Guidelines for Setting Custom Web Authentication Pages
Read the following guidelines before you configure custom web authentication pages for login, succesful login, failed login and expired login pages.
Ensure that the custom pages are in HTML format .
You must configure all four custom HTML files. If fewer than four files are configured, the internal default HTML pages will be used.
You must copy the four custom HTML files to the disk or flash of the switch. When you are using a switch stack, you can copy the pages on to the flash on the active and member switches. For example, the login page can be on the flash on the active switch, and the success and failure pages can be on the flash on a member switch.
When using the CLI, you must manually copy the custom HTML files on to the flash of the active and standby swithces. However, when you upload the customer web auth bundle file in tar format through the Web UI, the system will untar and place the custom HTML files on both the active and standby switches.
You must include an HTML redirect command in the success page to access a specific URL.
You must configure a virtual IP in the global parameter map.
If you configure custom web pages for HTTP authentication, they must also include the HTML commands to set the page time out, hidden password, or to confirm that the same page is not submitted twice.
You cannot configure web authentication banners after configuring custom web authentication pages.
All of the logo files such as image, flash, audio, video, and so on that are stored in the system directory (for example, flash, disk0, or disk) and that must be displayed on the login page must use web_auth_<filename> as the file name.