Managing the Wi-Fi Network

Under Manage Wi-Fi Network > Manage, you can add, modify, or delete a previously configured employee or guest network. You can also modify AP details.

Under Managed Networks, you can find your list of configured embedded wireless controllers that are being managed by the Cisco Catalyst Wireless mobile app.

Also, if you enable the Remember toggle button in the Confirmation Screen of the Day Zero wizard (Fig 9), the corresponding controller is added to the Managed Networks list.

You can add a new embedded wireless controller to be managed by the Cisco Catalyst Wireless mobile app using one of the the following options. These controllers are listed under Managed Networks.

  • IP Address

  • SSID

Figure 1. Add an Embedded Wireless Controller Using the Cisco Catalyst Wireless Mobile Application
Figure 2. Add an Embedded Wireless Controller Using the Cisco Catalyst Wireless Mobile Application

The following sections provide details about managing your Embedded Wireless Controller network and associated devices:


Using the Cisco Catalyst Wi-Fi mobile application, you can:

  • Manage the controller and AP in an Cisco Embedded Wireless Controller network.

  • Create, modify, or delete the configurations by following the instructions provided in the following sections.

Manage the Network

Under Manage > Networks, you can create, edit, or delete a network in a Cisco Embedded Wireless Controller deployment.

Figure 3. Manage Networks Using the Cisco Catalyst Wireless Mobile Application

The following details of each available network can also be viewed in the Networks screen:

  • SSID

  • Security

  • Broadcast SSID

  • SSID Status

Create a WLAN

You can create and manage the following types of network in a Cisco Embedded Wireless Controller deployment:

  • Employee Network

  • Guest Network

Adding an Employee Network

Step 1

Navigate to Manage > Networks.

The Networks screen is displayed.

Step 2

Tap the + icon to add a new user.

Step 3

In the Network Name field, enter a name for the network.

Figure 4. Add a New Network
Step 4

Tap the Employee radio button.

Step 5

From the Security drop-down list, choose the security level-Personal or Enterprise.

Step 6

In the Passphrase field, enter a passcode.

Step 7

In the Confirm Passphrase field, re-enter the passcode.

Step 8

From the Radio drop-down list, choose a radio.

Step 9

Slide the Status toggle button to enable the network.

Step 10

Slide the Broadcast toggle button to broadcast the name of the network.

After successful completion of the task, the newly added employee network is listed under Manage > Network, from where you can view the status. You can also modify (using the pencil icon) or delete (using the trash icon) the employee network from this screen.

Configuring the AAA Server

Step 1

In the Network Name field (Add a New Network), enter a name for the network.

Step 2

Tap either the Employee or Guest radio button.

Step 3

From the Security drop-down list, choose the security level, as Enterprise.

The Radius screen is displayed.

Step 4

Under the Primary Radius section, in the IP Address field, enter the IP address of the primary RADIUS server.

Step 5

In the Port Number field, enter the port number.

Step 6

In the Secret field, enter a password.

Configuring the secondary RADIUS server is optional. To configure the secondary RADIUS server, go to the Secondary Radius section.

Step 7

(Optional) In the IP Address field, enter the IP address of the secondary RADIUS.

Step 8

In the Port Number field, enter the port number.

Step 9

Tap Save.

A confirmation message is displayed indicating that the AAA server is configured.

Adding a Guest Network

Step 1

Navigate to Manage > Networks (Manage Networks Using the Cisco Catalyst Wireless Mobile Application).

The Networks screen is displayed.

Step 2

Click the + icon to add a new user (Add a New Network).

Step 3

In the Network Name field, enter a name for the network.

Step 4

Click the Guest radio button.


The security protocol for the guest network is Consent. After successful completion of the task, the newly added guest network is listed under Manage > Network, from where you can view the status. You can also modify (using the pencil icon) or delete (using the trash icon) the guest network from this screen.

Manage the AP

You can add, modify, or view the AP details by completing the following steps:


Step 1

Navigate to Manage > Access Points.

All the available access points in the network are listed on the screen.

Step 2

Click an access point to view its details.

Step 3

Tap the pencil icon adjacent to the AP Name field, to edit the AP name.

Figure 5. Edit Access Point Details
Step 4

Slide the Admin State toggle button to switch the status of the admin.

Step 5

Tap the pencil icon adjacent to the Location field, to edit the location.

By default, your current country is selected as the location.

Step 6

Slide the LED State toggle button to switch the status of the LED.

Step 7

Slide the Make as Preferred Master toggle button to switch the status of the preferred primary AP.

Additionally, you can view the general information of the AP, such as Country Code, Software Version, and AP MAC address.

Step 8

Perform the following AP management tasks:

  1. Convert As Controller: Makes the Cisco Catalyst AP Series function as a controller.

    This option is available only if the AP is capable of becoming a master AP in a Cisco Embedded Wireless Controller network.

  2. Restart: Restarts the AP.

    If the selected AP is the master AP in a Cisco Embedded Wireless Controller network, then there is a network outage and clients are not served.

  3. Factory Reset: Removes all the configuration from the AP.

Controller Details

In the collapsible side pane, click the name of the Primary AP to view the following details of your Cisco Embedded Wireless Controller:

  • System Name

  • Model Number

  • Management IP

  • Software Version

  • Country

  • System Up Time

  • Memory Usage

  • Maximum APs

  • Maximum Clients

Figure 6. Controller Details Page

You can also perform the following tasks:

  • Restart

  • Factory Reset

Figure 7. Controller Restart and Reset on the Controller Details Page


You can monitor your Cisco Embedded Wireless Controller network, by navigating to the Dashboard screen in the side pane of the Cisco Catalyst Wireless mobile app GUI.

Figure 8. Cisco Catalyst Wireless Mobile Application Dashboard

Here, you can view the following details:

  • Summary

  • APs

  • Clients

  • Applications


Navigate to Dashboard > Summary, to view the count and status of the following elements in your Cisco Embedded Wireless Controller network:

  • WLAN

  • Access Point

  • Wireless Clients

  • Wired Clients

  • Rogues

  • Interferers


The top 10 access points in your Cisco Embedded Wireless Controller network are listed under Dashboard > AP. Here you can also view the following details for each AP:

  • MAC address

  • AP model

  • IP Address

  • Channels

  • Mode

  • UP Time

Top Clients

Navigate to Dashboard > Clients, to view the list of the Top 10 Clients by Usage. You can also view the following details for each client:

  • Client Identity

  • SSID

  • Device Type

  • Usage

Top Applications

Navigate to Dashboard > Applications, to view a list of the various applications running on a specific WLAN. Choose a WLAN from the WLAN drop-down list.

You can also view the following details for the various applications:

  • Application name

  • Usage %

  • Bytes


In the Mesh screen of the Cisco Catalyst Wireless mobile app, you can view the Mesh Topology and the MAP MAC List.

Figure 9. Cisco Catalyst Wireless Mobile Application Mesh

The following sections describe the Mesh Topology and the MAP MAC List details.

Mesh Topology

The Mesh Topology screen displays the mesh AP tree, the number of bridge APs, number of root APs, and the number of mesh access points (MAP) in the network.

To view the mesh topology, follow these steps:


Step 1

Navigate to Mesh > Mesh Topology.

The mesh AP tree, the number of bridge APs, number of root APs, and the number of MAPs in the network, are displayed on the screen.

Step 2

Press an AP icon on the mesh tree to view the AP details.

Figure 10. Cisco Catalyst Wireless Mobile Application Mesh Topology

Mesh Access Points MAC List

The MAP MAC list displays the MAC addresses of the mesh APs.

To add a MAC address, follow these steps:


Step 1

Navigate to Mesh > MAP MAC List.

All the available MAC addresses of the mesh APs are displayed on the screen.

Step 2

Press a MAC address to view its details.

Step 3

To add a new MAC address, press the + icon.

The Add Mac Address screen is displayed.
Step 4

To add a new MAC address, you can do one of the following:

  1. Enter the MAC address in the Address field.

  2. Tap the Scan QR Code link to capture the MAC address.

  3. Tap the Scan MAC Address link to scan and add the MAC address.

Step 5

Tap Add Mac Address.

Figure 11. Cisco Catalyst Wireless Mobile Application MAP MAC List Screen


In the Security screen of the Cisco Catalyst Wireless mobile app, you can view the available 802.1x configurations of the primary and secondary RADIUS servers in your Cisco Embedded Wireless Controller network.

You can view the following details of the AAA server:

  • Name

  • IP Address

  • Accounting Port

  • Authorization Port

  • Status


Under Dashboard > Administration, you can find a listing of the various user accounts with associated privilege (admin or user) configured for your Cisco Embedded Wireless Controller network. You can also add new users or delete existing users here.

To add a new user, follow this procedure:


Step 1

Tap Administration, and then the + icon to add a new user.

Figure 12. Cisco Catalyst Wireless Mobile Application Administration Screen
Step 2

In the Username field, enter the username.

Step 3

In the Password field, enter a password.

Step 4

In the Confirm Passphrase field, re-enter the password.

Step 5

From the Privilege drop-down list, choose either User or Admin.

A confirmation message is displayed. Click Okay to dismiss the message.


Under License, you can find the following licensing details for your Cisco Embedded Wireless Controller network.

  • Under General Information, the following information is displayed:

    • Smart License Status

    • Authorization Status

    • Registration Status

    • Evaluation Period Remaining

    • Unique Device Identifier (UDI)

  • Under Used Licenses, the following information is displayed:

    • License

    • Count

    • Status


Click Logout to end the current controller session. Switch to another session by logging in to corresponding controller.