Using the Cisco NCS Command-Line Interface
This chapter provides helpful tips for understanding and configuring the Cisco Prime Network Control System (NCS) from the command-line interface (CLI). The Cisco NCS can be deployed for small, medium, and large deployments and is available on different platforms and also as a software that can run on VMware. This chapter contains the following sections:
•Before Accessing the Cisco NCS CLI
Before Accessing the Cisco NCS CLI
Before logging in to the Cisco NCS CLI, ensure that you have completed the installation tasks as specified in the Cisco Prime Network Control System Hardware Installation Guide, Release 1.0.
Running the Setup Utility to Configure the Cisco NCS
When you power up the Cisco NCS appliances for the first time, you are prompted to run the setup utility to configure the Cisco NCS appliances. Before you run the utility using the setup command, ensure that you have values for the following network configuration prompts:
•IP address
•Network Time Protocol (NTP) server (optional)
•User ID
This example shows sample output of the setup command:
Please type 'setup' to configure the appliance
localhost login: setup
Press 'Ctrl-C' to abort setup
Enter hostname[]: NCS
Enter IP address[]:
Enter IP default netmask[]:
Enter IP default gateway[]:
Enter default DNS domain[]:
Enter primary nameserver[]:
Add/Edit another nameserver? Y/N : n
Enter primary NTP server[]:
Add/Edit secondary NTP server? Y/N : n
Enter username[admin]:
Enter password:
Enter password again:
Bringing up network interface...
Pinging the gateway...
Pinging the primary nameserver...
Do not use 'Ctrl-C' from this point on...
Appliance is configured
After you enter the required information, the Cisco NCS appliance automatically reboots and the following login prompt appears:
machine_name login:
where machine_name identifies the hostname that you specified when you ran the setup command.
In this example, this prompt appears:
NCS login:
To log in, use the administrator user account (and the corresponding password) that you created during the setup process. You must also use this Admin account to log in to the NCS CLI for the first time. After accessing the CLI as an administrator, you can create more users (with admin and operator privileges) with SSH access to the CLI by running the username command in configuration mode.
Note The administrator user account and the corresponding password (a CLI user account) that you created during the initial setup wizard can be used to manage the NCS application using the CLI. The CLI user has privileges to start and stop the NCS application software, backup and restore the NCS application data, apply software patches and upgrades to the NCS application software, view all the system and the application logs, and reload or shutdown the NCS appliance. To protect the CLI user credentials, explicitly create users with access to the CLI.
See Accessing the Cisco NCS CLI.
Note Any users that you create from the Cisco NCS web interface cannot automatically log in to the Cisco NCS CLI. You must explicitly create users with access to the CLI. To create these users, you must log in to the CLI using the Admin account that you created during setup; then, enter configuration mode, and run the username command.
Accessing the Cisco NCS CLI
Before logging in to the Cisco NCS CLI, ensure that you have completed the hardware installation and configuration process outlined in Before Accessing the Cisco NCS CLI.
To log in to the Cisco NCS server and access the CLI, use an SSH secure shell client or the console port. You can log in from:
•A PC running Windows XP/Vista.
•A PC running Linux.
•An Apple computer running Mac OS X 10.4 or later.
•Any terminal device compatible with VT100 or ANSI characteristics. On the VT100-type and ANSI devices, you can use cursor-control and cursor-movement key. Keys include left arrow, up arrow, down arrow, right arrow, Delete, and Backspace. The CLI senses the use of the cursor-control keys and automatically uses the optimal device characteristics (see Supported Hardware and Software Platforms).
To exit the CLI, use the exit command from EXEC mode. You are currently in one of the configuration modes and you want to exit the CLI, enter the end, exit, or Ctrl-z command to return to EXEC mode, and then enter the exit command (see EXEC Mode).
Supported Hardware and Software Platforms
The following valid terminal types can access the Cisco NCS:
See the terminfo database for a complete listing.
You can also access the Cisco NCS through an SSH client or the console port.
Opening the CLI with Secure Shell
Note To access the Cisco NCS CLI environment, use any SSH client that supports SSH v2.
The following example shows you how to log in with a Secure Shell (SSH) client (connecting to a wired WAN) via a PC by using Windows XP. Assuming that Cisco NCS is preconfigured through the setup utility to accept an Admin (administrator) user, log in as Admin.
Step 1 Use any SSH client and start an SSH session.
The SSH window appears.
Step 2 Press Enter or Spacebar to connect.
The Connect to Remote Host window appears.
Step 3 Enter a hostname, username, port number, and authentication method.
In this example, you enter ncs for the hostname, admin for the username, and 22 for the port number; and, for the authentication method, choose Password from the drop-down list.
Step 4 Click Connect, or press Enter.
The Enter Password window appears.
Step 5 Enter your assigned password for the administrator.
The SSH with the Add Profile window appears.
Step 6 (Optional) Enter a profile name in the text box and click Add to Profile.
Step 7 Click Close on the Add Profile window.
The Cisco NCS prompt ncs/admin# appears. You can now enter Cisco NCS CLI commands.
Opening the CLI Using a Local PC
If you need to configure NCS locally (without connecting to a wired LAN), you can connect a PC to the console port on the Cisco NCS appliance by using a null-modem cable.
The serial console connector (port) provides access to the CLI locally by connecting a terminal to the console port. The terminal is a PC running terminal-emulation software or an ASCII terminal. The console port (EIA/TIA-232 asynchronous) requires only a null-modem cable.
To connect a PC running terminal-emulation software to the console port, use a DB-9 female to DB-9 female null-modem cable.
To connect an ASCII terminal to the console port, use a DB-9 female to DB-25 male straight-through cable with a DB-25 female to DB-25 female gender changer.
The default parameters for the console port are 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no hardware flow control.
Note If you are using a Cisco switch on the other side of the connection, set the switchport to duplex auto, speed auto (the default).
To connect to the console port and open the CLI, complete the following steps:
Step 1 Connect a null-modem cable to the console port on the Cisco ISE-3315 and to the COM port on your PC.
Step 2 Set up a terminal emulator to communicate with the Cisco NCS. Use the following settings for the terminal emulator connection: 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.
Step 3 When the terminal emulator activates, press Enter.
Step 4 At the window, enter your username, then press Enter.
Step 5 Enter the password, then press Enter.
When the CLI activates, you can enter CLI commands to configure the Cisco NCS.
Understanding Command Modes
This section describes the Cisco NCS command modes in detail. This section contains the following topics:
When you start a session on the Cisco NCS, you begin in admin or EXEC mode. From EXEC mode, you can enter configuration mode. Most of the EXEC commands (one-time commands), such as show commands, display the current configuration status. The admin or EXEC mode prompt consists of the device name or hostname before a pound sign (#), as shown:
ncs/admin# (Admin or EXEC mode)
Note Throughout this guide, the Cisco NCS server uses the name ncs in place of the hostname and admin of the Cisco NCS server for the user account.
You can always tell when you are in EXEC mode or configuration mode by looking at the prompt.
•In EXEC mode, a pound sign (#) appears after the NCS server hostname and your username.
For example:
•In configuration mode, the `config' keyword and a pound sign (#) appear after the hostname of the Cisco NCS server and your username.
For example:
ncs/admin# configure
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
ncs/admin(config)# (configuration mode)
If you are familiar with UNIX, you can equate EXEC mode to root access. You could also equate it to the administrator level in Windows NT or the supervisor in NetWare. In this mode, you have permission to access everything in the Cisco NCS server, including the configuration commands. However, you cannot enter configuration commands directly. Before you can change the actual configuration of the Cisco NCS server, you must enter configuration mode by entering the configure or configure terminal (conf t) command. Enter this command only when in EXEC mode.
For example:
ncs/admin# conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL-Z.
ncs(config)# (configuration mode)
The configuration mode has several submodes; each has its own prompt. To enter these submodes, you must first enter configuration mode by entering the configure terminal command.
To exit configuration mode, enter the end, exit, or Ctrl-z command. To exit EXEC mode, enter the exit command. To exit both configuration and EXEC modes, enter this sequence of commands:
ncs/admin(config)# exit
ncs/admin# exit
To obtain a listing of commands in EXEC mode, enter a question mark (?):
ncs/admin# ?
Configuration Mode
Use configuration mode to make changes to the existing configuration. When you save the configuration, these commands remain across Cisco NCS server reboots, but only if you run either of these commands:
•copy running-config startup-config
•write memory
To enter configuration mode, run the configure or configure terminal (conf t) command in EXEC mode. When in configuration mode, the Cisco NCS expects configuration commands.
For example:
ncs/admin# configure
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL-Z.
ncs/admin(config)# (configuration mode)
From this level, you can enter commands directly into the Cisco NCS configuration. To obtain a listing of commands in this mode, enter a question mark (?):
ncs/admin(config)# ?
The configuration mode has several configuration submodes. Each of these submodes places you deeper in the prompt hierarchy. When you enter exit, the Cisco NCS backs you out one level and returns you to the previous level. When you enter exit again, the Cisco NCS backs you out to the EXEC level.
Note In configuration mode, you can alternatively enter Ctrl-z instead of the end or exit command.
Configuration Submodes
In the configuration submodes, you can enter commands for specific configurations. For example:
ncs/admin# config t
ncs/admin(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 0
To obtain a list of commands in this mode, enter a question mark (?):
ncs/admin(config-GigabitEthernet)# ?
Use the exit or end command to exit this prompt and return to the configuration prompt.
Table 2-1 lists the commands in the interface GigabitEthernet 0 configuration submode. Other configuration submodes exist including those specific to the kron, repository, and password policy commands.
Navigating the CLI Commands
This section describes how to navigate the commands and modes on the Cisco NCS and contains the following topics:
•Using the No and Default Forms of Commands
Getting Help
Use the question mark (?) and the arrow keys to help you enter commands:
•For a list of available commands, enter a question mark (?):
ncs/admin# ?
•To complete a command, enter a few known characters before ? (with no space):
ncs/admin# s?
•To display keywords and arguments for a command, enter ? at the prompt or after entering part of a command followed by a space:
ncs/admin# show ?
The Cisco NCS displays a list and brief description of available keywords and arguments.
Note The <cr> symbol in command help stands for "carriage return", which means to press the Return or the Enter key). The <cr> at the end of command help output indicates that you have the option to press Enter to complete the command and that the arguments and keywords in the list preceding the <cr> symbol are optional. The <cr> symbol by itself indicates that no more arguments or keywords are available, and that you must press Enter to complete the command.
•To redisplay a command that you previously entered, press the Up Arrow key. Continue to press the Up Arrow key to see more commands.
Using the No and Default Forms of Commands
Some EXEC or configuration commands have a no form. In general, use the no form to disable a function. Use the command without the no keyword to re-enable a disabled function or to enable a function disabled by default; for example, an IP address enabled by default. To disable the IP address, use the no ip address command; to re-enable the IP address, use the ip address command.
Configuration commands can also have a default form, which returns the command settings to the default values. Most commands disable by default, so in such cases using the default form has the same result as using the no form of the command. However, some commands are enabled by default and have variables set to certain default values. In these cases, the default form of the command enables the command and sets the variables to their default values.
See "Cisco NCS Command Reference," for a description of the complete syntax of the configuration commands, and the no and default forms of a command.
Command Line Conventions
This section contains some basic command-line convention and operation information that is essential to the use of this guide. This section contains the following topics:
•Command Line Editing Key Conventions
•Continuing Output at the --More-- Prompt
Command Line Editing Key Conventions
The Cisco NCS provides a number of keyboard shortcuts that you can use to edit an entered line.
Press Tab to try to finish the current command.
If you press the Tab key:
•At the beginning of a line, the system lists all the short-form options.
•When you enter a partial command, the system lists all the short form options beginning with those characters.
•When only one possible option is available, the system fills in the option automatically.
Press Ctrl-c to abort the sequence. Pressing this key sequence breaks out of any executing command and returns to the previous mode.
Press Ctrl-z to exit configuration mode and return to previous configuration mode.
Enter a question mark (?) at the prompt to list the available commands (see Getting Help).
Command Line Completion
Command-line completion makes the Cisco NCS CLI more user-friendly. It saves you extra key strokes and helps out when you cannot remember the syntax of a command.
For example, for the show running-config command:
ncs/admin# show running-config
You can:
ncs/admin# sh run
The Cisco NCS expands the command sh run to show running-config.
Another shortcut is to press the Tab key after you type sh; the Cisco NCS CLI fills in the rest of the command, in this case show.
If the Cisco NCS CLI does not understand a command, it repeats the entire command line and places a caret symbol (^) under the point at which it is unable to parse the command.
For example:
ncs/admin# show unning-configuration
% Invalid input detected at `^' marker.
The caret symbol (^) points to the first letter in the command line that the Cisco NCS does not understand. Usually, this means that you need to provide additional arguments to complete the command or you mispelled the command. In this case, you omitted the "r" in the "unning" command. To fix the error, retype the command.
In another form of command-line completion, you can start a command by entering the first few characters, then pressing the Tab key. As long as you can match one command, the Cisco NCS CLI will complete the command. For example, if you type sh and press Tab, the Cisco NCS completes the sh with show. If NCS does not complete the command, you can enter a few more letters and press Tab again. For more information, see Tab.
Continuing Output at the --More-- Prompt
When working with the Cisco NCS CLI, output often extends beyond the visible screen length. For cases where output continues beyond the bottom of the screen, such as with the output of many ? or show commands, the output pauses and a --More-- prompt appears at the bottom of the screen. To resume output, press Return to scroll down one line, or press the spacebar to display the next full screen of output.
Tip If the output pauses on your screen but you do not see the --More-- prompt, try entering a smaller value for the screen length by using the terminal length EXEC command. Command output will not pause if you set the length value to zero (0).
Where to Go Next
Now that you are familiar with some of the Cisco NCS CLI basics, you can begin to configure the Cisco NCS by using the CLI.
Remember that:
•You can use the question mark (?) and arrow keys to help you enter commands.
•Each command mode restricts you to a set of commands. If you have difficulty entering a command, check the prompt and then enter the question mark (?) to see a list of available commands.
•To disable a feature, enter the keyword no before the command; for example, no ip address.
•You must save your configuration changes so that you preserve them during a system reload or power outage.
Proceed to "Cisco NCS Command Reference," for command listings, descriptions, syntax, usage guidelines, and sample output.