GR Installation - OpenStack

GR Installation - OpenStack

The examples given in the steps is for your reference only. You need to modify them based on your GR deployments.


Copying YAML and environment files from this document is not recommended. The files are provided for your reference only.

Before you begin

  • Download the latest ISO build.

  • Create CPS VMs using Heat template or Nova boot commands on all GR sites. In the following section, heat template has been considered as an example to deploy GR (here examples are site1, site2 and arbiter) sites.

For more information, refer to CPS Installation Guide for OpenStack


Step 1

Create instances for site1, site2 and Arbiter. Wait till they are cluman ready.

Check the readiness status of the Cluster Manager VM on all the sites using the API: GET http://<Cluster Manager IP>:8458/api/system/status/cluman.

External replication VLAN information should be added for each VM in the hot-cps.env and hot-cps.yaml for communication between GR sites.

Refer to Sample Heat Environment File and Sample Heat Template File for sample configuration of site1. For site2 similar files need to be created by modifying hostname, IP addresses and so on.

For Arbiter, refer to Arbiter Installation on OpenStack.

Step 2

Load CPS configuration files on each site: Refer to /api/system/config/ section in CPS Installation Guide for OpenStack.

In CPS_system_config.yaml file, give consideration to the following mentioned items:

  • Under Additional Host section, add session manager information of other site (site1 or site2) and arbiter.

  • Mongo replica members should include the site identifier to differentiate database host such as, sessionmgr01-site1 from sessionmgr01-site2. Database host names (such as sessionmgr01-site1) needs to be modified according to the your GR deployment in template file.

  • Update policyServerConfig: section according to your GR deployment.

  • Internal/management/external IPs need to modified in hosts: and additionalhosts: section according to your GR deployment.

  • In additionalhosts: section, other site session manager host entry should be added with alias psessionmgrxx.

For sample configurations, refer to Sample YAML Configuration File - site1 and Sample YAML Configuration File - site2.


If you want to add the MongoDB authentication, refer to Configuration Parameters - HA System section in CPS Installation Guide for OpenStack. You need to mention password for all the sites separately using API and that must be same for all the sites.

If you want to enable mongo authentication you need to add the following parameters under config: section in YAML configuration file:

  dbAuthenticationEnabled: "true"
  dbAuthenticationAdminPasswd: "XXXX"
  dbAuthenticationReadonlyPasswd: "YYYY"
  dbAuthenticationEncryption: "false"

where, XXXX and YYYY are encrypted passwords.

Step 3

(Optional) To confirm the configuration was loaded properly onto the Cluster Manager VM on each site, perform a GET with the API:

GET http://<Cluster Manager IP>:8458/api/system/config/

Step 4

Apply the configuration using the following API on each site:

POST http://<Cluster Manager IP>:8458/api/system/config/apply

Refer to Apply the Loaded Configuration section in CPS Installation Guide for OpenStack for more information.

This API applies the CPS configuration file, triggers the Cluster Manager VM to deploy and bring up all CPS VMs on each site, and performs all post-installation steps.

Wait for approx 15 minutes for the API to complete the all post-installation steps.
Step 5

In your mongo YAML file, add other site members as secondary-members and local site members as primary members for respective databases depending on your GR deployment.

For sample configuration, refer to Sample Mongo Configuration File - site1 and Sample Mongo Configuration File - site2.

Step 6

After updating the mongo YAML files, apply them using the /api/system/mongo/config API on each site with their YAML file.

Refer to /api/system/mongo/config section in CPS Installation Guide for OpenStack.

This step will not create replica-set for added members. It will create only new mongo configuration file on each site.
Step 7

Add remote site pcrfclient IPs in respective gr_cluster.yaml files.

For sample configuration, refer to Sample GR Cluster Configuration File - site1 and Sample GR Cluster Configuration File - site2.

Step 8

Execute below APIs from respective sites to update the GR cluster information and populate respective ADMIN host database.

For example:

curl -i -X PATCH http://installer-site1:8458/api/system/config/application-config -H "Content-Type: application/yaml" --data-binary @gr_cluster.yaml

curl -i -X PATCH http://installer-site2:8458/api/system/config/application-config -H "Content-Type: application/yaml" --data-binary @gr_cluster2.yaml

For sample configuration, refer to Sample GR Cluster Configuration File - site1 and Sample GR Cluster Configuration File - site2.

Verify whether:

  • Remote pcrfclient IPs are populated correctly in /etc/broadhop/gr_cluster.conf file.

  • ADMIN database has been populated correctly, run mongo sessionmgr01-site1:27721/clusters --eval "db.hosts.find()" and mongo sessionmgr01-site2:27769/clusters --eval "db.hosts.find()"on primary database member on site-1 and site-2 console.

Step 9

If all sites are deployed and configured, then create geo replica-sets between site1 and site2:

  1. Combine both sites mongo YAML files to be used in your GR deployment.

    For sample configuration, refer to Sample Mongo GR Configuration File.

  2. After combining YAML files, post the combined file on both sites except arbiter. For more information, refer to /api/system/mongo/config section in CPS Installation Guide for OpenStack.

    For example:

    curl -i -X PUT http://installer-site1:8458/api/system/mongo/config -H "Content-Type: application/yaml" --data-binary @mongogr.yaml

    curl -i -X PUT http://installer-site2:8458/api/system/mongo/config -H "Content-Type: application/yaml" --data-binary @mongogr.yaml

  3. Remove unused replica-sets from site2 using /var/qps/bin/support/mongo/ script.

    In the sample configuration file common SPR, Balance and ADMIN between site1 and site2 are being used, thus these replica-sets can be removed from site2.

  4. Add members to replica-set. This API needs to be executed from primary site (site1) only.

    For example:

    curl -i -X POST http://installer-site1:8458/api/system/mongo/action/addMembers

  5. Configure the priority using the following APIs:

    curl -i -X PATCH http://installer-site1:8458/api/system/config/replica-sets -H "Content-Type: application/yaml" --data-binary @setPriority-site1.yaml

    curl -i -X PATCH http://installer-site1:8458/api/system/config/replica-sets -H "Content-Type: application/yaml" --data-binary @setPriority-site2.yaml

    For sample configuration, refer to Sample Set Priority File - site1 and Sample Set Priority File - site2.

Step 10

Create appropriate clusters in Policy Builder such as, 'Cluster-SITE1' for site1 and 'Cluster-SITE2' for site2 and update Primary Database IP Address, Secondary Database IP Address and Database port number based on mongo configuration and publish to the respective sites depending on your GR deployment.

For more information, refer to Policy Builder Configuration.

Step 11

Run on both sites to display the current state of the system. Make sure there are no error on both the sites.

Step 12

Modify/add shard on respective sites. It contains each site session replication sets with backup database.

For example:

curl -i -X PATCH http://installer-site1:8458/api/system/config/replica-sets/ -H "Content-Type: application/yaml" --data-binary @modify_shard.yaml

curl -i -X PATCH http://installer-site2:8458/api/system/config/replica-sets/ -H "Content-Type: application/yaml" --data-binary @modify_shard2.yaml

For sample configuration, refer to Sample Shard Configuration File - site1 and Sample Shard Configuration File - site2.

Step 13

Modify/add ring: It contains only session replica-sets and not backup database. This API needs to be executed from primary site.

For example:

curl -i -X PATCH http://installer-site1:8458/api/system/config/replica-sets/ -H "Content-Type: application/yaml" --data-binary @modify_ring.yaml

For sample configuration, refer to Sample Ring Configuration File.

Step 14

Add geo-site lookup for both sites.

For example:

curl -i -X PATCH http://installer-site1:8458/api/system/config/application-config -H "Content-Type: application/yaml" --data-binary @geositelookup.yaml

curl -i -X PATCH http://installer-site2:8458/api/system/config/application-config -H "Content-Type: application/yaml" --data-binary @geositelookup2.yaml

For sample configuration, refer to Sample Geo Site Lookup Configuration File - site1 and Sample Geo Site Lookup Configuration File - site2.


The pattern matching is supported for site lookup mapping. In case the incoming host/realm does not match any of the values configured under LookupValues, request is dropped with the following exception in log:

GeoHASiteMappingNotFound - No realm/host to site mapping matched for: <incoming value>

Step 15

Add geo tags in replica-sets for both sites.

For example:

curl -i -X PATCH http://installer-site1:8458/api/system/config/replica-sets/ -H "Content-Type: application/yaml" --data-binary @modify_geotag.yaml

For more information, refer to Sample Geo-tagging Configuration File - site1 and Sample Geo-tagging Configuration File - site2.

Step 16

Add monitor database for both sites.

For example:

curl -i -X PATCH http://installer-site1:8458/api/system/config/application-config -H "Content-Type: application/yaml" --data-binary @monitor_db.yaml

curl -i -X PATCH http://installer-site2:8458/api/system/config/application-config -H "Content-Type: application/yaml" --data-binary @monitor_db2.yaml

For sample configuration, refer to Sample Monitor Database Configuration File - site1 and Sample Monitor Database Configuration File - site2.

Arbiter Installation on OpenStack

Before you begin

  • Latest ISO Image

  • Latest base VMDK

  • Glance images

  • Cinder Volumes, only for ISO (SVN and mongo are not needed) are created

  • Access and Security (22 and mongo port 27717 to 27720 are opened as per deployment)


For more information on the above mentioned prerequisites, refer to CPS Installation Guide for OpenStack.


If you want to add the MongoDB authentication, you need to enable dbAuthenticationEnabled parameter. For more information refer to Configuration Parameters - HA System section in CPS Installation Guide for OpenStack. You need to mention password for all the sites separately using API and that must be same for all the sites.


Step 1

Create flavors by executing the following command:

nova flavor-create --ephemeral 0 arbiter auto 4096 0 2

Step 2

Cloud init configuration for Arbiter: When Arbiter is launched, arbiter-cloud.cfg file needs to be passed via user-data. In order to pass arbiter-cloud.cfg file, it should be placed in the directory where the user executes nova boot command (likely the path is /root/cps-install directory).

Create arbiter-cloud.cfg file with the following content:

 - path: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
   encoding: ascii
   content: |
     IPADDR=           ---> update with your internal address 
     NETMASK=          ---> update with your netmask
     GATEWAY=            ---> update with your gateway
     NETWORK=            ---> update with your network
   owner: root:root
   permissions: '0644'
 - path: /var/lib/cloud/instance/payload/launch-params
   encoding: ascii
   owner: root:root
   permissions: '0644'
 - path: /root/
   encoding: ascii
   content: |
     if [[ -d /mnt/iso ]] && [[ -f /mnt/iso/ ]]; then
       /mnt/iso/ << EOF
     if [[ -x "/var/qps/install/current/scripts/upgrade/" ]]; then
   permissions: '0755'
 - path: /root/
   encoding: ascii
   content: |
     mkdir -p /etc/facter/facts.d/
     cat <<EOF >/etc/facter/facts.d/qps_firewall.txt
     firewall_disabled=0            ---> change it to 1 if you do not want firewall enabled on this setup and remove below fields
     internal_address= ---> update with your internal address
   permissions: '0755'
- path: /root/
  encoding: ascii
  content: |
    mkdir -p /etc/facter/facts.d/
    cat <<EOF >/etc/facter/facts.d/mongo_auth.txt
    db_authentication_enabled=FALSE     ---> if mongo-auth enable then make it to TRUE
    db_authentication_admin_passwd=     ---> provide admin user encrypted password if enable
    db_authentication_readonly_passwd=  ---> provide readonly user encrypted password if enable
   permissions: '0755'
 - path: /root/  ---> update db hosts IP as per requirement
   encoding: ascii
   content: |
     #Example if /etc/broadhop/mongoConfig.cfg:
     #For above mongoConfig.cfg below hosts entries are needed in /etc/hosts, edit below list as per your requirement
     cat <<EOF >> /etc/hosts arbiter-site3 sessionmgr01-site1 sessionmgr02-site1 sessionmgr01-site2 sessionmgr02-site2
   permissions: '0755'
 - [ /dev/vdb, /mnt/iso, iso9660, "auto,ro", 0, 0 ]
 - ifdown eth0
 - echo installer arbiter >> /etc/hosts ---> update this IP
 - ifup eth0
 - /root/

Edit IPADDR/NETMASK/NETWORK/GATEWAY and remove the hint information while using the cloud-config file. For example, internal network information and so on.
Step 3

Create Arbiter VM:

As DHCP has been disabled in the prep script, the arbiter-cloud.cfg file needs to be passed to the arbiter to assign IP addresses to arbiter interfaces.

Before executing nova boot command, confirm that the cloud configuration file (arbiter-cloud.cfg) exists in the right directory.

Execute the following command to create arbiter VM with two NICs:

source ~/keystonerc_core
nova boot --config-drive true --user-data=arbiter-cloud.cfg  --file /root/keystonerc_user=/root/keystonerc_core 
--image "base_vm" --flavor "arbiter" 
--nic net-id="9c89df81-90bf-45bc-a663-e8f80a8c4543,v4-fixed-ip=" 
--nic net-id="dd65a7ee-24c8-47ff-8860-13e66c0c966e,v4-fixed-ip="
--block-device-mapping "/dev/vdb=eee05c17-af22-4a33-a6d9-cfa994fecbb3:::0"
--availability-zone "" arbiter

For example,

nova boot --config-drive true --user-data=arbiter-cloud.cfg  
--file /root/keystonerc_user=/root/keystonerc_core 
--image "base_vm" --flavor "arbiter" --nic net-id="<Internal n/w id>,v4-fixed-ip=<Interanl n/w private ip>" 
--nic net-id="<Management n/w id>,v4-fixed-ip=<Management n/w public ip>"
--block-device-mapping "/dev/vdb=<Volume id of iso>:::0" 
--availability-zone "<availability zone:Host info>" arbiter

The following examples can be used to get the internal and management IP addresses and volume IDs which are used to spin arbiter VM.

source ~/keystonerc_core

neutron net-list

id name subnet
9c89df81-90bf-45bc-a663-e8f80a8c4543 internal 682eea79-6eb4-49db-8246-3d94087dd487
8d60ae2f-314a-4756-975f-93769b48b8bd gx 9f3af6b8-4b66-41ce-9f4f-c3016154e027
dd65a7ee-24c8-47ff-8860-13e66c0c966e management a18d5329-1ee9-4a9e-85b5-c381d9c53eae

nova volume-list

ID Status Display Name Size Volume Type Attached to
146ee37f-9689-4c85-85dc-c7fee85a18f4 available mongo2 60 None
6c4146fa-600b-41a0-b291-11180224d011 available mongo01 60 None
181a0ead-5700-4f8d-9393-9af8504b15d8 available snv02 2 None
158ec525-b48b-4528-b255-7c561c8723a9 available snv02 2 None
eee05c17-af22-4a33-a6d9-cfa994fecbb3 available cps-production-7.9.9-SNAPSHOT.iso 3 None

For the kernel upgrade, once the Arbiter deployment is complete and the output of command displays no errors, execute the following command from Cluster Manager to ensure that the kernel version is upgraded.


This command prompts for reboot choice. Please select Y for the same and proceed.

Multiple Arbiter Installation - OpenStack


Step 1

Update the arbiter member information in YAML file.


- title: "SESSION-SET1"
  setName: "set01"
  oplogSize: "5120"
   - "arbitervip:27717"
   - "sessionmgr13:27717"
   - "sessionmgr14:27717"
  arbiterDataPath: "/var/data/sessions.1"
   - "sessionmgr01:27717"
   - "sessionmgr02:27717"
   - "sessionmgr03:27717"
  dataPath: "/var/data/sessions.1/1"
  hotStandBy: "true"
  shardCount: "4"
  seeds: "sessionmgr01:sessionmgr02:27717,sessionmgr02:sessionmgr03:27717"


Hotstandby replica sets must be on different ports.

Step 2

Load the updated YAML file in Cluster Manager.

  • Endpoint and Resource: http://<Cluster Manager IP>:8458/api/system/mongo/config

  • Header: Content-Type: application/yaml

  • Method: PUT/GET (PATCH for creation and deletion of replica-set)

  • Payload: Include the YAML configuration file in the PATCH request. The entire contents of the configuration (same as in Step 1) must be included.

Step 3

Add arbiters from loaded YAML file.

  • Endpoint and Resource: http://<Cluster Manager IP>:8458/api/system/mongo/action/addMembers

  • Header: Content-Type: application/yaml

  • Method: POST (PATCH for creation and deletion of replica-set)

  • Payload: None


This API returns immediately and does not wait for the arbiters to be added.

Step 4

Check the configured replica-set in mongo.

  • Endpoint and Resource: http://<Cluster Manager IP>:8458/api/system/config/replica-sets

  • Header: Content-Type: application/yaml

  • Method: GET

  • Payload: None

Step 5

Check the mongo configuration.

  • Endpoint and Resource: http://<Cluster Manager IP>:8458/api/system/mongo

  • Header: Content-Type: application/yaml

  • Method: GET

  • Payload: None

Configuration Parameters - GR System

grConfig section under applicationConfig holds configuration for all GR related configurations. The following parameters can be defined in the CPS configuration file for GR system.

All parameters and values are case sensitive.


Before loading the configuration file to your CPS cluster, verify that the YAML file uses the proper syntax.

Various configuration files like, qns.conf, mon_db* related configuration files, gr_cluster.conf files have been modified to support GR installation using API.

  • policyServerConfig

  • dbMonitorForQns

  • dbMonitorForLb

  • clusterInfo


policyServerConfig holds configuration for /etc/broahdop/qns.conf file and supported parameters in it.

In policyServerConfig, a new parameter deploymentType has been added which is not a part of qns.conf file which is used for validation of qns.conf file parameters. It can have values for HA or GR deployments. By default, the value is set to GR. In case of GR, validation for required parameters in configuration will happen.

For the parameter descriptions, consult your Cisco Technical Representative.

Table 1. policyServerConfig Parameters
qns.conf Parameter

Corresponding Parameter in policyServerConfig

































































dbMonitorForQns and dbMonitorForLb

dbMonitorForQns holds configuration for /etc/broadhop/mon_db_for_callmodel.conf file and supported parameters in it.


The YAML file is used to update the mon_db_for_callmodel.conf file and not to overwrite/delete the existing entries.

dbMonitorForLb holds configuration for /etc/broadhop/mon_db_for_lb_failover.conf file and supported parameters in it.

       - "SPR-SET1"
       - "BALANCE-SET1"
       - "SESSION-SET1"
       - "ADMIN-SET1"
     stopUapi: "true"
       - "SPR-SET1"
       - "BALANCE-SET1"
       - "SESSION-SET1"

monQnsLB: "true" must be added under config: (api/system/config/config) section in YAML file to stop Policy Server (QNS) processes from lb01/lb02 when all the policy services are down (that is, qns01,02..n). Once policy server processes from lb01/lb02 go down, above configuration make sure that the traffic switchover takes place.

For mon_db* config, setName is an array of set names and corresponds to title in YAML for replicaSet configuration. The following is an example configuration:

---- title: "SESSION-SET1"
     setName: "set01"
     oplogSize: "1024"
      - "arbiter-site3:27717"
     arbiterDataPath: "/var/data/sessions.1"


clusterInfo section under grConfig holds configuration for gr_cluster.conf file and supported parameters in it.

YAML will have following format for clusterInfo:

  • remotePcrfclient01IP: Specifies remote sites pcrfclient01 IP. You can specify IPv4 or IPv6 address.

  • remotePcrfclient02IP: Specifies remote sites pcrfclient02 IP. You can specify IPv4 or IPv6 address.


If you want to use IPv6 address of pcrfclient, then it has to be done in [] brackets.

For Example (for IPv6):

    remotePcrfclient01IP: "[fd00:854::231]"
    remotePcrfclient02IP: "[fd00:854::232]”

When user specifies cluster info details, local site details are fetched from existing configuration and based on all information gr_cluster.conf is updated which populates admin database with cluster information.

Example Requests and Response

Retrieve Current Configuration

To retrieve (GET) the current configuration:

  • Endpoint and Resource: http://<Cluster Manager IP>:8458/api/system/config/application-config


    If HTTPS is enabled, the Endpoint and Resource URL changes from HTTP to HTTPS. For more information, refer to HTTPS Support for Orchestration API section in CPS Installation Guide for OpenStack.
  • Header: Content-Type: application/yaml

  • Method: GET

  • Payload: There is no payload.

  • Response Codes: 200 OK: success; 400: The request is invalid; 500: Server Error

    • Example Response (YAML format):

             geoSiteName: "SITE1"
             clusterId: "Cluster-SITE1"
             siteId: "SITE1"
             remoteSiteId: "SITE2"
             heartBeatMonitorThreadSleepMS: "500"
             mongodbupdaterConnectTimeoutMS: "1000"
             mongodbupdaterSocketTimeoutMS: "1000"
             dbConnectTimeout: "1200"
             threadMaxWaitTime: "1200"
             dbSocketTimeout: "600"
             remoteLockingOff: ""
             apirouterContextPath: ""
             uaContextPath: ""
             balanceDbs: ""
             clusterPeers: ""
             isGeoHaEnabled: "true"
             geoHaSessionLookupType: "realm"
             enableReloadDict: "true"
             sprLocalGeoSiteTag: "SITE1"
             balanceLocalGeoSiteTag: "SITE1"
             sessionLocalGeoSiteTag: "SITE1"
             deploymentType: "GR"
      		stopUapi: "true"
      			- "SESSION-SET1"
      			- "SESSION-SET1"


      In case there is an error in configuring geoHaSessionLookupType, CPS behaves incorrectly and drop messages. The following logs come continuously if there is an error in the configuration:

      GeoHA is enabled, unknown lookuptype is configured: <>. Possible values are…

Update Configuration

When this API call completes, the Cluster Manager configuration is updated and all new VMs are deployed asynchronously.


The amount of time needed to complete the process depends on the number of VMs being deployed.

Use this API to load an updated configuration on the CPS Cluster Manager: You can specify this configuration during fresh install time or also at a later stage once system is deployed using PATCH. The following information gives details about PATCH method:

  • Endpoint and Resource: http://<Cluster Manager IP>:8458/api/system/mongo/config/application-config


    If HTTPS is enabled, the Endpoint and Resource URL changes from HTTP to HTTPS. For more information, refer to HTTPS Support for Orchestration API section in CPS Installation Guide for OpenStack.
  • Header: Content-Type: application/yaml

  • Method: PATCH

  • Payload: Include the YAML configuration file in the PATCH request. The entire contents of the configuration must be included.

  • Response Codes: 200 OK: success; 400: The request is invalid; 500: Server Error

    Example Response (YAML format):


    After using this API to load the updated configuration, you must apply the configuration.
    curl -i -X PATCH http://installer:8458/api/system/config/application-config -H "Content-Type: application/yaml" --data-binary @mondblb.yaml
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2016 10:31:49 GMT
    Content-Length: 0

    cat mondblb.yaml: The following is an example request to change mon_db* script configuration:

            - ADMIN-SET1
            - BALANCE-SET1