PLMN Level Statistics for ePDG Services

Feature Summary and Revision History

Summary Data

Applicable Product(s) or Functional Area


Applicable Platform(s)

  • ASR 5500

  • ASR 5700

  • VPC-DI

  • VPC-SI

Feature Default

Disabled - Configuration Required

Related Changes in This Release

Not Applicable

Related Documentation

  • ePDG Administartion Guide

  • Command Line Interface Reference

  • Statistics and Counters Reference,Guide

Revision History

Revision Details


ePDG supports PLMN level statistics for ePDG services.


Feature Description

The ePDG level statistics that are available at the ePDG system level do not allow operators to pinpoint issues to certain users of the network. PLMN-based statistics are captured in the CLI and bulk statistics to help operators to localize failures to a particular circle. The PLMN-based statistics allows operators to decide on the load that is generated on the ePDG from different circles and helps in network planning.

  • ePDG extracts the PLMN information, such as MCC and MNC from IMSI received in the IKE AUTH Request message.

  • ePDG associates a PLMN list with epdg services to enable the collection of PLMN level statistics for all the PLMNs present in the list.

  • Displays PLMN statistics in CLI through mandatory options of MCC and MNC.

  • Facility to clear the PLMN-based statistics for all PLMNs and for a given PLMN.

  • The PLMN statistics is applicable only for the combination of Diameter-based authentication with AAA on SWm interface and GTPv2 based S2b interface.

Configuring PLMN-list

Use the following PLMN list command to capture the statistics at PLMN level. PLMN level statistics will be captured, only if the IMSI received during initial attach / Handoff belongs to one of the PLMNs in the associated PLMN list. By default no PLMN list is configured.

   context context_name 
      plmn-list plmn_list_name  
         mcc mcc_value  mnc mnc_value  
  • plmn-list : Configures a list of PLMNs (MCC and MNC) and association to samog-service is required for capturing PLMN level statistics. A maximum of 25 PLMNs are allowed in a list. You can create a maximum of 10 PLMN lists for each context.

  • plmn_list_name : Enter a name of size 1 to 63

  • mcc mcc_value : Configures the PLMN MCC in the PLMN list. Enter a number, ranging from 100 to 999.

  • mnc mnc_value : Configures the PLMN MNC in the PLMN list. Enter a number, ranging from 00 to 999.


List of MCCs with 3 digit MNCs are:

300 302 310 311 312 313 316 334 338 342 344 346 348 354 356 358 360 365 376 405 708 722 732

If you enter MCC, which is present in the above list, then MNC shall be of 3 digits. If you enter a 2-digit MNC for this case, then ‘0’ shall be prefixed to it and stored in the memory. When “show plmn-list name plmn-name” command is executed, then MNC with prefixed ‘0’ is displayed in the output.

Similarly, if user enters MCC which is NOT present in the above list, then MNC shall be of 2 digits. If user enters a 3-digit MNC for this case (with ‘0’ prefixed), then the prefixed ‘0’ shall be removed and stored in the memory. When “show plmn-list name plmn-name” command is executed, then MNC without prefixed ‘0’ is displayed in the output. If the entered MNC is more than 99, then error message is displayed.

For all other combinations, it shall be stored and displayed as it is.

Associate PLMN List to ePDG Services

Use the following command to associate the PLMN List with the ePDG service. ePDG captures the statistics at PLMN level if the IMSI received during initial attach / Handoff belongs to one of the PLMNs in the associated PLMN list. Each ePDG service can have only one PLMN list associated at any given point of time. If there is a PLMN list already associated, a new PLMN list can be associated to a service only after disassociating the existing associated PLMN list.

   context context_name 
      epdg-service service_name  
         [ no ] associate plmn-list  plmn_name   


  • associate plmn-list plmn_name : Associates PLMN lists with ePDG services.

  • [no] associate plmn-list : Dis-associates the PLMN List with ePDG services and clears the existing PLMN statistics, if present for the PLMNs in the list.

Removing PLMN List Configuration

Use the following command to remove the PLMN list. This command stops SaMOG or ePDG from capturing the statistics at PLMN level and clears the existing PLMN statistics if present for that PLMN.

   context  context_name 
      no plmn-list   plmn_name   


  • no plmn-list plmn_name : Removes the PLMN list and stops the PLMN level statistics collection for that PLMN.

Add or Remove PLMN to or from PLMN list

Use the following command to add or remove PLMN to/from PLMN list.

   context  context_name 
      plmn-list   plmn_name   
           no  mcc   mcc_value mnc mnc_value 


  • no mcc mnc : Removes PLMN entry with MCC and MNC combination from PLMN list. This commnad clears existing statistics if present for that PLMN.

  • mcc mcc_value mnc mnc_value : Adds or removes the PLMN entry.

clear epdg-service statistics

Use the following CLI commands to clear the PLMN based statistics for all PLMNs in ePDG service.

clear epdg-service statistics  plmn all 
clear epdg-service statistics  mcc mcc_value mnc mnc_value 


  • clear epdg-service statistics : Clears ePDG service-related statistical information.

  • plmn : Clears ePDG service-related statistical information at PLMN.

  • all : Clears the PLMN level statistics for all the PLMNs.

  • mcc : Clears the PLMN level statistics for this MCC followed by MNC of PLMN.mcc_value allows you to enter a number, ranging from 100 to 999.

  • mnc : Clears the PLMN level statistics for this MNC. mnc_value allows you to enter a number, ranging from 00 to 999.

Configuring epdg-plmn schema

Use the following CLI commands to create new bulkstats schema for PLMN level statistics.

   bulkstats collection 
   bulkstats mode  
      [no] epdg-plmn schema SchemaEPDGPlmn1 format format_string active-only format format_string           


  • epdg-plmn schema format format_string active-only : Configures ePDG-PLMN bulk statistic schema.

  • schema schema_name : Enter string of size 1 to 31.

  • format format_string : Designates naming convention format to use.Enter string of size 1 to 3599.

  • active-only : Gathers statistics on active chassis only.

  • no : Deletes bulkstats schema for PLMN level statistics.

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

This section provides information on how to monitor and troubleshoot using show commands and bulk statistics available to support this feature.

Show Commands and Outputs

This section provides information regarding show commands and their outputs for this feature.

show epdg-service name

The outputs of the show epdg-service name epdg_service_name command displays the following details.



Service name

Associated PLMN List

Displays the associated PLMN list for a specified ePDG service.

show plmn-list summary

The output of the show plmn-list summary command displays all the PLMN lists configured on the system.




Displays the configured PLMN list name.


Displays the context name in which PLMN list is defined.

show epdg-service statistics plmn mcc mcc_value mnc mnc_value

The following table lists the output of show epdg-service statistics plmn mcc mcc_value mnc mnc_value command.



ePDG PLMN Statistics

Setup attempts

Total number of setup attempts.

Setup Success

Total number of setup succeded.

Setup Failures

Total number of setup failed.

Active GTP UE

Total number of active GTP User equipments in the system.

Total Sessions

Total number of active sessions.

Handoff Sessions

Total number of successful handoff sessions.

ePDG To PGW Fallback


Total number of P-GW Fallback sessions attempted.


Total number of P-GW Fallback sessions succeeded.

LTE to Wifi Handoff


Total number of LTE to Wi-Fi handoff attempted/


Total number of sucessful LTE to Wi-Fi handoff sessions.

ePDG Reauthorisation


Total number of reauthorization attempted messages.


Total number of successful ePDG reauthorization messages.

Session Disconnect reason

Remote disconnect

Total number of Remote disconnected sessions.

Admin disconnect

Total number of Admin disconnected sessions.

Idle timeout

Total number of session disconnects due to idle timeout.

Absolute timeout

Total number of session disconnects due to abosolute timeout.

Long Duration timeout

Total number of session disconnects due to long duration timeout.

Session setup timeout

Total number of session disconnects due to setup timeout.

No resource

Total number of session disconnects due to non-availability of resources.

Auth failure

Total number of session disconnects due to authentication failure.

Flow add failure

Total number of session disconnects due to flow add failure.

Invalid dest-context

Total number of session disconnects due to invalid destination context.

Source address violation

Total number of session disconnects due to source address violation.

LMA Revocations (non-HO)

Total number of session disconnects due to LMA revocation.

Duplicate Request

Total number of session disconnects due to duplicate requests.

Addr assign failure

Total number of session disconnects due to address assignation failure.

LTE/Other handoff

Total number of session disconnects due to LTE and other handoff reasons.

Miscellaneous reasons

Total number of session disconnects due to miscellaneous reasons.

EAP Server Stats:
Pass through mode:

Total Msgs Received

Shows total number of EAP server messages received on pass through mode.

Success Received

Shows total number of successful EAP server messages received on pass through mode.

Diameter Authentication Statistics


Total number of DER messages transmitted.

DEA Challenge RX

Total number of DEA Challenge messages received.

DEA Accept RX

Total number of DEA Accept messages received.


Total number of RAR messages received.


Total number of RAA messages transmitted.


Total number of ASR messages received.


Total number of ASA messages transmitted.


Total number of STR messages transmitted.


Total number of STA messages received.

S2b Statistics

GTP Attempts

.Total number of GTP attempts.

GTP Success

Total number of successful GTP sessions.

GTP Failures

Total number of failed GTP sessions.

Create Bearer Request RX

Total number of Create Bearer Request messages received.

Create Bearer Response Accepted TX

Total number of Create Bearer Response Accepted messages transmitted.

Create Bearer Request Discarded RX

Total number of Create Bearer Request Discarded messages received.

Create Bearer Response TX

Total number of Create Bearer Response transmitted.

Create Bearer Response Denied TX

Total number of Create Bearer Response Denied messages transmitted.

Delete Session Request TX

Total number of Delete session requests transmitted.

Delete Session Response Accepted RX

Total number of Delete session response accepted messages received.

Delete Bearer Request RX

Total number of Delete Bearer Request messages received.

Delete Bearer Response Accepted TX

Total number of Delete Bearer Response Accepted messages transmitted.

SWu Stats

Phase 1 Auth Success

Total number of IKEv2 authentication phase 1success messages.

Phase 1 Auth Failure

Total number of IKEv2 authentication phase 1 failure messages.

Phase 1 Auth Req Sent

Total number of IKEv2 authentication phase 1 requests sent.

Total IKEA SA Deletes

Req Sent

Total number of IKE SA delete requests sent.

Rsp Rcvd

Total number of IKE SA delete responses received.

Bulk Statistics

The following bulk statistics are added to the epdg-plmn schema:

show bulkstats variables ePDG-plmn

The following PLMN level statistics are added for the existing system level statistics.




The PLMN MCC for which this statistic is collected. This is a key variable.


The PLMN MNC for which this statistic is collected. This is a key variable.

ePDG Service


Displays the total number of initial attach success setups of ePDG services.

Type: Counter


Displays the total number of successful LTE to Wifi handoffs.


Displays the total number of LTE to Wifi handoff attempts.


Displays the total number of ePDG setup sessions attempted.


Displays the total number of failure attempts of ePDG setup.


Displays the total GTP active UEs in the system.


Displays the total number of current ePDG sessions.


Displays the total number of successful handoff sessions.


Displays the total number of P-GW Fallback sessions succeeded.


Displays the total number of P-GW Fallback sessions attempted.


Displays the total number of successful reauthorization.


Displays the total number of reauthorization attempted.


Displays the total number of EAP-Success messages received from the EAP server in pass-through mode.


Displays the total number of EAP messages received from the EAP server in pass-through mode.


Displays the total number of Remote disconnect sessions.


Displays the total number of Administrator disconnect sessions at PLMN level.


Displays the total number of disconnect sessions due to idle timeout reasons.


Displays the total number of disconnect sessions due to absolute timeout reasons.


Displays the total number of disconnect sessions due to long duration timeout.


Displays the total number of sessions disconnects due to setup timeout.


Displays total number of sessions disconnects due to nonavailability of resources.


Displays the total number of session disconnects due to authentication failure.


Displays the total number of session disconnects due to flow add failure.


Displays the total number of session disconnects due to invalid destination context.


Displays the total number of session disconnects due to source address violation.


Displays the total number of session disconnects due to LMA revocation.


Displays the total number of sessions disconnects due to duplicate requests.


Displays the total number of sessions disconnects due to address assignation failure.


Displays the total number of sessions disconnects due to LTE and other handoff reasons.


Displays the total number of sessions disconnects due to miscellaneous reasons.

SWu Stats


Displays the total number of IKEv2 authentication phase 1 request messages.


Displays the total number of IKEv2 authentication phase 1 success messages.


Displays the total number of IKEv2 authentication phase 1 failure messages.


Displays the total number of IKEv2 SA delete request received.


Displays the total number of IKEv2 SA delete requests sent.

Diameter Authentication Statistics


Displays the total number of DER messages transmitted.


Displays the total number of DEA Challenge messages received.


Displays the total number of DEA Accept messages received.


Displays total number of RAR messages received.


Displays the total number of RAA messages transmitted.


Displays the total number of ASR messages received.


Displays the total number of ASA messages transmitted.


Displays the total number of STR messages transmitted.


Displays the total number of STA messages received.

S2b Statistics


Displays the total number of GTP attempts on S2b interface.


Displays the total number of successful GTP sessions on S2b interface.


Displays the total number of failed GTP sessions.


Displays the total number of Create Bearer Request messages received.


Displays the total number of Create Bearer Response Accepted messages transmitted.


Displays the total number of Create Bearer Request Discarded messages received.


Displays the total number of Create Bearer Responses transmitted.


Displays the total number of Create Bearer Response Denied messages transmitted.


Displays the total number of Delete session requests transmitted.


Displays the total number of Delete session responses accepted messages received.


Displays the total number of Delete Bearer Request messages received.


Displays the total number of Delete Bearer Response messages transmitted.