GTPP Interface Configuration

This chapter describes how to configure the GTPP functionality.

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

Configuring the GPRS Tunneling Protocol

Cisco Systems' GGSN/P-GW/S-GW supports both GTPP- and RADIUS-based accounting. The accounting protocol is configured on a per-APN basis.

When the GTPP protocol is used, accounting messages are sent to the Charging Gateways (CGs) over the Ga interface. The Ga interface and GTPP functionality are typically configured within the system's source context. As specified by the standards, a CDR is not generated when a session starts. CDRs are generated according to the interim triggers configured using the charging characteristics configured for the GGSN, and a CDR is generated when the session ends. For interim accounting, STOP/START pairs are sent based on configured triggers.

GTPP version 2 is always used. However, if version 2 is not supported by the Charging Gateway Function (CGF), the system reverts to using GTPP version 1. All subsequent CDRs are always fully-qualified partial CDRs. GTPP version 0 is not supported.

GTPP is configured at the routing context level. Some of the configurables associated with GTPP are Attributes, Charging Agent, Deadtime, etc. The GTPP configuration commands vary according to the services configured, for example, the commands used for GGSN might differ from what is configured for P-GW. For more information on the configuration commands, refer to the Command Line Interface Reference.

This section provides the GTPP configuration applied to various products.


Commands used in the configuration examples in this section provide base functionality to the extent that the most common or likely commands and/or keyword options are presented. In many cases, other optional commands and/or keyword options are available. Refer to the Command Line Interface Reference for complete information regarding all commands.

Configuring GTPP for ePDG

This section provides the GTPP configuration for ePDG.
  1. Configure the accounting context in Call Control Profile level and also specify the accounting mode.

         context context_name 
              call-control-profile cc-prof_name 
                   accounting-mode gtpp 

    When the accounting mode is set to GTPP, it indicates that the offline charging is enabled and Ga reference point will be used for passing ePDG CDRs to CGF (if enabled).

  2. Associate the call-control-profile with an accounting policy configured in the same context. Accounting policies are configured through the policy accounting command in the Context Configuration mode.

         context context_name 
              call-control-profile cc-prof_name 
                   associate accounting-policy policy_name 

    The accounting policy name will be used for finding the thresholds limits for various CDR triggers enabled.

  3. Associate the accounting context with the ePDG service.

         context context_name 
              call-control-profile cc-prof_name 
                   accounting context context-name [ gtpp group gtppgroup-name ] 

    This command can also be used to associate a predefined GTPP server group - including all its associated configuration - with the call-control-profile. If the GTPP group is not specified, then a default GTPP group in the accounting context will be used.

  4. Configure the GTPP group related parameters like GTPP server parameters, GTPP dictionary, and optionally CGF to support GTPP accounting:
         context context_name 
              gtpp group gtpp_group 
                   gtpp charging-agent address ip_address port port_num 
                   gtpp server server_name udp-port  port_num 
                   gtpp dictionary dictionary_num 
                   gtpp storage-server mode { local | remote | streaming } 
                   gtpp attribute node-id-suffix cg 
                   gtpp attribute local-record-sequence-number 
                   gtpp trigger time-limit 

Configuring GTPP for GGSN

This section provides the GTPP configuration for GGSN.

  1. Configure the GTPP group and accounting context configuration in APN level and also specify the accounting mode.

         context source 
              accounting-mode gtpp 
              gtpp group group1 accounting-context billing 
  2. Configure the GTPP group related parameters like GTPP server parameters, GTPP dictionary, and optionally CGF to support GTPP accounting:

         context source 
              gtpp group group1 
              gtpp charging-agent address port 3386 
              gtpp server max msgs priority 1 
              gtpp dictionary dict1 
              gtpp max-cdr 255 wait-time 10 
              gtpp transport-layer udp 


    For GGSN, accounting context can also be configured in GGSN service. In this case more priority will be given to the APN level configuration. In APN level, if no accounting context is configured then accounting context configured in GGSN service will be considered.

         context source 
              ggsn-service ggsn1 
              accounting context billing 

The following table list all configuration commands related to the creation and formatting of G-CDRs. These commands are specified in different portions of the system configuration file:

  • gtpp group <name> - These are commands specified within the billing context that also contains the definition of the external interface (the storage server).

  • Also contained in the GTPP group is the GTPP dictionary.

  • The Rulebase Configuration mode sets the thresholds for various triggers.

Table 1. G-CDR Configuration Parameters





gtpp group name in billing context

gtpp trigger volume-limit


no, enabled

When this trigger is disabled no partial record closure occurs when volume limit is reached.

gtpp trigger time-limit


no, enabled

When this trigger is disabled no partial record closure occurs when the configured time limit is reached.

gtpp trigger tariff-time-change


no, enabled

When this trigger is disabled container closure does not happen for a tariff-time change.

gtpp trigger sgsn-change-limit [ also- intra-sgsn- multiple-address-group- change ]


no, enabled

Disabling this trigger ignores an SGSN change and does not add the SGSN IP address into the SGSN address list of the G-CDR. This helps to reduce the release of G-CDRs due to SGSN changes crossing the configured limit. also-intra-sgsn-multiple-address-group-change : This keyword includes Intra-SGSN group changes as an SGSN change.

gtpp trigger inter-plmn-sgsn-change


no, enabled

Disabling this trigger ignores an Inter-PLMN SGSN change and doesn't release a G-CDR.

gtpp trigger qos-change


no, enabled

Disabling this trigger ignores a qos-change and does not open a new GCDR for it.

gtpp trigger rat-change


no, enabled

No partial record closure for a RAT change occurs when this trigger is disabled.

gtpp trigger ms-timezone-change


no, enabled

No partial record closure for a time zone change occurs when this trigger is disabled.

gtpp attribute diagnostics


no, enabled

Includes the Diagnostic field in the CDR that is created when PDP contexts are released

gtpp attribute duration-ms


no, enabled

Specifies that the information contained in the mandatory Duration field be reported in milliseconds instead of seconds (as the standards require).

gtpp attribute plmn-id


no, enabled

Reports the SGSN PLMN Identifier value (the RAI) if it was originally provided by the SGSN in the GTP create PDP context request. It is omitted if the SGSN does not supply one.

gtpp attribute local -record-sequence -number


no, enabled

Includes the Local Record Sequence Number together Node ID field in the CDR that is created when PDP contexts are released.

gtpp attribute node-id-suffix string


string between 1 to16 characters

Specifies the string suffix to use in the NodeID field of GTPP G-CDRs. With the default setting of "no" the GGSN uses the GTPP context name for the NodeId field.

"ggsn-service name " in Gn context

cc profile index buckets number





Specifies the number of traffic volume container changes due to QoS changes or tariff time that can occur before an accounting record should be closed.

cc profile index sgsns num_changes





Specifies the number of SGSN changes (i.e., inter-SGSN switchovers) resulting in a new RAI (Routing Area Identity) that can occur before closing an accounting record.

cc profile index interval seconds [ downlink down_octets uplink up_octets | total total_octets ]



interval= 60- 40.000.000 seconds


Specifies the normal time duration that must elapse before closing an accounting record provided that any or all of the following conditions occur:

  • Downlink traffic volume is reached within the time interval.

  • Uplink traffic volume is reached within the time interval.

  • Total traffic volume (up and downlink) is reached within the time interval.

Time is measured in seconds and can be configured to any integer value from 60 to 40,000,000.

down_octets is the downlink traffic volume measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 1,000,000.

up_octets is the uplink traffic volume measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 1,000,000.

total_octets is the total traffic volume measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 1,000,000.

cc profile index volume volume { downlink octets uplink octets | total octets }



octets= 100.000-

Specifies the downlink, uplink, and total volumes that must be met before closing an accounting record.

vol_down_octets is measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 100,000 to 4,000,000,000.

vol_up_octets is measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 100,000 to 4,000,000,000.

total_octets is the total traffic volume (up and downlink) measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 100,000 to 4,000,000,000.

cc profile index tariff time1 mins hours time2 mins hours time3 mins hours time4 mins hours



mins=0 to 59

hours=0 to 23

Specifies time-of-day time values to close the current traffic volume container (but not necessarily the accounting record).

Four different tariff times may be specified. If less than four times are required, the same time can be specified multiple times.

cc behavior no-records



Specifies the behavior bit upon which the GGSN ceases sending accounting records to a server.

nr_value can be configured to any integer value between 1 and 12 corresponding to the 12 behavior bits B1 through B12.

"apn name "

cc-home behavior bits profile index





When the GGSN is configured to reject the charging characteristics sent by the SGSN for "home" subscribers, it uses the profile index specified by this command to determine the appropriate CCs to use. Multiple behavior bits can be configured for a single profile index by "Or"ing the bit strings together and convert the result to hexadecimal. The properties of the actual CC profile index are configured as part of the GGSN service using the cc profile command.

cc-roaming behavior bits profile index





Same as above, but for "roaming" subscribers

cc-visting behavior bits profile index





Same as above, but for "visiting" subscribers.



Causes the GGSN's accepting of the specified CC from the SGSN(s).

cc-sgsn radius-returned


GGSN accepts CC provided by Radius

cc-sgsn radius-returned use-ggsn profile index



GGSN accepts CC from AAA server, or uses index if not provided

cc-sgsn use-ggsn profile




GGSN uses profile index and sets bits 0-3 of the CC to index , overriding all other ways of providing CC

cc-sgsn use-ggsn behaviour bits



GGSN sets bits 4-31 of the CC to bits , overriding all other ways of providing CC

Configuring GTPP for P-GW and eG-CDR

This section provides the offline charging configuration for P-GW. The P-GW offline charging configuration uses ECS and eG-CDRs.

  1. Configure the ACS parameters as follows:

       active-charging service ECS-SVC 
          ruledef IP_ANYMATCH 
             ip any-match =TRUE 
       charging-action CHARGING-ANY 
          content-id 3 
          billing-action egcdr 
       rulebase RULEBASE_1 
          billing-records egcdr 
          action priority 103ruledef IP_ANYMATCH charging-action CHARGING-ANY 
          egcdr threshold interval 60 
          egcdr threshold volume total 100000 
  2. Configure the context SGi:

       context SGi 
          ip access-list ECS 
             redirect css service ECS_any 
             selection-mode subscribed sent-by-ms 
             accounting-mode none 
             ip access-group ECS in 
             ip access-group ECS out 
             ip address pool name IPV4-Pool-Group 
             active-charging rulebase RULEBASE_1 
             gtpp group default accounting-context SGi 
          gtpp group default 
             gtpp charging-agent address 
             gtpp max-cdrs 2 wait-time 10 
             gtpp dictionary custom24 
             gtpp server max 100 

The following tables list all configuration commands related to the creation and formatting of eG-CDR and PGW-CDRs. These commands are specified in different portions of the system configuration file:

  • gtpp group <name> - These are commands specified within the billing context that also contains the definition of the external interface (the storage server).

  • Also contained in the GTPP group is the GTPP dictionary.

  • For the 3GPP compliant P-GW records described in this document, the correct dictionary is gtpp dictionary custom24 .

  • The Rulebase Configuration mode sets the thresholds for various triggers.

Table 2. eG-CDR Configuration Parameters





gtpp group name in billing context

gtpp trigger egcdr max-losdv


no, enabled

When this trigger is enabled a partial record will be generated once the maximum configured number of eG-CDR service containers has been reached.

gtpp egcdr lotdv-max-containers int



This parameter allows changing the maximum number of traffic volume containers in the LOTV field of the eG-CDR.

gtpp egcdr losdv-max-containers int



This parameter allows changing the maximum number of service data containers in the eG-CDR.

gtpp egcdr final-record include-content-ids (all | only-with-traffic) closing-cause (same-in-all-partials | unique)



The CLI option 'include-content-ids' allows controlling the service containers that are included in the final eG-CDR generated for a subscriber. With "all", not only the service containers which are currently counting traffic are included, but also all other containers which may have been closed earlier for this subscriber session with a "partial" cause value.

The CLI option 'closing-cause' allows controlling the cause for record closing in the final eG-CDR in case multiple eG-CDRs need to be generated for final closure reason such as 'Normal Release'.

By default if multiple eG-CDRs are generated for end of subscriber session all the eG-CDRs have the same cause for record closing.

gtpp egcdr service-idle-timeout seconds


seconds=0, 10-86400

The service idle timeout configuration allows to specify a time period after which, if no data is reported for a service flow, the service container is closed and added to the eGCDR as part of LOSDV Container list with service condition change as "ServiceIdleOut".

rulebase name in Active Charging Service

timestamp rounding egcdr (ceiling | floor | round-off)


Defines the method to determine the value for time stamp and duration fields in the eG-CDR: ceiling will always use the next full second, floor cuts off all milliseconds, and round off will use the standard rounding mechanism to use the closest full second value (i.e. rounding down for milliseconds 1-499, and rounding up for milliseconds 500-999).

egcdr threshold interval seconds



Sets the interval for generating a partial eG-CDR

egcdr threshold volume (downlink octets | uplink octets | total octets )



Sets the volume limit in downlink only, uplink only or for the total after which a partial eG-CDR.

egcdr service-data-flow threshold interval seconds



Sets the interval for generating partial service containers. The eG-CDR is not closed unless the maximum configured limit of service containers has been reached and this trigger is not disabled.

egcdr service-data-flow threshold volume (downlink octets | uplink octets | total octets )



Sets the volume limit in downlink only, uplink only or for the total after which a partial service container is generated. The eG-CDR is not closed unless the maximum configured limit of service containers has been reached and this trigger is not disabled.

egcdr tariff minute minute hour hour




Specifies a single tariff time change which triggers the closing and reopening of a traffic data volume container. The command can be repeated up to 4 times to define multiple tariff time changes.

apn name

active-charging-service rulebase string

string= 1..63 characters

Selects the default rulebase to be applied to a subscriber session.

cc-home behavior bits profile index





When the GGSN is configured to reject the charging characteristics sent by the SGSN for "home" subscribers, it uses the profile index specified by this command to determine the appropriate CCs to use.

Multiple behavior bits can be configured for a single profile index by "Or"ing the bit strings together and convert the result to hexadecimal.

Other than for G-CDRs, this setting does not impact the triggers for CDRs, it is just used to set the default content for the CC field in the CDR.

cc-roaming behavior bits profile index





Same as above, but for "roaming" subscribers

cc-visting behavior bits profile index





Same as above, but for "visiting" subscribers.



Causes the GGSN's accepting of the specified CC from the SGSN(s).

cc-sgsn radius-returned


GGSN accepts CC provided by Radius

cc-sgsn radius-returned use-ggsn profile index



GGSN accepts CC from AAA server, or uses index if not provided

cc-sgsn use-ggsn profile index



GGSN uses profile index and sets bits 0-3 of the CC to index , overriding all other ways of providing CC

cc-sgsn use-ggsn behaviour bits



GGSN sets bits 4-31 of the CC to bits , overriding all other ways of providing CC

Table 3. PGW-CDR Configuration Parameters




GTPP Configuration mode - "gtpp group <name>" in billing context

gtpp trigger volume-limit


When this trigger is enabled, partial record closure occurs when the volume limit is reached.

gtpp trigger time-limit


When this trigger is enabled, partial record closure occurs when the configured time limit is reached.

gtpp trigger tariff-time-change


When this trigger is enabled, container closure occurs for a tariff-time change.

gtpp trigger qos-change


When this trigger is enabled, container closure occur for qos-change.

gtpp trigger rat-change


Partial record closure for a RAT change occurs when this trigger is enabled.

gtpp trigger ms-timezone-change


Partial record closure for a time zone change occurs when this trigger is enabled.

gtpp attribute plmn-id


Specifying this option includes the "PLMN Id" field in the CDR.

gtpp trigger serving -node- change-limit


A change of the serving node address will cause the new address to be added to the list of serving node addresses. A partial CDR will then be generated when the configured limit is reached.

gtpp attribute diagnostics


Includes the "Diagnostic" field in the CDR that is created when PDP contexts are released.

gtpp attribute duration-ms


Specifying this option results in the mandatory "Duration" field in the CDR to be recorded in milliseconds rather than seconds.

gtpp attribute imei


Specifying this option includes the "IMEI" field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute local-record- sequence- number


Specifying this option includes the optional "Local Record Sequence Number" and "Node-ID" fields in the CDR. Since the Local Record Sequence Number must be unique within one node (identified by Node-ID), the Node-ID field will consist of the sessMgr Recovery count + AAA Manager identifier + the name of the GSN service. Since each AAA Manager generates CDRs independently, the Local Record Sequence Number and Node ID fields uniquely identify a CDR.

gtpp attribute msisdn


Specifying this option includes the "MSISDN" field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute node-id-suffix <string>


string between 1 and 16 characters

Specifies the suffix to use in the Node-ID field of PGW-CDRs. With the default setting of "no", the P-GW uses the active-charging service name for the Node-ID field.

gtpp attribute rat


Specifying this option includes the "RAT" field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute record-extensions rat


Enables encoding of the RAT in the record-extension field of the CDR.

gtpp attribute apn-ni


Specifying this option includes field accessPointNameNI in the CDR.

gtpp attribute pdp-type


Specifying this option includes the pdpPDNType field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute pdp-address


Specifying this option includes the servedPDPPDNAddress field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute dynamic-flag


Specifying this option includes the dynamicAddressFlag field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute node-id


Specifying this option includes the nodeID field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute apn-selection-mode


Specifying this option includes the apnSelectionMode field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute charging -characteristic -selection -mode


Specifying this option includes the chChSelectionMode field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute ms-time-zone


Specifying this option includes the mSTimeZone field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute uli


Specifying this option includes the userLocationInformation field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute losdv


Specifying this option includes the LOSDVs field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute served-mnai


Specifying this option includes the servedMNAI field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute pgw-plmn-id


Specifying this option includes the p-GWPLMNIdentifier field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute start-time


Specifying this option includes the startTime field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute stop-time


Specifying this option includes the stopTime field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute pdn-connection-id


Specifying this option includes the pDNConnectionID field in the CDR.

gtpp storage-server local file format

Defines the file format for CDR files created on the hard disk.



After you configure this command, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.

gtpp storage-server local file compression


Compresses billing files with gzip.



After you configure this command, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.

gtpp attribute secondary-rat-usage


When this trigger is enabled, P-GW sends secondary RAT usage records in CDR including zero volume records.

no gtpp attribute secondary-rat-usage


When this trigger is disabled, P-GW and P-GW does not send secondary RAT usage records in CDRs.

gtpp suppress-secondary-rat-usage zero-volume


P-GW does not include and send zero volume secondary RAT records in CDR. P-GW will send only secondary RAT records which is having non zero volumes.

no gtpp suppress-secondary-rat-usage zero-volume


P-GW sends secondary RAT usage records including zero volume records in CDR.

gtpp limit-secondary-rat-usage

You can add the size limit within the range between 1-100.


P-GW generates CDR immediately when total received Secondary RAT records exceeds the configured limit and reported cause value is maximum change condition. P-GW sends upto configured secondary RAT records in CDR and maximum of 255 Secondary RAT records when no limit is configured.

P-GW generates multiple CDR’s if total received secondary RAT records are multiple of the configured size limit.

For example, If P-GW receives 100 RAT records between two triggers, it will generate 3 CDR’s and will keep remaining 4 RAT records for next CDR trigger.

no gtpp limit-secondary-rat-usage


When this trigger is enabled, P-GW generates CDR immediately when total received secondary RAT records are exceeds 255 and cause value is maximum change condition.

P-GW generates multiple CDR’s if total received secondary RAT records are multiple of 255.

For Example: If P-GW receives 1000 RAT records between two triggers, it will generate 3 CDR’s and will keep remaining 235 RAT records for next CDR trigger.

Rulebase Configuration mode

egcdr threshold interval <seconds>

no egcdr threshold interval


Specifies the threshold for the time interval.

egcdr threshold volume { downlink | uplink | total <bytes> }


Specifies the downlink, uplink, and total volumes that must be met before closing an accounting record.

  • downlink bytes is measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 100,000 to 4,000,000,000.

  • uplink bytes is measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 100,000 to 4,000,000,000.

  • total bytes is the total traffic volume (up and downlink) measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 100,000 to 4,000,000,000.

egcdr tariff minute <mins> hour <hours>

no egcdr tariff <mins> hour <hours>


Specifies the time-of-day time values for closing the current traffic volume container (but not necessarily the accounting record). Six different tariff times may be specified. If less than four times are required, the same time can be specified multiple times.

Cc profile configuration

cc profile index [0..15] serving-nodes [1..15]



Specifies the number of serving node changes for which a new address is added to the list of serving node addresses in the CDR. A partial CDR is generated when this limit is exceeded. Currently this is not supported.

Configuring GTPP for PDG and TTG

This section provides the GTPP configuration for PDG.

  1. At the APN level configure GTPP in the accounting-mode.

         context dest1 
              apn apn_name 
              accounting-mode gtpp 
              gtpp group group1 accounting-context pdg 
  2. At the context level configure the accounting policy. This is required only for time/tariff/volume threshold configuration.

         context dest1 
              policy accounting acct1 
                  cc profile 1 interval 60 
                  cc profile 1 volume total 100000 
                  cc profile 1 tariff time  1 0 0 time 2 2 2 time 3 4 4 time 4 5 5  
                  cc profile 1 buckets 3 
                  cc profile 1 serving-nodes 4 
  3. Associate the accounting policy with the PDG service.

         context source 
              pdg-service pdg1 
              associate accounting-policy acct1 
  4. Configure the GTPP group related parameters and CDR attributes/triggers.

         context source 
              gtpp group group1 
              gtpp charging-agent address port 3386 
              gtpp server max msgs priority 1 
              gtpp dictionary dict1 
              gtpp max-cdr 255 wait-time 10 
              gtpp transport-layer udp 
              gtpp trigger volume-limit  
              gtpp attribute local-record-sequence-number 

The following table lists configuration commands related to creating and formatting WLAN-CDRs. These commands appear at different portions of the system configuration file.

  • gtpp group <name> - These are commands specified within the billing context that also contains the definition of the external interface (the storage server).
  • policy accounting - These commands contain the thresholds for various triggers. The policy accounting commands can be associated with the PDG or TTG service by configuring an associated accounting-policy" in that particular service.
Table 4. WLAN-CDR Configuration Parameters




GTPP Configuration mode - "gtpp group <name>" in billing context

gtpp trigger volume-limit


When this trigger is enabled, partial record closure occurs when the volume limit is reached.

gtpp trigger time-limit


When this trigger is enabled, partial record closure occurs when the configured time limit is reached.

gtpp trigger tariff-time-change


When this trigger is enabled, container closure occurs for a tariff-time change.

gtpp trigger qos-change


Enabling this trigger opens a new CDR for a QoS change.

gtpp trigger rat-change


Partial record closure for a RAT change occurs when this trigger is enabled.

gtpp trigger ms-timezone-change


Partial record closure for a time zone change occurs when this trigger is enabled.

gtpp attribute cell-plmn-id


Specifying this option includes the "Cell PLMN Id" field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute diagnostics


Specifying this option includes the "Diagnostic" field in the CDR that is created when PDP contexts are released.

gtpp attribute duration-ms


Specifying this option results in the mandatory "Duration" field in the CDR to be recorded in milliseconds rather than seconds.

gtpp attribute imei


Specifying this option includes the "IMEI" field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute local-record-sequence-number


Specifying this option includes the optional "Local Record Sequence Number" and "Node-ID" fields in the CDR. Since the Local Record Sequence Number must be unique within one node (identified by Node-ID), the Node-ID field will consist of the sessMgr Recovery count + AAA Manager identifier + the name of the GSN service. Since each AAA Manager generates CDRs independently, the Local Record Sequence Number and Node ID fields uniquely identify a CDR.

gtpp attribute msisdn


Specifying this option includes the "MSISDN" field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute node-id-suffix <string>


string between 1 and 16 characters

Specifying this option sets the string suffix to use in the NodeID field of SGW-CDRs. The S-GW uses the GTPP context name for the NodeID field with the default setting of "no".

gtpp attribute rat


Specifying this option includes the "RAT" field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute record-extensions rat


Specificing this option enables encoding of the RAT in the record-extension field of the CDR.

gtpp storage-server local file format

Defines the file format for CDR files created on the hard disk.



After you configure this command, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.

gtpp storage-server local file compression


Compresses generated billing files with gzip.



After you configure this command, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.

"policy accounting" in Gn context

cc profile <index> buckets <number>



Specifies the number of traffic volume container changes due to QoS changes or tariff time that can occur before an accounting record is closed.

cc profile <index> interval <seconds> [ downlink <down_octets> uplink <up_octets> | total <total_octets> ]


Specifies the normal time duration that must elapse before closing an accounting record provided that any or all of the following conditions occur:

  • Downlink traffic volume is reached within the time interval
  • Uplink traffic volume is reached within the time interval
  • Total traffic volume (uplink and downlink) is reached within the time interval is measured in seconds and can be configured to any integer value from 60 to 4000000.

down_octets is the downlink traffic volume measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 1000000.

up_octets is the uplink traffic volume measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 1000000.

total_octets is the total traffic volume measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 1000000.

cc profile <index> volume { downlink <vol_down_octets> uplink <vol_up_octets> | total <total_octets> }


Specifies the downlink, uplink, and total volumes that must be met before closing an accounting record.

  • vol_down_octets is measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 100000 to 4000000000.
  • vol_up_octets is measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 100000 to 4000000000.
  • total_octets is the total traffic volume (uplink and downlink) measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 100000 to 4000000000

cc profile <index> tariff time1 mins hours time2 mins hours time3 mins hours time4 mins hours


Specifies time-of-day time values to close the current traffic volume container (but not necessarily the accounting record). Four different tariff times may be specified. If less than four times are required, then the same time value can be specified multiple times.

This section provides the GTPP configuration for TTG.
  1. At the subscriber level configure GTPP in the accounting-mode.

         context dest1 
              subscriber default  
                 accounting-mode gtpp 
  2. At the context level configure the accounting policy. This is required only for time/tariff/volume threshold configuration.

         context dest1 
              policy accounting acct1 
                  cc profile 1 interval 60 
                  cc profile 1 volume total 100000 
                  cc profile 1 tariff time  1 0 0 time 2 2 2 time 3 4 4 time 4 5 5  
                  cc profile 1 buckets 3 
                  cc profile 1 serving-nodes 4 
  3. Associate the accounting policy with the TTG service.

         context source 
              pdg-service pdg1 
              accounting context pdg  
              associate accounting-policy acct1 
  4. Configure the GTPP group related parameters and CDR attributes/triggers.

         context source 
              gtpp group default 
              gtpp charging-agent address port 3386 
              gtpp server max msgs priority 1 
              gtpp dictionary dict1 
              gtpp max-cdr 255 wait-time 10 
              gtpp transport-layer udp 
              gtpp trigger volume-limit  
              gtpp attribute rat 

Configuring GTPP for S-GW

This section provides the GTPP configuration for S-GW.

  1. At the subscriber level configure GTPP in the accounting-mode.

         context dest1 
              subscriber default 
              accounting-mode gtpp 
  2. At the context level configure the accounting policy. This is required only for time/tariff/volume threshold configuration.

         context dest1 
              policy accounting lte 
              cc profile 1 interval 60 
              cc profile 1 volume total 100000 
              cc profile 1 tariff time  1 0 0 time 2 2 2 time 3 4 4 time 4 5 5  
              cc profile 1 buckets 3 
              cc profile 1 serving-nodes 4 
  3. Associate the accounting policy with the S-GW service.

         context source 
              sgw-service sgw1 
              associate accounting-policy lte 
  4. Configure the accounting context and GTPP group in S-GW service level. If accounting context is not configured in S-GW service the source context and "default" GTPP group will be selected.

         context source 
              sgw-service sgw1 
              accounting context dest1 gtpp group sgw 
  5. Configure the GTPP group related parameters.

         context source 
              gtpp group group1 
              gtpp charging-agent address port 3386 
              gtpp server max msgs priority 1 
              gtpp dictionary dict1 
              gtpp max-cdr 255 wait-time 10 
              gtpp transport-layer udp 


SGW-CDRs are suppressed and only PGW-CDRs are generated for a session hosted by the associated S-GW and P-GW service. SGW-CDRs are generated when the S-GW connects to an external P-GW.

The following table lists the configuration commands related to creating and formatting SGW-CDRs. These commands appear at different portions of the system configuration file.

  • gtpp group <name> - These are commands specified within the billing context that also contains the definition of the external interface (the storage server).

  • policy accounting - These commands contain the thresholds for various triggers. The "policy accounting" commands can be associated with the sgw-service by configuring an associated accounting-policy" in sgw-service.

Table 5. SGW-CDR Configuration Parameters




GTPP Configuration mode - "gtpp group <name>" in billing context

gtpp trigger volume-limit


When this trigger is enabled, partial record closure occurs when the volume limit is reached.

gtpp trigger time-limit


When this trigger is enabled, partial record closure occurs when the configured time limit is reached.

gtpp trigger tariff-time-change


When this trigger is enabled, container closure occurs for a tariff-time change.

gtpp trigger qos-change


Enabling this trigger opens a new CDR for a QoS change.

gtpp trigger rat-change


Partial record closure for a RAT change occurs when this trigger is enabled.

gtpp trigger ms-timezone-change


Partial record closure for a time zone change occurs when this trigger is enabled.

gtpp attribute apn-ambr-change


No partial record closure for an apn-ambr-change occurs when this trigger is disabled.

gtpp attribute cell-plmn-id


Specifying this option includes the "Cell PLMN Id" field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute diagnostics


Specifying this option includes the "Diagnostic" field in the CDR that is created when PDP contexts are released.

gtpp attribute duration-ms


Specifying this option results in the mandatory "Duration" field in the CDR to be recorded in milliseconds rather than seconds.

gtpp attribute imei


Specifying this option includes the "IMEI" field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute local-record-sequence-number


Specifying this option includes the optional "Local Record Sequence Number" and "Node-ID" fields in the CDR. Since the Local Record Sequence Number must be unique within one node (identified by Node-ID), the Node-ID field will consist of the sessMgr Recovery count + AAA Manager identifier + the name of the GSN service. Since each AAA Manager generates CDRs independently, the Local Record Sequence Number and Node ID fields uniquely identify a CDR.

gtpp attribute msisdn


Specifying this option includes the "MSISDN" field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute node-id-suffix <string>


string between 1 and 16 characters

Specifying this option sets the string suffix to use in the NodeID field of SGW-CDRs. The S-GW uses the GTPP context name for the NodeID field with the default setting of "no".

gtpp attribute rat


Specifying this option includes the "RAT" field in the CDR.

gtpp attribute record-extensions rat


Specificing this option enables encoding of the RAT in the record-extension field of the CDR.

gtpp storage-server local file format

Defines the file format for CDR files created on the hard disk.



After you configure this command, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.

gtpp storage-server local file compression


Compresses generated billing files with gzip.



After you configure this command, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.

gtpp attribute served-pdp-pdn-address-extension


Allows the operator to configure the served-pdp-pdn-extension field in S-CDR. This CLI introduced in 14.0 release.

gtpp attribute apn-ambr


Specifying this option includes optional field "APN-AMBR" in the CDR as part of epcQOSInformationContent.

gtpp attribute imsi-unauthenticated-flag


Specifying this option includes optional field "IMSI Unauthenticated Flag" in the CDR.

gtpp attribute user-csg-information


Specifying this option includes optional field "User CSG Information" in the CDR.

gtpp attribute dynamic-flag-extension


Specifying this option includes optional field "Dynamic Address Flag Extension" in the CDR.

gtpp attribute sgw-ipv6-addr


Specifying this option includes optional field "sgw-ipv6-addr" in the CDR.

gtpp attribute sna-ipv6-addr


Specifying this option includes optional field "servingNodeiPv6Address" in the CDR.

gtpp attribute pgw-ipv6-addr


Specifying this option includes optional field " pgw-ipv6-addr" in the CDR.

gtpp attribute secondary-rat-usage


When this trigger is enabled, S-GW sends secondary RAT usage records in CDR including zero volume records.

no gtpp attribute secondary-rat-usage


When this trigger is enabled, S-GW does not send secondary RAT usage records in CDRs.

gtpp suppress-secondary-rat-usage zero-volume


S-GW does not include and send zero volume secondary RAT records in CDR. S-GW will send only secondary RAT records which is having non zero volumes.

no gtpp suppress-secondary-rat-usage zero-volume


S-GW sends secondary RAT usage records including zero volume records in CDR.

gtpp limit-secondary-rat-usage

You can add the size limit within the range between 1-100.


S-GW generates CDR immediately when total received Secondary RAT records exceeds the configured limit and reported cause value is maximum change condition. SGW sends only 32 records if configured value is >32 and no limit is configured.

S-GW generates multiple CDR’s if total received secondary RAT records are multiple of the configured size limit.

For example, If S-GW receives 100 RAT records between two triggers, it will generate 3 CDR’s and will keep remaining 4 RAT records for next CDR trigger.

no gtpp limit-secondary-rat-usage


When this trigger is enabled, S-GW Ignores no gtpp limit-secondary-rat-usage CLI and sends 32 secondary RAT records in every CDR.

"policy accounting" in Gn context

cc profile <index> buckets <number>



Specifies the number of traffic volume container changes due to QoS changes or tariff time that can occur before an accounting record is closed.

cc profile <index> interval <seconds> [ downlink <down_octets> uplink <up_octets> | total <total_octets> ]


Specifies the normal time duration that must elapse before closing an accounting record provided that any or all of the following conditions occur:

  • Downlink traffic volume is reached within the time interval
  • Uplink traffic volume is reached within the time interval
  • Total traffic volume (uplink and downlink) is reached within the time interval is measured in seconds and can be configured to any integer value from 60 to 4000000.

down_octets is the downlink traffic volume measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 1000000.

up_octets is the uplink traffic volume measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 1000000.

total_octets is the total traffic volume measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 0 to 1000000.

cc profile <index> volume { downlink <vol_down_octets> uplink <vol_up_octets> | total <total_octets> }


Specifies the downlink, uplink, and total volumes that must be met before closing an accounting record.

  • vol_down_octets is measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 100000 to 4000000000.
  • vol_up_octets is measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 100000 to 4000000000.
  • total_octets is the total traffic volume (uplink and downlink) measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 100000 to 4000000000

cc profile <index> tariff time1 mins hours time2 mins hours time3 mins hours time4 mins hours


Specifies time-of-day time values to close the current traffic volume container (but not necessarily the accounting record). Four different tariff times may be specified. If less than four times are required, then the same time value can be specified multiple times.

Configuring GTPP for SGSN

This section provides the GTPP configuration for SGSN.

  1. At the local context level, configure the system to reserve a CPU for performing a AAA proxy function for accounting.

       context local 
          gtpp single-source private-extensions 


    After you configure the gtpp single-source private-extensions command, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.

  2. When gprs-service and sgsn-service are configured in source context, configure the GTPP group related parameters like GTPP server parameters, GTPP dictionary, and optionally CGF to support GTPP accounting:

         context source 
              gtpp group default 
              gtpp charging-agent address  
              gtpp server priority 1 max 1  
              gtpp dictionary custom10 


    The above configuration is applicable for the transfer of generated CDRs to the CGF server over GTPP protocol. Configuration varies slightly if GSS/HDD is used for transferring/storing CDRs.

The following table lists all configuration commands which are related to the creation and formatting of S-CDRs. These commands are given in different portions of the configuration file:

  • gtpp group <name> in the billing context: these are commands specified together with the definition of the external interface, i.e. the storage server.

  • sgsn-service/gprs-service <name> in the Gn context: global settings, mainly for triggers, related to all subscribers depending on the selected charging characteristics.

    • sgsn-service config is required for 3G.

    • gprs-service config is required for 2G.

  • sgsn-operator-policy <name> : defines the preference and default value for the charging characteristics

Table 6. S-CDR Configuration Parameters
Command Default Value Range Comment

gtpp group <name> in billing context

Trigger Related Configuration

gtpp trigger volume-limit


no, enabled

When this trigger is disabled no partial record closure occurs when volume limit is reached.

gtpp trigger time-limit


no, enabled

When this trigger is disabled no partial record closure occurs when the configured time limit is reached.

gtpp trigger tariff-time-change


no, enabled

When this trigger is disabled container closure does not happen for a tariff-time change.

gtpp trigger qos-change


no, enabled

Disabling this trigger ignores a qos-change and does not open a new CDR for it.

CDR attribute related configuration

gtpp attribute diagnostics


no, enabled

Includes the Diagnostic field in the CDR that is created when PDP contexts are released.

gtpp attribute duration-ms


no, enabled

Specifying this option results in mandatory "Duration" field in the CDR to be recorded in milliseconds rather than seconds.

gtpp attribute imei


no, enabled

Specifying this option includes field "IMEI" in the CDR.

gtpp attribute camel-info


no, enabled

If enabled include CAMEL related information in the CDR provided if Ge interface is enabled.

gtpp attribute local-record-sequence-number


no, enabled

Specifying this option includes optional fields "Local Record Sequence Number" and "Node-ID" in the CDR. Since the "Local Record Sequence Number" has to be unique within one node (identified by "Node-ID"), "Node-ID" field will consist of sessMgr Recovery count + AAA Manager identifier + the name of the GSN service. Since each AAA Manager generates CDRs independently, that allows the "Local Record Sequence Number" and "Node ID" fields to uniquely identify a CDR.

gtpp attribute msisdn


no, enabled

Specifying this option includes field "MSISDN" in the CDR.

gtpp attribute node-id-suffix <string>


string from 1 to 16 characters

Specifies the string suffix to use in the Node-ID field of S-CDRs. With the default setting of "no" the SGSN uses the GTPP context name for the Node-Id field.

gtpp attribute rat


no, enabled

Specifying this option includes field "RAT" in the CDR.

HDD related configuration

gtpp storage-server local file format <custom1-custom6>



Defines the file format for CDR files created on the hard disk.



After you configure this command, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.

gtpp storage-server local file compression




Allows to compress generated billing files with gzip.



After you configure this command, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.

gtpp storage-server mode { local | remote }



This enables HDD storage.

gtpp storage-server local file rotation cdr-count <1000-65535>



no, enabled

Configures cdr-count for file rotation.



After you configure this command, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.

gtpp storage-server local file rotation volume mb <2MB-40MB>


no, enabled

Configures file volume for file rotation.



After you configure this command, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.

gtpp storage-server local file rotation time-interval


no, enabled

Configures time-interval for file rotation.



After you configure this command, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.

sgsn-service <name> in Gn context or "gprs-service <name>" in Gn context

cc profile <index> buckets <number>





Specifies the number of traffic volume container changes due to QoS changes or tariff time that can occur before an accounting record should be closed.

cc profile <index> interval <seconds>



interval= 60-40.000.000 seconds


Specifies the normal time duration that must elapse before closing an accounting record.

cc profile <index> volume volume { downlink <octets> uplink <octets> | total <octets> }


index=0 -1 5

octets= 100.000-

Specifies the downlink, uplink, and total volumes that must be met before closing an accounting record.

  • vol_down_octets is measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 100,000 to 4,000,000,000

  • vol_up_octets is measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 100,000 to 4,000,000,000

  • total_octets is the total traffic volume (up and downlink) measured in octets and can be configured to any integer value from 100,000 to 4,000,000,000

cc profile <index> tariff time1 mins hours time2 mins hours time3 mins hours time4 mins hours


index= 0-15

mins= 0 to 59

hours= 0 to 23

Specifies time-of-day time values to close the current traffic volume container (but not necessarily the accounting record). Four different tariff times may be specified. If less than four times are required, the same time can be specified multiple times.

sgsn-operator-policy { default | name <name> }

cc behavior no-records



Specifies the behavior bit upon which the SGSN ceases sending accounting records to a server.

nr_value can be configured to any integer value between 1 and 12 corresponding to the 12 behavior bits.

cc prefer


local- valuehlr-value

Specify the preference for local/HLR CC settings.

cc local-value behavior <bits> profile <index>


bits= 0x000-0xFFF


When no CC is provided by the HLR or the local-value is preferred, then this command specifies the charging characteristics to be used.

sgsn-operator-policy { default | name <name> } , apn

cc local-value-for-scdrs behaviour <bits>


bits= 0x000-0xFFF

Set behavior bits per APN for S-CDR. This will be given highest priority if CC is configured in sgsn-op-policy and apn level.

cc prefer



Define if HLR or local CC value is used in S-CDR.

Sample Configuration for SGSN when HDD is Used

When internal HDD is enabled for storage of generated CDRs, AAA proxy should use the configuration from GTPP group for File Format/GTPP Custom dictionary/File rotation, etc.

     context source 
          gtpp group default 
          gtpp dictionary custom10 
          gtpp storage-server mode local 
          gtpp storage-server local file format custom3  
          gtpp storage-server local file rotation cdr-count 1000  
          gtpp storage-server local file rotation time-interval 4000  
          gtpp storage-server local file rotation volume mb 8  


After you configure gtpp storage-server mode local , gtpp storage-server local file format custom3 , gtpp storage-server local file rotation cdr-count1000 , and gtpp storage-server local file rotation time-interval 4000 CLI commands, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.

Sample Configuration for SGSN when GSS is Used

S-CDRs are generated by Session Manager and are sent immediately to the GSS using a proprietary protocol based on UDP.

     context source 
          gtpp group default 
          gtpp charging-agent address  
          gtpp storage-server port 50000 
          gtpp dictionary custom10 

Gathering Statistics

The following table lists the commands that can be used to gather GTPP statistics.

In the following table, the first column lists what statistics/information to gather and the second column lists the command to use.

Table 7. Gathering Statistics 0


Action to Perform

GTPP statistics for Charging Gateway Functions

At the Exec Mode prompt, enter the following command:

show gtpp statistics cgf-address cgf_address

Information on the number of CDRs stored in HDD

At the Exec Mode prompt, enter the following command:

show gtpp storage-server local file statistics



After you configure this command, you must save the configuration and then reload the chassis for the command to take effect. For information on saving the configuration file and reloading the chassis, refer to the System Administration Guide for your deployment.

Information on the GTPP accounting server configuration

At the Exec Mode prompt, enter the following command:

show gtpp accounting servers group name group_name

Information on the CDR storage server status

At the Exec Mode prompt, enter the following command:

show gtpp storage-server status