Command Reference for Smart Licensing Using Policy

license air level

To configure AIR licenses on a wireless controller, enter the license air level command in global configuration mode. To revert to the default setting, use the no form of this command.

license air level { air-network-advantage [ addon air-dna-advantage ] | air-network-essentials [ addon air-dna-essentials ] }

no license air level

Syntax Description


Configures the AIR Network Advantage license level.

addon air-dna-advantage

(Optional) Configures the add-on AIR DNA Advantage license level.

This add-on option is available with the AIR Network Advantage license.


Configures the AIR Network Essentials license level.

addon air-dna-essentials

(Optional) Configures the add-on AIR DNA Essentials license level.

This add-on option is available with the AIR Network Essential license.

Command Default

For all Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless controllers the default license is AIR DNA Advantage.

For EWC-APs:

  • Prior to Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.4.1, the default license is AIR DNA Essentials.

  • Starting with Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.4.1, the default license is AIR Network Essentials

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a

This command continues to be available and applicable with the introduction of Smart Licensing Using Policy.

Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.4.1

Only for EWC-APs, the default license was changed from AIR DNA Essentials to AIR Network Essentials.

Usage Guidelines

In the Smart Licensing Using Policy environment, you can use the license air level command to change the license level being used on the product instance, or to additionally configure an add-on license on the product instance. The change is effective after a reload.

The licenses that can be configured are:

  • AIR Network Essential

  • AIR Network Advantage

  • AIR DNA Essential

  • AIR DNA Advantage

You can configure AIR DNA Essential or AIR DNA Advantage license level and on term expiry, you can move to the Network Advantage or Network Essentials license level, if you do not want to renew the DNA license.

Every connecting AP requires a Cisco DNA Center License to leverage the unique value properties of the controller.

Specifics for EWC-APs

Starting with Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.4.1, only for EWC-APs, you can opt-out of purchasing an AIR DNA license. The option to opt-out of AIR DNA licenses is available only through the Cisco Commerce portal. When you opt-out, Smart Licensing Using Policy functionality is disabled.

For a new product instance, this means:


Required Action

Outcome or Result

You opt-out of AIR DNA licenses


Use only AIR Network Essentials.

Smart Licensing Using Policy functionality is disabled on the product instance and for your Smart Account and Virtual Account in CSSM. License usage is not recorded, and no reporting requirements apply.

You purchase AIR DNA licenses

Enter the license air level command in global configuration mode and configure the corresponding AIR DNA license. Reload to use the corresponding license.

Implement one of the supported topologies and fulfill reporting requirements. For information about implementing a topology, For information about implementing a topology, see the Supported Topologies section in the software configuration guide of the required release.

Use the purchased AIR DNA and AIR Network license.

Smart Licensing Using Policy functionality is enabled on the product instance and for your Smart Account and Virtual Account in CSSM.

For an existing product instance, this means:


Required Action

Outcome or Result

You are using an AIR DNA license


No change.

You are already in the Smart Licensing Using Policy environment.

You do not want to renew the DNA license on term expiry

On term expiry, enter the license air level command in global configuration mode and configure AIR Network Essentials or AIR Network Advantage. Reload to use the corresponding license.

If you had AIR DNA Essentials, you now use AIR Network Essentials.

If you had AIR DNA Advantage, you now use AIR Network Advantage.

Smart Licensing Using Policy functionality is disabled on the product instance and for your Smart Account and Virtual Account in CSSM. License usage is not recorded, and no reporting requirements apply.


The following example show how to configure the AIR DNA Essential license level:
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# license air level network-essentials addon air-dna-essentials

The following example shows how the AIR DNA Advantage license level is configured to begin with and then changed to AIR DNA Essentials:

Current configuration as AIR DNA Advantage:

Device# show version
Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 17.03.02
Cisco IOS Software [Amsterdam], C9800-CL Software (C9800-CL-K9_IOSXE), Version 17.3.2, RELEASE SOFTWARE
<output truncated>
AIR License Level: AIR DNA Advantage
Next reload AIR license Level: AIR DNA Advantage

Smart Licensing Status: Registration Not Applicable/Not Applicable
<output truncated>
Configuration of AIR DNA Essentials :
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# license air level air-network-essentials addon air-dna-essentials
Device# exit
Device# show version
Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 17.03.02
Cisco IOS Software [Amsterdam], C9800-CL Software (C9800-CL-K9_IOSXE), Version 17.3.2, RELEASE SOFTWARE 
<output truncated>
AIR License Level: AIR DNA Advantage
Next reload AIR license Level: AIR DNA Essentials          
Smart Licensing Status: Registration Not Applicable/Not Applicable
<output truncated>

Device# write memory
Device# reload
After reload:
Device# show version
Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 17.03.02
Cisco IOS Software [Amsterdam], C9800-CL Software (C9800-CL-K9_IOSXE), Version 17.3.2, RELEASE SOFTWARE 
<output truncated>
AIR License Level: AIR DNA Essentials
Next reload AIR license Level: AIR DNA Essentials

Smart Licensing Status: Registration Not Applicable/Not Applicable
<output truncated>

license smart (global config)

To configure licensing-related settings such as the mode of transport and the URL that the product instance uses to communicate with Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM), or Cisco Smart Licensing Utility (CSLU), or Smart Software Manager On-Prem (SSM On-Prem), to configure the usage reporting interval, to configure the information that must be exluded or included in a license usage report (RUM report), enter the license smart command in global configuration mode. Use the no form of the command to revert to default values.

license smart { custom_id ID | enable | privacy { all | hostname | version } | proxy { address address_hostname | port port } | reservation | server-identity-check | transport { automatic | callhome | cslu | off | smart } | url { url | cslu cslu_or_on-prem_url | default | smart smart_url | utility secondary_url } | usage { customer-tags { tag1 | tag2 | tag3 | tag4 } tag_value | interval interval_in_days } | utility [ customer_info { city city | country country | postalcode postalcode | state state | street street } ] }

no license smart { custom_id | enable | privacy { all | hostname | version } | proxy { address address_hostname | port port } | reservation | server-identity-check | transport | url { url | cslu cslu_or_on-prem_url | default | smart smart_url | utility secondary_url } | usage { customer-tags { tag1 | tag2 | tag3 | tag4 } tag_value | interval interval_in_days } | utility [ customer_info { city city | country country | postalcode postalcode | state state | street street } ] }

Syntax Description

custom_id ID

Although available on the CLI, this option is not supported.


Although visible on the CLI, configuring this keyword has no effect. Smart licensing is always enabled.

privacy { all | hostname | version }

Sets a privacy flag to prevent the sending of the specified data privacy related information.

When the flag is disabled, the corresponding information is sent in a message or offline file created by the product instance.

Depending on the topology this is sent to one or more components, including CSSM, CSLU, and SSM On-Prem.

All data privacy settings are disabled by default. You must configure the option you want to exclude from all communication:

proxy { address address_hostname | port port }

Configures a proxy for license usage synchronization with CSLU or CSSM. This means that you can use this option to configure a proxy only if the transport mode is license smart transport smart (CSSM), or license smart transport cslu (CSLU).

However, you cannot configure a proxy for license usage synchronization in an SSM On-Prem deployment, which also uses license smart transport cslu as the transport mode.

Configure the following options:

  • address address_hostname : Configures the proxy address.

    For address_hostname , enter the enter the IP address or hostname of the proxy.

  • portport : Configures the proxy port.

    For port, enter the proxy port number.


Enables or disables a license reservation feature.



Although available on the CLI, this option is not applicable because license reservation is not applicable in the Smart Licensing Using Policy environment.


Enables or disables the HTTP secure server identity check.

transport { automatic | callhome | cslu | off | smart }

Configures the mode of transport the product instance uses to communicate with CSSM. Choose from the following options:

  • automatic : Sets the transport mode cslu .



    The automatic keyword is not supported on Cisco Catalyst Wireless Controllers.

  • callhome : Enables Call Home as the transport mode.

  • cslu : Enables CSLU as the transport mode. This is the default transport mode.

    The same keyword applies to both CSLU and SSM On-Prem, but the URLs are different. See cslucslu_or_on-prem_url in the following row.

  • off : Disables all communication from the product instance.

  • smart : Enables Smart transport.

url { url | cslu cslu_url | default | smart smart_url | utility secondary_url }

Sets URL that is used for the configured transport mode. Choose from the following options:

  • url : If you have configured the transport mode as callhome, configure this option. Enter the CSSM URL exactly as follows:

    The no license smart url url command reverts to the default URL.

  • cslu cslu_or_on-prem_url : If you have configured the transport mode as cslu, configure this option, with the URL for CSLU or SSM On-Prem, as applicable:

    • If you are using CSLU, enter the URL as follows:


      For <cslu_ip_or_host>, enter the hostname or the IP address of the windows host where you have installed CSLU. 8182 is the port number and it is the only port number that CSLU uses.

      The no license smart url cslu cslu_or_on-prem_url command reverts to http://cslu-local:8182/cslu/v1/pi

    • If you are using SSM On-Prem, enter the URL as follows:

      http://<ip>/cslu/v1/pi/<tenant ID>

      For <ip>, enter the hostname or the IP address of the server where you have installed SSM On-Prem. The <tenantID> must be the default local virtual account ID.


      You can retrieve the entire URL from SSM On-Prem. In the software configuration guide (17.3.x and later), see Smart Licensing Using Policy > Task Library for Smart Licensing Using Policy > Retrieving the Transport URL (SSM On-Prem UI).

      The no license smart url cslu cslu_or_on-prem_url command reverts to http://cslu-local:8182/cslu/v1/pi

  • default : Depends on the configured transport mode. Only the smart and cslu transport modes are supported with this option.

    If the transport mode is set to cslu, and you configure license smart url default , the CSLU URL is configured automatically (https://cslu-local:8182/cslu/v1/pi).

    If the transport mode is set to smart, and you configure license smart url default , the Smart URL is configured automatically (

  • smart smart_url : If you have configured the transport type as smart, configure this option. Enter the URL exactly as follows:

    When you configure this option, the system automatically creates a duplicate of the URL in license smart url url . You can ignore the duplicate entry, no further action is required.

    The no license smart url smartsmart_url command reverts to the default URL.

  • utility smart_url : Although available on the CLI, this option is not supported.

usage { customer-tags { tag1 | tag2 | tag3 | tag4 } tag_value | interval interval_in_days }

Configures usage reporting settings. You can set the following options:

  • customer-tags{ tag1| tag2| tag3| tag4} tag_value : Defines strings for inclusion in data models, for telemetry. Up to 4 strings (or tags) may be defined.

    For tag_value , enter the string value for each tag that you define.

  • interval interval_in_days : Sets the reporting interval in days. By default the RUM report is sent every 30 days. The valid value range is 1 to 3650.

    If you set the value to zero, RUM reports are not sent, regardless of what the applied policy specifies - this applies to topologies where CSLU or CSSM may be on the receiving end.

    If you set a value that is greater than zero and the transport type is set to off, then, between the interval_in_days and the policy value for Ongoing reporting frequency(days):, the lower of the two values is applied. For example, if interval_in_days is set to 100, and the value in the in the policy says Ongoing reporting frequency (days):90, RUM reports are sent every 90 days.

    If you do not set an interval, and the default is effective, the reporting interval is determined entirely by the policy value. For example, if the default value is effective and only unenforced licenses are in use, if the policy states that reporting is not required, then RUM reports are not sent.

utility [ customer_info { city city | country country | postalcode postalcode | state state | street street } ]

Although visible on the CLI, this option is not supported.

Command Default

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.1 or earlier: Smart Licensing is enabled by default.

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a and later: Smart Licensing Using Policy is enabled by default.

Command Modes

Global config (config)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a

The following keywords and variables were introduced with Smart Licensing Using Policy:

  • Under the url keyword, these options were introduced:

    { cslu cslu_url | smart smart_url }

  • Under the transport keyword, these options were introduced:

    { cslu | off }

    Further, the default transport type was changed from callhome , to cslu .

  • usage { customer-tags { tag1 | tag2 | tag3 | tag4 } tag_value | interval interval_in_days }

The following keywords and variables under the license smart command are deprecated and no longer available on the CLI: enable and conversion automatic .

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.3

SSM On-Prem support was introduced. For product instance-initiated communication in an SSM On-Prem deployment, the existing [no ]license smart url cslucslu_or_on-prem_url command supports the configuration of a URL for SSM On-Prem as well. But the required URL format for SSM On-Prem is: http://<ip>/cslu/v1/pi/<tenant ID>.

The corresponding transport mode that must be configured is also an existing command (license smart transport cslu ).

Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1

If version privacy is disabled (no license smart privacy version global configuration command), the Cisco IOS-XE software version running on the product instance and the Smart Agent version is included in the RUM report.

To exclude version information from the RUM report, version privacy must be enabled (license smart privacy version ).

Usage Guidelines

Communication failures and reporting

The reporting interval that you configure (license smart usage interval interval_in_days command), determines the date and time at which the product instance sends out the RUM report. If the scheduled interval coincides with a communication failure, the product instance attempts to send out the RUM report for up to four hours after the scheduled time has expired. If it is still unable to send out the report (because the communication failure persists), the system resets the interval to 15 minutes. Once the communication failure is resolved, the system reverts the reporting interval to the value that you last configured.

The system message you may see in case of a communicatin failure is %SMART_LIC-3-COMM_FAILED. For information about resolving this error and restoring the reporting interval value, in the software configuration guide of the required release (17.3.x onwards), see System Configuration > Smart Licensing Using Policy > Troubleshooting Smart Licensing Using Policy.

Proxy server acceptance

When configuring the license smart proxy { address address_hostname | portport} command, note the change in the criteria for the acceptance of proxy servers, starting with Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1: only the status code of the proxy server response is verified by the system and not the reason phrase. The RFC format is status-line = HTTP-version SP status-code SP reason-phrase CRLF, where the status code is a three-digit numeric code. For more information about the status line, see section 3.1.2 of RFC 7230.


Examples for Data Privacy

The following examples show how to configure data privacy related information using license smart privacy command in global configuration mode. The accompanying show license status output displays configured information.


The output of the show command only tells you if a particular option is enabled or disabled.

Here, no data privacy related information information is sent:
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# license smart privacy all  
Device(config)# exit
Device# show license status
<output truncated>
Data Privacy:
  Sending Hostname: no
    Callhome hostname privacy: ENABLED
    Smart Licensing hostname privacy: ENABLED
  Version privacy: ENABLED

  Type: Callhome
<output truncated>
Here, the software version running on the product instance is Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.9.1. Version privacy is disabled, and the Cisco IOS-XE software version running on the product instance and the Smart Agent version is included in the RUM report:
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# license smart privacy hostname
Device(config)# no license smart privacy version
Device(config)# exit

Device# show license all
<output truncated>

Data Privacy:
  Sending Hostname: no
    Callhome hostname privacy: DISABLED
    Smart Licensing hostname privacy: ENABLED
  Version privacy: DISABLED
  Type: Smart
    Not Configured
    Not Configured

<output truncated>

Examples for Transport Type and URL

The following examples show how to configure some of the transport types using the license smart transport and the license smart url commands in global configuration mode. The accompanying show license all output displays configured information.

Transport cslu :
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# license smart transport cslu 
Device(config)# license smart url default
Device(config)# exit
Device# show license all
<output truncated>
  Type: cslu
  Cslu address:
    Not Configured
<output truncated>
Transport smart :
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# license smart transport smart 
Device(config)# license smart url smart
Device(config)# exit
Device# show license all
<output truncated>
  Type: Smart
    Not Configured
<output truncated>

Examples for Usage Reporting Options

The following examples show how to configure some of the usage reporting settings using the license smart usage command in global configuration mode. The accompanying show running-config output displays configured information.

Configuring the customer-tag option:
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# license smart usage customer-tags tag1 SA/VA:01 
Device(config)# exit
Device# show running-config | include tag1
license smart usage customer-tags tag1 SA/VA:01
Configuring a narrower reporting interval than the currently applied policy:
Device# show license status
<output truncated>
Usage Reporting:
Last ACK received: Sep 22 13:49:38 2020 PST
Next ACK deadline: Dec 21 12:02:21 2020 PST
Reporting push interval: 30 days
Next ACK push check: Sep 22 12:20:34 2020 PST
Next report push: Oct 22 12:05:43 2020 PST
Last report push: Sep 22 12:05:43 2020 PST
Last report file write: <none>
<output truncated>

Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# license smart usage interval 20 
Device(config)# exit
Device# show license status
<output truncated>

Usage Reporting:
Last ACK received: Sep 22 13:49:38 2020 PST
Next ACK deadline: Nov 22 12:02:21 2020 PST
Reporting push interval: 20 days
Next ACK push check: Sep 22 12:20:34 2020 PST
Next report push: Oct 12 12:05:43 2020 PST
Last report push: Sep 22 12:05:43 2020 PST
Last report file write: <none>
<output truncated>

license smart (privileged EXEC)

To configure licensing functions such as requesting or returning authorization codes, saving Resource Utilization Measurement reports (RUM reports), importing a file on to a product instance, establishing trust with Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM), synchronizing the product instance with CSSM, or Cisco Smart License Utility (CSLU), or Smart Software Manager On-Prem (SSM On-Prem), and removing licensing information from the product instance, enter the license smart command in privileged EXEC mode with the corresponding keyword or argument.

license smart { authorization { request { add | replace | save filepath_filename } feature_name { all | local } | return { all | local } { offline [ filepath_filename ] | online } } | clear eventlog | export return { all | local } feature_name | factory reset | import filepath_filename | save { trust-request filepath_filename | usage { all | days days | rum-id rum-ID | unreported } { file filepath_filename } } | sync { all | local } | trust idtoken id_token_value { local | all } [ force ] }

Syntax Description


Provides options for Smart Licensing.


Provides the option to request for, or return, authorization codes.

Authorization codes are required only if you use licenses with enforcement type: export-controlled or enfored.


Requests an authorization code from CSSM, CSLU (CSLU in-turn fetches it from CSSM), or SSM On-Prem and installs it on the product instance.


Adds the requested license to the existing authorization code. The new authorization code will contain all the licenses of the existing authorization code and the requested license.


Replaces the existing authorization code. The new authorization code will contain only the requested license. All licenses in the current authorization code are returned.

When you enter this option, the product instance verifies if licenses that correspond to the authorization codes that will be removed, are in-use. If licenses are being used, an error message tells you to first disable the corresponding features.


Saves the authorization code request to a file.

For filepath_filename, specify the absolute path to the file, including the filename.


Name of the license for which you are requesting an authorization code.


Performs the action for all product instances in a High Availability configuration.


Performs the action for the active product instance. This is the default option.


Returns an authorization code back to the license pool in CSSM.

offline filepath_filename

Means the product instance is not connected to CSSM. The authorization code is returned offline. This option requires you to print the return code to a file.

Optionally, you can also specify a path to save the file. The file format can be any readable format, such as .txt

If you choose the offline option, you must complete the additional step of copying the return code from the CLI or the saved file and entering it in CSSM.


Means that the product instance is in a connected mode. The authorization code is returned to CSLU or CSSM directly.

clear eventlog

Clears all event log files from the product instance.

export return

Returns the authorization key for an export-controlled license.

factory reset

Clears all saved licensing information from the product instance.

import filepath_filename

Imports a file on to the product instance. The file may be that of an authorization code, a trust code, or, or a policy.

For filepath_filename , specify the location, including the filename.


Provides options to save RUM reports or trust code requests.

trust-request filepath_filename

Saves the trust code request for the active product instance in the specified location.

For filepath_filename , specify the absolute path to the file, including the filename.

usage { all | days days | rum-id rum-ID | unreported } { file file_path }

Saves RUM reports (license usage information) in the specified location. You must specify one of these options:

  • all : Saves all RUM reports.

  • days days : Saves RUM report for the last n number of days (excluding the current day). Enter a number. The valid range is 0 to 4294967295.

    For example, if you enter 3, RUM reports of the last three days are saved.

  • rum-Id rum-ID : Saves a specified RUM ID. The valid value range is 0 to 18446744073709551615.

  • unreported : Saves all unreported RUM reports.

file filepath_filename : Saves the specified usage information to a file. Specify the absolute path to the file, including the filename.

sync { all | local }

Synchronizes with CSSM or CSLU, or SSM On-Prem, to send and receive any pending data. This includes uploading pending RUM reports, downloading the ACK response, any pending authorization codes, trust codes, and policies for the product instance.

Specify the product instance by entering one of these options:

  • all : Performs synchronization for all the product instances in a High Availability set-up. If you choose this option, the product instance also sends the list of all the UDIs in the synchronization request.

  • local : Performs synchronization only for the active product instance sending the request, that is, its own UDI. This is the default option.

trust idtoken id_token_value

Establishes a trusted connection with CSSM.

To use this option, you must first generate a token in the CSSM portal. Provide the generated token value for id_token_value .


Submits a trust code request even if a trust code already exists on the product instance.

A trust code is node-locked to the UDI of a product instance. If the UDI is already registered, CSSM does not allow a new registration for the same UDI. Entering the force keyword overrides this behavior.

Command Default

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.1 or earlier: Smart Licensing is enabled by default.

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a and later: Smart Licensing Using Policy is enabled by default.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a

The following keywords and variables were introduced with Smart Licensing Using Policy:

  • authorization { request { add | replace } feature_name { all | local } | return { all | local } { offline [ path ] | online } }

  • import file_path

  • save { trust-request filepath_filename | usage { all | days days | rum-id rum-ID | unreported } { file file_path } }

  • sync { all | local }

  • trust idtoken id_token_value { local | all } [ force ]

The following keywords and variables under the license smart command are deprecated and no longer available on the CLI:

  • register idtoken token_id [ force ]

  • renew id { ID | auth }

  • debug { error | debug | trace | all }

  • reservation { cancel [ all | local ] | install [ file ] key | request { all | local | universal } | return [ all | authorization { auth_code | file filename } | Local ] key }

  • mfg reservation { request | install | install file | cancel }

  • conversion { start | stop }

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.3

Support for SSM On-Prem was introduced. You can perform licensing-related tasks such as saving Resource Utilization Measurement reports (RUM reports), importing a file on to a product instance, synchronizing the product instance, returning authorization codes, and removing licensing information from the product instance in an SSM On-Prem deployment.

Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1

The following enhancements were introduced in this release:

  • The save filepath_filename keyword and variable was added to the license smart authorization request string.

    Although visible on the CLI, the new keywords are not applicable, because there are no export-controlled or enforced licenses on any of the Cisco Catalyst Wireless Controllers.

  • The existing license smart save usage command was enhanced to include a trust code request in applicable topologies.

Usage Guidelines

Overwriting a Trust Code

Use case for the force option when configuring the license smart trust idtoken command: You use same token for all the product instances that are part of one Virtual Account. If the product instance has moved from one account to another (for instance, because it was added to a High Availability set-up, which is part of another Virtual Account), then there may be an existing trust code you have to overwrite.

Removing Licensing Information

Entering the licence smart factory reset command removes all licensing information (except the licenses in-use) from the product instance, including any authorization codes, RUM reports etc. Therefore, we recommend the use of this command only if the product instance is being returned (Return Material Authrization, or RMA), or being decommissioned permanently. We also recommend that you send a RUM report to CSSM, before you remove licensing information from the product instance - this is to ensure that CSSM has up-to-date usage information.

Authorization Codes and License Reservations:

Options relating to authorization codes and license reservations:

  • Since there are no export-controlled or enforced licenses on any of the Cisco Catalyst Wireless Controllers, and the notion of reserved licenses is not applicable in the Smart Licensing Using Policy environment, the following commands are not applicable:

    • { { license smart authorization request { add | replace | save path } feature_name { all | local } request_count } }

    • license smart export return

  • The following option is applicable and required for any SLR authorization codes you may want to return:

    license smart authorization return { all | local } { offline [ path ] | online }


Example for Saving Licensing Usage Information

The following example shows how you can save license usage information on the product instance. You can use this option to fulfil reporting requirements in an air-gapped network. In the example, the file is first save to flash memory and then copied to a TFTP location:
 Device> enable
Device# license smart save usage unreported file flash:RUM-unrep.txt
Device# dir
Directory of bootflash:/

33      -rw-             5994   Nov 2 2020 03:58:04 +05:00  RUM-unrep.txt

Device# copy flash:RUM-unrep.txt tftp://
Address or name of remote host []?
Destination filename [//auto/tftp-user/user01/RUM-unrep.txt]?
15128 bytes copied in 0.161 secs (93963 bytes/sec)

After you save RUM reports to a file, you must upload it to CSSM (from a workstation that has connectivity to the internet, and Cisco).

Example for Installing a Trust Code

The following example shows how to install a trust code even if one is already installed on the product instance. This requires connectivity to CSSM. The accompanying show license status output shows sample output after successful installation:

Before you can install a trust code, you must generate a token and download the corresponding file from CSSM.

Use the show license status command (Trust Code Installed:) to verify results.
Device> enable
Device# license smart trust idtoken 
NGMwMjk5mYtNZaxMS00NzMZmtgWm local force

Device# show license status
<output truncated>
Trust Code Installed:
  Active: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:93BBAH93MGS
    INSTALLED on Nov 02 05:19:05 2020 IST
  Standby: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:9XECPSUU4XN
    INSTALLED on Nov 02 05:19:05 2020 IST
<output truncated>

Example for Returning an SLR Authorization Code

The following example shows how to remove and return an SLR authorization code. Here the code is returned offline (no connectivity to CSSM). The accompanying show license all output shows sample output after successful return:
Device> enable
Device# show license all
<output truncated>
License Authorizations
Overall status:
  Active: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:93BBAH93MGS
      Status: SPECIFIC INSTALLED on Nov 02 03:16:01 2020 IST
      Last Confirmation code: 102fc949
  Standby: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:9XECPSUU4XN
      Status: SPECIFIC INSTALLED on Nov 02 03:15:45 2020 IST
      Last Confirmation code: ad4382fe
<output truncated>

Device# license smart authorization return local offlline
Enter this return code in Cisco Smart Software Manager portal:
    Return code: CqaUPW-WSPYiq-ZNU2ci-SnWydS-hBCXHP-MuyPqy-PJ1GiG-tPTGQj-S2h
    Return code: CNLwxR-eWiAEJ-XaTEQg-j4rrYW-dSRz9j-37VpcP-imjuLD-mNeA4k-TXA 

Device# show license all
<output truncated>
License Authorizations
Overall status:
  Active: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:93BBAH93MGS
      Status: NOT INSTALLED
      Last return code: CqaUPW-WSPYiq-ZNU2ci-SnWydS-hBCXHP-MuyPqy-PJ1GiG-tPTGQj-S2h
  Standby: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:9XECPSUU4XN
      Status: NOT INSTALLED
      Last return code: CNLwxR-eWiAEJ-XaTEQg-j4rrYW-dSRz9j-37VpcP-imjuLD-mNeA4k-TXA
<output truncated>

If you choose the offline option, you must complete the additional step of copying the return code from the CLI or the saved file and entering it in CSSM.

license wireless high-performance

To upgrade the scale and capacity of a Cisco Catalyst C9800-L-K9 Wireless Controller, use the license wireless high-performance command. To unconfigure the high-performance license, use the no form of this command.

license wireless high-performance

no license wireless high-performance

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments

Command Default

High-performance license is not configured

Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.1.1s

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2

This command continues to be available and applicable with the introduction of Smart Licensing Using Policy in this release.

Usage Guidelines

This command is synchronized with the standby controller. However, the standby controller should also have a performance license to get the upgraded capacity.

The license can be released back to the license pool by unconfiguring the high-performance license. This releases the license to the license pool so that another controller can make use of it, if needed.

In the case of RMA, the customer should call Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) to remove the product instances from the customer's virtual account so that all the licenses used by the controller are returned to the license pool and can be used on the new hardware.

Reboot the device before configuring the license wireless high-performancecommand.


To upgrade the scale and capacity of a controller, use the following command:

Device# configure terminal
Device(config#) license wireless high-performance 

show license air entities

To display information about active APs, new APs, and deleted APs in connection with a Cisco Catalyst Wireless Controller, enter the show license air entities command in privileged EXEC mode.

show license air entities { added | bulk | deleted | no-change | summary }

Syntax Description


Displays the list of newly reported APs. A newly added AP is one that was not listed in the last RUM report that the product instance generated.


Displays the list of all currently active APs for the product instance


Displays the list of deleted APs. A delete AP is one that was listed as active APs in the last RUM report that the product instance generated but is now disconnected.


Displays the list of APs where there has been no change in the status since the last report.


Displays the RUM report generation particulars and information about active APs, new APs, and deleted APs, and indicates by when an acknowledgement (ACK) must be installed on the product instance.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a

Command output was updated to display information relating to Smart Licensing Using Policy.

Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1

The output of the show license air entities summary command was enhanced to display the following new field only on a Cisco Catalyst 9800-CL Wireless Controller: License Ack expected within

Usage Guidelines

Smart Licensing: If the software version on the device is Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.1 or an earlier release, command output displays fields pertinent to Smart Licensing.

Smart Licensing Using Policy: If the software version on the device is Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2 or a later release, command output displays fields pertinent to Smart Licensing Using Policy.

For information about fields shown in the display for the show license air entities summary command, see Table 1 .

For sample output, see

Table 1. show license air entities summary Field Descriptions



Last license report time

When the last RUM report was generated, in the local time zone.

Upcoming license report time

When the next RUM report will be generated, in the local time zone.

No. of APs active at last report

Total number of APs listed as active APs in the last RUM report that was generated.

No. of APs newly added with last report

Number of new APs in the last RUM report that was generated.

For example, if the number displayed here is 2, this means the last but one RUM report did not list these 2 APs, and are therefore newly added in the last RUM report that the product instance generated.

No. of APs deleted with last report

Total number of APs deleted as of the last RUM report that was generated.

For example, if the number displayed here is 2, this means 2 APs were in the last but one RUM report, but were deleted in the last RUM report was generated.

License Ack expected within



This field is displayed only on a Cisco Catalyst 9800-CL Wireless Controller running Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1 or a later release.

If the field is displayed, it means you must complete RUM reporting and ensure that the ACK is made available on the product instance - at least once.

show license air entities summary on a Cisco Catalyst 9800-CL Wireless Controller

This example shows how to identify when an ACK is required on a Cisco Catalyst 9800-CL Wireless Controller

Beginning with Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1, if you are using a Cisco Catalyst 9800-CL Wireless Controller, you must complete RUM reporting and ensure that the ACK is made available on the product instance - at least once. This is to ensure that correct and up-to-date usage information is reflected in CSSM.

Prior to 17.7.1, reporting and ACK installation was not mandatory for a Cisco Catalyst 9800-CL Wireless Controller.

The following is sample output on a Cisco Catalyst 9800-CL Wireless Controller, where an ACK must be made available on the product instance within 179 days. If this deadline is not met, currently active APs are not disconnected, but no new AP joins are allowed after the ACK deadline is passed. System messages are also displayed daily, until the first ACK is installed.
Device# show license air entities summary 
Upcoming license report time....................: 21:05:16.092 UTC Mon Oct 25 2021
No. of APs active at last report................: 57
No. of APs newly added with last report.........: 57
No. of APs deleted with last report.............: 0
License Ack expected within.....................: 179 days

Detailed information about this requirement is available in the configuration guide. In the Cisco Catalyst 9800 Series Wireless Controller Software Configuration Guide, version Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1 onwards, see the System ConfigurationSmart Licensing Using PolicyRUM Reporting and Acknowledgment Requirement for Cisco Catalyst 9800-CL Wireless Controller.

show license air entities summary on a Cisco Catalyst 9800-L Wireless Controller

The following is sample output on a Cisco Catalyst 9800-L Wireless Controller. Note how the output on this device does not display the License Ack expected within field. Reporting requirements on all Cisco Catalyst Wireless Controllers (except Cisco Catalyst 9800-CL Wireless Controller) are as per the standard guidelines in the Smart Licensing Using Policy environment: Reporting is required if the policy (show license status ) or system messages indicate that it is.
Device# show license air entities summary 
Upcoming license report time....................: 15:13:27.403 IST Tue Oct 26 2021
No. of APs active at last report................: 1
No. of APs newly added with last report.........: 1
No. of APs deleted with last report.............: 0

show license all

To display all licensing information enter the show license all command in Privileged EXEC mode. This command displays status, authorization, UDI, and usage information, all combined.

show license all

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a

Command output was updated to display information relating to Smart Licensing Using Policy.

Command output no longer displays Smart Account and Virtual account information.

Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1

The output of the command was enhanced to display the following information:

  • RUM report statistics, in section Usage Report Summary.

  • Smart Account and Virtual Account information, in section Account Information.

Usage Guidelines

Smart Licensing: If the software version on the device is Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.1 or an earlier release, command output displays fields pertinent to Smart Licensing.

Smart Licensing Using Policy: If the software version on the device (also referred to as a product instance) is Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2 or a later release, command output displays fields pertinent to Smart Licensing Using Policy.

This command concatenates the output of other show license commands, enabling you to display different kinds of licensing information together. For field descriptions, refer to the corresponding commands in the links provided below.

The Smart Licensing Status and Account Information sections of the show license all command corresponds with the output of the show license status command.

The License Usage section of the show license all command corresponds with the output of the show license usage command.

The Product Information section of the show license all command corresponds with the output of the show license udi command.

The Agent Version section of the show license all command displays the Smart Agent version and is available only in this command.

The License Authorizations section of the show license all command corresponds with the output of the show license authorization command.

The Usage Report Summary section of the show license all command corresponds with the output in the show license tech command.


For sample output, see:

Example: show license all (Cisco Catalyst 9800-CL Wireless Controllers, 17.7.1)

Example: show license all (Cisco Catalyst 9800-CL Wireless Controllers)

Example: show license all (Cisco Catalyst 9800-CL Wireless Controllers, 17.7.1)

The following is sample output of the show license all command, on a product instance where the software version is Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1. Note the addition of the two new sections in this release: Account Information and Usage Report Summary:
Device# show license all

Smart Licensing Status

Smart Licensing is ENABLED

Export Authorization Key:
  Features Authorized:

  Status: DISABLED

Smart Licensing Using Policy:
  Status: ENABLED

Account Information:
  Smart Account: Eg-SA
  Virtual Account: Eg-VA

Data Privacy:
  Sending Hostname: yes
    Callhome hostname privacy: DISABLED
    Smart Licensing hostname privacy: DISABLED
  Version privacy: DISABLED
  Type: Smart
    Not Configured
    Not Configured
  Custom Id: <empty>
  Policy in use: Merged from multiple sources.
  Reporting ACK required: yes (CISCO default)
  Unenforced/Non-Export Perpetual Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 365 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 90 (CISCO default)
  Unenforced/Non-Export Subscription Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 90 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 90 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 90 (CISCO default)
  Enforced (Perpetual/Subscription) License Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 0 (CISCO default)
  Export (Perpetual/Subscription) License Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 0 (CISCO default)
Usage Reporting:
  Last ACK received: <none>
  Next ACK deadline: <none>
  Reporting push interval: 0 (no reporting)
  Next ACK push check: <none>
  Next report push: <none>
  Last report push: <none>
  Last report file write: <none>
Trust Code Installed: <none>
License Usage
No licenses in use
Product Information
HA UDI List:
Agent Version
Smart Agent for Licensing: 5.3.14_rel/47
License Authorizations
Overall status:
  Active: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:9KGIXIDOXFE
      Status: NOT INSTALLED
  Standby: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:9UBKZU955E4
      Status: NOT INSTALLED
Purchased Licenses:
  No Purchase Information Available
Usage Report Summary:
Total: 0,  Purged: 0
Total Acknowledged Received: 0,  Waiting for Ack: 0
Available to Report: 0  Collecting Data: 0

Example: show license all (Cisco Catalyst 9800-CL Wireless Controllers)

The following is sample output of the show license all command on a Cisco Catalyst 9800-CL Wireless Controller. Similar output is displayed on all supported Cisco Catalyst Wireless Controllers.
Device# show license all

Smart Licensing Status

Smart Licensing is ENABLED
License Reservation is ENABLED

Export Authorization Key:
  Features Authorized:

  Status: DISABLED

Smart Licensing Using Policy:
  Status: ENABLED

Data Privacy:
  Sending Hostname: yes
    Callhome hostname privacy: DISABLED
    Smart Licensing hostname privacy: DISABLED
  Version privacy: DISABLED

  Type: Transport Off

  Custom Id: <empty>

  Policy in use: Merged from multiple sources.
  Reporting ACK required: yes (CISCO default)
  Unenforced/Non-Export Perpetual Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 365 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 90 (CISCO default)
  Unenforced/Non-Export Subscription Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 90 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 90 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 90 (CISCO default)
  Enforced (Perpetual/Subscription) License Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 0 (CISCO default)
  Export (Perpetual/Subscription) License Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 0 (CISCO default)

Usage Reporting:
  Last ACK received: <none>
  Next ACK deadline: <none>
  Reporting push interval: 0 (no reporting)
  Next ACK push check: Nov 01 20:31:46 2020 IST
  Next report push: <none>
  Last report push: <none>
  Last report file write: <none>

Trust Code Installed: <none>

License Usage

air-network-advantage (DNA_NWStack):
  Description: air-network-advantage
  Count: 1
  Version: 1.0
  Status: IN USE
  Export status: NOT RESTRICTED
  Feature Name: air-network-advantage
  Feature Description: air-network-advantage
  Enforcement type: NOT ENFORCED
  License type: Perpetual
    Reservation status: SPECIFIC INSTALLED
    Total reserved count: 20

air-dna-advantage (AIR-DNA-A):
  Description: air-dna-advantage
  Count: 1
  Version: 1.0
  Status: IN USE
  Export status: NOT RESTRICTED
  Feature Name: air-dna-advantage
  Feature Description: air-dna-advantage
  Enforcement type: NOT ENFORCED
  License type: Perpetual
    Reservation status: SPECIFIC INSTALLED
    Total reserved count: 20

Product Information

HA UDI List:

Agent Version
Smart Agent for Licensing: 5.0.6_rel/47

License Authorizations
Overall status:
  Active: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:93BBAH93MGS
      Status: SPECIFIC INSTALLED on Nov 02 03:16:01 2020 IST
      Last Confirmation code: 102fc949
  Standby: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:9XECPSUU4XN
      Status: SPECIFIC INSTALLED on Nov 02 03:15:45 2020 IST
      Last Confirmation code: ad4382fe

Specified license reservations:
  Aironet DNA Advantage Term Licenses (AIR-DNA-A):
    Description: DNA Advantage for Wireless
    Total reserved count: 20
    Enforcement type: NOT ENFORCED
    Term information:
      Active: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:93BBAH93MGS
        Authorization type: SPECIFIC INSTALLED on Nov 02 03:15:45 2020 IST
        License type: TERM
          Start Date: 2020-OCT-14 UTC
          End Date: 2021-APR-12 UTC
          Term Count: 5
        Authorization type: SPECIFIC INSTALLED on Nov 02 03:15:45 2020 IST
        License type: TERM
          Start Date: 2020-JUN-18 UTC
          End Date: 2020-DEC-15 UTC
          Term Count: 5
      Standby: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:9XECPSUU4XN
        Authorization type: SPECIFIC INSTALLED on Nov 02 03:15:45 2020 IST
        License type: TERM
          Start Date: 2020-OCT-14 UTC
          End Date: 2021-APR-12 UTC
          Term Count: 10
  AP Perpetual Networkstack Advantage (DNA_NWStack):
    Description: AP Perpetual Network Stack entitled with DNA-A
    Total reserved count: 20
    Enforcement type: NOT ENFORCED
    Term information:
      Active: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:93BBAH93MGS
        Authorization type: SPECIFIC INSTALLED on Nov 02 03:15:45 2020 IST
        License type: TERM
          Start Date: 2020-OCT-14 UTC
          End Date: 2021-APR-12 UTC
          Term Count: 5
        Authorization type: SPECIFIC INSTALLED on Nov 02 03:15:45 2020 IST
        License type: TERM
          Start Date: 2020-JUN-18 UTC
          End Date: 2020-DEC-15 UTC
          Term Count: 5
      Standby: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:9XECPSUU4XN
        Authorization type: SPECIFIC INSTALLED on Nov 02 03:15:45 2020 IST
        License type: TERM
          Start Date: 2020-OCT-14 UTC
          End Date: 2021-APR-12 UTC
          Term Count: 10

Purchased Licenses:
  No Purchase Information Available

show license authorization

To display authorization-related information for (export-controlled and enforced) licenses, enter the show license authorization command in privileged EXEC mode.

show license authorization

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Only export-controlled or enforced licenses require authorization before use.

While there are no export-controlled or enforced licenses on Cisco Catalyst Wireless Controllers, you can use this command to display migrated SLR authorization codes.


See Table 1 for information about fields shown in the display.

See show license authorization Displaying Migrated Authorization Code for sample output.

Table 2. show license authorization Field Descriptions



Overall Status

Header for UDI information for all product instances in the set-up, the type of authorization that is installed, and configuration errors, if any.

In a High Availability set-up, all UDIs in the set-up are listed.



The active product instance UDI, followed by the status of the authorization code installation for this UDI.

If the status indicates that the authorization code is installed and there is a confirmation code, this is also displayed.



The standby product instance UDI, followed by the status of the authorization code installation for this UDI.

If the status indicates that the authorization code is installed and there is a confirmation code, this is also displayed.



The member product instance UDI, followed by the status of the authorization code installation for this UDI.

If the status indicates that the authorization code is installed and there is a confirmation code, this is also displayed.


Configuration errors or discrepancies in the High Availability set-up, if any.


Header for detailed license authorization information. All licenses, their enforcement types, and validity durations are displayed. Errors are displayed for each product instance if its authorization or mode does not match what is installed on the active.

This section is displayed only if the product instance is using a license with an authorization code.


License name and a shortened form of the license name.


License description.

Total available count:

Total count of licenses that are available to consume.

This includes licenses of all durations (perpetual and subscription), including expired subscription licenses, for all the product instances in a High Availability setup.

Enforcement type

Enforcement type for the license. This may be one of the following:

  • Enforced

  • Not enforced

  • Export-Controlled

Term information:

Header providing license duration information. The following fields maybe included under this header:

  • Active: The active product instance UDI, followed by the status of the authorization code installation for this UDI.

  • Authorization type: Type of authorization code installed and date of installation. The type can be: SLAC, UNIVERSAL, SPECIFIED, PAK, RTU.

  • Start Date: Displays validity start date if the license is for a specific term or time period.

  • Start Date: Displays validity end date if the license is for a specific term or time period.

  • Term Count: License count.

  • Subscription ID: Displays ID if the license is for a specific term or time period.

  • License type: License duration. This can be: SUBSCRIPTION or PERPETUAL.

  • Standby: The standby product instance UDI, followed by the status of the authorization code installation for this UDI.

  • Member: The member product instance UDI, followed by the status of the authorization code installation for this UDI.

For more information about the duration or term of a license's validity, see <link tbd>.

Purchased Licenses

Header for license purchase information.


The active product instance and its the UDI.


License count.


License description.

License type:

License duration. This can be: SUBSCRIPTION or PERPETUAL.


The standby product instance UDI.


The member product instance UDI.

show license authorization Displaying Migrated Authorization Code

The following is sample output of the show license authorization command on a Cisco Catalyst 9800-CL Wireless Controller. The Last Confirmation code: shows that SLR authorization code is available after migration. Similar output is displayed on all supported Cisco Catalyst Wireless Controllers.

Device# show license authorization
Overall status:
  Active: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:93BBAH93MGS
      Status: SPECIFIC INSTALLED on Nov 02 03:16:01 2020 IST
      Last Confirmation code: 102fc949
  Standby: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:9XECPSUU4XN
      Status: SPECIFIC INSTALLED on Nov 02 03:15:45 2020 IST
      Last Confirmation code: ad4382fe

Specified license reservations:
  Aironet DNA Advantage Term Licenses (AIR-DNA-A):
    Description: DNA Advantage for Wireless
    Total reserved count: 20
    Enforcement type: NOT ENFORCED
    Term information:
      Active: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:93BBAH93MGS
        Authorization type: SPECIFIC INSTALLED on Nov 02 03:15:45 2020 IST
        License type: TERM
          Start Date: 2020-OCT-14 UTC
          End Date: 2021-APR-12 UTC
          Term Count: 5
        Authorization type: SPECIFIC INSTALLED on Nov 02 03:15:45 2020 IST
        License type: TERM
          Start Date: 2020-JUN-18 UTC
          End Date: 2020-DEC-15 UTC
          Term Count: 5
      Standby: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:9XECPSUU4XN
        Authorization type: SPECIFIC INSTALLED on Nov 02 03:15:45 2020 IST
        License type: TERM
          Start Date: 2020-OCT-14 UTC
          End Date: 2021-APR-12 UTC
          Term Count: 10
  AP Perpetual Networkstack Advantage (DNA_NWStack):
    Description: AP Perpetual Network Stack entitled with DNA-A
    Total reserved count: 20
    Enforcement type: NOT ENFORCED
    Term information:
      Active: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:93BBAH93MGS
        Authorization type: SPECIFIC INSTALLED on Nov 02 03:15:45 2020 IST
        License type: TERM
          Start Date: 2020-OCT-14 UTC
          End Date: 2021-APR-12 UTC
          Term Count: 5
        Authorization type: SPECIFIC INSTALLED on Nov 02 03:15:45 2020 IST
        License type: TERM
          Start Date: 2020-JUN-18 UTC
          End Date: 2020-DEC-15 UTC
          Term Count: 5
      Standby: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:9XECPSUU4XN
        Authorization type: SPECIFIC INSTALLED on Nov 02 03:15:45 2020 IST
        License type: TERM
          Start Date: 2020-OCT-14 UTC
          End Date: 2021-APR-12 UTC
          Term Count: 10

Purchased Licenses:
  No Purchase Information Available

show license data conversion

To display license data conversion information, enter the show license data command in privileged EXEC mode.

show license data conversion

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (Device#)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a

This command continues to be available with the introduction of Smart Licensing Using Policy.

Usage Guidelines

Although visible on the CLI, this command is not applicable to Cisco Catalyst Wireless Controllers.

show license eventlog

To display event logs relating to Smart Licensing Using Policy, enter the show license eventlog command in privileged EXEC mode.

show license eventlog [ days ]

Syntax Description


Enter the number of days for which you want to display event logs. The valid value range is from 0 to 2147483647.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a

Additional events were added with the introduction of Smart Licensing Using Policy:

  • Installation and removal of a policy

  • Request, installation and removal of an authorization code.

  • Installation and removal of a trust code.

  • Addition of authorization source information for license usage.

Usage Guidelines

Smart Licensing Using Policy: If the software version on the device (also referred to as a product instance) is Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a or a later release, command output displays fields pertinent to Smart Licensing Using Policy.

Smart Licensing: If the software version on the device is Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.1 or an earlier release, command output displays fields pertinent to Smart Licensing.

show license history message

To display communication history between the product instance and CSSM or CSLU (as the case may be), enter the show license history message command in privileged EXEC mode. The output of this command is used by the technical support team, for troubleshooting.

show license history message

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When you encounter an error message that you are not able to resolve, along with a copy of the message that appears on the console or in the system log, provide your Cisco technical support representative with sample output of these commands: show license tech support , show license history message , and the show platform software sl-infra privileged EXEC commands.

show license reservation

To display license reservation information, enter the show license reservation command in privileged EXEC mode.

show license reservation

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a

This command continues to be available with the introduction of Smart Licensing Using Policy.

Usage Guidelines

The command continues to be available on the CLI and corresponding output is displayed, but with the introduction of Smart Licensing Using Policy, the notion of reservation is not longer applicable. Use the show license all command in privileged EXEC mode, to display migrated SLR licenses instead (the SLR authorization code is migrated to Smart Licensing Using Policy).

show license rum

To display information about Resource Utilization Measurement reports (RUM report) available on the product instance, including report IDs, the current processing state of a report, error information (if any), and to save the detailed or summarized view that is displayed, enter the show license rum command in privileged EXEC mode.

show license rum { feature { license_name | all } | id { rum_id | all } } [ detail ] [ save path ]

Syntax Description

feature { license_name | all }

Displays RUM report information based on the license name.

Specify a particular license name to display all RUM reports for that license, or use the all keyword to display all RUM reports available on the product instance.

id { rum_id | all }

Displays RUM report information based on the RUM report ID.

Specify a report ID to display information for a single report, or use the all keyword to display all RUM reports available on the product instance.


Displays detailed RUM report information.

You can use this to display detailed information by license name and detailed information by RUM report ID.

save path

Saves the information that is displayed. This can be the simplified or detailed version and depends on the preceeding keywords you have entered.

Information about 200 RUM reports can be displayed. If there are more 200 RUM reports on the product instance, you can view information about all the RUM reports by saving it to a text (.txt) file.



This option saves the information about RUM reports and is not for reporting purposes. It does not save the RUM report, which is an XML file containing usage information.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (Device#)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A RUM report is a license usage report, which the product instance generates, to fulfil reporting requirements as specified by the policy. An acknowledgement (ACK) is a response from CSSM and provides information about the status of a RUM report. Once the ACK for a report is available on the product instance, it indicates that the corresponding RUM report is no longer required and can be deleted. You can use the show license rum command to:

  • Display information about the available RUM reports on the product instance - filtered by ID or license name.

  • Display a short summary of the information or display a detailed view of the information.

  • Track a RUM report throughout its lifecycle (from the time it is first generated until its acknowledgement from CSSM). By displaying the current processing state and condition of a report you can ascertain if and when there is a problem in the reporting workflow.

  • Save the displayed information. The CLI displays information about up to 200 reports. If there are more than 200 reports on the product instance and you want to view information about all of them, save the displayed info in a .txt file and export to the desired location to view.

To display a statistical view of RUM report information (the total number of reports on the product instance, the number of reports that have a corresponding ACK, the number of reports waiting for an ACK etc.) refer to the Usage Report Summary: section of the show license all and show license tech privileged EXEC commands.

The show license tech command also provides RUM report related information that the Cisco technical support team can use to troubleshoot, if there are problems with RUM reporting.


For information about fields shown in the display, see #__ and #__

For sample output of the show license rum command, see:

Table 3. show license rum (simplified view) Field Descriptions

Field Name


Report Id

A numeric field that identifies a RUM report. The product instance automatically assigns an ID to every RUM report it generates. An ID may be up to 20 characters long.


This field displays the current processing state of a RUM report, and can be only one of the following:

  • OPEN: This means new measurements are been added into this report.

  • CLOSED: This means no new measurements can be added to this report, and the report is ready for communication to CSSM.

  • PENDING: This is a transitional status that you may see if you display a report while it is being transmitted.

  • UNACK: This means the report was transmitted and is waiting for confirmation from CSSM, that it is processed.

  • ACK: This means the report was processed or acknowledged by CSSM and is eligible for deletion.


Indicates the condition of the RUM report, and is displayed in the form of a character. Each character represents a specific condition, and can be only one of the following values:

  • N: Normal; This means no errors have been detected and the report is going through normal operation.

  • P: Purged; This means the report was removed due to system resource limitation, and can refer to a shortage of disk space or insufficient memory. If this flag is displayed, refer to the State Change Reason field in the detailed view for more information.

  • E: Error; This means an error was detected in the RUM report. If this flag is displayed, refer to the detailed view for more information. Possible workflow issues include and are not limited to the following:

    • RUM report was dropped by CSSM. If this is the issue, the State field displays value ACK, but the State Change Reason does not change to ACKED.

    • RUM Report data is missing. If this is the issue, the Storage State field displays value MISSING .

    • Tracking information is missing. If this is the case the State field displays value UNACK and the Transaction ID field has no information.


    Occasional errors in RUM reports do not require any action from you and are not an indication of a problem. It is only if you see a large number of reports (greater than 10) with errors that you must contact the Cisco technical support team.

Feature Name

The name of the license that the RUM report applies to.

Table 4. show license rum (detailed view) Field Descriptions

Field Name


Report Id

A numeric field that identifies a RUM report. The product instance automatically assigns an ID to every RUM report it generates. An ID may be up to 20 characters long.

Metric Name:

Shows the type of data that is recorded.

For a RUM report, the only possible value is ENTITLEMENT, and refers to measurement of license usage.

Feature Name:

The name of the license that the RUM report applies to.

Metric Value

A unique identifier for the data that is recorded.

This is the same as the “Entitlement Tag” in the output of the show license tech commad and it displays information about the license being tracked.


Composed of the Product ID (PID) and serial number of the product instance.

Previous Report Id:

ID of the previous RUM report that the product instance generated for a license.

Next Report Id:

The ID that the product instance will use for the next RUM report it generates for a llicense.


Displays the current processing state of a RUM report. The value displayed here is always the same as the value displayed in the simplified view.

For the list of possible values see #__above.

State Change Reason:

Displays the reason for a RUM report state change. Not all state changes provide a reason.

  • NONE: This means the RUM report is going through its normal lifecycle (for instance, from OPEN → CLOSED → ACK). This state change reason is usually accompanied by an N flag (meaning Normal) in the simplified view and requires no action from you.

  • ACKED: RUM report was processed normally by CSSM.

  • REMOVED: RUM report was received and requested to be removed by CSSM.

  • RELOAD: RUM report state was changed due to some type of device reload.

Start Time:

Timestamps for measurement start and measurement end for a RUM report.

Together, the start time and end time provide the time duration that the measurements cover.

End Time:

Storage State:

Displays current storage state of the RUM report and can be one of the following values:

  • EXIST: This means the data for the RUM report is located in storage.

  • DELETED: This means the data was intentionally deleted. Refer to the Storage State Change Reason in the output of the show license tech command for more information about this storage state.

  • PURGED: This means the data was deleted due to a system resource limitation. Refer to the Storage State Change Reason in the output of the show license tech command for more information about this storage state.

  • MISSING: This means data is missing from storage. If reports are identified as missing, there is no recovery process.

Transaction ID:

Contains tracking information for the RUM report. This information can be either polling information or ACK import information.

The Transaction Message contains the error message, if the product instance receives one when importing an ACK.

The information in these fields is used by the Cisco technical support team when troubleshooting problems with RUM reports.

Transaction Message:

Example: show license rum feature: Simplified and Detailed View

The following is sample output of the show license rum featurelicense-name and show license rum featurelicense-namedetail commands on a Cisco Catalyst 9500 Series Switch. Similar output is displayed on all other Catalyst switches.

The output is filtered to display all RUM reports for the DNA Advantage license, followed by a detailed view of all RUM reports for the DNA Advantage license.
Device# show license rum feature air-dna-advantage

Smart Licensing Usage Report:


Report Id,          State,    Flag, Feature Name

1638055644          CLOSED    N     air-dna-advantage

1638055646          OPEN      N     air-dna-advantage

Device# show license rum feature air-dna-advantage detail 
Smart Licensing Usage Report Detail:
Report Id: 1638055644
  Metric Name: ENTITLEMENT
  Feature Name: air-dna-advantage
  Metric Value:,1.0_b6308627-3ab0-4a11-a3d9-586911a0d790
  UDI: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:93SZ7RXN93Y
  Previous Report Id: 0,    Next Report Id: 1638055646
  State: CLOSED,      State Change Reason: RELOAD
  Start Time: Nov 28 12:02:09 2021 UTC,      End Time: Nov 30 22:02:13 2021 UTC
  Storage State: EXIST
  Transaction ID: 0
  Transaction Message: <none>

Report Id: 1638055646
  Metric Name: ENTITLEMENT
  Feature Name: air-dna-advantage
  Metric Value:,1.0_b6308627-3ab0-4a11-a3d9-586911a0d790
  UDI: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:93SZ7RXN93Y
  Previous Report Id: 1638055644,    Next Report Id: 0
  State: OPEN,      State Change Reason: None
  Start Time: Nov 30 23:12:56 2021 UTC,      End Time: Dec 01 02:12:56 2021 UTC
  Storage State: EXIST
  Transaction ID: 0
  Transaction Message: <none>

Example: Saving a RUM Report View

The following example shows you how to save the information that is displayed.

By using the feature and all keywords, the output is filtered to display all RUM reports for all licenses being used on the product instance. It is then transferred it to a TFTP location, from where it can opened, to view the information.
Device# show license rum feature all save bootflash:all-rum-stats.txt 
Device# copy tftp://

show license status

To display information about licensing settings such as data privacy, policy, transport, usage reporting and trust codes, enter the show license status command in privileged EXEC mode.

show license status

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (Device#)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a

Command output was updated to reflect new fields that are applicable to Smart Licensing Using Policy. This includes Trust code installed:, Policy in use, Policy name: , reporting requirements as in the policy (Attributes: ), and fields related to usage reporting.

Command output no longer displays Smart Account and Virtual account information.

Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1

Command output was updated to display Smart Account and Virtual account information.

Usage Guidelines

Smart Licensing: If the software version on the device is Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.1 or an earlier release, command output displays fields pertinent to Smart Licensing.

Smart Licensing Using Policy: If the software version on the device (also referred to as a product instance) is Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a or a later release, command output displays fields pertinent to Smart Licensing Using Policy.

Account Information in the output

Starting with Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1, every ACK includes the Smart Account and Virtual Account that was reported to, in CSSM. When it receives the ACK, the product instance securely stores only the latest version of this information - as determined by the timestamp in the ACK. The Smart Account and Virtual Account information that is displayed in the Account Information section of this command's output is therefore always as per the latest available ACK on the product instance.

If a product instance is moved from one Smart Account and Virtual Account to another, the next ACK after the move will have this updated information. The output of this command is updated once this ACK is available on the product instance.

The ACK may be received directly (where the product instance is connected to CSSM), or indirectly (where the product instance is connect to CSSM through CSLU, Cisco DNA Center, or SSM On-Prem), or by manually importing the ACK (where a product instance is in an air-gapped network).


For information about the fields shown in the display, see Table 1 .

For sample output, see:

Table 5. show license status Field Descriptions for Smart Licensing Using Policy




Header for utility settings that are configured on the product instance.



Utility report:

Last attempt:

Customer Information:

The following fields are displayed:

  • Id:

  • Name:

  • Street

  • City:

  • State:

  • Country:

  • Postal Code:

Smart Licensing Using Policy:

Header for policy settings on the product instance.


Indicates if Smart Licensing Using Policy is enabled.

Smart Licensing Using Policy is supported starting from Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2 and is always enabled on supported software images.

Account Information:

Header for account information that the product instance belongs to, in CSSM.

This section is displayed only if the software version on the product instance is Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1 or a later release.

Smart Account:

The Smart Account that the product instance is part of. This information is always as per the latest available ACK on the product instance.

Virtual Account:

The Virtual Account that the product instance is part of. This information is always as per the latest available ACK on the product instance.

Data Privacy:

Header for privacy settings that are configured on the product instance.

Sending Hostname:

A yes or no value which shows if the hostname is sent in usage reports.

Callhome hostname privacy:

Indicates if the Call Home feature is configured as the mode of transport for reporting. If configured, one of these values is displayed:



Smart Licensing hostname privacy:

One of these values is displayed:



Version privacy:

One of these values is displayed:




Header for transport settings that are configured on the product instance.


Mode of transport that is in use.

Additional fields are displayed for certain transport modes. For example, if transport type is set to CSLU, the CSLU address is also displayed.


Header for policy information that is applicable to the product instance.

Policy in use:

Policy that is applied

This can be one of the following: Cisco default, Product default, Permanent License Reservation, Specific License Reservation, PAK license, Installed on <date>, Controller.

Policy name:

Name of the policy

Reporting ACK required:

A yes or no value which specifies if the report for this product instance requires CSSM acknowledgement (ACK) or not. The default policy is always set to “yes”.

Unenforced/Non-Export Perpetual Attributes

Displays policy values for perpetual licenses.

  • First report requirement (days): The maximum amount of time available before the first report must be sent, followed by policy name.

  • Reporting frequency (days): The maximum amount of time available before the subsequent report must be sent, followed by policy name.

  • Report on change (days): he maximum amount of time available to send a report in case of a change in license usage, followed by policy name

Unenforced/Non-Export Subscription Attributes

Displays policy values for subscription licenses.

  • First report requirement (days): The maximum amount of time available before the first report must be sent, followed by policy name.

  • Reporting frequency (days): The maximum amount of time available before the subsequent report must be sent, followed by policy name.

  • Report on change (days): he maximum amount of time available to send a report in case of a change in license usage, followed by policy name

Enforced (Perpetual/Subscription) License Attributes

Displays policy values for enforced licenses.

  • First report requirement (days): The maximum amount of time available before the first report must be sent, followed by policy name.

  • Reporting frequency (days): The maximum amount of time available before the subsequent report must be sent, followed by policy name.

  • Report on change (days): The maximum amount of time available to send a report in case of a change in license usage, followed by policy name

Export (Perpetual/Subscription) License Attributes

Displays policy values for export-controlled licenses.

  • First report requirement (days): The maximum amount of time available before the first report must be sent, followed by policy name.

  • Reporting frequency (days): The maximum amount of time available before the subsequent report must be sent, followed by policy name.

  • Report on change (days): The maximum amount of time available to send a report in case of a change in license usage, followed by policy name


Header for custom ID.

Custom Id:


Usage Reporting:

Header for usage reporting (RUM reports) information.

Last ACK received:

Date and time of last ACK received, in the local time zone.

Next ACK deadline:

Date and time for next ACK. If the policy states that an ACK is not requires then this field displays none.



If an ACK is required and is not received by this deadline, a syslog is displayed.

Reporting Interval:

Reporting interval in days

The value displayed here depends on what you configure in the license smart usage intervalinterval_in_days and the policy value. For more information, see the corresponding Syntax Description: license smart (global config).

Next ACK push check:

Date and time when the product instance will submit the next polling request for an ACK. Date and time are in the local time zone.

This applies only to product instance- initiated communication to CSSM or CSLU. If the reporting interval is zero, or if no ACK polling is pending, then this field displays none.

Next report push:

Date and time when the product instance will send the next RUM report. Date and time are in the local time zone. If the reporting interval is zero, or if there are no pending RUM reports, then this field displays none.

Last report push:

Date and time for when the product instance sent the last RUM report. Date and time are in the local time zone.

Last report file write:

Date and time for when the product instance last saved an offline RUM report. Date and time are in the local time zone.

Last report pull:

Date and time for when usage reporting information was retrieved using data models. Date and time are in the local time zone.

Trust Code Installed:

Header for trust code-related information.

Displays date and time if trust code is installed. Date and time are in the local time zone.

If a trust code is not installed, then this field displays none.


Active product instance.

In a High Availability set-up, the the UDIs of all product instances in the set-up, along with corresponding trust code installation dates and times are displayed.


Standby product instance.


Member product instance

show license status with Account Information (Smart Licensing Using Policy)

The following is sample output of the show license status command, on a product instance where the software version is Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1:
Device# show license status
  Status: DISABLED

Smart Licensing Using Policy:
  Status: ENABLED

Account Information:
  Smart Account: Eg-SA
  Virtual Account: Eg-VA

Data Privacy:
  Sending Hostname: yes
    Callhome hostname privacy: DISABLED
    Smart Licensing hostname privacy: DISABLED
  Version privacy: DISABLED

  Type: Smart
    Not Configured
    Not Configured
  Policy in use: Merged from multiple sources.
  Reporting ACK required: yes (CISCO default)
  Unenforced/Non-Export Perpetual Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 365 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 90 (CISCO default)
  Unenforced/Non-Export Subscription Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 90 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 90 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 90 (CISCO default)
  Enforced (Perpetual/Subscription) License Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 0 (CISCO default)
  Export (Perpetual/Subscription) License Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 0 (CISCO default)
  Custom Id: <empty>
Usage Reporting:
  Last ACK received: <none>
  Next ACK deadline: <none>
  Reporting push interval: 0 (no reporting)
  Next ACK push check: <none>
  Next report push: <none>
  Last report push: <none>
  Last report file write: <none>
Trust Code Installed: <none>

show license status with Cisco Default Policy (Smart Licensing Using Policy)

The following is sample output of the show license status command; a default is policy applied here.
Device# show license status

  Status: DISABLED

Smart Licensing Using Policy:
  Status: ENABLED

Data Privacy:
  Sending Hostname: yes
    Callhome hostname privacy: DISABLED
    Smart Licensing hostname privacy: DISABLED
  Version privacy: DISABLED

  Type: Smart
    Not Configured

  Policy in use: Merged from multiple sources.
  Reporting ACK required: yes (CISCO default)
  Unenforced/Non-Export Perpetual Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 365 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 90 (CISCO default)
  Unenforced/Non-Export Subscription Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 90 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 90 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 90 (CISCO default)
  Enforced (Perpetual/Subscription) License Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 0 (CISCO default)
  Export (Perpetual/Subscription) License Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 0 (CISCO default)

  Custom Id: <empty>

Usage Reporting:
  Last ACK received: <none>
  Next ACK deadline: <none>
  Reporting push interval: 0 (no reporting)
  Next ACK push check: <none>
  Next report push: <none>
  Last report push: <none>
  Last report file write: <none>

Trust Code Installed: <none>

show license status with Custom Policy (Smart Licensing Using Policy)

The following is sample output of the show license status command; a custom policy applied here.
Device# show license status 
  Status: DISABLED

Smart Licensing Using Policy:
  Status: ENABLED

Data Privacy:
  Sending Hostname: yes
    Callhome hostname privacy: DISABLED
    Smart Licensing hostname privacy: DISABLED
  Version privacy: DISABLED

  Type: Smart
    Not Configured

  Policy in use: Installed On Nov 02 05:09:31 2020 IST
  Policy name: SLE Policy
  Reporting ACK required: yes (Customer Policy)
  Unenforced/Non-Export Perpetual Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 60 (Customer Policy)
    Reporting frequency (days): 60 (Customer Policy)
    Report on change (days): 60 (Customer Policy)
  Unenforced/Non-Export Subscription Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 30 (Customer Policy)
    Reporting frequency (days): 30 (Customer Policy)
    Report on change (days): 30 (Customer Policy)
  Enforced (Perpetual/Subscription) License Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 90 (Customer Policy)
    Report on change (days): 90 (Customer Policy)
  Export (Perpetual/Subscription) License Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 90 (Customer Policy)
    Report on change (days): 90 (Customer Policy)

  Custom Id: <empty>

Usage Reporting:
  Last ACK received: <none>
  Next ACK deadline: <none>
  Reporting push interval: 0 (no reporting)
  Next ACK push check: <none>
  Next report push: <none>
  Last report push: <none>
  Last report file write: <none>

Trust Code Installed:
  Active: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:93BBAH93MGS
    INSTALLED on Nov 02 05:09:31 2020 IST
  Standby: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:9XECPSUU4XN
    INSTALLED on Nov 02 05:09:31 2020 IST

show license summary

To display a brief summary of license usage, which includes information about licenses being used, the count, and status, enter the show license summary command in privileged EXEC mode.

show license summary

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a

Command output was updated to reflect valid license status for Smart Licensing Using Policy. Valid license statuses include: IN USE, NOT IN USE, NOT AUTHORIZED.

Command output was also updated to remove registration and authorization information.

Command output no longer displays Smart Account and Virtual account information.

Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1

Command output was updated to display Smart Account and Virtual account information.

Usage Guidelines

Smart Licensing: If the software version on the device is Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.1 or an earlier release, command output displays fields pertinent to Smart Licensing.

Smart Licensing Using Policy: If the software version on the device (also referred to as a product instance) is Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a or a later release, command output displays fields pertinent to Smart Licensing Using Policy.

The licenses on Cisco Catalyst Wireless Controllers are never NOT AUTHORIZED, because none of the available licenses are export-controlled or enforced (Only these licenses require authorization before use).

Account Information in the output

Starting with Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1, every ACK includes the Smart Account and Virtual Account that was reported to, in CSSM. When it receives the ACK, the product instance securely stores only the latest version of this information - as determined by the timestamp in the ACK. The Smart Account and Virtual Account information that is displayed in the Account Information section of this command's output is therefore always as per the latest available ACK on the product instance.

If a product instance is moved from one Smart Account and Virtual Account to another, the next ACK after the move will have this updated information. The output of this command is updated once this ACK is available on the product instance.

The ACK may be received directly (where the product instance is connected to CSSM), or indirectly (where the product instance is connect to CSSM through CSLU, Cisco DNA Center, or SSM On-Prem), or by manually importing the ACK (where a product instance is in an air-gapped network).


See Table 1 for information about fields shown in the display.

show license summary: IN USE (Smart Licensing Using Policy)

show license summary: NOT IN USE (Smart Licensing Using Policy)

Table 6. show license summary Field Descriptions



Account Information:

Smart Account:

Virtual Account:

The Smart Account and Virtual Account that the product instance is part of. This information is always as per the latest available ACK on the product instance.

This field is displayed only if the software version on the product instance is Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1 or a later release.


Name of the licenses in use

Entitlement Tag

Short name for license


License count


License status can be one of the following

  • In-Use: Valid license, and in-use.

  • Not In-Use

  • Not Authorized: Means that the license requires installation of SLAC before use.

show license summary: IN USE (Smart Licensing Using Policy)

The following is sample output of the show license summary command, on a product instance where the software version is Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1:
Devide# show license summary

Account Information:
  Smart Account: Eg-SA
  Virtual Account: Eg-VA

License Usage:
  License                 Entitlement Tag               Count Status
  air-network-essentials  (DNA_NWSTACK_E)                   1 IN USE
  air-dna-essentials      (AIR-DNA-E)                       1 IN USE

show license summary: NOT IN USE (Smart Licensing Using Policy)

The following is sample output of the show license summary command, where no APs have joined the controller. Current consumption (Count) is therefore zero, and the Status field shows that the licenses are NOT IN USE:
Device# show license summary

Device#show license summary
License Reservation is ENABLED

License Usage:
  License                 Entitlement Tag               Count Status
  Aironet DNA Advantag... (AIR-DNA-A)                       0 NOT IN USE
  AP Perpetual Network... (DNA_NWStack)                     0 NOT IN USE

show license udi

To display Unique Device Identifier (UDI) information for a product instance, enter the show license udi command in privileged EXEC mode. In a High Availability set-up, the output displays UDI information for all connected product instances.

show license udi

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a

This command continues to be available with the introduction of Smart Licensing Using Policy.

Usage Guidelines

Smart Licensing Using Policy: If the software version on the device (also referred to as a product instance) is Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a or a later release, command output displays fields pertinent to Smart Licensing Using Policy.

Smart Licensing: If the software version on the device is Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.1 or an earlier release, command output displays fields pertinent to Smart Licensing.


show license udi with Standalone Product Instance

show license udi with Active and Standby

show license udi with Standalone Product Instance

The following is sample output from the show license udi command on a standalone product instance.
Device# show license udi

UDI: PID:C9800-L-F-K9,SN:FCW2323W016

show license udi with Active and Standby

The following is sample output from the show license udi command in a High Availability set-up where an active and a standby product instances exist. UDI information is displayed for both.
Device# show license udi


HA UDI List:

show license usage

To display license usage information such as status, a count of licenses being used, and enforcement type, enter the show license usage command in privileged EXEC mode.

show license usage

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a

Command output was updated to reflect new fields that are applicable to Smart Licensing Using Policy. This includes the Status, Enforcement type fields.

Command output was also updated to remove reservation related information, authorization status information, and export status information.

Usage Guidelines

Smart Licensing Using Policy: If the software version on the device (also referred to as a product instance) is Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a or a later release, command output displays fields pertinent to Smart Licensing Using Policy.

Smart Licensing: If the software version on the device is Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.1 or an earlier release, command output displays fields pertinent to Smart Licensing.


See Table 1 for information about fields shown in the display.

show license usage with unenforced licenses (Smart Licensing Using Policy)

show license usage with unenforced SLR licenses (Smart Licensing Using Policy)

Table 7. show license usage Field Descriptions



License Authorization:


Displays overall authorization status.


Name of the license as in CSSM.

If this license is one that requires an authorization code, the name of the license comes from the code.


Description of the license as in CSSM.


License count. If the license is not in-use, the count is reflected as zero.




License status can be one of the following

  • In-Use: Valid license, and in-use.

  • Not In-Use

  • Not Authorized: Means that the license requires installation of SLAC before use. For more information, see

Export Status:

Indicates if this license is export-controlled or not. Accordingly, one of the following statuses is displayed:




Feature name

Name of the feature that uses this license.

Feature Description:

Description of the feature that uses this license.

Utility Subscription id:


Not applicable, because the corresponding confiuration option is not supported.

Enforcement type

Enforcement type status for the license. This may be one of the following:





For more information about enforcement types, see <link tbd>

show license usage with unenforced licenses (Smart Licensing Using Policy)

The following is sample output of the show license usage command. Unenforced licenses are in-use here.
Device# show license usage 

License Authorization: 
  Status: Not Applicable

air-network-essentials (DNA_NWSTACK_E):
  Description: air-network-essentials
  Count: 1
  Version: 1.0
  Status: IN USE
  Export status: NOT RESTRICTED
  Feature Name: air-network-essentials
  Feature Description: air-network-essentials
  Enforcement type: NOT ENFORCED
  License type: Perpetual

air-dna-essentials (AIR-DNA-E):
  Description: air-dna-essentials
  Count: 1
  Version: 1.0
  Status: IN USE
  Export status: NOT RESTRICTED
  Feature Name: air-dna-essentials
  Feature Description: air-dna-essentials
  Enforcement type: NOT ENFORCED
  License type: Perpetual

show license usage with unenforced SLR licenses (Smart Licensing Using Policy)

The following is sample output of the show license usage command. Migrated SLR licenses are in-use here:
Device# show license usage

air-network-advantage (DNA_NWStack):
  Description: air-network-advantage
  Count: 1
  Version: 1.0
  Status: IN USE
  Export status: NOT RESTRICTED
  Feature Name: air-network-advantage
  Feature Description: air-network-advantage
  Enforcement type: NOT ENFORCED
  License type: Perpetual
    Reservation status: SPECIFIC INSTALLED
    Total reserved count: 20

air-dna-advantage (AIR-DNA-A):
  Description: air-dna-advantage
  Count: 1
  Version: 1.0
  Status: IN USE
  Export status: NOT RESTRICTED
  Feature Name: air-dna-advantage
  Feature Description: air-dna-advantage
  Enforcement type: NOT ENFORCED
  License type: Perpetual
    Reservation status: SPECIFIC INSTALLED
    Total reserved count: 20

show platform software sl-infra

To display troubleshooting information and for debugging, enter the show platform software sl-infra command in privileged EXEC mode. The output of this command is used by the technical support team, for troubleshooting and debugging.

show platform software sl-infra { all | current | debug | stored }

Syntax Description


Displays current, debugging, and stored information.


Displays current license-related information.


Enables debugging


Displays information that is stored on the product instance.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When you encounter an error message that you are not able to resolve, along with a copy of the message that appears on the console or in the system log, provide your Cisco technical support representative with sample output of these commands: show license tech support , show license history message , and the show platform software sl-infra all privileged EXEC commands.

show license tech

To display licensing information to help the technical support team to solve a problem, enter the show license tech command in privileged EXEC mode. The output for this command includes outputs of several other show license commands and more.

show license tech { message | rum { feature { license_name | all } | id { rum_id | all } } [ detail ] [ save path ] | support }

Syntax Description


Displays messages concerning trust establishment, usage reporting, result polling, authorization code requests and returns, and trust synchronization.

This is the same information as displayed in the output of the show license history message command.

rum { feature { license_name | all } | id { rum_id | all } } [ detail ] [ save path ]

Displays information about Resource Utilization Measurement reports (RUM reports) on the product instance, including report IDs, the current processing state of a report, error information (if any), and an option save the displayed RUM report information.



This option saves the information about RUM reports and is not for reporting purposes. It does not save the RUM report, which is an XML file containing usage information.


Displays licensing information that helps the technical support team to debug a problem.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2a

Command output was updated to reflect new fields that are applicable to Smart Licensing Using Policy.

Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1

The rum keyword and additional options under this keyword were added:

{ feature { license_name | all } | id { rum_id | all } }

The output of the show license tech support command was enhanced to display the following information:

  • RUM report information, in section License Usage and Usage Report Summary.

  • Smart Account and Virtual account information, in section Account Information:.

The data conversion , eventlog and reservation keywords were removed from this command. They continute to be available as separate show commands, that is, show license data , show license eventlog , and show license reservation respectively.

Usage Guidelines

Smart Licensing: If the software version on the device is Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.1 or an earlier release, command output displays fields pertinent to Smart Licensing (whether smart licensing is enabled, all associated licensing certificates, compliance status, and so on).

Smart Licensing Using Policy: If the software version on the device (also referred to as a product instance) is Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2 or a later release, command output displays fields pertinent to Smart Licensing Using Policy. Note the following guidelines:

  • Troubleshooting with a Support Representative

    When you encounter an error message that you are not able to resolve, along with a copy of the message that appears on the console or in the system log, provide your Cisco technical support representative with sample output of these commands: show license tech support , show license history message , and the show platform software sl-infra all privileged EXEC commands.

  • RUM Report Information in the output

    • The output of the show license tech support command displays the following sections pertaining to RUM reports:

      Table 1
      <output truncated>
      License Usage
            Interval: 00:15:00
            Current Value: 800
            Current Report: 1638055645       Previous: 0
       <output truncated>
      Table 2
      <output truncated>
      Usage Report Summary:
      Total: 4,  Purged: 0(0)
      Total Acknowledged Received: 0,  Waiting for Ack: 0(4)
      Available to Report: 4  Collecting Data: 2  
      Maximum Display: 4  In Storage: 4,  MIA: 0(0)
      Report Module Status: Ready
      <output truncated>
    • The output of the show license tech rum command when used with the detail keyword, displays the following fields pertaining to RUM reports: Table 3.

      The options available under the show license tech rum keyword are the same as the options available with the show license rum privileged EXEC command. The sample output that is displayed in the simplified view is also the same. But if you use the detail keyword (for example if you enter show license tech rum feature license_name detail ), the detailed view is displayed and this has a few additional fields when compared to show license rum .

      <output truncated>
      Smart Licensing Usage Report Detail:
      Report Id: 1638055644
        Metric Name: ENTITLEMENT
        Feature Name: air-dna-advantage
        Metric Value:,1.0_b6308627-3ab0-4a11-a3d9-586911a0d790
        UDI: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:93SZ7RXN93Y
        Previous Report Id: 0,    Next Report Id: 1638055646
        Version: 2.0
        State: CLOSED,      State Change Reason: RELOAD
        Start Time: Nov 28 12:02:09 2021 UTC,      End Time: Nov 30 22:02:13 2021 UTC
        Storage State: EXIST,  Storage State Change Reason: None
        Transaction ID: 0
        Transaction Message: <none>
        Report Size: 54880(54987)
      <output truncated>
Table 8. show license tech support: Field Descriptions for Header "License Usage"

Field Name



This is a fixed measurement duration and is always 15 minutes.

Current Value:

Information about the current license count.

Current Report:

ID of the currently OPEN report for the license.


ID of the last OPEN report for the license. This report will have state CLOSED now.

Table 9. show license tech support: Field Descriptions for Header "Usage Report Summary"

Field Name



Total number of reports that the product instance has ever generated.


This total does not refer to the total number of reports currently available on and being tracked by the product instance. For this you must sum up the Total Acknowledged Received: and Available to Report fields.


The number of reports deleted due to a system resource limitation. This number includes RUM reports where the product instance no longer has tracking information.

Total Acknowledged Received:

The number of RUM reports acknowledged on this product instance.

Waiting for Ack:

The number of RUM reports waiting for an ACK. This is the total number of reports in an UNACK state, where the product instance still has tracking information.

Available to Report:

The number of RUM reports that are available to send to CSSM. This is the total number of reports in an OPEN or CLOSED state, where the product instance still has tracking information.

Collecting Data:

Number of reports where the product instance is currently collecting measurements.

Maximum Display:

Number of reports available for display in a show command's output.

In Storage:

Number of reports currently stored on the disk


The number of reports missing.

Table 10. show license tech rum: Field Descriptions for Header "Smart Licensing Usage Report Detail"

Field Name



Displays the format of the report during transmission.

Starting with Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1, RUM reports are stored in a new format that reduces processing time. This field indicates if the product instance is using the old format or the new format.

Storage State:

Indicates if a given report is currently in storage.

In addition to the displaying the current storage state of the RUM report, with these possible values: EXIST, DELETED, PURGED, MISSING, if a "(1)" is displayed next to the label (Storage State (1)), this means the RUM report is in the older (pre-17.7.1 format) and will be processed accordingly. If the RUM report is in the new format, the field is displayed as Storage State - without any extra information.

Storage State Change Reason:

Displays the reason for the change in the storage state change. Not all state changes provide a reason.

  • NONE: This means no reason was recorded for the the storage state change.

  • PROCESSED: This means the RUM report was deleted after CISCO has processed the data.

  • LIMIT_STORAGE: This means the RUM report was deleted because the product instance reached it's storage limit.

  • LIMIT_TIME: This means the RUM report was deleted because the report reached the persisted time limit.

Transaction ID:

Transaction Message:

If the transaction ID displays a correlation ID and an error status is displayed, the product instance displays the error code field in this section. If there are no errors, no data is displayed here.

Report Size

This field displays two numbers. The first number is the size of raw report for communication, in bytes. The second number is the disk space used for saving the report, also in bytes. The second number is displayed only if report is stored in the new format.

show license tech support on Cisco Catalyst 9800-CL Wireless Controller

The following is sample output from the show license tech support command on a Cisco Catalyst 98000-CL Wireless Controller running software version Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1:
Device# show license tech support 
Smart Licensing Tech Support info

Smart Licensing Status

Smart Licensing is ENABLED

Export Authorization Key:
  Features Authorized:

  Status: DISABLED

Smart Licensing Using Policy:
  Status: ENABLED

Account Information:
  Smart Account: <none>
  Virtual Account: <none>

Data Privacy:
  Sending Hostname: yes
    Callhome hostname privacy: DISABLED
    Smart Licensing hostname privacy: DISABLED
  Version privacy: DISABLED
  Type: Smart
    Address: <empty>
    Port: <empty>
    Username: <empty>
    Password: <empty>
  Server Identity Check: True
  VRF: <empty>
  Custom Id: <empty>
  Policy in use: Merged from multiple sources.
  Reporting ACK required: yes (CISCO default)
  Unenforced/Non-Export Perpetual Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 365 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 90 (CISCO default)
  Unenforced/Non-Export Subscription Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 90 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 90 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 90 (CISCO default)
  Enforced (Perpetual/Subscription) License Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 0 (CISCO default)
  Export (Perpetual/Subscription) License Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 0 (CISCO default)
Usage Reporting:
  Last ACK received: <none>
  Next ACK deadline: <none>
  Reporting push interval: 0 (no reporting) State(1) InPolicy(0)
  Next ACK push check: <none>
  Next report push: <none>
  Last report push: <none>
  Last report file write: <none>
License Usage
Handle: 1 
  License: air-network-advantage
  Entitlement Tag:,1.0_e7244e71-3ad5-4608-8bf0-d12f67c80896
  Description: air-network-advantage
  Count: 0
  Version: 1.0
  Status: NOT IN USE(1)
  Status time: Oct 05 22:24:24 2021 UTC
  Request Time: None
  Export status: NOT RESTRICTED
  Feature Name: air-network-advantage
  Feature Description: air-network-advantage
  Enforcement type: NOT ENFORCED
  License type: Perpetual
      Interval: 00:15:00
      Current Value: 0
      Current Report: 0       Previous: 0
  Soft Enforced: True
Handle: 2 
  License: air-dna-advantage
  Entitlement Tag:,1.0_b6308627-3ab0-4a11-a3d9-586911a0d790
  Description: air-dna-advantage
  Count: 0
  Version: 1.0
  Status: NOT IN USE(1)
  Status time: Oct 05 22:24:24 2021 UTC
  Request Time: None
  Export status: NOT RESTRICTED
  Feature Name: air-dna-advantage
  Feature Description: air-dna-advantage
  Enforcement type: NOT ENFORCED
  License type: Subscription
      Interval: 00:15:00
      Current Value: 0
      Current Report: 0       Previous: 0
  Soft Enforced: True
Product Information
HA UDI List:
Agent Version
Smart Agent for Licensing: 5.3.14_rel/47
Upcoming Scheduled Jobs
Current time: Oct 06 00:38:46 2021 UTC
Daily: Oct 06 21:24:22 2021 UTC (20 hours, 45 minutes, 36 seconds remaining)
Authorization Renewal: Expired Not Rescheduled
Init Flag Check: Expired Not Rescheduled
Reservation configuration mismatch between nodes in HA mode: Expired Not Rescheduled
Start Utility Measurements: Oct 06 00:39:25 2021 UTC (39 seconds remaining)
Send Utility RUM reports: Oct 06 22:24:54 2021 UTC (21 hours, 46 minutes, 8 seconds remaining)
Save unreported RUM Reports: Oct 06 01:24:35 2021 UTC (45 minutes, 49 seconds remaining)
Data Synchronization: Expired Not Rescheduled
External Event: Expired Not Rescheduled
Operational Model: Expired Not Rescheduled
Communication Statistics:
Communication Level Allowed: INDIRECT
Overall State: Insufficient trust for direct communication
Trust Establishment:
  Attempts: Total=0, Success=0, Fail=0  Ongoing Failure: Overall=0 Communication=0
  Last Response: <none>
    Failure Reason: <none>
  Last Success Time: <none>
  Last Failure Time: <none>
Trust Acknowledgement:
  Attempts: Total=0, Success=0, Fail=0  Ongoing Failure: Overall=0 Communication=0
  Last Response: <none>
    Failure Reason: <none>
  Last Success Time: <none>
  Last Failure Time: <none>
Usage Reporting:
  Attempts: Total=0, Success=0, Fail=0  Ongoing Failure: Overall=0 Communication=0
  Last Response: <none>
    Failure Reason: <none>
  Last Success Time: <none>
  Last Failure Time: <none>
Result Polling:
  Attempts: Total=0, Success=0, Fail=0  Ongoing Failure: Overall=0 Communication=0
  Last Response: <none>
    Failure Reason: <none>
  Last Success Time: <none>
  Last Failure Time: <none>
Authorization Request:
  Attempts: Total=0, Success=0, Fail=0  Ongoing Failure: Overall=0 Communication=0
  Last Response: <none>
    Failure Reason: <none>
  Last Success Time: <none>
  Last Failure Time: <none>
Authorization Confirmation:
  Attempts: Total=0, Success=0, Fail=0  Ongoing Failure: Overall=0 Communication=0
  Last Response: <none>
    Failure Reason: <none>
  Last Success Time: <none>
  Last Failure Time: <none>
Authorization Return:
  Attempts: Total=0, Success=0, Fail=0  Ongoing Failure: Overall=0 Communication=0
  Last Response: <none>
    Failure Reason: <none>
  Last Success Time: <none>
  Last Failure Time: <none>
Trust Sync:
  Attempts: Total=0, Success=0, Fail=0  Ongoing Failure: Overall=0 Communication=0
  Last Response: <none>
    Failure Reason: <none>
  Last Success Time: <none>
  Last Failure Time: <none>
Hello Message:
  Attempts: Total=0, Success=0, Fail=0  Ongoing Failure: Overall=0 Communication=0
  Last Response: <none>
    Failure Reason: <none>
  Last Success Time: <none>
  Last Failure Time: <none>
License Certificates
Production Cert: False
Not registered. No certificates installed
HA Info   
RP Role: Active
Chassis Role: Active
Behavior Role: Active
RMF: True 
CF: True  
CF State: Stateless
Message Flow Allowed: False
Reservation Info
License reservation: DISABLED
Overall status:
  Active: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:9KGIXIDOXFE
      Reservation status: NOT INSTALLED
      Request code: <none>
      Last return code: <none>
      Last Confirmation code: <none>
      Reservation authorization code: <none>
  Standby: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:9UBKZU955E4
      Reservation status: NOT INSTALLED
      Request code: <none>
      Last return code: <none>
      Last Confirmation code: <none>
      Reservation authorization code: <none>
Specified license reservations:
Purchased Licenses:
  No Purchase Information Available
Usage Report Summary:
Total: 0,  Purged: 0(0)
Total Acknowledged Received: 0,  Waiting for Ack: 0(0)
Available to Report: 0  Collecting Data: 0  
Maximum Display: 0  In Storage: 0,  MIA: 0(0)
Report Module Status: Ready
Other Info
Software ID:,1.0_85665885-b865-4e32-8184-5510412fcb54
Agent State: authorized
TS enable: True
Transport: Smart
  Default URL:
Locale: en_US.UTF-8
Debug flags: 0x7
Privacy Send Hostname: True
Privacy Send IP: True
Build type:: Production
sizeof(char)  : 1
sizeof(int)   : 4
sizeof(long)  : 4
sizeof(char *): 8
sizeof(time_t): 4
sizeof(size_t): 8
Endian: Big
Write Erase Occurred: False
XOS version:
Config Persist Received: False
Message Version: 1.3 <empty>
connect_info.version: <empty>
connect_info.additional: <empty> False
connect_info.capabilities: <empty>
Check Point Interface: True
Config Management Interface: False
License Map Interface: True
HA Interface: True
Trusted Store Interface: True
Platform Data Interface: True
Crypto Version 2 Interface: False
SAPluginMgmtInterfaceMutex: True
SAPluginMgmtIPDomainName: True
SmartTransportVRFSupport: True
SmartAgentClientWaitForServer: 2000
SmartAgentCmReTrySend: True
SmartAgentClientIsUnified: True
SmartAgentCmClient: True
SmartAgentClientName: UnifiedClient
builtInEncryption: True
enableOnInit: True
routingReadyByEvent: True
systemInitByEvent: True
SmartTransportServerIdCheck: True
SmartTransportProxySupport: True
SmartAgentPolicyDisplayFormat: 0
SmartAgentReportOnUpgrade: False
SmartAgentIndividualRUMEncrypt: 2
SmartAgentMaxRumMemory: 2
SmartAgentConcurrentThreadMax: 10
SmartAgentPolicyControllerModel: False
SmartAgentPolicyModel: True
SmartAgentFederalLicense: True
SmartAgentMultiTenant: False
attr365DayEvalSyslog: True
checkPointWriteOnly: False
SmartAgentDelayCertValidation: False
enableByDefault: False
conversionAutomatic: True
conversionAllowed: False
storageEncryptDisable: False
storageLoadUnencryptedDisable: False
TSPluginDisable: False
bypassUDICheck: False
loggingAddTStamp: False
loggingAddTid: True
HighAvailabilityOverrideEvent: UnknownPlatformEvent
platformIndependentOverrideEvent: UnknownPlatformEvent
platformOverrideEvent: UnknownPlatformEvent
WaitForHaRole: False
standbyIsHot: True
chkPtType: 2
delayCommInit: False
roleByEvent: True
maxTraceLength: 150
traceAlwaysOn: True
debugFlags: 0
Event log max size: 5120 KB
Event log current size: 3 KB
P:C9800-CL-K9,S:9KGIXIDOXFE: No Trust Data
P:C9800-CL-K9,S:9UBKZU955E4: No Trust Data
Overall Trust: No ID
Clock sync-ed with NTP: True
Platform Provided Mapping Table
  C9800-CL-K9: Total licenses found: 5
Enforced Licenses:
    No PD enforced licenses
    No PD enforced licenses

Example (Smart Licensing Using Policy)

The following is sample output from the show license tech support command.
Device# show license tech support 

Smart Licensing Tech Support info

Smart Licensing Status

Smart Licensing is ENABLED
License Reservation is ENABLED

  Export-Controlled Functionality: ALLOWED
  Initial Registration: SUCCEEDED on Nov 02 03:16:01 2020 IST

License Authorization: 
  Status: AUTHORIZED - RESERVED on Nov 02 03:16:01 2020 IST

Export Authorization Key:
  Features Authorized:

  Status: DISABLED

Data Privacy:
  Sending Hostname: yes
    Callhome hostname privacy: DISABLED
    Smart Licensing hostname privacy: DISABLED
  Version privacy: DISABLED

  Type: Smart

Evaluation Period:
  Evaluation Mode: Not In Use
  Evaluation Period Remaining: 89 days, 23 hours, 42 minutes, 47 seconds

License Usage
Handle: 1
  License: AP Perpetual Networkstack Advantage
  Entitlement tag:,1.0_e7244e71-3ad5-4608-8bf0-d12f67c80896
  Description: AP Perpetual Network Stack entitled with DNA-A
  Count: 1
  Version: 1.0
  Status: AUTHORIZED(3)
  Status time: Nov 02 03:16:01 2020 IST
  Request Time: Nov 02 02:55:34 2020 IST
  Export status: NOT RESTRICTED
  Soft Enforced: True

Handle: 2
  License: Aironet DNA Advantage Term Licenses
  Entitlement tag:,1.0_b6308627-3ab0-4a11-a3d9-586911a0d790
  Description: DNA Advantage for Wireless
  Count: 1
  Version: 1.0
  Status: AUTHORIZED(3)
  Status time: Nov 02 03:16:01 2020 IST
  Request Time: Nov 02 02:55:34 2020 IST
  Export status: NOT RESTRICTED
  Soft Enforced: True

Product Information

HA UDI List:

Agent Version
Smart Agent for Licensing: 4.8.7_rel/52

Upcoming Scheduled Jobs
Current time: Nov 02 03:17:23 2020 IST
Daily: Nov 03 02:47:04 2020 IST (23 hours, 29 minutes, 41 seconds remaining)
Certificate Renewal: Not Available
Certificate Expiration Check: Not Available
Authorization Renewal: Not Available
Authorization Expiration Check: Not Available
Init Flag Check: Not Available
Evaluation Expiration Check: Not Available
Ack Expiration Check: Not Available
Evaluation Expiration Warning: Not Available
IdCert Expiration Warning: Not Available
Reservation request in progress warning: Not Available
Reservation configuration mismatch between nodes in HA mode: Nov 09 03:16:30 2020 IST (6 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 7 seconds remaining)
Endpoint Report Request: Not Available

License Certificates
Production Cert: True
Not registered. No certificates installed

HA Info
RP Role: Active
Chassis Role: Active
Behavior Role: Active
RMF: True
CF: True
CF State: Stateless
Message Flow Allowed: False

Reservation Info
License reservation: ENABLED

Overall status:
  Active: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:93BBAH93MGS
      Reservation status: SPECIFIC INSTALLED on Nov 02 03:16:01 2020 IST
      Export-Controlled Functionality: ALLOWED
      Request code: <none>
      Last return code: <none>
      Last Confirmation code: 102fc949
      Reservation authorization code: <specificPLR><authorizationCode><flag>A</flag><version>C</version><piid>ebac0ce9-b30b-4187-8ac7-4c22a157b9b1</piid><timestamp>1604295380710</timestamp><entitlements><entitlement><tag>,1.0_b6308627-3ab0-4a11-a3d9-586911a0d790</tag><count>5</count><startDate>2020-Oct-14 UTC</startDate><endDate>2021-Apr-12 UTC</endDate><licenseType>TERM</licenseType><displayName>Aironet DNA Advantage Term Licenses</displayName><tagDescription>DNA Advantage for Wireless</tagDescription><subscriptionID></subscriptionID></entitlement><entitlement><tag>,1.0_b6308627-3ab0-4a11-a3d9-586911a0d790</tag><count>5</count><startDate>2020-Jun-18 UTC</startDate><endDate>2020-Dec-15 UTC</endDate><licenseType>TERM</licenseType><displayName>Aironet DNA Advantage Term Licenses</displayName><tagDescription>DNA Advantage for Wireless</tagDescription><subscriptionID></subscriptionID></entitlement><entitlement><tag>,1.0_e7244e71-3ad5-4608-8bf0-d12f67c80896</tag><count>5</count><startDate>2020-Oct-14 UTC</startDate><endDate>2021-Apr-12 UTC</endDate><licenseType>TERM</licenseType><displayName>AP Perpetual Networkstack Advantage</displayName><tagDescription>AP Perpetual Network Stack entitled with DNA-A</tagDescription><subscriptionID></subscriptionID></entitlement><entitlement><tag>,1.0_e7244e71-3ad5-4608-8bf0-d12f67c80896</tag><count>5</count><startDate>2020-Jun-18 UTC</startDate><endDate>2020-Dec-15 UTC</endDate><licenseType>TERM</licenseType><displayName>AP Perpetual Networkstack Advantage</displayName><tagDescription>AP Perpetual Network Stack entitled with DNA-A</tagDescription><subscriptionID></subscriptionID></entitlement></entitlements></authorizationCode><signature>MEUCIQCB14HM4Yd6g+ETU/AE0Vpn2QBsvDGtX9Yl6XI4fUmRAgIgJ7P84t1LVEStDlhxT/EMgC9mK1harPewk/zQDpfQ2+c=</signature><udi>P:C9800-CL-K9,S:93BBAH93MGS</udi></specificPLR>
  Standby: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:9XECPSUU4XN
      Reservation status: SPECIFIC INSTALLED on Nov 02 03:15:45 2020 IST
      Export-Controlled Functionality: ALLOWED
      Request code: <none>
      Last return code: <none>
      Last Confirmation code: ad4382fe
      Reservation authorization code: <specificPLR><authorizationCode><flag>A</flag><version>C</version><piid>48db0211-b970-4a70-800e-17943e90d536</piid><timestamp>1604295428976</timestamp><entitlements><entitlement><tag>,1.0_e7244e71-3ad5-4608-8bf0-d12f67c80896</tag><count>10</count><startDate>2020-Oct-14 UTC</startDate><endDate>2021-Apr-12 UTC</endDate><licenseType>TERM</licenseType><displayName>AP Perpetual Networkstack Advantage</displayName><tagDescription>AP Perpetual Network Stack entitled with DNA-A</tagDescription><subscriptionID></subscriptionID></entitlement><entitlement><tag>,1.0_b6308627-3ab0-4a11-a3d9-586911a0d790</tag><count>10</count><startDate>2020-Oct-14 UTC</startDate><endDate>2021-Apr-12 UTC</endDate><licenseType>TERM</licenseType><displayName>Aironet DNA Advantage Term Licenses</displayName><tagDescription>DNA Advantage for Wireless</tagDescription><subscriptionID></subscriptionID></entitlement></entitlements></authorizationCode><signature>MEUCIQCoAMojN184RkvFwSN4h/hd9wu9GcIQYW/fitsvl6mrUAIgNIrNfpYq/TSq+3FfIQtLxi+NGPg//U8q3dTjQpKHPmQ=</signature><udi>P:C9800-CL-K9,S:9XECPSUU4XN</udi></specificPLR>

Specified license reservations:
  Aironet DNA Advantage Term Licenses (AIR-DNA-A):
    Description: DNA Advantage for Wireless
    Total reserved count: 20
    Term information:
      Active: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:93BBAH93MGS
        License type: TERM
          Start Date: 2020-OCT-14 UTC
          End Date: 2021-APR-12 UTC
          Term Count: 5
          Subscription ID: <none>
        License type: TERM
          Start Date: 2020-JUN-18 UTC
          End Date: 2020-DEC-15 UTC
          Term Count: 5
          Subscription ID: <none>
      Standby: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:9XECPSUU4XN
        License type: TERM
          Start Date: 2020-OCT-14 UTC
          End Date: 2021-APR-12 UTC
          Term Count: 10
          Subscription ID: <none>
  AP Perpetual Networkstack Advantage (DNA_NWStack):
    Description: AP Perpetual Network Stack entitled with DNA-A
    Total reserved count: 20
    Term information:
      Active: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:93BBAH93MGS
        License type: TERM
          Start Date: 2020-OCT-14 UTC
          End Date: 2021-APR-12 UTC
          Term Count: 5
          Subscription ID: <none>
        License type: TERM
          Start Date: 2020-JUN-18 UTC
          End Date: 2020-DEC-15 UTC
          Term Count: 5
          Subscription ID: <none>
      Standby: PID:C9800-CL-K9,SN:9XECPSUU4XN
        License type: TERM
          Start Date: 2020-OCT-14 UTC
          End Date: 2021-APR-12 UTC
          Term Count: 10
          Subscription ID: <none>

Other Info
Software ID:,1.0_85665885-b865-4e32-8184-5510412fcb54
Agent State: authorized
TS enable: True
Transport: Smart
  Default URL:
Locale: en_US.UTF-8
Debug flags: 0x7
Privacy Send Hostname: True
Privacy Send IP: True
Build type:: Production
sizeof(char)  : 1
sizeof(int)   : 4
sizeof(long)  : 4
sizeof(char *): 8
sizeof(time_t): 4
sizeof(size_t): 8
Endian: Big
Write Erase Occurred: False
XOS version:
Config Persist Received: False
Message Version: 1.3 <empty>
connect_info.version: <empty>
connect_info.additional: <empty> False
connect_info.capabilities: <empty>
SmartAgentClientWaitForServer: 2000
SmartAgentCmReTrySend: True
SmartAgentClientIsUnified: True
SmartAgentCmClient: True
SmartAgentClientName: UnifiedClient
builtInEncryption: True
enableOnInit: True
routingReadyByEvent: True
systemInitByEvent: True
SmartAgentFederalLicense: True
SmartAgent_Crypto_Exit_CB: 0x55B353357A20
SmartAgent_Crypto_Start_CB: 0x55B353357A10
SmartAgentMultiTenant: False
attr365DayEvalSyslog: True
checkPointWriteOnly: False
SmartAgentDelayCertValidation: False
enableByDefault: False
conversionAutomatic: True
conversionAllowed: False
storageEncryptDisable: False
storageLoadUnencryptedDisable: False
TSPluginDisable: False
bypassUDICheck: False
loggingAddTStamp: False
loggingAddTid: True
platformOverrideEvent: UnknownPlatformEvent
WaitForHaRole: False
standbyIsHot: True
chkPtType: 2
delayCommInit: False
roleByEvent: True
maxTraceLength: 150
traceAlwaysOn: True
debugFlags: 0
Event log max size: 5120 KB
Event log current size: 21 KB

Platform Provided Mapping Table