Ports and Interfaces Commands

clear stats port

To clear statistics counters for a specific port, use the clear stats port command.

clear stats port port

Syntax Description


Physical interface port number.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to clear the statistics counters for port 9:

(Cisco Controller) >clear stats port 9

config interface acl

To configure access control list of an interface, use the config interface acl command.

config interface acl { ap-manager | management | interface_name} { ACL | none}

Syntax Description


Configures the access point manager interface.


Configures the management interface.


Interface name.


ACL name up to 32 alphanumeric characters.


Specifies none.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

For a Cisco 2100 Series Wireless LAN Controller, you must configure a preauthentication ACL on the wireless LAN for the external web server. This ACL should then be set as a wireless LAN preauthentication ACL under Web Policy. However, you do not need to configure any preauthentication ACL for Cisco 4400 Series Wireless LAN Controllers.


The following example shows how to configure an access control list with a value None:

(Cisco Controller) > config interface acl management none

config interface address

To configure address information for an interface, use the config interface address command.

config interface address 
{ ap-manager IP_address netmask gateway | 
 management IP_address netmask gateway | 
 service-port IP_address netmask | 
 virtual IP_address | 
 dynamic-interface IP_address dynamic_interface netmask gateway | redundancy-management IP_address peer-redundancy-management IP_address }

Syntax Description


Specifies the access point manager interface.


IP address— IPv4 only.


Network mask.


IP address of the gateway.


Specifies the management interface.


Specifies the out-of-band service port interface.


Specifies the virtual gateway interface.


Specifies the interface identified by the interface-name parameter.


Interface name.


Configures redundancy management interface IP address.


Configures the peer redundancy management interface IP address.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

For Cisco 5500 Series Controllers, you are not required to configure an AP-manager interface. The management interface acts like an AP-manager interface by default.

This command is applicable for IPv4 addresses only.

Ensure that the management interfaces of both controllers are in the same subnet. Ensure that the Redundant Management IP address for both controllers is the same. Likewise, ensure that the Peer Redundant Management IP address for both the controllers is the same.


The following example shows how to configure an access point manager interface with IP address, network mask, and gateway address

(Cisco Controller) > config interface address ap-manager

The following example shows how to configure a redundancy management interface on the controller:

(Cisco Controller) > config interface address redundancy-management peer-redundancy-management

The following example shows how to configure a virtual interface:

(Cisco Controller) > config interface address virtual

config interface address redundancy-management

To configure the management interface IP address, subnet and gateway of the controller, use the config interface address redundancy-management command.

config interface address redundancy-management IP_address netmask gateway

Syntax Description


Management interface IP address of the active controller.


Network mask.


IP address of the gateway.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

You can use this command to check the Active-Standby reachability when the keep-alive fails.


The following example shows how to configure the management IP addresses of the controller:

(Cisco Controller) > config interface address redundancy-management

config interface ap-manager

To enable or disable access point manager features on the management or dynamic interface, use the config interface ap-manager command.

config interface ap-manager { management | interface_name} { enable | disable}

Syntax Description


Specifies the management interface.


Dynamic interface name.


Enables access point manager features on a dynamic interface.


Disables access point manager features on a dynamic interface.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

Use the management option to enable or disable dynamic AP management for the management interface. For Cisco 5500 Series Controllers, the management interface acts like an AP-manager interface by default. If desired, you can disable the management interface as an AP-manager interface and create another dynamic interface as an AP manager.

When you enable this feature for a dynamic interface, the dynamic interface is configured as an AP-manager interface (only one AP-manager interface is allowed per physical port). A dynamic interface that is marked as an AP-manager interface cannot be used as a WLAN interface.


The following example shows how to disable an access point manager myinterface:

(Cisco Controller) > config interface ap-manager myinterface disable

config interface create

To create a dynamic interface (VLAN) for wired guest user access, use the config interface create command.

config interface create interface_name vlan-id

Syntax Description


Interface name.


VLAN identifier.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to create a dynamic interface with the interface named lab2 and VLAN ID 6:

(Cisco Controller) > config interface create lab2 6

config interface delete

To delete a dynamic interface, use the config interface delete command.

config interface delete interface-name

Syntax Description


interface-name Interface name.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to delete a dynamic interface named VLAN501:

(Cisco Controller) > config interface delete VLAN501

config interface dhcp management

To configure DHCP options on a mangament interface, use the config interface dhcp management command.

config interface dhcp management 
{ option-82 { bridge-mode-insertion { enable | disable} | enable | disable | linksel { enable | disable | relaysrc interface-name} | vpnsel { enable | disable | vpnid vpn-id | vrfname vrf-name}} | primary primary-dhcp_server [ secondary secondary-dhcp_server ] | proxy-mode { enable | disable | global} }

Syntax Description


Configures DHCP Option 82 on the interface.


Configures DHCP option 82 insertion in bridge mode.


Disables the feature.


Enables the feature.


Specifies the primary DHCP server.


IP address of the server.


(Optional) Specifies the secondary DHCP server.


IP address of the server.


Configures the DHCP proxy mode on the interface.


Uses the global DHCP proxy mode on the interface.


(Optional) Disables the DHCP proxy mode on the interface.


(Optional) Uses the global DHCP proxy mode on the interface.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.
This command supports IPv6 from this release.


The following example shows how to configure option 82 on a management interface.

(Cisco Controller) > config interface dhcp management option-82 enable 

config interface address

To configure interface addresses, use the config interface address command.

config interface address { dynamic-interface dynamic_interface netmask gateway | management | redundancy-management IP_address peer-redundancy-management | service-port netmask | virtual} IP_address

Syntax Description


Configures the dynamic interface of the controller.


Dynamic interface of the controller.


IP address of the interface.


Netmask of the interface.


Gateway of the interface.


Configures the management interface IP address.


Configures redundancy management interface IP address.


Configures the peer redundancy management interface IP address.


Configures the out-of-band service port.


Configures the virtual gateway interface.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

Ensure that the management interfaces of both controllers are in the same subnet. Ensure that the redundant management IP address for both controllers is the same and that the peer redundant management IP address for both the controllers is the same.


The following example shows how to configure a redundancy management interface on the controller:

 (Cisco Controller) >config interface address redundancy-management peer-redundancy-management

The following example shows how to configure a virtual interface:

(Cisco Controller) > config interface address virtual

config interface guest-lan

To enable or disable the guest LAN VLAN, use the config interface guest-lan command.

config interface guest-lan interface_name { enable | disable}

Syntax Description


Interface name.


Enables the guest LAN.


Disables the guest LAN.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to enable the guest LAN feature on the interface named myinterface:

(Cisco Controller) > config interface guest-lan myinterface enable

config interface hostname

To configure the Domain Name System (DNS) hostname of the virtual gateway interface, use the config interface hostname command.

config interface hostname virtual DNS_host

Syntax Description


Specifies the virtual gateway interface to use the specified virtual address of the fully qualified DNS name.

The virtual gateway IP address is any fictitious, unassigned IP address, such as, to be used by Layer 3 security and mobility managers.


DNS hostname.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to configure virtual gateway interface to use the specified virtual address of the fully qualified DNS hostname DNS_Host:

(Cisco Controller) > config interface hostname virtual DNS_Host

config interface nasid

To configure the Network Access Server identifier (NAS-ID) for the interface, use the config interface nasid command.

config interface nasid { NAS-ID | none} interface_name

Syntax Description


Network Access Server identifier (NAS-ID) for the interface. The NAS-ID is sent to the RADIUS server by the controller (as a RADIUS client) using the authentication request, which is used to classify users to different groups. You can enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters.

Beginning in Release 7.4 and later releases, you can configure the NAS-ID on the interface, WLAN, or an access point group. The order of priority is AP group NAS-ID > WLAN NAS-ID > Interface NAS-ID.


Configures the controller system name as the NAS-ID.


Interface name up to 32 alphanumeric characters.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

The NAS-ID configured on the controller for AP group or WLAN or interface is used for authentication. The NAS-ID is not propagated across controllers.


The following example shows how to configure the NAS-ID for the interface:

(Cisco Controller) > config interface nasid

config interface nat-address

To deploy your Cisco 5500 Series Controller behind a router or other gateway device that is using one-to-one mapping network address translation (NAT), use the config interface nat-address command.

config interface nat-address { management | dynamic-interface interface_name} {{ enable | disable} | { set public_IP_address}}

Syntax Description


Specifies the management interface.

dynamic-interface interface_name

Specifies the dynamic interface name.


Enables one-to-one mapping NAT on the interface.


Disables one-to-one mapping NAT on the interface.


External NAT IP address.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

These NAT commands can be used only on Cisco 5500 Series Controllers and only if the management interface is configured for dynamic AP management.

These commands are supported for use only with one-to-one-mapping NAT, where each private client has a direct and fixed mapping to a global address. They do not support one-to-many NAT, which uses source port mapping to enable a group of clients to be represented by a single IP address.


The following example shows how to enable one-to-one mapping NAT on the management interface:

(Cisco Controller) > config interface nat-address management enable

The following example shows how to set the external NAP IP address on the management interface:

(Cisco Controller) > config interface nat-address management set

config interface port

To map a physical port to the interface (if a link aggregation trunk is not configured), use the config interface port command.

config interface port { management | interface_name | redundancy-management} primary_port [ secondary_port]

Syntax Description


Specifies the management interface.


Interface name.


Specifies the redundancy management interface.


Primary physical port number.


(Optional) Secondary physical port number.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

You can use the management option for all controllers except the Cisco 5500 Series Controllers.


The following example shows how to configure the primary port number of the LAb02 interface to 3:

(Cisco Controller) > config interface port lab02 3

config interface quarantine vlan

To configure a quarantine VLAN on any dynamic interface, use the config interface quarantine vlan command.

config interface quarantine vlan interface-name vlan_id

Syntax Description


Interface’s name.


VLAN identifier.


Enter 0 to disable quarantine processing.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to configure a quarantine VLAN on the quarantine interface with the VLAN ID 10:

(Cisco Controller) > config interface quarantine vlan quarantine 10

config interface vlan

To configure an interface VLAN identifier, use the config interface vlan command.

config interface vlan { ap-manager | management | interface-name | redundancy-management} vlan

Syntax Description


Configures the access point manager interface.


Configures the management interface.


Interface name.


VLAN identifier.


Specifies the redundancy management interface.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

You cannot change the redundancy management VLAN when the system redundancy management interface is mapped to the redundancy port. You must configure the redundancy management port first.


The following example shows how to configure VLAN ID 10 on the management interface:

(Cisco Controller) > config interface vlan management 10

config interface group mdns-profile

To configure an mDNS (multicast DNS) profile for an interface group, use the config interface group mdns-profile command.

config interface group mdns-profile { all | interface-group-name} { profile-name | none}

Syntax Description


Configures an mDNS profile for all interface groups.


Name of the interface group to which the mDNS profile has to be associated. The interface group name can be up to 32 case-sensitive, alphanumeric characters.


Name of the mDNS profile.


Removes all existing mDNS profiles from the interface group. You cannot configure mDNS profiles on the interface group.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

If the mDNS profile is associated to a WLAN, an error appears.


The following example shows how to configure an mDNS profile for an interface group floor1:

(Cisco Controller) > config interface group mdns-profile floor1 profile1

config interface mdns-profile

To configure an mDNS (multicast DNS) profile for an interface, use the config interface mdns-profile command.

config interface mdns-profile { management | all interface-name} { profile-name | none}

Syntax Description


Configures an mDNS profile for the management interface.


Configures an mDNS profile for all interfaces.


Name of the interface on which the mDNS profile has to be configured. The interface name can be up to 32 case-sensitive, alphanumeric characters.


Name of the mDNS profile.


Removes all existing mDNS profiles from the interface. You cannot configure mDNS profiles on the interface.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

If the mDNS profile is associated to a WLAN, an error appears.


The following example shows how to configure an mDNS profile for an interface lab1:

(Cisco Controller) > config interface mdns-profile lab1 profile1

config lag

To enable or disable link aggregation (LAG), use the config lag command.

config lag { enable | disable}

Syntax Description


Enables the link aggregation (LAG) settings.


Disables the link aggregation (LAG) settings.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to enable LAG settings:

(Cisco Controller) > config lag enable
Enabling LAG will map your current interfaces setting to LAG interface,
All dynamic AP Manager interfaces and Untagged interfaces will be deleted
All WLANs will be disabled and mapped to Mgmt interface
Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n)
You must now reboot for the settings to take effect.

The following example shows how to disable LAG settings:

(Cisco Controller) > config lag disable
Disabling LAG will map all existing interfaces to port 1.
Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n)
You must now reboot for the settings to take effect.

config lync-sdn

To configure the Lync service, use the config lync-sdn command.

config lync-sdn { port port-number} | { enable | disable}

Syntax Description


Configures the Lync server port number.


Port number of the server.


Enables Lync service globally.


Disables Lync service globally.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to enable Lync service globally:

(Cisco Controller) >config lync-sdn enable

config macfilter

To create or delete a MAC filter entry on the Cisco wireless LAN controller, use the config macfilter { add | delete} command.

config macfilter { add client_MAC wlan_id [ interface_name] [ description] [ macfilter_IP] | delete client_MAC}

Syntax Description


Adds a MAC filter entry on the controller.


Deletes a MAC filter entry on the controller.


Client MAC address.


Wireless LAN identifier with which the MAC filter entry should associate. A zero value associates the entry with any wireless LAN.


(Optional) Name of the interface. Enter 0 to specify no interface.


(Optional) Short description of the interface (up to 32 characters) in double quotes.


A description is mandatory if macfilterIP is specified.

IP Address

(Optional) IPv4 address of the local MAC filter database.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

Use the config macfilter add command to add a client locally to a wireless LAN on the Cisco wireless LAN controller. This filter bypasses the RADIUS authentication process.

As on release 7.6, the optional macfilter_IP supports only IPv4 address.


The following example shows how to add a MAC filter entry 00:E0:77:31:A3:55 with the wireless LAN ID 1, interface name labconnect, and MAC filter IP on the controller:

(Cisco Controller) > config macfilter add 00:E0:77:31:A3:55 1 lab02 “labconnect”

config macfilter description

To add a description to a MAC filter, use the config macfilter description command.

config macfilter description MAC addrdescription

Syntax Description

MAC addr

Client MAC address.


(Optional) Description within double quotes (up to 32 characters).

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to configure the description MAC filter 01 to MAC address 11:11:11:11:11:11:

(Cisco Controller) > config macfilter description 11:11:11:11:11:11 “MAC Filter 01”

config macfilter interface

To create a MAC filter client interface, use the config macfilter interface command.

config macfilter interface MAC_addr interface

Syntax Description

MAC addr

Client MAC address.


Interface name. A value of zero is equivalent to no name.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to configure a MAC filer interface Lab01 on client 11:11:11:11:11:11:

(Cisco Controller) > config macfilter interface 11:11:11:11:11:11 Lab01

config macfilter ip-address

To enter passive client IP address , use the config macfilter ip-address command.

config macfilterip-address MAC_addr IP Address

Syntax Description


MAC address of the client.

IP Address

Adds an IP address for passive clients.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to add an IP address for a passive client:

(Cisco Controller) > config macfilter ip-address aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff

config macfilter mac-delimiter

To set the MAC delimiter (colon, hyphen, none, and single-hyphen) for MAC addresses sent to RADIUS servers, use the config macfilter mac-delimiter command.

config macfilter mac-delimiter { none | colon | hyphen | single-hyphen}

Syntax Description


Disables the delimiters (for example, xxxxxxxxxx).


Sets the delimiter to a colon (for example, xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx).


Sets the delimiter to a hyphen (for example, xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx).


Sets the delimiter to a single hyphen (for example, xxxxxx-xxxxxx).

Command Default

The default delimiter is hyphen.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to have the operating system send MAC addresses to the RADIUS server in the form aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:

(Cisco Controller) > config macfilter mac-delimiter colon

The following example shows how to have the operating system send MAC addresses to the RADIUS server in the form aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff:

(Cisco Controller) > config macfilter mac-delimiter hyphen

The following example shows how to have the operating system send MAC addresses to the RADIUS server in the form aabbccddeeff:

(Cisco Controller) > config macfilter mac-delimiter none

config macfilter radius-compat

To configure the Cisco wireless LAN controller for compatibility with selected RADIUS servers, use the config macfilter radius-compat command.

config macfilter radius-compat { cisco | free | other}

Syntax Description


Configures the Cisco ACS compatibility mode (password is the MAC address of the server).


Configures the Free RADIUS server compatibility mode (password is secret).


Configures for other server behaviors (no password is necessary).

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to configure the Cisco ACS compatibility mode to “other”:

(Cisco Controller) > config macfilter radius-compat other

config macfilter wlan-id

To modify a wireless LAN ID for a MAC filter, use the config macfilter wlan-id command.

config macfilter wlan-id MAC_addr WLAN_id

Syntax Description

MAC addr

Client MAC address.


Wireless LAN identifier to associate with. A value of zero is not allowed.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to modify client wireless LAN ID 2 for a MAC filter 11:11:11:11:11:11:

(Cisco Controller) > config macfilter wlan-id 11:11:11:11:11:11 2

config port adminmode

To enable or disable the administrative mode for a specific controller port or for all ports, use the config port adminmode command.

config port adminmode { all | port} { enable | disable}

Syntax Description


Configures all ports.


Number of the port.


Enables the specified ports.


Disables the specified ports.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to disable port 8:

(Cisco Controller) > config port adminmode 8 disable

The following example shows how to enable all ports:

(Cisco Controller) > config port adminmode all enable

config port autoneg

To configure 10/100BASE-T Ethernet ports for physical port autonegotiation, use the config port autoneg command.

config port autoneg { all | port} { enable | disable}

Syntax Description


Configures all ports.


Number of the port.


Enables the specified ports.


Disables the specified ports.

Command Default

The default for all ports is that auto-negotiation is enabled.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.



The following example shows how to turn on physical port autonegotiation for all front-panel Ethernet ports:

(Cisco Controller) > config port autoneg all enable

The following example shows how to disable physical port autonegotiation for front-panel Ethernet port 19:

(Cisco Controller) > config port autoneg 19 disable

config port linktrap

To enable or disable the up and down link traps for a specific controller port or for all ports, use the config port linktrap command.

config port linktrap { all | port} { enable | disable}

Syntax Description


Configures all ports.


Number of the port.


Enables the specified ports.


Disables the specified ports.

Command Default

The default value for down link traps for a specific controller port or for all ports is enabled.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to disable port 8 traps:

(Cisco Controller) > config port linktrap 8 disable

The following example shows how to enable all port traps:

(Cisco Controller) > config port linktrap all enable

config port multicast appliance

To enable or disable the multicast appliance service for a specific controller port or for all ports, use the config port multicast appliance commands.

config port multicast appliance { all | port} { enable | disable}

Syntax Description


Configures all ports.


Number of the port.


Enables the specified ports.


Disables the specified ports.

Command Default

The default multicast appliance service for a specific controller port or for all ports is enabled.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to enable multicast appliance service on all ports:

(Cisco Controller) > config port multicast appliance all enable

The following example shows how to disable multicast appliance service on port 8:

(Cisco Controller) > config port multicast appliance 8 disable

config port power

To enable or disable Power over Ethernet (PoE) for a specific controller port or for all ports, use the config port power command.

config port power { all | port} { enable | disable}

Syntax Description


Configures all ports.


Port number.


Enables the specified ports.


Disables the specified ports.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to enable PoE on all ports:

(Cisco Controller) > config port power all enable

The following example shows how to disable PoE on port 8:

(Cisco Controller) > config port power 8 disable

config route add

To configure a network route from the service port to a dedicated workstation IP address range, use the config route add command.

config route add ip_address netmask gateway

Syntax Description


Network IP address.


Subnet mask for the network.


IP address of the gateway for the route network.

Command Default


Usage Guidelines

As on release 7.6, IP_address supports only IPv4 addresses.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

This command supports only IPv4 address format.


The following example shows how to configure a network route to a dedicated workstation IP address, subnet mask, and gateway

(Cisco Controller) > config route add

config route delete

To remove a network route from the service port, use the config route delete command.

config route delete ip_address

Syntax Description


Network IP address.

Command Default


Usage Guidelines

As on release 7.6, IP_address supports only IPv4 addresses.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to delete a route from the network IP address

(Cisco Controller) > config route delete

config serial baudrate

To set the serial port baud rate, use the config serial baudrate command.

config serial baudrate { 1200 | 2400 | 4800 | 9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 57600}

Syntax Description


Specifies the supported connection speeds to 1200.


Specifies the supported connection speeds to 2400.


Specifies the supported connection speeds to 4800.


Specifies the supported connection speeds to 9600.


Specifies the supported connection speeds to 19200.


Specifies the supported connection speeds to 38400.


Specifies the supported connection speeds to 57600.

Command Default

The default serial port baud rate is 9600.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to configure a serial baud rate with the default connection speed of 9600:

(Cisco Controller) > config serial baudrate 9600

config serial timeout

To set the timeout of a serial port session, use the config serial timeout command.

config serial timeout minutes

Syntax Description


Timeout in minutes from 0 to 160. A value of 0 indicates no timeout.

Command Default

0 (no timeout)

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the timeout for a serial connection to the front of the Cisco wireless LAN controller from 0 to 160 minutes where 0 is no timeout.


The following example shows how to configure the timeout of a serial port session to 10 minutes:

(Cisco Controller) > config serial timeout 10

config spanningtree port mode

To turn fast or 802.1D Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) on or off for one or all Cisco wireless LAN controller ports, use the config spanningtree port mode command.

config spanningtree port mode { off | 802.1d | fast} { port | all}

Syntax Description


Disables STP for the specified ports.


Specifies a supported port mode as 802.1D.


Specifies a supported port mode as fast.


Port number (1 through 12 or 1 through 24).


Configures all ports.

Command Default

The default is that port STP is off.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

When the Cisco 4400 Series Wireless LAN Controller is configured for port redundancy, STP must be disabled for all ports on the controller. STP can remain enabled on the switch connected to the controller.

Entering this command allows the controller to set up STP, detect logical network loops, place redundant ports on standby, and build a network with the most efficient pathways.


The following example shows how to disable STP for all Ethernet ports:

(Cisco Controller) > config spanningtree port mode off all

The following example shows how to turn on STP 802.1D mode for Ethernet port 24:

(Cisco Controller) > config spanningtree port mode 802.1d 24

The following example shows how to turn on fast STP mode for Ethernet port 2:

(Cisco Controller) > config spanningtree port mode fast 2

config spanningtree port pathcost

To set the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) path cost for an Ethernet port, use the config spanningtree port pathcost command.

config spanningtree port pathcost { cost | auto} { port | all}

Syntax Description


Cost in decimal as determined by the network planner.


Specifies the default cost.


Port number (1 through 12 or 1 through 24), or all to configure all ports.


Specifies to configure all ports.

Command Default

The default STP path cost for an Ethernet port is auto.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

When the Cisco 4400 Series Wireless LAN Controller is configured for port redundancy, STP must be disabled for all ports on the controller. STP can remain enabled on the switch that is connected to the controller.


The following example shows how to have the STP algorithm automatically assign a path cost for all ports:

(Cisco Controller) > config spanningtree port pathcost auto all

The following example shows how to have the STP algorithm use a port cost of 200 for port 22:

(Cisco Controller) > config spanningtree port pathcost 200 22

config spanningtree port priority

To configure the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) port priority, use the config spanningtree port priority command.

config spanningtree port priority priority_num port

Syntax Description


Priority number from 0 to 255.


Port number (1 through 12 or 1 through 24).

Command Default

The default STP priority value is 128.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

When the Cisco 4400 Series Wireless LAN Controller is configured for port redundancy, STP must be disabled for all ports on the controller. STP can remain enabled on the switch connected to the controller.


The following example shows how to set Ethernet port 2 to STP priority 100:

(Cisco Controller) > config spanningtree port priority 100 2

config spanningtree switch bridgepriority

To set the bridge ID, use the config spanningtree switch bridgepriority command.

config spanningtree switch bridgepriority priority_num

Syntax Description


Priority number between 0 and 65535.

Command Default

The default priority number value to set the bridge ID is 32768.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines


When the Cisco 4400 Series Wireless LAN Controller is configured for port redundancy, STP must be disabled for all ports on the controller. STP can remain enabled on the switch connected to the controller.

The value of the writable portion of the Bridge ID, that is, the first two octets of the (8 octet long) Bridge ID. The other (last) 6 octets of the Bridge ID are given by the value of Bridge MAC address. The value may be specified as a number between 0 and 65535.


The following example shows how to configure spanning tree values on a per switch basis with the bridge priority 40230:

(Cisco Controller) > config spanningtree switch bridgepriority 40230

config spanningtree switch forwarddelay

To set the bridge timeout, use the config spanningtree switch forwarddelay command.

config spanningtree switch forwarddelay seconds

Syntax Description


Timeout in seconds (between 4 and 30).

Command Default

The default value to set a bridge timeout is 15 seconds.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

The value that all bridges use for forward delay when this bridge is acting as the root. 802.1D-1990 specifies that the range for this setting is related to the value of the STP bridge maximum age. The granularity of this timer is specified by 802.1D-1990 to be 1 second. An agent may return a badValue error if a set is attempted to a value that is not a whole number of seconds. The default is 15. Valid values are 4 through 30 seconds.


The following example shows how to configure spanning tree values on a per switch basis with the bridge timeout as 20 seconds:

(Cisco Controller) > config spanningtree switch forwarddelay 20

config spanningtree switch hellotime

To set the hello time, use the config spanningtree switch hellotime command.

config spanningtree switch hellotime seconds

Syntax Description


STP hello time in seconds.

Command Default

The default hello time value is 15.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

All bridges use this value for HelloTime when this bridge is acting as the root. The granularity of this timer is specified by 802.1D- 1990 to be 1 second. Valid values are 1 through 10 seconds.


The following example shows how to configure the STP hello time to 4 seconds:

(Cisco Controller) > config spanningtree switch hellotime 4

config spanningtree switch maxage

To set the maximum age, use the config spanningtree switch maxage command.

config spanningtree switch maxage seconds

Syntax Description


STP bridge maximum age in seconds.

Command Default

The default value for maximum age is 20.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

All bridges use this value for MaxAge when this bridge is acting as the root. 802.1D-1990 specifies that the range for this parameter is related to the value of Stp Bridge Hello Time. The granularity of this timer is specified by 802.1D-1990 to be 1 second. Valid values are 6 through 40 seconds.


The following example shows how to configure the STP bridge maximum age to 30 seconds:

(Cisco Controller) > config spanningtree switch maxage 30

config spanningtree switch mode

To turn the Cisco wireless LAN controller Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) on or off, use the config spanningtree switch mode command.

config spanningtree switch mode { enable | disable}

Syntax Description


Enables STP on the switch.


Disables STP on the switch.

Command Default

The default is that STP is disabled.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

Using this command allows the controller to set up STP, detect logical network loops, place redundant ports on standby, and build a network with the most efficient pathways.


The following example shows how to support STP on all Cisco wireless LAN controller ports:

(Cisco Controller) > config spanningtree switch mode enable

show advanced sip-snooping-ports

To display the port range for call snooping, use the show advanced sip-snooping-ports command.

show advanced sip-snooping-ports

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show advanced sip-snooping-ports command:

(Cisco Controller) > show advanced sip-snooping-ports
 SIP Call Snoop Ports: 1000 - 2000

show interface group

To display details of system interface groups, use the show interface group command.

show interface group { summary | detailed interface_group_name}

Syntax Description


Displays a summary of the local interface groups.


Displays detailed interface group information.


Interface group name for a detailed display.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display a summary of local interface groups:

(Cisco Controller) > show interface group summary
Interface Group Name    Total Interfaces   Total WLANs     Total AP Groups     Quarantine
--------------------    ----------------    ---------      --------------       ---------
mygroup1                      1                0                   0               No
mygroup2                      1                0                   0               No
mygroup3                      5                1                   0               No

The following example shows how to display the detailed interface group information:

(Cisco Controller) > show interface group detailed mygroup1
Interface Group Name............................. mygroup1
Quarantine ...................................... No
Number of Wlans using the Interface Group........ 0
Number of AP Groups using the Interface Group.... 0
Number of Interfaces Contained................... 1
mDNS Profile Name................................ NCS12Prof
Interface Group Description...................... My Interface Group
Next interface for allocation to client.......... testabc
Interfaces Contained in this group .............. testabc
Interface marked with * indicates DHCP dirty interface
Interface list sorted based on vlan:

Index  Vlan     Interface Name
-----  ----    --------------------------------
0       42      testabc

show lag eth-port-hash

To display the physical port used for specific MAC addresses, use the show lag eth-port-hash command.

show lag eth-port-hash dest_MAC [ source_MAC]

Syntax Description


MAC address to determine output port for non-IP packets.


(Optional) MAC address to determine output port for non-IP packets.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the physical port used for a specific MAC address:

(Cisco Controller) > show lag eth-port-hash 11:11:11:11:11:11
Destination MAC 11:11:11:11:11:11 currently maps to port 1

show lag ip-port-hash

To display the physical port used for specific IP addresses, use the show lag ip-port-hash command.

show lag ip-port-hash dest_IP [ source_IP]

Syntax Description


IP address to determine the output port for IP packets.


(Optional) IP address to determine the output port for IP packets.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

For CAPWAP packets, enter the IP address of the access points. For EOIP packets, enter the IP address of the controller. For WIRED_GUEST packets, enter its IP address. For non tunneled IP packets from WLC, enter the destination IP address. For other non tunneled IP packets, enter both destination and source IP addresses.


The following example shows how to display the physical port used for a specific IP address:

(Cisco Controller) > show lag ip-port-hash
Destination IP currently maps to port 1

show lag summary

To display the current link aggregation (LAG) status, use the show lag summary command.

show lag summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the current status of the LAG configuration:

(Cisco Controller) > show lag summary 
LAG Enabled

show port

To display the Cisco wireless LAN controller port settings on an individual or global basis, use the show port command.

show port {port-number | summary | detailed-info | vlan}

Syntax Description


Port number of the physical interface.


Displays a summary of all ports.


Displays detailed port information.


Displays VLAN port table summary.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display information about an individual wireless LAN controller port:

(Cisco Controller) > show port 1
           STP   Admin   Physical   Physical   Link   Link    Mcast
Pr  Type   Stat   Mode     Mode      Status   Status  Trap   Appliance   POE
-- ------- ---- ------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------- --------- -------
1  Normal  Disa Enable  Auto       1000 Full  Down   Enable  Enable     N/A


Some WLAN controllers may not have multicast or Power over Ethernet (PoE) listed because they do not support those features.

The following example shows how to display a summary of all ports:

(Cisco Controller) > show port summary
           STP   Admin   Physical   Physical   Link   Link    Mcast
Pr  Type   Stat   Mode     Mode      Status   Status  Trap   Appliance   POE SFPType
-- ------- ---- ------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------- --------- -------------
1  Normal  Forw Enable  Auto       1000 Full  Up     Enable  Enable     N/A NotPresent
2  Normal  Disa Enable  Auto       1000 Full  Down   Enable  Enable     N/A NotPresent
3  Normal  Disa Enable  Auto       1000 Full  Down   Enable  Enable     N/A NotPresent
4  Normal  Disa Enable  Auto       1000 Full  Down   Enable  Enable     N/A NotPresent


Some WLAN controllers may have only one port listed because they have only one physical port.

show serial

To display the serial (console) port configuration, use the show serial command.

show serial

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The default values for Baud rate, Character, Flow Control, Stop Bits, Parity type of the port configuration are 9600, 8, off, 1, none.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display EIA-232 parameters and the serial port inactivity timeout:

(Cisco Controller) > show serial
Serial Port Login Timeout (minutes)......... 45
Baud Rate................................... 9600
Character Size.............................. 8
Flow Control:............................... Disable
Stop Bits................................... 1
Parity Type:................................ none

show spanningtree port

To display the Cisco wireless LAN controller spanning tree port configuration, use the show spanningtree port command.

show spanningtree port port

Syntax Description


Physical port number:

  • 1 through 4 on Cisco 2100 Series Wireless LAN Controller.

  • 1 or 2 on Cisco 4402 Series Wireless LAN Controller.

  • 1 through 4 on Cisco 4404 Series Wireless LAN Controller.

Command Default

The default SPT configuration output values are 800C, Disabled, 802.1D, 128, 100, Auto.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

When the a Cisco 4400 Series wireless LAN controller is configured for port redundancy, the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) must be disabled for all ports on the Cisco 4400 Series Wireless LAN Controller. STP can remain enabled on the switch connected to the Cisco 4400 Series Wireless LAN Controller.


Some WLAN controllers do not support the spanning tree function.


The following example shows how to display spanning tree values on a per port basis:

(Cisco Controller) > show spanningtree port 3
STP Port ID................................. 800C
STP Port State.............................. Disabled
STP Port Administrative Mode................ 802.1D
STP Port Priority........................... 128
STP Port Path Cost.......................... 100
STP Port Path Cost Mode..................... Auto

show spanningtree switch

To display the Cisco wireless LAN controller network (DS port) spanning tree configuration, use the show spanningtree switch command.

show spanningtree switch

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

Some WLAN controllers do not support the spanning tree function.


The following example shows how to display spanning tree values on a per switch basis:

(Cisco Controller) > show spanningtree switch
STP Specification...................... IEEE 802.1D
STP Base MAC Address................... 00:0B:85:02:0D:20
Spanning Tree Algorithm................ Disable
STP Bridge Priority.................... 32768
STP Bridge Max. Age (seconds).......... 20
STP Bridge Hello Time (seconds)........ 2
STP Bridge Forward Delay (seconds)..... 15

show stats port

To display physical port receive and transmit statistics, use the show stats port command.

show stats port { detailed port | summary port}

Syntax Description


Displays detailed port statistics.


Displays port summary statistics.


Physical port number:

  • 1 through 4 on Cisco 2100 Series Wireless LAN Controllers.

  • 1 or 2 on Cisco 4402 Series Wireless LAN Controllers.

  • 1 through 4 on Cisco 4404 Series Wireless LAN Controllers.

  • 1 on Cisco WLCM Series Wireless LAN Controllers.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the port summary information:

(Cisco Controller) > show stats port summary
Packets Received Without Error................. 399958
Packets Received With Error.................... 0
Broadcast Packets Received..................... 8350
Packets Transmitted Without Error.............. 106060
Transmit Packets Errors........................ 0
Collisions Frames.............................. 0
Time Since Counters Last Cleared............... 2 day 11 hr 16 min 23 sec

The following example shows how to display the detailed port information:

(Cisco Controller) > show stats port detailed 1
Total Bytes...................................... 267799881
64 byte pkts        :918281
65-127 byte pkts    :354016         128-255 byte pkts   :1283092
256-511 byte pkts   :8406           512-1023 byte pkts  :3006
1024-1518 byte pkts :1184           1519-1530 byte pkts :0
> 1530 byte pkts    :2
Total............................................ 2567987
Unicast Pkts  :2547844       Multicast Pkts:0          Broadcast Pkts:20143
Total............................................ 0
Jabbers   :0               Undersize :0               Alignment :0
FCS Errors:0               Overruns  :0
Total............................................ 0
Local Traffic Frames:0              RX Pause Frames     :0
Unacceptable Frames :0              VLAN Membership     :0
VLAN Viable Discards:0              MulticastTree Viable:0
ReserveAddr Discards:0
CFI Discards        :0              Upstream Threshold  :0
Total Bytes...................................... 353831
64 byte pkts        :0              65-127 byte pkts    :0
128-255 byte pkts   :0              256-511 byte pkts   :0
512-1023 byte pkts  :0              1024-1518 byte pkts :2
1519-1530 byte pkts :0              Max Info            :1522
Total............................................ 5875
Unicast Pkts  :5868           Multicast Pkts:0           Broadcast Pkts:7
Total Errors..................................... 0
FCS Error     :0           TX Oversized  :0           Underrun Error:0
Total Discards................................... 0
Single Coll Frames  :0              Multiple Coll Frames:0
Excessive Coll Frame:0              Port Membership     :0
VLAN Viable Discards:0
BPDUs Received      :6              BPDUs Transmitted   :0
802.3x RX PauseFrame:0
Time Since Counters Last Cleared............... 2 day 0 hr 39 min 59 sec

show stats switch

To display the network (DS port) receive and transmit statistics, use the show stats switch command.

show stats switch { detailed | summary}

Syntax Description


Displays detailed switch statistics.


Displays switch summary statistics.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display switch summary statistics:

(Cisco Controller) > show stats switch summary
Packets Received Without Error................. 136410
Broadcast Packets Received..................... 18805
Packets Received With Error.................... 0
Packets Transmitted Without Error.............. 78002
Broadcast Packets Transmitted.................. 3340
Transmit Packet Errors......................... 2
Address Entries Currently In Use............... 26
VLAN Entries Currently In Use.................. 1
Time Since Counters Last Cleared............... 2 day 11 hr 22 min 17 sec

The following example shows how to display detailed switch statistics:

(Cisco Controller) > show stats switch detailed
Octets........................................... 19351718
Total Pkts....................................... 183468
Unicast Pkts..................................... 180230
Multicast Pkts................................... 3219
Broadcast Pkts................................... 19
Pkts Discarded................................... 0
Octets........................................... 354251
Total Pkts....................................... 5882
Unicast Pkts..................................... 5875
Multicast Pkts................................... 0
Broadcast Pkts................................... 7
Pkts Discarded................................... 0
Most Ever Used................................... 1
Currently In Use................................. 1
Maximum.......................................... 128
Most Ever Used................................... 1
Static In Use.................................... 1
Dynamic In Use................................... 0
VLANs Deleted.................................... 0
Time Since Ctrs Last Cleared..................... 2 day 0 hr 43 min 22 sec