.


The following command sets the clock time zone to UTC (Universal Time Coordinated):
clock timezone utc  

cmp auto-fetch

Use this command to add a fetch configuration for each certificate for which automatic update is required. This is a Certificate Management Protocol v2 command.


All products supporting IPSec CMPv2 features


This command appears in the CLI for this release. However, it has not been qualified for use with any current Cisco StarOS gateway products.


Security Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



cmp auto-fetch current-name cert_name ca-root ca_name time days 
no auto-fetch current-name cert_name 


Removes auto-fetch configuration for a certificate.

current-name cert-name

Specifies a valid security gateway certificate as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 129 characters.

ca-root ca_name

Specifies the filename of the root certificate of the CA server. ca_name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 129 characters.

time days

Specifies the number of days before the certificate expires as the time when the auto fetch should be triggered. days is specified as an integer from 1 through 256.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify when a current certificate should be automatically fetched.


The following command automatically fetches the current certificate (aqaw12345) 10 days before it is to expire:
cmp fetch current-name aqaw12345 ca-root ca001 time 10 

cmp cert-store location

Use this command to add a file location on /flash disk where the certificates and private keys will be stored. This is a Certificate Management Protocol v2 command.


All products supporting IPSec CMPv2 features


This command appears in the CLI for this release. However, it has not been qualified for use with any current Cisco StarOS gateway products.


Security Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



cmp cert-store location pathname [ key reuse ] 
no cmp cert-store 


Removes the certificate storage location configuration.


Specifies the storage location of the certificates and key files in the following formats:
  • [file:]{ /flash | /usb1 | /hd-raid }[/ <directory> ]/ <filename>
  • tftp:// <host> [: <port> ][/ <directory> ]/ <filename>
  • ftp://[ <username> [: <password> ]@] <host> [: <port> ][/ <directory> ]/ <filename>
  • sftp://[ <username> [: <password> ]@] <host> [: <port> ][/ <directory> ]/ <filename>
  • http://[ <username> [: <password> ]@] <host> [: <port> ][/ <directory> ]/ <filename>

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify where certificates and key files should be stored.


The following command stores certificates and key files in a location different from the default location:
cmp  cert-store location file://certificates 

cmp cert-trap time

Defines when an SNMP MIB certificate expiry trap should be sent as the number of hours before expiration.


All products supporting IPSec CMPv2 features


This command appears in the CLI for this release. However, it has not been qualified for use with any current Cisco StarOS gateway products.


Security Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



cmp cert-trap time hours 
no cmp cert-trap time 


Removes the certificate expiry MIB trap notification.

time hours

Specifies the number of hours before certificate expiry when a MIB trap should be sent. hours is an integer from 1 through 1024.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set when an SNMP MIB certificate expiry trap should be sent.


The following command specifies that an SNMP MIB certificate expiry trap should be sent 48 hours prior to expiration:
cmp  cert-trap time 48 


Forces mandatory confirmation prompting for the autoconfirm (Exec mode and Global Configuration mode) and configure (Exec mode).


All products


Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] commandguard [ exec-command exec_mode_category ]  


Disables commandguard functionality if enabled.

exec-command exec_mode_category

Applies mandatory prompting for specified categories of Exec mode configuration commands, even when autoconfirm is enabled.

exec_mode_category specifies one of the following categories of Exec mode configuration commands.
  • card
  • clear
  • copy
  • debug
  • delete
  • filesystem
  • hd
  • reload
  • rename
  • shutdown
  • task
  • upgrade

You can enter multiple commandguard exec-command exec_mode_category commands.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to force mandatory confirmation prompting for the autoconfirm (Exec mode and Global Configuration mode) and configure (Exec mode). This command prevents users from accidentally entering Global Configuration mode, or to prevent file replay (most commonly caused by a cut and paste error in the configuration file). By default this command is disabled.

The status of commandguard is output in show configuration commands.


If autoconfirm is enabled, commandguard will not take effect until autoconfirm is disabled in both Exec and Global Configuration modes.

Use the commandguard command to apply mandatory prompting for specified categories of Exec mode configuration commands, even when autoconfirm is enabled.
  • All Exec mode commands beginning with the specified category word will prompt for confirmation, regardless if autoconfirm is enabled.
  • You can turn off confirmation prompting for a specific category using no commandguard exec-command exec_mode_category .
  • If autoconfirm is overridden by commandguard exec-command for an Exec mode command, StarOS displays an informational message indicating why autoconfirm is being overridden when you attempt to execute the command.
  • Users may selectively override confirmation prompting for any Exec mode configuration command that supports the -noconfirm keyword.


The following command enables confirmation prompting for all configuration commands:



This command enables and disables the congestion control functionality on the system.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ default | no ] congestion-control 


Sets the congestion control to its default value.


Disables the congestion control functionality. This is the default behavior.

Usage Guidelines

Congestion control on the system is used to monitor the system for conditions that could potentially degrade performance when the system is under heavy load. Typically, these conditions are temporary (i.e high CPU or memory utilization) and are quickly resolved. However, continuous or large numbers of these conditions within a specific time interval may impact the system's ability to service subscriber sessions. The purpose of congestion control is to aid in the identification of such conditions and invoke policies for addressing the situation.

Congestion control operation is based on the configuration of the following:
  • Call disconnections on overload: With this functionality, the system enables and disables the policy for disconnecting passive calls (chassis-wide) during an overload situation. It also configures and fine-tunes the overload-disconnect congestion control policy for an entire chassis.
  • Congestion condition thresholds: Thresholds dictate the conditions for which congestion control is to be enabled and establish limits for defining the state of the system (congested or clear). These thresholds function in a similar fashion to the operation thresholds that can be configured for the system (as described in later in this chapter). The primary difference is that when these thresholds are reached, not only is an SNMP trap generated (starCongestion), but a service congestion policy is invoked as well.

    A threshold tolerance is configured to dictate the percentage under the configured threshold that must be reached in order for the condition to be considered "cleared". An SNMP trap (starCongestionClear) is then triggered.

  • Service congestion policies: Congestion policies are configurable for each service (e.g., PDSN, GGSN, P-GW, SGSN, etc.). These policies dictate how services respond should the system detect that a congestion condition threshold has been crossed.

Since the congestion control functionality on the system is disabled by default, this command should be executed once congestion-control thresholds and policies have been configured. (Refer to the other congestion-control related commands for more information.)


The following command enables the congestion control functionality on the system.

congestion-control overload-disconnect

This command enables and disables the policy for disconnecting passive calls (chassis-wide) during an overload situation. It also configures and fine-tunes the overload-disconnect congestion control policy for an entire chassis.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



congestion-control overload-disconnect [ iterations-per-stage integer | percent percentage_value | threshold { license-utilization percentage_value | max-sessions-per-service-utilization percentage_value | tolerance number } ] 
default congestion-control overload-disconnect [ iterations-per-stage | percent | threshold { license-utilization | max-sessions-per-service-utilization | tolerance } ] 
no congestion-control overload-disconnect 


When "default" and one of the keywords is added to the command, the policy remains in its current state and the value for the specified keyword is reset to its default value.

When "default" and the command are entered without keywords, the overload-disconnect policy for congestion control is disabled.


Disables the overload-disconnect policy for congestion control.

iterations-per-stage integer

Specifies the number of calls to be disconnected during the defined number of seconds. integer is a value from 2 through 8. The default value is 8.

percent percentage_value

Specifies the percentage of calls to be disconnected, in stages, during an overload situation. percentage_value is an integer from 1 through 100. The default value is 5.


license-utilization: Specifies the license-utilization percentage threshold for overload situations. If candidates are available, passive calls are disconnected when this threshold is exceeded. percentage_value is an integer from 1 through 100. The default value is 80.

max-sessions-per-service-utilization: Specifies a percentage of the maximum sessions per service. If candidates are available, passive calls are disconnected when this threshold is exceeded. percentage_value is an integer from 1 through 100. The default value is 80.

tolerance: Specifies the percentage of calls the system disconnects below the values set for the other two thresholds. In either case, a Clear Traps message is sent after the number of calls goes below the corresponding threshold value. number is an integer from 1 through 25. The default value is 10.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the policy for call disconnects when the chassis experiences call overload.

To verify the congestion-control configuration use show congestion-control configuration from the Exec mode.

To set overload-disconnect policies for individual subscribers., see overload-disconnect in Subscriber Configuration Mode Commands.


The following command sets an overload-disconnect policy for the chassis in which 5 calls would be disconnected very 5 seconds during an overload situation.
congestion-control overload-disconnect interations-per-stage 5 
Both of the following commands disable the overload-disconnect policy without changing the policy configuration.
default congestion-control overload-disconnect 
no congestion-control overload-disconnect 
To instruct the system to stop call disconnects when the number of calls goes down 85% of the total allowed calls for that service, enter both of the following commands to set the max-sessions-per-service-utilization value to 90% and the tolerance value to 5%:
congestion-control overload-disconnect threshold max-sessions-per-service-utilization 90 
congestion-control overload-disconnect threshold tolerance 5 

congestion-control policy

Configures congestion control policies.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



congestion-control policy { asngw-service | asnpc-service | epdg-service fng-service | ggsn-service | ha-service | hnbgw-service | hsgw-service | ipsg-service | lma-service | lns-service | mipv6ha-service | pcc-af-service | pcc-policy-service | pdg-service | pdif-service | pdsn-service | pdsnclosedrp-service | pgw-service | phsgw-service | phspc-service | saegw-service  | samog-service | sgsn-service | sgw-service | wsg-service } action { drop | none | redirect | reject } 
congestion-control policy mme-service action { drop | none | reject | report-overload { permit-emergency-sessions | reject-new-sessions | reject-non-emergency-sessions } enodeb-percentage percentage } 
congestion-control policy { critical mme-service action-profile action_profile_name | major mme-service action-profile action_profile_name | minor mme-service action-profile action_profile_name } 
    congestion-control policy { critical | major | minor } sgsn-service action-profile action_profile_name 
    no congestion-control policy { critical | major | minor } sgsn-service 
default congestion-control policy { asngw-service | asnpc-service | epdg-service | fng-service | ggsn-service | ha-service | hnbgw-service | hsgw-service | ipsg-service | lma-service | lns-service | mipv6ha-service | mme-service | pcc-af-service | pcc-policy-service | pdg-service | pdif-service | pdsn-service | pdsnclosedrp-service | pgw-service | phsgw-service | phspc-service | saegw-service samog-service | | sgsn-service | sgw-service | wsg-service } 


Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the selected service to its default value.


Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the ASN-GW service.


Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the ASN PC-LR service.


For MME (starting with Release 14.0), or ePDG (starting with Release 14.1), or for SGSN (starting with Release 17.0), this keyword associates the action-profile to be used for critical congestion thresholds for the MME or SGSN's service.

epdg-service action

Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the ePDG service.

Supported policy actions are:

  • drop : Specifies that the system should drop incoming packets containing new session requests.

  • none : Specifies that the system should take no action.

  • reject : Specifies that the system processes new session request messages and responds with a reject message.

For ePDG type of session/calls, redirect action is not supported.


Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the FNG service.


Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the GGSN service.


Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the HA service.



In Release 20 and later, HNBGW is not supported. This keyword must not be used for HNBGW in Release 20 and later. For more information, contact your Cisco account representative.

Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the HNB-GW service.

Supported policy actions are:

  • drop : Specifies that the system should drop incoming packets containing new session requests.

  • none : Specifies that the system should take no action.

  • reject : Specifies that the system processes new session request messages and responds with a reject message.


Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the HSGW service.

Supported policy actions are:

  • drop : Specifies that the system should drop incoming packets containing new session requests.

  • none : Specifies that the system should take no action.

  • redirect : Specifies that the system should redirect new session requests to an alternate device.


    If this option is used, the IP address of the alternate device must be configured using the policy overload redirect command that is part of the HSGW service configuration.

  • reject : Specifies that the system processes new session request messages and responds with a reject message.


Specifies the Congestion Control Policy action for the IPSG service. The policy specifies how the IPSG service will respond when the system detects that a congestion condition threshold has been crossed.

Supported policy actions are:

  • drop : Specifies that the system should drop incoming packets containing new session requests.

  • none : Specifies that the system should take no action.

Default: none


Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the LMA service


Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the LNS service.


Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the MIPv6-HA service.


For MME (starting with Release 14.0), or ePDG (starting with Release 14.1), or for SGSN (starting with Release 17.0), this keyword associates the action-profile to be used for major congestion thresholds for the MME or SGSN's service.


For MME (starting with Release 14.0), or ePDG (starting with Release 14.1), or for SGSN (starting with Release 17.0), this keyword associates the action-profile to be used for minor congestion thresholds for the MME or SGSN's service.


Sets the congestion control policy for action to take when subscriber sessions exceeds the defined threshold limit.

For MME type of session/calls, redirect action is not supported.


The mme-service keyword option is available only in releases prior to 14.0. In 14.0 and higher, you must first select either the critical, major or minor policy level first. Refer to the congestion-action-profile command in the LTE Policy Configuration mode to create action-profiles which in turn define the actions to be taken when thresholds are exceeded in Release 14.0 and higher for MME.


Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the PCC Application Function (AF) service.

Supported policy actions are:
  • drop : Specifies that the system should drop incoming packets containing new session requests.

  • none : Specifies that the system should take no action.

  • reject : Specifies that the system processes new session request messages and responds with a reject message.


Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the PCC Policy service.

Supported policy actions are:
  • drop : Specifies that the system should drop incoming packets containing new session requests.

  • none : Specifies that the system should take no action.

  • reject : Specifies that the system processes new session request messages and responds with a reject message.


Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the PCC Quota service.

Supported policy actions are:
  • drop : Specifies that the system should drop incoming packets containing new session requests.

  • none : Specifies that the system should take no action.

  • reject : Specifies that the system processes new session request messages and responds with a reject message.


Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the PDG service.


Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the PDIF service.


Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the PDSN service.


Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the PDSN Closed R-P service.


Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the P-GW service.

Supported policy actions are:

  • drop : Specifies that the system should drop incoming packets containing new session requests.

  • none : Specifies that the system should take no action.

  • reject : Specifies that the system processes new session request messages and responds with a reject message.

    For P-GW sessions/calls, redirect action is not supported.


Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the SAEGW service.

Supported policy actions are:

  • drop : Specifies that the system should drop incoming packets containing new session requests.

  • none : Specifies that the system should take no action.

  • reject : Specifies that the system processes new session request messages and responds with a reject message.

    For SAEGW sessions/calls, redirect action is not supported.


Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the SaMOG service.

Supported policy actions are:
  • drop : Specifies that the system should drop incoming packets containing new session requests.
  • none : Specifies that the system should take no action.
  • reject : Specifies that the system processes new session request messages and responds with a reject message.


Specifies the Congestion Control policy - the congestion response actions for the SGSN service.

Prior to Release 17.0, the supported policy actions in this command are:
  • drop : Specifies that the system should drop incoming packets containing new session requests.
  • none : Specifies that the system should take no action.
  • reject : Specifies that the system processes new session request messages and responds with a reject message.

With Release 17.0 and higher, to define a policy you must first select one of the three congestion levels: critical, major or minor. Next select the service with the sgsn-service keyword and then associate a congestion-action-profile. Refer to the congestion-action-profile command in the SGSN-Global Configuration mode to create the congestion-action-profiles which define the congestion response actions to be taken when thresholds are exceeded for the SGSN.


Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the S-GW service.

Supported policy actions are:

  • drop : Specifies that the system should drop incoming packets containing new session requests.

  • none : Specifies that the system should take no action.

  • reject : Specifies that the system processes new session request messages and responds with a reject message.

    For S-GW sessions/calls, redirect action is not supported.


Specifies the Congestion Control policy action for the WSG service.

Supported policy actions are:

  • drop : Specifies that the system should drop incoming packets containing new session requests.

  • none : Specifies that the system should take no action.

  • reject : Specifies that the system processes new session request messages and responds with a reject message.

action { drop | none | redirect | reject }

Specifies the policy action:

  • drop : Specifies that the system should drop incoming packets containing new session requests.

  • none : Specifies that the system should take no action. This is the default for PDIF-service.

  • redirect : Specifies that the system should redirect new session requests to an alternate device. (HA, HSGW, and PDSN only)


    If this option is used, the IP address of the alternate device must be configured using the policy overload redirect command that is part of the service configuration. Note that this option can not be used in conjunction with GGSN, MME, P-GW, SAEGW, or S-GW services.

  • reject : Specifies that the system processes new session request messages and responds with a reject message.

    (For PDSN and HA, the reply code is 130, "insufficient resources". For the GGSN, the reply code is 199, "no resources available".)

report-overload { permit-emergency-sessions | reject-new-sessions | reject-non-emergency-sessions } enodeb-percentage percentage


This set of keywords is supported only by the MME.

Enables the MME to report overload conditions to eNodeBs and take additional action to alleviate congestion situations.

permit-emergency-sessions : Specifies that only emergency sessions are allowed to access the MME during the overload period.

reject-new-sessions : Specifies that all new sessions destined for the MME will be rejected during the overload period.

reject-non-emergency-sessions : Specifies that all non-emergency sessions will be rejected during the overload period.

enodeb-percentage percentage : Configures the percentage of known eNodeBs that will receive the overload report. percentage must be an integer from 1 to 100.

Usage Guidelines

Congestion policies can be configured for each service. When congestion control functionality is enabled, these policies dictate how services respond should the system detect that a congestion condition threshold has been crossed.


The following command configures a congestion control policy of reject for PDSN services:
congestion-control policy pdsn-service action reject 
The following command configures a congestion control policy of reject for MME services:
congestion-control policy mme-service action reject 

congestion-control threshold

Configures the congestion control threshold values that are to be monitored.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



congestion-control threshold { license-utilization percent | max-sessions-per-service-utilization percent | message-queue-utilization percent | message-queue-wait-time time | port-rx-utilization percent | port-specific { slot/port | all } [ tx-utilization percent ] [ rx-utilization percent ] port-specific-rx-utilization critical | port-specific-tx-utilization critical | port-tx-utilization percent | service-control-cpu-utilization percent | system-cpu-utilization percent | system-memory-utilization percent | tolerance percent } 
default congestion-control threshold { license-utilization | max-sessions-per-service-utilization | message-queue-utilization | message-queue-wait-time | port-rx-utilization | port-specific | tx-utilization | rx-utilization | port-tx-utilization | service-control-cpu-utilization | system-cpu-utilization | system-memory-utilization | tolerance } 
no congestion-control threshold port-specific { slot/port | all } 
no congestion-control threshold port-specific { slot/port | all } [ rx-utilization percent ] [ tx-utilization percent ] 
no congestion-control threshold port-specific-rx-utilization critical 
no congestion-control threshold port-specific-tx-utilization critical 
no congestion-control threshold { message-queue-utilization | message-queue-wait-time | port-rx-utilization percent | port-tx-utilization percent | service-control-cpu-utilization | system-cpu-utilization | system-memory-utilization } 

default congestion-control threshold keyword

Sets the threshold keyword to its default value.

no congestion-control threshold port-specific { slot/port | all }

This command disables port specific threshold monitoring on the specified port or on all ports.

slot/port : Specifies the port for which port specific threshold monitoring is being configured. The slot and port must refer to an installed card and port.

all : Set port specific threshold monitoring for all ports on all cards.

no congestion-control threshold port-specific-rx-utilization critical

This command disables specific receive port utilization.

no congestion-control threshold port-specific-tx-utilization critical

This command disables specific transmit port utilization.

license-utilization percent

Default: 100

The percent utilization of licensed session capacity as measured in 10 second intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

max-sessions-per-service-utilization percent

Default: 80

The percent utilization of the maximum sessions allowed per service as measured in real-time. This threshold is based on the maximum number of sessions or PDP contexts configured for the a particular service. (Refer to the bind command for the PDSN, GGSN, SGSN, or HA services.)

percent can be an integer from 0 through 100.

message-queue-utilization percent

Default: 80

The percent utilization of the Demux Manager software task's message queue as measured in 10 second intervals. The queue is capable of storing a maximum of 10000 messages.

percent can be an integer from 0 through 100.

message-queue-wait-time time

Default: 5

The maximum time (in seconds) messages can be held in queue as measured by packet time stamps.

time is measured in seconds and can be an integer from 1 through 30.


In the event that this threshold is crossed, an SNMP trap is not triggered. The service congestion policy invocation resulting from the crossing of this threshold is enforced only for the packet that triggered the action.

[ no ] port-rx-utilization percent

Default: 80

The average percent utilization of port resources for all ports by received data as measured in 5-minute intervals.

percent can be an integer from 0 through 100.

[ no ] port-specific { slot/port | all } [ rx-utilization percent ] [ tx-utilization percent ]

Default: Disabled

Sets port-specific thresholds. If you set port-specific thresholds, when any individual port-specific threshold is reached, congestion control is applied system-wide.

slot/port : Specifies the port for which port-specific threshold monitoring is being configured. The slot and port must refer to an installed card and port.

all : Set port specific threshold monitoring for all ports on all cards.

rx-utilization percent : Default 80%. The average percent utilization of port resources for the specified port by received data as measured in 5-minute intervals. percent must an integer from 0 through 100.

tx-utilization percent : Default 80%. The average percent utilization of port resources for the specified port by transmitted data as measured in 5-minute intervals. percent must be an integer from 0 through 100.

[ no ] port-tx-utilization percent

Default: 80

The average percent utilization of port resources for all ports by transmitted data as measured in 5-minute intervals.

percent can be an integer from 0 through 100.

service-control-cpu-utilization percent

Default: 80

The average percent utilization of CPUs on which a Demux Manager software task instance is running as measured in 10-second intervals.

percent can be an integer from 0 through 100.

system-cpu-utilization percent

Default: 80

The average percent utilization for all PAC/PSC/PSC2 CPUs available to the system as measured in 10-second intervals.

percent can be an integer from 0 through 100.

This threshold setting can be disabled with no congestion-control threshold system-cpu-utilization command. In case later you want to enable the same threshold setting congestion-control threshold system-cpu-utilization command will enable the CPU utilization threshold to preconfigured level.

system-memory-utilization percent

Default: 80

The average percent utilization of all CPU memory available to the system as measured in 10-second intervals.

percent can be an integer from 0 through 100.

tolerance percent

Default: 10

The percentage under a configured threshold that dictates the point at which the condition is cleared.

percent can be an integer from 0 through 100.

Usage Guidelines

Thresholds dictate the conditions for which congestion control is to be enabled and establish limits for defining the state of the system (congested or clear). These thresholds function in a similar fashion to the operation thresholds that can be configured for the system (as described in later in this chapter). The primary difference is that when these thresholds are reached, not only is an SNMP trap generated (starCongestion), but a service congestion policy is invoked as well.

The tolerance parameter establishes the threshold at which the condition is cleared. An SNMP trap (starCongestionClear) is generated for the clear condition, as well.


The MME (version 14.0 and higher) supports three levels of thresholds – critical, major and minor – for each condition. Refer to the congestion-control threshold commands immediately following this command for information specific to the MME.


The following command configures a system CPU utilization threshold of 75%.
congestion-control threshold system-cpu-utilization 75 

This setting will remain in configuration unless you specify another threshold value in place of 75. This threshold setting can be disabled with no congestion-control threshold system-cpu-utilization command but cannot be removed from configuration. Later if you want to enable the previously configured threshold value of 75 percent, you only need to enter the congestion-control threshold system-cpu-utilization command without specifying any threshold value. It will enable the CPU utilization threshold to preconfigured level of 75 percent.

For example, no congestion-control threshold system-cpu-utilization disables the configured threshold setting and congestion-control threshold system-cpu-utilization again enables the threshold setting of 75%.

The following command configures a threshold tolerance of 5%:
congestion-control threshold license-utilization tolerance 5 

In the above examples, the starCongestion trap gets triggered if the license utilization goes above 75% and the starCongestionClear trap gets triggered if it reaches or goes below 70%.

congestion-control threshold connected-sessions-utilization

Supports congestion based on the total number of utilized connected sessions.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



    congestion-control threshold connected-sessions-utilization{ critical percent | major percent | minor }  
   [ default | no ] congestion-control threshold connected-sessions-utilization { critical | major 
| minor }  

default congestion-control threshold connected-sessions-utilization

Sets all connected-sessions-utilization thresholds to the default values.

critical percent

Default: 80

The critical threshold value of utilized connected sessions.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

major percent

Default: 0

The major threshold value of utilized connected sessions.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

minor percent

Default: 0

The minor threshold value of utilized connected sessions.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the critical, major and minor threshold levels of utilized connected sessions.

Thresholds dictate the conditions for which congestion control is to be enabled and establish limits for defining the state of the system (congested or clear). When these thresholds are crossed, an SNMP trap is generated (starCongestion) and, if configured, a congestion action-profile is invoked as well.

This command requires a valid product license.


The major and minor keywords in this command are product dependent. PGW, SGW and SAE-GW products only allow critical configuration threshold levels.


The following command configures a minor threshold level of 25%.
congestion-control threshold connected-sessions-utilitization minor 25 

This setting will remain in configuration unless you specify another minor threshold level in place of 25.

congestion-control threshold demuxmgr-cpu-utilization

Configures a demux manager facility type to be monitored for an average CPU utilization along with the threshold values.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



   congestion-control threshold demuxmgr-cpu utilization facility {  egtpegmgr { critical percent | major percent | minor percent } | egtpinmgr { critical percent | major percent | minor percent } |  gtpumgr { critical percent | major percent | minor percent }} 
   [ default | no ] congestion-control threshold demuxmgr-cpu utilization { facility  egtpegmgr { critical | major | minor } | egtpinmgr { critical | major | minor } |  gtpumgr { critical | major | minor }} 

default congestion-control threshold demuxmgr-cpu-utilization

Sets all demuxmgr-cpu-utilization thresholds to the default values.


Specifies the specific facility.


Specifies the EGTP egress demux manager.


Specifies the EGTP ingress demux manager.


Specifies the GTPUMGR demux manager.

critical percent

Default: 0

The critical threshold value for average percent CPU utilization to trigger the congestion control based on the configured congestion control policy.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.


The recommended critical threshold value percent is 80.

major percent

Default: 0

The major threshold value for average percent CPU utilization to trigger the congestion control based on the configured congestion control policy.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

minor percent

Default: 0

The minor threshold value for average percent CPU utilization to trigger the congestion control based on the configured congestion control policy.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the critical, major and minor threshold levels of average percent CPU utilization to trigger the congestion control based on the configured congestion control policy.

The demux manager facility average cpu utilization is the average of all the demux manager instances cpu utilization of same facility type that are currently running in the chassis. If the demux manager facility average cpu utilization exceeds the configuration threshold value, then congestion is notified to all services and the appropriate action begins based on the congestion policy configured.

Thresholds dictate the conditions for which congestion control is to be enabled and establish limits for defining the state of the system (congested or clear). When these thresholds are crossed, an SNMP trap is generated (starCongestion) and, if configured, a congestion action-profile is invoked as well.

This command requires a valid product license.


congestion-control threshold demuxmgr-cpu-utilization is visible for all products but configuration is only applicable for PGW, SGW and SAE-GW.

The major and minor keywords in this command are product dependent. PGW, SGW and SAE-GW products only allow critical configuration threshold levels.


The following command configures a minor threshold level of 25%.
congestion-control threshold demuxmgr-cpu-utilitization minor 25 

This setting will remain in configuration unless you specify another minor threshold level in place of 25.

The following command returns the critical, major, and minor thresholds levels to their default values:
default congestion-control threshold demuxmgr-cpu-utilization  

congestion-control threshold license-utilization

Configures the congestion threshold levels for license utilization on the system.


This command applies to MME (version 14.0 and higher) and ePDG (version 14.1 and higher).





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



congestion-control threshold license-utilization { critical percent | major percent | minor percent } 
default congestion-control threshold license-utilization 

default congestion-control threshold license-utilization

Sets all license-utilization thresholds to the default values.

critical percent

Default: 100

The critical threshold value for percent utilization of licensed session capacity, measured in 10-second intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

major percent

Default: 0

The major threshold value for percent utilization of licensed session capacity, measured in 10-second intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

minor percent

Default: 0

The minor threshold value for percent utilization of licensed session capacity, measured in 10-second intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the critical, major and minor threshold levels of licensed session capacity as a percentage as measured in 10-second intervals.

Thresholds dictate the conditions for which congestion control is to be enabled and establish limits for defining the state of the system (congested or clear). When these thresholds are crossed, an SNMP trap is generated (starCongestion) and, if configured, a congestion action-profile is invoked as well.

This command requires a valid product license.


The following command configures a minor threshold level for license utilization of 25%.
congestion-control threshold license-utilization minor 25 

This setting will remain in configuration unless you specify another minor threshold level in place of 25.

The following command returns the critical, major, and minor thresholds levels to their default values:
default congestion-control threshold license-utilization  

congestion-control threshold max-sessions-per-service-utilization

Configures the congestion thresholds for the maximum sessions allowed per service.


This command applies to MME (version 14.0 and higher) and ePDG (version 14.1 and higher).





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



congestion-control threshold max-sessions-per-service-utilization { critical percent | major percent | minor percent } 
default congestion-control threshold max-sessions-per-service-utilization 

default congestion-control threshold max-sessions-per-service-utilization

Sets all max-sessions-per-service-utilization thresholds to the default values.

critical percent

Default: 80

The critical threshold value for percent utilization of the maximum sessions allowed per service.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

major percent

Default: 0

The major threshold value for percent utilization of the maximum sessions allowed per service.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

minor percent

Default: 0

The minor threshold value for percent utilization of the maximum sessions allowed per service.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the critical, major and minor threshold levels of maximum sessions per service as a percentage measured in real-time. This threshold is based on the maximum number of sessions or PDP contexts configured for the a particular service. (Refer to the bind command for the PDSN, GGSN, SGSN, or HA services.)

Thresholds dictate the conditions for which congestion control is to be enabled and establish limits for defining the state of the system (congested or clear). When these thresholds are crossed, an SNMP trap is generated (starCongestion) and, if configured, a congestion action-profile is invoked as well.

This command requires a valid product license.


The following command configures a minor threshold level of 25%.
congestion-control threshold max-sessions-per-service-utilization minor 25 

This setting will remain in configuration unless you specify another minor threshold level in place of 25.

The following command returns the critical, major, and minor thresholds levels to their default values:
default congestion-control threshold max-sessions-per-service-utilization  

congestion-control threshold message-queue-utilization

Configures the congestion thresholds for the percent utilization of the Demux Manager software task's message queue.


This command applies to ePDG (version 14.1 and higher).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



congestion-control threshold message-queue-utilization { critical percent | major percent | minor percent } 
default congestion-control threshold message-queue-utilization 

default congestion-control threshold message-queue-utilization

Sets all max-sessions-per-service-utilization thresholds to the default values.

critical percent

Default: 80

The critical threshold value for percent utilization of the Demux Manager software task's message queue as measured in 10-second intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

major percent

Default: 0

The major threshold value for percent utilization of the Demux Manager software task's message queue as measured in 10-second intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

minor percent

Default: 0

The minor threshold value for percent utilization of the Demux Manager software task's message queue as measured in 10-second intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the critical, major and minor threshold levels of percent utilization of the Demux Manager software task's message queue as measured in 10-second intervals.

Thresholds dictate the conditions for which congestion control is to be enabled and establish limits for defining the state of the system (congested or clear). When these thresholds are crossed, an SNMP trap is generated (starCongestion) and, if configured, a congestion action-profile is invoked as well.

This command requires a valid product license.


The following command configures a minor threshold level of 25%.
congestion-control threshold message-queue-utilization minor 25 

This setting will remain in configuration unless you specify another minor threshold level in place of 25.

The following command returns the critical, major, and minor thresholds levels to their default values:
default congestion-control threshold message-queue-utilization  

congestion-control threshold message-queue-wait-time

Configures the congestion thresholds for the maximum time (in seconds) messages can be held in queue as measured by packet time stamps.


This command applies to ePDG (version 14.1 and higher).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



congestion-control threshold message-queue-wait-time { critical time | major time | minor time } 
default congestion-control threshold message-queue-wait-time 

default congestion-control threshold message-queue-wait-time

Sets all max-queue-wait-time thresholds to the default values.

critical time

Default: 5

The critical threshold value for the maximum time (in seconds) that messages can be held in queue as measured by packet time stamps.

time is measured in seconds and can be an integer from 1 through 30.

major time

Default: 0

The major threshold value for the maximum time (in seconds) that messages can be held in queue as measured by packet time stamps.

time is measured in seconds and can be an integer from 1 through 30.

minor time

Default: 0

The minor threshold value for the maximum time (in seconds) that messages can be held in queue as measured by packet time stamps.

time is measured in seconds and can be an integer from 1 through 30.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the critical, major and minor threshold levels for the maximum time (in seconds) messages can be held in queue.

Thresholds dictate the conditions for which congestion control is to be enabled and establish limits for defining the state of the system (congested or clear). When these thresholds are crossed a congestion action-profile is invoked, if configured.

This command requires a valid product license.


The following command configures a major threshold level of 4 seconds.
congestion-control threshold message-queue-wait-time major 4 

This setting will remain in configuration unless you specify another minor threshold level in place of 4.

The following command returns the critical, major, and minor thresholds levels to their default values:
default congestion-control threshold message-queue-wait-time  

congestion-control threshold mmemgr-average-cpu-utilization

Configures MMEMgr-specific thresholds to monitor the MMEMgrs' average CPU utilization.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



congestion-control threshold mmemgr-average-cpu-utilization { critical percent | major percent | minor percent } 
[ default | no ] congestion-control threshold mmemgr-average-cpu-utilization { critical | major |  minor } 


Resets the configured thresholds to the system defaults.


Disables the configured thresholds and removes them from the MME's configuration.

critical percent

Default: 80

The critical threshold value for the average percent utilization of all the CPU memory available to the MMEMgr measured in 10-second intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 1 to 100.

major percent

Default: 0

The major threshold value for the average percent utilization of all the CPU memory available to the MMEMgr measured in 10-second intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

minor percent

Default: 0

The minor threshold value for the average percent utilization of the all the CPU memory available to the MMEMgr measured in 10-second intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 1 to 100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the critical, major and minor threshold levels of average percent utilization of all CPU memory available to the MMEMgrs as measured in 10-second intervals.

Thresholds dictate the conditions for which congestion control is to be enabled and establish limits for defining the state of the system (congested or clear). When these thresholds are crossed, an SNMP trap is generated (starCongestion) and, if configured, a congestion action-profile is invoked.

The most commonly recommended threshold for the MMEMgr is the service CPU utilization. This is reflective of the MMEMgr's CPU usage since all MMEmgrs are located on demux cards.


Use a command similar to the following to set a critical threshold of 89% for MMEMgr CPU usage:
congestion-control threshold mmemgr-average-cpu-utilization critical 89 

congestion-control threshold port-rx-utilization

Configures the congestion thresholds for average percent utilization of port resources for all ports by received data as measured in 5-minute intervals.


This command applies to ePDG (version 14.1 and higher).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



congestion-control threshold port-rx-utilization { critical percent | major percent | minor percent } 
default congestion-control threshold port-rx-utilization 

default congestion-control threshold port-rx-utilization

Sets all port-rx-utilization thresholds to the default values.

critical percent

Default: 80

The critical threshold value for average percent utilization of port resources for all ports by received data as measured in 5-minute intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

major percent

Default: 0

The major threshold value for average percent utilization of port resources for all ports by received data as measured in 5-minute intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

minor percent

Default: 0

The minor threshold value for average percent utilization of port resources for all ports by received data as measured in 5-minute intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the critical, major and minor threshold levels of average percent utilization of port resources for all ports by received data as measured in 5-minute intervals.

Thresholds dictate the conditions for which congestion control is to be enabled and establish limits for defining the state of the system (congested or clear). When these thresholds are crossed, an SNMP trap is generated (starCongestion) and, if configured, a congestion action-profile is invoked as well.

This command requires a valid product license.


The following command configures a minor threshold level of 25%.
congestion-control threshold port-rx-utilization minor 25 

This setting will remain in configuration unless you specify another minor threshold level in place of 25.

The following command returns the critical, major, and minor thresholds levels to their default values:
default congestion-control threshold port-rx-utilization  

congestion-control threshold port-specific

Configures the congestion thresholds for specific port utilization.


This command applies to ePDG (version 14.1 and higher).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



congestion-control threshold port-specific { slot/port [ tx-utilization { critical percent | major percent | minor percent ] [ rx-utilization { critical percent | major percent | minor percent } | all { critical percent | major percent | minor percent } } 
no congestion-control threshold port-specific { slot/port { critical | major | minor } | all { critical | major | minor } } 

no congestion-control threshold port-specific { slot/port { critical | major | minor } | all { critical | major | minor } }

Sets all port-specific utilization thresholds to the default values.


Default: Disabled

Specifies the port for which port specific threshold monitoring is being configured. The slot and port must refer to an installed card and port. If you set port-specific thresholds, when any individual port-specific threshold is reached, congestion control is applied system-wide.


Set threshold monitoring for all ports on all cards.


Set threshold monitoring for received data only.


Set threshold monitoring for transmitted data only.

critical percent

Default: 80

The critical threshold value for average percent utilization of the specified port resources as measured in 5-minute intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

major percent

Default: 0

The major threshold value for average percent utilization of the specified port resources as measured in 5-minute intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

minor percent

Default: 0

The minor threshold value for average percent utilization of the specified port resources as measured in 5-minute intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the critical, major and minor threshold levels of average percent utilization of specified resources for all ports by transmitted data as measured in 5-minute intervals.

Thresholds dictate the conditions for which congestion control is to be enabled and establish limits for defining the state of the system (congested or clear). When these thresholds are crossed, an SNMP trap is generated (starCongestion) and, if configured, a congestion action-profile is invoked as well.

This command requires a valid product license.


The following command configures a minor threshold level of 5% for received data on port 1 of the card in slot 17.
congestion-control threshold port-specific 17/1 rx-utilization minor 5 

This setting will remain in configuration unless you specify another minor threshold level in place of 5.

congestion-control threshold port-rx-utilization

Configures the congestion thresholds for average percent utilization of port resources for all ports by received data as measured in 5-minute intervals.


This command applies to ePDG (version 14.1 and higher).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



congestion-control threshold port-rx-utilization { critical percent | major percent | minor percent } 
default congestion-control threshold port-rx-utilization 

default congestion-control threshold port-rx-utilization

Sets all port-rx-utilization thresholds to the default values.

critical percent

Default: 80

The critical threshold value for average percent utilization of port resources for all ports by received data as measured in 5-minute intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

major percent

Default: 0

The major threshold value for average percent utilization of port resources for all ports by received data as measured in 5-minute intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

minor percent

Default: 0

The minor threshold value for average percent utilization of port resources for all ports by received data as measured in 5-minute intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the critical, major and minor threshold levels of average percent utilization of port resources for all ports by received data as measured in 5-minute intervals.

Thresholds dictate the conditions for which congestion control is to be enabled and establish limits for defining the state of the system (congested or clear). When these thresholds are crossed, an SNMP trap is generated (starCongestion) and, if configured, a congestion action-profile is invoked as well.

This command requires a valid product license.


The following command configures a minor threshold level of 25%.
congestion-control threshold port-rx-utilization minor 25 

This setting will remain in configuration unless you specify another minor threshold level in place of 25.

The following command returns the critical, major, and minor thresholds levels to their default values:
default congestion-control threshold port-rx-utilization  

congestion-control threshold port-tx-utilization

Configures the congestion thresholds for average percent utilization of port resources for all ports by transmitted data as measured in 5-minute intervals.


This command applies to ePDG (version 14.1 and higher).




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



congestion-control threshold port-tx-utilization { critical percent | major percent | minor percent } 
default congestion-control threshold port-tx-utilization 

default congestion-control threshold port-tx-utilization

Sets all port-tx-utilization thresholds to the default values.

critical percent

Default: 80

The critical threshold value for average percent utilization of port resources for all ports by transmitted data as measured in 5-minute intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

major percent

Default: 0

The major threshold value for average percent utilization of port resources for all ports by transmitted data as measured in 5-minute intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

minor percent

Default: 0

The minor threshold value for average percent utilization of port resources for all ports by transmitted data as measured in 5-minute intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the critical, major and minor threshold levels of average percent utilization of port resources for all ports by transmitted data as measured in 5-minute intervals.

Thresholds dictate the conditions for which congestion control is to be enabled and establish limits for defining the state of the system (congested or clear). When these thresholds are crossed, an SNMP trap is generated (starCongestion) and, if configured, a congestion action-profile is invoked as well.

This command requires a valid product license.


The following command configures a minor threshold level of 25%.
congestion-control threshold port-tx-utilization minor 25 

This setting will remain in configuration unless you specify another minor threshold level in place of 25.

The following command returns the critical, major, and minor thresholds levels to their default values:
default congestion-control threshold port-tx-utilization  

congestion-control threshold service-control-cpu-utilization

Configures the congestion thresholds for average percent utilization of CPUs on which a Demux Manager software task instance is running as measured in 10-second intervals.


This command applies to MME (version 14.0 and higher) and ePDG (version 14.1 and higher).





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



congestion-control threshold service-control-cpu-utilization { critical percent | major percent | minor percent } 
default congestion-control threshold service-control-cpu-utilization 

default congestion-control threshold service-control-cpu-utilization

Sets all service-control-cpu-utilization thresholds to the default values.

critical percent

Default: 80

The critical threshold value for average percent utilization of CPUs on which a Demux Manager software task instance is running as measured in 10-second intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

major percent

Default: 0

The major threshold value for average percent utilization of CPUs on which a Demux Manager software task instance is running as measured in 10-second intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

minor percent

Default: 0

The minor threshold value for average percent utilization of CPUs on which a Demux Manager software task instance is running as measured in 10-second intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the critical, major and minor threshold levels of average percent utilization of CPUs on which a Demux Manager software task instance is running as measured in 10-second intervals.

Thresholds dictate the conditions for which congestion control is to be enabled and establish limits for defining the state of the system (congested or clear). When these thresholds are crossed, an SNMP trap is generated (starCongestion) and, if configured, a congestion action-profile is invoked as well.

When the service-control-cpu-utilization critical threshold setting is exceeded, ipsecmgrs running in the congested CPU are notified of the congestion. The ipsecmgrs raise traps for service-congestion exceeded and update the NPU so that no new calls are sent to those ipsecmgrs. The NPU does not send any new calls to the congested ipsecmgrs. However, if all ipsecmgrs are congested the action is always drop regardless of the setting for congestion policy action. The packet drops are silently done by the NPU.

When ipsecmgrs are congested and an NPU receives a packet whose Security Parameter Index, Initiator (SPIi) in IKE_SA_INIT matches that of a currently established session, the packet is classified as belonging to the existing session. Since congestion action is applied only on new sessions, such IKE_SA_INIT packets are allowed to create sessions. If the IKE_SA_INIT uses an SPIi which does not match any of the existing sessions, it is processed according to the congestion policy action.

This command requires a valid product license.


The following command configures a minor threshold level of 25%.
congestion-control threshold service-control-cpu-utilitization minor 25 

This setting will remain in configuration unless you specify another minor threshold level in place of 25.

The following command returns the critical, major, and minor thresholds levels to their default values:
default congestion-control threshold service-control-cpu-utilization  

congestion-control threshold system-cpu-utilization

Configures the congestion thresholds for average percent CPU utilization of all packet processing cards available to the system as measured in 10-second intervals.


This command applies to MME (version 14.0 and higher) and ePDG (version 14.1 and higher).





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



congestion-control threshold system-cpu-utilization { critical percent | major percent | minor percent | exclude demux } 
default congestion-control threshold system-cpu-utilization 

default congestion-control threshold system-cpu-utilization

Sets all system-cpu-utilization thresholds to the default values.

critical percent

Default: 80

The critical threshold value for average percent CPU utilization of all packet processing cards available to the system.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

major percent

Default: 0

The major threshold value for average percent CPU utilization of all packet processing cards available to the system.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

minor percent

Default: 0

The minor threshold value for average percent CPU utilization of all packet processing cards available to the system.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

exclude demux

Configures exclusion from the system CPU utilization calculation.

If exclude demux is not configured, then the demux CPU will be included while calculating the system CPU utilization. It is recommended to use this keyword to ensure accurate values of system CPU utilization.

demux Removes the demux DPC from the system CPU utilization calculation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the critical, major and minor threshold levels of average percent CPU utilization of all packet processing cards available to the system as measured in 10-second intervals.

Thresholds dictate the conditions for which congestion control is to be enabled and establish limits for defining the state of the system (congested or clear). When these thresholds are crossed, an SNMP trap is generated (starCongestion) and, if configured, a congestion action-profile is invoked as well.

This command requires a valid product license.


The major and minor keywords in this command are product dependent. PGW, SGW and SAE-GW products only allow critical configuration threshold levels.


The following command configures a minor threshold level of 25%.
congestion-control threshold system-cpu-utilitization minor 25 

This setting will remain in configuration unless you specify another minor threshold level in place of 25.

The following command returns the critical, major, and minor thresholds levels to their default values:
default congestion-control threshold system-cpu-utilization  

congestion-control threshold system-memory-utilization

Configures the congestion thresholds for the average percent utilization of all CPU memory available to the system as measured in 10-second intervals.


This command applies to MME (version 14.0 and higher) and ePDG (version 14.1 and higher).





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



congestion-control threshold system-memory-utilization { critical percent | major percent | minor percent | exclude demux } 
default congestion-control threshold system-memory-utilization 

default congestion-control threshold system-memory-utilization

Sets all system-memory-utilization thresholds to the default values.

critical percent

Default: 80

The critical threshold value for the average percent utilization of all CPU memory available to the system as measured in 10-second intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

major percent

Default: 0

The major threshold value for the average percent utilization of all CPU memory available to the system as measured in 10-second intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

minor percent

Default: 0

The minor threshold value for the average percent utilization of all CPU memory available to the system as measured in 10-second intervals.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

exclude demux

Configures exclusion from the system CPU utilization calculation.

If exclude demux is not configured, then the demux CPU will be included while calculating the system CPU utilization. It is recommend to use this keyword to ensure accurate values of system memory utilization.

demux Removes the demux DPC from the system CPU utilization calculation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the critical, major and minor threshold levels of average percent utilization of all CPU memory available to the system as measured in 10-second intervals.

Thresholds dictate the conditions for which congestion control is to be enabled and establish limits for defining the state of the system (congested or clear). When these thresholds are crossed, an SNMP trap is generated (starCongestion) and, if configured, a congestion action-profile is invoked as well.

This command requires a valid product license.


The major and minor keywords in this command are product dependent. PGW, SGW and SAE-GW products only allow critical configuration threshold levels.


The following command configures a minor threshold level of 25%.
congestion-control threshold system-memory-utilitization minor 25 

This setting will remain in configuration unless you specify another minor threshold level in place of 25.

The following command returns the critical, major, and minor thresholds levels to their default values:
default congestion-control threshold system-memory-utilization  

congestion-control threshold tolerance

Configures the percentage under a configured threshold value that dictates the point at which the condition is cleared.


This command applies to MME (version 14.0 and higher) and ePDG (version 14.1 and higher).





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



congestion-control threshold tolerance { critical percent | major percent | minor percent } 
default congestion-control threshold system-cpu-utilization 

default congestion-control threshold tolerance

Sets all threshold tolerances to the default values.

critical percent

Default: 10

The tolerance percentage for critical thresholds. When a critical threshold drops below this level, the condition is cleared.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

major percent

Default: 0

The tolerance percentage for major thresholds. When a major threshold drops below this level, the condition is cleared.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

minor percent

Default: 0

The tolerance percentage for minor thresholds. When a minor threshold drops below this level, the condition is cleared.

percent can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the tolerance limits for critical, major and minor thresholds.

The tolerance parameter establishes the threshold at which the condition is cleared. An SNMP trap (starCongestionClear) is generated for the clear condition.

This command requires a valid product license.


The following command configures the tolerance level of 5% for minor thresholds.
congestion-control threshold tolerance minor 5 

This setting will remain in configuration unless you specify another tolerance for minor thresholds in place of 5.

The following command returns the critical, major, and minor threshold tolerance levels to their default values:
default congestion-control threshold tolerance  


Enables the configuration of Connected Apps (CA) client communication with the IOS-XR CA server on an ASR 9000. This command sends you to the Connected Apps Configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:




Usage Guidelines

Use this command to go to the Connected Apps Configuration mode. In this mode you can set CA client session parameters and ASR 9000 VSM High Availability (HA) chassis and network modes.


The following command sends you to the Connected Apps Configuration mode:

content-filtering category database directory

This command configures the base directory to be used for storing all content-rating databases that are required for Category-based Content Filtering application.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



content-filtering category database directory path directory_path
default content-filtering category database directory path 


Specifies the default base directory and directory path for Category-based Content Filtering application.


Default: /pcmcia1/cf

Specifies the base directory and its path to store all of the full or incremental content rating databases for the Category-based Content Filtering application.

directory_path must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 255 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the directory and its path to download all full or incremental category-rating databases to be used for the Category-based Content Filtering application.

Merging of incremental database can be done as part of the database upgrade process preformed with upgrade content-filtering category database command in the Executive Mode.


The following command configures the /flash/cf_temp/DB as the base directory to download all full and incremental content-rating databases for content filtering application.
content-filtering category database directory path /flash/cf_temp/DB 

content-filtering category database max-versions

This command configures the number of full content-rating databases to maintain/archive in the base directory for category-based content filtering application.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



content-filtering category database max-versions num_archive
default content-filtering category database max-versions 


Sets the default number of full databases for specified directory path/location.


Default: 2

Specifies the maximum number of database to be archived or maintained in the specific location.

num_archive must be an integer from 1 through 3.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the number of full content-rating database to be maintained in the specified directory path with the base file name specified using the content-filtering database override file command. The specified directory path is the location specified using the content-filtering category database directory path command.


The following command configures the system to maintain 3 full content-rating databases for category-based content filtering application.
content-filtering category database max-versions 3 

content-filtering category database override

This command specifies the name of a file to be used by the category-rating database load process for category-based content filtering application.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



content-filtering category database override file file_name.extension
default content-filtering category database override file 


Sets the default content rating database file name; for example, optcmd.bin.

file file_name . extension

Specifies the header of the file in the database directory path location to determine the newest full database.

file_name must be an alphanumeric string of up to 10 characters with an extension of 3 characters after a period (.) as extension .

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the category-rating database file name to determine the newest version of full database. A process called "LOAD_DATABASE " invokes during the system startup or the database upgrade process by upgrade content-filtering category database command in Executive Mode. This process examines the header of each of the files in the database folder specified by content-filtering category directory path command in this mode.

Note that by default system examines the header of those files only which begins with the string "OPTCMDB" and having extension ".bin".


The following command configures the system to examine the header of files that begins with CF_sta.DB only for content filtering application.
content-filtering category database override file CF_sta.DB 


Creates or specifies an existing StarOS context and enters the Context Configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



context context_name [ -noconfirm ] 
no context context_name 


Removes the specified context from the configuration.


Specifies the name of a context to enter, add, or remove. When creating a new context, the context name must be unique.


When creating a new context, the context_name specified must not conflict with the name of any existing context or domain names.


Indicates that the command is to execute without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create or remove a specified context and enter the COntext configuration mode.


You can create a maximum of 64 contexts.


The following command creates a context named sampleContext:
context sampleContext 

crash enable

Enables or disables the copying of crash data to a specified location.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



crash enable { async-core-transfer | critical-task-core | [ encrypted ] url crash_url [ filename-pattern pattern ] [ restrict mbyte ] [ rotate num_cores ][ vpp-core-transfer ] } 
no crash enable { async-core-transfer | critical-task-core | url } 


Disables the specified option.


System crash information is generated and stored in the crash list even when the no keyword is specified. The information maintained in the crash lists is minimal crash information when the no keyword has been specified.


Maintains the transfer of the core dump to the management card while asynchronously beginning proclet recovery which can reduce the total outage. This feature is enabled by default.


When a proclet crashes, a minimum 10% of the available total memory must be free in the CPU to start a new or rename the standby proclet.


Limits core collections from critical task on the active management card. This feature is enabled by default.


Indicates that the URL is encrypted for security reasons.

filename-pattern pattern

Specifies an alphanumeric string containing any or all of the following variables:

  • %hostname% - The system hostname

  • %ip% - A SPIO IP address

  • %cpu% - CPU number

  • %card% - Card number

  • %time% - POSIX timestamp in hexadecimal notation

  • %filename% - Alias for crash -%card% -%cpu% -%time -core%

  • %% - A single % sign

If no pattern is specified, the result is the same as the pattern filename .

Use '/' characters in the filename pattern part to store crashes in per-system subdirectories.

url crash_url

Specifies the location to store crash files. crash_url may refer to a local or a remote file. crash_url must be entered using the following format:

For the ASR 5500:

  • [ file: ]{/flash|/usb1|/hd}[/ directory ]/

  • tftp://{ host [: port# ]}[/ directory ]/

  • [ ftp:| sftp: ]//[ username [: password ]@] { host }[ :port# ][/ directory ]/


Do not use the following characters when entering a string for the field names below: "/" (forward slash), ":" (colon) or "@" (at sign).


Support for FTP is disabled in release 20 and higher Trusted builds.

directory is the directory name.

filename is the actual file of interest.

username is the user to be authenticated.

password is the password to use for authentication.

host is the IP address or host name of the server.

port# is the logical port number that the communication protocol is to use.

restrict mbyte

Specifies a maximum amount of memory (in megabytes) to use for storing crash files as an integer from 1 to 128.

The restrict keyword is only applicable to local URLs.

Default: 128

rotate num_cores

Specifies the number of core dumps to retain on the local storage. num_cores must be an integer from 1 to 256.

Default: 15


Specifies to enable or disable mandating VPP core transfer along with non-VPP.

Default: Enabled

Usage Guidelines

Enable crashes if there are systems that are not stable and the crash information will be useful for trouble shooting. The remote storage of the crash file reduces the memory utilized on the chassis.


The following command saves a maximum of 64 megabytes of crash data to the /flash drive:
crash enable url /flash/pub/data/crash.dmp restrict 64 

crypto blockedlist file

Configures a blockedlist(access denied) file to be used by a Wireless Security Gateway (WSG).


All products supporting IPSec blockedlisting


This command appears in the CLI for this release. However, it has not been qualified for use with any current Cisco StarOS gateway products.


Security Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



In releases prior to StarOS 21.26:
crypto blacklist file pathname 
no crypto blackilist file  
From StarOS 21.26 and later releases:
crypto blockedlist file pathname 
no crypto blockedlist file  


Removes the blacklist file from the system.


Specifies the location of the blockedlist file as:
  • [ file: ]{/flash|/usb1|/hd-raid}[/ directory ]/ <filename>

  • tftp://{ host [: port# ]}[/ directory ]/ <filename>

  • [ ftp: | sftp: ]//[ username [: password ]@] { host }[ :port# ][/ directory ]/ <filename>

  • http://[ <username> [: <password> ]@] <host> [: <port> ][/ <directory> ]/ <filename>

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the location of the blockedlistfile to be used by a WSG.

A blockedlist is a list or register of entities that are being denied a particular privilege, service, mobility, access or recognition. With blockedlisting, any peer is allowed to connect as long as it does not appear in the list.

Each entry in the blockedlist file should contain the ID type so that the validation is performed for that ID type. In every entry, the ID type and ID value should be separated by a space. Only DOS and UNIX file formatting are supported. For additional information, refer to the System Administration Guide.


In releases prior to StarOS 21.26:

Either a blacklist, a whitelist or none is configured. Both listing techniques cannot be used simultaneously on the system.


The following command specifies the use of a crypto blacklist file on the /flash drive:
crypto blacklist file /flash/pub/data/blacklist.txt 

crypto peer-list

Enables an SecGW to initiate an IKEv2 session setup request when the peer does not initiate a setup request within a specified time interval. Executing this command moves you to the Peer List Configuration mode. This functionality is only applicable for site-to-site (S2S) based tunnels within a WSG service. For remote access tunnels the peer is always the initiator. (VPC-VSM only)




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] crypto peer-list { ipv4 | ipv6 } peer_list_name 


Disables the specified crypto peer list.


Specifies the name of the peer list as an alphanumeric string of one through 32 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable an SecGW to initiate an IKEv2 session setup request when the peer does not initiate a setup request within a specified time interval. Executing this command moves you to the Peer List Configuration mode. This functionality is only applicable for site-to-site (S2S) based tunnels within a WSG service. For remote access tunnels the peer is always the initiator. (VPC-VSM only)

The following restrictions apply when configuring an SecGW as an Initiator:
  • The peer-list peer_list_name command is only executed if the deployment mode for WSG service is site-to-site, and the bind address type matches with the peer list address type (IPv4 or IPv6).
  • You cannot change the WSG service deployment-mode if peer-list peer_list_name is enabled under the service. You will be prompted to remove the peer list before changing the mode.
  • A maximum of 1,000 peer IP addresses can be added to the peer list via the Peer List Configuration mode address command.
  • WSG service address binding is not allowed if a peer list is configured and both address types do not match. An error message is generated if they do not match.
  • An IPv4 or IPv6 peer list cannot be modified if peer-list peer_list_name is enabled under the WSG service.

When a peer list has been configured in the WSG service, the initiator and responder mode timer intervals each default to 10 seconds. The SecGW will wait for 10 seconds in the responder mode for a peer session initiation request before switching to the initiator mode and waiting 10 seconds for a peer response.

You can change the default settings for the initiator and/or responder mode intervals using the WSG Service Configuration mode initiator-mode-duration and responder-mode-duration commands.

For additional information, refer to the Peer List Configuration Mode Commands and WSG Service Configuration Mode Commands chapters of this guide. Also see the Security Gateway as Initiator chapter in the IPSec Reference.


The following command enables SecGW as an Initiator functionality and creates an IPv4 peer list named peer1.
crypto peer-list ipv4 peer1 

crypto remote-secret-list

Specifies the remote secret list for storing remote secrets based on the ID type. This command sends you to the Remote Secret List Configuration mode. Only one active remote-secret-list is supported per system.


All products supporting IPSec remote secrets


This command appears in the CLI for this release. However, it has not been qualified for use with any current Cisco StarOS gateway products.


Security Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] crypto remote-secret-list listname 


Deletes the remote-secret-list file from the system.


You must unbind the remote-secret-list from any crypto maps or templates before it can be deleted.


Specifies the name of the remote secret list as an alphanumeric string from 1 to 127 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the remote secret list for storing remote secrets based on the ID type. Only one remote-secret-list can be configured per system. Executing this command places you in the Remote Secret List Configuration mode.

This list of remote pre-shared keys is based on the remote ID type. The remote secret list can contain up to 1000 entries.

For additional information, refer to the Remote Secret List Configuration Commands chapter and the System Administration Guide.


The following command creates a remote-secret-list named rs-list:
crypto remote-secret-list rs-list 

crypto permitlist file

Configures a permitlist (access permitted) file to be used by a Wireless Security Gateway (WSG).


All products supporting IPSec permitlisting


This command appears in the CLI for this release. However, it has not been qualified for use with any current Cisco StarOS gateway products.


Security Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



In releases prior to StarOS 21.26:

crypto whitelist file pathname [ -noconfirm ] 
no crypto whitelist file 

From StarOS 21.26 and later releases:

crypto permitlist file pathname [ -noconfirm ] 
no crypto permitlist file 


Removes the blacklist file from the system.


Specifies the location of the whitelist file as:
  • [ file: ]{/flash|/usb1|/hd-raid}[/ directory ]/ <filename>

  • tftp://{ host [: port# ]}[/ directory ]/ <filename>

  • [ ftp: | sftp: ]//[ username [: password ]@] { host }[ :port# ][/ directory ]/ <filename>

  • http://[ <username> [: <password> ]@] <host> [: <port> ][/ <directory> ]/ <filename>

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the location of the permitlist file to be used by a WSG.

A permitlist is a list or register of entities that are being provided a particular privilege, service, mobility, access or recognition. With permitlisting, no peer is allowed to connect unless it appears in the list.

Each entry in the permitlist file should contain the ID type so that the validation is performed for that ID type. In every entry, the ID type and ID value should be separated by a space. Only DOS and UNIX file formatting are supported. For additional information, refer to the System Administration Guide.


Usually either a blacklist, a whitelist or none is configured. Both listing techniques cannot be used simultaneously on the system.


In releases prior to StarOS 21.26:

The following command specifies the use of a crypto whitelist stored on the /flash drive.
crypto whitelist file /flash/pub/data/whitelist.txt 



In Release 20 and later, HNBGW is not supported. This command must not be used for HNBGW in Release 20 and later. For more information, contact your Cisco account representative.

This command creates/removes an HNB-CS network configuration instance for Famed UMTS access over Iu-CS/Iu-Flex interface between Home NodeB Gateway (HNB-GW) service and CS networks elements; i.e. MSC/VLR. This command also configures an existing HNB-CS network instance and enters the HNB-CS Network Configuration mode on a system.






Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



cs-network cs_instance [ -noconfirm ] 
no cs-network cs_instance 


Removes the specified HNB-CS network instance from the system.


Removing the HNB-CS network instance is a disruptive operation and it will affect all UEs accessing MSC(s) configured in specific CS core network through the HNB-GW service.


If any HNB-CS Network instance is removed from system all parameters configured in that mode will be deleted and Iu-CS/Iu-Flex interface will be disabled.


Specifies the name of the Circuit Switched Core Networks instance which needs to be associated with the HNB Radio Network PLMN via the HNB RN-PLMN Configuration mode. If cs_instance does not refer to an existing HNB-PS network instance, the new HNB-CS network instance is created.

cs_instance must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.


Indicates that the command is to execute without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enter the HNB-CS Network Configuration mode for an existing CS network instance or for a newly defined HNB-CS network instance. This command is also used to remove an existing HNB-CS network instance.

This configuration enables/disables the Iu-CS/Iu-Flex interface on HNB-GW service with CS core network elements; i.e. MSC/VLR.

A maximum of one HNB-CS network instance per HNB-GW service instance which is further limited to a maximum of 256 services (regardless of type) can be configured per system.


This is a critical configuration. The HNBs cannot access MSC(s) in CS core network without this configuration. Any change to this configuration would lead to disruption in HNB access to CS core network.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:

The various parameters available for configuration of an HNB-CS network instance are defined in the HNB-CS Network Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


The following command enters the existing HNB-CS Network configuration mode (or creates it if it does not already exist) for the instance named hnb-cs1 :
cs-network hnb-cs1 
The following command will remove HNB-CS network instance hnb-cs1 from the system without any warning to operator:
no cs-network hnb-cs1 

css acsmgr-selection-attempts

This is a restricted command. In 9.0 and later releases this command is obsolete.

css delivery-sequence

This is a restricted command. In 9.0 and later releases this command is obsolete.

css service

This is a restricted command. In 9.0 and later releases this command is obsolete.


This command allows you to create a DECOR profile, which represents a Dedicated Core Network (DCN) deployed by the operator.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] decor-profile profile_name [ -noconfirm ] 


Removes the specified DECOR profile from the Global Configuration.

decor-profile profile_name

decor-profile profile_name : Configures the Dedicated Core Network as deployed by operator. profile_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

If the named decor-profile does not exist, it is created, and the CLI mode changes to the Decor Profile Configuration Mode. If the named decor-profile already exists, the CLI mode changes to the Decor Profile Configuration Mode.


Specifies that the command must execute without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Use this configuration to configure a DECOR profile. A decor-profile without any ue-usage-types configuration is treated as a Common Core Network.

On entering the decor-profile profile_name command, the CLI prompt changes to:



The following command creates a DECOR profile named dp1 :
decor-profile dp1 

dedicated-li context

Refer to the Lawful Intercept Configuration Guide for a description of this command.

default transaction-rate

Sets the transaction-rate bucket-interval and nw-initiated-setup-teardown-events qci commands to their default settings.





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



default transaction-rate  

default transaction-rate

Sets the transaction rate key performance indicator (KPI) settings to their default settings. These settings include transaction-rate bucket-interval and nw-initiated-setup-teardown-events qci .

The default setting for transaction-rate bucket-interval is 2 minutes.

The default setting for nw-initiated-setup-teardown-events qci specifies that all qci values are to be tracked for network initiated setup/tear down events.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to return transaction rate KPI settings to their default value.

The transaction-rate bucket-interval setting configures the transaction rate KPI session events per second value. These KPIs have been implemented to assist operators in measuring the signaling load on the P-GW. These KPIs include total session events per second, successful session events per second, and unsuccessful session events per second.

The nw-initiated-setup-teardown-events qci setting assists operators in measuring the Voice-over-LTE (VoLTE) call setup and tear down events rate at the P-GW/ePDG. Both Create Bearer Requests (CBReqs) and Delete Bearer Requests (DBReqs) originally initiated by the P-GW and CBReqs and DBReqs initiated by the P-GW as a result of Home Subscriber Server (HSS)- and User Equipment (UE)- initiated events are accounted for in these KPIs.

For more information, refer to the descriptions for the transaction-rate bucket-interval and nw-initiated-setup-teardown-events qci commands in the Global Configuration Mode Commands section of this CLI Reference.


The following command returns the transaction rate KPI settings to their default values.
default transaction-rate 

diameter dynamic-dictionary

This command allows configuring a Diameter dictionary dynamically at run time, and then loading the dynamic dictionary in to the system.


The maximum number of dynamic dictionaries that can be loaded in to the system is 10.











Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter dynamic-dictionary name url
no diameter dynamic-dictionary name 


Unloads the specified dynamic Diameter dictionary from the system.


Specifies the name of the dynamic Diameter dictionary as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 15 characters.


Specifies the URL of the Diameter dictionary to be loaded in to the system. The input must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to define a new Diameter dictionary on the fly, and load the dynamic dictionary in to the system.

To perform this configuration, you should first create a text file in ABNF format and configure all the required Diameter AVPs and command codes in the file. Then, save the file in flash or some URL that will be accessible by the system.

Now, configure a dynamic dictionary with an unique name and map it to the URL of the file to be loaded dynamically in to the system at the global configuration level.

When the names of the dynamic dictionaries and their URLs are configured, the corresponding files at the respective URLs are parsed and populated in all SessMgr and AAAmgr facilities as new dictionaries and kept available to be used when these dictionary names are configured under any Diameter application level or AAA group.

When a dynamic dictionary name is configured under an application such as IMS authorization service or in a AAA group, the corresponding dictionary (which is already loaded in SessMgrs and AAAMgrs) entry will be used.

There will be only one instance of a dynamic dictionary loaded in to a task for one dynamic dictionary name even if the same dictionary name is configured in multiple AAA groups or multiple application configurations. That is, even if the same dictionary name is configured in several applications or several AAA groups, all these applications and AAA groups will refer to the same dynamic dictionary instance.


The following command configures a Diameter dictionary named dyn1 and loads this dictionary to /flash/diameter_custom1.sndd path:
diameter dynamic-dictionary dyn1 /flash/diameter_custom1.sndd 


Specifies the name of a Diameter host template and enters the Diameter Host Select mode. A Diameter host template is a table of peer servers that can be shared by multiple services.











Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter-host-template name [ -noconfirm ]
no diameter-host-template name  


Removes the specified Diameter host template from the Global Configuration.


Specifies the name of the template as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

[ -noconfirm ]

Executes the command without prompting for further input from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Specifies the name of a new or existing Diameter host template and opens the Diameter Host Select mode. You can configure up to 256 templates on the system.

To use the template, Diameter applications must be associated with the template. When an association is made to the template, the system selects the Diameter peer to be contacted based on rows configured in the table and the algorithm configured for selecting rows in the table.


Currently, only Gx service can be associated with the template.

If more than one service is using the same set of peer-select commands, then it is better to define all the peer selection CLIs in the template and associate the services to the template.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:


Diameter host select configuration commands are defined in the Diameter Host Select Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


The following command specifies a Diameter host template named diamtemplate :
diameter-host-template diamtemplate 

diameter-proxy conn-audit

This command enables the Diameter proxy Peer Connection Status Audit with Diabase clients.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter-proxy conn-audit interval 1-10
default diameter-proxy conn-audit 


Configures the default setting.

By default, Diameter proxy Peer Connection Status Audit with Diabase clients is disabled.


Specifies the Diameter proxy related configurations.


Specifies the periodic connection status audit processes. Disabled by default.

interval 1-10

Specifies the connection status audit interval in minutes, in the range of 1 through 10. Recommended value is 2 minutes.

Usage Guidelines

Enabling Diamproxy Peer Connection Status Audit with Diabase clients might affect performance of the services using Diameter interface. Service is impacted only when auto-correction happens (due to mismatch) and the cases are:
  1. When Diabase state is IDLE and Diameter proxy is OPEN.

  2. When Diabase state is OPEN and Diameter proxy is IDLE.

In both these cases, Diabase corrects the connection status based on information received in audit message. Diameter messaging failures is avoided once Diabase corrects the connection status.


The following command specifies that the connection status audit interval is 2 minutes:
diameter-proxy conn-audit interval 2 

diameter-proxy ram-disk

This command configures the amount of extra RAM disk space in MB to be allocated to Diamproxy task when local storage (hard disk) is enabled.







Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



diameter-proxy ram-disk mb space_mb
default diameter-proxy ram-disk mb 


Configures the default setting.

Default: 32 MB

mb space_mb

Specifies the storage space in MB.

space_mb must be an integer from 10 through 256.

Usage Guidelines

Specifies the additional storage space to be allocated to Diamproxy for file write, in MB. The specified memory in MB is added to the existing memory allocated to Diamproxy only if HDD storage is enabled. By default, 32 MB is additionally allocated.


The following command specifies that 100 MB of additional storage space be allocated to the Diamproxy task:
diameter-proxy ram-disk mb 100 

do show

Executes all show commands while in Configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator


do show 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to run all Exec mode show commands while in Configuration mode. It is not necessary to exit the Config mode to run a show command.

The pipe character | is only available if the command is valid in the Exec mode.


There are some Exec mode show commands which are too resource intensive to run from Config mode. These include: do show support collection , do show support details , do show support record and do show support summary . If there is a restriction on a specific show command, the following error message is displayed:

Failure: Cannot execute 'do	show support' command from Config mode.

ecmp-lag hash


In Release 20 and later, HNBGW is not supported. This command must not be used for HNBGW in Release 20 and later. For more information, contact your Cisco account representative.

This command provides the configuration to select source Boxer Internal Address (SBIA) as the input to the hashing function for ECMP-LAG distribution.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[no] ecmp-lag hash use-sbia-only 


Disables the hashing function selection and sets the system to use IP Source Address, IP Destination Address, IP Protocol and Source BIA as inputs to the hashing algorithm for ECMP-LAG distribution.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to allow the operator to change the way hashing works in deciding which link to use for ECMP and Link Aggregation. In the default hashing algorithm the IP Source Address, IP Destination Address, IP Protocol and Source BIA are used in the hashing function. When "use-sbia-only" option is selected, only the Source BIA is used in the hashing function.


When using ECMP-LAG on a HNB-GW, this configuration is mandatory for standalone HNB-GW deployment and highly recommended in other deployment scenarios where HNB-GW is used in combination with other services.


The following command enables the SBIA as input to hash function for ECMP-LAG on the HNB-GW:
ecmp-lag hash use-sbia-only 
The following commands sets the hashing function to use standard inputs for ECMP-LAG on HNB-GW:
no ecmp-lag hash use-sbia-only 


Exits the current configuration mode and returns to the Exec mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to return to the Exec mode.

enforce imsi-min equivalence

Enables the PDSN/HA to treat IMSI and MIN as the same for identifying the PDSN/HA session.





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no | default ] enforce imsi-min equivalence 


Returns the command to its default setting of disabled.


Disables the PDSN/HA from treating IMSI and MIN as the same for identifying the PDSN/HA session.

Usage Guidelines

Generally on an HA, the IMSI and MIN are treated as different and hence the RRQs with 1x and DO PDSNs are processed as different sessions. You can use this feature to treat the IMSI and MIN with the matching lower 10-digit as the same for identifying a session. The 10-digit MIN and the 15-digit IMSI are treated as equivalent for the purpose of matching sessions if the lower 10 digits are the same. Any handoff from 1x to DO or vice-versa is treated as the same session if the NAI and HoA also match. If the NAI and/or HoA do not match, then the duplicate IMSI session detect and terminate feature is applicable.

Generally on a PDSN, the IMSI and MIN are treated as different and hence RP messages from 1x and DO PDSNs are processed as different sessions. You can use this feature to treat the IMSI and MIN with the matching lower 10-digit as the same for identifying a session. The 10-digit MIN and the 15-digit IMSI are treated as equivalent for the purpose of matching PDSN sessions if the lower 10 digits are the same. Any handoff from 1x to DO or vice-versa is treated as the same session.


To monitor or clear subscriber session information filtered by on IMSI/MIN refer to the show subscribers msid command.


After you configure this command, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.


The following command enables the treatment of the IMSI and MIN as the same for identifying the session:
enforce imsi-min equivalence 
Either of the following commands disables the treatment of the IMSI and MIN as the same for identifying sessions:
no enforce imsi-min equivalence 
default enforce imsi-min equivalence 

enforce spof

Disables XGLC SPOF alarms when port redundancy is supported at Layer 2 via a Link Aggregation Group (LAG) on an ASR 5000.


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] enforce spof suppress-xglc-lag 


Enables XGLC SPOF alarms if they have previously been disabled.


Disables XGLC SPOF alarms if redundancy is configured via LAG.

Usage Guidelines

An XGLC that has not been configured for horizontal port redundancy with an adjacent XGLC constitutes a Single Point of Failure (SPOF). If the card or a port fails, service is disrupted and data is lost until the card is replaced.

Link-aggregation can be configured to support port redundancy across non-redundant XGLCs by combining multiple physical ports together to create a single high-bandwidth data path. Sharing load across the member ports enhances connection reliability.

When XGLC ports are part of a LAG group, failure of a single port in the group will not result in data outage; the data will be rerouted through other available links. An individual port that is part of a LAG group does not constitute a SPOF.

enforce spof suppress-xglc-lag disables XGLC SPOF alarms if redundancy is configured via LAG.

no enforce spof suppress-xglc-lag enables XGLC SPOF alarms if they have been previously suppressed.


With SPOF alarming suppressed, a port in a LAG group will trigger a SPOF alarm if it is the only available distributing port in the LAG group.


To disable XGLC SPOF alarming for Layer 2 LAG redundancy enter the following command:
enforce spof suppress-xglc-lag 


Exits the current mode and returns to the parent configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to return to the parent configuration mode.


Replaces a duplicate Foreign Agent- Security Parameter Index (FA-SPI) remote address list applied to multiple FA services with a list name.





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] fa-spi-list fa_spi_list 


Disables this feature.


Remote address list name expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to Replace duplicate FA-SPI remote address list applied to multiple FA or HA services with a list name.


The following command configures the list FA SPI list to fa-list2 :
fa-spi-list fa-list2 

fabric egress drop-threshold

Enables or disables the generation of a syslog event message when the number of egress Fabric Access Processor (FAP) packet drops exceeds a set threshold within a window of time on an ASR 5500.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



fabric egress drop-threshold { disable | enable count number interval-secs seconds } 


Disables the egress dropped-packet threshold settings. Settings are disabled by default.


Enables the specified egress dropped-packet threshold settings. Settings are disabled by default.

count number

Specifies the maximum number of egress traffic packets that can be dropped before a syslog event message is generated. The count is specified as an integer from 10 to 5000.

interval-secs seconds

Specifies the time interval (window) within which the maximum egress packet drop count can be exceeded. The interval is specified in seconds as an integer from 30 to 600.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable or disable the generation of a syslog event message when the number of egress FAP packet drops exceeds a set threshold within a window of time on an ASR 5500.

When the threshold is exceed, the syslog event message is generated once, until the condition clears. Only then will it be generated again.

By default this feature is disabled.


The following command sets the egress FAP dropped-packet threshold at 2000 packets within a 60-second window:
fabric egress drop-threshold enable count 2000 interval-secs 60 

fabric fsc-auto-recovery

Enables or disables Fabric Storage Card (FSC) fabric recovery via automatic resets on the ASR 5500.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



fabric fsc-auto-recovery { disable | enable } [ max-attempts [ number_attempts | unlimited ] ] 

{ disable | enable }

Disable turns off the automatic FSC recovery feature.

Enable turns on the automatic FSC recovery feature. When enabled the FSC will initiate auto recovery/reset upon detecting an excessive number of discarded fabric egress (EGQ) packets.

[ max-attempts [ number_attempts | unlimited ]

Specifies how many times StarOS will attempt to reset each FSC as an integer from 1 to 99 or unlimited (will not stop until FSC is reset). Default is 1.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable or disable automatic FSC auto recovery/reset in the ASR 5500 upon detecting an excessive number of discarded egress packets. You can optionally specify the maximum number of reset attempts; the default is 1.


To enable this feature, you must first configure the Fabric Egress Drop Threshold via the Global Configuration mode fabric egress drop-threshold command.


The following command enables FSC automatic recovery with a maximum of 50 attempts.
fabric fsc-auto-recovery enable max-attempts 50 


This command allows the user to create/modify/delete a Diameter failure handling template at the global configuration level. This command specifies the name of failure handling template and enters the Failure Handling Template mode. The users can define the failure handling configurations within this template.


A maximum of 64 templates can be configured on the system.











Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



failure-handling-template name [ -noconfirm ]
no failure-handling-template name  


Removes the specified failure handling template from the Global Configuration.


Specifies the name of the failure handling template as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

[ -noconfirm ]

Executes the command without prompting for further input from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Specifies the name of a new or existing failure handling template and opens the Failure Handling Template mode. Depending on which application is using the failure handling template, some of the syntactically possible configurations within the template are not applicable.

To use the template, Diameter applications must be associated with the template. When an association is made to the template, in the event of a failure, the system takes the action as defined in the failure handling template. Both IMS Authorization (Gx) and Diameter Credit Control Application (DCCA) (Gy) services can be associated with the template.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:


Failure handling template configuration commands are defined in the Diameter Failure Handling Template Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


The following command specifies a failure handling template named FHtemplate :
failure-handling-template FHtemplate 


Enables and disables fast MIO failure detection and switchover for existing sessions.


All (ASR 5500 only)


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] fast-data-plane-convergence 


Disables this feature.

Usage Guidelines

You can enable this feature to minimize traffic disruption for existing sessions during MIO/UMIO/MIO2 failover.

For maximum benefit, this feature assumes deployment of an Active-Active LAG configuration with aggressive MicroBFD timers. This feature can be enabled with an Active-Standby LAG configuration, however, reduced switchover time cannot be guaranteed.


Active-Active LAG groups must be configured, along with aggressive microBFD timers (such as 150*3). During MIO card recovery BGP Sessions might flap based on the configuration. To avoid traffic loss during these events, BGP graceful restart must be configured with proper hold/keepalive and restart timers. See the description of the bgp graceful-restart command in the BGP Configuration Mode Commands chapter of the Command Line Interface Reference.


The following command enables faster recovery of existing sessions during MIO/UMIO/MIO2 failover:


global-title-translation address-map

Creates an instance of a Global Title Translation (GTT) address-map, a database, for global titles (ISDN-type address) used for SCCP routing. Upon creating the instance, the system enters global title translation address-map configuration mode. For the commands to configure the database, go to the Global Title Translation Address-Map Configuration Mode Commands chapter.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] global-title-translation address-map instance instance 


Removes the specified GTT address-map database from the SCCP portion of the configuration.


This value uniquely identifies a specific instance of a GTT address-map.

instance must be an integer from 1 through 4096.

Usage Guidelines

Create a GTT address map with a unique identifier and enter the GTT address-map configuration mode.


The following command creates a GTT address map identified as 324:
global-title-translation address-map instance 324 

global-title-translation association

Creates an instance of a Global Title Translation (GTT) association which defines the rules for handling global title translation. Upon creating the instance, the system enters global title translation association configuration mode. For the commands to configure the rules, go to the Global Title Translation Association Configuration Mode Commands chapter.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



global-title-translation association instance instance
no global-title-translation association instance instance 


Removes the specified instance of a GTT association from the SCCP portion of the configuration.


This value uniquely identifies a specific instance of a GTT association.

instance must be an integer from 1 through 16.

Usage Guidelines

Create a GTT association with a unique identifier and enter the GTT association configuration mode.


The following command creates a GTT association identified as 2:
global-title-translation association instance 2 


Creates a GTP-C Load Control Profile and enters GTP-C Load Control Configuration Mode.






Administrator, Security Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] gtpc-load-control-profile  profile_name 


Removes specified GTP-C Load Control Profile.


Creates a GTP-C Load Control Profile and enters GTP-C Load Control Profile Configuration Mode.


Must be an alphanumeric string from 1 to 64 characters in length.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create a GTP-C Load Control Profile and enter GTP-C Load Control Profile Configuration Mode


The following example creates a GTP-C Load Control Profile named LOADCTRL.
gtpc-load-control-profile  LOADCTRL 


Creates a GTP-C Overload Control Profile and enters GTP-C Overload Control Profile Configuration Mode.






Administrator, Security Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] gtpc-overload-control-profile profile_name 


Removes specified GTP-C Overload Control Profile.


Creates a GTP-C Overload Control Profile with the specified profile name.


Must be an alphanumeric string from 1 to 64 characters in length.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create a GTP-C Overload Control Profile and enter GTP-C Overload Control Profile Configuration Mode.


This example creates a GTP-C Overload Control Profile named OVERLOADCTRL
gtpc-overload-control-profile  OVERLOADCTRL 

gtpp compression-process

This command configures the maximum number of child compression processes that AAA proxy can have.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



gtpp compression-process max_number
default gtpp compression-process 


Restores the system to the default settings for the number of child compression processes allowed.


Specifies the maximum number of child processes. The default is 1

max_number: must be an integer from 1 through 4.

Usage Guidelines

This command configures the maximum number of child compression processes that AAA proxy can have only if hard disk storage is enabled.


gtpp compression-process 3 

gtpp push-to-active

This command enables/disables Push-To-Active feature to automatically transfer CDR files from new standby chassis to new active chassis when the ICSR switchover occurs.



This CLI command is applicable only to GTPP groups having streaming mode.







Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



gtpp push-to-active [ encrypted ] url url via-context context_name 
no gtpp push-to-active 


Disables Push-To-Active feature to automatically transfer CDR files from new standby chassis to new active chassis.

[ encrypted ] url url

Specifies the peer chassis URL where the CDR files are to be transferred when the chassis becomes standby.

This keyword denotes the peer chassis URL in this format: sftp://user:password@host:[port]/hd-raid/records/cdr/. It accepts a string of size 1 through 1024.

[ encrypted ] - Indicates that the URL is encrypted for security reasons.

via-context context_name

Specifies the name of the context through which the active chassis is reachable. context name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

Usage Guidelines

During an ICSR switchover, the GTPP charging interface between the active chassis and CGF server goes down and all pending CDRs are written to internal hard disk. Once the chassis becomes standby, the CDRs will remain on HDD until the chassis becomes active.

This feature provides a way to move the stranded CDRs from the new standby chassis to the new active chassis and stream them to the OCG. This CLI command enables/disables the Push-To-Active feature to automatically transfer CDR files from new standby chassis to new active chassis.

Releases prior to 16.0, CDRs from current standby chassis were manually transferred to current active chassis using the CLI command "gtpp storage-server streaming start ". Once the transfer is complete, a CLI command in the Exec mode is configured to stream the CDRs to CGF.

In 16.0 and later releases, the stranded CDRs in the standby ICSR node (moved from active to standby) are automatically transferred to the newly active ICSR node. This automation process is achieved through the use of "gtpp push-to-active " CLI command in the global configuration mode.

This feature could lead to duplicate CDRs. When streaming is in progress and ICSR switchover happens, the current file being streamed, will not complete the streaming as interface with CGF went down. This file will be transferred to new active chassis and streamed from beginning from new chassis.

In case AAAProxy restarts during file transfer, the file transfer statistics will not be accurate. The accounting contexts should be in same order in both the chassis. The directory names are created using vpn-id. If the accounting contexts are in different order, vpn-id will be different and the sub-directories in HDD will be different in both the chassis for same GTPP group.


The following command enables the Push-To-Active feature to automatically transfer CDR files from new standby chassis to new active chassis.:
gtpp push-to-active url sftp://user:password@host:5000 via-context aaa 

gtpp ram-disk-limit

This command configures additional storage space to be allocated for writing files.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



gtpp ram-disk-limit mb mega_bytes
default gtpp ram-disk-limit 


Restores the system to the default settings of 32 MB of storage.

mb mega_bytes

Specifies the number of megabytes of storage allocated for files.

mega_bytes: must be an integer from 10 through 256. The default is 32 MB.

Usage Guidelines

The memory specified with this command would be added to the existing memory allocated to the AAA proxy only if hard disk storage is enabled.


gtpp ram-disk-limit mb 256 

gtpp single-source

Configures the system to reserve a CPU for performing a proxy function for accounting.








Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



gtpp single-source [ centralized-lrsn-creation | private-extensions ]
no gtpp single-source 


Defines Log Record Sequence Number (LRSN) generation at proxy. The AAA proxy will generate the LRSN for all CDR types generated by either the GGSN or the SGSN.

Default: disabled


After you configure this keyword, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.


This optional keyword enables the proprietary use of customer-specific GTPP extensions.

If private-extensions is not configured, all customer specific private extensions related to GTPP message transfer with CGF and recovery through GSS are disabled.


In order for the customer-specific extensions to work properly, the gtpp max-pdu-size command in the Context Configuration Mode should be set to 65400 and the gtpp server command's max value should be set to "1".


After you configure this keyword, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.


Disables GTPP single-sourcing. This is the default setting.


Entering this command while PDP contexts are in process could cause the loss of pending CDRs. The configuration must be saved and the chassis reloaded for this option to take effect.

Usage Guidelines

When GTPP single-sourcing is enabled, the system's AAA proxy function generates requests to the accounting server using a single UDP source port number, instead of having each AAA Manager generate independent requests with unique UDP source port numbers. This is accomplished by the AAA Managers forwarding their GTPP PDUs to the AAA Proxy function that runs on a reserved packet processing card CPU. Since a packet processing card CPU is being reserved, fewer Session Managers and AAA Managers will be started on that card.


After you configure this command, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.


This command must be entered prior to the configuration of other services. Specifying it later may return an error due to a lack of CPU availability.


The following command enables GTPP single-sourcing with the use of private GTPP extensions:
gtpp single-source private-extensions 
The following command disables GTPP single-sourcing:
no gtpp single-source 


Replaces a duplicate Home Agent-Security Parameters Index (HA-SPI) remote address list applied to multiple HA services with a list name.





Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ha-spi-list ha_spi_list 


Remote address list name expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to Replace duplicate HA-SPI remote address list applied to multiple HA services with a list name.


The following command configures the list HA SPI list to ha-list2 :
ha-spi-list ha-list2 

hd raid

Enters the HD RAID configuration mode, and performs RAID management operations on the platform's hard disk drives.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



hd raid  

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure RAID parameters. All HD RAID commands need confirmation unless the -noconfirm is included in the command.

RAID commands are needed to intervene in the following situations:

  • The hard disk controller task cannot determine the correct operation.

  • Administrative action is required by policy.

  • The administrator wants to wipe an unused disk.

In an automated system, the policies created with this CLI address the possibility of a manually partitioned disk, a disk resulting from a different version of software, a partially constructed disk, or the case of two unrelated disks in the system.

To reduce administrator intervention, a set of policies can be configured to set the default action using the commands in the HD RAID configuration mode. These commands are described in the HD Storage Policy Configuration Mode Commands chapter of this guide.


Use of the hd raid commands and keywords has the potential for deleting the contents of hard disk drives without the possibility of recovery. You should only use these commands under guidance from the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

Entering this command results in the following prompt:


HD RAID Configuration Mode commands are defined in the HD RAID Configuration Mode Commands chapter.

hd storage-policy

Provides access to the local hard drive configuration mode in order to manage parameters supporting local storage of records.











Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] hd storage-policy name 


Removes a configured HD storage policy from the system.

storage-policy name

Specifies a name for an HD storage policy and then enters the HD Storage Policy Configuration Mode. name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Creates a new policy or specifies an existing policy and enters the HD Storage Policy Configuration Mode.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:

[context_name ]hostname (config-hd-storage-policy)#

HD Storage Policy Configuration Mode commands are defined in the HD Storage Policy Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


The following command creates an HD storage policy named policy3 and enters the HD Storage Policy Configuration Mode:
hd storage-policy policy3 


Configures Health Monitoring of Crypto Chip.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



health-monitoring crypto-chip failure-threshold failure_threshold  
 nohealth-monitoring crypto-chip 


Configures the failure threshold of health-monitoring crypto-chip. This is failure packet threshold count between 100 and 4294967295. Default is 10000.


Configures the speed for detection of packet processing card task failures before switchover occurs.






Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



Releases prior to 21.8

high-availability fault-detection speed { aggressive | normal } 
default high-availability fault-detection speed 

Syntax Description

Release 21.8 and higher

high-availability fault-detection [ speed { aggressive | normal } ] | [ card { dp-outage seconds | hb-loss value} ] 
default high-availability fault-detection [ speed ] | [ card [ dp-outage |  hb-loss ] ]  


  • speed : Resets fault detection speed to normal.

  • card dp-outage : Restores the default dp-outage value. The default value is 2 seconds.

  • card hb-loss : Restores the heartbeat value only between the management and packet processing cards to the default value. The default value is 2 heartbeats.

speed aggressive

Specifies packet processing card failover should occur without performing additional checks.

speed normal

Specifies that packet processing card failover will only occur after additional checks have been performed performed. This is the default setting.


Specifies the packet processing card.

dp-outage seconds

Configures the secondary card fault detection criteria in "seconds". The value of this parameter can range from 0 to 20 seconds. The default value is 2 seconds.

hb-loss value

Configures the consecutive heartbeat loss threshold at which the non-responsive card (packet processing card) may be declared as failed. The supported value ranges from 2 to 20. The default value is 2 heartbeats.

Usage Guidelines

Use the high-availability fault-detection speed { aggressive | normal } command to increase the fault detection speed for faster switchovers after a packet processing card task failure.

Setting fault detection speed to aggressive will trigger packet processing card failover as soon as possible if a potential failure is detected. Aggressive mode will reduce the duration of subscriber outages caused by a failed packet processing card if session recovery is enabled.

Aggressive mode also bypasses most information gathering steps and logs that can be used to determine the root cause of the failure.

In normal mode, additional checks are performed before triggering a packet processing card failover to ensure that the card has actually failed. In aggressive mode these checks are bypassed so that session recovery can start as soon as possible. These additional checks reduce the likelihood of a false positive failure.

Use the high-availability fault-detection dp-outage seconds command to configure configure a secondary fault detection criteria to be used with hb-loss. If Data Plane monitor packets from the packet processing card have arrived at the managment card within the most recent dp-outage seconds when the hb-loss threshold has been met, then card failure is deferred. This criteria is used to defer card failure for up to 5 additonal heartbeat losses. This command parameter is restricted to the Administrator access on the VPC- DI platform.

Use the high-availability fault-detection card hb-loss value command to define the number of consecutive one second heartbeat losses between the management card and a packet processing card at which the packet processing card is assumed to have failed. If not configured, the default for this parameter is 2. This command is supported for all products.


The following command sets the fault detection speed for packet processing card tasks to aggressive :
high-availability fault-detection speed aggressive 
The following command sets the secondary card fault detection criteria at 2 seconds:
high-availability fault-detection card dp-outage 2 
The following command sets the fault detection for packet processing card tasks to 3 seconds:
high-availability fault-detection card hb-loss 3 


Enables an ASR 5000 chassis to run a mix of Packet Services Cards (PSCs) and PSC Type A (PSCAs). When enabled, PSCAs will boot and be compatible with the PSCs as long as encryption services are disabled. The default is to run the chassis in non-hybrid mode; PSCAs will not boot when inserted in the chassis.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] hybrid-mode [ force ] 


Returns the chassis to non-hybrid mode. PSCAs will not boot.


Always updates the configuration, even if the encryption services could not be disabled. However, the PSC and PSCA cards will continue to be incompatible until encryption services are manually disabled.

Usage Guidelines

To allow a chassis to run in PSC/PSCA hybrid-mode with encryption services disabled you must configure hybrid-mode force once.

To go from hybrid mode to non-hybrid mode, you must enter the no hybrid-mode force command. Non-hybrid chassis mode allows encryption services to be started through the appropriate CLI commands. However, all PSCAs in the chassis will be disabled.

For additional information, see the ASR 5000 Installation Guide.


The following command enables the chassis to run a mix of PSCs and PSCAs without encryption services:
hydrid-mode force 

iftask boot-options

Enables or disables iftask boot-options configuration.






Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] iftask boot-options  


If previously configured, disables the iftask boot-options configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Use this commnad to enable or disable iftask boot-options configuration.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:


Refer to the IFTask Boot-Options Configuration Mode Commands chapter for additional information.


The following command enables iftask boot-options configuration:
iftask boot-options 

iftask di-net-encrypt-rss

Configures Receive Side Scaling (RSS) for Distributed Instance Network (DI-net) encrypted traffic. This command applies only to VPC-DI.






Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] iftask di-net-encrypt-rss  


Disables RSS for DI network encrypted traffic, which is the default setting.

Usage Guidelines

In releases prior to 21.7, RSS was enabled by default and could not be disabled. In 21.7 and later releases, this command can be used to enable RSS for DI network encrypted traffic. In 21.7 and later releases, RSS is disabled by default for DI network encrypted traffic.

The following example enabled RSS for DI network encrypted traffic:

iftask di-net-encrypt-rss 

iftask fullcore-enable

Configures iftask to collect full core dump with huge pages in the event of an iftask process failure. This command applies only to StarOS on virtualized platforms.






Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] iftask fullcore-enable  


Disables collection of huge pages upon iftask process failure. When disabled, only the core dump is collected.

Usage Guidelines

In the event of an iftask process fault, the system dumps its core to /var/crash. The core file is then compressed and transferred to to the configured location [/flash/fullcores].

When this command is enabled, the core dump will include the huge pages.

This functionality is disabled by default.


When this option is enabled, faulted iftask processes take approximately 2 minutes to dump the core. This will affect back-to-back iftask restart.

iftask mcdmatxbatch

Configures multi-channel direct memory access (MCDMA) transmit batching. The MCDMA is the path from the IFTASK to the SESSMGR. This command applies only to StarOS on virtualized platforms.






Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] iftask mcdmatxbatch { burstsize number_of_packets  | latency milliseconds }  


Deletes the setting for iftask mcdmatxbatch.

burstsize number_of_packets

Maximum packets per burst from 1 through 1024.

latency milliseconds

Not currently supported.

Usage Guidelines

The following example sets the maximum number of packets per burst for MCDMA to 512:

iftask mcdmatxbatch burstsize 512 

iftask restart-enable

Configures iftask to restart automatically in case of iftask process failure. This command applies only to StarOS on virtualized platforms.






Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] iftask restart-enable  


Disables automatic iftask restart

Usage Guidelines

This functionality is enabled by default (iftask will restart automatically if a failure occurs). It should only be disabled if iftask restart behavior is not operating as expected.

Refer to the iftask fullcore-enable command for more information about the steps taken in the event that the iftask process fails.

The following example disabled automatic iftask restart

no iftask restart-enable 

iftask sw-rss

Configures receive side scaling (RSS) so that the VPC distributes traffic flows across the available vCPU cores. This command applies only to StarOS on virtualized platforms.






Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



iftask sw-rss { comprehensive | supplemental } 


Deletes the setting for iftask sw-rss. All traffic is routed to a single core, unless HW RSS is available on the hardware device.


Distributes all traffic received by the DPDK in the VPC. Use this option where the hardware does not support RSS.

In Release 21.6 and higher, L4 information is added to hash inputs for packet filtering (PF) with the following limitations:

For IPv4:

  • TCP: IP source/destination and TCP ports source/destination are supported.

  • TCP/UDP fragmented: only IP source/destination are supported.

  • UDP non-fragmented and not GTPU (any port which does not equal 2152): IP source/destination and UDP port source/destination.

  • UDP non-fragmented and GTPU (port 2152): IP source/destination and UDP port source/destination and GTP tunnel ID.

  • Any other protocol: Default back to IP source/destination.

For IPv6, only L3 (IP source and destination) based hashing is supported.


The system automatically detects if packets belong to GTPU (port 2152) and hashes on the GTP tunnel ID.


Distributes the traffic flow for protocols not supported by the hardware RSS. The traffic distribution is performed in addition to the distribution performed by the hardware device.

Usage Guidelines

The Cisco USC NIC supports hardware-based RSS; however RSS is only supported on IP traffic. For other network protocols, such as MPLS, GTP, L2TP, GRE and IPv6, all the traffic is routed into a single queue. The iftask sw-rss command enables the software to distribute the traffic to the available vCPU cores for processing, thus increasing resource utilization and providing improved throughput.

By default, RSS is disabled.

The following example enables RSS in addition to the supported hardware RSS functionality on the device:

iftask sw-rss supplemental 

iftask txbatch

Configures transmit batching. This command applies only to StarOS on virtualized platforms.






Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] iftask txbatch { burstsize number_of_packets | flush_latency | latency milliseconds }  


Deletes the setting for iftask txbatch.

burstsize number_of_packets

Specifies the maximum number of packets from 1 through 1024 to accumulate in a vector before sending to the ethernet interface.

latency milliseconds

Not currently supported.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the transmit batching parameters for system-wide IFTASK operation.

The following example sets the maximum number of packets per burst for MCDMA to 512 :

iftask txbatch burstsize 512 

The following example sets the maximum wait time to 1000 milliseconds to flush the bytes on the control port:

iftask txbatch flush_latency 1000 

ikesa delete on-mismatch

Enables IPSec to automatically remove existing IKEv1 and IKEv2 ACL tunnels when critical parameters are changed in the crypto map.


All products that support IPSec


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ikesa delete on-mismatch 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable IPSec to automatically remove existing IKEv1 and IKEv2 ACL tunnels when critical parameters are changed in the crypto map. For more information, see the IPSec Reference guide.


As per ANSSI standards, this command cannot be removed once enabled. The configuration can be removed only by rebooting.


After you configure this command, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.


Use this configuration only on Trusted builds.


The following command enables automatic removal of existing IKEv1 and IKEv2 ACL modes:
ikesa delete on-mismatch  


Creates an instance of an International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) profile.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] imei-profile imei_profile_name 


Deletes the IMEI profile instance from the configuration.


Specifies the name of the IMEI profile as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create an instance of an IMEI profile and to enter the IMEI Profile Configuration mode. An IMEI profile is a template which groups a set of device instructions, such as blacklisting, that may be applicable to one or more calling devices. See the IMEI Profile Configuration Mode Commands chapter for information regarding the definition of the rules contained within the profile and the use of the profile.


An IMEI profile is a key element of the Operator Policy feature and is only valid when associated with at least one operator policy.

To see what IMEI profiles have already been created, return to the Exec mode and enter the show imei-profile all command.


The following command creates a configuration instance of an IMEI profile:
imei-profile imeiprof1 


This command configures the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) group.







Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



imsi-group group_name 

imsi-group group_name

Specifies the IMSI group name. group_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters. It can have a maximum of 50 groups.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create the IMSI group. An IMSI group can contain up to 500 elements of either individual IMSI or range of IMSI numbers. Once an IMSI group is created, each group can be configured with up to 500 unique IMSI values. Multiple lines of IMSI and IMSI-range can be up to 20 lines per group.

This command allows you to enter the IMSI Group Configuration Mode.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:

[ context_name ] hostname (config-imsi-group)#

IMSI Group Configuration Mode commands are defined in the IMSI Group Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


This command configures the IP Pool Management Policy.






Exec > Global Configuration


Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip-pool-mgmt-policy policy_name 

ip-pool-mgmt-policy policy_name

Specifies the IP Pool Management Policy. policy_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 31 characters.

Usage Guidelines

This command allows you to enter the IP Pool Management Policy Cofiguration Mode. For more information, see the DNS Based UP Selection chapter.

Entering this command results in the following prompt:

[ context_name ] hostname (config-ip-pool-mgmt-policy)#

IP Pool Management Policy Cofiguration Mode commands are defined in the IP Pool Management Policy Cofiguration Mode Commands chapter.