Show Commands: a to i

show aaa auth

To display the configuration settings for the AAA authentication server database, use the show aaa auth command.

show aaa auth

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the configuration settings for the AAA authentication server database:

(Cisco Controller) > show aaa auth 
Management authentication server order:
    1............................................ local
    2............................................ tacacs

show acl

To display the access control lists (ACLs) that are configured on the controller, use the show acl command.

show acl { cpu | detailed acl_name | summary | layer2 { summary | detailed acl_name } }

Syntax Description


Displays the ACLs configured on the Cisco WLC's central processing unit (CPU).


Displays detailed information about a specific ACL.


ACL name. The name can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters.


Displays a summary of all ACLs configured on the controller.


Displays the Layer 2 ACLs.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the access control lists on the CPU.

(Cisco Controller) >show acl cpu 

CPU Acl Name................................
Wireless Traffic............................ Disabled
Wired Traffic............................... Disabled
Applied to NPU.............................. No

The following example shows how to display a summary of the access control lists.

(Cisco Controller) > show acl summary

ACL Counter Status              Disabled
IPv4 ACL Name                    Applied
-------------------------------- -------
acl1                         Yes
acl2                         Yes
acl3                         Yes
IPv6 ACL Name                    Applied
-------------------------------- -------
acl6                          No

The following example shows how to display the detailed information of the access control lists.

(Cisco Controller) > show acl detailed acl_name

      Source             Destination        Source Port Dest Port
I Dir IP Address/Netmask IP Address/Netmask Prot   Range    Range     DSCP Action Counter
- --- ------------------ ------------------ ---- --------- --------- ----- ------ -------
1 Any    Any  0-65535   0-65535    0    Deny         0
2 In     6      80-80   0-65535    Any  Permit       0
DenyCounter :     0


The Counter field increments each time a packet matches an ACL rule, and the DenyCounter field increments each time a packet does not match any of the rules.

show acl detailed

To display detailed DNS-based ACL information, use the show acl detailed command.

show acl detailedacl_name

Syntax Description


Name of the access control list.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.


The following is a sample output of the show acl detailed acl_name command.

(Cisco Controller) > show acl detailed android

No rules are configured for this ACL.
DenyCounter : 0 
URLs configured in this ACL

show acl url-acl detailed

To display detailed URL ACL profile information, use the show acl url-acl detailed command.

show acl url-acl detailed acl_name

Syntax Description


Name of the access control list.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
8.3 This command was introduced.


This example shows detailed information of a specific URL ACL profile:

(Cisco Controller) >show acl url-acl detailed 

show acl summary

To display DNS-based ACL information, use the show acl summary command.

show aclsummary

Syntax Description


Displays DNS-based ACL information.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show acl summary command.

(Cisco Controller) > show acl summary

 ACL Counter Status              Disabled
IPv4 ACL Name                    Applied
-------------------------------- -------
android                          No     
StoreACL                         Yes    
IPv6 ACL Name                    Applied
-------------------------------- -------                     1

show acl url-acl summary

To display a summary of the URL ACL profiles, use the show acl url-acl summary command.

show acl url-acl summary

Syntax Description


Displays URL ACL profiles information.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
8.3 This command was introduced.


This example shows a summary of URL ACL profiles:

(Cisco Controller) > show acl summary

URL ACL Feature                 Disabled
ACL Counter Status               Enabled
URL ACL Name       Applied
---------------    -------
test                 No

show advanced 802.11 channel

To display the automatic channel assignment configuration and statistics, use the show advanced 802.11 channel command.

show advanced 802.11{ a | b} channel

Syntax Description


Specifies the 802.11a network.


Specifies the 802.11b/g network.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the automatic channel assignment configuration and statistics:

(Cisco Controller) > show advanced 802.11a channel
Automatic Channel Assignment
  Channel Assignment Mode........................ AUTO
  Channel Update Interval........................ 600 seconds [startup]
  Anchor time (Hour of the day).................. 0
  Channel Update Contribution.................... SNI.
  Channel Assignment Leader...................... 00:1a:6d:dd:1e:40
  Last Run....................................... 129 seconds ago
  DCA Sensitivity Level: ...................... STARTUP (5 dB)
  DCA Minimum Energy Limit....................... -95 dBm
Channel Energy Levels
    Minimum...................................... unknown
    Average...................................... unknown
    Maximum...................................... unknown
  Channel Dwell Times
    Minimum...................................... unknown
    Average...................................... unknown
    Maximum...................................... unknown
  Auto-RF Allowed Channel List................... 36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,149,
    ............................................. 153,157,161
  Auto-RF Unused Channel List.................... 100,104,108,112,116,132,136,
    ............................................. 140,165,190,196
  DCA Outdoor AP option.......................... Enabled

show advanced 802.11 coverage

To display the configuration and statistics for coverage hole detection, use the show advanced 802.11 coverage command.

show advanced 802.11{ a | b} coverage

Syntax Description


Specifies the 802.11a network.


Specifies the 802.11b/g network.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the statistics for coverage hole detection:

(Cisco Controller) > show advanced 802.11a coverage
Coverage Hole Detection
  802.11a Coverage Hole Detection Mode........... Enabled
  802.11a Coverage Voice Packet Count............ 100 packets
  802.11a Coverage Voice Packet Percentage....... 50%
  802.11a Coverage Voice RSSI Threshold.......... -80 dBm
  802.11a Coverage Data Packet Count............. 50 packets
  802.11a Coverage Data Packet Percentage........ 50%
  802.11a Coverage Data RSSI Threshold........... -80 dBm
  802.11a Global coverage exception level........ 25 %
  802.11a Global client minimum exception lev.... 3 clients

show advanced 802.11 group

To display 802.11a or 802.11b Cisco radio RF grouping, use the show advanced 802.11 group command.

show advanced 802.11{ a | b} group

Syntax Description


Specifies the 802.11a network.


Specifies the 802.11b/g network.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display Cisco radio RF group settings:

(Cisco Controller) > show advanced 802.11a group
Radio RF Grouping
  802.11a Group Mode................................... AUTO
  802.11a Group Update Interval........................ 600 seconds
  802.11a Group Leader................................. xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    802.11a Group Member............................... xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
  802.11a Last Run..................................... 133 seconds ago

show advanced hyperlocation summary

To view a summary of Cisco Hyperlocation configuration information, use the show advanced hyperlocation summary command.

show advanced hyperlocation summary

Command History

Release Modification
8.1 This command was introduced in Release 8.1.


The following is a sample output:

(Cisco Controller) >show advanced hyperlocation summary

Hyperlocation.................................... DOWN
Hyperlocation NTP Server.........................
Hyperlocation pak-rssi Threshold................. -100
Hyperlocation pak-rssi Trigger-Threshold......... 10
Hyperlocation pak-rssi Reset-Threshold........... 8
Hyperlocation pak-rssi Timeout................... 3

AP Name                         Ethernet MAC       Slots  Hyperlocation    Explicit AP config
------------------------------  -----------------  -----  ---------------  ------------------
APA023.9FD8.EA4C                40:ce:24:bf:8f:40  2      DOWN             0                 
APA023.9FD8.EA50                40:ce:24:bf:8f:80  2      DOWN             0                 
APA023.9FD8.EA9C                40:ce:24:bf:94:40  2      DOWN             0                 
AP0C75.BD13.B496                a0:23:9f:8a:5c:00  2      DOWN             0  

show advanced hyperlocation ble-beacon

To view information about BLE beacons in APs, use the show advanced hyperlocation ble-beacon command.

show advanced hyperlocation ble-beacon {all | firmware-download summary | beacon-id id | {ap-name ap-name | ap-group group-name}}

Syntax Description


Shows details of all BLE beacons.

firmware-download summary value

Lists all APs in BLE firmware download process.

beacon-id id

Shows information about the BLE beacon, the ID of which you specify.

ap-name ap-name

Shows information about the BLE beacon that is associated with the AP, the name of which you specify.

ap-group group-name

Shows information about the BLE beacon that is associated with the AP group, the name of which you specify.

Command History

Release Modification
8.1 This command was introduced in Release 8.1.


The following is an example of how to view the BLE beacon information for all beacons:

(Cisco Controller) >show advanced hyperlocation ble-beacon all

Global Configuration

                    BLE Advertised Transmit Power: c5 (-59 dBm)

  BLE beacon ID                     UUID                        TX Power(dBm)     Interval(Hz)    Status
-----------------    --------------------------------------    --------------    ------------    ----------
       1              00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000             0                1        Disabled

       2              00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000             0                1        Disabled

       3              00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000             0                1        Disabled

       4              00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000             0                1        Disabled

       5              00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000             0                1        Disabled

show advanced 802.11 l2roam

To display 802.11a or 802.11b/g Layer 2 client roaming information, use the show advanced 802.11 l2roam command.

show advanced 802.11{ a | b} l2roam { rf-param | statistics} mac_address}

Syntax Description


Specifies the 802.11a network.


Specifies the 802.11b/g network.


Specifies the Layer 2 frequency parameters.


Specifies the Layer 2 client roaming statistics.


MAC address of the client.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show advanced 802.11b l2roam rf-param command:

(Cisco Controller) > show advanced 802.11b l2roam rf-param

L2Roam 802.11bg RF Parameters.....................
    Config Mode.................................. Default
    Minimum RSSI................................. -85
    Roam Hysteresis.............................. 2
    Scan Threshold............................... -72
    Transition time.............................. 5

show advanced 802.11 logging

To display 802.11a or 802.11b RF event and performance logging, use the show advanced 802.11 logging command.

show advanced 802.11{ a | b} logging

Syntax Description


Specifies the 802.11a network.


Specifies the 802.11b/g network.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display 802.11b RF event and performance logging:

(Cisco Controller) > show advanced 802.11b logging
RF Event and Performance Logging
  Channel Update Logging......................... Off
  Coverage Profile Logging....................... Off
  Foreign Profile Logging........................ Off
  Load Profile Logging........................... Off
  Noise Profile Logging.......................... Off
  Performance Profile Logging.................... Off
  TxPower Update Logging......................... Off

show advanced 802.11 monitor

To display the 802.11a or 802.11b default Cisco radio monitoring, use the show advanced 802.11 monitor command.

show advanced 802.11{ a | b} monitor

Syntax Description


Specifies the 802.11a network.


Specifies the 802.11b/g network.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the radio monitoring for the 802.11b network:

(Cisco Controller) > show advanced 802.11b monitor
Default 802.11b AP monitoring
  802.11b Monitor Mode........................... enable
  802.11b Monitor Channels....................... Country channels
  802.11b RRM Neighbor Discovery Type............ Transparent
  802.11b AP Coverage Interval................... 180 seconds
  802.11b AP Load Interval....................... 60 seconds
  802.11b AP Noise Interval...................... 180 seconds
  802.11b AP Signal Strength Interval............ 60 seconds

show advanced 802.11 optimized roaming

To display the optimized roaming configurations for 802.11a/b networks, use the show advanced 802.11 optimized roaming command.

show advanced 802.11 { a | b} optimized roaming [ stats]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays optimized roaming statistics for a 802.11a/b network.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to display the optimized roaming configurations for an 802.11a network:

(Cisco Controller) > show advanced 802.11a optimized roaming
  802.11a OptimizedRoaming Mode.................. Enabled
  802.11a OptimizedRoaming Reporting Interval.... 20 seconds
  802.11a OptimizedRoaming Rate Threshold........ disabled

The following example shows how to display the optimized roaming statistics for an 802.11a network:

(Cisco Controller) > show advanced 802.11a optimized roaming stats
OptimizedRoaming Stats
802.11a OptimizedRoaming Disassociations....... 2
802.11a OptimizedRoaming Rejections............ 1

show advanced 802.11 profile

To display the 802.11a or 802.11b lightweight access point performance profiles, use the show advanced 802.11 profile command.

show advanced 802.11{ a | b} profile { global | cisco_ap}

Syntax Description


Specifies the 802.11a network.


Specifies the 802.11b/g network.


Specifies all Cisco lightweight access points.


Name of a specific Cisco lightweight access point.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the global configuration and statistics of an 802.11a profile:

(Cisco Controller) > show advanced 802.11 profile global
Default 802.11a AP performance profiles
  802.11a Global Interference threshold.............. 10%
  802.11a Global noise threshold..................... -70 dBm
  802.11a Global RF utilization threshold............ 80%
  802.11a Global throughput threshold................ 1000000 bps
  802.11a Global clients threshold................... 12 clients
  802.11a Global coverage threshold.................. 12 dB
  802.11a Global coverage exception level............ 80%
  802.11a Global client minimum exception lev........ 3 clients

The following example shows how to display the configuration and statistics of a specific access point profile:

(Cisco Controller) >  show advanced 802.11 profile AP1
Cisco AP performance profile not customized

This response indicates that the performance profile for this lightweight access point is using the global defaults and has not been individually configured.

show advanced 802.11 receiver

To display the configuration and statistics of the 802.11a or 802.11b receiver, use the show advanced 802.11 receiver command.

show advanced 802.11{ a | b} receiver

Syntax Description


Specifies the 802.11a network.


Specifies the 802.11b/g network.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the configuration and statistics of the 802.11a network settings:

(Cisco Controller) > show advanced 802.11 receiver
802.11a Receiver Settings
  RxStart   : Signal Threshold........................... 15
  RxStart   : Signal Lamp Threshold...................... 5
  RxStart   : Preamble Power Threshold................... 2
  RxReStart : Signal Jump Status......................... Enabled
  RxReStart : Signal Jump Threshold...................... 10
  TxStomp : Low RSSI Status.............................. Enabled
  TxStomp : Low RSSI Threshold........................... 30
  TxStomp : Wrong BSSID Status........................... Enabled
  TxStomp : Wrong BSSID Data Only Status................. Enabled
  RxAbort : Raw Power Drop Status........................ Disabled
  RxAbort : Raw Power Drop Threshold..................... 10
  RxAbort : Low RSSI Status.............................. Disabled
  RxAbort : Low RSSI Threshold........................... 0
  RxAbort : Wrong BSSID Status........................... Disabled
  RxAbort : Wrong BSSID Data Only Status................. Disabled

show advanced 802.11 summary

To display the 802.11a or 802.11b Cisco lightweight access point name, channel, and transmit level summary, use the show advanced 802.11 summary command.

show advanced 802.11{ a | b} summary

Syntax Description


Specifies the 802.11a network.


Specifies the 802.11b/g network.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display a summary of the 802.11b access point settings:

(Cisco Controller) > show advanced 802.11b summary
AP Name      MAC Address        Admin State  Operation State   Channel TxPower
------------ ------------------ ------------ ----------------- ------- --------
CJ-1240      00:21:1b:ea:36:60    ENABLED          UP           161      1( )
CJ-1130      00:1f:ca:cf:b6:60    ENABLED          UP           56*      1(*)


An asterisk (*) next to a channel number or power level indicates that it is being controlled by the global algorithm settings.

show advanced 802.11 txpower

To display the 802.11a or 802.11b automatic transmit power assignment, use the show advanced 802.11 txpower command.

show advanced 802.11{ a | b} txpower

Syntax Description


Specifies the 802.11a network.


Specifies the 802.11b/g network.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the configuration and statistics of the 802.11b transmit power cost:

(Cisco Controller) > show advanced 802.11b txpower
Automatic Transmit Power Assignment
  Transmit Power Assignment Mode.................. AUTO
  Transmit Power Update Interval.................. 600 seconds
  Transmit Power Threshold........................ -65 dBm
  Transmit Power Neighbor Count................... 3 APs
  Transmit Power Update Contribution.............. SN.
  Transmit Power Assignment Leader................ xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
  Last Run........................................ 384 seconds ago

show advanced backup-controller

To display a list of primary and secondary backup WLCs, use the show advanced backup-controller command.

show advanced backup-controller

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the backup controller information:

(Cisco Controller) >
show advanced backup-controller
AP primary Backup Controller ....................  controller
AP secondary Backup Controller ..................

show advanced dot11-padding

To display the state of over-the-air frame padding on a wireless LAN controller, use the show advanced dot11-padding command.

show advanced dot11-padding

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to view the state of over-the-air frame padding:

(Cisco Controller) > show advanced dot11-padding
dot11-padding.................................... Disabled

show advanced hotspot

To display the advanced HotSpot parameters, use the show advanced hotspot command.

show advanced hotspot

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the advanced HotSpot parameters:

(Cisco Controller) >show advanced hotspot
ANQP 4-way state................................. Disabled
GARP Broadcast state: ........................... Enabled
GAS request rate limit .......................... Disabled
ANQP comeback delay in TUs(TU=1024usec).......... 50

show advanced max-1x-sessions

To display the maximum number of simultaneous 802.1X sessions allowed per access point, use the show advanced max-1x-sessions command.

show advanced max-1x-sessions

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the maximum 802.1X sessions per access point:

(Cisco Controller) >show advanced max-1x-sessions
Max 802.1x session per AP at a given time........ 0

show advanced probe

To display the number of probes sent to the Cisco WLC per access point per client and the probe interval in milliseconds, use the show advanced probe command.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the probe settings for the WLAN controller:

(Cisco Controller) >show advanced probe
Probe request filtering.......................... Enabled
Probes fwd to controller per client per radio.... 12
Probe request rate-limiting interval............. 100 msec

show advanced rate

To display whether control path rate limiting is enabled or disabled, use the show advanced rate command.

show advanced rate

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the switch control path rate limiting mode:

(Cisco Controller) >show advanced rate
Control Path Rate Limiting.......................  Disabled

show advanced timers

To display the mobility anchor, authentication response, and rogue access point entry timers, use the show advanced timers command.

show advanced timers

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The defaults are shown in the “Examples” section.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the system timers setting:

(Cisco Controller) >show advanced timers
Authentication Response Timeout (seconds)........ 10
Rogue Entry Timeout (seconds).................... 1200
AP Heart Beat Timeout (seconds).................. 30
AP Discovery Timeout (seconds)................... 10
AP Local mode Fast Heartbeat (seconds)........... disable
AP flexconnect mode Fast Heartbeat (seconds)........... disable
AP Primary Discovery Timeout (seconds)........... 120

show advanced client-handoff

To display the number of automatic client handoffs after retries, use the show advanced client-handoff command.

show advanced client-handoff

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the client auto handoff mode after excessive retries:

(Cisco Controller) >show advanced client-handoff
Client auto handoff after retries................  130

show advanced eap

To display Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) settings, use the show advanced eap command.

show advanced eap

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the EAP settings:

(Cisco Controller) > show advanced eap
EAP-Identity-Request Timeout (seconds)........... 1
EAP-Identity-Request Max Retries................. 20
EAP Key-Index for Dynamic WEP.................... 0
EAP Max-Login Ignore Identity Response........... enable
EAP-Request Timeout (seconds).................... 1
EAP-Request Max Retries.......................... 20
EAPOL-Key Timeout (milliseconds)................. 1000
EAPOL-Key Max Retries............................ 2

show advanced send-disassoc-on-handoff

To display whether the WLAN controller disassociates clients after a handoff, use the show advanced send-disassoc-on-handoff command.

show advanced send-disassoc-on-handoff

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show advanced send-disassoc-on-handoff command:

(Cisco Controller) > show advanced send-disassoc-on-handoff
Send Disassociate on Handoff..................... Disabled

show advanced sip-preferred-call-no

To display the list of preferred call numbers, use the show advanced sip-preferred-call-no command.

show advanced sip-preferred-call-no

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show advanced sip-preferred-call-no command:

(Cisco Controller) > show advanced sip-preferred-call-no
Preferred Call Numbers List
Call Index            Preferred Call No
-----------           ------------------
1                      911
2                      100
3                      101
4                      102
5                      103
6                      104

show advanced sip-snooping-ports

To display the port range for call snooping, use the show advanced sip-snooping-ports command.

show advanced sip-snooping-ports

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show advanced sip-snooping-ports command:

(Cisco Controller) > show advanced sip-snooping-ports
 SIP Call Snoop Ports: 1000 - 2000

show arp kernel

To display the kernel Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache information, use the show arp kernel command.

show arp kernel

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show arp kernel command:

(Cisco Controller) > show arp kernel
IP address       HW type     Flags       HW address            Mask     Device        0x1         0x2         00:1A:6C:2A:09:C2     *        dtl0        0x1         0x6         00:1E:E5:E6:DB:56     *        dtl0

show arp switch

To display the Cisco wireless LAN controller MAC addresses, IP addresses, and port types, use the show arp switch command.

show arp switch

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show arp switch command:

(Cisco Controller) > show arp switch
MAC Address          IP Address         Port      VLAN      Type
------------------- ---------------- ------------ ---- -------------------
xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx  service port    1         
xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx  service port               
xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx  service port               

show ap auto-rf

To display the auto-RF settings for a Cisco lightweight access point, use the show ap auto-rf command.

show ap auto-rf 802.11{ a | b} cisco_ap

Syntax Description


Specifies the 802.11a network.


Specifies the 802.11b/g network.


Cisco lightweight access point name.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display auto-RF information for an access point:

(Cisco Controller) > show ap auto-rf 802.11a AP1
Number Of Slots.................................. 2
AP Name.......................................... AP03
MAC Address...................................... 00:0b:85:01:18:b7
  Radio Type..................................... RADIO_TYPE_80211a
  Noise Information
    Noise Profile................................ PASSED
    Channel 36...................................  -88 dBm
    Channel 40...................................  -86 dBm
    Channel 44...................................  -87 dBm
    Channel 48...................................  -85 dBm
    Channel 52...................................  -84 dBm
    Channel 56...................................  -83 dBm
    Channel 60...................................  -84 dBm
    Channel 64...................................  -85 dBm
  Interference Information
    Interference Profile......................... PASSED
    Channel 36...................................  -66 dBm @  1% busy
    Channel 40................................... -128 dBm @  0% busy
    Channel 44................................... -128 dBm @  0% busy
    Channel 48................................... -128 dBm @  0% busy
    Channel 52................................... -128 dBm @  0% busy
    Channel 56...................................  -73 dBm @  1% busy
    Channel 60...................................  -55 dBm @  1% busy
    Channel 64...................................  -69 dBm @  1% busy
  Rogue Histogram (20/40_ABOVE/40_BELOW)
    Channel 36................................... 16/ 0/ 0
    Channel 40................................... 28/ 0/ 0
    Channel 44...................................  9/ 0/ 0
    Channel 48...................................  9/ 0/ 0
    Channel 52...................................  3/ 0/ 0
    Channel 56...................................  4/ 0/ 0
    Channel 60...................................  7/ 1/ 0
    Channel 64...................................  2/ 0/ 0
  Load Information
    Load Profile................................. PASSED
    Receive Utilization.......................... 0%
    Transmit Utilization......................... 0%
    Channel Utilization.......................... 1%
    Attached Clients............................. 1 clients
  Coverage Information
    Coverage Profile............................. PASSED
    Failed Clients............................... 0 clients
  Client Signal Strengths
    RSSI -100 dBm................................ 0 clients
    RSSI  -92 dBm................................ 0 clients
    RSSI  -84 dBm................................ 0 clients
    RSSI  -76 dBm................................ 0 clients
    RSSI  -68 dBm................................ 0 clients
    RSSI  -60 dBm................................ 0 clients
    RSSI  -52 dBm................................ 0 clients
  Client Signal To Noise Ratios
    SNR    0 dBm................................. 0 clients
    SNR    5 dBm................................. 0 clients
    SNR   10 dBm................................. 0 clients
    SNR   15 dBm................................. 0 clients
    SNR   20 dBm................................. 0 clients
    SNR   25 dBm................................. 0 clients
    SNR   30 dBm................................. 0 clients
    SNR   35 dBm................................. 0 clients
    SNR   40 dBm................................. 0 clients
    SNR   45 dBm................................. 0 clients
  Nearby RADs
    RAD 00:0b:85:01:05:08 slot 0.................  -46 dBm on
    RAD 00:0b:85:01:12:65 slot 0.................  -24 dBm on
  Channel Assignment Information
    Current Channel Average Energy...............  -86 dBm
    Previous Channel Average Energy..............  -75 dBm
    Channel Change Count.........................  109
    Last Channel Change Time..................... Wed Sep 29 12:53e:34 2004
    Recommended Best Channel..................... 44
  RF Parameter Recommendations
    Power Level.................................. 1
    RTS/CTS Threshold............................ 2347
    Fragmentation Threshold...................... 2346
    Antenna Pattern.............................. 0

show ap aid-audit-mode

To view the AP aid-audit mode status, use the show ap aid-audit mode command.

show ap aid-audit mode

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
8.6 This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to display the aid-audit mode status:

(Cisco Controller) > show ap aid-audit-mode
 Aid Audit Mode ................................. Disabled

show ap ccx rm

To display an access point’s Cisco Client eXtensions (CCX) radio management status information, use the show ap ccx rm command.

show ap ccx rm ap_name status

Syntax Description


Specified access point name.


Displays the CCX radio management status information for an access point.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the status of the CCX radio management:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap ccx rm AP1240-21ac status
A Radio
Channel Load Request ..................... Disabled 
Noise Histogram Request .................. Disabled
Beacon Request ........................... Disabled
Frame Request ............................ Disabled
Interval ................................. 60
Iteration ................................ 10
G Radio
Channel Load Request ..................... Disabled 
Noise Histogram Request .................. Disabled
Beacon Request ........................... Disabled
Frame Request ............................ Disabled
Interval ................................. 60
Iteration ................................ 10

show ap cdp

To display the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) information for an access point, use the show ap cdp command.

show ap cdp { all | ap-name cisco_ap | neighbors { all | ap-name cisco_ap | detail cisco_ap}}

Syntax Description


Displays the CDP status on all access points.


Displays the CDP status for a specified access point.


Specified access point name.


Displays neighbors using CDP.


Displays details about a specific access point neighbor using CDP.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the CDP status of all access points:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap cdp all
AP CDP State
AP Name             AP CDP State
------------------  ----------
SB_RAP1              enable
SB_MAP1              enable
SB_MAP2              enable
SB_MAP3              enable

The following example shows how to display the CDP status of a specified access point:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap cdp ap-name SB_RAP1
AP CDP State
AP Name             AP CDP State
------------------  ----------
AP CDP State.......................Enabled
AP Interface-Based CDP state
	Ethernet 0.....................Enabled
	Slot 0.........................Enabled
	Slot 1.........................Enabled

The following example shows how to display details about all neighbors using CDP:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap cdp neighbor all
AP Name     AP IP            Neighbor Name       Neighbor IP      Neighbor Port
---------   ---------------  ------------------  --------------  -------------
SB_RAP1  sjc14-41a-sw1    GigabitEthernet1/0/13
SB_RAP1  SB_MAP1     Virtual-Dot11Radio0
SB_MAP1  SB_RAP1     Virtual-Dot11Radio0
SB_MAP1  SB_MAP2     Virtual-Dot11Radio0
SB_MAP2  SB_MAP1     Virtual-Dot11Radio1
SB_MAP2  SB_MAP3     Virtual-Dot11Radio0
SB_MAP3  SB_MAP2     Virtual-Dot11Radio1

The following example shows how to display details about a specific neighbor with a specified access point using CDP:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap cdp neighbors ap-name SB_MAP2
AP Name      AP IP            Neighbor Name    Neighbor IP      Neighbor Port
-----------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------  -------------
SB_MAP2  SB_MAP1  Virtual-Dot11Radio1
SB_MAP2  SB_MAP3  Virtual-Dot11Radio0

The following example shows how to display details about neighbors using CDP:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap cdp neighbors detail SB_MAP2
AP IP address:
Device ID: SB_MAP1
Entry address(es):
Platform: cisco AIR-LAP1522AG-A-K9  ,  Cap
Interface: Virtual-Dot11Radio0,  Port ID (outgoing port): Virtual-Dot11Radio1
Holdtime : 180 sec
Version :
Cisco IOS Software, C1520 Software (C1520-K9W8-M), Experimental Version 12.4(200
81114:084420) [BLD-v124_18a_ja_throttle.20081114 208] Copyright (c) 1986-2008 by
 Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Fri 14-Nov-08 23:08 by
advertisement version: 2
Device ID: SB_MAP3
Entry address(es):
Platform: cisco AIR-LAP1522AG-A-K9  ,  Capabilities: Trans-Bridge
Interface: Virtual-Dot11Radio1,  Port ID (outgoing port): Virtual-Dot11Radio0
Holdtime : 180 sec
Version :
Cisco IOS Software, C1520 Software (C1520-K9W8-M), Experimental Version 12.4(200
81114:084420) [BLD-v124_18a_ja_throttle.20081114 208] Copyright (c) 1986-2008 by
 Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Fri 14-Nov-08 23:08 by
advertisement version: 2

show ap channel

To display the available channels for a specific mesh access point, use the show ap channel command.

show ap channel ap_name

Syntax Description


Name of the mesh access point.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the available channels for a particular access point:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap channel AP47
	802.11b/g Current Channel ...........1
Allowed Channel List.....................1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
802.11a Current Channel .................161
Allowed Channel List.....................36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100,

show ap config

To display the detailed configuration for a lightweight access point, use the show ap config command.

show ap config 802.11{ a | b} [ summary] cisco_ap

Syntax Description


Specifies the 802.11a or 802.11b/g network.


Specifies the 802.11b/g network.


(Optional) Displays radio summary of all APs


Lightweight access point name.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the detailed configuration for an access point:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap config 802.11a AP02
Cisco AP Identifier.............................. 0
Cisco AP Name.................................... AP02
Country code..................................... US  - United States
Regulatory Domain allowed by Country............. 802.11bg:-A     802.11a:-A
AP Regulatory Domain............................. Unconfigured
Switch Port Number .............................. 1
MAC Address...................................... 00:0b:85:18:b6:50
IP Address Configuration......................... DHCP
IP Address.......................................
IP NetMask.......................................
Gateway IP Addr..................................
CAPWAP Path MTU.................................. 1485
Telnet State..................................... Disabled
Ssh State........................................ Disabled
Cisco AP Location................................ default-location
Cisco AP Group Name.............................. default-group
Primary Cisco Switch............................. Cisco_32:ab:63
Primary Cisco Switch IP Address.................. Not Configured
Secondary Cisco Switch...........................
Secondary Cisco Switch IP Address................ Not Configured
Tertiary Cisco Switch............................
Tertiary Cisco Switch IP Address................. Not Configured
Administrative State ............................ ADMIN_ENABLED
Operation State ................................. REGISTERED
Mirroring Mode .................................. Disabled
AP Mode ........................................... Sniffer
Public Safety ..................................... Global: Disabled, Local: Disabled
AP SubMode ...................................... Not Configured
Remote AP Debug ................................. Disabled
Logging trap severity level ..................... informational
Logging syslog facility ......................... kern
S/W  Version ....................................
Boot  Version ...................................
Mini IOS Version ................................
Stats Reporting Period .......................... 180
Stats Re--More-- or (q)uit
LED State........................................ Enabled
PoE Pre-Standard Switch.......................... Enabled
PoE Power Injector MAC Addr...................... Disabled
Power Type/Mode.................................. Power injector / Normal mode
Number Of Slots.................................. 2
AP Model......................................... AIR-LAP1142N-A-K9
AP Image......................................... C1140-K9W8-M
IOS Version...................................... 12.4(20100502:031212)
Reset Button..................................... Enabled
AP Serial Number................................. FTX1305S180
AP Certificate Type.............................. Manufacture Installed
AP User Mode..................................... AUTOMATIC
AP User Name..................................... Not Configured
AP Dot1x User Mode............................... Not Configured
AP Dot1x User Name............................... Not Configured
Cisco AP system logging host.....................
AP Up Time....................................... 47 days, 23 h 47 m 47 s
AP LWAPP Up Time................................. 47 days, 23 h 10 m 37 s
Join Date and Time............................... Tue May  4 16:05:00 2010
Join Taken Time.................................. 0 days, 00 h 01 m 37 s
Attributes for Slot  1
    Radio Type................................... RADIO_TYPE_80211n-5
    Radio Subband................................ RADIO_SUBBAND_ALL
    Administrative State ........................ ADMIN_ENABLED
    Operation State ............................. UP
    Radio Role .................................. ACCESS
    CellId ...................................... 0
Station Configuration
      Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
      Number Of WLANs ........................... 2
      Medium Occupancy Limit .................... 100
      CFP Period ................................ 4
      CFP MaxDuration ........................... 60
      BSSID ..................................... 00:24:97:88:99:60
Operation Rate Set
        6000 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
        9000 Kilo Bits........................... SUPPORTED
        12000 Kilo Bits.......................... MANDATORY
        18000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
        24000 Kilo Bits.......................... MANDATORY
        36000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
        48000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
        54000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
      MCS Set
        MCS 0.................................... SUPPORTED
        MCS 1.................................... SUPPORTED
        MCS 2.................................... SUPPORTED
        MCS 3.................................... SUPPORTED
        MCS 4.................................... SUPPORTED
        MCS 5.................................... SUPPORTED
        MCS 6.................................... SUPPORTED
        MCS 7.................................... SUPPORTED
        MCS 8.................................... SUPPORTED
        MCS 9.................................... SUPPORTED
        MCS 10................................... SUPPORTED
        MCS 11................................... SUPPORTED
        MCS 12................................... SUPPORTED
        MCS 13................................... SUPPORTED
        MCS 14................................... SUPPORTED
        MCS 15................................... SUPPORTED
      Beacon Period ............................. 100
      Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
      Multi Domain Capability Implemented ....... TRUE
      Multi Domain Capability Enabled ........... TRUE
      Country String ............................ US
Multi Domain Capability
      Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
      First Chan Num ............................ 36
      Number Of Channels ........................ 21
MAC Operation Parameters
      Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
      Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
      Packet Retry Limit ........................ 64
Tx Power
      Num Of Supported Power Levels ............. 6
      Tx Power Level 1 .......................... 14 dBm
      Tx Power Level 2 .......................... 11 dBm
      Tx Power Level 3 .......................... 8 dBm
      Tx Power Level 4 .......................... 5 dBm
      Tx Power Level 5 .......................... 2 dBm
      Tx Power Level 6 .......................... -1 dBm
      Tx Power Configuration .................... AUTOMATIC
      Current Tx Power Level .................... 0
Phy OFDM parameters
      Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
      Current Channel ........................... 36
      Extension Channel ......................... NONE
      Channel Width.............................. 20 Mhz
      Allowed Channel List....................... 36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100,
        ......................................... 104,108,112,116,132,136,140,
        ......................................... 149,153,157,161,165
      TI Threshold .............................. -50
      Legacy Tx Beamforming Configuration ....... AUTOMATIC
      Legacy Tx Beamforming ..................... DISABLED
      Antenna Type............................... INTERNAL_ANTENNA
      Internal Antenna Gain (in .5 dBi units).... 6
      Diversity.................................. DIVERSITY_ENABLED
      802.11n Antennas
         A....................................... ENABLED
         B....................................... ENABLED
         A....................................... ENABLED
         B....................................... ENABLED
         C....................................... ENABLED
Performance Profile Parameters
      Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
      Interference threshold..................... 10 %
      Noise threshold............................  -70 dBm
      RF utilization threshold................... 80 %
      Data-rate threshold........................ 1000000 bps
      Client threshold........................... 12 clients
      Coverage SNR threshold..................... 16 dB
      Coverage exception level................... 25 %
      Client minimum exception level............. 3 clients
Rogue Containment Information
    Containment Count............................ 0
CleanAir Management Information
        CleanAir Capable......................... No
Radio Extended Configurations:
        Buffer size ……………………….30
        Beacon strt ………………………..90 ms
       Rx-Sensitivity SOP threshold ………….. -80 dB
       CCA threshold ……………………. -60 dB

The following example shows how to display the detailed configuration for another access point:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap config 802.11b AP02
Cisco AP Identifier.............................. 0
Cisco AP Name.................................... AP02
AP Regulatory Domain............................. Unconfigured
Switch Port Number .............................. 1
MAC Address...................................... 00:0b:85:18:b6:50
IP Address Configuration......................... DHCP
IP Address.......................................
IP NetMask.......................................
Gateway IP Addr..................................
Cisco AP Location................................ default-location
Cisco AP Group Name.............................. default-group
Primary Cisco Switch............................. Cisco_32:ab:63
Secondary Cisco Switch...........................
Tertiary Cisco Switch............................
Administrative State ............................ ADMIN_ENABLED
Operation State ................................. REGISTERED
Mirroring Mode .................................. Disabled
AP Mode ......................................... Local
Remote AP Debug ................................. Disabled
S/W  Version ....................................
Boot  Version ...................................
Stats Reporting Period .......................... 180
LED State........................................ Enabled
ILP Pre Standard Switch.......................... Disabled
ILP Power Injector............................... Disabled
Number Of Slots.................................. 2
AP Model......................................... AS-1200
AP Serial Number................................. 044110223A
AP Certificate Type.............................. Manufacture Installed
Attributes for Slot  1
    Radio Type................................... RADIO_TYPE_80211g
    Administrative State ........................ ADMIN_ENABLED
    Operation State ............................. UP
    CellId ...................................... 0
    Station Configuration
      Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
      Number Of WLANs ........................... 1
      Medium Occupancy Limit .................... 100
      CFP Period ................................ 4
      CFP MaxDuration ........................... 60
      BSSID ..................................... 00:0b:85:18:b6:50
      Operation Rate Set
        1000 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
        2000 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
        5500 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
        11000 Kilo Bits.......................... MANDATORY
        6000 Kilo Bits........................... SUPPORTED
        9000 Kilo Bits........................... SUPPORTED
        12000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
        18000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
        24000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
        36000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
        48000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
        54000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
      Beacon Period ............................. 100
      DTIM Period ............................... 1
      Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
      Multi Domain Capability Implemented ....... TRUE
      Multi Domain Capability Enabled ........... TRUE
      Country String ............................ US
    Multi Domain Capability
      Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
      First Chan Num ............................ 1
      Number Of Channels ........................ 11
    MAC Operation Parameters
      Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
      RTS Threshold ............................. 2347
      Short Retry Limit ......................... 7
      Long Retry Limit .......................... 4
      Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
      Maximum Tx MSDU Life Time ................. 512
      Maximum Rx Life Time....................... 512
    Tx Power
      Num Of Supported Power Levels.............. 5
      Tx Power Level 1 .......................... 17 dBm
      Tx Power Level 2........................... 14 dBm
      Tx Power Level 3........................... 11 dBm
      Tx Power Level 4........................... 8 dBm
      Tx Power Level 5........................... 5 dBm
      Tx Power Configuration..................... CUSTOMIZED
      Current Tx Power Level..................... 5
    Phy OFDM parameters
      Configuration.............................. CUSTOMIZED
      Current Channel............................ 1
      TI Threshold............................... -50
      Legacy Tx Beamforming Configuration ....... CUSTOMIZED
      Legacy Tx Beamforming ..................... ENABLED
      Antenna Type............................... INTERNAL_ANTENNA
      Internal Antenna Gain (in5 dBm units)...... 11
      Diversity.................................. DIVERSITY_ENABLED
    Performance Profile Parameters
      Configuration.............................. AUTOMATIC
      Interference threshold..................... 10%
      Noise threshold............................  -70 dBm
      RF utilization threshold................... 80%
      Data-rate threshold........................ 1000000 bps
      Client threshold........................... 12 clients
      Coverage SNR threshold..................... 12 dB
      Coverage exception level................... 25%
      Client minimum exception level............. 3 clients
    Rogue Containment Information
    Containment Count............................ 0

The following example shows how to display the general configuration of a Cisco access point:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap config general cisco-ap
Cisco AP Identifier.............................. 9
Cisco AP Name.................................... cisco-ap
Country code..................................... US - United States
Regulatory Domain allowed by Country............. 802.11bg:-A 802.11a:-A
AP Country code.................................. US - United States
AP Regulatory Domain............................. 802.11bg:-A 802.11a:-A
Switch Port Number .............................. 1
MAC Address...................................... 12:12:12:12:12:12
IP Address Configuration......................... DHCP
IP Address.......................................
IP NetMask.......................................
CAPWAP Path MTU.................................. 1485
Name Server......................................
Telnet State..................................... Disabled
Ssh State........................................ Disabled
Cisco AP Location................................ default location
Cisco AP Group Name.............................. default-group
Primary Cisco Switch Name........................ 4404
Primary Cisco Switch IP Address..................
Secondary Cisco Switch Name......................
Secondary Cisco Switch IP Address................ Not Configured
Tertiary Cisco Switch Name....................... 4404
Tertiary Cisco Switch IP Address.................
Administrative State ............................ ADMIN_ENABLED
Operation State ................................. REGISTERED
Mirroring Mode .................................. Disabled
AP Mode ......................................... Local
Public Safety ................................... Global: Disabled, Local: Disabled
AP subMode ...................................... WIPS
Remote AP Debug ................................. Disabled
S/W  Version ....................................
Boot  Version ...................................
Mini IOS Version ................................
Stats Reporting Period .......................... 180
LED State........................................ Enabled
PoE Pre-Standard Switch.......................... Enabled
PoE Power Injector MAC Addr...................... Disabled
Power Type/Mode.................................. PoE/Low Power (degraded mode)
Number Of Slots.................................. 2
AP Model......................................... AIR-LAP1252AG-A-K9
IOS Version...................................... 12.4(10:0)
Reset Button..................................... Enabled
AP Serial Number................................. serial_number
AP Certificate Type.............................. Manufacture Installed
Management Frame Protection Validation........... Enabled (Global MFP Disabled)
AP User Mode..................................... CUSTOMIZED
AP username..................................... maria
AP Dot1x User Mode............................... Not Configured
AP Dot1x username............................... Not Configured
Cisco AP system logging host.....................
AP Up Time....................................... 4 days, 06 h 17 m 22 s
AP LWAPP Up Time................................. 4 days, 06 h 15 m 00 s
Join Date and Time............................... Mon Mar 3 06:19:47 2008
Ethernet Port Duplex............................. Auto
Ethernet Port Speed.............................. Auto
AP Link Latency.................................. Enabled
 Current Delay................................... 0 ms
 Maximum Delay................................... 240 ms
 Minimum Delay................................... 0 ms
 Last updated (based on AP Up Time).............. 4 days, 06 h 17 m 20 s
Rogue Detection.................................. Enabled
AP TCP MSS Adjust................................ Disabled
Mesh preferred parent............................ 00:24:13:0f:92:00

show ap config general

To display the access point specific syslog server settings for all access points, use the show ap config general command.

show ap config general ap-name

Syntax Description


AP name

Command History

Release Modification
8.0 This command was introduced

The output of the command is enhanced to show the status of AP antenna monitoring and failure detection for Cisco Wave 2 APs.


The following example shows how to display AP specific server settings:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap config general APc89c.1d53.6799
Cisco AP Identifier.............................. 76
Cisco AP Name.................................... APc89c.1d53.6799
Country code..................................... Multiple Countries:IN,JP,US
Regulatory Domain allowed by Country............. 802.11bg:-AJPU 802.11a:-AJN
AP Country code.................................. US - United States
AP Regulatory Domain............................. 802.11bg:-A 802.11a:-A
Switch Port Number .............................. 1
MAC Address...................................... c8:9c:1d:53:67:99
IP Address Configuration......................... DHCP
IP Address.......................................
IP NetMask.......................................
Gateway IP Addr..................................
NAT External IP Address.......................... None
CAPWAP Path MTU.................................. 1485
Telnet State..................................... Globally Disabled
Ssh State........................................ Globally Disabled
Cisco AP Location................................ default location
Cisco AP Floor Label............................. 0
Cisco AP Group Name.............................. apGroup2
Primary Cisco Switch Name........................
Primary Cisco Switch IP Address.................. Not Configured
Secondary Cisco Switch Name......................
Secondary Cisco Switch IP Address................ Not Configured
Tertiary Cisco Switch Name.......................
Tertiary Cisco Switch IP Address................. Not Configured
Administrative State ............................ ADMIN_ENABLED
Operation State ................................. REGISTERED
Mirroring Mode .................................. Disabled
AP Mode ......................................... Local
Public Safety ................................... Disabled
AP SubMode ...................................... Not Configured
Remote AP Debug ................................. Disabled
Logging trap severity level ..................... informational
Logging syslog facility ......................... system
S/W  Version ....................................
Boot  Version ...................................
Mini IOS Version ................................
Stats Reporting Period .......................... 180
Stats Collection Mode ........................... normal
LED State........................................ Enabled
PoE Pre-Standard Switch.......................... Disabled
PoE Power Injector MAC Addr...................... Disabled
Power Type/Mode.................................. PoE/Full Power
Number Of Slots.................................. 2
AP Model......................................... AIR-LAP1142N-A-K9
AP Image......................................... C1140-K9W8-M
IOS Version...................................... 15.3(20140302:180954)$
Reset Button..................................... Enabled
AP Serial Number................................. FGL1510S3VZ
AP Certificate Type.............................. Manufacture Installed
AP User Mode..................................... AUTOMATIC
AP User Name..................................... cisco
AP Dot1x User Mode............................... Not Configured
AP Dot1x User Name............................... Not Configured
Cisco AP system logging host.....................
AP Up Time....................................... 0 days, 18 h 43 m 35 s
AP LWAPP Up Time................................. 0 days, 18 h 42 m 23 s
Join Date and Time............................... Wed Mar  5 07:26:07 2014
Join Taken Time.................................. 0 days, 00 h 01 m 11 s
Memory Type...................................... DDR3
Memory Size...................................... 98294 KBytes
CPU Type......................................... PowerPC405ex CPU at 586Mhz, revision number 0x147E
Flash Type....................................... Onboard Flash
Flash Size....................................... 31374 KBytes
GPS Present...................................... NO
Ethernet Vlan Tag................................ Disabled
Ethernet Port Duplex............................. Auto
Ethernet Port Speed.............................. Auto
AP Link Latency.................................. Disabled
Rogue Detection.................................. Enabled
AP TCP MSS Adjust................................ Disabled
Hotspot Venue Group.............................. Unspecified
Hotspot Venue Type............................... Unspecified
DNS server IP ............................. Not Available

AP broken antenna detection - Status ............ Enabled (Global)
RSSI Failure Threshold .......................... 40

--More-- or (q)uit
Weak RSSI ....................................... 60
Detection Time .................................. 12
If any broken antenna?........................... ALL
Memory Type...................................... DDR3
Memory Size...................................... 1028096 KBytes
CPU Type.........................................  ARMv7 Processor rev 1 (v7l)

show ap config global

To display the global syslog server settings for all access points that join the controller, use the show ap config global command.

show ap config global

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments and keywords.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display global syslog server settings:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap config global 
AP global system logging host..............................

show ap core-dump

To display the memory core dump information for a lightweight access point, use the show ap core-dump command.

show ap core-dump cisco_ap

Syntax Description


Cisco lightweight access point name.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display memory core dump information:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap core-dump AP02
Memory core dump is disabled.

show ap crash-file

To display the list of both crash and radio core dump files generated by lightweight access points, use the show ap crash-file command.

show ap crash-file

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the crash file generated by the access point:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap crash-file

show ap data-plane

To display the data plane status for all access points or a specific access point, use the show ap data-plane command.

show ap data-plane { all | cisco_ap}

Syntax Description


Specifies all Cisco lightweight access points.


Name of a Cisco lightweight access point.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the data plane status of all access points:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap data-plane all
Min Data          Data          Max Data     Last
AP Name               Round Trip      Round Trip      Round Trip    Update
------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ------
1130                       0.000s          0.000s       0.002s     18:51:23
1240                       0.000s          0.000s       0.000s     18:50:45

show ap dtls-cipher-suite

To display the DTLS show cipher suite information, use the show ap dtls-cipher-suite command.

show ap dtls-cipher-suite

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to display DTLS cipher suite information:

(Cisco Controller) > show ap dtls-cipher-suite
DTLS Cipher Suite................................ RSA-AES256-SHA

show ap ethernet tag

To display the VLAN tagging information of an Ethernet interface, use the show ap ethernet tag command.

show ap ethernet tag { summary | cisco_ap}

Syntax Description


Displays the VLAN tagging information for all access points associated to the controller.


Name of the Cisco lightweight access point. Displays the VLAN tagging information for a specific access point associated to the controller.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

If the access point is unable to route traffic or reach the controller using the specified trunk VLAN, it falls back to the untagged configuration. If the access point joins the controller using this fallback configuration, the controller sends a trap to a trap server such as the WCS, which indicates the failure of the trunk VLAN. In this scenario, the "Failover to untagged" message appears in show command output.


The following example shows how to display the VLAN tagging information for all access points associated to the controller:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap ethernet tag summary

AP Name              Vlan Tag Configuration
------------------   -------
AP2                  7  (Failover to untagged)
charan.AP1140.II     disabled

show ap eventlog

To display the contents of the event log file for an access point that is joined to the controller, use the show ap eventlog command.

show ap eventlog ap_name

Syntax Description


Event log for the specified access point.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the event log of an access point:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap eventlog ciscoAP
AP event log download has been initiated
Waiting for download to complete
AP event log download completed.
======================= AP Event log Contents =====================
*Feb 13 11:54:17.146: %CAPWAP-3-CLIENTEVENTLOG: AP event log has been cleared from the contoller 'admin'
*Feb 13 11:54:32.874: *** Access point reloading. Reason: Reload Command ***
*Mar 1 00:00:39.134: %CDP_PD-4-POWER_OK: Full power - NEGOTIATED inline power source
*Mar 1 00:00:39.174: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Dot11Radio1, changed state to up
*Mar 1 00:00:39.211: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Dot11Radio0, changed state to up
*Mar 1 00:00:49.947: %CAPWAP-3-CLIENTEVENTLOG: Did not get vendor specific options from DHCP.

show ap flexconnect

To view the details of APs in FlexConnect mode, use the show ap flexconnect command.

show ap flexconnect module-vlan ap-name

Syntax Description


Displays the status of FlexConnect local switching and VLAN ID value


Cisco AP name

Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced

show ap image

To display the detailed information about the predownloaded image for specified access points, use the 
show ap image command.

show ap image { cisco_ap | all}

Syntax Description


Name of the lightweight access point.


Specifies all access points.


If you have an AP that has the name all , it conflicts with the keyword all that specifies all access points. In this scenario, the keyword all takes precedence over the AP that is named all .

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

show ap image status

To view download status on all APs, use the show ap image status command.

show ap image status

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.

show ap inventory

To display inventory information for an access point, use the show ap inventory command.

show ap inventory { ap-name | all}

Syntax Description


Inventory for the specified AP.


Inventory for all the APs.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the inventory of an access point:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap inventory test101
NAME: "test101"    , DESCR: "Cisco Wireless Access Point"
PID: AIR-LAP1131AG-A-K9  ,  VID: V01,  SN: FTX1123T2XX

show ap join stats detailed

To display all join-related statistics collected for a specific access point, use the show ap join stats detailed command.

show ap join stats detailed ap_mac

Syntax Description


Access point Ethernet MAC address or the MAC address of the 802.11 radio interface.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display join information for a specific access point trying to join the controller:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap join stats detailed 00:0b:85:02:0d:20
Discovery phase statistics
- Discovery requests received.......................... 2
- Successful discovery responses sent.................. 2
- Unsuccessful discovery request processing............ 0
- Reason for last unsuccessful discovery attempt....... Not applicable
- Time at last successful discovery attempt............ Aug 21 12:50:23:335
- Time at last unsuccessful discovery attempt.......... Not applicable
Join phase statistics
- Join requests received............................... 1
- Successful join responses sent....................... 1
- Unsuccessful join request processing................. 1
- Reason for last unsuccessful join attempt.............RADIUS authorization is pending for the AP
- Time at last successful join attempt................. Aug 21 12:50:34:481
- Time at last unsuccessful join attempt............... Aug 21 12:50:34:374
Configuration phase statistics
- Configuration requests received...................... 1
- Successful configuration responses sent.............. 1
- Unsuccessful configuration request processing........ 0
- Reason for last unsuccessful configuration attempt... Not applicable
- Time at last successful configuration attempt........ Aug 21 12:50:34:374
- Time at last unsuccessful configuration attempt...... Not applicable
Last AP message decryption failure details
- Reason for last message decryption failure........... Not applicable
Last AP disconnect details
- Reason for last AP connection failure................ Not applicable
Last join error summary
- Type of error that occurred last..................... Lwapp join request rejected
- Reason for error that occurred last.................. RADIUS authorization is pending for the AP
- Time at which the last join error occurred........... Aug 21 12:50:34:374

show ap join stats summary

To display the last join error detail for a specific access point, use the show ap join stats summary command.

show ap join stats summary ap_mac

Syntax Description


Access point Ethernet MAC address or the MAC address of the 802.11 radio interface.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

To obtain the MAC address of the 802.11 radio interface, enter the show interface command on the access point.


The following example shows how to display specific join information for an access point:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap join stats summary 00:0b:85:02:0d:20
Is the AP currently connected to controller.......................... No
Time at which the AP joined this controller last time................ Aug 21 12:50:36:061
Type of error that occurred last..................................... Lwapp join request rejected
Reason for error that occurred last.................................. RADIUS authorization is pending for the AP
Time at which the last join error occurred........................... Aug 21 12:50:34:374

show ap join stats summary all

To display the MAC addresses of all the access points that are joined to the controller or that have tried to join, use the show ap join stats summary all command.

show ap join stats summary all

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display a summary of join information for all access points:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap join stats summary all 
Number of APs.............................................. 4
Base Mac             AP EthernetMac         AP Name         IP Address         Status
00:0b:85:57:bc:c0     00:0b:85:57:bc:c0     AP1130     Joined
00:1c:0f:81:db:80     00:1c:63:23:ac:a0     AP1140     Not joined
00:1c:0f:81:fc:20     00:1b:d5:9f:7d:b2     AP1        Joined
00:21:1b:ea:36:60     00:0c:d4:8a:6b:c1     AP2        Not joined

show ap led-state

To view the LED state of all access points or a specific access point, use the show ap led-state command.

show ap led-state { all | cisco_ap}

Syntax Description


Shows the LED state for all access points.


Name of the access point whose LED state is to be shown.

Command Default

The AP LED state is enabled.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to get the LED state of all access points:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap led-state all
Global LED State: Enabled (default)

show ap led-flash

To display the LED flash status of an access point, use the show ap led-flash command.

show ap led-flash cisco_ap

Syntax Description


Enter the name of the Cisco AP.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the LED flash status of an access point:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap led-flash

show ap link-encryption

To display the MAC addresses of all the access points that are joined to the controller or that have tried to join, use the show ap link-encryption command.

show ap link-encryption { all | cisco_ap}

Syntax Description


Specifies all access points.


Name of the lightweight access point.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the link encryption status of all access points:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap link-encryption all
             Encryption  Dnstream  Upstream    Last
AP Name           State     Count     Count  Update
------------------  ---  --------  --------  ------
1240                Dis      4406    237553   Never
1130                 En      2484    276308   19:31

show ap max-count summary

To display the maximum number of access points supported by the Cisco WLC, use the show ap max-count summary command.

show ap max-count summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.


The following is a sample output of the show ap max-count summary command:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap max-count

The max number of AP's supported................. 500

show ap monitor-mode summary

To display the current channel-optimized monitor mode settings, use the show ap monitor-mode summary command.

show ap monitor-mode summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display current channel-optimized monitor mode settings:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap monitor-mode summary
AP Name            Ethernet MAC       Status     Scanning Channel List
---  -----------------  ---------- ----------------------
AP_004             xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx Tracking    1, 6, 11, 4

show ap module summary

To view detailed information about the external module, for a specific Cisco AP or for all Cisco APs, use the show ap module summary command.

show ap module summary { ap-name | all}

Syntax Description


Cisco AP name that has the external module


All Cisco APs that have the external module

Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.

show ap packet-dump status

To display access point Packet Capture configurations, use the show ap packet-dump status command.

show ap packet-dump status

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

Packet Capture does not work during intercontroller roaming.

The controller does not capture packets created in the radio firmware and sent out of the access point, such as the beacon or probe response. Only packets that flow through the Radio driver in the Tx path are captured.


The following example shows how to display the access point Packet Capture configurations:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap packet-dump status 
Packet Capture Status............................ Stopped
FTP Server IP Address............................
FTP Server Path..................................
FTP Server Username..............................
FTP Server Password.............................. ********
Buffer Size for Capture.......................... 2048 KB
Packet Capture Time.............................. 45 Minutes
Packet Truncate Length........................... Unspecified
Packet Capture Classifier........................ None

show ap prefer-mode stats

To view prefer-mode global and per AP group statistics, use the show ap prefer-mode stats command.

show ap prefer-mode stats

Syntax Description


Displays prefer-mode global and per AP group statistics

Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

show ap retransmit

To display access point control packet retransmission parameters, use theshow ap retransmit command.

show ap retransmit { all | cisco_ap}

Syntax Description


Specifies all access points.


Name of the access point.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the control packet retransmission parameters of all access points on a network:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap retransmit all
Global control packet retransmit interval: 3 (default)
Global control packet retransmit count: 5 (default)
AP Name             Retransmit Interval  Retransmit count
------------------  -------------------  -------------------
AP_004                   3 (default)      5 (WLC default),5 (AP default)

show ap stats

To display the statistics for a Cisco lightweight access point, use the show ap stats command.

show ap stats { 802.11{ a | b} | wlan | ethernet summary} cisco_ap [ tsm { client_mac | all}]

Syntax Description


Specifies the 802.11a network


Specifies the 802.11b/g network.


Specifies WLAN statistics.


Specifies AP ethernet interface statistics.


Displays ethernet interface summary of all the connected Cisco access points.


Name of the lightweight access point.


(Optional) Specifies the traffic stream metrics.


(Optional) MAC address of the client.


(Optional) Specifies all access points.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.
8.0 This command was modified. The OEAP WMM Counters were added to the output.


The following example shows how to display statistics of an access point for the 802.11b network:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap stats 802.11a Ibiza

Number Of Slots.................................. 2
AP Name.......................................... Ibiza
MAC Address...................................... 44:2b:03:9a:8a:73
Radio Type....................................... RADIO_TYPE_80211a
Stats Information
  Number of Users................................ 0
  TxFragmentCount................................ 84628
  MulticastTxFrameCnt............................ 84628
  FailedCount.................................... 0
  RetryCount..................................... 0
  MultipleRetryCount............................. 0
  FrameDuplicateCount............................ 0
  RtsSuccessCount................................ 1
  RtsFailureCount................................ 0
  AckFailureCount................................ 0
  RxIncompleteFragment........................... 0
  MulticastRxFrameCnt............................ 0
  FcsErrorCount.................................. 20348857
  TxFrameCount................................... 84628
  WepUndecryptableCount.......................... 19907
  TxFramesDropped................................ 0
OEAP WMM Stats :
  Best Effort:
    Tx Frame Count............................... 0
    Tx Failed Frame Count........................ 0
    Tx Expired Count............................. 0
    Tx Overflow Count............................ 0
    Tx Queue Count............................... 0
    Tx Queue Max Count........................... 0
    Rx Frame Count............................... 0
    Rx Failed Frame Count........................ 0
    Tx Frame Count............................... 0
    Tx Failed Frame Count........................ 0
    Tx Expired Count............................. 0
    Tx Overflow Count............................ 0
    Tx Queue Count............................... 0
    Tx Queue Max Count........................... 0
    Rx Frame Count............................... 0
    Rx Failed Frame Count........................ 0
    Tx Frame Count............................... 0
    Tx Failed Frame Count........................ 0
    Tx Expired Count............................. 0
    Tx Overflow Count............................ 0
    Tx Queue Count............................... 0
    Tx Queue Max Count........................... 0
    Rx Frame Count............................... 0
    Rx Failed Frame Count........................ 0
    Tx Frame Count............................... 0
    Tx Failed Frame Count........................ 0
    Tx Expired Count............................. 0
    Tx Overflow Count............................ 0
    Tx Queue Count............................... 0
    Tx Queue Max Count........................... 0
    Rx Frame Count............................... 0
    Rx Failed Frame Count........................ 0

Rate Limiting Stats:
  Wlan 1:
    Number of Data Packets Received.............. 592
    Number of Data Rx Packets Dropped............ 160
    Number of Data Bytes Received................ 160783
    Number of Data Rx Bytes Dropped.............. 0
    Number of Realtime Packets Received.......... 592
    Number of Realtime Rx Packets Dropped........ 0
    Number of Realtime Bytes Received............ 160783
    Number of Realtime Rx Bytes Dropped.......... 0
    Number of Data Packets Sent.................. 131
    Number of Data Tx Packets Dropped............ 0
    Number of Data Bytes Sent.................... 23436
    Number of Data Tx Bytes Dropped.............. 0
    Number of Realtime Packets Sent.............. 131
    Number of Realtime Tx Packets Dropped........ 0
    Number of Realtime Bytes Sent................ 23436
    Number of Realtime Tx Bytes Dropped.......... 0
Call Admission Control (CAC) Stats
  Voice Bandwidth in use(% of config bw)......... 0
  Voice Roam Bandwidth in use(% of config bw).... 0
    Total channel MT free........................ 0
    Total voice MT free.......................... 0
    Na Direct.................................... 0
    Na Roam...................................... 0
  Video Bandwidth in use(% of config bw)......... 0
  Video Roam Bandwidth in use(% of config bw).... 0
  Total BW in use for Voice(%)................... 0
  Total BW in use for SIP Preferred call(%)...... 0
  Total num of voice calls in progress........... 0
  Num of roaming voice calls in progress......... 0
  Total Num of voice calls since AP joined....... 0
  Total Num of roaming calls since AP joined..... 0
  Total Num of exp bw requests received.......... 0
  Total Num of exp bw requests admitted.......... 0
  Num of voice calls rejected since AP joined.... 0
  Num of roam calls rejected since AP joined..... 0
  Num of calls rejected due to insufficent bw.... 0
  Num of calls rejected due to invalid params.... 0
  Num of calls rejected due to PHY rate.......... 0
  Num of calls rejected due to QoS policy........ 0
SIP CAC Call Stats
  Total Num of calls in progress................. 0
  Num of roaming calls in progress............... 0
  Total Num of calls since AP joined............. 0
  Total Num of roaming calls since AP joined..... 0
  Total Num of Preferred calls received.......... 0
  Total Num of Preferred calls accepted.......... 0
  Total Num of ongoing Preferred calls........... 0
  Total Num of calls rejected(Insuff BW)......... 0
  Total Num of roam calls rejected(Insuff BW).... 0
WMM Video TSPEC CAC Call Stats
  Total num of video calls in progress........... 0
  Num of roaming video calls in progress......... 0
  Total Num of video calls since AP joined....... 0
  Total Num of video roaming calls since AP j.... 0
  Num of video calls rejected since AP joined.... 0
  Num of video roam calls rejected since AP j.... 0
  Num of video calls rejected due to insuffic.... 0
  Num of video calls rejected due to invalid .... 0
  Num of video calls rejected due to PHY rate.... 0
  Num of video calls rejected due to QoS poli.... 0
SIP Video CAC Call Stats
  Total Num of video calls in progress........... 0
  Num of video roaming calls in progress......... 0
  Total Num of video calls since AP joined....... 0
  Total Num of video roaming calls since AP j.... 0
  Total Num of video calls rejected(Insuff BW.... 0
  Total Num of video roam calls rejected(Insu.... 0
Band Select Stats
  Num of dual band client ....................... 0
  Num of dual band client added.................. 0
  Num of dual band client expired ............... 0
  Num of dual band client replaced............... 0
  Num of dual band client detected .............. 0
  Num of suppressed client ...................... 0
  Num of suppressed client expired............... 0
  Num of suppressed client replaced.............. 0

show ap summary

To display a summary of all lightweight access points attached to the controller, use the show ap summary command.

show ap summary [ cisco_ap]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Type sequence of characters that make up the name of a specific AP or a group of APs, or enter a wild character search pattern.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

A list that contains each lightweight access point name, number of slots, manufacturer, MAC address, location, and the controller port number appears. When you specify


The following example shows how to display a summary of all connected access points:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap summary
Number of APs.................................... 2
Global AP username.............................. user
Global AP Dot1x username........................ Not Configured
Number of APs.................................... 2
Global AP username.............................. user
Global AP Dot1x username........................ Not Configured

 AP Name             Slots  AP Model              Ethernet MAC       Location          Country  IP Address       Clients
------------------  -----  --------------------  -----------------  ----------------  -------  ---------------  -------
AP1140               2     AIR-LAP1142N-A-K9     f0:f7:55:75:f3:29                default location         US         0
Access Points using IPv6 transport:
 AP Name    Slots   AP Model           Ethernet MAC       Location         Country     IPv6 Address                 Clients
 ------------------ ----- ------------------------------------- ------------ ------------------ ----- ---------------------------- ------
 AP1040      2    AIR-LAP1042N-A-K9   00:40:96:b9:4b:89   default location  US       2001:DB8:0:1::1                     0

show ap tcp-mss-adjust

To display the Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID) value for each WLAN defined on an access point, use the show ap tcp-mss-adjust command.

show ap tcp-mss-adjust { cisco_ap | all}

Syntax Description


Specified lightweight access point name.


Specifies all access points.


If an AP itself is configured with the keyword all, the all access points case takes precedence over the AP that is with the keyword all.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) maximum segment size (MSS) information of all access points:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap tcp-mss-adjust all
AP Name            TCP State MSS Size
------------------ --------- -------
AP-1140            enabled   536
AP-1240            disabled  -
AP-1130            disabled  -

show ap wlan

To display the Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID) value for each WLAN defined on an access point, use the show ap wlan command.

show ap wlan 802.11{ a | b} cisco_ap

Syntax Description


Specifies the 802.11a network.


Specifies the 802.11b/g network.


Lightweight access point name.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display BSSIDs of an access point for the 802.11b network:

(Cisco Controller) >show ap wlan 802.11b AP01
Site Name........................................ MY_AP_GROUP1
Site Description................................. MY_AP_GROUP1
WLAN ID          Interface          BSSID
-------         -----------        --------------------------
1               management           00:1c:0f:81:fc:20
2               dynamic              00:1c:0f:81:fc:21

show assisted-roaming

To display assisted roaming and 802.11k configurations, use the show assisted-roaming command.

show assisted-roaming

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default



This example shows how to display assisted roaming and 802.11k configurations:

(Cisco Controller) >show assisted-roaming
Assisted Roaming and 80211k Information:
Floor RSSI Bias.................................. 15 dBm
Maximum Denial................................... 2 counts
Minimium Optimized Neighbor Assigned............. 2 neighbors

Assisted Roaming Performance Chart:
Matching Assigned Neighbor....................... [0] = 0
Matching Assigned Neighbor....................... [1] = 0
Matching Assigned Neighbor....................... [2] = 0
Matching Assigned Neighbor....................... [3] = 0
Matching Assigned Neighbor....................... [4] = 0
Matching Assigned Neighbor....................... [5] = 0
Matching Assigned Neighbor....................... [6] = 0
Matching Assigned Neighbor....................... [7] = 0
No Matching Neighbor............................. [8] = 0
No Neighbor Assigned............................. [9] = 0

show atf config

To monitor Cisco Airtime Fairness configuration, use the show atf config command.

show atf config { all | { ap-nameap-name} | { 802.11{ a | b}} | policy | wlan}

Syntax Description


Shows Cisco ATF configuration of all radios


Shows Cisco ATF configuration of an AP


AP name that you must specify


Shows Cisco ATF configuration of all 5-GHz radios


Shows Cisco ATF configuration of all 2.4-GHz radios


Shows configuration of all airtime policies


Shows Cisco ATF configuration of all WLANs

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced


This example shows how to monitor Cisco Airtime Fairness configuration:

(Cisco Controller) >show atf config all

show atf statistics ap

To monitor Cisco Airtime Fairness statistics, use the show atf statistics command.

show atf statistics ap ap-name 802.11{ a | b} { summary | wlan-id | policy-id}

Syntax Description


Shows detailed statistics on all 5-GHz radios.


Shows detailed statistics on all 2.4-GHz radios.


Shows summary statistics for the AP.

wlan wlan-id

Shows detailed ATF statistics for the specified WLAN.

policy policy-name

Shows detailed ATF statistics for the specified policy name.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.


This example shows how to monitor Cisco Airtime Fairness statistics:

(Cisco Controller) >show atf statistics ap Ap01323 802.11a summary

show auth-list

To display the access point authorization list, use the show auth-list command.

show auth-list

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the access point authorization list:

(Cisco Controller) >show auth-list
Authorize APs against AAA...................... disabled
Allow APs with Self-signed Certificate (SSC)... disabled
Mac Addr                  Cert Type    Key Hash
-----------------------   ----------   ------------------------------------------
xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx         MIC

show avc applications

To display all the supported Application Visibility and Control (AVC) applications, use the show avc applications command.

show avc applications

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

AVC uses the Network-Based Application Recognition (NBAR) deep packet inspection technology to classify applications based on the protocol they use. Using AVC, the controller can detect more than 1500 Layer 4 to Layer 7 protocols.


The following is a sample output of the show avc applications command:

(Cisco Controller) > show avc applications

Application-Name           App-ID  Engine-ID  Selector-ID   Application-Group-Name
 ================           ======  =========  ===========   ======================
 3com-amp3                    538        3       629        other
 3com-tsmux                   977        3       106        obsolete
 3pc                          788        1        34        layer3-over-ip
 914c/g                      1109        3       211        net-admin
 9pfs                         479        3       564        net-admin
 acap                         582        3       674        net-admin
 acas                         939        3        62        other
 accessbuilder                662        3       888        other
 accessnetwork                607        3       699        other
 acp                          513        3       599        other
 acr-nema                     975        3       104        industrial-protocols
 active-directory            1194       13       473        other
 activesync                  1419       13       490        business-and-productivity-tools
 adobe-connect               1441       13       505        other
 aed-512                      963        3       149        obsolete
 afpovertcp                  1327        3       548        business-and-productivity-tools
 agentx                       609        3       705        net-admin
 alpes                        377        3       463        net-admin
 aminet                       558        3      2639        file-sharing
 an                           861        1       107        layer3-over-ip
----				                     ----       ---     -----       -------------

show avc profile

To display Application Visibility and Control (AVC) profiles, use the show avc profile command.

show avc profile { summary | detailed profile_name }

Syntax Description


Displays a summary of AVC profiles.


Displays the details of an AVC profile.


Name of the AVC profile. The profile name can be up to 32 case-sensitive, alphanumeric characters.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.


The following is a sample output of the show avc profile summary command.

(Cisco Controller) > show avc profile summary

 Profile-Name                      Number of Rules
  ============                      ==============
  profile	1                                 3
  avc_profile2                              1

The following is a sample output of the show avc profile detailed command.

(Cisco Controller) > show avc profile detailed

  Application-Name          Application-Group-Name            Action  DSCP
  ================          =======================           ======  ====
  ftp                       file-sharing                       Drop      -
  flash-video               browsing                           Mark     10
  facebook                  browsing                           Mark     10

  Associated WLAN IDs       :
  Associated Remote LAN IDs :
  Associated Guest LAN IDs  :

show avc statistics application

To display the statistics of an application, use the show avc statistics application command.

show avc statistics application application_name top-users [ downstream wlan | upstream wlan | wlan] [ wlan_id ]}

Syntax Description


Name of the application. The application name can be up to 32 case-sensitive, alphanumeric characters.


Displays AVC statistics for top application users.


(Optional) Displays statistics of top downstream applications.


(Optional) Displays AVC statistics of a WLAN.


WLAN identifier from 1 to 512.


(Optional) Displays statistics of top upstream applications.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.


The following is a sample output of the show avc statistics application command:

(Cisco Controller) > show avc statistics application ftp top-users downstream wlan 1

  Client MAC            Client IP        WLAN ID  Packets   Bytes   Avg Pkt  Packets    Bytes       DSCP
  (Up/Down)                                       (n secs) (n secs)  Size    (Total)    (Total)   In  Out
  ===========           =========        ======   =======  =======  ======   =======    =======   === ===
  00:0a:ab:15:00:9c(U)        1         16        91     5         43         338     0   0
                   (D)        1         22      5911   268         48        6409     0   0
  00:0a:ab:15:00:5a(U)         1          7        39     5         13          84     0   0
                   (D)         1         12      5723   476         18        5869     0   0
  00:0a:ab:15:00:60(U)         1         19       117     6         75        8666     0   0
                   (D)         1         19      4433   233         83        9595     0   0
  00:0a:ab:15:00:a4(U)        1         18       139     7         21         161     0   0
                   (D)        1         23      4409   191         24        4439     0   0
  00:0a:ab:15:00:48(U)         1         21      2738   130         21        2738     0   0
                   (D)         1         22      4367   198         22        4367     0   0
  00:0a:ab:15:00:87(U)        1         11        47     4         49         301     0   0
                   (D)        1         12      4208   350         48        7755     0   0
  00:0a:ab:15:00:92(U)        1         10        73     7         11          84     0   0
                   (D)        1          9      4168   463         11        4201     0   0
  00:0a:ab:15:00:31(U)         1         11        95     8         34         250     0   0
                   (D)         1         18      3201   177         43        3755     0   0
  00:0a:ab:15:00:46(U)         1          7        47     6         20         175     0   0
                   (D)         1         10      3162   316         23        3448     0   0
  00:0a:ab:15:00:b3(U)        1         10        85     8         34         241     0   0

show avc statistics client

To display the client Application Visibility and Control (AVC) statistics, use the show avc statistics client command.

show avc statistics client client_MAC { application application_name | top-apps [ upstream | downstream]}

Syntax Description


MAC address of the client.


Displays AVC statistics for an application.


Name of the application. The application name can be up to 32 case-sensitive, alphanumeric characters.


Displays AVC statistics for top applications.


(Optional) Displays statistics of top upstream applications.


(Optional) Displays statistics of top downstream applications.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.


The following is a sample output of the show avc statistics client command:

(Cisco Controller) > show avc statistics client 00:0a:ab:15:00:01 application http  

 Description                   Upstream      Downstream
  ===========                   ========      ==========
  Number of Packtes(n secs)         5059            6369
  Number of Bytes(n secs)         170144         8655115
  Average Packet size(n secs)         33            1358
  Total Number of Packtes         131878          150169
  Total Number of Bytes          6054464       205239972
  DSCP Incoming packet                16               0
  DSCP Outgoing Packet                16               0

The following is a sample output of the show avc statistics client command.

(Cisco Controller) > show avc statistics client 00:0a:ab:15:00:01 top-apps

  Application-Name           Packets   Bytes    Avg Pkt  Packets    Bytes    DSCP DSCP
      (Up/Down)              (n secs)  (n secs)  Size    (Total)   (Total)    In   Out
  ================           =======   ======   ======   =======   ======    ====  ====
  http                    (U)    6035   637728    105      6035     637728    16    16
                          (D)    5420  7218796   1331      5420    7218796     0     0
  ggp                     (U)    1331  1362944   1024      1331    1362944     0     0
                          (D)       0        0      0         0          0     0     0
  smp                     (U)    1046  1071104   1024      1046    1071104     0     0
                          (D)       0        0      0         0          0     0     0
  vrrp                    (U)     205   209920   1024       205     209920     0     0
                          (D)       0        0      0         0          0     0     0
  bittorrent              (U)     117     1604     13       117       1604     0     0
                          (D)     121    70469    582       121      70469     0     0
  icmp                    (U)       0        0      0         0          0     0     0
                          (D)      72    40032    556        72      40032    48    48
  edonkey                 (U)     112     4620     41       112       4620     0     0
                          (D)     105    33076    315       105      33076     0     0
  dns                     (U)      10      380     38        10        380     0     0
                          (D)       7     1743    249         7       1743     0     0
  realmedia               (U)       2      158     79         2        158    24    24
                          (D)       2       65     32         2         65     0     0

show avc statistics guest-lan

To display the Application Visibility and Control (AVC) statistics of a guest LAN, use the show avc statistics guest-lan command.

show avc statistics guest-lan guest-lan_id { application application_name | top-app-groups [ upstream | downstream] | top-apps [ upstream | downstream]}

Syntax Description


Guest LAN identifier from 1 to 5.


Displays AVC statistics for an application.


Name of the application. The application name can be up to 32 case-sensitive, alphanumeric characters.


Displays AVC statistics for top application groups.


(Optional) Displays statistics of top upstream applications.


(Optional) Displays statistics of top downstream applications.


Displays AVC statistics for top applications.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.


The following is a sample output of the show avc statistics command.

(Cisco Controller) > show avc statistics guest-lan 1

 Application-Name            Packets   Bytes   Avg Pkt  Packets      Bytes
   (Up/Down)                 (n secs) (n secs)  Size    (Total)      (Total)
 ================            =======  ======    ======   ======      =======
 unclassified            (U)  191464    208627     1    92208613  11138796586
                         (D)  63427  53440610   842    16295621   9657054635
 ftp                     (U)    805     72880    90      172939     11206202
                         (D)    911     58143    63      190900     17418653
 http                    (U)  264904  12508288    47    27493945   2837672192
                         (D)  319894  436915253  1365    29850934  36817587924
 gre                     (U)      0         0     0    10158872  10402684928
                         (D)      0         0     0           0            0
 icmp                    (U)      1        40    40         323        98476
                         (D)   7262   4034576   555     2888266   1605133372
 ipinip                  (U)  62565  64066560  1024    11992305  12280120320
                         (D)      0         0     0           0            0
 imap                    (U)   1430     16798    11      305161      3795766
                         (D)   1555    576371   370      332290    125799465
 irc                     (U)      9        74     8        1736         9133
                         (D)     11       371    33        1972       173381
 nntp                    (U)     22       158     7        1705         9612
                         (D)     22       372    16        2047       214391

show avc statistics remote-lan

To display the Application Visibility and Control (AVC) statistics of a remote LAN, use the show avc statistics remote-lan command.

show avc statistics remote-lan remote-lan_id{ application application_name | top-app-groups [ upstream | downstream] | top-apps [ upstream | downstream]}

Syntax Description


Remote LAN identifier from 1 to 512.


Displays AVC statistics for an application.


Name of the application. The application name can be up to 32 case-sensitive, alphanumeric characters.


Displays AVC statistics for top application groups.


(Optional) Displays statistics of top upstream applications.


(Optional) Displays statistics of top downstream applications.


Displays AVC statistics for top applications.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.


The following is a sample output of the show avc statistics remote-lan command.

(Cisco Controller) > show avc statistics remote-lan 1

 Application-Name            Packets   Bytes   Avg Pkt  Packets      Bytes
   (Up/Down)                 (n secs) (n secs)  Size    (Total)      (Total)
 ================            =======  ======    ======   ======      =======
 unclassified            (U)  191464    208627     1    92208613  11138796586
                         (D)  63427  53440610   842    16295621   9657054635
 ftp                     (U)    805     72880    90      172939     11206202
                         (D)    911     58143    63      190900     17418653
 http                    (U)  264904  12508288    47    27493945   2837672192
                         (D)  319894  436915253  1365    29850934  36817587924
 gre                     (U)      0         0     0    10158872  10402684928
                         (D)      0         0     0           0            0
 icmp                    (U)      1        40    40         323        98476
                         (D)   7262   4034576   555     2888266   1605133372
 ipinip                  (U)  62565  64066560  1024    11992305  12280120320
                         (D)      0         0     0           0            0
 imap                    (U)   1430     16798    11      305161      3795766
                         (D)   1555    576371   370      332290    125799465
 irc                     (U)      9        74     8        1736         9133
                         (D)     11       371    33        1972       173381
 nntp                    (U)     22       158     7        1705         9612
                         (D)     22       372    16        2047       214391

show avc statistics top-apps

To display the Application Visibility and Control (AVC) statistics for the most used applications, use the show avc statistics top-apps command.

show avc statistics top-apps [ upstream | downstream]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays statistics of the most used upstream applications.


(Optional) Displays statistics of the most used downstream applications.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.


The following is a sample output of the show avc statistics top-aps command:

(Cisco Controller) > show avc statistics top-apps

 Application-Name             Packets     Bytes   Avg Pkt     Packets         Bytes
    (Up/Down)                 (n secs)   (n secs)  Size       (Total)        (Total)
 ================             =======    =======  =======     =======        ========
 http                    (U)   204570   10610912     51      28272539      2882294016
                         (D)   240936  327624221   1359      30750570     38026889010
 realmedia               (U)      908      62154     68        400698        26470359
                         (D)   166694  220522943   1322      35802836     47131836785
 mpls-in-ip              (U)    77448   79306752   1024      10292787     10539813888
                         (D)        0          0      0             0               0
 fire                    (U)    70890   72591360   1024      10242484     10488303616
                         (D)        0          0      0             0               0
 pipe                    (U)    68296   69935104   1024      10224255     10469637120
                         (D)        0          0      0             0               0
 gre                     (U)    60982   62445568   1024      10340221     10588386304
                         (D)        0          0      0             0               0
 crudp                   (U)    26430   27064320   1024      10109812     10352447488
                         (D)        0          0      0             0               0
 rtp                     (U)        0          0      0             0               0
                         (D)     7482    9936096   1328       2603923      3458009744
 icmp                    (U)        0          0      0           323           98476
                         (D)    10155    5640504    555       2924693      1625363564

show avc statistics wlan

To display the Application Visibility and Control (AVC) statistics of a WLAN, use the show avc statistics wlan command.

show avc statistics wlan wlan_id { application application_name | top-app-groups [ upstream | downstream] | top-apps [ upstream | downstream]}

Syntax Description


WLAN identifier from 1 to 512.


Displays AVC statistics for an application.


Name of the application. The application name can be up to 32 case-sensitive, alphanumeric characters.


Displays AVC statistics for top application groups.


(Optional) Displays statistics of top upstream applications.


(Optional) Displays statistics of top downstream applications.


Displays AVC statistics for top applications.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.


The following is a sample output of the show avc statistics command.

(Cisco Controller) >show avc statistics wlan 1

 Application-Name            Packets   Bytes   Avg Pkt  Packets      Bytes
   (Up/Down)                 (n secs) (n secs)  Size    (Total)      (Total)
 ================            =======  ======    ======   ======      =======
 unclassified            (U)  191464    208627     1    92208613  11138796586
                         (D)  63427  53440610   842    16295621   9657054635
 ftp                     (U)    805     72880    90      172939     11206202
                         (D)    911     58143    63      190900     17418653
 http                    (U)  264904  12508288    47    27493945   2837672192
                         (D)  319894  436915253  1365    29850934  36817587924
 gre                     (U)      0         0     0    10158872  10402684928
                         (D)      0         0     0           0            0
 icmp                    (U)      1        40    40         323        98476
                         (D)   7262   4034576   555     2888266   1605133372
 ipinip                  (U)  62565  64066560  1024    11992305  12280120320
                         (D)      0         0     0           0            0
 imap                    (U)   1430     16798    11      305161      3795766
                         (D)   1555    576371   370      332290    125799465
 irc                     (U)      9        74     8        1736         9133
                         (D)     11       371    33        1972       173381
 nntp                    (U)     22       158     7        1705         9612
                         (D)     22       372    16        2047       214391

The following is a sample output of the show avc statistics wlan command.

(Cisco Controller) >show avc statistics wlan 1 application ftp

 Description                     Upstream    Downstream
  ===========                     ========    ==========
  Number of Packtes(n secs)              0             0
  Number of Bytes(n secs)                0             0
  Average Packet size(n secs)            0             0
  Total Number of Packtes            32459         64888
  Total Number of Bytes                274      94673983

show boot

To display the primary and backup software build numbers with an indication of which is active, use the show boot command.

show boot

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

Each Cisco wireless LAN controller retains one primary and one backup operating system software load in nonvolatile RAM to allow controllers to boot off the primary load (default) or revert to the backup load when desired.


The following is a sample output of the show boot command:

(Cisco Controller) > show boot
Primary Boot Image............................... (active)
Backup Boot Image................................

show band-select

To display band selection information, use the show band-select command.

show band-select

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show band-select command:

(Cisco Controller) > show band-select
Band Select Probe Response....................... per WLAN enabling
   Cycle Count................................... 3 cycles
   Cycle Threshold............................... 200 milliseconds
   Age Out Suppression........................... 20 seconds
   Age Out Dual Band............................. 60 seconds
   Client RSSI................................... -80 dBm

show buffers

To display buffer information of the controller, use the show buffers command.

show buffers

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show buffers command:

(Cisco Controller) > show buffers
Pool[00]: 16 byte chunks
    chunks in pool:    50000
    chunks in use:     9196
    bytes in use:      147136
    bytes requested:   73218 (73918 overhead bytes)
Pool[01]: 64 byte chunks
    chunks in pool:    50100
    chunks in use:     19222
    bytes in use:      1230208
    bytes requested:   729199 (501009 overhead bytes)
Pool[02]: 128 byte chunks
    chunks in pool:    26200
    chunks in use:     9861
    bytes in use:      1262208
    bytes requested:   848732 (413476 overhead bytes)
Pool[03]: 256 byte chunks
    chunks in pool:    3000
    chunks in use:     596
    bytes in use:      152576
    bytes requested:   93145 (59431 overhead bytes)
Pool[04]: 384 byte chunks
    chunks in pool:    6000
    chunks in use:     258
    bytes in use:      99072
    bytes requested:   68235 (30837 overhead bytes)
Pool[05]: 512 byte chunks
    chunks in pool:    18700
    chunks in use:     18667
    bytes in use:      9557504
    bytes requested:   7933814 (1623690 overhead bytes)
Pool[06]: 1024 byte chunks
    chunks in pool:    3500
    chunks in use:     94
    bytes in use:      96256
    bytes requested:   75598 (20658 overhead bytes)
Pool[07]: 2048 byte chunks
    chunks in pool:    1000
    chunks in use:     54
    bytes in use:      110592
    bytes requested:   76153 (34439 overhead bytes)
Pool[08]: 4096 byte chunks
    chunks in pool:    1000
    chunks in use:     47
    bytes in use:      192512
    bytes requested:   128258 (64254 overhead bytes)
Raw Pool:
    chunks in use:     256
    bytes requested:   289575125

show cac voice stats

To view the detailed voice CAC statistics of the 802.11a or 802.11b radio, use the show cac voice stats command.

show cac voice stats { 802.11a | 802.11b}

Syntax Description


Displays detailed voice CAC statistics for 802.11a.


Displays detailed voice CAC statistics for 802.11b/g.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show cac voice stats 802.11b command:

(Cisco Controller) > show cac voice stats 802.11b

WLC Voice Call Statistics for 802.11b Radio

  Total num of Calls in progress................. 0
  Num of Roam Calls in progress.................. 0
  Total Num of Calls Admitted.................... 0
  Total Num of Roam Calls Admitted............... 0
  Total Num of exp bw requests received.......... 0
  Total Num of exp bw requests Admitted.......... 0
  Total Num of Calls Rejected.................... 0
  Total Num of Roam Calls Rejected............... 0
  Num of Calls Rejected due to insufficent bw.... 0
  Num of Calls Rejected due to invalid params.... 0
  Num of Calls Rejected due to PHY rate.......... 0
  Num of Calls Rejected due to QoS policy........ 0
SIP CAC Call Stats
  Total Num of Calls in progress................. 0
  Num of Roam Calls in progress.................. 0
  Total Num of Calls Admitted.................... 0
  Total Num of Roam Calls Admitted............... 0
  Total Num of Preferred Calls Received.......... 0
  Total Num of Preferred Calls Admitted.......... 0
  Total Num of Ongoing Preferred Calls........... 0
  Total Num of Calls Rejected(Insuff BW)......... 0
  Total Num of Roam Calls Rejected(Insuff BW).... 0
KTS based CAC Call Stats
  Total Num of Calls in progress................. 0
  Num of Roam Calls in progress.................. 0
  Total Num of Calls Admitted.................... 0
  Total Num of Roam Calls Admitted............... 0
  Total Num of Calls Rejected(Insuff BW)......... 0
  Total Num of Roam Calls Rejected(Insuff BW).... 0

show cac voice summary

To view the list of all APs with brief voice statistics (includes bandwidth used, maximum bandwidth available, and the number of calls information), use the show cac voice summary command.

show cac voice summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show cac voice summary command:

(Cisco Controller) > show cac voice summary 
    AP Name         Slot#   Radio  BW Used/Max  Calls
-----------------  -------  -----  -----------  -----
APc47d.4f3a.3547     0      11b/g     0/23437    0
					 1      11a    1072/23437    1

show cac video stats

To view the detailed video CAC statistics of the 802.11a or 802.11b radio, use the show cac video stats command.

show cac video stats { 802.11a | 802.11b}

Syntax Description


Displays detailed video CAC statistics for 802.11a.


Displays detailed video CAC statistics for 802.11b/g.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show cac video stats 802.11b command:

(Cisco Controller) > show cac video stats 802.11b

WLC Video Call Statistics for 802.11b Radio

  Total num of Calls in progress................. 0
  Num of Roam Calls in progress.................. 0
  Total Num of Calls Admitted.................... 0
  Total Num of Roam Calls Admitted............... 0
  Total Num of Calls Rejected.................... 0
  Total Num of Roam Calls Rejected............... 0
  Num of Calls Rejected due to insufficent bw.... 0
  Num of Calls Rejected due to invalid params.... 0
  Num of Calls Rejected due to PHY rate.......... 0
  Num of Calls Rejected due to QoS policy........ 0
SIP CAC Call Stats
  Total Num of Calls in progress................. 0
  Num of Roam Calls in progress.................. 0
  Total Num of Calls Admitted.................... 0
  Total Num of Roam Calls Admitted............... 0
  Total Num of Calls Rejected(Insuff BW)......... 0
  Total Num of Roam Calls Rejected(Insuff BW).... 0

show cac video summary

To view the list of all access points with brief video statistics (includes bandwidth used, maximum bandwidth available, and the number of calls information), use the show cac video summary command.

show cac video summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show cac video summary command:

(Cisco Controller) > show cac video summary 

    AP Name         Slot#   Radio  BW Used/Max  Calls
-----------------  -------  -----  -----------  -----
AP001b.d571.88e0     0      11b/g     0/10937    0
                     1      11a       0/18750    0
AP5_1250             0      11b/g     0/10937    0
                     1      11a       0/18750    0

show call-control ap


The show call-control ap command is applicable only for SIP based calls.

To see the metrics for successful calls or the traps generated for failed calls, use the show call-control ap command.

show call-control ap { 802.11a | 802.11b} cisco_ap { metrics | traps}

Syntax Description


Specifies the 802.11a network


Specifies the 802.11b/g network.


Cisco access point name.


Specifies the call metrics information.


Specifies the trap information for call control.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

To aid in troubleshooting, the output of this command shows an error code for any failed calls. This table explains the possible error codes for failed calls.

Table 1. Error Codes for Failed VoIP Calls

Error Code





Unknown error.



The request could not be understood because of malformed syntax.



The request requires user authentication.



Reserved for future use.



The server understood the request but refuses to fulfill it.



The server has information that the user does not exist at the domain specified in the Request-URI.



The method specified in the Request-Line is understood but not allowed for the address identified by the Request-URI.



The resource identified by the request is only capable of generating response entities with content characteristics that are not acceptable according to the Accept header field sent in the request.



The client must first authenticate with the proxy.



The server could not produce a response within a suitable amount of time.



The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.



The requested resource is no longer available at the server, and no forwarding address is known.



The server is refusing to process a request because the request entity-body is larger than the server is willing or able to process.



The server is refusing to process a request because the request entity-body is larger than the server is willing or able to process.



The server is refusing to service the request because the Request-URI is longer than the server is willing to interpret.



The server is refusing to service the request because the message body of the request is in a format not supported by the server for the requested method.



The server did not understand the protocol extension specified in a Proxy-Require or Require header field.



The callee’s end system was contacted successfully, but the callee is currently unavailable.



The UAS received a request that does not match any existing dialog or transaction.



The server has detected a loop.



The server received a request that contains a Max-Forwards header field with the value zero.



The server received a request with a Request-URI that was incomplete.



The Request-URI was ambiguous.



The callee’s end system was contacted successfully, but the callee is currently not willing or able to take additional calls at this end system.



The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.



The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request.



The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the downstream server it accessed in attempting to fulfill the request.



The server is temporarily unable to process the request because of a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.



The server did not receive a timely response from an external server it accessed in attempting to process the request.



The server does not support or refuses to support the SIP protocol version that was used in the request.



The callee’s end system was contacted successfully, but the callee is busy or does not want to take the call at this time.



The callee’s machine was contacted successfully, but the user does not want to or cannot participate.



The server has information that the user indicated in the Request-URI does not exist anywhere.



The user’s agent was contacted successfully, but some aspects of the session description (such as the requested media, bandwidth, or addressing style) were not acceptable.


The following is a sample output of the show call-controller ap command that displays successful calls generated for an access point:

(Cisco Controller) >show call-control ap 802.11a Cisco_AP metrics
Total Call Duration in Seconds................... 120
Number of Calls.................................. 10
Number of calls for given client is................. 1

The following is a sample output of the show call-control ap command that displays metrics of traps generated for an AP.

(Cisco Controller) >show call-control ap 802.11a Cisco_AP traps
Number of traps sent in one min.................. 2
Last SIP error code.............................. 404
Last sent trap timestamp...................... Jun 20 10:05:06

show call-control client

To see call information for a call-aware client when Voice-over-IP (VoIP) snooping is enabled and the call is active, use the show call-control client command

show call-control client callInfo client_MAC_address

Syntax Description


Specifies the call-control information.


Client MAC address.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example is a sample output of the show call-controller client command:

(Cisco Controller) > show call-control client callInfo
Uplink IP/port................................... /   0
Downlink  IP/port................................ / 5006
UP...............................................   6
Calling Party.................................... sip:1021
Called Party..................................... sip:1000
Call ID.......................................... 38423970c3fca477
Call on hold: ................................... FALSE
Number of calls for given client is.............. 1

show call-home summary

To view the Call Home details, use the show call-home summary command.

show call-home summary

Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.


The following example shows the call-home summary:

(Cisco Controller) > show call-home summaryCurrent call home settings:
    call home feature : enabled
    contact person's email address:

    Mail-server: Not yet set up
    http proxy: Not yet set up

    Smart licensing messages: disabled

    data-privacy: normal
    Event throttling: Off

    Rate-limit: 20 message(s) per minute
Profile name:  CiscoTAC-1
   Status: Inactive
   TAC profile: Yes
   Mode: Full reporting
   Report data: SCH SL
   Msg Format: XML
   Msg size limit: 3145728
   Transport method: HTTP

--More-- or (q)uit In slWlcProcessSLStatsClearMsg

show capwap reap association

To display the list of clients associated with an access point and their SSIDs, use the show capwap reap association command.

show capwap reap association

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display clients associated to an access point and their SSIDs:

(Cisco Controller) >show capwap reap association

show capwap reap status

To display the status of the FlexConnect access point (connected or standalone), use the show capwap reap status command.

show capwap reap status

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

The command shows only the VLAN when configured as AP-specific.


The following example shows how to display the status of the FlexConnect access point:

(Cisco Controller) >show capwap reap status

show cdp

To display the status and details of the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), use the show cdp command.

show cdp { neighbors [ detail] | entry all | traffic}

Syntax Description


Displays a list of all CDP neighbors on all interfaces.


(Optional) Displays detailed information of the controller’s CDP neighbors. This command shows only the CDP neighbors of the controller; it does not show the CDP neighbors of the controller’s associated access points.

entry all

Displays all CDP entries in the database.


Displays CDP traffic information.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show cdp command:

(Cisco Controller) > show cdp
CDP counters :
Total packets output: 0, Input: 0
Chksum error: 0
No memory: 0, Invalid packet: 0,

show certificate compatibility

To display whether or not certificates are verified as compatible in the Cisco wireless LAN controller, use the show certificate compatibility command.

show certificate compatibility

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show certificate compatibility command:

(Cisco Controller) > show certificate compatibility
Certificate compatibility mode:................ off

show certificate lsc

To verify that the controller has generated a Locally Significant Certificate (LSC), use the show certificate lsc summary command.

show certificate lsc { summary | ap-provision}

Syntax Description


Displays a summary of LSC certificate settings and certificates.


Displays details about the access points that are provisioned using the LSC.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show certificate lsc summary command:

(Cisco Controller) > show certificate lsc summary
LSC Enabled...................................... Yes
LSC CA-Server....................................
LSC AP-Provisioning.............................. Yes
Provision-List............................... Not Configured
LSC Revert Count in AP reboots............... 3
LSC Params:
Country...................................... 4
State........................................ ca
City......................................... ss
Orgn......................................... org
Dept......................................... dep
KeySize...................................... 390
LSC Certs:
CA Cert...................................... Not Configured
RA Cert...................................... Not Configured

This example shows how to display the details about the access points that are provisioned using the LSC:

(Cisco Controller) > show certificate lsc ap-provision
LSC AP-Provisioning.............................. Yes
Provision-List................................... Present
Idx Mac Address
--- -------------
1 00:18:74:c7:c0:90

show certificate ssc

To view the Self Signed Device Certificate (SSC) and hash key of the virtual controller, use the show certificate ssc command.

show certificate ssc

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show certificate ssc command :

(Cisco Controller) > show certificate ssc
 SSC Hash validation.............................. Enabled.

 SSC Device Certificate details:

         Subject Name :
                 C=US, ST=California, L=San Jose, O=Cisco Virtual Wireless LAN Controller,

         Validity :
                 Start : 2012 Jul 23rd, 15:47:53 GMT
                 End   : 2022 Jun  1st, 15:47:53 GMT

         Hash key : 5870ffabb15de2a617132bafcd73

show certificate summary

To verify that the controller has generated a certificate, use the show certificate summary command.

show certificate summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show certificate summary command:

(Cisco Controller) > show certificate summary
Web Administration Certificate................. Locally Generated
Web Authentication Certificate................. Locally Generated
Certificate compatibility mode:................ off

show client ap

To display the clients on a Cisco lightweight access point, use the show client ap command.

show client ap 802.11{ a | b} cisco_ap

Syntax Description


Specifies the 802.11a network.


Specifies the 802.11b/g network.


Cisco lightweight access point name.

Command Default


Usage Guidelines

The show client ap command may list the status of automatically disabled clients. Use the show exclusionlist command to view clients on the exclusion list.


This example shows how to display client information on an access point:

(Cisco Controller) >show client ap 802.11b AP1
MAC Address        AP Id   Status         WLAN Id    Authenticated
-----------------  ------  -------------  ---------  -------------
xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx      1   Associated     1          No

show client calls

To display the total number of active or rejected calls on the controller, use the show client calls command.

show client calls { active | rejected} { 802.11a | 802.11bg | all}

Syntax Description


Specifies active calls.


Specifies rejected calls.


Specifies the 802.11a network.


Specifies the 802.11b/g network.


Specifies both the 802.11a and 802.11b/g network.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show client calls active 802.11a command :

(Cisco Controller) > show client calls active 802.11a
Client MAC               Username         Total Call            AP Name         Radio Type
                                         Duration (sec)
--------------------    ---------         ----------       ---------------      ----------
00:09: ef: 02:65:70        abc               45            VJ-1240C-ed45cc        802.11a
00:13: ce: cc: 51:39       xyz               45                AP1130-a416        802.11a
00:40:96: af: 15:15        def               45                AP1130-a416        802.11a
00:40:96:b2:69: df         def               45                AP1130-a416        802.11a
Number of Active Calls ------------------------------------ 4

show client ccx client-capability

To display the client’s capability information, use the show client ccx client-capability command.

show client ccx client-capability client_mac_address

Syntax Description


MAC address of the client.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the client’s available capabilities, not the current settings for the capabilities.


The following is a sample output of the show client ccx client-capability command:

(Cisco Controller) >show client ccx client-capability 00:40:96:a8:f7:98
Service Capability.................................. Voice, Streaming(uni-directional) Video, Interactive(bi-directional) Video
Radio Type.......................................... DSSS OFDM(802.11a) HRDSSS(802.11b) ERP(802.11g)
Radio Type.......................................... DSSS
	Radio Channels.................................. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
	Tx Power Mode................................... Automatic
	Rate List(MB)................................... 1.0 2.0
Radio Type.......................................... HRDSSS(802.11b)
	Radio Channels.................................. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
	Tx Power Mode................................... Automatic
	Rate List(MB)................................... 5.5 11.0
Radio Type.......................................... ERP(802.11g)
	Radio Channels.................................. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
	Tx Power Mode................................... Automatic
	Rate List(MB)................................... 6.0 9.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0
Are you sure you want to start? (y/N)y Are you sure you want to start? (y/N)

show client ccx frame-data

To display the data frames sent from the client for the last test, use the show client ccx frame-data command.

show client ccx frame-data client_mac_address

Syntax Description


MAC address of the client.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show client ccx frame-data command:

(Cisco Controller) >show client ccx frame-data

show client ccx last-response-status

To display the status of the last test response, use the show client ccx last-response-status command.

show client ccx last-response-status client_mac_address

Syntax Description


MAC address of the client.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show client ccx last-response-status command:

(Cisco Controller) >show client ccx last-response-status
Test Status ........................ Success
Response Dialog Token.............. 87
Response Status.................... Successful
Response Test Type................. 802.1x Authentication Test
Response Time...................... 3476 seconds since system boot

show client ccx last-test-status

To display the status of the last test, use the show client ccx last-test-status command.

show client ccx last-test-status client_mac_address

Syntax Description


MAC address of the client.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show client ccx last-test-status command:

(Cisco Controller) >show client ccx last-test-status

Test Type ........................ Gateway Ping Test
Test Status ...................... Pending/Success/Timeout
Dialog Token ..................... 15
Timeout .......................... 15000 ms
Request Time ..................... 1329 seconds since system boot

show client ccx log-response

To display a log response, use the show client ccx log-response command.

show client ccx log-response { roam | rsna | syslog} client_mac_address

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays the CCX client roaming log response.


(Optional) Displays the CCX client RSNA log response.


(Optional) Displays the CCX client system log response.


Inventory for the specified access point.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show client ccx log-response syslog command:

(Cisco Controller) >show client ccx log-response syslog 00:40:96:a8:f7:98
Tue Jun 26 18:07:48 2007		 		 	Syslog Response LogID=131: Status=Successful
						 	Event Timestamp=0d 00h 19m 42s 278987us
							Client SysLog = ‘<11> Jun 19 11:49:47 unraval13777 Mandatory elements missing in the OID response’
							Event Timestamp=0d 00h 19m 42s 278990us
							Client SysLog = ‘<11> Jun 19 11:49:47 unraval13777 Mandatory elements missing in the OID response’
Tue Jun 26 18:07:48 2007		 		 	Syslog Response LogID=131: Status=Successful
						 	Event Timestamp=0d 00h 19m 42s 278987us
							Client SysLog = ‘<11> Jun 19 11:49:47 unraval13777 Mandatory elements missing in the OID response’
							Event Timestamp=0d 00h 19m 42s 278990us
							Client SysLog = ‘<11> Jun 19 11:49:47 unraval13777 Mandatory elements missing in the OID response’

The following example shows how to display the client roaming log response:

(Cisco Controller) >show client ccx log-response roam 00:40:96:a8:f7:98
Thu Jun 22 11:55:14 2007 	 	Roaming Response LogID=20: Status=Successful
Event Timestamp=0d 00h 00m 13s 322396us						Source BSSID=00:40:96:a8:f7:98
Target BSSID=00:0b:85:23:26:70,						Transition Time=100(ms)					
Transition Reason: Normal roam, poor link						Transition Result: Success
Thu Jun 22 11:55:14 2007 	 	Roaming Response LogID=133: Status=Successful
Event Timestamp=0d 00h 00m 16s 599006us						Source BSSID=00:0b:85:81:06:c2
Target BSSID=00:0b:85:81:06:c2,						Transition Time=3235(ms)						
Transition Reason: Normal roam, poor link						Transition Result: Success
Thu Jun 22 18:28:48 2007 	 	Roaming Response LogID=133: Status=Successful
Event Timestamp=0d 00h 00m 08s 815477us						Source BSSID=00:0b:85:81:06:c2
Target BSSID=00:0b:85:81:06:d2,						Transition Time=3281(ms)						
Transition Reason: First association to WLAN						Transition Result: Success

show client ccx manufacturer-info

To display the client manufacturing information, use the show client ccx manufacturer-info command.

show client ccx manufacturer-info client_mac_address

Syntax Description


MAC address of the client.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show client ccx manufacturer-info command:

(Cisco Controller) >show client ccx manufacturer-info 00:40:96:a8:f7:98
Manufacturer OUI .............................. 00:40:96
Manufacturer ID ............................... Cisco
Manufacturer Model ............................ Cisco Aironet 802.11a/b/g Wireless Adapter
Manufacturer Serial ........................... FOC1046N3SX
Mac Address ................................... 00:40:96:b2:8d:5e
Radio Type .................................... DSSS OFDM(802.11a) HRDSSS(802.11b)
Antenna Type .................................. Omni-directional diversity
Antenna Gain .................................. 2 dBi
Rx Sensitivity:
Radio Type ...................................... DSSS
Rx Sensitivity .................................. Rate:1.0 Mbps, MinRssi:-95, MaxRss1:-30
Rx Sensitivity .................................. Rate:2.0 Mbps, MinRssi:-95, MaxRss1:-30
Radio Type ...................................... HRDSSS(802.11b)
Rx Sensitivity .................................. Rate:5.5 Mbps, MinRssi:-95, MaxRss1:-30
Rx Sensitivity .................................. Rate:11.0 Mbps, MinRssi:-95, MaxRss1:-30
Radio Type ...................................... ERP(802.11g)
Rx Sensitivity .................................. Rate:6.0 Mbps, MinRssi:-95, MaxRss1:-30
Rx Sensitivity .................................. Rate:9.0 Mbps, MinRssi:-95, MaxRss1:-30
Rx Sensitivity .................................. Rate:12.0 Mbps, MinRssi:-95, MaxRss1:-30
Rx Sensitivity .................................. Rate:18.0 Mbps, MinRss1:-95, MaxRss1:-30

show client ccx operating-parameters

To display the client operating-parameters, use the show client ccx operating-parameters command.

show client ccx operating-parameters client_mac_address

Syntax Description


MAC address of the client.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show client ccx operating-parameters command:

(Cisco Controller) >show client ccx operating-parameters 00:40:96:b2:8d:5e
Client Mac ......................................... 00:40:96:b2:8d:5e
Radio Type ......................................... OFDM(802.11a)
Radio Type ......................................... OFDM(802.11a)
	Radio Channels ................................. 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 149 153 157 161 165
	Tx Power Mode .................................. Automatic
	Rate List(MB)................................... 6.0 9.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0
Power Save Mode .................................... Normal Power Save
SSID ............................................... wifi
Security Parameters[EAP Method, Credential]......... None
Auth Method ........................................ None
Key Management...................................... None
Encryption ......................................... None
Device Name ........................................ Wireless Network Connection 15
Device Type ........................................ 0
OS Id .............................................. Windows XP
OS Version ......................................... Service Pack 2
IP Type ............................................ DHCP address
IPv4 Address ....................................... Available
IP Address .........................................
Subnet Mask ........................................
Default Gateway ....................................
IPv6 Address ....................................... Not Available
IPv6 Address ....................................... 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:
IPv6 Subnet Mask ................................... 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:
DNS Servers ........................................
WINS Servers .......................................
System Name ........................................ URAVAL3777
Firmware Version ...................................
Driver Version .....................................

show client ccx profiles

To display the client profiles, use the show client ccx profiles command.

show client ccx profiles client_mac_address

Syntax Description


MAC address of the client.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show client ccx profiles command:

(Cisco Controller) >show client ccx profiles 00:40:96:15:21:ac
Number of Profiles .................................. 1
Current Profile ..................................... 1
Profile ID .......................................... 1
Profile Name ........................................ wifiEAP
SSID ................................................ wifiEAP
Security Parameters [EAP Method, Credential]......... EAP-TLS, Host OS Login Credentials
Auth Method ......................................... EAP
Key Management ...................................... WPA2+CCKM
Encryption .......................................... AES-CCMP
Power Save Mode ..................................... Constantly Awake
Radio Configuration:
Radio Type........................................... DSSS
	Preamble Type.................................... Long preamble
	CCA Method....................................... Energy Detect + Carrier
	Data Retries..................................... 6
	Fragment Threshold............................... 2342
	Radio Channels................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
	Tx Power Mode.................................... Automatic
	Rate List (MB)................................... 1.0 2.0
Radio Type........................................... HRDSSS(802.11b)
	Preamble Type.................................... Long preamble
	CCA Method....................................... Energy Detect + Carrier
	Data Retries..................................... 6
	Fragment Threshold............................... 2342
	Radio Channels................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
	Tx Power Mode.................................... Automatic
	Rate List(MB).................................... 5.5 11.0
Radio Type........................................... ERP(802.11g)
	Preamble Type.................................... Long preamble
	CCA Method....................................... Energy Detect + Carrier
	Data Retries..................................... 6
	Fragment Threshold............................... 2342
	Radio Channels................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
	Tx Power Mode.................................... Automatic
	Rate List (MB)................................... 6.0 9.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0
Radio Type........................................... OFDM(802.11a)
	Preamble Type.................................... Long preamble
	CCA Method....................................... Energy Detect + Carrier
	Data Retries..................................... 6
	Fragment Threshold............................... 2342
	Radio Channels................................... 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 149 153 157 161 165
	Tx Power Mode.................................... Automatic
	Rate List (MB)................................... 6.0 9.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0

show client ccx results

To display the results from the last successful diagnostic test, use the show client ccx results command.

show client ccx results client_mac_address

Syntax Description


MAC address of the client.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show client ccx results command:

(Cisco Controller) >show client ccx results xx.xx.xx.xx
dot1x Complete....................................... Success
EAP Method........................................... *1,Host OS Login Credentials
dot1x Status......................................... 255

show client ccx rm

To display Cisco Client eXtension (CCX) client radio management report information, use the show client ccx rm command.

show client ccx rm client_MAC { status | { report { chan-load | noise-hist | frame | beacon | pathloss}}}

Syntax Description


Client MAC address.


Displays the client CCX radio management status information.


Displays the client CCX radio management report.


Displays radio management channel load reports.


Displays radio management noise histogram reports.


Displays radio management beacon load reports.


Displays radio management frame reports.


Displays radio management path loss reports.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the client radio management status information:

(Cisco Controller) >show client ccx rm 00:40:96:15:21:ac status

Client Mac Address............................... 00:40:96:15:21:ac
Channel Load Request............................. Enabled
Noise Histogram Request.......................... Enabled
Beacon Request................................... Enabled
Frame Request.................................... Enabled
Interval......................................... 30
Iteration........................................... 10

The following example shows how to display the client radio management load reports:

(Cisco Controller) >show client ccx rm 00:40:96:15:21:ac report chan-load

Channel Load Report
Client Mac Address............................... 00:40:96:ae:53:bc
Timestamp........................................ 788751121
Incapable Flag................................... On
Refused Flag........................................ On
Chan CCA Busy Fraction
1  194
2  86
3  103
4  0
5  178
6  82
7  103
8  95
9  13
10 222
11 75

The following example shows how to display the client radio management noise histogram reports:

(Cisco Controller) >show client ccx rm 00:40:96:15:21:ac report noise-hist

Noise Histogram Report
Client Mac Address............................... 00:40:96:15:21:ac
Timestamp........................................ 4294967295
Incapable Flag................................... Off
Refused Flag........................................ Off

show client ccx stats-report

To display the Cisco Client eXtensions (CCX) statistics report from a specified client device, use the show client ccx stats-report command.

show client ccx stats-report client_mac_address

Syntax Description


Client MAC address.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show client ccx stats-report command:

(Cisco Controller) > show client ccx stats-report 00:0c:41:07:33:a6
Measurement duration = 1
dot11TransmittedFragmentCount       = 1
dot11MulticastTransmittedFrameCount = 2
dot11FailedCount                    = 3
dot11RetryCount                     = 4
dot11MultipleRetryCount             = 5
dot11FrameDuplicateCount            = 6
dot11RTSSuccessCount                = 7
dot11RTSFailureCount                = 8
dot11ACKFailureCount                = 9
dot11ReceivedFragmentCount          = 10
dot11MulticastReceivedFrameCount    = 11
dot11FCSErrorCount                  = 12
dot11TransmittedFrameCount          = 13

show client detail

To display IP addresses per client learned through DNS snooping (DNS-based ACL), use the show client detail mac_address command.

show client detail mac_address

Syntax Description


MAC address of the client.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.


The following is a sample output of the show client detail mac_address command.

(Cisco Controller) > show client detail 01:35:6x:yy:21:00
 Client MAC Address............................... 01:35:6x:yy:21:00
Client Username ................................. test
AP MAC Address................................... 00:11:22:33:44:x0
AP Name.......................................... AP0011.2020.x111
AP radio slot Id................................. 1
Client State..................................... Associated
Client NAC OOB State............................. Access
Wireless LAN Id.................................. 7
Hotspot (802.11u)................................ Not Supported
BSSID............................................ 00:11:22:33:44:xx
Connected For ................................... 28 secs
Channel.......................................... 56
IP Address.......................................
Gateway Address.................................. Unknown
Netmask.......................................... Unknown
IPv6 Address..................................... xx20::222:6xyy:zeeb:2233
Association Id................................... 1
Authentication Algorithm......................... Open System
Reason Code...................................... 1
Status Code...................................... 0
Client CCX version............................... No CCX support
Re-Authentication Timeout........................ 1756
QoS Level........................................ Silver
Avg data Rate.................................... 0
Burst data Rate.................................. 0
Avg Real time data Rate.......................... 0
Burst Real Time data Rate........................ 0
802.1P Priority Tag.............................. disabled
CTS Security Group Tag........................... Not Applicable
KTS CAC Capability............................... No
WMM Support...................................... Enabled
  APSD ACs.......................................  BK  BE  VI  VO
Power Save....................................... ON
Current Rate..................................... m7
Supported Rates.................................. 6.0,9.0,12.0,18.0,24.0,36.0,
    ............................................. 48.0,54.0
Mobility State................................... Local
Mobility Move Count.............................. 0
Security Policy Completed........................ No
Policy Manager State............................. SUPPLICANT_PROVISIONING
Policy Manager Rule Created...................... Yes
AAA Override ACL Name............................ android
AAA Override ACL Applied Status.................. Yes
AAA Override Flex ACL Name....................... none
AAA Override Flex ACL Applied Status............. Unavailable
AAA URL redirect.................................
Audit Session ID................................. 0a68aa72000000015272404e
AAA Role Type.................................... none
Local Policy Applied............................. p1
IPv4 ACL Name.................................... none
FlexConnect ACL Applied Status................... Unavailable
IPv4 ACL Applied Status.......................... Unavailable
IPv6 ACL Name.................................... none
IPv6 ACL Applied Status.......................... Unavailable
Layer2 ACL Name.................................. none
Layer2 ACL Applied Status........................ Unavailable
Client Type...................................... SimpleIP
mDNS Status...................................... Enabled
mDNS Profile Name................................ default-mdns-profile
No. of mDNS Services Advertised.................. 0
Policy Type...................................... WPA2
Authentication Key Management.................... 802.1x
Encryption Cipher................................ CCMP (AES)
Protected Management Frame ...................... No
Management Frame Protection...................... No
EAP Type......................................... PEAP
.. management
VLAN............................................. 0
Quarantine VLAN.................................. 0
Access VLAN...................................... 0
Client Capabilities:
      CF Pollable................................ Not implemented
      CF Poll Request............................ Not implemented
      Short Preamble............................. Not implemented
      PBCC....................................... Not implemented
      Channel Agility............................ Not implemented
      Listen Interval............................ 10
      Fast BSS Transition........................ Not implemented
Client Wifi Direct Capabilities:
      WFD capable................................ No
      Manged WFD capable......................... No
      Cross Connection Capable................... No
      Support Concurrent Operation............... No
Fast BSS Transition Details:
Client Statistics:
      Number of Bytes Received................... 123659
      Number of Bytes Sent....................... 120564
      Number of Packets Received................. 1375
      Number of Packets Sent..................... 276
      Number of Interim-Update Sent.............. 0
      Number of EAP Id Request Msg Timeouts...... 0
      Number of EAP Id Request Msg Failures...... 0
      Number of EAP Request Msg Timeouts......... 2
      Number of EAP Request Msg Failures......... 0
      Number of EAP Key Msg Timeouts............. 0
      Number of EAP Key Msg Failures............. 0
      Number of Data Retries..................... 82
      Number of RTS Retries...................... 0
      Number of Duplicate Received Packets....... 0
      Number of Decrypt Failed Packets........... 0
      Number of Mic Failured Packets............. 0
      Number of Mic Missing Packets.............. 0
      Number of RA Packets Dropped............... 0
      Number of Policy Errors.................... 0
      Radio Signal Strength Indicator............ -51 dBm
      Signal to Noise Ratio...................... 46 dB
Client Rate Limiting Statistics:
      Number of Data Packets Recieved............ 0
      Number of Data Rx Packets Dropped.......... 0
      Number of Data Bytes Recieved.............. 0
      Number of Data Rx Bytes Dropped............ 0
      Number of Realtime Packets Recieved........ 0
      Number of Realtime Rx Packets Dropped...... 0
      Number of Realtime Bytes Recieved.......... 0
      Number of Realtime Rx Bytes Dropped........ 0
      Number of Data Packets Sent................ 0
      Number of Data Tx Packets Dropped.......... 0
      Number of Data Bytes Sent.................. 0
      Number of Data Tx Bytes Dropped............ 0
      Number of Realtime Packets Sent............ 0
      Number of Realtime Tx Packets Dropped...... 0
      Number of Realtime Bytes Sent.............. 0
      Number of Realtime Tx Bytes Dropped........ 0
Nearby AP Statistics:
      AP0022.9090.c545(slot 0)
        antenna0: 26 secs ago.................... -33 dBm
        antenna1: 26 secs ago.................... -35 dBm
      AP0022.9090.c545(slot 1)
        antenna0: 25 secs ago.................... -41 dBm
        antenna1: 25 secs ago.................... -44 dBm
      APc47d.4f3a.35c2(slot 0)
        antenna0: 26 secs ago.................... -30 dBm
        antenna1: 26 secs ago.................... -36 dBm
      APc47d.4f3a.35c2(slot 1)
        antenna0: 24 secs ago.................... -43 dBm
        antenna1: 24 secs ago.................... -45 dBm
DNS Server details:
      DNS server IP .............................
      DNS server IP .............................

Client Dhcp Required:     False
Allowed (URL)IP Addresses

show client location-calibration summary

To display client location calibration summary information, use the show client location-calibration summary command.

show client location-calibration summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the location calibration summary information:

(Cisco Controller) >show client location-calibration summary
MAC Address Interval
----------- ----------
10:10:10:10:10:10 60
21:21:21:21:21:21 45

show client probing

To display the number of probing clients, use the show client probing command.

show client probing

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the number of probing clients:

(Cisco Controller) >show client probing
Number of Probing Clients........................ 0

show client roam-history

To display the roaming history of a specified client, use the show client roam-history command.

show client roam-history mac_address

Syntax Description


Client MAC address.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

This command provides the following information:

  • The time when the report was received

  • The MAC address of the access point to which the client is currently associated

  • The MAC address of the access point to which the client was previously associated

  • The channel of the access point to which the client was previously associated

  • The SSID of the access point to which the client was previously associated

  • The time when the client disassociated from the previous access point

  • The reason for the client roam


For non-CCXv4 clients, the Layer 2 roam reason is not displayed in the command output. For more information, see CSCvv85022.


The following is a sample output of the show client roam-history command:

(Cisco Controller) > show client roam-history 00:14:6c:0a:57:77

show client summary

To display a summary of clients associated with a Cisco lightweight access point, use the show client summary command.

show client summary [ ssid / ip / username / devicetype]

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Syntax Description

ssid / ip / username / devicetype

(Optional) Displays active clients selective details on any of the following parameters or all the parameters in any order:
  • SSID
  • IP addresss
  • Username
  • Device type (such as Samsung-Device or WindowsXP-Workstation)

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

Use show client ap command to list the status of automatically disabled clients. Use the show exclusionlist command to display clients on the exclusion list.


The following example shows how to display a summary of the active clients:

(Cisco Controller) > show client summary
Number of Clients................................ 24
Number of PMIPV6 Clients......................... 200
MAC Address       AP Name           Status        WLAN/GLAN/RLAN Auth Protocol         Port Wired  PMIPV6
----------------- ----------------- ------------- -------------- ---- ---------------- ---- -----		------

00:00:15:01:00:01 NMSP-TalwarSIM1-2 Associated    1              Yes  802.11a          13   No      Yes
00:00:15:01:00:02 NMSP-TalwarSIM1-2 Associated    1              Yes  802.11a          13   No      No
00:00:15:01:00:03 NMSP-TalwarSIM1-2 Associated    1              Yes  802.11a          13   No      Yes
00:00:15:01:00:04 NMSP-TalwarSIM1-2 Associated    1              Yes  802.11a          13   No      No


The following example shows how to display all clients that are WindowsXP-Workstation device type:

(Cisco Controller) >show client summary WindowsXP-Workstation
Number of Clients in WLAN........................ 0

MAC Address       AP Name    Status        Auth Protocol         Port Wired Mobility Role

----------------- -------- ------------- ----------------        ---------- --------------

Number of Clients with requested device type..... 0

show client summary guest-lan

To display the active wired guest LAN clients, use the show client summary guest-lan command.

show client summary guest-lan

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show client summary guest-lan command:

(Cisco Controller) > show client summary guest-lan 
Number of Clients................................ 1
MAC Address       AP Name      Status         WLAN  Auth   Protocol  Port Wired
-----------       ---------    ----------     ----  ----   --------  ---- -----
00:16:36:40:ac:58  N/A         Associated        1    No      802.3     1   Yes

show client tsm

To display the client traffic stream metrics (TSM) statistics, use the show client tsm command.

show client tsm 802.11{ a | b} client_mac { ap_mac | all}

Syntax Description


Specifies the 802.11a network.


Specifies the 802.11 b/g network.


MAC address of the client.


MAC address of the tsm access point.


Specifies the list of all access points to which the client has associations.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show client tsm 802.11a command:

(Cisco Controller) > show client tsm 802.11a xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx all
AP Interface MAC: 00:0b:85:01:02:03
Client Interface Mac:               00:01:02:03:04:05
Measurement Duration:               90 seconds
  Timestamp                           1st Jan 2006, 06:35:80
    UpLink Stats
       Average Delay (5sec intervals)............................35
       Delay less than 10 ms.....................................20
       Delay bet 10 - 20 ms......................................20
       Delay bet 20 - 40 ms......................................20
       Delay greater than 40 ms..................................20
      Total packet Count.........................................80
      Total packet lost count (5sec).............................10
      Maximum Lost Packet count(5sec)............................5
      Average Lost Packet count(5secs)...........................2
    DownLink Stats
       Average Delay (5sec intervals)............................35
       Delay less than 10 ms.....................................20
       Delay bet 10 - 20 ms......................................20
       Delay bet 20 - 40 ms......................................20
       Delay greater than 40 ms..................................20
      Total packet Count.........................................80
      Total packet lost count (5sec).............................10
      Maximum Lost Packet count(5sec)............................5
      Average Lost Packet count(5secs)...........................2

show client username

To display the client data by the username, use the show client username command.

show client username username

Syntax Description


Client’s username.

You can view a list of the first eight clients that are in RUN state associated to controller's access points.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show client username command:

(Cisco Controller) > show client username local

MAC Address        AP Name            Status         WLAN  Auth  Protocol          Port  Device Type
-----------------  -----------------  -------------  ----  ----  ----------------  ----  -----------

12:22:64:64:00:01  WEB-AUTH-AP-1      Associated     1     Yes   802.11g            1    Unknown
12:22:64:64:00:02  WEB-AUTH-AP-1      Associated     1     Yes   802.11g            1    Unknown
12:22:64:64:00:03  WEB-AUTH-AP-1      Associated     1     Yes   802.11g            1    Unknown
12:22:64:64:00:04  WEB-AUTH-AP-1      Associated     1     Yes   802.11g            1    Unknown
12:22:64:64:00:05  WEB-AUTH-AP-1      Associated     1     Yes   802.11g            1    Unknown
12:22:64:64:00:06  WEB-AUTH-AP-1      Associated     1     Yes   802.11g            1    Unknown
12:22:64:64:00:07  WEB-AUTH-AP-1      Associated     1     Yes   802.11g            1    Unknown
12:22:64:64:00:08  WEB-AUTH-AP-1      Associated     1     Yes   802.11g            1    Unknown

show client voice-diag

To display voice diagnostics statistics, use the show client voice-diag command.

show client voice-diag { quos-map | roam-history | rssi | status | tspec}

Syntax Description


Displays information about the QoS/DSCP mapping and packet statistics in each of the four queues: VO, VI, BE, BK. The different DSCP values are also displayed.


Displays information about history of the last three roamings. The output contains the timestamp, access point associated with the roaming, the roaming reason, and if there is a roaming failure, the reason for the roaming failure.


Displays the client’s RSSI values in the last 5 seconds when voice diagnostics are enabled.


Displays the status of voice diagnostics for clients.


Displays TSPEC for the voice diagnostic for clients.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show client voice-diag status command:

(Cisco Controller) > show client voice-diag status
Voice Diagnostics Status: FALSE

show client wlan

To display the summary of clients associated with a WLAN, use the show client wlan command.

show client wlan wlan_id [ devicetype device]

Syntax Description


Wireless LAN identifier from 1 to 512.


(Optional) Displays all clients with the specified device type.


Device type. For example, Samsung-Device or WindowsXP-Workstation.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following are sample outputs of the show client wlan command:

(Cisco Controller) > show client wlan 1

Number of Clients in WLAN........................ 0

(Cisco Controller) > show client devicetype WindowsXP-Workstation

Number of Clients in WLAN........................ 0

MAC Address       AP Name    Status        Auth Protocol         Port Wired Mobility Role

----------------- -------- ------------- ----------------        ---------- --------------

Number of Clients with requested device type..... 0

show cloud-services cmx summary

To view the cmx cloud services summary, use the show cloud-services cmx summary command.

show cloud-services cmx summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
8.3 This command was introduced.


This example shows the CMX Cloud Services summary:

(Cisco Controller) >show cloud-services cmx summary

show cloud-services cmx statistics

To view the cmx cloud services statistics, use the show cloud-services cmx statistics command.

show cloud-services cmx statistics

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
8.3 This command was introduced.


This example shows the CMX Cloud Services statistics:

(Cisco Controller) >show cloud-services cmx statistics

show cts ap

To view CTS AP SGT information, use the show cts ap command.

show cts ap { sgt-info cisco-ap | summary}

Syntax Description

sgt-info cisco-ap

Shows CTS SGT information for a specific AP


Shows CTS SGT information for all APs.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
8.4 This command was introduced.


This example shows how to view CTS SGT information for all APs:

(Cisco Controller) >show cts ap summary

Inline Tag Status................................ Disabled
SGACL enforcement................................ Disabled
SXP State........................................ Enabled
Default Password................................. ****
Listener hold-time min .......................... 2
Listener hold-time max .......................... 3
Speaker hold-time ............................... 120
Reconciliation time period....................... 120
Retry time period ............................... 120
Total num of SXP Connections..................... 0
   Peer IP            Password         Mode
---------------     ------------      ------

show cts environment-data

To view CTS Environment data, use the show cts environment-data command.

show cts environment-data

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
8.4 This command was introduced.


(Cisco Controller) >show cts environment-data

CTS Environment Data

Current State.................................... START
Last status...................................... WAITING_RESPONSE

Environment data is empty

show cts pacs

To view CTS Protected Access Credential (PAC) provisioning information, use the show cts pacs command.

show cts pacs

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
8.4 This command was introduced.

show cts policy

To view CTS SGT policy information, use the show cts policy command.

show cts policy { all | sgt-tag}

Syntax Description


Shows all SGT policy information


Shows policy information of a specific SGT

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
8.4 This command was introduced.


This example shows how to view all SGT policy information:

(Cisco Controller) >show cts policy all

Policy Matrix for SGT.......................... Unknown-0
  Generation Id.................................. 0x0
  Policy Download Status.........................  Failed
  Number of clients with this SGT................ 0

Policy Matrix for SGT.......................... Default-65535
  Generation Id.................................. 0x0
  Policy Download Status.........................  Failed
  Number of clients with this SGT................ 0

show cts sgacl

To view CTS SGACL information, use the show cts sgacl command.

show cts sgacl { all | sgacl-name}

Syntax Description


Shows all SGACL information


Shows information for a specific SGACL

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
8.4 This command was introduced.

show cts summary

To view CTS summary, use the show cts summary command.

show cts summary

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
8.4 This command was introduced.


(Cisco Controller) >show cts summary

 CTS Status.................................... Enabled
 CTS Device Identity............................. Not Configured
 Inline Tag Status............................... Disabled

show cts sxp

To view CTS SXP information, use the show cts sxp command.

show cts sxp {{ ap { connections | summary} cisco-ap} | connections | summary}

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
8.4 This command was introduced.

show coredump summary

To display a summary of the controller’s core dump file, use the show coredump summary command.

show coredump summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show coredump summary command:

(Cisco Controller) > show coredump summary 
Core Dump is enabled
FTP Server IP....................................
FTP Filename..................................... file1
FTP Username..................................... ftpuser
FTP Password.................................. *********

show country

To display the configured country and the radio types that are supported, use the show country command.

show country

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the configured countries and supported radio types:

(Cisco Controller) >show country
Configured Country............................. United States
Configured Country Codes
US  - United States............................. 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g

show country channels

To display the radio channels supported in the configured country, use the show country channels command.

show country channels

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the auto-RF channels for the configured countries:

(Cisco Controller) >show country channels
Configured Country............................. United States
      KEY: * = Channel is legal in this country and may be configured manually.
Configured Country............................. United States
      KEY: * = Channel is legal in this country and may be configured manually.
           A = Channel is the Auto-RF default in this country.
           . = Channel is not legal in this country.
           C = Channel has been configured for use by Auto-RF.
           x = Channel is available to be configured for use by Auto-RF.
802.11BG :
Channels :                   1 1 1 1 1
         : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
     US  : A * * * * A * * * * A . . .
 802.11A :  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Channels : 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6
         : 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 2 6 0 4 0 4 8 2 6 0 4 8 2 6 0 9 3 7 1 5
     US  : . A . A . A . A A A A A * * * * * . . . * * * A A A A *

show country supported

To display a list of the supported country options, use the show country supported command.

show country supported

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display a list of all the supported countries:

(Cisco Controller) >show country supported
Configured Country............................. United States
Supported Country Codes
AR  - Argentina................................. 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
AT  - Austria................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
AU  - Australia................................. 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
BR  - Brazil.................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
BE  - Belgium................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
BG  - Bulgaria.................................. 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
CA  - Canada.................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
CH  - Switzerland............................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
CL  - Chile.....................................           802.11b / 802.11g
CN  - China..................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
CO  - Colombia..................................           802.11b / 802.11g
CY  - Cyprus.................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
CZ  - Czech Republic............................ 802.11a / 802.11b
DE  - Germany................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
DK  - Denmark................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
EE  - Estonia................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
ES  - Spain..................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
FI  - Finland................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
FR  - France.................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
GB  - United Kingdom............................ 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
GI  - Gibraltar................................. 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
GR  - Greece.................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
HK  - Hong Kong................................. 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
HU  - Hungary................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
ID  - Indonesia.................................           802.11b / 802.11g
IE  - Ireland................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
IN  - India..................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
IL  - Israel.................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
ILO - Israel (outdoor)..........................           802.11b / 802.11g
IS  - Iceland................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
IT  - Italy..................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
JP  - Japan (J)................................. 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
J2  - Japan 2(P)................................ 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
J3  - Japan 3(U)................................ 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
KR  - Korea Republic (C)........................ 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
KE  - Korea Extended (K)........................ 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
LI  - Liechtenstein............................. 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
LT  - Lithuania................................. 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
LU  - Luxembourg................................ 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
LV  - Latvia.................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
MC  - Monaco.................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
MT  - Malta..................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
MX  - Mexico.................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
MY  - Malaysia.................................. 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
NL  - Netherlands............................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
NZ  - New Zealand............................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
NO  - Norway.................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
PA  - Panama....................................           802.11b / 802.11g
PE  - Peru......................................           802.11b / 802.11g
PH  - Philippines............................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
PL  - Poland.................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
PT  - Portugal.................................. 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
RU  - Russian Federation........................ 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
RO  - Romania................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
SA  - Saudi Arabia.............................. 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
SE  - Sweden.................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
SG  - Singapore................................. 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
SI  - Slovenia.................................. 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
SK  - Slovak Republic........................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
TH  - Thailand..................................           802.11b / 802.11g
TR  - Turkey....................................           802.11b / 802.11g
TW  - Taiwan.................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
UA  - Ukraine................................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
US  - United States............................. 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
USL - United States (Legacy).................... 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
USX - United States (US + chan165).............. 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g
VE  - Venezuela.................................           802.11b / 802.11g
ZA  - South Africa.............................. 802.11a / 802.11b / 802.11g

show cpu

To display current WLAN controller CPU usage information, use the show cpu command.

show cpu

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show cpu command:

(Cisco Controller) > show cpu
Current CPU load: 2.50%

show custom-web

To display all the web authentication customization information, use the show custom-web command.

show custom-web all remote-lan guest-lan sleep-client webauth-bundle wlan

Syntax Description


Display all Web-Auth customization information.


Display per WLAN Web-Auth customization information.


Display per Guest LAN Web-Auth customization information.


Display all Web-Auth Sleeping Client entries summary.


Display the content of Web-Auth Bundle.


Display per WLAN Web-Auth customization information.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in the release earlier than 7.6.
8.2 This command was modified and the all, remote-lan, guest-lan, sleep-client, webauth-bundle, and wlan keywords are added.


The following is a sample output of the show custom-web all command:

(Cisco Controller) > show custom-web all
Radius Authentication Method..................... PAP
Cisco Logo....................................... Enabled
CustomLogo....................................... None
Custom Title..................................... None
Custom Message................................... None
Custom Redirect URL.............................. None
Web Authentication Type.......................... Internal Default
Logout-popup..................................... Enabled
External Web Authentication URL.................. None

show database summary

To display the maximum number of entries in the database, use the show database summary command.

show database summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default



The following is a sample output of the show database summary command:

(Cisco Controller) > show database summary
Maximum Database Entries......................... 2048
Maximum Database Entries On Next Reboot.......... 2048
Database Contents
    MAC Filter Entries........................... 2
    Exclusion List Entries....................... 0
    AP Authorization List Entries................ 1
    Management Users............................. 1
    Local Network Users.......................... 1
        Local Users.............................. 1
        Guest Users.............................. 0
    Total..................................... 5

show dhcp

To display the internal Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server configuration, use the show dhcp command.

show dhcp { leases | summary | scope}

Syntax Description


Displays allocated DHCP leases.


Displays DHCP summary information.


Name of a scope to display the DHCP information for that scope.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the allocated DHCP leases:

(Cisco Controller) >show dhcp leases
No leases allocated.

The following example shows how to display the DHCP summary information:

(Cisco Controller) >show dhcp summary
Scope Name           Enabled           Address Range
003                    No   ->

The following example shows how to display the DHCP information for the scope 003:

(Cisco Controller) >show dhcp 003
Enabled....................................... No
Lease Time.................................... 0
Pool Start....................................
Pool End......................................
Default Routers...............................
DNS Domain....................................
Netbios Name Servers..........................

show dhcp proxy

To display the status of DHCP proxy handling, use the show dhcp proxy command.

show dhcp proxy

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the status of DHCP proxy information:

(Cisco Controller) >show dhcp proxy 

DHCP Proxy Behavior: enabled

show dhcp timeout

To display the DHCP timeout value, use the show dhcp timeout command.

show dhcp timeout

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the DHCP timeout value:

(Cisco Controller) >show dhcp timeout 

DHCP Timeout (seconds)................. 10

show dtls connections

To display the Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) server status, use the show dtls connections command.

show dtls connections

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show dtls connections command.

Device > show dtls connections

AP Name         Local Port    Peer IP         Peer Port     Ciphersuite
--------------- ------------- --------------- ------------- -----------------------
1130            Capwap_Ctrl   23678         TLS_RSA _WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
1130            Capwap_Data   23678         TLS_RSA _WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
1240            Capwap_Ctrl   59674         TLS_RSA _WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA

show exclusionlist

To display a summary of all clients on the manual exclusion list from associating with the controller, use the show exclusionlist command.

show exclusionlist

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays all manually excluded MAC addresses.


The following example shows how to display the exclusion list:

(Cisco Controller) > show exclusionlist
No manually disabled clients.
Dynamically Disabled Clients
  MAC Address             Exclusion Reason        Time Remaining (in secs)
  -----------             ----------------        ------------------------
00:40:96:b4:82:55         802.1X Failure          	51

show flexconnect acl detailed

To display a detailed summary of FlexConnect access control lists, use the show flexconnect acl detailed command.

show flexconnect acl detailed acl-name

Syntax Description


Name of the access control list.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the FlexConnect detailed ACLs:

(Cisco Controller) >show flexconnect acl detailed acl-2

show flexconnect acl summary

To display a summary of all access control lists on FlexConnect access points, use the show flexconnect acl summary command.

show flexconnect acl summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the FlexConnect ACL summary:

(Cisco Controller) >show flexconnect acl summary
ACL Name                         Status
-------------------------------- -------
acl1                            Modified
acl10                           Modified
acl100                          Modified
acl101                          Modified
acl102                          Modified
acl103                          Modified
acl104                          Modified
acl105                          Modified
acl106                          Modified

show flexconnect group detail

To display details of a FlexConnect group, use the show flexconnect group detail command.

show flexconnect group detail { group_name | default-flex-group} | [ module-vlan | aps]

Syntax Description


Name of the FlexConnect group.


Displays status of the FlexConnect local switching and VLAN ID in the group


Displays list of APs that are part of the FlexConnect group


Displays configuration of the default-flexgroup and the APs that are part of it.

Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The module-vlan and aps parameters were added.


The default-flex-group option was added.


The following example shows how to display the detailed information for a specific FlexConnect group:

(Cisco Controller) >show flexconnect group detail myflexgroup
Number of Ap’s in Group: 	1
00:0a:b8:3b:0b:c2 	 AP1200 	 	Joined
Group Radius Auth Servers:
	Primary Server Index ..................... Disabled
	Secondary Server Index ................... Disabled

show flexconnect group summary

To display the current list of FlexConnect groups, use the show flexconnect group summary command.

show flexconnect group summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the current list of FlexConnect groups:

(Cisco Controller) >show flexconnect group summary
flexconnect Group Summary: 	Count 1
Group Name	 				 	# APs
Group 1 						1

show flexconnect office-extend

To view information about OfficeExtend access points that in FlexConnect mode, use the show flexconnect office-extend command.

show flexconnect office-extend { summary | latency}

Syntax Description


Displays a list of all OfficeExtend access points.


Displays the link delay for OfficeExtend access points.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display information about the list of FlexConnect OfficeExtend access points:

(Cisco Controller) >show flexconnect office-extend summary
Summary of OfficeExtend AP
AP Name            Ethernet MAC       Encryption  Join-Mode   Join-Time
------------------ -----------------  ----------  ----------- ----------
AP1130             00:22:90:e3:37:70   Enabled    Latency     Sun Jan 4 21:46:07 2009
AP1140             01:40:91:b5:31:70   Enabled    Latency     Sat Jan 3 19:30:25 2009

The following example shows how to display the FlexConnect OfficeExtend access point’s link delay:

(Cisco Controller) >show flexconnect office-extend latency
Summary of OfficeExtend AP link latency
AP Name              Status  Current   Maximum   Minimum
AP1130               Enabled 15 ms      45 ms     12 ms
AP1140               Enabled 14 ms     179 ms     12 ms

show flow exporter

To display the details or the statistics of the flow exporter, use the show flow exporter command.

show flow exporter { summary | statistics}

Syntax Description


Displays a summary of the flow exporter.


Displays the statistics of flow exporters such as the number of records sent, or the time when the last record was sent.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following is a sample output of the show flow exporter summary command:

(Cisco Controller) > show flow exporter summary
 Exporter-Name            Exporter-IP     Port
  =============            ===========     =====
  expo1                 800

show flow monitor summary

To display the details of the NetFlow monitor, use the show flow monitor summary command.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

Netflow record monitoring and export are used for integration with an NMS or any Netflow analysis tool.


The following is a sample output of the show flow monitor summary :

(Cisco Controller) > show flow monitor summary
Monitor-Name             Exporter-Name            Exporter-IP      Port  Record Name
============             =============            ===========      ====  ===========
 mon1                     expo1              800 ipv4_client_app_flow_record

show guest-lan

To display the configuration of a specific wired guest LAN, use the show guest-lan command.

show guest-lan guest_lan_id

Syntax Description


ID of the selected wired guest LAN.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

To display all wired guest LANs configured on the controller, use the show guest-lan summary command.


The following is a sample output of the show guest-lan guest_lan_id command:

(Cisco Controller) >show guest-lan 2
Guest LAN Identifier........................... 1
Profile Name................................... guestlan
Network Name (SSID)............................ guestlan
Status......................................... Enabled
AAA Policy Override............................ Disabled
Number of Active Clients....................... 1
Exclusionlist Timeout.......................... 60 seconds
Session Timeout................................ Infinity
Interface...................................... wired
Ingress Interface.............................. wired-guest
WLAN ACL....................................... unconfigured
DHCP Server....................................
DHCP Address Assignment Required............... Disabled
Quality of Service............................. Silver (best effort)
	Web Based Authentication................... Enabled
	ACL........................................ Unconfigured
	Web-Passthrough............................ Disabled
	Conditional Web Redirect................... Disabled
	Auto Anchor................................ Disabled
Mobility Anchor List
GLAN ID IP Address Status

show icons summary

To display a summary of the icons present in the flash memory of the system, use the show icons summary command.

show icons summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification

Release 8.2

This command was introduced.


The following is sample output from the show icons summary command::

Cisco Controller > show icons summary

 Icon files (downloaded) in Flash memory
  No.   Filename                  Size
  ---  -----------------------    -----
    1.  dhk_icon.png                  120694
    2.  myIconCopy1.png               120694
    3.  myIconCopy2.png               120694

show ike

To display active Internet Key Exchange (IKE) security associations (SAs), use the show ike command.

show ike { brief | detailed} IP_or_MAC_address

Syntax Description


Displays a brief summary of all active IKE SAs.


Displays a detailed summary of all active IKE SAs.


IP or MAC address of active IKE SA.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the active Internet Key Exchange security associations:

(Cisco Controller) > show ike brief

show interface summary

To display summary details of the system interfaces, use the show interface summary command.

show interface summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.
8.0 This command was updated and displays IPv6 related details


The following example displays the summary of the local IPv4 interfaces:

(Cisco Controller) > show interface summary
Number of Interfaces.......................... 6

Interface Name                   Port Vlan Id  IP Address      Type    Ap Mgr Guest
-------------------------------- ---- -------- --------------- ------- ------ -----
dyn59                            LAG  59      Dynamic No     No
management                       LAG  56      Static  Yes    No
redundancy-management            LAG  56         Static  No     No
redundancy-port                  -    untagged         Static  No     No
service-port                     N/A  N/A         Static  No     No
virtual                          N/A  N/A         Static  No     No


The following example displays the summary of the local IPv6 interfaces:

show ipv6 interface summary
Number of Interfaces.......................... 2

Interface Name          Port Vlan Id  IPv6 Address/Prefix Length
----------------------- ---- -------- ------------------------------------------
management              LAG  56                      fe80::224:97ff:fe69:69af/64
                        LAG  56                              2001:9:10:56::60/64
service-port            N/A  N/A                     fe80::224:97ff:fe69:69a1/64
                        N/A  N/A                                           ::/128

show interface detailed

To display details of the system interfaces, use the show interface command.

show interfacedetailed { interface_name | management | redundancy-management | redundancy-port | service-port | virtual}

Syntax Description


Displays detailed interface information.


Interface name for detailed display.


Displays detailed management interface information.


Displays detailed redundancy management interface information.


Displays detailed redundancy port information.


Displays detailed service port information.


Displays detailed virtual gateway interface information.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.
8.0 This command was updated in Release 8.0 and displays IPv6 related details


The following example shows how to display the detailed interface information:

(Cisco Controller) > show interface detailed management

Interface Name................................... management
MAC Address...................................... 00:24:97:69:69:af
IP Address.......................................
IP Netmask.......................................
IP Gateway.......................................
External NAT IP State............................ Disabled
External NAT IP Address..........................
Link Local IPv6 Address.......................... fe80::224:97ff:fe69:69af/64
STATE ........................................... REACHABLE
Primary IPv6 Address............................. 2001:9:10:56::60/64
STATE ........................................... REACHABLE
Primary IPv6 Gateway............................. fe80::aea0:16ff:fe4f:2242
Primary IPv6 Gateway Mac Address................. ac:a0:16:4f:22:42
STATE ........................................... REACHABLE
VLAN............................................. 56
Quarantine-vlan.................................. 0
NAS-Identifier................................... Building1
Active Physical Port............................. LAG (13)
Primary Physical Port............................ LAG (13)
Backup Physical Port............................. Unconfigured
DHCP Proxy Mode.................................. Global
Primary DHCP Server..............................
Secondary DHCP Server............................ Unconfigured
DHCP Option 82................................... Disabled
DHCP Option 82 bridge mode insertion............. Disabled
IPv4 ACL......................................... Unconfigured
IPv6 ACL......................................... Unconfigured
mDNS Profile Name................................ Unconfigured
AP Manager....................................... Yes
Guest Interface.................................. No
L2 Multicast..................................... Enabled


Some WLAN controllers may have only one physical port listed because they have only one physical port.

The following example shows how to display the detailed redundancy management interface information:

(Cisco Controller) > show interface detailed redundancy-management
Interface Name................................... redundancy-management
MAC Address...................................... 88:43:e1:7e:0b:20
IP Address.......................................

The following example shows how to display the detailed redundancy port information:

(Cisco Controller) > show interface detailed redundancy-port
Interface Name................................... redundancy-port
MAC Address...................................... 88:43:e1:7e:0b:22
IP Address.......................................

The following example shows how to display the detailed service port information:

(Cisco Controller) > show interface detailed service-port
Interface Name................................... redundancy-port
MAC Address...................................... 88:43:e1:7e:0b:22
IP Address.......................................

The following example shows how to display the detailed virtual gateway interface information:

(Cisco Controller) > show interface detailed virtual
Interface Name................................... virtual
MAC Address...................................... 88:43:e1:7e:0b:20
IP Address.......................................
Virtual DNS Host Name............................ Disabled
AP Manager....................................... No
Guest Interface.................................. No

show interface group

To display details of system interface groups, use the show interface group command.

show interface group { summary | detailed interface_group_name}

Syntax Description


Displays a summary of the local interface groups.


Displays detailed interface group information.


Interface group name for a detailed display.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display a summary of local interface groups:

(Cisco Controller) > show interface group summary
Interface Group Name    Total Interfaces   Total WLANs     Total AP Groups     Quarantine
--------------------    ----------------    ---------      --------------       ---------
mygroup1                      1                0                   0               No
mygroup2                      1                0                   0               No
mygroup3                      5                1                   0               No

The following example shows how to display the detailed interface group information:

(Cisco Controller) > show interface group detailed mygroup1
Interface Group Name............................. mygroup1
Quarantine ...................................... No
Number of Wlans using the Interface Group........ 0
Number of AP Groups using the Interface Group.... 0
Number of Interfaces Contained................... 1
mDNS Profile Name................................ NCS12Prof
Interface Group Description...................... My Interface Group
Next interface for allocation to client.......... testabc
Interfaces Contained in this group .............. testabc
Interface marked with * indicates DHCP dirty interface
Interface list sorted based on vlan:

Index  Vlan     Interface Name
-----  ----    --------------------------------
0       42      testabc

show invalid-config

To see any ignored commands or invalid configuration values in an edited configuration file, use the show invalid-config command.

show invalid-config

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

You can enter this command only before the clear config or save config command.


The following is a sample output of the show invalid-config command:

(Cisco Controller) > show invalid-config
config wlan peer-blocking drop 3
config wlan dhcp_server 3 required

show inventory

To display a physical inventory of the Cisco wireless LAN controller, use the show inventory command.

show inventory

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

Some wireless LAN controllers may have no crypto accelerator (VPN termination module) or power supplies listed because they have no provisions for VPN termination modules or power supplies.


The following is a sample output of the show inventory command:

(Cisco Controller) > show inventory
Burned-in MAC Address............................ 50:3D:E5:1A:31:A0
Power Supply 1................................... Present, OK
Power Supply 2................................... Absent
Maximum number of APs supported.................. 500
NAME: "Chassis"    , DESCR: "Cisco 5500 Series Wireless LAN Controller"

show IPsec

To display active Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) security associations (SAs), use the show IPsec command.

show IPsec { brief | detailed} IP_or_MAC_address

Syntax Description


Displays a brief summary of active IPsec SAs.


Displays a detailed summary of active IPsec SAs.


IP address or MAC address of a device.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display brief information about the active Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) security associations (SAs):

(Cisco Controller) > show IPsec brief

show ipv6 acl

To display the IPv6 access control lists (ACLs) that are configured on the controller, use the show ipv6 acl command.

show ipv6 acl detailed { acl_name | summary}

Syntax Description


IPv6 ACL name. The name can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters.


Displays detailed information about a specific ACL.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the detailed information of the access control lists:

(Cisco Controller) >show ipv6 acl detailed acl6
Rule Index....................................... 1
Direction........................................ Any
IPv6 source prefix............................... ::/0
IPv6 destination prefix.......................... ::/0
Protocol......................................... Any
Source Port Range................................ 0-65535
Destination Port Range........................... 0-65535
DSCP............................................. Any
Flow label....................................... 0
Action........................................... Permit
Counter.......................................... 0
Deny Counter................................... 0

show ipv6 summary

To display the IPv6 configuration settings, use the show ipv6 summary command.

show ipv6 summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example displays the output of the show ipv6 summary command:

(Cisco Controller) >show ipv6 summary 
Global Config............................... Enabled
Reachable-lifetime value.................... 30
Stale-lifetime value........................ 300
Down-lifetime value......................... 300
RA Throttling............................... Disabled
RA Throttling allow at-least................ 1
RA Throttling allow at-most................. no-limit
RA Throttling max-through................... 5
RA Throttling throttle-period............... 600
RA Throttling interval-option............... ignore
NS Mulitcast CacheMiss Forwarding........... Enabled
NA Mulitcast Forwarding..................... Enabled
IPv6 Capwap UDP Lite........................ Enabled
Operating System IPv6 state ................ Enabled

show guest-lan

To display the configuration of a specific wired guest LAN, use the show guest-lan command.

show guest-lan guest_lan_id

Syntax Description


ID of the selected wired guest LAN.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

To display all wired guest LANs configured on the controller, use the show guest-lan summary command.


The following is a sample output of the show guest-lan guest_lan_id command:

(Cisco Controller) >show guest-lan 2
Guest LAN Identifier........................... 1
Profile Name................................... guestlan
Network Name (SSID)............................ guestlan
Status......................................... Enabled
AAA Policy Override............................ Disabled
Number of Active Clients....................... 1
Exclusionlist Timeout.......................... 60 seconds
Session Timeout................................ Infinity
Interface...................................... wired
Ingress Interface.............................. wired-guest
WLAN ACL....................................... unconfigured
DHCP Server....................................
DHCP Address Assignment Required............... Disabled
Quality of Service............................. Silver (best effort)
	Web Based Authentication................... Enabled
	ACL........................................ Unconfigured
	Web-Passthrough............................ Disabled
	Conditional Web Redirect................... Disabled
	Auto Anchor................................ Disabled
Mobility Anchor List
GLAN ID IP Address Status

show icons file-info

To display icon parameters, use the show icons file-info command.

show icons file-info

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification

Release 8.2

This command was introduced.


The following is sample output from the show icons file-info command:

Cisco Controller > show icons file-info

ICON File Info:
  No.   Filename                       Type         Lang  Width  Height
  ----  -----------------------        ------       ----  -----  ------
   1    dhk_icon.png                  png           eng   200    300
   2    myIconCopy2.png               png           eng   222    333
   3    myIconCopy1.png               png           eng   555    444

show ipv6 acl

To display the IPv6 access control lists (ACLs) that are configured on the controller, use the show ipv6 acl command.

show ipv6 acl detailed { acl_name | summary}

Syntax Description


IPv6 ACL name. The name can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters.


Displays detailed information about a specific ACL.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display the detailed information of the access control lists:

(Cisco Controller) >show ipv6 acl detailed acl6
Rule Index....................................... 1
Direction........................................ Any
IPv6 source prefix............................... ::/0
IPv6 destination prefix.......................... ::/0
Protocol......................................... Any
Source Port Range................................ 0-65535
Destination Port Range........................... 0-65535
DSCP............................................. Any
Flow label....................................... 0
Action........................................... Permit
Counter.......................................... 0
Deny Counter................................... 0

show ipv6 acl cpu

To display the IPv6 ACL CPU details, use the show ipv6 acl cpu command.

show ipv6 acl cpu

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.
8.0 This command supports IPv6 address format.


The following is a sample output of the show ipv6 acl cpu command:

(Cisco Controller) > show ipv6 acl cpu

CPU Acl Name................................ NOT CONFIGURED
Wireless Traffic............................ Disabled
Wired Traffic............................... Disabled

show ipv6 acl detailed

To display the IPv6 ACL details, use the show ipv6 acl detailed command.

show ipv6 acl detailed

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.
8.0 This command supports IPv6 address format.


The following is a sample output of the show ipv6 acl detailed TestACL command:

(Cisco Controller) > show ipv6 acl detailed ddd

Rule Index....................................... 1
Direction........................................ Any
IPv6 source prefix............................... 2001:9:5:90::115/128
IPv6 destination prefix.......................... ::/0
Protocol......................................... 6
Source Port Range................................ 0-65535
Destination Port Range........................... 0-65535
DSCP............................................. Any
Action........................................... Permit
Counter.......................................... 0

Rule Index....................................... 2
Direction........................................ Any
IPv6 source prefix............................... ::/0
IPv6 destination prefix.......................... 2001:9:5:90::115/128
Protocol......................................... 6
Source Port Range................................ 0-65535
Destination Port Range........................... 0-65535
DSCP............................................. Any
Action........................................... Permit
Counter.......................................... 0

show ipv6 neighbor-binding

To display the IPv6 neighbor binding data that are configured on the controller, use the show ipv6 neighbor-binding command.

show ipv6 neighbor-binding { capture-policy| counters | detailed { mac mac_address| port port_number| vlanvlan_id} | features | policies | ra-throttle { statistics vlan_id | routers vlan_id} | summary}

Syntax Description


Displays IPv6 next-hop message capture policies.


Displays IPv6 next-hop counters (Bridging mode only).


Displays the IPv6 neighbor binding table.


Displays the IPv6 binding table entries for a specific MAC address.


Displays the IPv6 binding table entries for a specific MAC address.


Displays the IPv6 binding table entries for a specific port.


Port Number. You can enter ap for an access point or LAG for a LAG port.


Displays the IPv6 neighbor binding table entries for a specific VLAN.


VLAN identifier.


Displays IPv6 next-hop registered features.


Displays IPv6 next-hop policies.


Displays RA throttle information.


Displays RA throttle statistics.


Displays RA throttle routers.


Displays the IPv6 neighbor binding table.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.

Usage Guidelines

DHCPv6 counters are applicable only for IPv6 bridging mode.


The following is the output of the show ipv6 neighbor-binding summary command:

(Cisco Controller) >show ipv6 neighbor-binding summary
Binding Table has 6 entries, 5 dynamic
Codes: L - Local, S - Static, ND - Neighbor Discovery, DH - DDCP
Preflevel flags (prlvl):
0001:MAC and LLA match     0002:Orig trunk            0004:Orig access
0008:Orig trusted access   0010:Orig trusted trunk    0020:DHCP assigned
0040:Cga authenticated     0080:Cert authenticated    0100:Statically assigned
    IPv6 address                             MAC Address       Port VLAN Type     prlvl age  state     Time left
-- ----------------------------------------  ----------------- ---- ---- -------- ----- ---- --------- ----------
ND  fe80::216:46ff:fe43:eb01                 00:16:46:43:eb:01    1  980 wired     0005    2 REACHABLE  157
ND  fe80::9cf9:b009:b1b4:1ed9                70:f1:a1:dd:cb:d4   AP  980 wireless  0005    2 REACHABLE  157
ND  fe80::6233:4bff:fe05:25ef                60:33:4b:05:25:ef   AP  980 wireless  0005    2 REACHABLE  203
ND  fe80::250:56ff:fe8b:4a8f                 00:50:56:8b:4a:8f   AP  980 wireless  0005    2 REACHABLE  157
ND  2001:410:0:1:51be:2219:56c6:a8ad         70:f1:a1:dd:cb:d4   AP  980 wireless  0005    5 REACHABLE  157
S   2001:410:0:1::9                          00:00:00:00:00:08   AP  980 wireless  0100    1 REACHABLE  205

The following is the output of the show ipv6 neighbor-binding detailed command:

(Cisco Controller) >show ipv6 neighbor-binding detailed mac 60:33:4b:05:25:ef
macDB has 3 entries for mac 60:33:4b:05:25:ef, 3 dynamic
Codes: L - Local, S - Static, ND - Neighbor Discovery, DH - DDCP
Preflevel flags (prlvl):
0001:MAC and LLA match     0002:Orig trunk            0004:Orig access
0008:Orig trusted access   0010:Orig trusted trunk    0020:DHCP assigned
0040:Cga authenticated     0080:Cert authenticated    0100:Statically assigned
    IPv6 address                             MAC Address       Port VLAN Type     prlvl age  state     Time left
-- ----------------------------------------  ----------------- ---- ---- -------- ----- ---- --------- ----------
ND  fe80::6233:4bff:fe05:25ef                60:33:4b:05:25:ef   AP  980 wireless  0009    0 REACHABLE  303
ND  2001:420:0:1:6233:4bff:fe05:25ef         60:33:4b:05:25:ef   AP  980 wireless  0009    0 REACHABLE  300
ND  2001:410:0:1:6233:4bff:fe05:25ef         60:33:4b:05:25:ef   AP  980 wireless  0009    0 REACHABLE  301

The following is the output of the show ipv6 neighbor-binding counters command:

(Cisco Controller) >show ipv6 neighbor-binding counters
Received Messages

NDP Router Solicitation                 6
NDP Router Advertisement                19
NDP Neighbor Solicitation               557
NDP Neighbor Advertisement              48
NDP Redirect                            0
NDP Certificate Solicit                 0
NDP Certificate Advert                  0
DHCPv6 Solicitation                     0
DHCPv6 Advertisement                    0
DHCPv6 Request                          0
DHCPv6 Reply                            0
DHCPv6 Inform                           0
DHCPv6 Confirm                          0
DHCPv6 Renew                            0
DHCPv6 Rebind                           0
DHCPv6 Release                          0
DHCPv6 Decline                          0
DHCPv6 Reconfigure                      0
DHCPv6 Relay Forward                    0
DHCPv6 Relay Rep                        0

Bridged Messages

NDP Router Solicitation                 6
NDP Router Advertisement                19
NDP Neighbor Solicitation               471
NDP Neighbor Advertisement              16
NDP Redirect                            0
NDP Certificate Solicit                 0
NDP Certificate Advert                  0
DHCPv6 Solicitation                     0
DHCPv6 Advertisement                    0
DHCPv6 Request                          0
DHCPv6 Reply                            0
DHCPv6 Inform                           0
DHCPv6 Confirm                          0
DHCPv6 Renew                            0
DHCPv6 Rebind                           0
DHCPv6 Release                          0
DHCPv6 Decline                          0
DHCPv6 Reconfigure                      0
DHCPv6 Relay Forward                    0
DHCPv6 Relay Rep                        0

NDSUPRRESS Drop counters

total   silent ns_in_out ns_dad unicast multicast internal
0       0       0       0       0       0       0

SNOOPING Drop counters

Dropped Msgs            total   silent  internal CGA_vfy  RSA_vfy  limit  martian  martian_mac  no_trust  not_auth  stop
NDP RS                          0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
NDP RA                          0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
NDP NS                          0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
NDP NA                          0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
NDP Redirect                    0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
NDP CERT SOL                    0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
NDP CERT ADV                    0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
DHCPv6 Sol                      0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
DHCPv6 Adv                      0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
DHCPv6 Req                      0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
DHCPv6 Confirm                  0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
DHCPv6 Renew                    0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
DHCPv6 Rebind                   0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
DHCPv6 Reply                    0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
DHCPv6 Release                  0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
DHCPv6 Decline                  0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
DHCPv6 Recfg                    0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
DHCPv6 Infreq                   0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
DHCPv6 Relayfwd                 0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
DHCPv6 Relayreply               0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0

CacheMiss Statistics
        Multicast NS Forwarded
                To STA  0
                To DS   0
        Multicast NS Dropped
                To STA  467
                To DS   467

Multicast NA Statistics
        Multicast NA Forwarded
                To STA  0
                To DS   0
        Multicast NA Dropped
                To STA  0
                To DS   0

(Cisco Controller) > >

show ipv6 ra-guard

To display the RA guard statistics, use the show ipv6 ra-guard command.

show ipv6 ra-guard { ap | wlc} summary

Syntax Description


Displays Cisco access point details.


Displays Cisco controller details.


Displays RA guard statistics.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example show the output of the show ipv6 ra-guard ap summary command:

(Cisco Controller) >show ipv6 ra-guard ap summary
IPv6 RA Guard on AP..................... Enabled
RA Dropped per client:
MAC Address       AP Name           WLAN/GLAN      Number of RA Dropped
----------------- ----------------- -------------- ---------------------
00:40:96:b9:4b:89 Bhavik_1130_1_p13 2              19
----------------- ----------------- -------------- ---------------------
Total RA Dropped on AP......................      19

The following example shows how to display the RA guard statistics for a controller:

(Cisco Controller) >show ipv6 ra-guard wlc summary
IPv6 RA Guard on WLC.................... Enabled

show ipv6 route summary

To display configuration information for IPv6 route, use the show ipv6 route summary command.

show ipv6 route summary

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
8.0 This command was introduced in a Release 8.0.


The following is a sample output of the show ipv6 route summary command:

(Cisco Controller) > show ipv6 route summary
Number of Routes................................. 1

Destination Network PrefixLength Gateway
------------------- ------------- -------------------
2001:9:5:90::115 /128 2001:9:5:91::1

show ipv6 summary

To display the IPv6 configuration settings, use the show ipv6 summary command.

show ipv6 summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example displays the output of the show ipv6 summary command:

(Cisco Controller) >show ipv6 summary 
Global Config............................... Enabled
Reachable-lifetime value.................... 30
Stale-lifetime value........................ 300
Down-lifetime value......................... 300
RA Throttling............................... Disabled
RA Throttling allow at-least................ 1
RA Throttling allow at-most................. no-limit
RA Throttling max-through................... 5
RA Throttling throttle-period............... 600
RA Throttling interval-option............... ignore
NS Mulitcast CacheMiss Forwarding........... Enabled
NA Mulitcast Forwarding..................... Enabled
IPv6 Capwap UDP Lite........................ Enabled
Operating System IPv6 state ................ Enabled

show known ap

To display known Cisco lightweight access point information, use the show known ap command.

show known ap { summary | detailed MAC}

Syntax Description


Displays a list of all known access points.


Provides detailed information for all known access points.


MAC address of the known AP.

Command Default


Command History

Release Modification
7.6 This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6.


The following example shows how to display a summary of all known access points:

(Cisco Controller) >show known ap summary
MAC Address         State        # APs  # Clients   Last Heard
-----------         -----------  -----   --------   -----------------