Monitor the MME Service


This chapter provides information for monitoring service status and performance using the show commands found in the Command Line Interface (CLI). These command have many related keywords that allow them to provide useful information on all aspects of the system ranging from current software configuration through call activity and status.

The selection of keywords described in this chapter is intended to provided the most useful and in-depth information for monitoring the system. For additional information on these and other show command keywords, refer to the Command Line Interface Reference.

In addition to the CLI, the system supports the sending of Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps that indicate status and alarm conditions. Refer to the SNMP MIB Reference Guide for a detailed listing of these traps.

Monitoring System Status and Performance

This section contains commands used to monitor the status of tasks, managers, applications and other software components in the system. Output descriptions for most of the commands are located in the Counters and Statistics Reference.

Table 1. System Status and Performance Monitoring Commands
To do this: Enter this command:
View Session Statistics and Information
Display Session Resource Status
View session resource status show resources session
Display Historical Session Counter Information
View all historical information for all sample intervals show session counters historical
Display Session Duration Statistics
View session duration statistics show session duration
Display Session State Statistics
View session state statistics show session progress

Display Session Subsystem and Task Statistics

Refer to the System Software Tasks appendix of the System Administration Guide for additional information on the Session subsystem and its various manager tasks.

View AAA Manager statistics show session subsystem facility aaamgr all
View MME Manager statistics show session subsystem facility mmemgr all
View Session Manager statistics show session subsystem facility sessmgr all
View MME Application statistics show logs facility mme-app
View MME HSS Service facility statistics show logs facility mme-hss
View MME miscellaneous logging facility statistics show logs facility mme-misc
View MME Demux Manager logging facility statistics show logs facility mmedemux
Display Session Disconnect Reasons
View session disconnect reasons with verbose output show session disconnect-reasons
View MME Service Statistics
Display MME Service Session Statistics
View MME service session state show mme-service session full
View MME service session statistics show mme-service counters
View MME database statistics for all instances of DB show mme-service db statistics
View individual MME service statistics in concise mode show mme-service statistics mme-service mme_svc_name
View HSS Statistics
View HSS session summary show hss-peer-service session summary all
View HSS session statistics show hss-peer-service statistics all
View eGTPC Statistics
View eGTPC peer information show egtpc peers interface sgw-egress address ip_address
View eGTPC session information show egtpc sessions
View eGTPC session statistics show egtpc statistics
View Subscriber Session Trace Statistics
View session trace statistics for subscriber with specific trace reference id on an MME show session trace subscriber reference-id trace_ref_id network-element mme
View Trace Collection Entity connections and statistics for all network elements show session trace tce-summary

Clearing Statistics and Counters

It may be necessary to periodically clear statistics and counters in order to gather new information. The system provides the ability to clear statistics and counters based on their grouping (MME, MME-HSS, MME DB, etc.).

Statistics and counters can be cleared using the CLI clear command. Refer to the Command Line Reference for detailed information on using this command.