Configuring FlexConnect ACLs

FlexConnect Access Control Lists

An access control list (ACL) is a set of rules used to limit access to a particular interface (for example, if you want to restrict a wireless client from pinging the management interface of the controller). ACLs enable access control of network traffic. After ACLs are configured on the controller, you can apply them to the management interface, the AP-Manager interface, any of the dynamic interfaces, or a WLAN. ACLs enable you to control data traffic to and from wireless clients or to the controller CPU. You can configure ACLs on FlexConnect access points to enable effective usage and access control of locally switched data traffic on an access point.

The FlexConnect ACLs can be applied to VLAN interfaces on access points in both the Ingress and Egress mode.

Existing interfaces on an access point can be mapped to ACLs. The interfaces can be created by configuring a WLAN-VLAN mapping on a FlexConnect access point.

The FlexConnect ACLs can be applied to an access point’s VLAN only if VLAN support is enabled on the FlexConnect access point.

Related Information

This section contains the following subsections:

Restrictions for FlexConnect Access Control Lists

  • FlexConnect ACLs can be applied only to FlexConnect access points. The configurations applied are per AP and per VLAN.

  • FlexConnect ACLs are supported on the native VLAN.


    FlexConnect ACLs are not supported on native VLAN when setting comes from FlexConnect Group.

  • You can configure up to 512 ACLs on a Cisco Wireless Controller. Each rule has parameters that affect its action. When a packet matches all the parameters pertaining to a rule, the action set pertaining to that rule is applied to the packet.

    • You can define 64 IPv4 address based rules in each ACL.

  • Non-FlexConnect ACLs that are configured on the controller cannot be applied to a FlexConnect AP.

  • FlexConnect ACLs do not support direction per rule. Unlike normal ACLs, Flexconnect ACLs cannot be configured with a direction. An ACL as a whole needs to be applied to an interface as ingress or egress.

  • All ACLs have an implicit deny all rule as the last rule. If a packet does not match any of the rules, it is dropped by the corresponding access point.

  • ACLs mapping on the VLANs that are created on an AP using WLAN-VLAN mapping, should be performed on a per-AP basis only. VLANs can be created on a FlexConnect group for AAA override. These VLANs will not have any mapping for a WLAN.

  • ACLs for VLANs that are created on a FlexConnect group should be mapped only on the FlexConnect group. If the same VLAN is present on the corresponding AP as well as the FlexConnect group, AP VLAN will take priority. This means that if no ACL is mapped on the AP, the VLAN will not have any ACL, even if the ACL is mapped to the VLAN on the FlexConnect group.

  • Ensure the FlexConnect ACL and the regular ACL names are not the same while configuring a WLAN for FlexConnect local switching.


A Local Switching WLAN is configured and ACL is mapped to a FlexConnect group with an ACL. The ACL has set of deny and permit rules. When you associate a client to the WLAN, the client needs to have DHCP permit rule added for getting the IP address.

Configuring FlexConnect Access Control Lists (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Security > Access Control Lists > FlexConnect Access Control Lists.

The FlexConnect ACL page is displayed.

This page lists all the FlexConnect ACLs configured on the controller. This page also shows the FlexConnect ACLs created on the corresponding controller. To remove an ACL, hover your mouse over the blue drop-down arrow that is next to the corresponding ACL name and choose Remove.

Step 2

Add a new ACL by clicking New.

The Access Control Lists > New page is displayed.

Step 3

In the Access Control List Name field, enter a name for the new ACL. You can enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters.

Step 4

Click Apply.

Step 5

Click the name of the new ACL after the Access Control Lists page is displayed again.

When the Access Control Lists > Edit page appears, click Add New Rule.

The Access Control Lists > Rules > New page is displayed.

Step 6

Configure an IP address based rule for a given FlexConnect ACL as follows:

  1. Choose IP Rule to create an IP address based rule.

    The Access Control Lists > Rules > New page is displayed.

  2. The controller supports up to 64 rules for each IP address-based ACL. These rules are listed in order from 1 to 64. In the Sequence field, enter a value (between 1 and 64) to determine the order of this rule in relation to any other rules defined for this ACL.


    If rules 1 to 4 are already defined and you add rule 29, it is added as rule 5. If you add or change a sequence number of a rule, the sequence numbers of the other rules are automatically adjusted to maintain a continuous sequence. For instance, if you change a rule’s sequence number from 7 to 5, the rules with sequence numbers 5 and 6 are automatically reassigned as 6 and 7, respectively.

  3. From the Source drop-down list, choose one of these options to specify the source of the packets to which this ACL is applicable:

    • Any—Any source (This is the default value.).

    • IP Address—A specific source. If you choose this option, enter the IP address and netmask of the source in the corresponding fields.

  4. From the Destination drop-down list, choose one of these options to specify the destination of the packets to which this ACL applies:

    • Any—Any destination (This is the default value.).

    • IP Address—A specific destination. If you choose this option, enter the IP address and the details of the destination in the relevant fields.

  5. From the Protocol drop-down list, choose the protocol ID of the IP packets to be used for this ACL. The protocol options that you can use are the following:

    • Any—Any protocol (This is the default value.).

    • TCP

    • UDP

    • ICMP—Internet Control Message Protocol

    • ESP—IP Encapsulating Security Payload

    • AH—Authentication Header

    • GRE—Generic Routing Encapsulation

    • IP in IP—Permits or denies IP-in-IP packets

    • Eth Over IP—Ethernet-over-Internet Protocol

    • OSPF—Open Shortest Path First

    • Other—Any other Internet-Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) protocol

      If you choose Other, enter the number of the desired protocol in the Protocol field. You can find the list of available protocols in the INAI website.

    The controller can permit or deny only the IP packets in an ACL. Other types of packets (such as Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) packets) cannot be specified.

    If you choose TCP or UDP, two more parameters—Source Port and Destination Port, are displayed. These parameters enable you to choose a specific source port and destination port or port range. The port options are used by applications that send and receive data to and from the networking stack. Some ports are designated for certain applications, such as Telnet, SSH, HTTP, and so on.

  6. From the DSCP drop-down list, choose one of these options to specify the differentiated services code point (DSCP) value of this ACL. DSCP is an IP header field that can be used to define the quality of service across the Internet.

    • Any—Any DSCP (This is the default value.).

    • Specific—A specific DSCP from 0 to 63, which you enter in the DSCP field.

  7. From the Action drop-down list, choose Deny to cause this ACL to block packets, or Permit to cause this ACL to allow packets. The default value is Deny.

  8. Click Apply.

    The Access Control Lists > Edit page is displayed on which the rules for this ACL are shown.

  9. Repeat this procedure to add more rules, if required, for this ACL.

Configuring FlexConnect Access Control Lists (CLI)

Use the following commands on the controller to configure FlexConnect ACLs:


  • Create or delete an ACL on a FlexConnect access point by entering this command:

    config flexconnect acl { create | delete } name

    The IPv4 ACL name of up to 32 characters is supported.

  • Associate a FlexConnect ACL to a WLAN.

    1. Enable web authentication by entering this command:

      config wlan security web-auth enable wlan_id

    2. Configure the FlexConnect ACL to a WLAN by entering this command:

      config wlan security web-auth flexacl wlan_id acl_name

  • Configure an IP address based rule for an ACL

    1. Add an IP address based rule to the FlexConnect ACL by entering this command:

      config flexconnect acl rule add acl-name rule-index

    2. Configure a rule's source IP address and netmask by entering this command:

      config flexconnect acl rule source address acl-name rule-index ipv4-addr subnet-mask

    3. Configure a rule’s source port range by entering this command:

      config flexconnect acl rule source port range acl-name rule-index start-port end-port

    4. Configure a rule's destination IP address and netmask by entering this command:

      IPv4—config flexconnect acl rule destination address acl-name rule-index ipv4-addr subnet-mask

    5. Configure a rule’s destination port range by entering this command:

      config flexconnect acl rule destination port rangeacl-name rule-index start-port end-port

    6. Configure the rule's IP protocol by entering this command:

      config flexconnect acl rule protocol acl-name rule-index protocol

      Specify an index value between 0 and 64. Specify the protocol value between 0 and 255 or ‘any’. The default is ‘any.’

    7. Specify the differentiated services code point (DSCP) value of the rule index by entering this command:

      config flexconnectacl rule dscp acl-name rule-index dscp-value

      DSCP is an IP header that can be used to define the quality of service across the Internet. Enter a value between 0 and 63 or the value any . The default value is any .

    8. Set the Permit or deny action to the rule by entering this command:

      config flexconnect acl rule actionacl-name rule-index {permit |deny}

    9. Change the index value for an ACL rule by entering this command:

      config flexconnectacl rule change index acl-name old-index new-index

    10. Swap the index values between two rules by entering this command:

      config flexconnect acl rule swap acl-name index-1 index-2

    11. Delete a rule from the FlexConnect ACL by entering this command:

      config flexconnect acl rule delete name

    12. Apply an ACL to the FlexConnect access point by entering this command:

      config flexconnect acl apply acl-name

  • [Optional] Add a VLAN on a FlexConnect access point by entering this command:

    config ap flexconnect vlan add acl vlan-id ingress-aclname egress-acl-name ap-name

Viewing and Debugging FlexConnect Access Control Lists (CLI)

Use the following commands on the controller to view information related to FlexConnect ACLs:


  • show flexconnect acl summary —Displays a summary of the ACLs.

  • show client detail mac-address —Displays AAA override ACL.

  • show flexconnect acl detailed acl-name —Displays the detailed information about the ACL.

  • debug flexconnect acl {enable | disable} —Enables or disables the debugging of FlexConnect ACL.

  • debug capwap reap —Enables debugging of CAPWAP.